-_____________ -.--,-,~ -~ .2' V~ ~ -~ - ~ .-.-'.~- - - TSEUI)AY, JUNE10th. 1U54 'Ckussifiod rut l - . - - - INi MEMORIAM4 BATrAS--FREE-In loving Metnory ot our darling son, Har- old Battams, and fatixer, James free, killed June 9th, 1941, at Seeley's Bey. We Who love you sadly miss you As ltjlawns another year. « -Ever remembcred by mother, Y dad, brothers, daugliter, son-n- I&W and grandsons. 23-1 ~& LIn lovlng memory of inr other and grandinother, kbetfh Annie Heari, Who pass- .ad aWay. June 13, 1953. ln Our hearta your xnemory .lingers, Aiways tender, fond and truc; There'. flot a day, dear mother, We 4ýnfot fhink of yau. Lo -Lqgly remcxnbcred by UirDora, son-in-law Ralph 8fdtdchildren. 23-1* IEARL-In loving memory of a dear nicher and grandnxofher, Elizabeth Annie Hleari, Who msd away. June 13, 1953. Eh. nover tailed te do her best, The heart was truc and tender, Bhe dld her duty te the laat, Then lefI us te remember. --Sadly missed by Reginald and Zileen, Melly and Jack end grandchildren. 23-1* LARGE-.In ioving memory et a dear triend, Maud, Who died, Jurie iOfh, 1952. There is ne parting from those we love No distance can divîde For fcday in memory's garden W. sf111 walk side by side. -Fondly remembercd by Mrs. T. Wrighf. 23.1* LABGE-In lovlng memory et' eur mother, Maude M. Large, Who passed away, June ith, 1952. TodaS' recalas sad memorles 0f a dear mother gone te rest And the onci Who think of her today Ame the ones Who loved her best. In our hearts your memory lingers, Aiways tender, tond and truc. There is net a day, dear mother, That we do nof think et you. -Lovlngly remembered by Xileen, Elsie, Fcrn, Joyce, Lois, Relen and Shirley. 23-1 PINGLE-In loving mcmory et a dear aiter, Mrs. Loia Pi.ngle who dicd, June 12, 1953. At rest. -Foridly reniembered by her sister and brofhers. 23-1* ]PINGLE-In lovlng memnory <f a dear wite and mother, Mrs.l Norman Pingle, Who passcd ,away, June i2th,* 1953. God took her home, If was His But lni eur hearti mIxe livetIx sf111. -Lovlngly remembered b y4 Piorin, Betty, Lloyd and famlly. 't I Cardsn of Thanka-* 9 The Newcastle Baïeball Club .wishes te fhank ail thooe who 3 assisfed in sldnlng thxe dlamond. t Special thanka te Fred H. Gra- hami for his help and the une of ihi.& truck. 23-1 *W. wish to express our ai- cere thanks toecveryone who 50 Lkindly donated te the welfare ef aur club. Your thoughtfulns 1and aid is cerfalnly apprqchated. Thank you. Newcastle Ladies' Sotubali Club. 23-1 Mir. and Mrs. Balph Mlls wish te thank their fricnds of Tyrone communty for.fIxe Iovely gItts et à neat oetfables and eut glass rose bowl, and gocd wishes ex- tended to fhem reoenfly; aise te Tyrone Football Club for their lovely gitt. 23-1 The family et thllte William EdwardDenneny wish te thank their fricrida and neighbours, the staff et Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvilie, and Oshawa General Hospital, msa Dra. Rundle and Sturgis for flxeir rnany acta and werds ef kindness. 23-1 Mrs. W. J. Haniblyn, 84 On- tarie St., wlaheg te thank her neighbors for fhèir many acta of kindness during her îtay in Memorial Hospital through an accident, also Dr.,Irerguson and nurses. Mrs. Cann and Mns. Doyle. Mariy thanks. 23-1* I am taking this opportunity ta thank Dr. Siemen, Dr. Mc- Kay, Dr. Austin and nurses and staff et Memorial Hospital, Baw- *manville, for their care and kindnecs,: also fIxe people who visited me, sent nme carda and tlowers during my recent stay In tIxe hospital. Mia. B. Gahcnly. -23.1* 1 wish te sinccrely thank li my relatives, friends and nelgh- heurs for their many acta ef kindnàess te me and te my family during my recent stay , I the Ixspital. I would especially like foa fhak Balcer's Communlty Club, Salins Football Club, aise Salins Women's Institute for their. kind gifts. Howard. Millsari. 23-1* f Mn,. W. J. Stainten and fam- MlY. wish -te. express their sincere ~thanks- and appreciation te al the nurses af the Memonlal Hos- pital, Bownianvile, and te Dr. A. F. McKenzie, Orono, and to. their -neighbours, friends and relatives for their acta et kind-1 neas, also for the many beautiful1 fleurira, carda and messages et symPathy recelved in the bereavemeni et a leving husband and father. 231. 1 Spocial% for Boys and Girls' Juno 14 Io 25 Tisse: 0:45 t. S pus. WMErE? AT MEE Evangeliulic Contre SWORD DRILE - BIBLE QUIZ and ACTION CHORUS Evangellsfa Cia» and Dywo ln charte. Ail Boys and Girls Invied Bev. Ir. B. ifild, ftor 23- i Used Car Seil 1953 Auutin A40 Sedan Low Mileage 1952 Chov. Sodan Very chan, Sunvisor 1952 Dodgo Sedan Undércoatlng, Sunvisor, Lw Mileage 1952 Pontiac Sedan Radio, Heater, very dlean car 1950 Meteor Sedan Goed runniug condition 194 Mercury Coach Radio, new Slip Cover. and Two-tene Paint 19847 Sludebaker Soda. Overdrive, new paint job 1946 Chov. Soda. Completely recondltloned TRUCKS 1951 Gx.N.foul.Pickup 1» Lo nlleage, goodtré 1958 G.N.C. 1-oi Siake Body New tires, stock racks, new paint 1946 Ford M-on Plckup Reasonab>. 1945 G.N.C. Dump Truck Ready fer work - IBlackstock Motors ?BON£ 70 BLACKSTOCK ciusH eTRADE 019 TEllE a -i I-h ________________ wAq <WA~Ji - A £SA~.O&UIL qq~' fi £ W A ~t A W ~A ~tD Ads COMING EVENT Garden Party at Yelverfon, in new eRcration Centre, Friday, June Ilth. Supper, 5 p.m. on, 85e and 35c. Variety .program from Toronto. 23-1 Presentatlon and dance I honor of the recent marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Moftat wil b. held I Grifton Town Hall, Friciay, June llth. 23-1 Shiloh Annlvcrsary Service wiIl be held at -7:30 p.m., Sun- day, June 13, wlth Rcv. T. A. Morgan, B.A., Bowmanville, guest speaker, and miusic by Newcastle Choir. 23-1* 'Baseball, at the Hlgh School #rounds, Monday, June 14 at 6:30 p.m., Port Hp e vs. Bow- manville Broakdalc Rases. The Roses are in first place, eD turn out and give thcm your support. 23-1 Plan nour for Friday nigIxI, June i8th, ta Ixean "Happines Ahead", ta be presented in En- niskillen ChuncIx shed. 'Special music between acts tram AsIx- humn, also the Davcy Sisters, Tyrone. Admission. 50c and 25c. Sponsored by fthe Circuit Parson- age Board. 23-1 Enfleld Annivcrsmry Services on Sundmy, June 13, at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Rev. John Kit chen, Orano, will preach at bath services. Music by fthe ScIxool assisted by Mr. Roland Coombes, Tyrane. Tuesday, June 15, at 8:30, Salina W. I. will present their play, "Maid et Money" Admission: adults, 50c; children 25c. -23-1 Dr. G. Elmere Reaman, O.A. C., Guelph, will speak at fIxe Boys' Training ScIxool, Bowman- ville, Tuesday, June 15, at 8 p.m. rinder fthe auspices efthfIe Dur- hum County Trustees' and Rate- payera' Association, at thein annual meeting. Music by pupils et Durham County. Everyone welcome. 23-1 Cadmus Sunday School An- niversary will he Ixeld Sunday, June 13, with Rev. Harold Lac- kie, Claremont, preaching at il .m. and 7:30 p.m. Music by Grecnhank Quartette. Garden parfy and bazaar, Thursdmy, June 17, tram 5 p.m., with play by Salina cast, "Maid et Moncy"1 at 8 p.m. Supper and concert, $1.00r concert only, 50c. 23.1* Personal H se si $1 i] HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber goods) malled postpaid in plain ealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham.- Mton. Ont. 1-52 Tenders for Ceai and Coke Federal Buildings Provine oftriro SEAL'ED TENDERS addressed te thxe undcrsigned and cndarscd as above, will be received until 3:00 .p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Wcdnes- dar, June 23, 1954, for fIxe supply et ceai and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Prov- ince et Ontario, Forms et tender with spec. Ificatians and conditions attach- cd cari. be ohtained tram.fthe' Chiet et Purchasing and Stores, Depattment et Public Works, Ottawa, and tIxe Purchaaing and Stores Officer, 3 Sullivan Street, Tenante, Ontario. Tenders will net be censidered unleas madc on an accerding ta tIxe printed forms supplied by the Departmenî and la accord- ance with conditions set forth thercin. The Department neserves fIxe right to demand from any suc- cessful tenderer, befere mward- xxg fIxe order, a security deposit in the farm etf a certified cheque drawn on a bank incarpanatcd under fIxe Bank Ac't or fIxe Que- bec Savings Bank Act payable ta fIxe order et the Henourable fthe Minister et Public Works, equal fa ten per cent efthfIe amount ef tender, in accerdance with the Government Contracta Reg-l ulatiens now la force, or Bear- er Bonds. with unmaturcd cou- pons mttached. oethfIe Goverri- ment of Canada or affIxe Canmd-j ian National Railway Companyî and ita constituent companies,! unconditionally guarantecd as ta principal and interest by, fIxe Goverament et Canada. The lowest or any tender net necessarlly accepted. Robert Farfler, Secretary. DePartmcnt of Public Works, Ottawra, May 28, 1954. 23-1 Im WAeN A~1 r ! A -rrA PARrY IS iùwaa 114E FAIR SEX 4JI95 CuP AtJo SAUCIERS 70 eNI LACI4g MR Phone 438 I 6x, 1OWKA4NVILE O?<TAR!O Town Council Asked to Clean up Rowdyism at East-West Beaches Due to Much Week-End Drinking Efforts will be made by tue Police Commiffo. et Bormari- ville Town Council te correct the undesirable situation creat- cd by dancing being allowcd un Sunday aftr-rnoon and evenlngs at the Bowmanville Eat and West Beaches, It was declded nt Lthe regular meeting of Town Conncil Moriday night. A letton was recelved. from Police Chiot Sydney Venten stating fIxat he *Ixad recelved complaints that Sunday danc- ing, at the East Beach particu- larly, la creating heavy mater trattic and resulting ln drink- ing and a certain anieunt et dis- turbance. The letter stated that between 50 and 75 cars werc & arked at fIxe pavillons at fIxe ast and West Beach last Suri- day and that many of these were fram pointa as tan as Peterbor- ough and Scarborough where Sunday dancing ls not allowed. Thene la aise some drinklng going on. thxe Police Chief re- portcd, and' he expresscd the opinion thaf the Sunday danc- ing should be curbed by the passing et a by-law betore the conditions resulting tram it get warsc. Coun. Nelson Osborne theughi that fIxe matter could be hand- led under the Lerd's Day<Alli- ance Act but Mayor Morley Vanstone pointed ouftfIxat the two pavilions make no charge for thxe dancing and therefore it could net be torbidden under this . overnment acf. He tdft thaf a town by-law might be fthe answer ta the probleni. Suggesi Searching Cars Reeve Sidney Little and De- puty-Recve Owen'Nicholas teif that a police search fer liciuon of ail cars gaing te the beaches, and a close police chckl on mc- tivitieg at the lakefront on Sun- days would probably brn& the situation under control. Coun. Fred Cole fhoughf that residents ofthfIe West Beach would net like ta see their children deprived efthfIe rigt ta dance if fIxe rowdyism lina connectian with if could be eliminated. He aIse expressed the opinion thaf the pavilion owners would be anly fao glad te sec the drlnking and rowdy- ism at fthe beaches curbed. A motion by Coun. Dave Hig- gon was passed that fthe matter be lctt with fthe Police Commît- tee fa f ake what action fhey se fit. A request was mise received Corneto an Com plete Elections For Union Officeýrs The executive board and plant stewards of Local 189 efthfIe United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Warkcrs of Amer- Icm at the Goodyear plant here were chosen aI an clection Ixeld 1aI week. TIxe officers Ixad been clected prcviausly. Mepibers oethfIe , execufive board are: Maurice Prout, Jim Woodward, Tom Masterson, At Maviri' Jim Coyle, George Vince and Ted Shechun. Plant stew- ards arc: T. M. Wilcox, Harry Bartîcîf, A. Murphy, N. Wilson, Jack Goadail, Syd Pnice, Gar- field Clarke, A. Millsen, Fleyd Mutton,,L. Dolan, L. Luttmari, AIt Samnelîs, Jack Durin, Alex Crombie, Floyd Bradd, Orville Hoaper, Churlie Vanstone, Don Kecmp, Roy Hall and K. Nui- combe. Delegates fa fIxe District 6 Council efthfIe U.R.C.L.P.A. are President Ivan Hobbs, Vice- President Harold. Cebbledick, Secnetary Bill Blakely, Trea- urer Ed Gibbs and Dan Kemp. Five membena wil' be elected te fIxe Bangalning Committee Ioday (Thursday). tram Chief Venten that counceil purchase' a shield for perman- ent cempetit ion af fthe Junior Police Games held aI fthe Boys Training ScIxoal. A motion spansored by Deputy-Reeve Ni- chelas was passed fIxat this per- manent shield h. purchased, and aIse a amail replica et if ho bought each ycar te *be given Iotei bey winning fthe large shleld tei keep for hirnseif. A request thaf twe Weeks bol- idays h granfed te membera efthfIe Bowmanvîfle Police Force, plus an addlfiorial weec i lieu et stafufory holidays, was reterred ta fIxe Police Com- mittec. This is fIxe sanie length of Ixeldays which waa granfed te fIxe force liat year. Crosng Signal Discusied A IcI fer was recelved tramn thic Board et Transport Cam- missioners atatlng fIxat if would cest $16,800 te install pressing gatesanmd a warning systern at the C.N.R. cressing on the Wharf Road. The Board wlll psy 40 Secent oethfIe cosl and the .Nr.R. 30 per cent, leaving fthe town responsible for 30 pcr cent. Reeve Little sfated that since this amount must come out ot the budget for thé roads and Streets, and it was net allowed for in thIxs yemr's expenses, the matter should b e left until next yemr. His motion fIxaI if be lft until early In 1955 mnd allow- ance be made hIncnxt year's budget for tIxe cnasslng gates, was passcd. Council was asked fa send Fire Chiet L. Hoaper and caun- cil representatives ta a meeting et tire chiets in Northumber- land and Durham at Cobourg June 15 ta prepare a mutual aid pregram lin cannection wlth ci- vil defence. It wms dclded fIxaI Reeve Little, Pire Chiet Hooper and pessibly seme othen cauri- cil members would attend. A. letter wms rcceivcd tramn fIxe Hospital Ladies' Auxlliary thanking counicil fer allawlng« use et the Town Hall auditor- ium free et charge for tIxe play "Happiness Ahemd". A letter was received tramn fIxe Specimlty Paper Company asking Ixew soan impr ved street lighting would be instaîl- .d on Temperance Sf. as re- queâted by fIxe firni st taîl. It was.-reparted fIxaI P.U.C. Mani- ager George VanBridger had stafed these llghts would be put in within a manlh, and a ofn hSt.rE.ett fiea 1 -. j@ No Relief Cases In Bowmanville Reports'Town Clerk Amid ail fhe rfcent talk ot recession, hard tirnsln the aufo- motive lndusfry and se forth, if in lnterestlni to note that there in flot a sigle name on thxe relief rolls at the present tinie in Bowmanvllle. During p art 6f the. winter, Town Clerk Alick Lyle zUated a ncw Canadian family was draw- ngrelief, buf the town wau re- glxursed for this amodunt by fthe Dominion Goverrnment. There has been noe one on the. relief rails for any length eftfime dur- ing the past two years, he sald. Citizens Relieved To Know. Certain Streets Being Oiled The summer program et oil- ing fthe gravel if recta ln town to keep down the dust was starf- ed on Monday mernlng by a truck efthIe Storni. Construc. GENERAL ELECTRIC Roto-CoId Refrigerator tion Company. Under the agreemnent betweent flic town and thle Stornas Company the. town pea a certain price per gallon for.ttii., oh as laid -down on the stteets. uand the- work la dou.e by lth. equipnient and workers cf file company. "he Works Dept. of fthe town tells theju whlch strette rieed attention. When 1 &hall have fini*"e my llte's work and lie çlçad.- If but cri person who sh11!ot upon My face cari tee! tat 1 through the grace ot God, wus able bysome word or déed. le lead him Info a tuler @mg@ieof llte's truc meanlng - thqn Way labors shail net have bén tln vain, and 1 would rallier be the. instrument through whleh mch a One had received Ilgbt and the corisciouanesa et the thue woath of hlm own seul, fl4an te hav.- given rny lte f0 winnlng g!eat wealth or great faine-Be. E d- win H. Chapin. N 0 te Open Friday Nighis unlil 9. p.m. Closed Salurdays ai 6 p.me HA Y TIME IS HERE SEE US NOW FOIS Bairon - Elevalors - Noworu -Sfio e lko Case and New Idea Farm Equipmont f. BROWN ~* DEALER FOR W Casm Far. Machinery flftlem T VeLaval Milliers and separete, g NO eatty Ur ss table EmMIpmnW;Sr e o m King St E. I HIGGG Op '~8 ing APPLIANCES GENERAL ELECTRIC Spacemaker RANGE N E w MODEL RS-42 MODEL JID-87-L Complete automatic defr9st 39 lb. frozen food compartment two large stacking crispera Convenient stor-a-dar shelves Cool garden green interior plus many features you muet me& *4O.?LIERS OPEN FRIDAY 9Lo'clock H GO 38 King St. E.' MODEL ME9-ME9P large 9 lb. family tub fameus self adjusting wringer new 5 year warranty plus many new features s18oo DELI VERS new push button controls full width fluorescent lampe new "Jet" speed calrod elements new focused type broiler famous G.E. "Duragleani" finish plus many fMatures you muâtt ee. s2d4.oo DELI VERS ELECTRIC Lu«e Bowmanville SAV E 'ON NEW à54 GENERAL ELECTRIC 3-ZONE WASHER Twilighl meeting' Ijuder the auspem et the DURHAM COUNTY SHORTHORN CLUB te b. held ai flhehome ef i& AND MRS. JOHN BAKER, solina Friday, June 181b at ' P.rn. Speaker: MR. W. P. WATS ON, Liventock Comilsioner ,Judging Competilon UMM -* LADIES - JUNIORS Lunch Served Evuese Inierested la lnvlted Lance Beaili, me. Ricard, Pros. Sec'y '23-10 Il 4 Edwin Sandercock's Car Demolished Near Courtice Edwin Sandercock, R.R. 2, Or- ana, suffered deep cuts in his left keg and forehead and h-'s car was demolished Tuesday when it left No. 2 Vighway on the sharp curve just west oi Roy Nichol's garage at Cour. tice, turned completely over, and crashed against a large treu on the south side of the high- way. Mr. Sandercock told O.P.P. Constable Frank Dryden, who investigatéd, that he was driv- ing east when an approaching car swerved wide on the curve forcing him ta pull out to the shoulder on the right side of the road. He straightened the vehicle out but was unable tu control it, and it swerved on to the shoulder again and then left the road. The injured driver was taken to Oshawa General Hospital by a a passzng motorist, where he was released after treatment. cletter wil be sent ta the com- pany giving it this information. J. 0. VanNest was given per- mission te erect a hanging sign tour feet by two feet In fron 1 1 1 1 -- w I p p a -5-, TFP7ýl -, 1 ýl, Z' -ý 1 ,wif C!Avàntàw antAqqp-tmAl PAGU exign"m . 1 1 Phone 438