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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1954, p. 1

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-, t 1w -q ~i 0~rn~b nnî "Durham County's Grecu Famfily Journal"$ iOLUME 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THTTRSDAY. MAY 7fli 1Q-rtdl Receive Roses at Opening Basebail Game The four ladies shown auove took part in the Mrs. Dorothy James, wîfe of Durham M.P. John James; ceremonies which opened the basebail season here Monday Mrs. Jean Vanstone, wife of Mayor Morley Vanstone; Mr. znorning prior to the game between the Bowmanville Bagneli, Mrs. Beatrice Candler, representing her mother, Brookdale Roses and Coiborne. They received one dozen Mrs. W. J. Bagneli, who, with Mrs. C. T. Ross, at right, Brookdale roses each from President Ted Bagnell of the donated the flag which was raised on the memorial flagpole basebaîl club and ittle Barbara Crombie, daughter of in centre field. Barbara Crombie is in front of Mr. Bagneil. Team Manager Jim "Ticker" Crombie. Left to right are: Apple Blossoms in Mass of Bloom - -, ----------., ~ &iIUAL, .LUU2 IUC 1>ild< Lots* of Money At 'Kinsmen Club Millionaire's Night The Bowmanville Kins- mnen Club memnbers are al ready to welcome the hordes of millonaires who are expected to invada the Badminton lHall at 7:30 to- morrow (Friday) night for their "Millionaire's Nlght." For a dollar or two everyone who attends can have $1,000 or $2,000 to wager on the dice, over- and-under, horse race, rou- lette and crown-end-anchor gamnes which will be selOup on the two floors et the hall. The "phony" money cen be liurchased et the rate of 10 cents per $100, and while na cash will be paid beck ta the lucky win- ners et the gambling games, they will be able ta ex- change their winnings for warthwhile prizes such as costume jewellery, sports equipment, items of men's wear and meny household articles. Refreshments will bc ser- ved at a sidewalk cefe in the Parisienne maen ne r which will be set up an the ground floor. A gaod time and lots of harmless fun is assured ail those who at- tend this event to-morrow night. Ivan Hobbs rirected Headh9 rroîncîl Po c St ubb r i e aigniH li ay A cci ent Oberer orp - Rubber Union DfiitlyLeased Stbbrn Fie tReceived Wings Ivan Hobbs, who served sev- Green Villa Home H o l i d a y ' . ~ ~ .i u e i i,~ O bser er C orpseral consecutve ternis as Pre- M d l r e il Maple Grove Farm Fisherrnen Have Luck Thursday Night sident of Local 189 of the Unit- The Ontario Provincial Plc edRubber, Cork, Lnlu n have dfntl leased thE The Bowmaaville Volunteer Ground Observers' Wings and Plastic Workers of Amnerica *at HMdeforeheadViuaers ing Pire Department spent two Perfect weather over the The usual weekend exodus of the Goodyear plant here prior Hm o edureso hours Sunday afternoon at a Victoria Day weekend, the first fishermen was ail the heavier wr reetd tet the 1953-54 termn whenteBan vill.eDtachmestnJrM: fire on the farm of R. W. Stew- of the long weekends of the due to the extra holiday on1 members of the Bowmanville Post was taken by Don Kemp,an art, one mile north of Maple summer, enabled Bowmanville Monday and most reported very Ground Observers Corps, the was returned to thePeiec rpitoso h oefrt Grov on he ider ad r nni g re iden s t eng ge l jut good luck. F rank Jam ies o , al tow n's organization for civil de. of the local again at e ectio rs l s w y as'a e n o n e riorth from Preston's Sheil Ser- about any activity which they ter Rahm and Newton Hackyne i hsaea er1 hl atwe.Ms.Asi ttdta h vice Station. wished, and most people took went after lake trout et Hall's fnei hsaee eemony edlatwk.mra us p tinst aoted0 ihath The fire started in a stump full advantage of the three days Lake at Glenverdean and came held in the Town Hall last ber, who are now living at ýfence in front of Mr. Stewart's of freedom. 'home with aine. These ranged Thursday night. Middle Green Villa will be .ç;_roperty and spreed into the Many fortunate enough ta from 16 to 20 inches in length F-10. A. K. Shepherd, R.C.A. toanserLodge, tomies1 westho cedar trees in a neerby swemp. own summer cottages spent the and from two ta three pounds F., who is Officer Commanding SoeLde w ie eto The firemen poured nearly 800 long weekend in getting them la weight. Alex Cameron and the Ground Observers Corps,- Oshawa on No. 2 Highway, gallons of water on the stubborn reedy for the summer season, Murray Yea also landed trout Barrie, and bis assistent, F./O. chd.they sin a vso plan - l1ze before it was entirely ex- while those nlot so affluent spent at Redstone Lake, 22 miles L. J. McGuîre, presented thechiane.theynae ofpathee nguished. at least part of it fishing, gar- forth of Mindea. Murray wings to the Bowmanville Corps chagestbîhe n a Mde fte eî dening, watching basebaîl or brought home one 20 inches and members and Chief *Observer - salsmn t ide re __taking drives te see the apple one 14 inches, and Alex caught Bob 'Stocker. iThosereevn Villa.- Th6re are rsnl a Se so rchards of the district burst- an 18-incher. Georgii Yeo land- the awards were:* Ralph Clarke, nube o edrl Ohaalad. éisS n nobom The youngsters, ed eight trout from a lake north John Rowe, Murray Sheehen, gadM Heliburton. es ntMe SutnwiL1odeninue. ht e, spent the night of the of aiutn Bob Stocker, Jr., Paul Leddy, loa fteMrsAutei n wi thuete en o-,4th in the traditional way by Many Gardeners at Work Maurice Richards, Garnet Wray, moae atets on i h O pen s To nigh s'eftïngoff huge quantities of At home, many residents fia- Bill Kirktoa, Art Brooks, Loumaeptns rsfrdfo. firecrckers, skyrockets and ished putting in their gardens Lyle, Rae Abernethy, Alex Cam- here. They wil nt tase Lin e te other fireworks. Hey and over 550 fans turned out eron, C. MacDonald, Bill Croc- any o~f tepeetfm c A Li n Ce teTraffic Vr ev dymorning for the open- ket, Bob Lockhart, Jack Yeo- cn slotiohoeVler ei The 1954 tennis season gets Provincial Police of the Bow- ing game of the Lakeshore Base- mans. I lt i nxpee ht h Po under way tonight (Thursday) meanville Detachment are almost bell Leegue here which saw the Don Leask, Bob Galiegher, viialPlctedwill mtveinto- -at 7:30 p.m. when the Bowman- willing to swear that everyone Bowmanville Brookdale Roses Bob Fairey, Bruce Cale, JimvicaPocewl.t vil ensCu pn lywoowns a car was out ia it defeat Coîborne Dodgers 4-1. A Clarke, Luther Welsh, Ted the vacated nursing home short- with a round robin for eech of M aaday night as traffic was ex- good number of local fans also Fairey, Art Hoad, James Bell, lyi after June 1, Mrs. Austin th uiradSno ebr remely heavy on Highway 2 followed the team ta Whitby ln Ceciu Alldread, Darcy Lynn Shaeepesdbe.hnst atthe Juiorsand Senir mentbesand 401. It took one local driver the afternoon where it trounced e nd John Lunn. the loa epedho have pet- at he ios Cmmuît Cetr, aV hours early Mondey night the home squed 9-4 la opening- The R.C.A.F. officers elsornî the nursingeome wh l e Inside events wîll consist of ta caver the distance from Port the new Whitby bell park. gave a short lecture on aircraft shiead te nrsihu doeratie games and cards, and refresh- Hope ta Newcastle. Another mo-1 Others trevelled ta Toronto recognition and showed films Ivan Hobbs ithe adre duri n eatew ments will also be served. Elec-- torist was four hours caming 1to see the Meple Leafs la a hol- of the R.C.A.F. in action in Other officers elected ta date years. tion of new officers for the club from Belleville to Bawmenville, idy double-header or ta attend World War II. Mayor Morley for the 1954-55 termi are: Vice- takes place et 9 p.m. Dues cen as traffic wes literelly movîng 'the operJ et night la the Maple Vanstone wes preseated with an rsdnHrl be paid this evening ta any of bumper to bumper. ILeef Gerdens. Meny visited re- honorary membership in tue e PrsdnHr Cobbledick- the executive members. In spite of the exceptionalîy 1letives and f riends in nearby Corps by F./O. McGuire. rery, ilbbs. Telefour eect o be ui r The club is particularly heavvy treffic, however, the lo- towns and cities and there were ChetbevrStceiln erery, ibs.Tefrele tres- obe T lp r anxious ta attreet new members cal O.P.P. dtcmn reported alsoa large number of out-of- CifOsre tce ln ed lest week to the Executive Grown in* Town this year and a beerty invitation thet only six minor eccidents town visitors ta Bowmenville ta hold classes lnaiarcreft re- Board were Jim Woodward, is extended ta former members were investigated over th, over the busy weekend. cognition and civil defence Maurice Prout, Albert Mavin work the third Tursday Of and Tom Masterton. The three Ether the tulips la the garàen and ta those interested in learn- weekend, and only one of these each month et the Town Hall, other board members will be of Mrs. William Kilpatrick et Ing tennis. Dues for present occurred on Higbway 401, which Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoar and and ehl those interested in J'oin- elected today (Thursdey). 76 Scugog Street are twice as members are expected by June is being heavily petrolled et children, Toronto, were guests ing the Bawmenville Ground Ross Westlake was elected ta anxiaus te meke good, or else 5, but new members will have present. The others toak place of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Observer. Corps are invited to the Council of District 6, U.R.C. Mrs. Kilpatrick is twice as good until June 15 ta py their dues. on Highwys 2 and 35. V . Hoar. contact him. L.P.W.A. and four mare Council a tulip gardener as others in delegates will be elected today, town. In any event, there are at along with the stewards for the Present several double tulips Takes "Adve tu e i Citizenship" Tri to O ttaw local plant. Membees 0f th - growing la ber tulip beds. ve u e i rpav aBargainig Committee will b These extrardinary lwr eleced nxt wek.have two separate and perfect- eleced nxt formed tulip blossoms grow- ing on a single stem. The stem Mr. and Mrs. Cudlip, Hamil- branches inta two an inch or se .~~ ton; Miss Katharine Bell and below the sprt lsos Allen Bell, Toronto, visited the The double tulip brought ta the Misses Allen, Beech Ave., on office of The Statesman wasa Sunday. beautiful pure white.j The blossoms in Durham's famous apple-growing district wee t her es on Victoria Day as the above photograph proves. It shows two attractive young Bowmanville ladies, Miss Colleen Hutchin son, left, and Miss Ruth stocker among thé apple blossoms on the fruit farm of Wilfrid Carruthers on Scugog Street at the outskirts of town. Varieties such as Delicious, Scarlet Pippin, Northern Spies and Mclntosh Reds were in f ull bloom over th e long weekend and were admired by thousands of motorists driving along the roads in Durham County. Women's Hospital Auxiliary Bazaar at Lions Centre June 10 1% Pro in ilPoice 1 Includes Mht iganyNultew trcin .Juagn e aganulteHospital Board, wili offi. event is on the horizon and cielly open the bazear et 2 p.m., drawing dloser every dey-the and from then until 9 p.m. the Sbig Bazear of the Women's Hos- meny colorful booths wiii ha e pital Auxiliary et the Lions open for business. There will 1Cammunity Centre. Mark the be five drews, end every hua- e date, Thursday, June 10, and dredth persan entering' will re- *plan ta came with your friends ceive a door prize. Afternoon tfrom near and fer. You'll meet tee, served bath indoors and or% a lot more et the fourth annuel the lawn if weather permit, Bazear spansored by this indus- will be a real attraction et 35c. f triaus organization. Contribu- The bride and Homemaker's tions have been received from Bootb will offer many beauti- *orgaizations la Bowmanville ful and delicate hand-made ar- and ail througb West Durham ticles, while the Kitchen Booth ta belp put the big affale across. will provide the more practical * Mr. Joe ONeill, Chaiman f items sucb as tee towels, aprons and kitchea gadgets. O rono ObserversMayBth There will be quentities of Doing Good Job ome-baking, but nat an item Doig G od ob tao many. A usuel this wil diseppear in short order. A Cen- Lest Friday eveniag, a meet- dy Booth will agein have deli- ing of the Ground Observer ciaus homemade candy. Ia thie Corps was held et Orono ia the (Continued oa esvn Orange Hall. J. C. Gamey, chiefpaee en observer, has been doing an ex- cellent job la reporting aircreft Nàrme New School ta the filter centre et Barrie, as% hes bis assistants, meny of. hm ,twright Central were presented with their newCr Geound Observer Corps wings, Pbi d and a certificete of recognition Pu li08ho l for the vital role that they are playing la the defence of this Special meeting of Cartwright country. Area Public Schooi Board was F/O L. J. McGuire gave a talk held ln the Higb School, May on the iieed for the corps ia this l9th ta select a neme for the country, and how it was argen- new four roam school. ized by the Royal Canadien Air Representetives from the fol- Force for the Departmeent of lowing organizatians were pres- National Defence. Mr. Clare ent: Bleckstock Woman's Insti- Keevil, acting regionel supervis- tute; Nestleton Woman's Insti- or wes celled upon for e few tute; O.N.O. Club; L.O.L. No. words, and after one or two 133; Ferm Forum; The Publie 'CE hE ng hE Ir r., àE El. ri- at :)e ie of Y) r- to w m Town Softball League Starts With Four Hard-Fought Games The high point of the four-day "'Adventure in studenst attend the "Adventure in Citizenship" in Citizenship" enjoyed by Ron Turner, Grade 12 student of.1Ottawafromor May 17 ta 20, sponsored by the Rotary Club Bowmanville High School and the girl student of Port of Ottawa. The Bowmanville Rotary Club paid bis Hope Collegiate shown above, probably was the taking of expenses for the trip to Ottawa. Students from al aven this picture. They are shown with the Hon. Walter Harris, Canada make the trip to the nation's capital under the left, Minister of Immigration and Citizenship, and Hon. sponsorship of local Rotary Clubs so they may become Jack Pickersgill, right, Secnetany of State. Ron, wha is more familiar with the functionimg of the Canadian Gov- the'son of Rev. Harold A. Turner, minister of St. Paul'sî ernment. UJnited Church, was chosen £rom among the B. Ji. S. i By "Buck" Cowle Four games have been piayed to date in the Town Sof tbal League and ail have provided plenty of close, thriling action. Ia tbree of the gemes the wia- ning margin was only one rua., Ia the opening game of the league on Tuesday of last week, Foresters took the measure of Ke's Men's Wear 12-11 in extra innings. Larry Dewell's triple in the lest of the niath was the big bit for the Forest- ers. 'Hunt and Snowden with tbree bits eacb were the big guns for the C.O.F., whiie Deve Moba and Butch Cle were the K.M.W. sluggers witb three1 bingies each, iftcluding Mohn's second-inning home rua. R H E C.O.F. 12 14 5 1 2 The softball fans et Memoriel Park were treeted to a well- pitched, brd-fought game lst Thursdy evening wen Tom Cowen's Harvesters defeated Bowmanville Surplus Sales 5-4. Doug Kostka and George Stev- ens baoked Up la a tight pitcb- ers' battie, and although Stev- ens allowed anly seven bits, errors bebind him paved the waY for the Harvesters' Win. Kostka with three its was the big gun for the Harvesters, whîle Chuck KILpatrick came through witb tbree for the Surplus Sales crew. R H E Harvesters-- 5 7 2 Surplus Sale-s- 4 8 4 Kea's Men's Wear won theirI first game on Friday evening when they topped the Jeck and Jili Club 8-1 in eight înnings. This was the third game ai the young season ta be decided by one run, and tbe second ta go extra innîngs. Jay Brown cbalked up bis first win whiie Ace Richards wes the loser. Paul Chant, Don Masters anîd Ray Falls eacb had two hs for the winners. Big man for the Jack and Jilîs was_ Jack R H E Ken's Mea's Wear 8 12 1 Jack & Jili 7 9 6! Manager Bob Gallagber took over the mound Tuesday night for bis Surplus Sales crew and pitcbed them to a six-bit, 14.6 win over tbe C.O.F. Jack Par- ker, Bud Perfect and Bob Gall- agher each bit home runs in the asseult on Haery Snawden and Bill Leask. Big Ev. King had three bits in a losing cause for the Folesters.R E Surplus Sales 14 14 2 C..Fý a à q films themeetng ajaured. coo' Tachr;TePbi Twenty-five nemes had been submitted by the aforesaid or- ganizetians and teechers. The vote for a name was taken by bellot with Rev. Mr. Nicholson; Police Arrest Windsor Man %0&* I eecwa Cartwright UentrE Public Shool. The Board j About six Bowmenviîîe men very thankful ta the verious or arc reported ta have been tekea ganizations and teechers fa for sums ranging tramn $20 ta submitting prospective name $300 by a "confidence racket" and their co-operatian ilaet allegedly worked in tawn dur- tending this meeting ta select ing the lest two manths by suitable name. Stanley Durant, about 60, of London, Ont. e> . Durant wes arrested by Bow- R'esigns Positioni manville police lest Thursday1 night et the Balmoral Hotel, which hed been his headquar-I tees here, on a warrant issued Marcb 1 by Windsor police on a compleint by Raymond Mer- entette of thet city. The war- rant cherged that Durant used $15,000 of funds belonging ta the Penn-Ada Petroleum Com- pany, of which he wes former- ly manager, for ather than com- pany purposes. Me. Mareatette was also an officer of that campany, which is since report- ed ta -have suspended opera- ions. Durent is said ta have re- presented himseif la Bowman- ville as an officiai of anotherý oil company and, ta have ex-1 tracted sums, which usually amaunted ta $300, fram local people for promises ta give them positions witb the ail compe'w as service station operators, ail listributors and truck drivers. He elso obtained $20 from ea local businessman on a cheque which was returned because of Don Venton insufficient funds. The Windsor an-d London op- Son of Chief of Police and eratar evidently did nat possess Mes. Sydney Venton, bas resign. any credentiels from the ail ed as Engineer of Streets and irmn be was supposed ta repres- Sanitation of the City of Ottewa. ent, but apparently this did nat Ha bas obtained a position witb faze the local peaple iaterested the Municipal Sales Division of in bis proposition. Nordic Truck and Equipment Durant was held in the cells Limited of Weston, distributors lu the Towia Hall Tbursdey of saowblowers, Sanivan garbage ight and taken to, Windsor by trucks, street fluslèers, etc. He ifficers from that city on Fri- will be living at borne with hi. iay. parents. I e a f e fi Il Il n 2 I aI Dr S z COPY NUMBER 21 2 ýe ic 1 1

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