TRU1SAT. MAT 27th, 1954 Aiter tram ping the gravel-hills north af Johnny Patton's, ram- rodding a tree planting crew. for three hot days, I was so tirec On Saturday night that I ex- pressed the hope that the nexi day, Sunday, May 16, would be flice and quiet, with few vis.-t. ors, and me going nowhere, jusi Eftretching aut an the chester- field, snoozing. Everything was "jake" pntil il rm., hen a eall came ta h put out a tire ini George *3 ush. Sa, loading neces- sary f ir~ suppression equipment, yOurs truly toddled along, and Meped willing neighbours ta douse the tire. Raughly, four acres received a scorching. I1lenty af wisecracks are peard a bgut the "party line" in rural a It i.s one institution t ,Drodu.tive of a lot af . - 'rs. Andy Sutch made na .nes about llstening in and rang aur place, offering, in the absence af her husband ta send two teenage boys with the trac- tar and plow. Shortly after the Sutch boys left for the fine wlth the trac- tar and Plaw, Mr. Sutch arrived homne tram Brantford with bis father-in-law, heard what w,-s afoot, and kept on driving, took over the tractor and plowed where it did the mast good. While his father-in-law, dressed in his "Sunday best," grabbed a shovel and went ta work an the burning grass and brush. In spite ai arguments ta the contrary, neighborliness is stili practised assiduously in rural areas. the aiternoon we had enough visitars ta keep us trami Soîng stale. During the eveningi ineal, Butch casually asked if 1%ve were gaing ta the Odd Fel- laws' parade at Newtanville Un-i lted Church. Nope! Says I, and Ç~g ~Off 2 Years FREE Parts 4and Servica a meant il, toa. Then she casually mentigned that the Bugle and iDrum Baud of the Training Scbooi for Boys, Bawmsuville, werc ta be in attendance. Yep! ~Says I, quite emphatlcally. Sa we attended divine ser- tvice lu s really beautiful cburcb, the gucat ai a caugregation who know baw ta make strangers teel weicome. We llstened toaa carking good sermon by the Rev. S. J. Pike, who, when bid- ding us welcome, exprcssed the hope that the fine looking ladé oi the Baud would all become Odd Fcllows, and gaod citizeus. To which your scribe would add -if tbey join the I.O.O.F. and live by ils teachings, tbey will automatically be good cîtizen.s. Because the tbre links ai aur Order are Fiendship, Love and Tsuth: thnee virtues that have stoad the test ai lime, aud if sincereîy practised, will maket ion a better world, tomorrow. 1 * * e The uext day was excitingi too; wheu a chap Iurued up fron the DepI. ai Planning aud De-E velopmenl, ta shoot pictures ai some ai the most spectacular parts ai the Ganaraska Project.U Not the least ai which was the movie camera recarding aur gang planting Caroline Poplar on the very steep sides af theS famous Boyd Gully.a Fan a couple of giuks whop have neyer been signed by a S movie studio, Bob and 1 haven't9 doue so bad. We were in "Re-0 tumn ai the Trees"; the Na- tiouai Film Board's "Eye wît- ness, 14" and now, the anc just c mentioned.k Incidenîally, it was probably b the only lime aur helpers en- jayed their arduous task. You kuow-showinà off before sîraîx- i gens, wha 'was busily taking Ir their pictures. Shouldn't be sur-h M -.1 BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR Satuvday, June Sth FINEST SPRING SHOW 0F Heavy and Light Horses Beef and Dairy Cattie HORSE RACING -SPORTS- TUG-OF-WAR, - SOFTBALL LACROSSE IN THE EVENING SEE THE WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S EXHIBITS IN THE ARENA Admission to Grounds-. 50c, Children 15c, Cnrs 25c 0. H. DOWNEY, President- RALPH E. MOWBRAY, Secretary-Treasurer Washers per cent Down 24 Months To Pay Làzm L... JW4LN OiTATESBRA*N. 1 WMiAr4vULE. ONTARIOPA Ed Youngman's Column The Statesman's Grass Bots Columnts Rev. H. W. Pointen Receives Cail to Oshiawa Church At a meeting of the members of Harmony sud Westmou-it Uinited Churcbes, Oshawa, fol- lowing the service in West- *mount Unihed Cburch, on Sun- day nighh a caîl was extended ta Rcv. H. W. Pointen, B.A., B.D., D.D., ai Woodville. Dr. Pointen asked ior time ta con- sider the malter. t will be remembercd thal Oshawa Presbytery ai the Un- ied Chuscb recently appraved ai the amalgamation ai the twa cangregations as a twa-church pastoral charge. Lake Superlor Io 602 tedt above sea-level, Lake Ontario 24 cfet. Enthusiasini h emso sinccrity, sud truth accomplish- es no victories without It.-Bul- Iwer. Smith's symplams sent hlm ta a doctos for a check-up. Wben thc dodtos appeared with bis j indings, Smith asked eagcsly, "What does the repart show, Doc?" 'According ta Ibis analy- sis," answered the medico, "there la every indication that a small percentage of blood ila getting imb your alcohol sys- I 1 nricati Mr. and Mm.. U Joblin, wer for the sumrner, along with the Sunday dinner guests with Rev. service station. We wlsh them Harry Atkinson and Mns. At- ail success. kinson. Oshawa. Don't torget W. I. meeting at Mr. Francis Irvin, Toronto, Mrs. Herman SameUl's June 2nd Mr. and Ms.. Reg.ý Middleton lu charge of Mrs. R. Davison'a and Godn, ton, spent. the group. LEekn ith Mn. H. The Steele family and Mrs. Vine. George Nesbltt returned tram Mr. and Mns. Wilfred Vine their trip on Thursda3 and r.- opened their grill on Saturday-port a wonderful tiine. 1 1ta have themn refuse their M n er onu for that day'. wank. Oh av r Co ni folowng ay ~Sets Tax Rate 5invi t join a pîcnic At 50 Milis on $ . whe Mr.and Mrs. P i their niece, Nora, Mr. and Manvers Caundil met May 4 Bob Schan and daughter wîth ail members present and d ta spend the day at the Reeve in the chair. aska plcnic spot just north The Fidelity Bond an the cLean's School. Although lereadTaCaecrwa obliged ta supervise aur raueanTxColcrws rig crew, managed ta get inspected by the Council and an the chohs fee et&. motion at Councillors Scott and the chohs fee eta. Malcolm was pranounced satis- * * tactory and ordered tiled in the Thursday a.itennoan, the vauît for safe-keeping. 1children ai Bethaniy Account ai Thos. Hayford'for >atri.n ie ruof temr 1$560.73 was ondered paid. gusrans ndaon a tian Tender ai Russell Kerr for griucdsaignd, on w in gravel crushing was accepted at piec of roud, oned73 cents per yard delivered on eDept. of Highways, con- township roads, anywhere, under is ta the school pnoperty. the supervisian ai the Road Sup- rees were large, requirlng erintendent, and subject ta the hali the size aifananin- poa o h et.o i ost hale, which were dugapoa i h et.a ih iardgravlly lay.It was decided ta send the iough unaccustomned ta road maintainer back ta Paris hard labour, lu spite af for a complete oveshaul. biistered bauds, those The estimates for 1954 were laved tram one o'clock discussed thoraughly and an )r p.m. withaut a rest, motion it was decided ta set the it camplaining. During combined rate for the year at 50 st seven years your scribe milis an the dollar. rticipated in the pianting The usual grant was given ,and one bahf million ta Mllbsook Agricultural Sa- n Durham Caunty, involv- ciety. .uch hand labour, and These bills were paid: like ta pay a well deserv- Hydro-Electric, lights _$ 8.50 bute ta the Bethany stu- Haspitalization --------- - 56-88 as being the mast willing Daily Com. News, advt. 6.60 rs he has had the pleas- Whiîîier & Son, dog supervising. licenses-------------- - 36.21 rears ta camne, tbey will Twp. Treas., road vauch- ample appartunity ta ab- es No. 5 --------_2506.64 the fruits af thels labour, J. C. Cummniskey, sal. odaubt look back witb Clerk, Treasures 150.00 ao the day they wosked J. C. Cummiskey, bal. d ta beautiiy theJr achool sal. as Collector 25.00 [s, under the lash ai the R. R. Edmunds, fuel- 20.00 ve driver tram the Dept. Thos. Hayford, wiring_ 560.73 nds and Forests, whaî-n Relief.----------------------- 125.31 )arents and grandpasents Counicil adjousned ta meet on vote inta Manvers Caun- Tuesday, June 1, at 8 p.m., D.S.T. then, with great gusta,E nm out in tavaur ai some- The standard time systemn in- 1 )tter. st ee's taesmnanSir Sandford Fleming was L .d a Mr.' ad ss. Dns-anadopted throughout the worldi Pincher, Alberta, vîsiting î 84 Id Mss. Orville Osbosne, it Mrs. Densmare had ved in Czar, Alberta. If cnsmore happens ta knaw wlll she please tell ber ier aId flame, Eddie Ian, is still enjaying used ta think Thelma was pretty nice, that is, ie ma.rried Eddie Hughes, nt ta live away out Wesit. af Bill Shakespeare's ers emotes: "To be onr e; That is the question." [ays, Butch aud I are asing it thus-"Do we do we buy?" We wauld attend the Stampede at 1during July-we real- d punchase a sefrigera- ch i. it ta fte? one says "look how twill save you". O.K. king, how much wiil it ?Not a damn cent, be- will cost maraey ta buy ued thing, maney ta ser- costly electricity ta sun don't have waste food n't get enough ta waste. nly do we have gsown who periodicaily raid bre4d box, cookie jas serve shelf, but a sixty- och who is a veritable garbage can. ggest warry is, flot tIn d tram spoilig, but enough food. Period! Id like a "fnlg" tar a ýf reasous-to keep upCO Joneses, and ta save my -om negatiating those us cellar stairs. Fnicuâs j 5 su ad purchasing the hdroelec :instalment buying. We ,,eltervast ite ea ai those easy pay- ,,luin s rn ters. Because, the fi- lu b u charges help hoist the out ajtunpieanCo leinoIeuyD posseil might pro- was, te Lst njio )much joy among aur 192'W 539th~et xs. Nope! If we buy the li Deccmobe r el Wo box, we cau't use the «aeter watetue w ýuma ta go ou the -Be etrip, and vice versa. Mounit i.' Boee' we buy, or do we go? of i P 3is, we will "go", and tors~ are na'wi a cool summer, sa that gefletatoil 5goudia ýr won't turn too soft, ai'er Ini the flfty-four years since the first Canadian aluniinurn plant opened at Shawinigan Fails, Canada's aluminuna industry has grown to be the second Iargest ini the world; and Canada now exportz more aluxninurn than any other country. Still the need grows, both at home. and abroad, for this liglit, strong, modern metal of many uses. And Aluminum Comipany of Canada is putting man-power, and money, and ILlLIiinilu m engineering brains, and Imagination int the job of Iceeping up with that deniand. L ~Aluminum is 'pacicaged power». The eleo. trlcity needed to produce one ton of aluminum would liglit the average home. for nearly a g«eneration. By malclng use of Canada'a abundant, Iow-cost power, fiais Canadian enterprise bas created employment and income for tens of thousanda: for the. men who build and operate thie dams and powerbouses, tbe docks and smelters and power Unes it noeds; and for the. more than one thousand independent Canadian companies who turu aluaninuni into countiess forni Important to industzy and our own dafly living. ~?Coumpang oCnaàj[,de Producers ond prooesors of oluminum for Conadtion indusfy eSd worfd m.r&.s Plonftsof Shawinlgoansale *Arvda * Isle Maligne a Shipsharw e Poribonka e Port Alfred e Deouharncls aWokefi.d a Kk4râmone*Etot*mee * Citmet e Kemono OBITUÀRY by Mms. EI Mairs. RoillMIL we asweed.Plans wene made THOMWAS HENRY BICKLE ta dlean the church and have a A faricr-in Darligton Town- salad suppen an June 25th,, ship ion 67 yeams Thomas Henry Plans ta be completed at June Biekle, Lot 35, Concession 1ith meeting. Study hook-'lIt Darlngln Tonshp onded 1 Happened Betore" was read biý 21, ln Oshawa. In his 85thdyear. Ms. Jas Cairns. These were He had been In tailing health twa letters ai thanks aud ap- for a short time. preciatian nead. Pragrani: Read- ing, "The Little Lost Pup" by Born In Devonshire, England, Mrs. Eli Mairs; reading, "The ou December 29. 1869, the de- Discouraged" by Mss. G. Camp- ceased was a son of the laIe Ms. bell; reading, "Twclve Rules and Mss. Richard Bickle. A For Happiness" by Mss. A. Bea- farmes ail fus lite, be bad lived cock. Rev. Hutton closed the mn ~ 0 Canaa au Dligton meeting with prayer. Mss. Township, sauth otPetnvale, Campbell aud group lu charge for 67 years. served a dainty lunch. Ail were Ms. Bickle was a member ai giVen a vote af thauks and clap. Ebenezer United Church. His June meeting at Mss. Hutton's main hobbies were his home and in charge oi Mss. R. Sadler's his garden. group. Predeceased by his wiie, the Mn. sud Mss. M. Emerson, former Elizabeth Grace Oke, on Misses Gladys and Isene attend- August 28, 1951, b. leaves ta cd the Sisson-Marshall wedding mourn bis passlng ane daugh- at Peterborough ou Saturday. ter, Mss. Herb Nichais (Maude) Ms. aud Msm, Rae Malcolm, ai Ebenezer and one son, Wil- Janetvllle 'Msr sud Mss. Arthur liam Bickle ai Ebenezer. He Malcolm, visited Mr. and Mss. was prcdeceased by a daughter, L. Joblin au Mouday eveuing. Mss. John Hawksbaw (Viola) Ms. and Mss. Arthur Malcolm on Octoben 24, 1952. are leaving tas their home at Aiso surviving are a brother, Maple Creek, Sask., shortly. Jack Nichols ai Peckham, Ryc, Ms. and Mss. L. Joblîn spent England; eight grandcbildren Weduesday eveuing witb Mr. and seven great grandchildren. aud Mss. VicIas Malcolm. Rev. L. M. Somerville, pastor Mr. aud Mss. Ralph Sadler of Ebenezer United Cbunch, eutertained the Quartette on conducted the memarial service Thursday evening when tbey aI the Armstrang Funeral Home, had another practice. May 24. Interment was in Eb- Mss. Victos Malcolm aud Mss. enezer Cemetery. L. Joblin called on Mss. W. Bateman, Osesarea. The presenlation and dance lu NEST ETONC.O.F. Hall on Fniday night tas NEST ETONMr. aud Mrs. Bob Prosser w3s well attended and they received The Nestleton W.A. and W. several useful gifts. M.S. met aI the home ai Mss. Mr. and Mss. Norman Mal- Grant Campbell May 2Otb in colm, Toronto, Mr. aud Mss. charge of Mss. Delbert Bea- Mcmriii VanCamp, Blackstack, cock's group. There were 14 la- called ou Ms. and Mss. L. Job- dies, Rev Hutton aud somne lin, Suuday evening. cbildren present. Meeting open- Ms. snd Mss. Noble Brown, ed witb the theme sang and Belleville, Rev. Harry Aîkinson, Mrs. Ehi Mains at the piano fol- Mss. Atkiuson and David, were lowed by the Lord's prayer in supper guesta witb Ms. and Mss. unison. Scriptuse read by Mrs. L. Joblin and called on Ms. and A. Beacock followed by the de- Mss. G. Johns. We Are Privileged ta Have Been Gran ted the Franchise for From $129,95 up The T.V. SHOP 33 KING ST. W. PHONE 3626 HIGOONM ELECTREIC LIMITED ELECTRIC WJRIG, REPAIES AND REFRIGERATION 12 IO STILGENERALO»ELECTRIC"x6 PWW 431ImmOME PUANCIPIALA Ontari. 'ahanai on Chnistian hie read Ms. and Mss. George Johus, h1EU JumJuDmr e m TM r!AvAnAm M NM