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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1954, p. 7

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YE~DAY JIINEloth, 1%54 ,f.JakKent' Ottawa, spent fa weekend wilth bis father, Mn. Mns. L. Smith Kitchener, iPent the weekend with Mr. and Mnr. L. B. Nichais. Miss Neilie Burke, Oriflia, $ nt the weekend with ber ther, Mrs. T. S. Holgate. Mrs. Dic% Metcalf, Toronto, Mpent -the weekend with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Knight. . Mr. E. J. Osborne, Pickering, is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dislcy, Mearns AvKr-and Mns. R. Van Camp ,qJayce, and Miss Ruth Bragg Weenjoying a motor. trip to Wasbington, D.C. Mrs. J. Semplonius, Silver St., bas returned from spending two months with relatives ang friends in the Netherlands. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Stapley, Margo and Tony, Winnipeg, Min., are visiting hey, parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Birks. Rev. T. A. Morgan and Rev. Harold Turner are attending the Bay of Quinte Conference of the United Cburcb at Belleville this week. Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, Toronto, Was i town Monday ta place a wreatb on her husband's grave at the cemetery and also called on aid friends. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilspie and Mrs. Myrtle Chambers, Toron- ta, werc Sunday visitors af Mns. Thas. Hayes, Elgin St. Boy Scouts will hold their next paper drive on Friday, June .25. Sa get busy and get your waste papers nicely bun- dled for the pick-up. 1Mrs. Giddus Joncs bas retunn- ced from i very pleasant visit with', ber son and daugbten-in- law,!Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Joncs anid randson Pbilipi, Ottawa. .- Miss Betty Jane Werry, En- niskillen, ententained Il of ber littie girl friends on Saturday afternoon, the occasion being bot noventh birtbday. -iMr.' J. D. Thomas, Toronto, '?residqnt of the World's Chame- pnzhil) Pioughig Organisa-. moen, Wg~s ini tovn Saturday and wau guést of Mn. and Mrs. Oea. W. James. Mr. ýF. J. Van Nest, Toronto, was I town Sunday ta place flowers on the grave of bis par- ents,, Mr. and Mrs. John Van Neste' farmcrly o! Sauina and Bowmanville. Miss Joyce Lawson who lu head Radiographer in charge of tihe Cobalt Bomb at the Cancer Clinic, Ilondon, Ont., was a weekend guest af Mn. and Mrs. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA&NVI=L, ONTARIO Win Attendance Prize Wm. G. James.i Unr. Robt. Callan, (nee Jean Spry), Coboconk, i renewing her subscription ta The States- man writes: "It would be ter-1 rible flot ta get the news from home every week".-1 Mr. and Mrs. Owen Nicholas, Miss Carol Plummer, Mr. No r- man Plummer visited Mr.. Jessie Grigg and family on Sunday, June 6, on the occasion of Mri. Grigg's 9Oth birthday. If yau neglected ta mail in your pink envelope for the Easter Seal Crîppled Cbildnen's Fund, do it now. The Rotary Club re- ponts the campaign $49.00 short o! last year's amount raised. Mrs. Kennetb Burnside, Mont- neal, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chant and attended the graduation o! ber sister, Miss Wilma Richards, fnom Oshawa General Hospital. Master Jimmy Hoffman, Bur- lington, visited bis grandparents, Mn. and -Mns. Gea. W. James, and neturned home witb bis dad on Sunday ta welcome bis new brother home from the bospital. Wally Braden, who served as a Major with the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry High- landers during World War II, attended the reunian of the First Battalion of the Regîment held in Kingston last weekend. Mns. Blake Pollard, Seafonth, spent the weekend with Mrs. F. Calmer and attended the Dis- trict Convention of the Wom- en's Institute on Monday, being an active W.I. member when she was a resident o! Bowmanville Guests fram Bowmanville district wbo attended the Strong- Cameron. wedding at St. An- drew's United Church, Oshawa, included Mr. and Mns. E . S. Strong, Mn. Jack Jackson, Mn. and Mrs. A. Soloman, Mn. and Mns. H. Bragg. Report of Memonial Hospital, Bowmanvîlle, fnom June 1 ta 8 shows 37 admissions and 37 discharges. Six babies were born, four boys and twa girls. Nine major and 13 minor oper- ations were performed and three emcrgency cases treated. Congratulations ta Miss Betty Marie Taylor, daughten o! Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Taylor. Courtice, who received ber Bachelor o! Physical and Heaitb Education degnee fnom Univer- sity o! Toronto at the annual convocation on Tbursday,' May' 27,. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. G. James left this morning ta represent The Statesman at the annual convention o! the Ontario Divi- sion a! the Canadian Weekly _________________________ .Nwpaper AsoaionULIfl ifg held in London, June 11-12. Mn. James is a director o! tbe Asso- ciation. ST. J HNS cMn. J. H. Grigg, Morden, of- fice manager of the Phoenix In- surance: Co., Vancouver, B.C., spent the weekend with bis par- CHURCHents, Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Mon- (Anglican) den, bis sistens, Mrs. D. Patfield, Mns. Ted Pbillips and Mrs.r 1Rev. Warren Turner, Stanley Dunn, and aunt Mrs. B.A., B.D. Carnie Curtis. Mn. and Mns. J. Fraser, Aber- - feldy, Scotiand, wene guests o! Mn. and Mns. C. F. Duncan. Mn. and Mns. Fraser are spending TRINITY UUNDAT six months in Canada and the United States, visiting . friends acnoss the Dominion. Mn. Dun- B am.-Holy Communion can was a guest in their home while averseas. ia.m.-Choral Eneharlat The Bowmanvillc Detachment o! the Ontario Provincial Police 7 P.M-Evesongmaved an Wednesday fnomn thein I p.m-Eveuongoffices in the Town Hall to thein new quarters in the former Middle Green Villa Nursing Trinif y Unit ed Church Minister: Rev. T. A. Morgan, B.A. il A.M.- Sacramenf of The Lord's Table i Preacher - Rev. S. J. Pike, Newionville Mr. D. C. Peters, L.T.C.M., Director of Music Phyllis Chals Barrett, c. A.T.C.M., Organist. t t roaHighest average attendance prize waswon by Teaward was made by Miss Anna P. Lewis, directon of Wornen's Activities Branch of the Dept. of Agriculture, sat the District Annual Convention held in Trinity United yChurch, Bowmanville on June 8. In the above photo, Mrs. 7W. Cobbledick, Sec'y-Treas. of the Orono Branch, in the absence of Mrs. Fred Bowen, President, accepts the award from Miss Lewis, shown at right. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Home. The O.P.P. have ieased munism. the Middle Green Villa property Warns o! Red Danger for an indefinite peniad. The speaker stated that he At the annual meeting of Dis- knew the danger of Commun- trict 6, United Rubber, Cork, ism at first hand since he bad Linoleum and Plastic Workers1 served for 31 years in China and of Amenica, CIO-CCL, in Ham- was in that country when the iltan during the weekend, Nor- Communists took oven the gav- man Allison of Bowmanvill.a ernment. He told of the ruth- was elected secretary while Ivan lessrtess of the Reds in extract- Hobbs of Bowmanville was ing the last dollar whicb the eiected ta the executive. former middle and upper class- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jackson es possessýd. Members of these spent the weekend with Mr. and classes had even been forced Mrs. Roy Jackson and Brenda ta seIl their furniture and homes Jean at Marmora. Misses Flan- ta meet the financial demands ence and Leta Jackson returneci o! the Communist government, borne with them bain set he. said. sevn eks wth r.ang sn Indoctrination classes wene seoenJakowith n. and Mrs.r canried out in the schools and Mn. acksn'sstayin every level of saciety to farce Mr.Jacsons- ta inhosita .the Cammunist beliefs onto the And still they came! Bath people. "Class distinctions wene twin and quintuplet tulips have levelled. The rich became been nepanted by local ganden- po n h anbcm an ers, and now we have an entry er", Mn. Kitchen stated. in the triplet depantment. Bert Outlining the steady advance Lobban, R. R. 3, Bowmanville, of Communism in the Fan East, tells us he bas a yellaw tulip he declaned that it is now pro- with thnee blooms on one stein. viding a misguided faith ta Couldn't we have one with foun neanly bal! of the world's popu- now, just ta compiete the ne- lation. "There areeven same in cord and decorate the editor's aur own country who bave desk? adopted this misguided doctrine. Mn. Gea. A. Munday, former Let us not delude ourselves that member of The Statesman staff, it cennot happen hene. The only was a graduate in Tbeology at things~ which can fight it are aur the Convocation of Queen's faith in freedom and in Chnis- Theological College, Kingston, tianity. Vigilance and tnuth are Apnil 23. He is being ordained the pnice of aur liberty", Mn. at the Bay of Quinte Confenence Kitchen declaned. in Belleville this week. Mn. The speaker was thanked fan Munday was the winner of the bis timely and inspiring address Hugh Waddell and Leitch Me- by Past President Palmer of the marial Travelling ScbolanshiP Bowmanville Legion Ladies' valued at $600. His wife, the Auxiliary. former Margaret Fârmer, was Business Meeting Held alsa a member of The States- Following the banquet the man staff, business meeting was called ta Mention was made in the onden by President Rundle. The Newcastle conrespondence twa presentation of the colons was weeks ago that Jim Lovekin, To- an impressive ceremon-" in ronto, native of Newcastle, had whîch the visiting auxilianies neceived his degree of B.Edn., at took part. Prayer was said by the University of Toronto. The Chaplain Willett of the Bowman- editor, not familiar with thiâ ville Auxiiany. President Rundle new degree, displayed bis cun- welcomed the delegates on be- iosity as well as bis ignorance, haif of the Bowmanville Auxil- wnote ta Jim for an explana- iary and tunned the meeting aven. tion. Here is Jim's reply. "The ta Zone Commander Bate. B.Edn. degree is a graduate de- The Secretaries of the seven gree for teachers, and replaces branches in Zope 27 then gave the old B. Paed. degree which is thein annual reports. Zone Com- being discontinued. At the same mander Bate stated that Pont time, I receîved standing in the Penny is interested in forming a first of my Ph.D. pre-requisites Legian Ladies' Auxiliany which ...Ail this adds up ta impres- will be in this zone. She repart- sive confetti for a tombstone." eda zone membenship of 524, and MIrs. H. W. Jewell, Mrs. F. J. 311 Ladies Auxilianies through- Wight, Mn. and Mrs. K. E. Cox, out Ontario. daughters Joyce and Mary, Mn. She tald of visiting ail branch- and Mns. W. E. Snawden, Mn. es in Zone 27 twice during the and Mrs. Genald Cox, son Dean yean and stated she had tra- tawn; Mn. Bert Jewell, Mn. anà velled 342 miles in making these Mns. Don Alîman, son Drew, visits. Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Ralph A recess was held during Larmer, Shanon and John, wbich the delegates wene serv- Blackstock; Mn. and Mns. Don ed soft drinks donated by Cox, daughter Janice, Mn. and Smiths Bevenages. A dnawing Mrs.. Alan Greville, daughtens was made for seven pnizes, in- Dawn and Vikki, Toronto, visit- cluding a cosmetic case donat- ed Mns. W. E. Jewell on Tues- ed by Jury & Lovell's Drug day, June lst, on ber 85th birth- Store and a cup and saucer don- day. On account of business, ated by Zone Commander Bate. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Wylie, Lon- Wsnners were Comnade Patfield don, wene unable ta be present,1 and Richards, Bowmanvilie; but Mrs. Wylie and son Bnock Baird, Whitby; Benson, Clare- motoned down on Saturday ad mont% and Williams, Rouston visited ber parents and grand- and Buckley, Oshawa. mother. Zone Branches Pralsed Legion RaIIy Il (Continued from page one) gates. He pointed out that he bad attended the meeting of the Bowmanviile Ladies' Auxiiary EBEN EZ7 R vi of the Canadian Legion eigbt yeans ago when it obtained its <~ IAIr" A V C (~.J ~ L .~.charter, and it was a pleasure AN IVESARY L ta be present again and sec ha Zonadde omad er Stan Dunn Ç U nd C Yý J U e 1paid tribute ta the fine job that n 3 th 0 the Ladies Auxilianies ane doingi a'.' throughout Zone FI, and con- Speaker - REV. H. C. BURKHOLDER, B.A., B.D., RIgnatulated them particularly on 1 the fine attendances they always Seeretary Ontario Couneil Of Christian Eduestion h1 ave at their functions. Services at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Honorary Provincial Treasur- er Tompkins and Provincial Sec- SpeeWa Muuic W' the Sunday Sehool la the Aflernoon . retary MacMilan congnatulated and the Choir ln the ývenlng, the Ladies Aux iiiary Branches saisted W' Mr. Glecof! at both mr I i Zone 27 on thein fine efforts, and asa nemarked on the splendid cooperation which ex- U~.m. ists between the Canadian Le- W ed . Jun 16 t 11ýgion and the Ladies' Auxiiiary. Rev. Jon Kitchen, Padre o! SUPPER WILL BE SERVED the Bowmanville Legion Bac and guest speaker o! the even- FOOTBALL GAME AT 6:30 P.M. ing stressed thàt the Legion and Concrtconsstig o pla bylocl taentand the Ladies' Auxiliary provides Concrtconsstig o pla bylocl taentandnot only camnadeship but misa Quartette from the Barbershop Chapter, Oshawa., prepared'iess. He stated that *neyer have these two organisa- Supper and Concert, $1.25 Concert only, 50C tions needed ta be 'mare pre- qpared than at the present time againat a greatda"er--Com- Hon. Provincial Treasurer Tompkins praised the Auxiliary Branches in Zone 27 for their bard work during the year. and Zone Commander Bate for a job well done. She stated that this Zone Rally was one of the most colorful and best organiz- ed she had ever attended. Prov- incial Secretary MacMillan also spoke bniefly. An invitation was extended by the Uxbridge Branch ta hold the next Zone Rally there. A vote af thanks was extend- cd ta the Bowmanville Legion Ladies Auxiliary for acting as hasts for the event. President Rundle presented the two provincial officers with a cup and saucer on behaîf of the local Auxiliary. Comradc PiperN acted as pian- ist for the retiring of the colors. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whltbr 55à 318 Dundaa St.E., Whitby FINE QUALfT! MONUMPENTS AND MAIKERS Precise workmanshlp and careful attention ta detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. ~Social & Çersoaal Phone, 3303 School Board (Continued from page one) by town employces at the On- tario Street School: Radiator trapu at the Central School are ta be repaired during the sum- mer holidays. Prices will aiso be obtaincd on refinishing dcsks, a new cupboard and putting penctrim on Central School fonr. Purchase of an hecto- graph duplicator and a film strip projector were authorized. A doar installed last year :t the stood up and necessary repairs will be made. Two part-time nriusic teachers wene again hired. Miss Nan Allun and Mr. D. C. Peters wrnl again be teaching music i the public uchools. Bath teach for two days a week. Parking (Continued fnom page one) pointed out that the town shed is needed for storing town equipment and as a garage fôr its trucks. He also said that the location is convenient for the foreman and workers of the roads and streets depantment who have ta corne ta the Town Hall ta get their instructions fnom Mr. Lyle. Parking Space at Arena He stated that the Chamber of Commerce is also studying the problem of off-stneet park- ing and he had told President Arthur Hooper of the space available for parking at the front and rear of the Memoriai Arena. "A great many local people do flot know of this park- ing space at the Arena", he as- serted. "Penhaps signs could be put up at the four corners pointing out that there is park- ing space available there'". He suggested that the Chamber might mark this area off for parking, so that cars could be able ta get in and out at any time. Mayor Vanstone stated that a suggestion had heen made previously that th'e town might rent the property at the rear of the Specialty Papen Company property, level it off, and use it1 for parking. The firm had been approached on this matter, he said, and had demanded too much rent for using it. Vacant Oil of Citronella For protection against insect bites, 2 oz., reg. 40c 29c SUN GLASSES Child's Sport ______25e Clip-Over 69e Aviation _____ 99e Polarold -____ 1.98, 2.98 Sun-Clip ------ 1.50 SAVE Up TO 40c Sun Glasses Regulanly 50c, 59e, 79e Special 39c PICNIC SUPPLIES Thermos Bottles 1.89 te 4.15 "AIl Amenlean" Pienle .Jug - 3.95 Your L.D.A. Drugtgt carnies paper plates and utenhils for carefree sommer outings WAOE vm~ properties aiong Queen St. ouat of Temper#nce had also been considered, but the owner had flot; wished to rent them as they were being used for gaardens. Diseuse Mail Delivery Reeve Little brought up the matter of home mail delivery in town. When it was first broach- ed two years ago there were flot enaugh houses here to qual- ifY for this service, but he be-. lieved the town has now grown sufficiently that a mail delivery service can be obtamned. His motion that the matter be nre- ferred .Ao Durham M.P. John James to see if it can be pro- cured, was passed by council. Deputy-Reeve Nicholas asked if anything can be done to pre- vent ppople from posting no- tices and, posters on hydro poles in town. Mayor Vanstone replied that it was the policy of the Bovimanville Public Util- ities Commission ta prohîbit posting of notices on their poles. S. Jarvis, Chapel St., appear- ed before council ta ask that a ditch be dug in front of his pro- perty s0 water would drain away properly. Referred ta Raads and Streefs Committee with power to act. Mayor Vanstone reported that he had attended a meeting of municipal heads and labor lead- ers in the Oshawa area held in Oshawa recently in an effort ta get some action to relieve the unemployment situation. It was decided ta send delegates ta Ot- tawa with proposais ta present ta the Federal Government on methods of aileviating unem- ployment. It was suggested that each municipality pay the ex- penses of its delegates ta Otta- wa, he said, and asked council if they wished ta send a Bow- manville representative. After discussing this proposai, council declined ta name a ne- presentative an the Oshawa de- legatian. A letter was also re- ceived from the Windsor City Council on the matter of growv- ing unemployment. Clerk Lyle reported that no answers had been received ta the town's advertisements for a dog catcher. A request from the Bowman- ville' Branch of the Canadian Legion that the dates of World II-939-1945--be added ta the Memorial Cenotaph wasu granted on motion of Reeve Little. Widen Streets (Conýtinued from page one) wvork la donc in town this sumn- mer, he said. There had been enitlcism of hlm from some quarters, Reeve Little said, for nat getting the streets oiled early enough this year. He stated that he was not ta blame for the late start as the ail had been ordered somne time ago. He also asked that tenders for sidewalks be adver- tised immediatcly. Petition For Water Main A petition for installation of a water main under local lm- provements along First Street between Smart Street and the Town Line was received from residents of this street. Town Clerk Lyle neponted that this petition did flot bear the signa- tures of twp-thirds of the pro- perty owners representing haîf of the frontage as regulations require. He was instructed ta return this for addition of more signatures, particulanly from property owners on the narth side of the street. A letter was* received front the Bowmanville Recreation De- partment nelaying a request from the Memonial Park Assn. for more frequent cutting of the grass in the park. The Associa- tion had also reportcd that the wading pool was leaking and' that some chains on the swings were braken. The letter stated that the Franklin Park Associa- tion bad also asked for more regulan cutting of grass. Coun. Fred Cale inforomed council members that the health1 authorîties had condemned the] wading pool last July and or- dered it to be drained. C Oun. Carruthens felt that the Mem- Lumber PORT LORING Co. . ONT. ~ad.nd.aICOMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND RErMNDERS FOR TIIURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY KIDN lYS 2,19. si».54 UC-omy 84 Alex ýW. Deliver FOR 29Ç 9 SPECIALS on I.D.A., BRANDS1 Cascara Tablets *- - Digestive tonic and mnild laxative. - - 33 100's, reg. 39e Epson Saits 11 - - c, 19c Fine needle crystals. 8 and 12 oz., regular 15c, 25e CoId Cream - - - - 69c Evelyn Howard Theatrical. 1 paund jan, reg. 89e Powder Puffs - - 8c, 2 for 15c "Betty Lau" soft, veloun puffs. Reg. 10e ea. Olive 01 - - - 29c For medicinal and table use. 4 ozs., reg. 35e Combs - - Babby and Pocket style. 8c, 2 for 15c Reg. 10c value. White Embrocation A quality liniment 4 and 8 ozs., reg. 29e, 49e 23c É Insect Protection Black Leai "40"- 39c, 1.19, 2.75 Blaek Leaf Spray Bomb 1.49 Bostwick garden, house plant and inseet bomb ---------- 98c, 1.69 Bridgeport Aer-a-Sol Bamb----- - 98c, 1.59 Fly-Tox Spray 39c, 59c, 98e Fly-Tox Aerosol Bomb ------------98e, $1.39 Green Cross Insect Bomb --------. -- 89c, 1.39, 6-12 Inseet Repellent -.-59e Tat Ant Traps 35c, ý/1.0 BATHING CAPS Belberling - 69t. 79c, 98c Howland Aduît - 1.29 Howland Child'a 1.25 Drugs Phono 792 ornal Park Association ahould be able ta look after repai.ring the swings in the park and col- lecting garbage' there. "The Memorial Park Association was formed to look after the park and they should be able to look aiter these amail details la connection with it without com- ing to council", he declared. He sponsored a motion, which was passed, that a letter be sent ta the Recreation Repartment i- forming them that coundil wil look after the cutting of grass in Memorial and Franklin parks, ,but that the inatter of garbage collection and repair- ing swings i Memorial Park should be referred back to the Memorial Park Association. Clarence W. Oke was appoint. ed weed inspector for Eowman. ville for 1954. BUILDERS CONTRACTORS FARME RS No. 1 and No. 2 IREMLOCK SPRUCE AND PINE LUMBER Rough or Dressed Delivered on the Job by truck. Write for Prices Clapperton S UMMER NEEDS Lu PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGreg or, Your Local LD.A. Drug Store slow 1 , PAGE MYEN

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