THE CANAflIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO THITRSDAY. JUNE lOth, INI Mrs. W. J. Hockin, Sr., bas returned home following a visit with Lieut. and Mrs. W. J. Hoc- kiîî and family at Camp Bor- deni and relatives in Toronto. Mr. Robert C. Crowther, To- ronto, visited his mother, Mrs. Walter Crowther on Sunday. Mrs. H. R. Pearce is visiting Lieut. and' Mrs. W. J. Hockin at Camp Borden. Misses Ann and Marlon Bar- rable, Whitby. and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johns, Toronto, were vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. W. George Crowther. Miss Jessie Powers, Sunny- lea Lodge, has gone to Toronto General Hospital for physio- thcrapy treatment. Don't forget 'Open-House" at Sunnylea Lodge on Saturday, June l9th. Reeve John Rickard, Presi- dent-elect off the Newcastll- Lions Club, and Mrs. Rickard lef t on Sunday for Noranda, Quebec where Mr. Rickard is attending sessions off the Annuai District Convention off the In- terniational Association off Lions Clubs. Mrs. Dan Taylor off Windsor $99.95 is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis. Mrs. R. Le Gresley, Mrs. A. N. McEvoy and Mrs. P. F. Le- Gresley attended a trousseau tea in Toronto on Saturday, giv- cn by Mrs. Vierkoetter for her daughter, Dr. Hildegarde Vier- koetter, who is being married on June l2th. to Mr. Balfour Le- Gresley. His friends will be pleased ta know that Mr. Robt. Randait has recovered sufficiently fol- lowing bis recent operation to return to his home on Sunday. Mrs. Tracy Manes off Leaside, spent the week-end with Mr. H. 1'. Manes and ffamily. Mrs. Samis and Mr. and Mrs. Rcg. Wgodhams and Marie off Toronto, were week-end visitors 'vith Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pollard and family off Courtice, Mr. El- vin Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Taylor and Chyril off Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis. Dr. Higby and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Highby off Burliington were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Carveth. Mother and Daughter Banquet Feature of Lionette Meeting Members off Newcastle Lion- ette Club entertained their daughters at the June dinner meeting off the Club at Queen's H-otel on Monday evening when a total off twenty-seven mothers and daughters, enjoyed a del;- cious dinner and the program which followed. ELECTRIC SHA VERS SRICK içiodel 20 ______29.95 Cuetom _______ 2.95 SUNBEAM Madel W_____ 29.75 PHILISHAVE Twin Head "12" - 27.95 KARSHAVE - Operates any Electric Shaver in car, truck, boat or 'Plane ----- 95 SHAVING NEEDS Single Items or Seta by Yardicys - Seaforth Bachelor Priced right -------- 1.00 up ýhaving Brushes --- 1.00 up $13650 WilI Live in Newcastle President Mrs. Marion Knox welcomed the guests and con- ducted a short business session during which convenors were appointed for the annual Christ- mas Bazaar. Plans were discus- sed for the Lionette Booth at the annual Lions Club Carnival to be held in the local park on. WALLETS Genuine Leather or Plastic Colours and prices to please both young and old alike. From_____-- 1.95 - 9.00 Key Tainers, by Buxton 2.00 -2.75 P EN S 1Baîl Point and Nib by Waterman's 1.98 - 10.00 ca Sets, from - 2.95 up CAMERA SUPPLIES Cameras. Film, Bulbs, Carrying Cases, Gadget Bags Flashholders, and a complete Une off Accessories for the camera fan Mr. anid Mrs. Roy Earl Stoneburg are pictured following their marriage which took place on May 15 in the Manse of St. Paul's United Church. The bride is the former Keitheen Erna Branigan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Branigan, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Lola Stoneburg and the late Almond Stone urg.-Photo by Hornsby Friday, June 25. Billy Wade off Courtice in his usual manner captivated the hearts off the young ladies as he presented several numbers on bis drums and, as aln addi- tion to bis repertoire thrilied his hearers with his vocal renditior off the song "A Prayer For Mether and Daddy". Linda Rob- erts a talented local girl, en- tertained the group with a well pî-esented pantomine and a group off pupils of Mrs. Amy Rogerson off Orono presentiic several dance numbers. The appreciation off the mem- bers off the club to those taking part in the program was ably expressed by Mrs. Marion Giikes. Brookdale Roses At Newcastle on Saturday, June 19 The local bail club have made arrangements to play' the Roses, Bowmanville's I n t e r mediate Bahl Club in a benefit game' on Saturday affternoon, June l9th. The local boys have been play- ing pretty fair bahl this year and just might put up a good fight against the Bowmanville nine. The proceeds off this game aire to be presented to Gordon Sell- ers who is a valuabie player on -the local club who was injured recentîs' in a game at Garden Hill. He has lost considerable time off wvork and according 10o Dr. Witzel, will be out off base- -bail for at least a month. A good program off sport has been arranged foi, this afler- noon including a Ladies' Soft- hall game at 1.15 followed by the Basebaîl gaine at 3 p.m. So ail local fans ai-e uî-ged to lui-n out and sec somne gond bail and at the samne lime help along a worthy cause. TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright and marion, Miss Mary Wilkin- son attended Trinity Anniver- sary and were dinner guests off Mrs. S. Rundie, Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant and Ricky, Bowmanville, were teat guests off Mr. and Mrs. W. Jew- ehl and Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. G. White and.,. girls, Bowmanville, with Mr.î and Mrs. A. Hoar.1 Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlson and 1 boys, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H.'- Stainton, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Erie Stainton, Bowmarx- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Stainton.1 Donald Murray and Jack Ken- nell, Toronto, visited Ken Har-1 dy and Earl Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Mur- ray and Mrs. M. Fowler, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jones, To-f ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. D.f Mountjoy.1 Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Mrs. Otto Virtue, Mrs. Elva ,Beckett, called on Mrs. J. Hen-f ry. Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wonnacot t, Newl Toronto. Miss Vrra Carr Toronto. MIrç C. Shaw an,., IRalph.. Oshawa, wîth Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue. ýs Mrs. G. Drew, Miss Nellie e Scorgie, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. s F. Hall, visited Mrs. W. T. Wor- ýs den. - Mr. and Mrs. K. Maynard and - l.... ý lY ,"'xr.alnUI Mn ciD a Walker and boys, Miss Phyllis Su ndasr morning was one off rMaynard, Bowmanviile, called the loveliest spring has brought on Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall. this year, and the date marked Mr ad Ms. R Reshawandan important event in the history WhitandMr cRe esawguesd off Wesleyvile United Church family, hty eetagss with the dedication off the new ofr. an Ms.WtrPr, organ. Following the opening Jr. hymn for which the piano was 1 Mi'. and Mî-s. G. Kehoe and piayed, Rev. A. W. Harding famils', Belleville, have taken brieffîs reviewed the course off - up re-sidence at Harvey Part- music as far as it is known in Mer this church. Church services r. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread have been held since the early Bekt anpaanrrtadMr off the last century and in Bcetvisiled Mr. and Mrs. pthsbidn nc 180bu Will Page, Newcastle.ti uligsic 80 u Mr. nd rs.W. Tomponmost records have been lost. A M. and Mrs. W. eTan hpon letter written in 1879 by a min- Mr. nd rs.Covrt nd hii- ister says, the organist at Wesley ren, Peterborough, were Sun- Church is resigning", and there day callers off Mr. and Mî-s. F. is a record showing that a new P.ark n r dMs . organ was instaîîed on February PRk. 19, 1885. This organ was in Ry Youngman bolidayed co'nstant use until a few years with his aunt Pearl Leach, So- ago when it was found too dif- lina, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett, ficult to keep in repair. Taunton. A piano was used since but Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtuelwas consider&dç inadequate for visiled Mr. and Mrs. Theo Down, church use ani two years ago a Lakefield. fund was startcd by the Woman's Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome Association for the purchase off and boys, Solina, with Mr. and a new organ. During the past Mrs. W. Murphy. winler a canvass off the coin- Mr. M. Dubyk is having insul- munits' was carried out by the br puLnhs off the churcb which, with MsL. Eden, Sandra and giffts ffromn some friends, realîzed Tornry Mrs. Alex Pcrgcr, jI., evervone's ambition off paying and 13îian, Doreen Rahm, Wa- for the electric organ which had tcrdown, Yosh Okura, Toronto, been installed for approval'. Mr. and Mrs. J.,E. Griffin anid The dedication service provid- children, Enniskilen, wilh Mr. ed by the United Church was and Mrs. Walter Rahm. followed by Rev. Harding in Annual June Tea off the Wom- which all present participated, i en's Missionary Society was and the organ was used to coin- hcld at the home off Mrs. R. plete the dedication with the Glaspeil with a large attend- singing off the Doxology. The ance. We were pleased to have choir sang "Let the Earth Re- as our guests several ladies ,,ice" and "There's a Prayer in from Salcm. Mî-s. D. Lute wva.,My Heart". Mrs. Carroll Nich- pî-esented with a gift fromn the olîs sang the sacred words off \V.MS. ladies. President Mî-s. "Thiink o M. J. C. Cook welcomed ail pres- Mr. Harding's sermon was a cnt. Mrs. Colbary had charge lesson in the power and use off off program. Mrs. L. Wclsh, music, and the history off the Salem, gave the devotional. Vo- organ as an instrument off war- cal duet by Mis. Shackleton and ship. Its main purpose is ta Mrs. Twist. Reading by Mrs. praise God and each persan who Percy Werry. Mrs. Claude Ives, gladly dlaims a share in it, wil Bowmanville, was guest speak- follow the injunction off the Old er; ber subject was 'Failh'. Catechisin each Sunday as he Mrs. E. White moved a vole off joins in praise with it. thanks to all. There will be no The congregation was delight- Juls' meeting. Mission Band ed to welcome Xriends froin Port picnic will be hehd in August. Hope and Welcome on this Daints' lunch was served. special day. The church wax beautiffully decorated with lilacs and other spring flowers by thei There's nothing like spring W. A. group for June, led by house-cleaning to make a bus- Mrs. Harold Austin. band wvonder wvhy he wenl 'on On Fridas' afflernoon the such funiture-uyi ng bnge. school children and Mrs. Craig attended Hope Township Field FoR Day, held at Canton. FAST RELIEFFO Mesdames A. Austin, H. Reeve, E. Barrowcbough, Carrol Nichais, Pand Berniece-"Best off the W.A attendcd the convention off the Welcome ois Monday, June 7. PA IN Ahappy mnan or woman luaa PA INradiant focus off good-will, and their entrance inb a room lus as though anoîher candle had been A - lighted.,Joseph Addison. It isn't your position, but your disposition that counts. - Rev. KGOFR Charles C. Howse. Lif&'s a mirror; if 3-ou smile,i smiles come back ti greet y'n- If vnu"re frowniniz ail the while, frowns torever rmcd vou. -Phiiiips Brooks. ordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 WESLEY VILLE ner at- the Peterborouigh Festi- val). "Around The World" and 'Now's The Month off Maying" was a unison chorus off all the schools. Pupils off Fallis school gave two selections "Isle off Beauty' and Isle off Dreams". <this again, was a repeat prize number from the Peterborough Festival). Five schools joined in singing "MacNamara's Band" accompanied by the Yelverton Rhythm Band. Pupîls from Gai- loway's and Yelverton sang "Our Country". The final choruses were uni- son numbers from ahl the schools singing 'God Bless Can- ada", "They AIl Caîl It Can - ada, But 1 Caîl It Home" and "Oh Canada." Several pupils off Miss Jeanne Coulter, Pontypool, gave piaîîo selections . . . Thomas Lowery, Anne Fiske, Grace Webb. Lor- raine McGilI, Rommie Groen, Allan Groan. Mr. Hope Rayson was chair- man and congratulated Mr. Gay on the occasion off bis.third lo- cal festival. "It is especially re- markable that pupils taught in their separate schoo]s can come together on an occasion such as this and sing in unison. Their very fine exhibition to-night is proof off good instruction from their music supervisor and from their day teachers.' Social and Personal Hampton W. 1. Raise Rates, For Picnic Use of Elliott Park Hampton Women'u Institute per on sanie. Mrs. Shackleton met in Sunday School with Mrs. an Ise bMinnie Horn favoreJ T. M. Chant, president, presid- with a vocal duet, "Beautiful ing. Minutes were read by Mrs. Isle off Somewhere". Current Merwin Mountjoy, secretary. events were given by Mrs. H. Roll cali "'How to pastpone aid Cale. Topic "Home Economîcs age"l was answered by several and Health" given by Mrs. A. funny sayings. Mrs. M. Mount- E. Billett was very interesting joy was appointed to look after and amusing, (a real good pa- booking picnics. Ladies were per). Another duet "Whispering ,appointed to take their turns at Hope'" by the same two ladies serving. was enjoyed., Recitation on New prices for picnics are "«up "Dieting" and its results was to and including 50" the service nicely given by Mrs. Kersey. will be $2.50, extra for loan of A beautiful bouquet of tulips dishes and cutlery. This includes graced the table. They were hot wvater and washing dishes, afterwards sent to a sick gentle- Over 50 guests $5.00 and dishes man. A "Tbank You" went to extra. Mr. Chas Warren for donating Blackstock prize list for faîl cupboards and a stainless steel fair, for Institutes was Iread. sink, also to the Ladies' Service Delegates to district annual were Club for more cupboards ai-d appointed to go to Bowmanville another stainless steel sink, just June 8. recently put in the classroom. Mrs. Kersey took the chair It will aid greatly when serv- and read the motto, '"Usefulness ing refreshments. The north is the rent we pay, for a roorn group served delicious refresh- on earth", and she gave a nice ments. Pupîls of Manvers Twp. Schools Give Delightful Music Festival Under Direction of James Gay Bethany: Under the directian quents, crime, etc., if we of Mr. Jamcs Gay, supervisor off wouldn't be doing more good. Music in the schools of Man- There can't be too much wrong vers township, a musical festi- with a world that sings s0 hap- val was held in Bethany Town pily. These youngsters are be- Hall, with approximately 130 in.- taught something that will pupiLs taking part fromn the fol- stay with them no matter where lowing school sections: Bethany they go. Appreciation of mu-:ic senior room, teacher, Mrs. Mary and ail the arts will play an im- Wright; Bethany Junior Roomn, portant part in their lives al- teacher, Miss M. Flett; Yelver- ways. ton, teacher, Mrs. N. Bailey;, The opening choruses sung by Galloway's school, teacher, Mrs. ail the schools in unison were Laura Rowan; Lifford, teacher, "Now Let Every Tongue Adore Miss D. Mann; North Janetville, Thee", ',The Twenty - Third teacher, Mrs. J. Jewell; Bethel Psalm" and "God Sees the Little school, teacher, Miss Shaw; Sparrow Faîl.' Carscadden's Pontypool senior room, teacher, school pupils sang -Telling1 Mr. E. Challice, Pontypool Jull- Time'. Junior pupils off ahl th_ý ior room, teacher, Mrs. Chriz- schools sang -rhe Fiddle" and tella Neals; Drum school , teach- ~h iteFdlr"Ppl er, Miss H. Harris; Carscadden's from Fallis'. Carscadden's, Yel- South Janetville, Miss B. Mc- Wind's a Merry Comrade" and Eachern. "Happy Rosina' A Rhythmn Country correspondents are Band from Yelverton, directel flot supposed to make com- by Mr. Bailey gave two selec- ments! Just this once we would tions. Murray Hender.son uf like to break the rule and state Bethany (second prîze winner how imnpresed we were witil at Peterborough Musical Festi- this musiçal festival. When you val) sang "The Little Red Bus" hear a massed choir of 130 and Allan Groen off Pontypuol voices singing, Now Let Every sang the same number. "Aprll's Tongue Adore Thee, The Twen- A Lively Lady" was sung by ty-Third Psalm, God Bless Can- the junior pupils off Bethany. ada. Thev Ail Caîl it Canada, Faîlis' Drum, Bethany and Lif- But I Caîl It Home, with ail the ford pupils united in 'Straw-_ enthusiasmn that only the vers' berry Fair". "~The Cycle off the young can give . . .. the volume Months" wvas a unison chorus and quality of their singing, the wiwth pupils fromn Janetville, happy expression on their faces, Drum and Galloways. Betty one can't help wondering if Lou Mitchell and Rommie more publicits' were given tO Groen off Pontypool sang a duet this type off effort and lessi toj "The Robin's Prophecy" (this criticisrn off juvenile delîn- 1number was alsona rize win- KIRBY wik Oo0ke g Takes only a moment ta get a frosty bottle of Coke from the red cooler and enjoy its sparkling goodness, down ta the last dclicious sip. But how that pause with Coca-Cola helps Mien you turo back ta work. . . refreshed and ready to go. Yes, sir. .. a handy cooler full of ice-cold Coke makes any place a betteriplace ta wor-k. AulhOritéU bOttier of Cote-Cote gade, coettract i hCoeu-C.4. Lid. HANBLY'S DEVERAGES OSHAWA, ONT. 4-3xA -- .'-~..- ~ ~ .,. - - - -, e', - - ~--------- - - - The June meeting af the W. M.S. was held on Wednesday evening, June 2nd, at the home of Mrs. Hartwell Lowery. Mrs. Wm. Rutherford, lst Vice-Pres., was in chiarge. After the open- ing hym-n and prayer, Mrs. Rutherford read from the Mis- sionary Monthly concerning the Second Assembly of World Churches at Evanstone, Ill., and also led in a meditation and ,prayer. Mrs. S. Chapman gave an in- terestiftg reading on a day's work in a minister's life as ai missionary at large. Mrs. R. Chapman favoured, with a lovely vocal solo, "The Beautiful Garden of Praer" Mrs. S. Chapman invitedth JURY & LOVELL lVhen We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE Toi l *mWIELUO ri tary mawir cut& reguhar ?ORO le-INCH sp«1TLaWN grs rtail wesda, tUùna regi type likowe paha a lot an ad b fout, chopa 'Off power <o clip-mgo to turf-buildinig nofave mulch. New Lef Muicher ering mount.od hat. Attachuient (optional) ted ateel os ets du.. chopa leaveato timy bita Umple to uat and ei top. .. eds ra.binx and bin- TIrse.0*ction rqller for Mtchrs. quick turm n i tght uaom. LINDER HAIDWAIE 7 King St. E Bowminville Phono 774 *1~~ ~< -PAGE TWICLVE -fb TRURSDAY. JUNE loth, 1954 Red-bancled leaf rolied did this - but definitely prevents red-banded leaf roller damage- We SERVICE our program s 'lYuî, NIAGARA BRAND SPRAY CO. IIMITED I Burling ton, Ontaro o Uy pR¶ Naar Form and Garden Br.ond - for hoam e gardens. meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail and daughters spent a day wlth Mr. and Mrs. Telbert Findlay, Thorn- hil. Several from aur community attended the funerai of Mr. Wm. Wilson at Kendal. Mrs. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan and Ross were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and' Mrs. Marwood McKee, Cadmus. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Whsan and family visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, Starkville. Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery and baby attended Brooklin Pair on Saturday. Several attended the roast beef dinner at Kendal on Friday night. Orangemen from aur "0~ munity took in the district nîee~ PHONE 3-2738