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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1954, p. 1

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w ~ * !W1~$tI r.w<w ~ J . r 'Durham County's Great Fcqmily Journal" BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 1Oth, 1954 10e PER COPY NUMBER 23 Majo rity of Merchants Favor Keeping Open friday Nights To'Canvass Ail Store Owners A representative group of "high pressure" Bawmanville merchants an Bowmanville's merchants, into making the main street decided at a meet- switch if they feel it is against ing in the Balmoral Hotel on their interests. Monday night ta adopt for a ten- However, the retail merchants weeks trial pernad from July 2 hope that the change ta Friday ta September 3, inclusive, a night opening and Saturday 6, policy of keeping their stores p.rn. closing cari be made as opeh until 9 p.m. on Friday ungnimous as possible ta avaid nights and clasing them at 6 canfusing the shoppers. Mr. p.m. Saturday.-night.. Stutt and Mr. Morris hope also The move affects only those te arrange for ca-operative ad- retail stores which up until the vertising by stores making the present have remained open an change ta advise shoppers that Saturday evenings, and does not Friday nîght instead of Satur,- concern stores which previausly day will be "Shopping Night" did not open on either evening. during the summer, beginning Held under the auspices of July 2. the Retail Merchants Commit- Those present at the meeting tee of the Chamber of Com- Monday night« presented both merce, the meeting was attend- sides of the question and it was ed by about 35 persans, includ- felt that the only major objec- ing the majonity of the main tien ta Saturday night closing street merchants whom the new might corne from farmers in the policy will affect. A list of mer- area. However, President Art chants favoring the change from Hooper of the Chamber of Saturday to Friday night store Commerce stated that two farm- opening was drawn Up at the ens in the district had told him meeting and signed by ahl re- they preferred stores ta be openi aiI' merchants present. on Friday night. It was feit that James Stutt and Don Morris, once the farm shoppers became o-chairmen of the Retail Mer- used ta the change they would hants Committee, will canvass nat abject ta it. )ther merchants in town in an Lt was poînted out that mast ffart ta get them ta sign In or- of the tawns an No. 2 Highway 1er ta mnake the change as un- are now opening their stores on animous as possible. It was Friday night and closing on tressed at the meeting that this Saturday at 6 p.m. and that is a co-operative venture which none have switched back te the -it is hoped-will benefit bath aid systern the main street merchant and The 'feeling of the meeting hfe Bowmanville area shoppers. was that the new system should It is for a trial period only, is be given a trial in Bowmanville In line with the trend in most at least, and the list of those in ther towns on Na. 2 Highway, favor of the plan was then nd no effort will be made ta drawn Up. A ut horit y is Granted To Widen More Streets A petition framn residents on would be left in good shape and the north side of Church St. be- there would be no charge made tween Temperance and Silver by the town. Streets that parking be prohi- Reeve Little also reported bited on that side led ta a de- that he feit Waverly Road cision at Monday, night's coufl should be ditched and put in cil meting ta widen this street shape in view of the fact that by remaving the boulevard. some day it may be a main Chairman Sidney Little of the entrance into Bowmanville Raads and Streets Cammittee from Highway 401 if a claver- reported that the widening of leaf is installed. He stated that Silver St. by removing the H. W. Hoskin of R. R. 4 Oshawa, boulevard an the east side had wpuld put a ditch digger and a worked out very well, and that truack on this job for' $16 an this could be done on the north hour, and the total cast wauld side of Church as well. When probably be-about $575. *This this is finished, he said, the niatter was left with the roads street will prabably be wide and streets committee with enough sa that parking can be power ta act. On the suggestion allowed on the north side and of Coun. Fred Cale, Reeve Lit- there will stili be enaugh room tle stated that he would also for cars ta pass. consuit with District Highways Temperance- St. will also be Engineer Ewart Marston an the widened between Church and job. Wellington Streets hy removal The entrance ta Brown St. of the boulevard on the east from King St. will be paved at side, he said. Court. Fred Cale the time the hard surfacing suggested that the boulevard (Cantinued on page seven) should be removed an the north side of Church St. all the way between Scugog and Division. Scotch Jr. Farmer Other Streets Suggested T us D ra Coun. Dave Higgon suggested T us D ra that Division St. should also bp widened betwepn King andOnEcag si Church Streets. He proposed that the Roads and Streets Com- A Scottish Junior Farmer, rittee be given authority ta Phillip Duncan of Tullynessie, widen not anly the one block Alfard, Aberdeenshire, is visit- on Church St. andi one on Tem- ing Durham County this week perance St. but also any other under the exchange program of streets where it is feasible ta do the Ontaria Department of Agri- so. Council agreed ta this, and culture and the Agriculture De- Reeve Little said that as many partmnent of Scotland. ,treets would be done as his Each year under this scheme, Limited budget could pay for, four members of the Scottish A letter had been receîvedI Association of Young Farmers from Specialty Paper Company corne ta Ontario ta observe asking if the firm wou]d have Canadian methods of agriculture, o pay for putting its driveway while four Ontario Junior Farm- n shape after Temperaîace St. ers make the trTp to Scotland is widened. Reeve Little asked for a similar purpose. hat a letter be sent the firrn Mr. Duncan is staying at the informing themn their driveway home of James T. Brown, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, and will visit variaus farms and talk ta Dur- Instituteharn Junior Farmers during. his Insttuteweek in the county. He wîll visit fivé other caunties in On- tario during his six-weeks stay. The four Ontario Jun ior Farm- ers who are visiting Scotland this summer are from Huron, Perth, Prince Edward and Went. worth Counties. There is a S~ good chance that next year ai Durham County Junior Farmer; will be chosen ta make the trip. Sisters Win Girl Guide GoId Cords Mrs. Maurice Conway standà prou dly between her two daughters, Ingrid and Patricia, both of whom received the Gold Cord, highest award in the Girl Guides. Cammissioner Victoria Frank presented t he awards at a Mother and Daughter Banquet attended by about 225 at the Lio ns Community .Centre on Friday evening, June 4. -Photo by Rehcier Club 15 Conclude Season By Making Several Donations Club 15 held their last busi- ness meeting of the year at the home of President, Mrs. George Vinish. Final detaîls for the baoth the Club girls are planning as their contribution ta the Hospi- tal Bazaar were discussed. It was decided ta donate $50 ta the Department of Recrea- tion. In response ta a request fram CARE the Club vated funds ta purchase a plaugh for one fam-. ily in Pakistan. It was also voted ta donate a $10 pnize ta the Public School Orchestra, this ta be pnesentedi at a concert being held on June 22nd. It was agreed ta continue helping less fortunate children in the district during the suni- mer. Regular Club meetings will resume in the faîl. Council Calis For Tenders on New Sidewalks, Tenders have been called hy Bowmanville Town Counicil for the construction of 4,765 feet of sidewalks along Bowmanville streets this summer. New s¶dewalks account for 1,765 feet of this total, and the remaining 3,000 feet will be re- pairs and replacements of side- walks already laid down in var- ious sections of tawn. The following new sections of sidewalk will be laid: The west side of High St. from Second St. ta Third St., 550 feet, four feet in width. The west side of Simpson Ave. from Jane St. ta Sauthway Drive, and from Jane St. ta ap- proximately 200 feet north-a total of 955 feet, four feet ini width. The north side of Third St. fram Elgin St. ta Lambs Lanie, approximately 260 feet, three feet in width. The sidewalks will be four inches in depth. Tenders must be received at the Town Hall by Monday, June 21. Mrs. William Lennie, Win- nipeg, has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roen4: -k. Guest Speaker Contract Let For Decorating Se yen Branches Attend Legion Auxiliary Rally Over 250 members of the sev- en branches of the Ladies' Aux- iliary of the Canadian Legion in Zone 27 atténded a banquet and Zone Rally in the Bawman- ville Canadian Legion Hall on Monday evening. The Presi- dents and a large number of de- legates were present from Baw- manville, Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Uxbridge, Claremant and Dunbartan, and Zone 27 Com- mander Rase Bate, Provincial Secretary MacMillan, and Hon- orary Provincial Treasuner Tompkins, also taok part ini the praceedings. The Legion Hall was rnost at- tractively decorated for the. event with the calors of the sev- en branches and Union Jacks on the platfarm as well as bas- kets of chrysanthernums, lilacs and tulips. The tables were de- corated in red, white and blue and bore vases of spring flaw- ers, Favars of key rings danated by the Goodyear Tire & Rub- ber Company, and beauty pre- panations donated by Margaret Perris, Mollie Badger and Wan- da Clarke were given ta each guest. Head Tablé Gues Prior ta an excellent banquet served by members of the Bow- manville Ladies Auxiliany, Pre-. sident Mrs. Edward Rundle of the Bowmanville Auxiliary,. in.- troduced the fallawing head ta- ble guests: Pres. Pilkey, Osh- awa; Past Pres. Palmer, Baw- manville; Legion Zone FlICom- mander Stan Dunn, Bowman: ville; Provincial Secretary Mac- Millan; Bowmanville Legion P-res. Ross McKnight- Bowrnan- ville Legion Padre, Rev. John Kitchen, Orano; Hon. Provin- cial Treasurer Tampkins; May- or Morley Vanstone; Zone 27 Commander Bate, Bowrnanville; Bowmanville Legion Secretary, Ron Abbott; Pres. Wood, Clare- mont; Pres. May, Dunbartan; Standard Bearer Preston, Bow- manville; Secretary Richards, Bowmanville; lst Vice-Pres. P er r is, Bowmanville; Pres.. Sweetman, Uxbridge; P r e s Ashton, Ajax; 2nd Vice-Pres. Knight, Bowrnanville; Treasur- er Wallis, Bowmanville; Pres. Humphreys, Whitby. President Rundle of the hast branch introduced Mayor Van- stone, who expressed his plea- sure at being present. "I arn very pleased ta extend a warm wel- came ta the visiting delegates frorn the various Legion Ladies' Auxilianies", His Worship de- clared. "I arn particularly pleas- ed ta be able ta welcome you. in this fine hall which. shiws the strength of the local Legian branch. However, few graups are strong unless they have the support of the ladies and you have shown the strength of the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary by your fine turnout hére tonight." Further Weicome Extended Zone Commander Rase Bats replied for the ladies ta Mayor Vanstone's re ma r ks, after which President Ross McKnight of the Bowmanville Legion Bnanch also extended a warmi welcome ta the visiting dele- _(Continued on page seven) Record Number Pupils Enrol for September Fil! New Public School A record number of pupils are expected ta be enrolled at Bow- mnanville's three public schools in S$eptember. At the regular meeting of the Board held on Thursday night at the Ontario Street school it was learned that there will be well aven 100 mare pupils registered in the fal terrn than are now attending school. The present enralment of bath schools is 1,009 and this is ex- pected ta clirnb ta 1,116 accord- ing ta latest figures available. Some difficulty is being feit as sanie children starting in Kin- dergarten and Grade I have not been registered. Parents who have not already registered their children should do so immed-' iately ta avoid confusion and other difficulties later 9n in the su mmer. Lt had been expected that only fieofte six raoms at the new Vincent Massey School would be used this faîl, but due ta the large enrolment aIl six will he put ta use. This necessitates the hining of an additional teacher l RIIII l 0 qrw wii ma mboarci naU JIdU IIuIIUUItUc -, 4,~p.on. Contract for the painting and New Sehool deconating work ta be ,done this It was reported that satisfac- summer on the auditorium ofI tory progress is now being made the Town Hall was let ta J. H.! on the new school and if the Abernethy & Sons at a meeting! present schedule is kept the of Public Property Committee! building should be ready for use of Town Council held Tuesdayj by late August. The Board night, Chairman Wilfrid Car- authorized the purchase of the, ruthers has announced. - necessary desks and chairs ta The decorîjting work mnust equip the Vincent Massey wait, however, until the stage School. of the auditoai- :uu has been ex- The Board gave the irchitects tended and arrangements have permission ta change the srnoke been made fan the new drapes D.G loeRaa stack on the new school. The of Homne Economics and Health, Maple Grave; Mrs. F. for the stage. The Bowrnanville D.G loeRaa original plans cailed for a steel Stevens, Convenor of Community Activities and Public Business and Professional Wo- The first Superintendent of! chimney. but due ta the increas- Relations, Maple Grave; Mrs. T. G. Sowden, Convenor of men's Club has offered ta donate the Boys' Training School and ed insurance premiurn with this Resoutios ad JuiorActivities, Newtonville. Absent the drapes, and it is hoped that now head of the English Départ-1 type it was felt that the Board plas jr te istalaton orkment at the O.A.C., Guelph, will j would be saving rnoney in the from the photo are Mrs. G. Marlow, Convenor of Citizen- may be cornpleted soon so that address th1uhm Cut ogrnb ntligtemr ship and Ed ucatiori, Blackstock; Miss Catherine Stewart, the decoratîng work can be pro- 1 Trustees' and Ratepayers' As- expensive brick chirnney. Chang- Convenor of Historical Research and Current Events, ceeded with.* i sociatian at the annual meeting! ing the incandescent lights to Kendal; Mrs. Everett Cryderman, Convenor of Agriculture . The Bawmanville Rotary' Club, at the B.T.S., Bowmanville, on fluorescent was also discussed and Canadian Industries, Sauina. i donating the funds for extend- ; Tuesday, June lSth at 8 p.m. but nlQ décision was réachéd --phta b Casoiàâttiicing 'and repairing the stage in, Public is cordially invited ta until mare information is avail- -ht Caam tuoPort liops th auitr = aten " eeL kabI. Tis e~ h-ng» il adopted. will also ha made ta reduce thit aperating cost of the schoal. Boundary Lines The new boundaries for the schools were approved in priný ciple but will he subject ta change with more enrolments and when the nesults of exams. are .known. Each pupil before he completes school at the end of June will be told what school he or she is ta attend in Septem- ber. Kindergarten pupils and new Grade pupils will be in- fonmed by letter during the sum- mer. Supenvising Principal A. M. Thonipson neported that an attendance record had been established in May. Miss Leta Bragg's class had a 100% at- tendance record for the month. Lt is believed that this perfect score has never been attained before. New trees have been planted (Continued on page seven) Entire Town Power Off Early Sunday The entire town of Bow- manville wiil have an elec- trie power interruption this Sunday morning, .June l3th. George VanBridger, man- ager of the utilities Com- mission announeed that the fut-Off wii start at 5 a.m. and wili be finished by 7.30 ar.. This in terruptIon is neces. sary no that repaira and maintenance may be carrled, eut at the sub-stationm feeders. If the weather In Inelernent Bunuiay mornlng the Interruption- will be postponed for one week. Your co-operation in thia matter la requested by the The new executiv'e for the district of Durham West Women's Institute was elected at morning sessions of the District Annual Convention held in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, June 8. There were 136 members Sest" representing the 10 branches in the district. jctured above, front row, Ieft ta right are: Mrs. Malcolm Zierson, Past Pres., Ne-stleton; Mrs. S. Grant, Pres., Bow- nanvlle; Mrs. Ralph Davis, Sec'y-Treas., Solina; Mrs. W. »ro*mi st Vice, Maple Grove; Mrs. Norman Kennedy, 3ný Vioow KXda1. Bw ackswt1Mm. L.Muday.Couvwnor t t t t 1 1 NUMBER 23

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