1PAGM IN Roses Off to Good St art Win Opening Double Header Monda y Large Attendance a! Home Game Before a very good opening- receivel beautiful bouquets of day crawd cf 550 fans the Bcw- roses. rnanville Brookdale Roses gat In addition, each lady in the cff ta a good start in the Lake- park was presented with a rose shore Basebali 4eague opener through the courtesy cf Norman here Monday morning by de- J. Scott, sponsor of the bail club. feating the Coîborne Dodgers 4-1 HsWrhiadtcpa- behind the five-hit pitching of H. ntaranshead the cafr: Georg "Gufightr" Hath. he f~irst pitch ta officiafly open The Roses then proceeded to the basebali season. After one zweep their holiday double-bill waste pitch, Mayor Vanstone gat by travelling ta Whitby in the onc aver the plate and Mr. James aftarnoon and trouncing the connected for a g r o u n d e r Whitby Larry's B.A. squad 9-4 through short which would have lvîth Lefty George Joncs doîng been a fairly certain hit in any the hurling. game. The opener at the High School George Heath then tcok cver grounds Monday morning had a the pitchar's mound and the great deal o! înterest for the Roses took the field behind him. spectators, as thera were color- Th oesudreie u is fui apening cerernonies in ad- three Coîborne batters and then dition ta the well-played, inter- went ta work in aarnast in their esting bail gaine. The ban c1 Of 'own haîf cf the first. Don Gil- the Bowmanville High School hooly draw a walk and stole and the Boys' Training Sciac, second. Buck Cowie also gat a paradel through variaus sections 'waik and Maxie Yourth laid a of town and haaded the parade sacrilice bunt down the first cf cars led by Reeva Roy Nich- base line which advanced thein ols of Darlingtan and Mayor to third and second. Morley Vanstone, followed by HoprRsLngobe cars bearing the players which oprRsLngDul proceeded down Temperance Batting in thea dean-up siot, and Queeen Streets ta the bail Catcher Frank Hooper hit a long Ipark. double inta deep centre field Flag-Ralihg Ceremony which brought Gilhooly and1 Cowle across with twô runs. Pro-gaine ceramnonias includcd Hooper was terccd at second,1 ithe raising of a flag donated by Ted Bird struck out and Butch Mrs. W. J. Bagneli and Mrs. C. Cale grounded out ta second te T. Ross. by their sans, Bill Bag- end the scoring with the Rosest neil and Danny Ross. This was in front 2-0. hoisted on the pale in centre Colborne talliel thair lana run1 fiel which was erectel in 1940 In the third trame whcn their% as a memorial ta the lata C. T. t h i r d basaman, MacFarlana, 1 "Tommy" Ross, Prasident o! the stepped int oanc a! Haath's fast 1 Bowmanville Basebail Club in pitches and parkad it aver thec 1939. The late W. J. "Bill" Bag- laft field wail for a round trip-. nell was instrumental in having par.t this mamorial erectad, and wvas The Rases aîded two moreg a staunch supporter cf the club runs in the bottoin o! the third. r over the yaars. Hoper lad off with a walk and h President Ted Bagnali et the Bob0,0 Gallaghar !ollowel with a Club introduced Mrs. Ross and drive into centre field, whichc Mrs. Stuart Candier, who was sent Hooper ta second. Ha reach-E zapresenting her mnother, Mrs. cd third and Gallaghar advanced ]Bagneli. Barbara Crombia, the ta second when the bail went Winsoma sinall daughter o! Tearn through the Dodger's centra c Manager Jim "Ticker" Crombie fielder for an errer. Tint Cox 2 and Mrs. Crombia. then present- struck out, but Ted Bird bit a ed Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Candiar scratch single te the pîtcher 'With a bouquet of Brookdala which cashel Hoopar, and Gal- c roses. Aise introducel by the laghcr also seorad on the pitch- b4seball club presilent were1 er's bad throw ta firs. col Mirs. John M. James, wife of struck out ta end the scoring Durham M.P. Johnny James, and with Bowntanvile ahead 4,1. b Mrs. Morley Vanstone, wite cf Thera was no scoring for the Mayor Vanstone, and thay too rest c! the gaine as beth Heath r- Originally was the titieofc HAYDEN wrete words for thý the campaign sang af Presi ONE 0F A SERtES PRESEtN "A~BR E ý Saves You Dollars In Ontario Hydro's Research Division somne 298 people, of whom 80 are Research Engineers, maintain a constant study of electrical, structural, mechanical and chemicaJ problemns, as well as the testing and quality control of all items used ini the Commzissons day-by-day 4cfte. A cloue liaisn between the Laboratoniesamn ail other Kydro Divisons resuits in high efficiency and nuLxmlimeono.ny- ONIAROiYiR. A I U OUADYU laftrmaioc ocing O"iao HydrM e skobtsu.d by wunting yow mydre Chaoi, s.6»0 IJivUs4 yAvenue. T«Omate for Bowmanville and Bal an the hill for Coîborne pitchel stealy bail over the remaining six innings. Bail struck out eight in gaing the distance, and Heath fanned four. For Bowmanville, Butch Cale hda double and single as well as pla., xng a strang gaine at short; Hooper knocked out a twa- run doubla, and Ted Bird, Don Gilhooly, Bob Gallaghar and Tim Cox all stroked single. The five hits given up by Heath wcre MacFarlane's haine run and a single, and singles by Bridgman, Turner and Bail. Touching Ail Bases It was "'Gunfigliter" Haath's tirst game for the Rases and ho hurledl very steady bail in giv- ing up only five hits . .. He re- caived good support in the field as his matas con-initted only two errars, neither of which figured in the scoring . .. "Buck" Cowle maIe saveral nica catches un let field ,. . The Rosas look ta have a strong defensive infield with Maxie Yourth shifted ta third rather than second, Butch Cola at short, Gilhooly at second and big Bob Gallagher at tirst... This combination also accounted for four hits. The Rosas have a strong, well- balanced club, and on the strength of their first twc gaines look ta be the teain ta beat again this year ... Mrs. James Brown, Courtice, grandm-othar of Frank E{ooper, who is 76 years cf aga, was presentel with a dozen Brookdale roses by 'Club Pras- ident Ted Bagneli for being the oîdest lady present at the gaine ... Manager Jin Crombie had tha teain in goal shape for the game and their three weeks of ,ractice showed up in thair heads-up playing.1 R HE Co1borne 010 000 000 1 5 2 3ow'ville 202 000 00x 4 7 2 Coiborne - MacFarlane, 3b; Dion, cf; Bridgmnan, If; Turner, c; Wannainaker, lb; Armstrong, 2b; Alexander, ss; Haynas, Mitts (7), r!; Bail, p. Bowmanville - Gilhaoly, 2h; Cowle, If; Yourth, 3b; Hooper, C; Gallaghar, lb; Cox, r!; t.rd, cf; Cola, ss, Heath, p. Umpiras- Hobbs, plate; Baxnes, bases. Barum til Rh nD'PTInU eral Rome of 1orthcutt and atructive erltlclsm whlch work- Adrc womnan who had a Banu tiiRih O I UA I Smith. cd for gaod. worthesa husband was asked S uke i B rn OH ~. o~Relatives and fr1iTIds from The school, Dr. Edinborough why she put up with him. Suke i ,Bon OIN . OXWindsor, Thornbury, Toronoaonte out,lahnipedn "Well," she said-'I make the Evey M nue Te eat oeuPickud eri ng and Oshawa, attend-taeffort by having to cape living, but he niakes the living E v e y M n u e T e d at o c u rr d u d d nl y e d th e se r i c , T e p ll e a r rs w ith to o l r e c la m ae s a n d b y w o rth w h jle ." May Sth et ht.s home on Tem- were S. Mcl ate, . Quinsey. the tact that some people expect The fallowimg editorlul ap- 'perance Street ofa John A. Coz, R. F. Bond, C. W. Mathews, the school to prepare the child peared in the Slmncoe Relormer, non of the late Simon Cax and Messrs. Keith and Ray Lath- for every kind of lite situation but the ideas so well expressed age e.M.Tre odc.yfculkolde apply ta Bawmanville andMargaret Finlynson MacDonald eangue.Rerv.iMr.etutern r fndt- Tby fact kieortn.akla. P Cox, of Sa ieheand ý1gh1:and - n dcainit n r : oLU trili a a e stlz mne br n e ueeetrough's opinion le teaching youth H ATIN y ha ipo sibeen simtein 1874. Ho was a master mech- t en frôm the coffers cf Sincoe anlc and stationery enginee Pôsr, Addresse The guest speaker was thank- When You are hn Dccl of 1 business men in the past year er" his trade uYider hie riso ~~..rs e e by Mrs. Eva Gardon Rankin plumbing and heatlng >by slick out-of-town advertislng a&thor's guidance in Beauhar- of Ottawa, newly elected Second experts, give us a call. *salesmen pramoting ephemneral Mn.is, Qu e nMot Eal sen na oVice-President by the Federa - projects cf ane kind or another. adMer. alivealhinOtreawa.oncfWaen Teachers Asso- Agents for Certain ls It that the volume of adsvr. er nOtw.W'omen Teachers ctiaotio'n'et Ontaria. LENNOX AIRE FLOW maney thus extractecj wauld r.in Whie there ha was a member Attendlng as representativesW into thousands cf dollars. cf the Governar General's Foot Prof. Arnold Edinborough, from this district were Miss FURNACES , L hl ir r oeîgtm urs Coming ta Bowman- Assistant Professer of English Phyllils Parker, Ontario Street LENNOX CON VERSI ate projacts, the majarity are ville at the turn cf the century, at Queen's University, addressed S c h a a 1, Bowmanvillc; Mrs. cf littie value ta the adver- h e warked for the Dominion the luncheen gathering cf soe Olive Mat! att, Maple Grove; OIL BURNERS tised and actually amaunt te an Piano Ce. two hundred women teachers and Miss Irene Inch, Kendai. autright donation te the indlvi- InIi 1908 ho marrled Miss Vida cf Eastern Ontario recently held Ta aid in the recruitment of dual cr organization sponsoring B. Haines cf Bawmanvllle. A ini Kingston. Hq raferral ta the teachers the Faderatian ut If you wlsh, Time Paymonts thern. Whlle charitable organ- son, A. Haine& Cox and a grand- "Open Season an Educatiait" Wamen Teachers have estab- izations within the county are son, JO11 H. of Riverside, Ont., when criticism was levelied at lished a Bursary for 1954-55 andote cf a different order.and gener- survive; alto two sisters, Mise the schocîs and universitie. hi, it is their hope ta increase the Bothwev- ally rpert support fram bus!- Ida Cox, Mrs. J. A. Lanktree parents, journaliste, politiciens, number at an early date. ness menthe vast majorlty of (Ruth) and a nephew Gordon and some educationists them- Benevaient and Sick Bênefit& C oIe appealsar front Outaicle inter- Lanktree, c f Huntingdon, selves using as an exaniple cf Funds are alsa operated for the & C l ests seaklng ta make tomena .y Que. In 1983 Mr. Coz married the last group the indictinents benefit of teachers who flnd PLUMBING and REATING maney at the expansa of thé Edna Kerr of Oshawa, who sur- cf Dr. Hilda Neatby li her book,I themselves li need of financlal 26 Ontario St. Phone 3473 business community. vives him. "Sa Little for the Mind". assistance. O MNIL The tinie wculd appear ripe Mr. Ccx was a member of St. Iu somne cases critica were, ho for the Simcaa Board of Trade Paul's United Church. Hlm min- sald, woefully inadequate te ap- An Institution le the iengthen. Alter hours Phono 2085 ta clamp down an these get- lster. Bey. HarodI Turner, offi- praise the work of educational cd shadaw cf one man.-Emer- rich-qulck acharnes. Through Its ciated at the service at the Fun- insttutans. A few oftered con- son. Ratail Merchants' Section, the Board might well warn al members against falllng prey to these quack advertising ap, peals- Saine ycars ago the Board adopted a bylaw that Its mecm- bers should net 'fall for' any such schemes unles t first had the endorsation cf the Board of TraIe. A special committee was named ta pas on the merits of each appoal for donations or aI. vertising sales ' scheme. With the ca-aperation cf ail mcm- bers, it wauld thus be possible ta confine contributions ta legi- timate projects. The present sit- uation is muicting the business' men of this cammunity of thou- *** sands of dollars annually, with-.1 out any r-tj> I. .'By 1970 Canada wili have 1,500,000 peoplae ver 65, q pool cf highly skilled axid depcnd- able labar which industry would ba fooli.sh te ovarlook."1 -J. D. Morgan, Toronto indus- trialist. 1 One reasan fer discrepancica in Canadian and United St.ates prices Is that Canada hum a 101 par cent general sales texç and R ambling' wth the <By AI Osborne)a The Roses were ini full blotn on the 24th as they took Col- borne "Dodgars" into camp in tha mrning portion a! a double- hea-der by the score o! 4 to 1 and than journeyel ta Whitby to put a damper on the officiai opening otheir newba park by defeat- ing thain by the score o! 9Sto 4. - ior wucjand only in the George Heath made his debut 1 fourthwinnlng was ho ini any in intemmediate basebali agalnst kinl ai trouble. II Coîborne a successful ane, allow- * ing the Doîgers anc run on fiva o al idtecthn hits. George gava five frea s is n i a xeletjb as ta !irst basa. Heath h ass-adt is aIIan hjo oeellandob goal strang arn and looks like t isantough jobrank toper'san ha can tass up that al apple al t3 n u FakHoe' day. Ha has a nice fast bail and shoes as a catcher but Ro was goal change o! paca and ha ntejba i its u '~ souilba area asst totheopinion Hooper is the tep re- Brokld aeasest y the ceiver in the Lake Shore League. Cromble bad a fast out!ield ln Clintan Ferguson was the the marning with BucCol batting haro in tue afternoon. Tel Bird and Tim Cox and while tlhin tw hi n f our Buk was the star o! the autfield tries. Don Gilhooiy was tops having ail the work ta do, Bird for the day with three hits ni and Cox can really dangie if the five attantpts. 0 paPular march. JOSEPH opportunity arisas. e* le tune whichlu lter becomo*e Girardi loeked good on first dent Theadore Roosevelt. The teain as a whola put on a base and Crombie had Harnilton goal show for the large turnout1 and Ted Dalson alang wîth and whiie they didI fot have any Fargy1 in the outtil. TED BY fielding errors they hId have two e* throwing arrors which could Ail lit ail it was a big day for hava been avaidel as bath were the Roses and no matter haw! 4 7 l0unneCessary. yau look at it thcy couldn't have * * donc any better. In the aiternoon Whitby .* officially openel than- ncw park Tetatnwhsafodn wiabang and wcse of rehmen average of 954 and is hittirig at a WJEeS SINCE 1786 bnastase ftrindu8 234 clip. While the batting aver, fireworks which fairly shook the g s'anti obataou1 Rose' duout TheMayo ofit still was gool encugh te win Whitby tassaI up the first bail two bail gaines and put the teani land the Whitby Canaian Legion on the top o! the pack. Batting average ta date. 011- haolyr 600, Forgusan 500, Cox, i Falls al Glrardi 333, Butch Cole * 286, Hooper, Gailagiior and M. S!Ilton 250, Bird 200, Yourth 143, Thshtudyat23 Bandl took part li their f14- raising ceremony. the antire lina-up for the atter- noon attair. George Jones was on e usftheboesaned ont Wth mon forth Rour rOns sne Wlttbyîoits.Joesfor d, Cowle4,Heatu, Dadson nJoea here ta battlc the Roses at the Hiigh S chool £rounds. Rydî. waa th &rut fl amé"a to adopt Msahtometuata Cal aI7liuacnf.c thé potec- tio.0 hepubc. uis c ow Recreation CIL 0f Goodyear A new Exécutive COmxmtto. for thé Goodyear Employé..Ri.- création Club ws« elect.d ré- contiy for tha 1954-55 tur=. Those chosen ta repreéxt tii. four districts were: District eNo. 1-. roek, ]E. Clarke, T. Mateme, A. Mgvn. District No. 2-Rose Rate,-e Bate, W. Blakely District No. 3-E. Colwell, Ediid Large. Dis- trict Na. 4-W. Fr.eborn, PaS- gy Stephens. A large vote was recordd with 66 per cent of the. mem- bers casting their balt. 1 finI that tl4e gpat thing i the. world le not 50 clwb ire we stand a n ht ie win eJ ADMIRAL TELEVISION AND REFRIGERA TORS 17" TABLE MODEL This Week - $189.95 With Low Down Payment With No QUARTER METER PLAN. Regular $329.95 This Week - $239.95 and Remember 'YOU CAN ]BUY THIS WITR NO DOWN PAYMENT and "Pay As You Play" WITI* OUJR-QUARTER METER PLAN. And this beautiful 9.5 cu. ft. Admirai Refrigerator Can be Bought This Week, for AND ON THE QUARTER METER PLAN or 10 per cent down & T.V.HOPE 33 KING ST. W. PHONE 3626 M AD UOnURmn f. / 9..5 Cu. ft. AldmIra' The 24 months to pay. a ONTAM TffUR-10AV- VAV tmi. 1CIRA 1 1 a Regular $229.95 YOU CAN BUY $359.95 3626 Down Payment Regular Price ub $299,o95