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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1954, p. 11

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7PC 't~'ttt "WT*~WV9~TV 't, T ,fl~,flr9't~'tC 't~ ,' - p "TT'.'~'t fl.~q<a.?W' tV"r~ I4't~ "V y 't. 't't~"tTT 9 V 't - .2 . t ?.! i .. "' . ~ T 'rHURSDAY, JUNE lflth. 1054 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE IELEVEN Darlington Township Council To Advertise for Assistant Clerk Darlington Council met June 3 with members ail present, Reeve Roy Nichols presiding. Council decided to have 2,500 copies of By-Law 2003 printed. Clerk was requested to notify Arthur Found, Chas. Osborne and Road Supt. to attend at Wade's Crossing on June 8, at 10:30 a.m., to meet the District Engineer of C.P.R. By-Law No. 2002 for Sehool e,,Debentures was ienis hr ~reading and passed. -Richard Gbbs requested the Council to have hiIl bv bis prop- erty cut down. Council stated it would be necessary to have the advice of Municipal En- gineer. Clerk is to write Municipal Zdasking advice as to the \~'aying of contractors for build- ing schools. and can the total sum of debenture be handed over to the School Board to pay for buildipgs? Council authorized Reeve and Clerk to sign-- cheques and pay contractor on school buildings en retiuest. On motion the Council will pay the Sehool Board an advance on teacher's salaries to the amount of $10,500, Road Supt. presented bis re- port and vouchers for May whieh were on motion. accepted, and bills ordered to be paid. Harold Skinner. Inspector of Warble Fly S praying. presented his report to Cou ncîl re numbeî' of cattle treated and payments in this regard. W. R. Piekeil, Weed Inspector. moÈde report to Council on weed situation. Clerk was ordered to write F. J. Donevan, land surveyor. Oshawa, and inquire when lie will be ready to go ahead with the survey work. Council will caîl for applica- tions for a man as an assistant to Clerk, Treasurer and Tex Collector and general office work, ads ta appear in States- man and Oshawa Times-Gazette for two weeks. The following bills were paid: Prov. Treas., insulin-.l Bd. of Health, plumb- ing inspection fees Canadian Statesman, advt., printing- Clerk, Bowmanville, Fire Brigade - - Herb Gibson, Warble Fly Powder --------- Hospitalization - ----- Registrar o! Deeds - G. F. Annis, Livestock Valuator -- -- -- G. Bennett, killing dog G. Bennett. sheep dam- age M. Panas, poultry dam- age -- ... C. Dickie, spraying Municipal Board, tarif! for hearing By-Law i2003 - IWm. Lycett, salary - J. D. Hogarth, salary Mary Niddery, salarv Receiver-General, in- Hom Tax H.A.Barron. stamps J. D. Hogarth, postage jMrs. Elsie Bradley, office assistance E. A. Varcoe, Building Inspector E. A. Varcoe, S.A. of- f icer - R. D. Preston, spraying G. E. Burnbam, stove o il - - __ -- - - - - - _ H. Skinner, Spraying Inspector - S. R. James,, bond Bell Telephone, charges M. J. Hobbs, advance to teachers' salaries Relief, April, May Roads and Bridges, maint., repairs, May Local Agent:- ROOPER'S LADIES' WEAR PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 $ .4.031 38.50 New Teachers Secured for South Darlington 335.00 324.54 30.00 i$.'4 81.90 New teachers on the staff for South Darlington Maple Grove; Mrs. Hfazel Booth, Courtice; Mr. M. J. Hobbs, Area enjoyed a social evening anid ente: tainment at Shaw's Supervisifig Principal; Miss Betty McHolm, Shaw's; Miss 1 (.C)( School on May 28 as guests of the District Area Board. Joyce Graham, Maple Grove. Back row: Mr. Earle 204.001 Ail positions have now been filled. Seated loft to right Webster, Inspector; Mr. James Pollard, No. 3; Mr. John 20.0-are: Mrs. Mearle Aldous, Courtice Mrs. Douglas Cole, Pratt, Courtice; Mr. T. R. McEwen, Inspector. 148.52 -Photo by Rebder 1.84La esBeenCas C ide s Ad Mrs.-?. R. Perry was selected se- Ballett, Mrs. A. Dawson, Mr. S. 23.00La is ee nCasC ide' Ad cretary and Mr. A. W. Lent was Gifford. Mr. F. Hempstead, Mi's. 9.5At Ebenezer Hold Soc iety Elect trasurer. Other officers re- H. Brookinig, Mr. C. Churchley ' eetdaeas follows: Mi'. Wm. Armstrong, Mr. G 50.00Poia l eeig O fcr a t o e Bard o! Directors: Hon. Pre- Dunlop, Mrs. F. Belyea, Mr. J. Proitble Metig '..rrler a Pt H pesideit, Hon. W. A. Goodfellow; Kellough, Mrs. F. H. Woodle.-, 5.0() The regular meeting o! the Mr. W. R. Prouse was return- Hon. Vice-President, Mr. R.,Mr. C. E. Stephenson, Miss P. 397,00 Ladies' Berean Class was beld ed as president of tbe United McCann. Hutchings, Mr. W. E. Hender- May 26 at the home o! Miss Counties' division-of the Cbild- Hon. Directors: Mrs. Frank son. Mrs. W. R. Prouse, Mr. H. 11.241 Anne Hoît. President Mrs. Alan ren'S Aid Society at an annual Philp, Rev. J. Galloway, Rev. C. Campbell, Mrs. H. Winfield. Dow.n read a poem "It's Ail meeting held in Port Hope on H. Boulden, Rev. K. Cronk, Mrs. County Representatives: Mr. 150.17 Yours", followed by singing of June 151. E. Edgar, Mrs. Fred Smith, Rev. A. McKay, Mr. George Broad- a0.05 Mvdbn is..Wrdnad Vice-presidents selected in- E.C. Kelloway, Rev. Father wortb. sec5 onded by Mrs. C. oveltatd clude Mr. Rov Dodge of Co- G illogly. Auditor: Mr. E. Humpage. sooo e contied ys onsorshi o!thabourg, Mr. Sîd. Little of Bow- Direclors: Mrs. N. S. McKech- 1i Honorary Solicitor; Mr. W. E. 1(7.53c.hildrcninue pngland andf o manville aind Mi'. J. R. Perry. nie, Mr. F. Belyea, Mr. A. J. I Bonneville. $50, 54,31.98. Moved by Mrs. B. Courtice, __ -seconded by Mrs. E. Ormiston that flower committee provide flowers for church services on special occasions. Treasurer's report revealed $282,08 in treasury, Discussion followed re, the prospective pur- chase of a new projector for the! Sunday School. Mrs. Peterson moved and Mrs. L. Down sec- onded that the lass make a don - ation of $50 if purchase is made. Çýùiet music by Mrs. C. Found announced the worship service under direction of Mrs. Alex Muir. Mrs. Annis led in prayer. Mrs. Muir gave an ex- ceptionally finle devotional, cboosing The Shepherd Psalm and the scripture reading and basing ber teaching on Shakes- peare 's famous passage, "AIl the world's a stage, and ail the men and women merely players', giving it a modemn setting and presenting a valued lesson for everyday living. Mrs. L. Dowhi and Mrs. Murray Osborne fav- ored with two vocal duets. Mrs. Robt. Courtice introduc- ed the guest speaker, Mis. Dor- othy Grosart, teacher o! French at 0.C.V.I., Oshawa. She brougbt ta our attention that the Scrip- tures is a compulsory subject on the H. S. curriculum in Eng- land. Not so, in Canada. It is not taugbt in ail pu-blic schools, here, ai-d not in H. S. at ail. Mrs. Grosart showed some beautiful slides- of a trip ta Scotland last summer. She proved a most able speaker and concluded a very interesting meeting. Delicious refreshments xvere served by Group 2. Former Citizen Given Nice Tribute In "Wingfoot'Clan"l Hardly an issue of the new Toronto 'Wingfoot Clan" comtcs *off the press that there isn't mention of a former citizen of Bowmanville. In the May 3ist issue was featured a double col- umn photo of Jack Gilbert in the act o! building a large tire for a faryn tractor. Under the lieacling "A Skilled Goodyear Workmaau.' here's what the Clan savs about Jack: There are no better tire builders than veteran Jack Gil- bert who bas built quality int Goodyear tires for over 36 years as a treader in the early days and as a tire builder for the last 30 years. Jack is sbown putting the sidewalls on a 13-18 Farm Tractor tire. It is bard to even estimate bo%ýJ many rtires Jack bas but or' treaded during bis service with thý Company as be bas been on so many different sizes and the time for building tbemn varies, but the numberi's well up into the thousands. Jack was born in England and came ta Canada as a lad of 13, he was employed with Van- stones Mill, Bowmanville, for several years before he started with Goodyear. Rebekah Lodge Initiates Six New Candidates Degrees were conferred on six candidates in an initiation ceremony held by Beehive Re- bekab Lodge, 125 Bowmanville, h eld on Mondas' night o! last week in the 100 F. Hall. Mrs. Bertha Hackne >v was I (aptain of the degree team and the neu, members are: M rs. Greta Richards, Mrs. Jacobine Vaneyk, Mrs. Ethel Byam, Mrs. Marion Burley, Mrs. Gladys Brown and Mr.q. Mabel Wade. Noble Grand Mrs. Elva Leach w'elcomed the District Deputy, Mrs. Ivy Arksey of District N. Ï7 and visitors from Rebekah 'lodges in Wbitby. Brougham, Brooklin and Markham. Delicious refreshments were serx'ed by Mrs. Amy Winnicott and her group. A draw for a Iwhite necklace donaled by Mrs. LFlorence Moore was won bê' mmMYiil £&Ci& Red Shield Appeal Passes -Objective Red Cross Down $3,200. The Bowmanville Branch o! the Canadian Red CrosS achieved approximately 50 per cent o! its quota of S2.Ô00. President Chartes Carter Sr. of the Red Cross pointed out that this camDaignn this vear was con- Resuits of the recent cain- ducted entirely by voluntary' paigns for funds in the Boxv maild there was no house-to- manville area by the Sa hto ouse canvassing. Donations Army and the Red Cross were!, were slightly higher than last announced this week. vear. The Red Shield Appeal of the Salvation Army realized $3 ,475 Let them work for you-The -$275 more than its quota of' Statesmiaii Classifieds. SAVE (MONEY 10W!w WITH 'blue coal' WARM WEATHER DISCOUNTS. The 'blue coal' Budget Plan plus the warm weather discount now available add up to dollars saved on next winter's heating budget. Easy monthly payments now on the 'blue coal' Budget Plan assure you of paid-up heat ail winter long. ORDER 'blue cool' NOW-and SAVE!! PHONE TODAY-PHONE NOW Sheppaord & GUI Lumber Co. Limited 96 King St. E. Bowvni a nville Now Goodyear makes a great tire even grearer! 1m 0W9 Cord Cus ion! Over 750,000 smashing, pounding blows were taken by these Ail-Nylon Cord Super- Cushions driven day after day over railroad ties. Amazing resuit: no tire body damage of any kind! Not one broken cord! 1.954 IMPROVEMENT NUMBER 1 Goodyear's exclusive 3-T cord process, plus a new tread design, resuit ini greater mileage than ever before. The new 1954 AU]-Nylon Cord Super-Cushion gives almost 313 more sa/e mileage than most rnotorists have ever known. The new 3-T cord process . . . requiring Tension, and Time . . . triple- ternpers or "sets" tire cords at the exact point where their strength and resliency are greatest. 3.T cords resuit in longer tread wear and greater resistance to blowout dangers. MtS crnother Good>ear irst! in 1933, Goodyear introduced the tire sensation of the decade-the Ail-Nylon Cord Super.Cushion... the first AlI-Nylon cord tire at a popular price. And now Goodyear makes this great tire even greater with 3 sensational improuements for 1954. No tire at or near its price can match it! Test after punishing test-like the one illustrated (left)-prove Afl- Nylon cords make this tire so strong that impact blowouts are almost im- possible! Think of the longer tire life -the safty-this means to you! 1954 IMPROVEMENT NUMBER 2 1954 IMPROVEMENT NUMBER 3 Sufefy Slencers-for the first time in Canada! You know that annoying "squeal" when you turn a corner! It's caused by the outer ribs of your tires rubbing together. Now Goodyear puts a stop to this annoyance. Those "but- tons" (see above) moulded between the outer ribs of this new tread-keep the ribs apart - practically eliminate "corner squeal ". The 1954 Ail-Nylon Cord Super-Cushion #ives you the quietest ride you've ever kriown. New, flatter tread design that results in 15%o greater skid resistance! This new tread design puts more rubber on the road. And there are 880 dcep-cut safety slots-1806 inches of'non-skid edges. This tread grabs the road-gives you safèr, surer stops-more protection against sideways skids than ever before-farbetter traction than ordinary tires.. SEE YOUR GOODYEAR DEALER SOONI s'-. Phone 713 WAR SAVURGS CERTIFICATES 1HAVE NOW, MATURED and should ho prcsontled for paymeoet. IF I OU STILL HOLD MAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES. HERES WHAT >'OU SHOULD Mr~ 1. Endorse Vour Crtfcate. in the spoce- proî'ided on the bock and indicate yeur presen r oddreis. 1. Make aorecord of the àerW Jnumber of the ertificalt and keep the record. 3. Mail Certifico tes in a sreoled entelope go: W.. kavinge Cmqf§c#1. 350 Kiwi dwu,'d Aviê Ottawa, cnda. ne la mpI e ..e.ev.1 te bar .FoUlowing the recef pt of you ertificases a cheque wil'b. bnailed te >ou at the addrest you imdicate. (OF vOU Pitl. VYOUS *A"xCAM ARRANOS et- 0SmPflnmOF OUS VAS SAVWM CSTW.CA5is ~S A~ Nme CAM WIC-l UV' New Ai Nylon Cord Sýupor* Cushio by C0515 ONIT Aà0MWDOLLARS MORS IHAN A STANDARI) TIRS ...ý --- 1

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