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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1954, p. 4

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PAO pouE Hiha.adi ale h THE .CANAD)LMÇ TATESM~AM, EOWMANVILL, ONTARIO U SDY 371,15 Rig h wH a m tonan dm nit M r. andho u g hJ am ese original road must hve C h ac eA c oHa p n W me s sCili tLirgte at Br * ta the aouth of this, atherwuteGr a h r cé A toJnceM.adMr T Intiue easTak Mr. and Mms. MichaelNms M.adMs rdDKm ur e tthe Colonel could flot have had nttt e r kad fami! visited Mr.anMr.Dr, r ob atatL na 0hi& lake there. It was know a . M m e Harvey Bason and faiy t et'Mn a dthen as «"The PopIata", and h ver I"resefltatio ls, Travelling M mer irch Paint an SturgeonLk, r8 a dpoplars stili grow art thé sauth Mr. Ted ColiMâ aoe M'.H .Sehn N~ ( C on fidenticd side af the highway. CAHmPtan Women'a Inatitute Stefhen, 'Oshaw, a, ailger aawe Upstairs is an enormous b.d- I fT C ~ jl ~ l~held teir May meeting wlth Sta 'ia'.Santon'a. roomwhic tak~ Upthe haiWUV~~~ fU ww wI~v thpresldcp n the icchair. Mrs. Mr. Norman Broameshv By lal Crrah.riLI inyfront of the house. Here is a J. C. Mcriàb played the open.' their littie daughter, Fayehm B heCwa er un big four-poster bed (a reproduc- '1hose Who heard Dick a.rraduced in the carp:n solgOe alcl m nwr mSc hlde' optl t àn, marble-topped cheist of Ienwln, warld faniaus cha:Ui various caliia fdnc y"yHby.Scemy Ms .B lsel i.m .flMOTS RADTO OAC. pblc iterst iiwedthoyen te ahuge armoire, anc ai racter actor in a recital oaidira- newales. He ciosed wlth Klp- le ta innounce the meeting& for Mrs. GemryGlaspeli andaml XO»1 ROD T COCH-Pubie nteestallwedtheven t"reaearlîtest pianos made, a dear matic roicà at the Lions Comn- iing s immous poem "I". the year. Correspondence and Mr'. and Mrs. Alex McMase n aING DAYS ture ta 1apse iornêwhat (when little thing of Caucasien m- i ty Centre o May 19, enjor: IDon Shay assistcd et the piano thak yc>u letters were read. familyMr. Ivor Gerry atne Len e ffrJL1yf saw us agaf n heritage?) and when the Van- wlth wvooden WOrkm by Ira pcricnc:d In acommunity thia om ak fthe Bowman- ta the W.I. convention et GuelphTrone and visited at ap 01ur enthuhsiase the wed- wthe hausehe arietheo weeds. Ris exrTwisay ta*ht viee aih Scothem ste ock- Al size.s d t Hi M s.Tommyl'a tic pursuits, viiting an ad wcre waist-high on the iawn. makers af Canada. was richly apparent n veydo Fred H[one P at the meeting ater Mr@. J'lm Stainton atedda hous. This one, the beautiful Undaunted, they took aver. riadchace izaîn egien docor.en 0l auîg u her long il îness. Mrs. Sam Dew- miscellangeous shower frMs aid Barnum House et Graf ton, They have dane a tremendous Historie Hanonses ciay el took the chair for the pro- a le s 50 close ta us -ve don't know amaunt of wark, and have plans There are lots -ai things w. is prtray h a ai enteraycommunities this rnanth and gram. Mrs. *Adamson gave a how it is that we neyer made for a great demi more. haven't told you. For those who nh*antegmuarnitip next, and in the Fail wlll begin story an the motta, "The grand tia pilîgninage before. And we They are tiillIn the antique love aid houses, this is a won- tragedy ta high comedy, emch lie- another tour froni Newtound- esoentiaîs af Happiness are C ~ B f want ta amy tiret ai alp that business, but the antiques aie derful place and Mr. ýand Mn .ing received by the audience land ta Victoria. Hia periorm- somneting ta do, samething ta Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vendons, and naw in the barn, and the imme- VWdr r an odru ihtu detu iIn- ance la top dramatic ententain- love and something ta hope Th sn ak4 the Architectural ConaervancY diate project is ta refurbish the thing in prcserving this house preciation. Dickson-Kenwnn~ ment, sure ai receîving, as it lias for".' Crrntevns er gveniino ~ * * 1interest In the property, want thentic pieces. They have ia, know there are many Amen-beuiily xpesie po ueati esoseebfavrd rta Otri htstlhhvea huead unih twihmu admaig t ie gin e nouedhs rarm ih h dtLutoehteeotrnhu-byMn.Luhr lu.MisN.' people ta corneand sec the ready made a good start at tis. can friends who travel No. 2 Wmords".see on the een s.C Warren tald o salatrip a huse. Yau will want ta see the Highway who wouid b. Inter- famausf Man trai he seren ta Florida and the many beau- hWe hait a chaming welcame house for yourself with ns ested in visiting the Barnum A s Ya i ken rom nd ha epeare'.Gtfu.pacsan cney an h aurselves finom Mns. Vanders, loveiy wide pine board Iloors, House. And a littie farthen an, "As You ik ech t" Mndt ehu W.LJJI.!4 t f ruit.aes nds.Cehran w ho with her husband is sel- its spaciaus rooms and beauti- watch for two perfect speci- l rmtcsec iMcehlvl ri. Ms hn with ting about iurnishing the old fifrpae.Btw iîtl mens of Georgian brick archi- before the murder af Duncan. TAIT -'CAIN the aid ai a prajectar aiiaweci hous according ta its period. you that in one af the îow wings tecture on the opposite side ai Other excellent characteriza- Mny0ut-f-twn guests at- and Mns. Warren their tnp the 1 It as bilt y- Cl. Eiakin isan Aam freplce athe highway. These were buit tions from Shakespeare includcd an h araei etr 1 ~bltb ol lai ~~-- lc nd some i 87 yThmtejrFa4af te ats a n dedcieie.expla t ineed the Barnum in 1817 on the site 'Of beautiful wood work which in 87 y Toa ao astf,"h ats nnI Baptiat Church, Toronto,an ndeutinl dinesig an earller hause af the 181.h about a e e ot0 Spaiding, near the site ai uis history", Henry V, two raies May O5h fPtîi nnd m uiaandey msouhtime cenurywhih ws dstryedby ait. Tiswas Col. Barnum'sfaoscahn n th cetr hc ai 1812, b y a ibrraoecn weî ma- half- a huseion the dfirst from "The Tempest", Hamlet's daughter ai Dr. and Mrs. MOl- back cacoanuts in their natural tireyIn th war Dan-saandoquyeand the arveilousson Carl Cain, Toronto, ta Mr. state, misa some îavely large cîdent, by Canadian soldiers. gifle what a cosy room it wa forth Road between Kingston death speech ai Cardinal Wolsey John Goodali Tait, son ai Mr. shelîs, suitable ta make pretty ' Mr. and Mn.. Vanders are a with the big logs blazing on and York (Toronto). They are from "Henry VIII." and Mrs. C. William Tait, Bow- lamps. young couple Nith a paszbon for the fire and the light flickering not open ta the public, but the In the second haif ai the pro- manvilie. The ceremony was Lovely lunch was served by i; oid hauses and aid furniture. over the book sheives that once passer-by lias a perfect view. graim, portrayals af Dickens' conducted by Rev. Alexander the east graup under the con- They had aui antique shop in were there. Ontario is ful ai treasures Micawber and Uriah Heep de- Hackson and Rev. Dr. C. H. venorship afir. Hwr Goad. Vancouver, B.C., but decided ta neLneEtt like this. In many cases, unfor- lighted the audience, but per- Schutt, an-d the latter officiated A Mrs Hbuqetoward .Va I retrntather atveOntri OceLare sttetunateiy, they have nat been haps the highiight was Dickson- at the marriages ai the bride arow uie abturntth eirsnagtivy e ntarjo Inthehbig kithe at te preservd: Aypivate organi- Kenwin's characterization .of parents and lber two sisters. lov elybuqe i uip ab ouet h tee y arnaom he fe bak i thhouse i he wd zation which is making the et- S roge. With no more assist- Dr. Cain gave his daughter bs ea gi which as o'u know is on High- freplace with its iran crane fort shouid be encouraged by ance from make-up and costume in marriage. The bride's effec- .WayNo.1',seve mies ast f weremany a succulent dish ail the support we can gille it, than ruffiing hîs white hair ta tive gawn ai frost white slipper Cob o.g, s eenmes uest a bubbled over the fine in the and pressure shauld be brought stand on end, and knotting a satin was styled with iitted bo-MO Craborjutbfaeyo ner days when this graciaus housa ta bear on aur provincial Gov- muifler about bis neck, Dickson- dice featuring a deep V-neck- Fuus gHoa racrnes. In osevedays, n ernment ta provide financiai Kenwin became Scrooge before line and double painted collar, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron, Fortnay fo s dace.I those aiu euifl Gog a Coloial aid. Sureiy aur historic houses one's eyes. The miserable miser, and softly pieated haop skirt Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron,.____. .. care, ate onse ofancy h alines we erected lnia lt are important as taurist attrac- transiormed and reformed by bis falling into a cathedrai train. Jahnny and Brenda, at Stanley i j WhocrteCnevnyhadlnswr eecdinaite tions if for no other reasan, and terrible dream, was equally dra- Her long veil was caught ta a Coverly's, Ebenezer. irchased the house and land lake, fed by the streamn which here the Dominion Government matic and believable. The aud- bonnet oi matching satin dew- Mr. and Mrs. Tam Currie, k f4 19,37 and restored and fui'- stili runs by its sîde. This would cornes into the picture. The De- ience was campleteiy captivated. dwt iypaiad hlaitn tRbn ien's fanoroscul eSih nihd h hue.Hwee, eacos h peen o.2partment ai Travel and Publi- Another wondenful Dickens' carried a sunburst bouquet ai the weekend. snaecolb S city shouid not be passing aven partrayal was Sidney Carton ini Sweetheart roses and lily ai the Mrs. Elmer Down, Ebenezer this wanderful opportunity. "A Taie ai Two Cities". Dick- valiey. at Percy Davidson' With his swect the futur fCnd en rtc, o t * * * ~son-Kenwin cancluded the main The bride's attendants were Mr. and Mns. Harry Poiloz, through the workers insellmripaemng dau fijHW UH OD 18 IT portion ai uis progrnam with one Mrs. R. W. Barber, matran ai Midiand, at R. C. Stainton's for farms, that Canada gros tes ~ ~ Il- DOING? of the mast screamingly funny honor; Mrs. John L. Turner, the weekend.An tifoSmh- g-P e J3L, l4I LILurs o cHG "take-ofis" ever witnessed. The Mrs. Douglas Carscailen. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMaster Adi sfrSihadmnlk i-httemdmcn ch country has its own pe. scene wa: th-e annual charity Caroivn Atchison and littie Miss and famiyvisited Ior Gerry, sumer finiance compan oodms eidsrn Wedding Table Nmpkins, Coasters and Matches the midst ai gentiy rolling hilis ing ail the chanacters, Dickson- net, they wore jackets trimmedTrno essential ta Smith the citzn oe o h nxetd..~ adfertile orchard lands ntO. become Personmlly yours when printed with asaa rgl, lns o Kenwin did the pompous chair- with matching flowers centred Mn. and Mrs. Keith Stainton, eegnyteopruiy .aeasuc n fe h a-sa f ragle fagnant bloom. man, the secretary giving the with rhinestones, and net halos Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton at eegny teop The fields have been sown, and annuai report, the alderman, the enhanced with similar flowers. Douglas Skinner's, Oshawa. answer ta his needs. your two names and the date of the wedding. in the green pastures are good curate, and a Frenchman giving Ahi carried sunburst bouquets jMn. and Mrs. Christian Star, HashlFinchspaereinroingasudndne. c:ttle, and sheep with littie a toast to the ladies. This was shading from pale pink ta deep Bruce and Jacqueline, Islington; ligehlFiac s1 We can supply these, also Personal Stationery , The leaves of the trees arecmd-a isbetBn aurpber Mastrich aelCain Mrs. . npslMsoVfeian p erae rolm o ud.d fthuad greeted with continuous, delight- abrwsrn err The Mulier K. Waters, Toronto, at o epe stili a feather and tendgr ed laughten. best man was Mr. R. W. Bar- Hans Geissbergen's. montWE OGMI Swift between great wiliows gave what be calîs "adds and srs. Edwin G. Daniel, John L. Bruce, Mn. and Mrs. Walter reasonable prices. whose trunks show the scars af ends", variaus imitative sounds Turner, Donald Chiids and Paul Francis and Stephen, West Hill many ymetrs ai c os . Th e sun sTuerk. Mr. and Mrs. William Dart, S. isdeep an r eet na. her gfash 5 __ _ _ ___in_ _ _ __ _ _ The reception vas bld at Scarboo Jt.; M r. and Ms. ~ Please allow about 10 days for these. St.eepan gren.Bids ashrnh Prince Arthur Flouse, n hi~Henry Keeler, Malvern, at Henry ~.-Z1T2~P ~ ~,.f?« J ~ ~~~~the fragrance ai blssoms. The SJ58~ h Mrs. Tait wil live in Lansing. M. and Mrs. Robent Kilien, I AN ' wild trees are in blooam ta in the woods and along same N V R I K Sfallen ta the "eniess, hideous_________________ sîugter oi being sprayed by aur nisguided authonities. St. Jobn'à Church la ta have 8 1 2 0The dead skeietons wlich are a guest preacher at il a.m. and ieft ta stand wbere once a 7 p.ffi. on Sunday in the persane country road was . beautiful ai the Venerable C.N.E. Hum- *ICE CREAI VENETIAN BLINOS a PHYSiCANS &SUIRGEONS *COSTUME RENTAL *a AIR LINE COMPANIES ha avaie e aeiT esciLintirw a y church. A native ai Britain, hie tirt ervd hechurch in Eng-Te t i 0r m Il liiirmy officer. After a number GIHM M.1 wny dido 't Yoma*u o er i hscaZ: 2y h en ;gteedTinity College, Toronto, a u where he studied tbcolagy. TEST IT FOR LOOKS Graduating in 1935 he was or- TS y 1 - serv~~~~ai ed othscremns i ""y If yau like sleek styling, you'l like Plymouth. . Pick e really te u acekPyat' loo10 k ini the and rta ithe ceseo I' __~~~O ta i until 1949 when li It's Iawen than m aut cars in its field ... avec - ively, high-c m rsin a gn.n eev Pear thecallfor issinaris' Slanger than ever befons. Inside, its two- 1 ,f, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~in Canada's northland and was tone fabrîca and fine appointments rival thQse hand with reibeFd-i eP wrSaring appointed pawtre Then sefc01awxyou canCaparkawith on. W~Athaasa ta Watcrways and HFort MacPherson. In 1950 lie was made a "Canon" ai theTETlsieCR fl TEST UTS SAETFU RS Doeeadsn otkchreSelf ad;usting Onlflow shock absorbers and ,- Try the'electnewnsll lesta ee Qi important and extensive ~~iîsalo lw d w. Ak aotsc de work at Athabasca. Mare recent- i big, tapered-leaf apnings heip deliver a truly tlorsm ly the Bishop ai Athabasco ap- balanced ride. Try a Plymuth ven yteahre s afety-Rm helstht ol pone him Achdeacon oi bumpiest road yu know. tsfeuel <Athabasca. aiofspecialdrn uywhh A friend af Rev. Warren Tur-SatyMnh AMBUILANCE SERVCE *PAINT DEALERS *SPORTINSG OGOS *NURSÉRYMEN *KNIT GOGOS e ENCRAVES *ner since college dsays. larchem-TSTTSOMOTADVIILY members ai the cangregation. In his sermon the Recton -tressed the dependence of in- ........ dustniml areas upon the wark ai farmens and gardeners and spoke oi the land as being held in trust for God and for future genenations. He took as his text tue Psalmist's words "The earth esa~n 4. lVe re which are banc in win- ter anyway. Whene la the logic min this? Thé excuse às that it makes it Possible ta snow phow these roads, but when mil the dsad trees and bushes are leit mauadrdin 6Canada bu s t a tnd ins t e n iwas e ,mt h eL o k t a y C H R Y L R - P l. the a~ y hnîy spring ,. o y u .. s . w M O H- A * d oi wMt a cool glass of our vitamin-packed muilk! Bcst reward of al - and sumnmer comne that the for more valu. ue d oifo diference la hamnilby apparent. reatores energy, keeps the body fit. Drink' your daily quota of vitality- The wild trees and shrub. at- gfvtn m U k 1 * h atth hap inea sud do w n lght deli ious esa.tract b ath be s and b rds, b th , k ai gM Sh tà apauad onih éicoaat fwhleb arc ai crat help ta I l 1K. the fimers. As fol weca-if I J E' ~ ~I~Ai ~Aaa fariner could contrai aU the PAl 'v L//r II¶1min. If the truth were told, GLEN RAE AIRYhaw much good is this road- PRONE 444 FOR DAILY DELIVERY side destruction achieving 'We! 20 asuG ST E. OWe IL E E H N 8 think it la time that authorities stapped tea nsider.

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