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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1954, p. 14

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p. J4 Tý IL C Head Table Guests At Legion Ladies'. Auxiliary Zone RaIly Here Monday Night Over 250 members of the seven branches of the Ladies' row, lef t to right: Pres. Pilkey, Oshawa; Past Pres. Palmer, Bow- May, Dunbarton; Standard Learer t?réston, bowmanville; Sectretary Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion in Zone 27 attended the Zone manville; Legion Zone Fl Commander Stan Dunn, Bowmanville; Richards, Bowmanville; lst Vice-Pres. Perris, Bowmanville; Pres. Rally held in the Canadian Legion Hall here Monday evening. Provincial Secretary MacMillan; Legion Pres. Ross McKnight, Bow- Sweetman, Uxbridge; Pres. Ashton, Ajax; 2nd Vice-Pres. Knight, Branches in the Zone are Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, mînville; Pres. Mrs. Edward Rundie, Bowmanville; Bowmanville Bowmanville; Treasurer Wallis, Bowmanville; Pres. Humphreys, Dunbarton, Uxbridge and Claremont, and the presidents and a Legion Padre, Rev. John Kitchen, Orono; Hon. Provincial Treasurer Whitby. large number of delegates from ail branches were present. Pictured Tompkins; 'Mayor Morley Vanstone; Zone 27 Commander Bate, -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope above are the head table guests at this most successful event. Front Bowmanville. Rear row, left to right, Pres. Wood, Claremont; Pres. I visite1 Blackstock Women's Institute YELVERTON MS.Dav Wilson and Mrs.i Nestieton Women's W.I. Hèars IHo, hum, for the life of aad Ms li cili To Enter Exhibit at Orono, rural correspondent on a Mon- Lindsay.ll l on 4-H Clubs of Canada day mora when it's wash day, The committee appointed by B ac stck an P rt Pe ry Far he children have a cold and the W.A. purchased blue mater- Nestieton: Mrs. Harry Me- stand for Head, Heart, ad Blackstoc and PortPerr'y F ir he'a shower and a garden il for tîhe new curtain for the Laughlin gave an interesting and Health. The 4-H Pledge is: party coming up this week. You church hall on Saturday. Sew- talk on the 4-H Clubs of Canada "I pledge-My Head to clearer Blackstock: On Wednesday, Bailey, Mrs. Roy Taylor. f get the washing started in the ing machines will be humming of which ber son Lawrence is a thinking; my Heart to greater June 2, Mrs. Oscar Grahamn For Orono Fair-Mrs. Murray basement, dash up to answer the this week! member, at the June meeting of loyalty; my Hands to larger ser- was hostess to the Blackstock Byers, Mrs. Ross Duff, Mrs. 'po ahdw ornetâ ubrfo evro Nestleton Women's Institute vices: my Health to better liv- Women's Institute. Mrs. Lorne Ivan Thompson.j tub, clash up to 'phone again, attended the party held at the and said: ing; for my club, my commua- Thompson, president, and Mrs. Mrs. H. Baiiey was convener take the ink from the young home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mc- The 4-H Club movemeat in ity and my country." Murray Byers, secretary-trea- for the Home Economics pr- mss - answer the 'phone, rescue Gill, tlackstock, Saturday night, Canada is a natioa-wide pro- Tbe Canadian Council on 4-H surer, were la the chairs. Scrip- gram. Mrs. Lorne Thompsoa your write-up of the latest W.A. la honour of their 25th wedding gram designed for rural boy7s Clubs provides annually a Na- ture was rend by Mrs. Virginia sang a lovely solo "One Little meeting which the two-yenr-old anniversnry. and girls. Each individual cluo tional 4-H Club Week. Duriag Archer. Raindrop" with Mrs. V. M. bas now decided should be Mrs. Wmn. McCabe, Mr. and is composed of young people this event whicb is the climax The motto was: "Use oppor- Archer at the piano. sbredded (for salad, no doubt); Mrs. Bruce Hawkins, Little participaigi amnhm-o ahya' rgapoi tunity it isthe gaeway 1 Then he othr membrs of ang up some diapers. dash in Britain, were Sunday guests of ating afmnityag, bor- o ahya' rgapo tucce, ss te."wyto Te h thrmmeso fromn the clothes-lîne to answer John and Jean McCabe. Mr. and mkn a omnt cîi ciency winners representing sces Roll cail was answer- the group gathered in the din- the 'phone u h ayt eMs.Jm MGlJntil ty. Expert guidance is given in each province -in Canada comi- er get thehyoung1lasslsome-breadrvisitedowithaJohn andiJean rhnmer county by Mr. E. Sum- pete in national competitions. joy." Trensurer reported that work: Mrs. Ivan Thompson did anndMr. Bownd as Wi- Last yer aI theeRyal Winîe there was $29500 on hand. smockîng; Mrs. Robert Ford adm n u rudatrteeeig ness, four out o!fîve prizes in Fair 127 young people entered Thesevics ! M. nry dd stnn rg baiing li er. to keep ber from superim- Mr. Wmn. MeCabe and Mrs. come litions at the Royal Win- calves la the Queen's Guinea Thîbe e se cuce o red agan evy rn did cutad u ridn;so posing a new pattera on the Robert Atkinson were among the ter Fair at Toronto were won competition-a caîf which gain- this year to care for the Mem- smockîng; Mrs. Earl Dorreliwllpaetyt osm rî ebr h noe u y Dra ony Jno ed 1 Y4 lbs. per day for five oril Prk ndthesecetry as akng hoke ru; Ms ng, wipe the children's noses to Niagara on Sunday. Farmers last year. months was eligible. All calvess toolak amdbBthmneie 1e oryws age a ofe dmon strt ibetween every item, throw a ena Mr. Bob Atkinson Jr., is home The objectives of the 4-H were sold and the winaer pick up his plants. weaving on a smaîî îoom. of prk antbeas andtheoan-$fom0Ilandana-s opener at your husband as be Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hall, Whit.. Cuboreattra mke, ruralflline brought nr price of $2,00.Chana- The Institute made a dona- Everyone was greatly inter- comes in the door for dinner; by, called briefly at the Norman farm atoltr atie, t influene da akr oofrsh r tion of $10.00 to Port Perry ested in the work demonstrated. epetoaptirvdships of $1,000, two in 1953 and make a 'mad dash for the mail Wilson home on Sunday. prcie, 10 help rural youth two in 1954. Mrs. McLaughlin Hospital to buy a dlock for the A lovely lunch wns served by box just as the mailman drives We are glad to report that dvppracie i jesip c islae h - Cu ml launry. he hstes an thegrop. u (orawa), cmeupck(orth away),t Gcome hobackbentopttheposMrs.ty BerlopGibsond lswhoCaahas Nbeena Past President Mrs. Jnck There were 37 adults and 10 bouse to pick up the pieces and n patient at Port Perry Hos- cet sposbltdvlpt and also n Canadian Nationa Rabin was nppointed delegate children present. eEhbto hedwihi o to isric Anua Cnvetin Te exîmetin i a iciccollapse in the nenrest chair. Is pital, is now well enough to re- est development as Canadan by the first year boy who bas in Bowmnnville. at the home of Mrs. Ernest mr i ny wnr or rting isAn eive.visitors. Hre Mlomcitizens. highesl points that year and Larmer and everyoae is asked moe- k e-cachnAd acl The princîple of 4-H Club which h a ep PrzeliIsfr heIntiue bin unh.Rol al 0 e 5il any wonder that not long and Mltzi were guests of Mr. and work is 10 "Lean to Do By Do- The heip m atioale-Hplu Exhibeists for throno, Portey nerdnwih RMll firstore ago yours truly, when the tele- Mrs. Rae Malcolm at Janetville ing". As n member each boy orWek1tehiesawr a and Blackstock Fairs were read collection o! a pieicl."- phone shrilled two one Monday on Sunday and atteaded evea - girl is personnîîy. responsible dlb member can achieve. Il and committees named to be in ___________ morning, instead o! n sweet ing church service when Rev. C. f or one project located on the prvdsa Uvnuei ii charge: "hello" la my usual syrupy tele- KeWgg was the nnniversary home tarin. Each group elects prienshi foan nenur eincti- For Blackstock Fair -Mrs. While much is boped for from phone voice, blitbely cnrolled speaker, ils own officers and plans and celuhip" fors ca fysa elt Mervyn Graham, Mrs. Jack new techniques la the cold wnr, "Is the line busy?" inb the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Page and coaducîs prograns bnsed on the csblu ngmemb oer and anshrsil Rahm, Mrs. Ralph Larmer. the real solution is for oppres- receiver. And have you ever Gordon were guests o! Mr. and needs and interesîs o! the mem- and btlrdin aclst' dieaonhi For Port Perry Fair -Mrs. sed peoples to fight their op tried aaswering the 'phone wîth Mrs. Floyd Stinson on Suaday bers. Regular meetings wietr nestnig mn Lorne Tompson, Mrs. Howrn wiggliag baby la one handwhile Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stin- riigl aîaîr r- Canadiffli farm youth. _____________________________________________ trying to keep the memopa son entertained Mr. and Mrs. cedure and support of commua-_______________ still enough to make the messagej Garnet Brown, also o! Peter- ity activities are important fea- that you're writing legible, keep-j borougb. tures o! their programs. Like ing the dinnen pudding from j Boy Scouts and Girl Guides,. boiling over on the stove and 4-H Club Work is n large inter- testing the baby's milk witb your H Y O national movement and now big toe nil at the samne time? embraces rural youth la some What bo do wbea you are Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim and 26 couatries. ____________________________________________ behind the policeman who is family were tea guests o! Mr. The officiai emblem la Can- walking Up the streel putting and Mrs. Arthur Trewin, Sun-* ada, as in a number o! other tickets on the cars whose park- day. countries, is the green 4-leaf -iîiAïil sowx'A]fvl&63know yors isreemo!themnd Be Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton, iclover with the letter "H" on know your in oneaohlenm? Besym bolize equal SATU DAY ,,uso obvious ns 10 make a mad Enniskillen; Mrs. W. Stainlo tnn g of the 4-H's F 1IAY - SA- AJUNE 11l -12 dash ahead and insert a nickel? Orono. calied on Mr. and Mrs.,______________ Certainly not! Accordiag to Art Wm. Trewin. UNIVERSAL INTERNAiONAL p"r4 Rowan the best thing to do is Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper, fnmily, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. C walk up to the policeman, hand Alliston, at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur1 Avery and family, Burketon; RO ADAis. hlm a nickel and say: "If you Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Forgett and RONALDgel to my car before I do, would Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mount - farnily, Bowmnnville, at Mr. and REAGANyou mind pulting this la the joy, Miss Rose Mountjoy, Nestle- Mrs. Norman Avery's. meter? Il's the black Mercury Ion, aI Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil Mr. Yosh O'Kura, Toronto; * o i 'iyou're coming to." No ticket! Slemon's. Miss Doreen Rahm, Waterdown, Mr. and Mrs. Don Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham's I> j~o! Miss Em Henders. over the weekend. ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. cc1.-9D u sMr. and Mrs. Ray' Robinson Mr~. and Mrs. I. Cook, Mn. and Grad and family visited witb Mr. and Mrs. G. Lutes and Garry, Scar- Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Frankj PRESTOHFS1RBM N Mrs. Bert Vcee at Cavan on aro; Mr. and Mrs B Lutes and Deaby's were Mr. and Mrs. E v P91SIONMSTER B MBA ANDeret Sanderson a d fam ly , AA bIH by, ToMro, and Mr. adnDeMrs o.dt t NIM *JOHNNY SHEFFIELD by TContul ainsd tMr.and ' IIIfsf w .i. ill NAM TONC h a rlie R a n k in e . -W)NAY -TUESDAY -JUNE 14 -15 IMsMo n eert fILU CI iversnry on June 6. Mr. J. Wlker visited Mr. and Mrs. MeAlpine and Aileen, Toronto.PI KS Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- P I K S burn and family and Mrs. T. Cowliag attended Salem an-' gl Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Black-DAL DTD The most refreshing, " burn.I encanin rmaceMr. Milton Slemon visited Mr. J MNE PARKER encha ting roma ce 'and Mrs. Theron M ountjoy,' I ever! _ _ _Hampton. . --IIA .IT \\lI/ JURY & LOVELL n'ben iVe Test Eyes It Is Done Properly YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE ý [<JIMr. andi Mrs. W. Vivian on celebrating their ainth wedding anniversary on June 6. Dawn Bell spent the week- end with Mn. and Mrs. Murray, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Jack PoIls and Mrs. Olesen attended the Salem anniversary. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon called on Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moore at Shirley. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham and; family attended a family picnic at Ganaraska picnie grounds. Mr. Milton Slemon visited Miss JAnale Mountjoy, Bowmanville. Mr. Hem-y Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rend and Cînyton, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Mr. and MIrs. Roy Graham and Mrs. Hii Crossman attended the funeral o! Mrs. R. J. Ash- ton at Port Hope on Saturdny. Interment Hampton Cemetery. Mr. R. J. Ashton is still in Port Hope Hospital. We wisb hlm a speedy recoverv. jSYmpathY is extended to the relatives and fniends o! the late - Mr.R. J. Ashton. ..."a a G BREAD 24-o lo1 5c OUR OWN BLINO VACUUM PACK COFFEE 1-lb s 1.3 i PERCOLATOR OR DRIP GRIND Manvers Council HoId June Meeting Business Routine Manvers Council met June Ise with al members present, ex- cept Mr. Scott, the Reeve in chair. Communications were read, from Hydro-Electric Power Comm. Re: Hydro Arrears;j Dept. of Highways, Re: Landj purchased from Elrick & Hind-j son, Lorne W. Jordon; Solicitor, on a certain property; Counties Clerk & Treas. Re: General Cou nty Rate; I. B. Weldon, Lindsay, Re: Tax Deed on a certain property: T. H. Stinson, Q.C., Lindsay, Re: Value of a certain property in Janetville; Soldier Settement Board Re: certain properties. On motion of Councillors Payne and Malcolm Lloyd Clark, was paid $40 for damages to -a.vit Lly.Hendaches in mnny cases may These acc*uaîs were paid: be traced to some ernor o! Ie Hydro-Electrie, Bethany eyes or eye musclps not correct-.~ & Potypool Streetl ed. A very full ey .e exmnio '> Lights,%--------------$ 131.68 should be made la eveny case ~ S. S. No. 1,2,3,5, & 7 because all headaches are not Scbool moaey, ....-_ 1900.00 due 10 the eyes; but may be Rod Voucher No. 6,---575.05 symptoms o! some more remote iphysical disturbance. Walter A. Neals, Iaspec-I Vertigo, with or wîthout bon, warble fly --------- 464.92 nnusentiag bilious hendnches is J. C. Cummiskey, salnry ][50.00 aso oflen reiieved through the Lloyd Clark, Damage wearîag o! the proper correc- 10- cowlA, --- -- 40.00 ,lion or through the proper at.t'» Couancil pay, bal! year 435.00 lion being givea to relieve strain Council adjourned to meet on the mobor muscles ni tne eyes. -July 6th at 1 p.m. (Copyrighted) JUNE BRIDES ]LOVE A& P's LOW PRICES But You Don't Hove To Se A Bride To Denerit Dy A&P's Low Prkes -Com S«e... Corne Save! OBITUARY MRS. R. J. ASHTON It is with dcep sorrow 'we wvrite of the passing of Mrs. R. J. Ashton. She slept peacefully away on Wednesday evening at the home of bier daughter, Ruby, and son-in-lawv Mr. Albert Lo'... where she was taken only a few days before following the sud. den illness of bier husband, R. J. Ashton, who was taken to Port Hope Hospital. The late Mrs. Ashton had been a semi-invalid for over fojir years, but the sudden newýýs of hèer death came as a shock :,o lier many friends and ne. 1 bours. She was loved by all who came in contact with bler and the large number gathercd on Saturday at the George Fun- eral Prrlor to pay thei r laMt respects and the many love,* floral tributes testified to thf love and esteem in which thiL lady was held. Our sincere sympathy is ex- tended to the sorrowing bus- band, still in hospital; hier sons, Henry, James, Cyrus; daughters Marjori&' (Mrs. Carr), Mary (Mrs. D. Wilson), Ruby (Mrs. A. Locke), Irene (Mrs. W. Douglas) and other members of the fam- ilI. Internient was in' the familv plot at Hampton where a Jarle number of relatives and friends were present to join in the final part of the funeral service con- ducted by Rev. A. W. Harding of Welcorne. The bearers were six grandsons, Ronnie Upton of U.S.: Don Ashton, Fort Erie; Roy Purdy and tbree sons of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton, Port Hope, The only surviving sister of Mrs. Ashton was unable to be present through sickness in lier home in Oshawa. Through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton, Haydon, the mourners were invited to their home where bot coffee and sandwiches were most ac- ceptable after a cold, wet and windy afternoon. YOUR EYES and Vison Re-written previous - :. copyrights C. H. TÙck, Optometrist Disney BIdg. 31 King E., opp. P-. OSHAWA - Phone 5-6143 D)RESSING A-LMON 63C ANN PAGE CANADIAN NEW 5b 9C lb i-39 C BEEF ROAST SALE Red or Blue Brand Beef Blade Bone Removedi BLADE ROAST Very Meatyc SHORT RIS3 ROAST FHull ERROSI3 5 FHULDE utT 5 1 POTATOES ImportediNo. t ItsA Fresh Dug New Crop 10 49 BAKERY SPECIAL 1 RAISIN PIE 063 9c PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATUROAY, JUNE 12th. 1954 lui Qm»Ar & mnCIF Tu COMPANY Lia. THE L.A.NA.IAN STATESMAEN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAP610 TRSr WED. - THUES.» - JUNE 16 - 17 PI*PES & TOBACCOS BEACH NEEDS 1 . 1 orov O"AUTAVTà,&v ---- . --- - - MAY, JUNE 10th, 1954 SPECIAL BLEND 7-f, ýý PAGE 1POURTzMq 1 MUA lb 63C HEESE

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