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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1954, p. 8

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PAGE ETGRT So lina Institutej Leaders for the Solina Viomen's Institute held their May meeting on May 1. The roll call was an exchange of plants and bulbs. The president gave a short summary of the years activities and appreciations to those who had helped make them a suc- cess. The following new group leaders were announced: Group 1, Mrs. H. G. Heal, Mrs. R. Lang- rnaid; Group 2, Mrs. Geo.Kn, Mrs. C. Vice; Group 3, Mrs. F. Westlake, Mrs. E. R. Taylor;I Group 4, Mrs. C. Hamer, Mrs. B. Hooey; Group 5, Mrs. E. Hockadày, Mrs. R. Davis. District annual in Trinity Un- Ited Church on June 8 was an- nounced. The delegates appoint- ed were: Mrs. R. Langmaid and Mrs. J. Knox, with Mrs. T. Ba- ker the alternative. Several niembers were asked to contri- bute to the hobby display which Is to be an attraction of this gathering. Mrs. R. Langmaid and Mrs. J. Knox were appointed a cern- mîttee to buy card tables for 'the hall if satisfactory ones T TC KE T S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consult J JUR Y & LOV E L L IBowmanville L 15 KlWfg St. W. - Phone 778 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIt SATURDAY, MAYV22,1954 TiE WIIKIND MARKETING NOTE THE PRICES UN A&PFs ADS! SUPER RIGHRT MEATS GRADE ",A" CUT-UP-CHICKENM LEGS.. THUGHS AND BREASTS 'b69< WINGS lb39< NECKS OR BACKS 21bs25t SMOKED PORK SHOULDERS ESSEX WIENERS Extra Lean MINCED BIEF Picnic Style lb 49c 1-6 Canlo pkg 3 3 c Peamuaied lb 29e COTTAGE ROLLS Grade A Oven Roady, 2 te 3-lb. Average Bonelest, by the Pioce CHICKENS lb4le SMOKID HANS COOKED PORK SHOULDERS Kraft CHIEZ WHIZ Kraft Cheet. DELUXE SLUCES Starlight Summer Asseortd CANDY Ann Page KETCHUP A£P Choie Creamed CORN 22( Hereford CORNED BEEF Navy Toilet TrISSUE Christie's RITZ 16-ex jar 6 3c 8-oz pg 3 le i-lb box 53 c Essex Brand 1b 57c 689C 4'/2-16 fin 3.49 DEE CUT SPECIALS Ann Page SALAD DRESSING 8-7 r 19C 11-e bti1 9c A&P Fancy Red Sock.yo 11@ tl1< SALMON O-ex tins 2S 12-az fin 3 9c 2 relis 23e 8-ei pkg i19e PRODUCE SPECIALS MeLaron's (Ail Varieties) DILL PICKLES 2 'ia's fins 65< 16-ex jar 25c For The ILaundry SUNLIGHT SOAP 5 bars 49< Daisy Sweet Mixed PICKLES à, Louisiana New Cran - Round Stringless GREEN BEANS Outdoor Grown - Long Gi CUCUNqERS Florida Fresh - Hand Sele TGNALTOES Yeliow - Fresh New Crop SWEET CORK P.E.1. Whlte Table POTATGES 10 lb. bag JUIICE **2 Lb. 29c TOMATOES Monarci, reen FLOU R 2Lb. 19C Tilbest Gold - -2Lb1OC CAKE MIX cted Cropp's Choice Fruit SCOCKTAIL - celle pkt. I29c Hartford CORNED BIEF A&P Evaporated 6 F 'or 33c MILK 8iirMilis NUMILK 50 85c A&P Nectar 16-azijar 1i8c 2 fins l9c 48-ci fin 23c 2 28-oz tins 29c 7-lb bag 49C 2 pkgs 39c 15-ai fin l21c 12-oz fin 3 9c 2 tailltins 2ISe 146 fin 27c box of 60 39c CLO&M MALL»,41, MONDA?, MAT x4tb f CANADIAN. STATESMAN. BOWMANVnlL. ONTAEIC Catches Large Mudcat Appoints Group SOLINA Mnu. Chas. Langinald pe Coming uerm pared the isoaypgrn for Sunday School Sna f ternoon. The story was read 1could be obtalned for a nom« by Helen Knox; a vocal solo inal sum., was nicely sung by Evelyn Mrs. E. Spires and Mrs. W. Hockaday and Harold Yeflow- Parrinder were asked to care lees played a piano solo. for the flower bed in the cern- Mr. Ewart Orr of Toronto, etery again this year. representing the Ontario Temp- The prize lists for Institute erance Federation, gave an in- displays at Orono and Oshawa teresting talk at the church fairs were discussed. service. Mns. H. Heal read an Inter- Church service next Sunday esting letter froma our sister In- will be at 9:30 a.m. stitute in Bilton, England The On May 30th annlversary Citizenship and Education group services will be held here with i charge of Mrs. L. Broomne Rev J. W. Wilkinson of Oak- prepared the program. wood, as guest minister. Special Mrs. R. Langmnaid read the music by the Junior and Senior comments on the motto which choirs assisted at the evening were written by Mrs. F. Gilbert. service by the Junior Farmers' The mette was "The object -) Quartette. Monday evening, teaching a child is to enable himi May 31, following the Zion vs. to get along without his teach- Solina league football game the, er.1j3-act play "Maid of Meney" Greetings were brought to the will bc presented by local tal- meeting by the district presi- ent. Music between acts. dent, Mrs. M. Emmerson. Himr Sympathy is extended to the talk was based on Canada and family of the late Mrs. George Canadian citizenship. She toid White, a former Solina resid- how proud we should be to b,. ent, who passed away Sunday Canadian citizens and gave the night. challenge that the responsibil- Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hilîs at- ity of Canada in the future is tended the funeral of the lat- yours and mine today. ter's uncle, Mr. A. E. Gillis, in Mrs.R. Prr sng to loelyToronto. s. R."I Par agtolvl Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wra n solos:"InHard thePotuBlu".ddaughters, Oshawa, vsited at Sin" ad "pri inPoruga".Mr. Ross Cryderman's. Mrs. J. Kiveil had obtained i Mr. L. Squair, Salem, visited slides on horticulture. They fea- at Mr. Roy Langmaid's. tured Common Pests in Gar- Miss Mabel Harris is visitin'1 dens, their habits and controls. friends in Whitby. Gladys Yellowlees played a Mrs. Ella Taylor and Sandra, piano solo. Scarboraugh, visited relatives June meeting will be on Jufle and frîends on Saturday. 17. Historical Research and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston, Current Event group led by Mrs. Toronto, visited at Mr. R. Gil- G. Knox will be in charge. The bert's. roll caîl is "An Historical Date". Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, The group served a lovely Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlalke, lunch and a social time was en- Bowmanville, visited at- Mr. joyed. During this peried the Frank Westlake's, Sr. members had a chance te vieiv Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore, the exhibit and record books of George and Heather, Bowman- the girls who completed the ville, were at Mr. Frank West- "Meat in the Menu" project this lake's, Jr. winter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox, BIFORE DOIMtG Yflhi latives 'Brougham, visited at Mr. John ren.Ing cor, Knex's. T ohe Three M's greup enter- Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and tained the Kedron-Calumbus who wil children visited at Mr. Edwin Young people on Monday even- 55th wi Ormiston's, Ebenezer. ing. Harvey Yeliowlees, presi- May 20t Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ogden cf dent of the Three M's, presided Oshawa, visited at Mr E. R. 1fer the epening exercises and Taylor's on the occasion of bmeetingr will be arranged b their 52nd wedding anniversarv usnes er od. The June mneet- I on May l4th. 'Ing will be arranged by Bruce Taylor, Gladys Yellowlees and Salemi Mr. and Mrs. Wrightson Bi3,1 Harris. An inspîring wer- *May me, Wigt, ewmnvlle Mis Li-ship service was presented by Mrs. W. lian Hoar, Tarante; Miss Eve- Joyce Abernethy as.sisted hy Mr. & lyn Taylor, Peterborough; ai-se Donna Vice. The remainiîîg familyN visited at Mr. E. R. Taylar's. programme included readings H ow a Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Law, To- by Deug Love of K - C gxeup. Grave. ronte; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mary Milîsen and Harvey Yel- Mr. a: Spires, Millbrook, visited at Mr. lowlees and a vocal duet iby and fami E. Spires.' Eileen Jebson and Aran Snow- Shackleti Mr. Ken McMinra, Whitby; den of K - C greup. Games Blaclcbur Miss Olive Cryderman, Oshawa, were cenducted by Joyce Aber- ing visit, visited at Mr. E. Cryderman's. nethy after which refreshments W. Biac] Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and were served. Mr. ai Dean visited at Mr. Hilton Councillor E v e r e t t Vice, sens, Pc Tink's, Ebenezer. Messrs. A. L. Pascoe and Gar- Mrs. Bo' Dr. and Mrs. Wes. Langmaid, don Leask attended a district pDenter a Oshawa, visited at Mr. S. E. meeting of Masens in King St. feor the 'M Werry's. United Church, Oshawa, on Glad Mr. and Mrs. W. Vick, Tor- Sunday. Lane inr onto, were weekend guests at Word bas been rece ived of brought Mr. C. Hamer's. the safe arrivai by plane ina rs. Lic: Mr. and Mrs. J. Leger, Miss Scotland of Mr. and Mrs. J.. There Jean Cryderman, Oshawa; Mvr. Cruickshanks. They wiil vîsit vice on and Mrs. E. Cryderman enjov- relatives during the two months anniversa ed a mater trip te Lake of ttie spent there. Mountain, in Prince Edward Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and Prom County, on Sunday. Mr, A. L. Pascoe visited Mr. earnings Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Slemon, Will. Dyer, Columbus, Sunday employee Sally and Stephen, Halifax, evenmng. 159 ta $3 N.S.. visited at Mr. Russell Gil -____________________ bert's. Bradley's Cemmunity Club will meet Friday nîght, May 21, with the North Greue in charge of the pregram. Ewart Leask PECIA L will speak af bis experience at Kemptville Agricultural School. Mrs. Mabel Vice and Mrs. L. Evans, Oshawa,, visited at Mr. C. Vices. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Montgom- THE NEW ery, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Bruce Montgemery's. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lees and Karen visited on Sun-RE U A day at Mr. E. Larmer's, Black- E U A1 stock. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry and grand-daughter Anneac commanied Mr. and Mrs.E.A Werrv and Betty-Jane of En- niskillen to visit Mr. R. J. Luke im Nli~ and Miss Nora Werrv at Ked- O UR Kà< ICE ira -qoinq triliers A WESYEfN shipper thougbt this one up. He handies freight to and from Alaska by means of alu- ininuin vans which arc Ioaded, driven ta the dock, and there lift- cd by cranes from their chassis into the ship's hold. Saves a lot cf cargo handling, damage and pil- fering. The vans caii be individu- ally heated or refrigeratcd te protect special cargoes, toc. More than a thousand différent Canadian comPanies keep busy turning Canadian-made alumi- numn into everything fram ash !raYs te minesweepers. And it keeps us busy wondening how next they wifl use this modern nua t ave weîght, Or tine, or trouble, or dollars for somcbody. Aluminum Company cf canada. Ltd. (Alcan). -* e '* m x 1 1 -. . M .,n it te. acy A - and friends iln extend- rdial congratulations ta d 'Mr. James A. Werry il1 ouietly celebrate their vFdding anniversary on dh. SALEM mi.A.. will hold their esting at the home of Craig on May 20. and Mrs. E. Twist and visited Mr. and Mrs. rd Cryderrean, Maple ind Mrs. F. Blackburn ily, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ton and family, Mrs. M. n, were Saturday even- ors wlth Mr. and Mrs. ckburn, Haydon. rid Mrs. Carpenter and ort Coiborne,, Mr. and ob Collacatt. Mrs. Car- and Clifford remained week. ta report Miss Ruby miproved eneugh te, be home te ber sister's, oyd Richards. will be ne church ser. Sunday it being Tyrone ;ary. 1945 to 1952 average of Canadian railway es increased from $2,- mInro duc tory 0f fer on 11954 Co ffielId FREE 'Todel SCP Exactly as Illustrated - Complete With Pumnp 12 Year RebuIlding Guarantee * ¼ H.P. Heavy Duty Motor *Machine Cut Steel Gears *5 Free Rolling Casters *Offset Wing Gyrator *TERMS AVAILABLE~ TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET -% TIRCMAT, MAT Sth. 1054 ro ENNISKILL EN W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. L. Ashton, May 11, wlth Mrs. E. A. Werry prealdlng. De- votional was ina charge of Mu. F. McLaughlin; Bible readlng by Mrs. HaUlowell. An inspirational p r og r a in charge of Mrs. F. McLaugh- lin;,Bible reading by Mrs. Hol- lowell. An inspiratlonal program as foflows, was i charge of Mrs. J. McLaughlin, a splend-d reading about an outstandig pioneer mother by Mrs. F. Toms; a story of a grand mother from United Nations Canadian News letter, by Mrs. M. Hobbs, and a very educational presentation cf the study chapter, "The church ina Europe", by Mrs. A. Boyd. Music was capably supplied by Ray Ashton; a piano solo and a beauiful vocal duet by Mns. E. Wright and Mrs. T. Siemon, ac- companied by Mrs. H. McGill. Rememiber to bring used cloth- ing for Korea for June meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Tresise, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton and children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills, Port Perry. Syrnpathy Io extended to Mrs. 0. Mitchell, aur teacher, on the passing of her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sander- cock and family, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffin and family visited Mrs. Geo. Sauibb, Churchil. Mr. and Mrs. Cortney Gra- ham, Joyce and Harvey, Purple Hill, were dinner guests cf Mr. and Mrs. F. Toms on Sunday. Folks, don't farget next Sun- day is aur anniversarv. Lookç ina Caming Events for Monday's program. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Doreen and Donald with Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moore, Port Perry. Mr. aVad Mrs. Ernest Walker and family, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Grlffin. Mr, and Mrs. John Siemnon, Kathrvn and Robert with Mr. and Mrs. J. VanNest, Bowman- ville. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bryan were, Mr. Bry- an's twe sisters, Mrs. Anthuri Gramllck and Mrs. L. Phillipps, from Clawson, Mich.; Mr. andi Mrs. Percy Bryan, and grand- son' Robbie; Mr. and Mns. Or- ville Greer, Rosemany and Eli- zabeth Anra, Oshawa; Mr. and Mn.. Albert Bryan, Courtice. Mns. Rilda Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevenson, Taran- ville, with Mns. A. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Binnell and children, Mrs. L. Cochrarie, ENfIELD W.A. met at the home cf Mr%. 3h» Harnis. This was an even- ing meeting and there was a good attendance. The devotion- al was ina the form cf responsive readings from printed forms wlth ail taking part. Miss Joyce Abernethy was guest of the evening, and &lhe gave an inter- esting description cf a trip ta the Atlantic coast. She lied many snapshots and souvenirs for hier listeners te examine. There wau a good lunch, as usual. There wifl be no church ser- vices here for two Sunidays due te Enniskillen and Burketon anniversarles.f BURKETON Don't forget Sunday Schood meeting on Thursday, evening (today) ina the basenhfrI8 .. p.m. Congratulations ta M ,a') Munday on passing bis Çear work at O.C.E., Toronto. He~ wiIl be teachin« at Lakefleld, starting ina the faîl term. In the first quarter of 1953 Canadian milîs praduced seven million yards of wool cloth but by the last quarter output wèts down ta five million yards. TiEWEATHER FOR CATCHINJ& PIGHI 19TH-AT WEATHEQ, ANDJ NO OTHER, IN WHICH FISH ARE CAýUGHT" From "Brown Waters", by W. H. BLAKE. Blakle was,4A Toronto Iawyer, nature lover and philosopher of the ea ,y 1900's. Me was thec English transiatdr of Hemon'sr "Maria Chapdelaine". ONE 0F A SERIES PRESENTED BY BREWERS SINCE 178o MODEL SC P PRICE $199.50 AND YOUR OLD WASMER PLUS AN ADDITIONAL BONUS OF A YEARS SUPPLY 0F RINSO DAILY DAVM.I JANEPARKER WHITE BREAD 24-ozloaf 15C MILD & MEI.LOW 8 OICLOCK COFFIE P-1-23 C4JSTOM GROUNO FREE!O JAUE PARKER CHERRY "ch49C California Navel - Now at Their Best Heaitha - SOc DOG FOOD ORANGESUL - - 5 Lb. 59 lorida Grapefruit *Self Emptying Drain Pump CDeluxe Loveil Wringer *Porcelain Tub with Sediment Zone *Heavy Duty Transmission *No Oiling Required *THIS OFFER IS FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY - Farm Equipment and Automofive TOM COWAN, Prop. 134 King St.E Bowma nvi lie Phone 689 The youngsters arouncý town seem to be putting the veteran fishermen to shame the past three weeks by catching ail the big fish. Twelve-year-old Michael Kirk- ton, shown above, is one of the successful young fisher- men, and the list has also recently included Vince Van- stone, Bruce Cole, Bob Osborne and Howard Rundle Jr. Michael is holding a 22-înch mudcat weighing four pounds and with five-inch whiskers, which he caught on Sunday while fishing from a boat with his uncle, Bob Stocker, between the piers at Bowmanville Beach. Too bad it wasn't a trout so it could be entered in the Mason & Dale fishing contest! Michael also hauled in a three-foot eel on Sunday. il 1 Toronto, wlth Mrç. H. Rahm. Mrs. T. G. Bzeck retuaned to her home here after spjending the winter in B.C. wlth her sister. Mrs. Breck's broth.±" Mr. Arthur MacKechnie, Winnipeg, accompanied her home for a few days. Mr. Harry Rice and grandson, Hobson, Scarboro, with Mr. and Mrs. Carter. Miss Isobel Carter is spenti. ing ten days at Burnham Lodg.?, Lakefield. W.A. held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. John Wot- ton emd frteSn lan Schwereade fratheMa 30da Schooln ive ary Ma. 30s and concronMayd 31. with Mrs. Pearl Avery. - MAPLE GROVE st. E 134 King Bowmanville Phone 689

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