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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1954, p. 16

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DAJLA*D~1UI, ~JWMA~Vfl..T.>~ OUTARTO TEURSDAY, MAT IUm, I PROIE 4 3303 b ~AWA'~~A~ A~A~ ~ . - - - - - - - - - I Turu Page for Additional Classiied BIRTHSl DUBEAU-Merle and Art Du- beau are happy to announce the birth of their son Darcy Joseph Aristide, in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvile, on Tuesday, May 25th.21-1 JACOBS-Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jacobs, (nee Dorothy Morris), Kingston, are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter on Sunday, May l6th, a sister for Paula and ]Peter. 21-1 ENGAGEMENT Mn. and Mrs. Sidney Price announce the engagement of their only daughter, Stella Gail, ta George Robert Guthrie, son of Mrs. John Rockory of Minden. The wedding will take place in Trinity United Church, Bow- manvilie, an June l9th, 1954, at 4 o'clock. 21-1 Mm. and Mrs. John Humphrey announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Mary Lorraine, ta James Bernard Varo, son of Mn. George Varo, Whitby, and the late Leta Varo. The wedding ta take place in St. John's Anglican Churcb, Sat.- urday, June 12, 1954. 21-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Lee, R. R. 2, Oshawa, announce the en- gagement of their daugbtem, Canal Diane, ta Allan James Werny, son of Mn. and Mms. E. A. Werry, Enniskillen. The mar- niage ta take place in Kedmon United Churcb, July 3nd, at 2:30 V'clock. 21-1* Mn. and Mrs. Herbent C. Long of Toronto annaunce the engage- ment of their daugbten Donna Louise ta James Pningle Pater- son, son of Mns. Paterson and. the late Mr. William Leslie Pat-1 erson of Bawmanville. The1 mamiage will take place on June 26th at 5:30 o'clock ;in Bisbop2 Strachan School Chapel, Toron- ta. 21-1 I_Ètcles ±For Sale BACK kitchen, 18'x14', suitable for house. Phone 2356. 21-1 APARTMENT size piano. 76 Scugog St. Phone 2276. 21-1 FLAX-A. W. Prescott, Ennis- killen, Ont. Phone 2151. 21.1* QUANTITY of seed buckwheat. Phone 2341. 20-2 CHILD'S pedal car in good con- dition. Phone 3055. 21-1 CEDARS for 10c each, free de- livery a r a u n d Bowmanville. Phone Maple Grove 2017. 21-1* C00K stove with ail burners, good condition. Phone 2675 21-1* COOK stove in good condition, suitable for cottage, $15.00. Phone 883. 21-1* PLAYER piano and 150 rolls with roll cabinet. Phone 2672. 21-1* LAWN mower, 14", one year aid, good shape. Apply 212 High St. K. Wight. 21-1* ONE 8-tube cabinet radio, in perfect condition. Apply 62 Brown St. 21-1* LARGE ice box, 75 lb. capacity, suitable for summer cottage. Phone 2439. 21-1* TRACTOR, 9x24 tires, in good condition, also cultîvator and harrows. Phone 2007. 21-1* GRAY Gendron pram, price $25.00. Aply Mrs. Reg. Heari, 90 Ontario St. 21-1* LLOYD carrnage, good condition, pink linîng. Phone 674 after 6 p.m. 21-1* ACME rangette, in excellent con- dition. Phone Clarke 22r31. 21-1* COBBLERS and Sebago pota- toes, best quality. Leslie Taylor. Phone Blackstock 80 r 12. 21.1* 30 BUSHELS Commercial Barb- off banley. Phone Newcastle 2151.18t -kPOWERt lawn mowers, froc DEATHS demnonstration. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. Phono 2240. 20-2 13ICKLF Entered into rest ini Osbawa, Ontario, on Friday, ONTARIO patatoos, 75 lb. bags, May 21, 1954, Thomas Henry dlivered in Bownianviile. Phono Bickle, beloved husband of the 2473. 31-tf late Elizabeth Grace Oke, ini bisNE Hoan7'tctnm e, 85th yeam. Interment Ebenezer NWHladVtatrmwr Cemetry 1-1*just cut 40 acres. A. W. Graham, dial 3531, Newcastle. 21-1* Help Wanted MAN'S bicycle, noaly new. A. MARRED an antd fr diryBudd, R.R. 6, Bowmanviile. farm. Apply W. G. Bowles,2. Blackstock, Snîl. 21.1 ONE 2-row International corn planter with fertilizer attacb- EXPERIENCED single man ta ment, pactically new. James wvork on dairy fanm. Phono T. Brown, Newcastle. 21-1* 73owmanville 2645 betwccn 2:1 and 12:45. 20.2* LOOKING for appliance bar- gains? Tunn ta page 14 for Ted HOUSEKEEPER fan home in Waodyard's Appliance Sale ad. country, modern conveniences. 21-1 Phone Bawmanville 2645 be- tween 12:15 and 12:45. 202* MASSEY-Harris 102 Junior, Ai condition, fully equipped, priced RAWLEIGH business now open for quick sale. Marvin Nesbitt, in Bowmanville. Tade well Nestieton. 21-1* established. Excellent opportun-- ity. Pull time. Write at once. ELECTRIC iriem, Beatty, floon Rawleigh's Dept, E-140-189, model, excellent condition, $50. Montreal. 20-2 Wllow Acres, 252 King St. E. PART tîme salesman wanted ta hn 45.2- seli ail burners, fuel ail, maton CAR radio, enclosed speaker,1 ail, accessonies, ta the town and excellent, $15; Manin rifle,1 fanm trade on commission. Mossbemg 4A aperture sights, $8. Apply Hamny O. Pcrmy, Cities Phono 545. 21-1* OSracea.ou 20-44 EPIGERATORS and stoves at Oshawa 20-4gîve-away pnices. Sec Ted W anted Waodyard's Appliance Sale ad SOMEONE ta take mortgage, STRAWBERRy plants, $2.00 perc for $2,500, on bouse in Bawman- hundred, $15 per thousand. Overb 'Ville. Apply Box 160, c/o The 1,000 deliverod. Phono OronoV Canadian Statsman. 21-1 23r8. 21-2M DEAD STOCK removed fmom WATER s ys teoms, plumbing t youm famm pramptly for sanitary supplies, etc., free estimates. s disposal. Telephone collect: Ca- Appiy Harvey Partner, Tyrone.L ourg 1266 or Toronto EM. 3-3636. Phono 2240. 20-27 Gardon Young Limited. 50-tf- b ONE Lloyd's silver gray baby Notices carniage, excellent condition; anc set of baby scales. Phono Orono G. Edwin Mann, D.C., an- 83r7. 211* nounces that on June 1, ho will SAV on lumber, direct from be giving up his practice in' miii ta you. Phillips Lumben Toronto and devoting his tirne Ca. Kinmount, Ont. Phono solely ta bis Bowmanville office 17mîî1 1-t at 61 Temperance St. 21-113t STRAWBERRY plants and year- Free-With eacb $2.00 gasoline aid asparagus cowns, also some sale or $5.00 on repain work early cabbage plants. Hertz. (cash), 1 ticket on 1954 de- burg, Bowmanville R.R. 4. Phone luxe Pontiac car. Dnaw to be 2200. 21-2 made August 27, 1954. F. S. Allen & Sons, R.R. 3, Bowman. ONE chesterfield suite, anc ville, Ont. Phono 2833. Three kitchen cabinet, one coffee table miles wost on No. 2 Highway. and 2 smali living roomn tables. Apply 143 King East, Bowman- ville. 21-1 I wauld like ta advise t ho eNEIN BLNS tc pubic hatI a stli ammingsizes, white or eggshell slats, on a General Masonry and C.on- plastic or cloth matching tapes. tracting Business and am nat 1 Made- o-maue bid aA connectod with the cancern list- speiata-fmee nlasu t ins2a ed under the telephone number tapecian latristallatin;C28 3600, which I used for business tPoean4sa0. olns.MorisCa up ta this time. Poo4 0 0t L. Turner. 2-1 NEW M C I E Durlng Mec months of New Holland Balers June, JuIy and Augusi Manure Spreaders startln ffiile 4h Mowers - Rakes DowmavilleFerîilfzer Sowers Jewellery Stores Forage Harvesters ev' wlll romain v Packers* - Muichers Open Friday Eveuiias Discs and Baler Twine Uutl g P-.. and ~Farm Elevators and y Cosed Sat. Evenings Bale Loaders I d ,l 99S. Se NORTON & soifar Narr'sNew Holland SaAu and Servie e inwDLL5EY JEWELLERY PHONE 2279 Ag, Articles For Sali HOUSE trailer, sleeps four, ail conveniences. Apply Walls, Maple Grove, fort] the school, Con. 2, R.R. 3, 1 manville. Phone 2772. USED 1946 Norton motore will sacrifice for cash, or ti may be arranged, at Ted W yard's Appliance Store, 1 manville. le with R. th nf Baw- 21-2e ycle, Lerms Vood.. Bow- 21-1 PAIGE riding Itarden tractor and implements, 4 h.p. Phono Gardon Hill 13r31 after 6 p.m. C. Lennox, R.R. No. 1, Port JHope. 21-1* TWO motorcycles, 42 - 45 and a 43-45, Harley Davidsons, machines in good condition; reasonable. G. Bamrett, 27 Queen St. 21-1* HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Phono 438. 20-tf BEDS, spnîngs, mattresses, pil. iows, tables, basins, water pitch- ors, decanters and other miscel- laneous cabin equipment.* Wil- low Acres, 2,52 King St. E. Phone ,2456. 21-1 DOUBLE bcd, springs and spring-fiiled mattress; single bcd and springs and spring-filled mattress, like new, also bed- couch. Phone Oshawa 5-4428. 21-1 Singer Sewing Machine Co. FOR SERVICE - PHONE Bowmanville 3649 14-tf USED farm equipment, tractons, Farmall "M", Farmaîl "H", Fammaîl Cub, Farmaîl Super "C", Oliver "60", John Deere; Case twine baler, International hay. loaden, International 5 f t. com- bine, aM Farm Equipment and Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bawmanville. Phono 689. 21-1 TILE Supplied and Laid CERAMIC - PLASTIC, RUBBER - MARBOLEUM HL G. HEAL Phone 2902 Bowmnanville 9-tf Timherking. Garages PLYWOOD 1954 Models Prefabricated. Ovemhead doors. Deiivered: $160 ta $215 Section Buildings, Lake Guindon -3, Que. 21-3* Keys Cul Io Order by new, modern machines automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale HARDWARE 36 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 408 21-tf1 Rugfs, Droadloom SAVE 50%. New Rugs Made from Your Old Rugs, Carpets, WVoollens, etc. I ] Company d Phone 3446 Bawmanviîîe tI 49-tfp DRAPERIES and venetian blinds SI ustom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our neprosentativea will caîl at your home any time wlth a complote range of samplesJ qnd suggestions without obliga- ion. Froc estimates and froc ini- stallation witbin 35-mile area. Lowost prices in tawn. Fabric rown,1 59 King St. W. Phono M09, Bwmanville. . 8-tf ;ee me for remarkably S LOW RATES ON AUTO INSURANCE A, with Ti DIRK BRINKMAN Cor. Miil and Monroe Streots Newcastle Phono 3671 20-5 THE CLASSIC BATHR OOM bSET $136.50 Delivered Abeautiful Batbroom Set at a reasonable price. Everything in Phhfnbing and Heating Write Dept. BS-i or Visit Our Showrooms. Ï M.' OPen Wednesda) and Frlday tenings and ai day Saturday. 18-4 Chicks For Sale OU'LL find Bray pullets doub- Yprof itable at present early .mmor prices. Thoy have start- d also. And mixed chicks - id cockorels for July (order ow). Ask us for present pnices Ld ordor now what you need ta eep your flocks to capacity. 4ent-F. L. Byam, Tyrono. U4-1 COMING EVENTS Dy the Popils of Lillian Mae Marsh, D.E.A. gaturday, June 5, 1954 2:30, ai Town Hall ADMISSION %dults 35o Children 20( rickets avallable tram Pupils or at Lions Centre. 19-49 Room and Board )NE boarder, phono aafi telo- sian pnivileges. Phono 3477. 21-1 Rooms to Rent VE have a few rooms avallable treasanable weekly rates. The almonal Hiotel. 6-tf Articles For Sale USED MACHINES No, 76 N'ew Holland Balers No. 50T [nternational Balers Coboy Manure Spreader Harvey Farm Elevator *ockshuitHayloader M-H. Side Rake M-M Side Rake ?ower Lawn Mower S. NORTON & SON 'wHolland Sales and ServiSl >PHO0NE ZZ79 8- O vi at c Ne, IP a r b e: p ali B 1 in .1 t Get rid of your aid furnitur .and furnishings by giving ta th 1Lions Community Auction Saim Telephone 3406, 3410. 18- Salem Sunday School Ann ivorsary Services wiil be held oi Sunday, June 6. See next week' paper for panticulars. 21-1 Plan ta attend Order of th, Eastern Star Spring Tea an, bome-baking sale ta be held ii St. John's Parîsh Hall on Satur day, May 29th, 3 ta 5 p.m. 21-. The Ebenezer Harmonizer will present a variety progran at Burketon United Church Monday, May 3lst at 8 p.m. Ad, mission 50c and 25c. 21-: Community Auction Sale a- Courtice United Church, Satur day, June Stb, at 1 p.m., is in aic of Church Building Fund. Auc. tioneer, Mn. James Wood. 214z Basebaîl this Saturday after. noon, May 29, at the High Schoo] grounds at 2:30. Wbitby versuç Bowmanville Brookdale etoses Admidssion 35c. 21-1 Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's Church are holding a sale of good used clotbing on Tuesday, June lst, from 1:30 ta 3 p.m., in the chunch basement. Good bargains. 21-1 Don't miss the annuai Variety Show sponsored . by Tyrone Juvenile Band on Friday, May 28th, 8:15 p.m. in Tynone Hall, featuning the noted magician Ted Bradshaw. Admission 50c and 25c, 19-3* The Christian Business Girls' Choir of Toronto, dinected by Miss Nan Allin, A.R.C.T., R.M. T., and assisted by a banitone soloist and violinist, will be i Kendal United Church, Friday, May 28th at 8:15 p.m. 20-2 Fourth Annual Hospital Ba- zaar at the Lions Community Centre, June 10, from 2 ta 9 p.m. Cbildren's coîthes, homebaking, knitted goods, dnaws and doon prizes. Afternoon ton 35C. Came and bring yaur friends. 21-1 When bouse cleaning please *emembem the White Elephant booth of your Hospital Bazaar, rune 10, at Community Centre. Jsed clotbing, costume jewell- ery, books, china, jig-saw puzzles, etc., appreciated. Phono Mrs. Duncan Smith, 863 or Mrs. Ge0, Young, 532 for pick-up. 1' 2 1 -2 St. John's Anglican Church, Blackstock. Annual Visitation and Confirmation. Speaker, Bishop Wilkinson. Friday, June Iti, at 8 p.m. AIl interested triends of Cartwright Township warmly invited. Lunch provid. ed in Parish Hall after service. 21-1* The girls of the 4H Home raking Clubs of Kendal and îxth Lino are presenting I'Meat n the Menu" by serving a roast >ef dinner in Kendal Sunday ;h001 noom an June 4th at 6:15 m. Everyone is cordially in- ted ta purchase a ticket from ie of the Club girls. Adults 5c; 12 and under, 40c. 21-1 Bunketon Sunday School An- versany, May 3Otb. Minister, tv. Milton Sanderson, Toronto. :30 p.m:, Childnen's Chair; 7:3 e Ladies' Zion Choir. Mon- ay evening, May 3lst, at 8 p.m. e Ebenezen Harmonizers will oesent thein skit and musical rognam in Bunketon Cburch ed. Admission: Adults 50c, nd cbildren 25c. 21-1* DANCE RECITAL Brick and Block Woi Hampion Phone 2098 m in a 1 ln-- oq 1 1 te .. . - - 1 --- ---- ---- 1 open for offer. nie Cnaia tatsman, Bow- Besides above mentioned pro- mnil.21-1 fd* perties we bave about 42 mor EIGHT-noomed cottage, winter- 75 ta choose from. ized, complote batbroom, garage, ad Contact East Beach, possession immed- Di John F. DeWith, Realtor iateiy. Appiy John Sweep. 6 iA Newcastle Phon 3341 Hunt St., Bowmanville. 21-1 int Seed For Sale FIVE room self-contained apart- AL ment, availabie June 15, heated; FUNKS G. Hybrld corn for three nooms and bath on ground 12 grain on ensilage. In campetitian floor, two bedrooms upstairs; So it bas proven to be the best. separate entrance, adults pro. Garnet Rickard. Phono 2813. fenod. Appiy Box 162 c/a The ul i-I Canad i tateamea. 21-2* L Or Bulldozing EXCAVATING and LOADD Hounly or Contract Sanderson Brotheri COLUMBUS, PHONE BROOKLIN 54 r 23 ]BULLDOZING and EXCAVATING TRENCHING and LOADING BY HOUR OR CONTRACT -Froc Estimates Given - W. TRIPP PORT PERRY R. R. 2 PHONES: Roi. 109r42, Office 39 22-1 Phone 3613 FOR PROMPT SERVICE on your P1UMbing and Heatint PROBLEMS LOW DOWN PAYMENT - EAST TERMS ON New Installations W. A. KILPATRICI FURNACES Air Conditioning Oil Burners Sheet Metal Work EXPERIENCE COUNTS Eavestroughing DAVIS & CG. S Mill Lane Bowmanvillo Phone - Day or Night, 3412 - 691 I I I 1-ti 0 kitchen cabinets, good con- Dn; two small wood-burning trs. Phon 2625. 21-1 NO, upright or miniature, iediately, wiil pay cash. te Box 164, c/o The Can- Ln Statesman, stating price make. 21-1* 'ORE seUing your livo poul- try us. Our prices are high- M. Flatt R.R. 1, Bethany. e 7 r 13. Reverse charges. lîtio heat PIAI imn adias and ýry.1 er. Phozi i ti e p at it at 1 F9 .t Xi WAYTED-Livo p.ultr. gos feath ers, fea th r t c s c a ir n , ragaand meta is. Rw tmn and deesnsn Phone 3-2043 Oshawa. uat44 AflI!TIflN UIPA" The uridersigned auc~e will soUl a largo quantlty furniture at Pethick's ,Actlc shed at Enniskille , Arda May 29th. Anyonei put articles in this F i them there by one a'tlock, Sa urday. Sale at 1:30. Cliffo Pethick, auctioneer. 2 EASTERN ONTARIO HEREFORPCLUB 6th Anfiý UIe PeterboroughFi >G ,d@ COMING EVENTS re àe 4 )n >S L* in rs kt PAGZ BZKTZM 1 àucnoiq sium Work Wanted WILL plow and disc garg APPly A. da Jager. Phono GARDENS done with 1 Tiller. Harry Van Belle, LMill Lane. Phone 757. DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hi ton, for custom p 3243. PLASTERING, cement finisl stucco and ahl types of rep iPhono Oshawa 3-2486. R. J1 son. LANDSCAPE and gardon t cane of. Harry Van Belle IMill Lane. Telephone 757, IE manville. HOUSE frIfning, block la; painting, kitchen cupbc made to order. Apply 60 1 man Road.2 YOUNG Dutch girl wants ho work. Miss M. Boors, c/o E DeMan, 143 Duke St., Bowr ville.2 DON Brooks, carponter, tracton-All types of remoe ing and kitchen cupba builden of new homes.1 estimates. Phono Oshawa 5-C Bowmanville 602. Masonry Construcil BRICK - BLOCK - CONCR] Froc Estimates ANGER ERGS. PHoNE-2643 or 337,9 Roasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed CHIMNEY AND FURNAC CLEANING SERVICE R. MTCHELL & SONS Telephone 157J Box COLBORNE - 0 il Concrete and Mason Work L. TURNER Phone: Evenings 3226 P. O. Box 177 BowmanI -1 1 1Real Estcxte For Sale Real Estate For Sale .dons. SOLID brick house, six raoms,Pew l iul .ii 2017. in good location, termg reason- Pew llRal sa ea v 21-1* able. AppIy 25 Brown St. 21-1* Farms of ail sizes, houses Rot- FOUR room brick bungalow, and businesses for sale. 18 with bath, good location. Apply Speciaj.130) acres on No.; 21.2 Box 165, c/o Canadian States- Highway, close to schodl, - man. 21-1* choice land, running lamp. tem l okbe 'hone HOUSE, at Kirby, rol-bric, 7st am al wok be 3-frooms, glass porch, 2-piece bath, noodern brick bouse, ail 3- close ta church, ichoal and store heated, 4-piece bath, oak on Hi hway35. 0.3*floors, n ow bank barn, ;hing, snHgwy35 03 tanchions, litter carrier, pairs- FOUR-roomed framo bungalow, water bowls. This is one ohn- full cellar, hardwood floors, of the best farms in Dur- 2112* three-piece bath, good condition. ham County. Can be ýakn Apply Box 163, c/a Canadian bought for $25,000. Hall e, 18 Statesman. 21-2* cash. 3ow- SIX-room, storoy and ono-haif, Hlouses-We have a builder who 21-2 il heating. Phone 767. 21-1 will build houses from ýing, LOT on 7 Nelson St., Bowman- $4,500 ta $6,500 any place ards ville, size 40'x58', $375. Phono required. Terms can be ack- 697. 21-1 arranged on same. ~~~ LITN S W NE D We are open for listings 21-1 L IS I N G S W A Xof ail kinds. )use- Give us a trial and yu wll 1 B. C. bc pleased. 2H .r dnakull flvnIav man- Houses - Farms - ]Businesses 1 1-1* #No Sale - No Fee Newcastle Phone 38-SSL J. VAN. NEST REAL ESTATE 21-1 con- 2 Concession St. W. Phone 3230 ids;l BOWMANVILLE NIXON REAL ESTATE 5ree 18-tf 5-room frame semi-detached, Free -_bath, basement, heavy wiring, 0650, FOR sale at North Nestieton, insulated, garden, small fruit, 6-tf 7-roomed frame house, well garage, extras. $5,300. -built, electricity, oil furnace, 8-room solid brick dwelling, jn water in house; 1 /s acres of good 11/2 acres, hydro, 3-piece bath: land, next door t churcb and furnace, hardwood floors, heavy ETE well stockýed genenal store. Full wiring, new roof, cook stove price $5,500.00, down payment with water attached, double $1,000.00, balance on mortgage. g ar a ge, solid construction, Contact Wilson's General Store, $12,000. Terms. 15 North lstleton. 21-1 6-room solid brick, 3-piece 12-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE bath, bydro, hot air beating, - Properties Sold, ented, basement, 3 room cottage, 3-car garage, on large grounds. $9,000. Managed and \ Appraised Terms. E L. M. A L L 1 S O N 4-room frame bouse, 3-piece Réal Estate Broker bath, furnace, good lot, insulat- Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. cd, full basement, close ta school, f Two blocks nonth of traffic make offer. 1 245 signal, Newcastle. 3-room bungalow, hydra, furn- )NT. 20-tf ace, insulated, hardwood floors, - 9-4* garage, well, possession soon. 1: - H. G. "RAP" GILL $5,000.7 REAL ESTATE 4-room bungalow, good res- l Building lot, corner Higb and idential street, 4-piece bath, E Third St. Price $550.00. hardwood floors, boavy wirîng,v Building lot an Second St. modemn kitchen, venetian blinds, Price $700.00. landscaped. $8,200. Terms. Building lot, corner High and 6-room frame bungalow, 3 Second St. Pnice $550.00. bedraoms, 4-piece tiled bath, ie Building lot on Bnadshaw St. heavy wiring, venetian blinds, E 1-tf Price $500.00. landscaped, basement, garage, v, - Building lot on High St. Pnico good lot on good rosidential E $500.00. street. $8,500. Terms. On Lamb's Lane, bungalow, 4-room frame cottage, East five rooms, garage. Pr i ce Beach, hydro, hardwood floors, $8,500.00. modern kitchen, heavy wining, On Jackman Road, new bun- insulated, water inside, $3,000. galow, five-room. Pnice $8,00().00. Terms. Immediate possession. H. G. "Hap" Gil Real Estate 7-room franie bouse, heavy .ar) 8 Second St. Phone 3514 wining, 60 acres dlay loam, hip- :7-tf Bowmanville roof barn, stable, silo, implemenit 21-1 shed, well, cisterns, $5,500. pi, Tenms. Cattle and implements lA REAL ESTATE FOR SALE can be bought separately if Beautiful new ranch' type two desired. stoney bouse, hardwood upstains 138 acre farm, 100 tillable, re- a nd down, nine roams and bath; mainder pastune and bush, 3 ai. modemn kitchen, natural aak barns, one complote with stanch- woodwork, ail furnace, beaut- ions, waten bowls, 2 silos, 22 ifully landscaped, double garage cows, 28 othen cattle, 2 hanses, with bneezeway and sun deck. tractor, full lino of tractor im- 1-1 If you are looking for a dis- plements, new elevator, ham-- -tinctive modemn home arrange mer milî, miîk cooler and milk ta see this one. quota; solid brick 2-stoney 8. New five-roomed bungalow, noom bouse, hot and cold water, 9G tiled bathroom and kitchen, 2 bathrooms, ail furfnace, ai1Ri bardwood floors, garage, lot is conditioned, màny extras. Pl landscaped, good basement. 100 acre farm, 90 tîllable, 27 s We have houses and farms in balance pasture, dlay loam, 2 RE Oshawa, Ajax and Bawmanville barns, spning, 2 wells, small - districts, fruit, good stable, well fenced, R] .2* J. P. Allan, Broker imploment shed and garage, 10- ore -Oshawa, Ajax, Toronto, Weston roam frame hause, heavy wir- cia Mrs. M. E. Leask, Local Agent ing, many extras, priced ta soîl. Elf 65 Ontario St. Phono 919 30 days possession. 431 Bawmanvillo We also have a cement block - 21-1 factory, sash and doon plant, DeWITH REAL ESTATE reasonable homs and building G 200 acre farm, good clay loam, los 7, with creek, good pasture, n Contact highway; L-shape barn, diving Nixon Real Estate shed; 9 roomed ouse, 5 yarsD Howard PhlP, Salesman Idwihbathroom, fu;lIcolar, Dial 713 85 King St. East funýace,hhardwood floors, water Rsdence 682 or 2620 43 pressurei,, hydro throughout. 21-1* 92 Pnice $ 100. Down paymeint tf 1annanged. fr, ad laIlFor R n 240 acrfrmsadlan,1R n mile from higbway, with creek,FURomd aprmn.8H' 100 acres wood, 100 acres work. FOntara St., Bow m n i . 21-1 go able, large good bank barn, im -_OntarioSt,_____________21-1___ plement shed, driving shed, hon COTTAGE, East Beach, for theSi house; 16 raomed clapboard season. Phone 439. 21-1* L g ouse with 2 bathrooms, furnace, water pressure, electric heat. FOUR rooms with bathroom. No' Pice $14,000. Down pay ment h n 13 1iilta $5,000, on arranged.F 50 acre farm, good sou, 5 acres FOUR-oom apartment, heated, of orchard, creek, some wood, bt water, summer and winter. .- -1 SAVE MONEy AT DAVfE'S SHOE REPAIR SKATES SHARPENED 35 TEMPERANCE ST. fin rej Wcmted To Rent 11OUSE, four or f ive rooms, 3owmanville, by man and wi with no children. Phone 61 3owmanville. 20. Prof essional * wlth SmalI FamilýPJ mequires Small Hous or Ground FI Aparimeî in BDowmanvill Phone 650 or Oshawa 3-2042 Colleet GOOD REFERENCES 21- Repflirs tADIO and television repai Irompt service. Pick up an [ivery. Lamne Doreen. Phon 741. (Formerly partner in "Th tadio Shap"). 21-t ,EPAIRS to aIl makes of refrig ar domestic and commer îl ilking coolers. Higgo lectric, 42 King St. E. Phon 38. 25- Walch Repair-ing at MARRIS JEWELLERY 1King St. W. Phone 46 BOWMANVILLE 21- Personcil YGIENIC supplies - (rubb ods) mailed postpaid in plai aled envelope with price list xsamples 25c, 24 sample 00. Mail Order Dept. T-28 )v-Rubber Co., Box 91. Ham on, Ont. 1-5 Turn Page for ddilional Classifieds The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES Ft RSALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR lIENT - HELP WANTED./ CARS FOR SALE . LOST » POUND -ET-F cash Rate - - 3c pet Word With cg minimum of soc Must h. paid hy date of insertion If charg.d, an additional 2.5C Le achar g di2 * .m 01 rdpi .. l.d taýthi. NOTICES -COMU<anc T AND CARDS 0F THANXS 3c a Word wîth a minimum et $1.00 for 33 words or loue. DIRTHB. ENGAGJ<f 81.00 per Insr~ in MEMORIN 01.00 plus foc a lino for Ver»s COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS icludes ail advertliaq foi -a or p r? ooaa n dspt o - o pr Word. iim mchar. vei.rEL ; pYable morhy. 3'" l e i a 1 . 5 0 P e i I5ZoyCassfieat of one ch. Aditionlinsertions 0f th* marne rates. 1 ilassWied Ade must h. in this office not lofer thont 2o'clock noon, Weda«egdy. nd cash, ehampe or morne, order and gave money. ip this out for haady roeetom 38 Registered Hereford euila ai Fomales, both Horned ai Pold. AnimaIs Approved by Dominhc Health YAnimais Branch ar Ontario Livestock Bnancb. Up ta $75-00 Grant on Bull according to Ontario Bu Pnemium. .Sale Under Caver Chas. Flsher, Pres., Bailieboi 1- 1 - 1- 1 : 1 ; 5 - qmm eAVAIrWAW OmAqqm»ÀLIR ..- Livestock For SalE SERVICEABLE age Shortho: bulis, will register Les] Taylor. Phone Blackstock 80r1 21. MARE, 10 years, good wol horse. Frank Krolewski, R.R. Bowmanville. Phone Osham 5-5085. 21-: YORKSHIRE boar, from que ified sire and dam, fit for ser, ice. Glen G. Glaspeil. Phoi Oshawa 5-6089. 19-. COW, six years old, due 1 freshen .kne lst. P. Finne: M4ap1e Grove. Phone 2309. 21. DAX-OLD and started chlck Two hatches weekly. For pric ist, write or telephone. H.. 3rooks, Phone 2636, Bowmax 1 Wanted To Buy

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