---------e.-,. - " ,-.,..- - v. *W - "MUSDAY, MAY 27th, 1954 A il. job, Dr. Long quoted educa- Speaer ~aresing meacerstors of 1903 and 1896 who stated Spea er A dre sing Teac ers much the samne thing. Dr.. Long's 1 . 1 contention was that the older Defends Our Educational S.ystemu generation bas awy rtcs ed the younger, even as far back »tionS as Socrates in 469 BC ClamsItFis re enl Lnd Dr. Long feit that the criti- cism that standards have deter- About 80 public achool teach-1 things," hie said, "have been iorauteihecrrificumto proe Sers of the Oshawa and West happening to the birth rate." becauentec urculum a en V Duham ssocatio enjedInl1951lthere were 39,000 more bodnds uh W ofo Deuementaryoschooon thanythepay as much attention to some delcaus anqut atthe in ye eor. Nextyea te -subjects," lhe said. "Spelling is a deicius anqet t te Lonsyearbefre.Nex yer i isex-important, but flot as important Comnmunity Centre on Tuesday pected there will be 46,000 more as it was in the old schools when Sevening, May 18 and heard Dr. than last year. This necessitates 1 was a boy." ~ohn A. Long, birector of Re- the building of many new A 1913 High School inspec- 'earch at the Ontario College schools, and obtaining from tr eoto pligsoe Sof Education, Toronto, speak somnewhere a sufficient number14t or' eort on1speaings8%hoed on, the subject "A Defence of of teachers to staff themn. *ad 14% ood, 31% fa r.%Loor Our Educational System and believe the situation will bean27 basthtD.Lg Pupils". worse before it is better," said feit the situation had not wor- « - sened. He aiso feit that the e career of the guest speak- Dr. Long. pp readers used in today's public er, Dr. John A. Long, was Trustees, teachers and pup:s schools are much better than briefly sketched by Miss Fran- have ail come in for criticism, when he was a boy.- ces McLeod. Dr. Long received the speaker said. "But trustees his eiementary and secondary for the most part are the sait Broader Education education in Walkerton, and the of the earth, the teachers as Young people today are be- ..degree of B.A. from McMaster good if not better than they ing educated, he stated, for liv- SUnivers- . He took his Ph.D. ever were, and the children as ing under today's conditions. at Col' biâà University in Edu- good as they ever were." He referred to Dr. Hilda Neat- tiq Psychology, and attend- Dr. Long's refutation of the by's contention that the sehools Ontario Coliege of Education criticism of Presîdent Sidney shouid be for no other purpose Toronto. After considerable Sm ith of Toronto University and than mental training, and saîd, teachlng experience, hie became an editorial in the Toronto Tele- "I don't think this is truc at ah."c -director of Research at O.C.E. gram on the almost illiterate He felt that the broadened cur- in 1941. He has aiso been a condition of High School grad- riculum which includes such mnember of Forest Hill Schooi uates was, "How silly can you subjects as physical education, Board, and became the first get?" health, social development, pre- chairman of Metropolitan To- Not fllterate paration for citizenship and re- ront Schoi Bard.ligious training should also be ront Schol Bard.He stated that anyone who a part of education for ail round Jump In Birth Rate passed the Upper School Eng- development of children. Dr. Long felt that the present lish examination was certainly Today's education must fità criticism of education, particu- flot illiterate. Assuming Presi- onpelefrteuefth F larly as to its cost, is to some dent Smith to infer that the aoug eple or he ue o hell extent understandable. "Strange high sc-hools once did a better living' has provided, said Dr. Long. People today have a thousand more hours of leisuxeC a year than in 1921, he said. "I think schools have some obliga-N -U tion in preparing children for aa worthy use of leisure," thea speaker stated. il "People say that young peo-M pie are lazy and don't want to work," Dr. Long said. "But whoG does? Do labor unions give any 1V evidence of wanting to work?' SIf people worked the same e number of hours that they did K 50 years ago, it would throw K . . . .. . . .the whole economy out of joint,T lif e said. Young people toddy j( don't walk when they can ride, but they are busier with activi- ai ties than 50 years ago. "To sur- M round children with thie luxur- M ies we have today and then k"expect them to show pioneer M virtues is siily," he said. '"Chi1d- G ren today, I feel, are well pre- m And ou'l hve mneyfor pared to go out into the world." W~ extra expenses, too, when you Necessary Profession G: Phone todcr' for Iearn about the way you can As for the critîcism levelled Hý d.tals f hsave by using the 'blue coal' at teachers, this is not peculiar more eol te Budget Plan. Convenient to this age either, Dr. Long fa monthly payments assure you said. Teaohing is a necessary a of pid-p hat or he om- profession and probably moreM cfpid.p erat fo th e m- appreciated than teachers real- do ing .itradYUSv ize. Dr. Long was thanked by w( lue Icoa money when you buy now Miss Marguerite Powell, Osh- at a 'warm-weather discount'. awa. Bc 'ý,.B DGET P L teMrs. Olive Moffatt, Maple SÉ Grove, president of the Asso- Mi ciation, presided and introduc- NE *X bb.--ed the head table guests which Le inciuded Mr. T. R. McEwen, In- Sspector; Mrs. Ruth Clark, Port A. S h e p u r ~ uuooe Hope, 2nd vice-president of the an Sheppa d Gîll Ontario Teachers Federation; a Lum er Co LmiedMr. EreWebstr, Inspector; King St.. E.itda director of the Women Teach- A. Kk t .Bowmanville Phone 715 ers Federation of Ontario; Miss 1 ___________________________________________ Florence Hart, Oshawa, vice- ma Br, You'II shop refreshed when you pause afor Coke he'sagood reason for the familiar red coolers in food stores. A pause for an ice-cold Coca-Cola lifts the spirit - makes shopping easier. So the next ti me you shop look for the red cooler and have a Coke. And take a cartonor two home .. . young folks love it. Auhorlz.d botier of Coca-Cole under contract wth Cocoi-Cola Led. HambIy's Beverages (Oshawa) Ltd. OSHAWA -ONTARIO -C*e ina more h» rde mor, 4 TE _CANADIAN STATESmAN, IBOWqMMIVILLEONTAIO QUEEN'S POWDER -BOX-Canadian palladium and f jve other precieus platinum metals were chosen fo r the exquisite design of this uniqtqe powder box, a recent gif t of' the (U.K.) Institution of Metallurgists to Her Majesty Wueen lizabeth. Thie otner were platinum, iridium, rhoÈ ENNISKILLEN Mrs. Irwin Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg and Allen, Providence, Mrs. L. Ranton, Mrs. E. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett, Hampton, Mrs. E. C. Ashton . Miss Janice Bcech ai 0. C. Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Kcith Ferguson, MVr. and Mrs. Zack Adams, Bricc and Blain, Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Lee and fam- ily, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson. Mr. and Mms. Elmer Hawes, Gail and Cheryl, Hampton, with MIr. and Mrs. Earl Tmcwin. Mr. and Mms. Lavemne Clem- ens, and Ron, Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox, Hampton, Misses Betty Knox, and Jeannette Snydcr, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon. Mm. and Mrs, Clarence Avery. and family, Burketon, Mr. and vIrs. Cameron Oke, Oshawa, at Mir. and Mi~s. A. Oke's. Misses Barbara and Joyce Milis, Master Ivan Milîs, Maple Grove, Mm. Ken Kelly, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Verry, Mr. and- Mrs. John E. Griffin and family, with Mrs. Harold Milîs and family. Mr. and Mms. Bey. Veale and Fmily, rctumned home, when on amotor trip with hem parents, Mr. and Mms. F. W. Wemmy, lown around Gaspe Peninsula a ffcck ago. Master Maurice Bradley, 3owmanvillc, Mr. and Mrs. Jini impson, and family, Trenton, [iss Patsy and Donald Page, gewcastle, with Mm. and Mrs. conard Bradley. Mr. and Mms. F. E. Wemry, Mr. S. Pascoc, Solina, Miss Di- ice Lee, Kedron, Miss Anne Vhitc. Mm. John Davey, Osh- tva, Mm. and Mrs. Gco. Gray, 'oronto, with Mm. and Mm.. E. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. ýArthum Lang. aid, Mm. and Mrs. ýGordon Irown and Debomah, Mr. and rs. Ed Horn, Oshawa, Mr. and rs. Roy Langmaid, Mr. and Irs. Charlie Langmaid, and farlene, Solina ,Miss Ruth ýock, Bowmanvillc, at Mr. R. IcGill's. Mr. and Mms. Gamnet Towns nd Family, Peterbomo, Mm. El- ~rn Dickey, Yclverton, at Mm. 1Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. John Shackle- )n, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ives, >wmanviiic; Mr. and Mrs. Duis Crydermnan, Hampton, ith Edgar Wrights. r. and Mms. J. D. Brown, rand Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, ono, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Or- iston, Ebenezer; Mrs. Thomas tvenson, Mr. Harold and Miss ice Stevenson, Toronto, Mms. Vannatto, Mm. Cecii Vannat- Bowmanville, Mms. Clarke, rand Mrs. Lenard Oughtred, il Donna, Wcsleyvillc, wcre inday gucsts of Mm. and Mrs. J. Ormiston. MIr. and Mrs. John Oke and ndy, Oshawa, with Walter e's. M. and Mrs. Stanley Turner, id Helen, Miss Beverley ore, Oshawa, with Mm. and s. Frank Dorland. Mr. and Mms. Howard Brad- 7and Brian, Maple Grov2, h Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Coilacutt, Indsor, Mrs. Bertha Yeo, Bow- invilie, with Mm. and Mrs. 'don Yeo. Mr. and Mms. Charles Spires, 1and Mrs. Clark Doriand, sAudrey May, and Gary peer, Michigan, Mrs. Tom If's, Detroit, with Mrs. John rland. [r. and Ms. Wallace Griffin, Mr Mr Mr Ma Me an( w' ton Bol Lot li Mr. Orc mis Ali D. to, Mr. and Sun Rar 0kE and Moc Mrs ley, WiCî m Gori Dr. Mrs. Lape Woi Dbrm i president of the Oshawa and West Durham Association for the past Year and the ncw pre- sident for 1954-55; Miss Cath- erine Stewart, Kendal, presi- dent of the Clarke unit; Miss Agncss Carruthers, Bowman- ville, Dariington and Cart- wright unit; Miss Marguerite Powell, Oshawa, president of the Oshawa association. New Officers This siate of officers was bought in by Mrs. M. McDon- aId, Bowmanville and adoptcd: President-Miss Florence Hart, Oshawa; Vice-Pres.-Mrs. Edna Phi]p, Tymone: Secretary-Miss Helen Boddy, Oshawa; Treasur- c-Miss Mymtle Hall, Bowman- ville. Prier te Dm. Long's address, Mm. Richard Moses of Oshawa, entertained the company with two fine bamitone solos, "'Linden Lea" and "Thine Alone". He was accompanicd at the piano by Mms. Moses. Miss Agnes Carmuthers moved a vote of thanks te the Homne and School Association who ca- temed fer the delicieus banquet. Mrs. Mcl Wiseman, president, replied. In retiring from the presiden- cy. Mms. Olive Moffatt exprcssed her thanks for the privilege cf serving the Association and also thanked ail those who helpcd plan the cvening, which had been decided upon instead of the oustomiary annua picmic. manuel Coliege, and dinner at St. James-Bond United Church, Toronto, on May 19. Mrs. Vemna Wood, Mr. and Mms. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Rev. and Mrs. John Kitchen and Olaf, Mr. and Mms. Garnet Towns, and family, Petemboro, Miss Muriel Reynolds, Bowman- ville, Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Gwen and Eunice, Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Bowman- ville, with Mr. Lomne Lambs. Mr. and Mrs. I. Travail, Beth and Bruce, Oshawa, Mr. Ralph Virtue, with Mr. and Mms. H. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brad- ley, and Beverly, of Bowman- ville, at Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Laughlin. Mrs. Gordon McLean, Ux- bridge, with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blue Cross Plan Paid Out More rmetals, ail mineci at Sud bury-, In the first three months cf knhv eoeuinzd r ee eaa~.Prna. odium, ruthenium and osmium. 1954, Blue Cross expenses of the Ontario Hospital Association ex- * M Y Heather and Dale, were Sun- over $750,000.00 as was antici-F nM * day tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. pated. Benefits alone in Janu- Lreofc nJbleBidn nKn tet Norman Coliacutt and attended ary, February, and March to- Lreofc nJbleBidn nKn tet 1 Tyrone anniversary evcning talied $7,3O,OO.00-administrà- Wes;aalable May 31st; heated; long lease if iservice, tion expenes for this non-profit' s;aa Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Werry Plan represcnted only seven desired. Apply- and Jane, Toronto, were Mon- per cent of subscriptions recciv- day dinner gucsts of Mr. and ed. The new rates which became tMrs. R. J. Ormiston. effective April lst now make it N. J.. SCi.O T T Mr. and Mrsý Cecil Robinson, possible for the Plan to meet KnsaNuers Newtuivileivir. and Mrs. R. expenses eut of current income. Brookdale-Knsa usre Bycrs. Bowmanville, Misses Hil- In the same period (January Bowmanville, Ont. da Kay and Dorothy Skinner, îst to Mar. 31st) Bluc Cross ex- »Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. perienced a net growth of 50,- Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mitchell and* girls, Bowmanvillc, at Mr. andM 1Mrs. Harold Ashton. M chMreSlnitMrad. and Mrs. Tom Baker and :During th o hsf cHaydon, SMr, wnd Mr. andr t e Mn hs f . Mrs. Walter Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, v Toms, Helen and Wilma, Purple: Hil, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moore,Evlnad oieJSily*NE - JULY - AUGUSTi Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Dor-* cen and Donald at Mr. and Mrs.a Fred Toms. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Walker, *___ Daîphine and Joanne, Bowman- M Mclles,Whitbyusieited R E S L U N S vie w ituseianl G rifi. ML I N Misssh ,LouWisc anid Mr.i Mrd.r. eM.Irin Mr. and Mms. Bob Johnson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Donald MIL R MA N O E Prcscott, Enfîcld, Mr. and Mis. Hoskin Smith, Hampton and Mr. a and Mrs. Russell Gilbert with M. Mrs. T. M. Siemon. -Im ran Mr. and Mrs. G. Leask, Taun-:,j ( [~L il f a v' i ton, with Mr. and Mms. M. J.~i ii ~ W UE E . Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs at- tended the May Festival at On- tario Ladies' College, Whitby, and close Saturdays ut 6 p.n. on May 22. M Mrs. M. J. Hobbs attended the Dominion Council, W.A. at Em- 000 new. "hospital came" parti- cipants and 25,000 surgical-me- dical participants. The surgical- mnedical benefits provide pay- Iment for doctor's came in hospital and are availabe to groups in tection. One Blue Cross patient recently mcceived hospitalization benefits totalling over $3,100.00. 0f this amount, $1,700.00 was for oxygen, the balance consisted mainly cf daily charges over an extended period. Over 20,000 hospital accounts are paid by Blue Cross evcmy month. With 1,875,000 people of this province enrolled (approxi- mately 40 % of the population) the Ontario Hospital Associa- tion's Blue Cross Plan is now seventh in size of al eighty-fivc Blue Cross Plans on thi.s con- tinent. Over 47,000,000 North Americans are Blue Cross mcm- Sam McGee cf Northemn Lights fame up Lake Barge way would turn over in is grave, perhaps, at this news: Empioy- es in the cocktail lounge and tavrn at Whitehorse in the Yu- B ride Guest of Honor At Several Showers Mrs. Roy Earl Stoneburg, Newcastle, (nec Keitheen Bran- igan, Bowmanville) was gqest of honor at several showers pri- or to her marriage on May 15. On Thursday, May 6, a misoel- laneous shower was heid at the home cf Mrs. F. R. Cook, King St. East, Bowmanville, with hostesses Mrs. Florence Land and Miss Peggy Stephens. The bride-to-be was seated ln a chair decorated with pink and white streamers and pres. ented with ber many gif t. About 26 fricnds attendcd. Lunch was served at the con- clusion of the evcning. At the home of Mrs. Louise Raby, the bride was entertain- cd on May 12, at a kitchen and linen showcm. Twenty-four friends attendcd te present their gifts and best wishes to the bride. A dclicious lunch wau se ey athe hes. utf We have somuhomtt This Canada of ours - is ours tg enloy et a prie. - the prie. of constant alertness. W. cannot tako for groned our freedom ta worship, Io vote, Iao ducate our children, or te order aur home lhf. as w. piease. Ail those freedoms are ours oniy os long as we are willing te do evorything nec.ssary to maintain ond defend them. AN honour thon te the Canadien Soldier - the steadfast guordian ef ail oui' free. institutions. Without mon 1k. him, te Canada w. love might ceose te ho. W. have se muefi ta protect. Let us aIl do oui' part, without lot-up, ini whatever way oui duty lies. SERVE CANADA AND YOURSELF IN THE ARMY Te h. sflgièdeyou mrust b. 17 Io 40 yeai's of age, skilI.d trodesmenIo ta4&. When applying bring birth certicfct, or othor proof of agie. Appy righ Ow.y - ferEfo u ormetile.write or vjis»fMe Army R.crulaffgCrEre reef y.ur he., li. f3 NrsuWl Doel, uIiseuld.£..hS, m"% Otm, 0U0.- Teplu.e9-45«? No. 5 Nérsoéneî Dopol. ArtlIIry Puit, lagel INof, KIMgse, Ont. - FeIeplone 6149 Canadiée Amy Recruiting Contre, 90 Rkhmond St. W.,. 1ubOIe 0.- Tepben.EN. 6-8341 - Local 276 W 7 Personnel Depof. Wolsoley Barricks, Odfod & Elliabeb th u, Lndn, Ont. - Tolephon. 2-3261 Army Recruitinq Cent*, 230 Main SI. W.. Nlo.l Bay, Ont. - Tlophone 456 Ca"ll. m uln SIWla, 984 #»Led Wal Fi, ""Mé- leophbe2-8108 e.uw.0 - 1 ID à r-lip à