PAON ENSET ?! AXAmAN UTATEMMMt flOWMAWVILLU. ÔMTAUTÔ ~~1~54 go fer, I haven't natlced any prlnted comment on the sris of excellent articles on hi@ Ihornda holiday, being provided for aur reading entertainment be ur Editor. AUl have been dandy, but the one lust week t descnlblng the advent, emanci- pation, and present tate of the negroes in the U.S.A., was down- Ig h t fascinating. On behaif af ell who appreciate your kindly efforts, Thanka, George. Ail men of good will cannot help being impressed with the sensible suggestion contained in last week's editorial that, the Golden Plow, emblematic of world supremacy in plowing, should be on exhibition at the United Nations Building in New 'York, because of the emphasls on the importance of agricul- ture in world affairs, despite znarchlng armies, atom bomba, vast minerai deposits and dicta- tors. It is to be hoped that this fine thought-provoking article la drawn to the attention of the President of the World Plow- wen's Association, Mr. J. D. Thomas; and that he will give the matter his earniest consid- eration. * * *j Also in lest week's Statesman tht Editor inquired where pri- vate enterprise lad gant. Ap- parently, he hasn't heard the *tory of tht twa New Yorkers who went ta hear Evangelisi Billy Sundey, preacli. Aiter tht mneeting, Able said le thought Billy was a wonderiul speaker, but couldn't agret wlth his idea &i tItre being no hell. When! Izzy lookad puzzied, Able asked "If there's no heil, where lies business gant?" Lest week e January 1952 eipping from a metrapolitan daily, fel aut ai a dnawer. May- be you'd be interested in tht praphecits contained therein: January - Pnice fixing will take an awiul beeting. Wrong! Ftbruary - Markets will slump badly. Wrang agein! Mardli - Egypt 'will make pence n thé Suez situation. Anothér wnong guess! Apil-Flghting n Korea wAll be intensive. Montreal wil '110001 Phone 3348 wln the Stanley Cup. Do',you remember tither oi thest events? May-A long shot will wln thie Kentucky Derby. E. P. Taylor will wln the King&s Plate. Whet neally happened June - King George wil be very 111 thin manth; no hape for recovery. Yau all know the anawer ta that anc. July - Tait will get nomination for Prtsident, and win. Eisenhower must laugli et that ont. August - Churchi will be very fil end nesign. Eden wil take his place. It is 1954, Churchillinl still going strong, and Eden isn't Prime Minster yet. September-RussiL will seek ta intervene iniKarea as thingi have gone toa fer - What a laugi! October - Churchill will pais away. Another big yak! November-Iran will seli ail to Britain on a 50-50 basis. Techi- niciens wAll 'be back ta aperate. Mossadegh will be essassinated. Another hum gutas! tiecember -Lampart will be re-elected Mayor. Right! Prime Minster St. Laurent will have e very seriaus illness. Wrong! Business will be gaod. Right! Cost ai liv- ing wili be down 8 %. Wrong! The faregaing shows you just how "balmy" some blokes are. Youn scribe bas been nequcat- cd ta -air more ai tht knowl- edgc le acquired during the First Aid course, last Spring. Oh came now iellows, you just went ta embarras me. Yau know how iightiully modeat I arn about discussing my many tint accomplishmants. Every ont shôuld learn First Aid, then thte would be able ta diagnose difierent ailments. For Instance, how many ai my readers couid recognize and subacribe treatment for e se- vere case of epidermis ai tht sacrailiac, compllcated by a ce- daver? No one, eh! Well, let old ['Doc" Youngmen tll you. Firat thing you must under- stand ia that this ennaying con- dition is very rare, and iound only in people who, during their backward years, sufiered from palate af the metatarsis, eggra- vated by- a pancreàs. V/bat neelly happena le, tht Spleen becomes cangested with someë EI-leon HEATING and PLUMBING 55 King St.' eflatonfi dtsno end wlth the x-fw eurv-el atd mao n ~ I- r" eampaigna. unhskppyas theY are tafilnd a positive test amatîg tht thousends af people X-rM<ed1 undet their guidmSc tht Aosme-i Istion rmembena do flot forget tht patient. Uqvery person recelvilig1 twetmetn ài isanatorium, or StI homne because of the dread dix-1 e or mWha may be Iln the pro-t ceas of eompletlng a dure ett home recelves packages frôsa thet Asoetaumo. Some or tht pechgt- jI grey matter knawn as tht carte. If not checked duning malign- ancy this could nesuit in cornea of tht epilepsy; then you're in reel trouble. Another Latin name ion this màady is capil- lary ai tht cervical. You can easiiy necagniza tht symptomis by tht color ai tht lat veniricle as it passes thnough the ight aunicle. But if yau pur- chese, and drink in ont gulp, a hali iint ai camminuted cre- pituÉ, you Will tlnd the impact- ed traction wiil soon dîsappeàn. If i doesn't, go set your local mratîcian, Who wiil be happy ta measure you for a wooden overcoat. Wonder why t takes Éome peuple six yeers et medical school ta Itemn whet I plcked up in six short waaks. It's al- most tnightening .how cleven us Yaungmans are! Metre lasôsmeihing my wift ahi 1 wigh ta share with yau: - Toranta, June 1, 1954. Dean Ed: In sincere appraciatian of the hospitelity ai your home, yaur guida'n ce attteGenereske, your many caurtesies and your fiend- slip, may I present Mns. Young- man and yourseli the enclosed mnembershlps. In this great Fcd- enation, I hope you ton will meet tht many femous personalitits, great natureliats, expert pho- tagrephers, talented artists, and Just plain nature lovera like mysel, Who live for tht momn- ents tley cen enjoy and tlnd peace in God's great oui-af- doors. 1 also trust tle new sta- son will be good ta you, and thet aur ptîs will cross many times. Yours vtry sincerely. Wishart Campbell Accompanying tht ahove, m-as anathen lettar: Dean Mn. Youngman: At tht requesi ai Mn. Wish- art Campbell, we are pleased to enclose membcrship cards in tht Federetion ai Ontaria Na- turelists, fon you and Mrs. Youngman. We walcome you au membert ai tht Faderetian, and appre- ciate yaur intenetin, and sup- port ai aur work In educatian in nature and conservation. Youns aincerely, G. Marshall Bertmmn, Executlve Secrctary. Needitsta say, mym-ut eand I are deepiy eppreciative of this unusual honour. h lisa eprîvilege of which we nN-vér dreamtd. Ont ai those undeserved tri- butes that humble folk, likt Butch and 1, hld very dean, and il always cheilh. The rnan who lives for hAn self la a failure, no measure o wealth or power can make hin otherwjse. OnIy those Who ivi for others achieve success. - Henry Ward teecher. BARGAIN COACH FARES tuESDAy AND Wl D N E sDAt JU NE l5ti*lSti NEW LONGER LIMIT-7 DAYS RETURN 84#..* pTORONTO *AND CMMM uVV MONTRIAL .$ 12.90 $8.15 OTTAWA .a.. 9.58 6.00 IÊMROOUGH , 3.00 1.48 OWRN SOUN. * 4.719 3.00 *LONDON. . a. . 4.40 2.0 - INDSOR . . . . 8.0 65 8. 0 0: Ta 'y Md 15 r.Mgro Eeain £u«n uply mIsa bu«eepoimt m.e %u" o à% bbug~ "Odwss '1- of es sent eut are shiown hemt on thé dtnIncr rom atable ai thé home ci M"a. C. L. Wheltr, OobOag, 001Wt. àM. Whelet Ça the Welfare ohairmun of th@ AssoCIation. Standing by' tht ta- ble are Mms. Margery Pewtress, èeeutive ateretary of tht as- soolailon anld ru. '!homes Ram- ke, oheirnen of the mams cheft x-ray atuvey. Evéry meonth Mms Whtler w-itese e patient on tht assatiation lit and ln tura they write lier. Ilht parcels eon- tain many useful things for tht "I~ patient and are not sent hep- Ro n Turner biuard. A IWla s ubmtted te the patient vin mail and lie or she cheeka off tht thIngs neèffl. rneluded in thé lun are nio-ht- gaowns. pyJamas sace, stack1nos, lindeMvwéar. brenleres. ciff*rettea, eftndv. poitket bnekm. toth noqte, tahavlng eream face powder, hand mresn and other thlnns neeemsaiyta everydav IlAe aven An a hospital. Includtd In tht pareels are viewmnasters and enclh month new slides are sent ta the patients. Ail of these services gIv- en bv tht Th Assocaationart paid for bY the sale ai Chrnlstmia' seaiu.# Gives Fine Reportl To Rotarians on Trip to Ottawa In "Adventure in Citizenship" Highlights ot the tour-day "Advanture in Citîzenship" whlch ha enjoyed in Ottawa ne- cently under tht sponÉorship ai tht Bowmeintille and Ottawa Rotary Clubs were given ta tht Bawmanvilla Rotary Club mem- bers et their meeting Friday et tht B3almoral Ibide, by Ran Turner, Grade 12 student et Bowmenville High Schaol. Introduced by his Principal, Rotarl5n L. W. Dippell, Rau who lu tht son *t Rev. Harold A. Turner and Mnà. Turner, out- lined tht bugy program, arreng- ed by tht Ottawa Rotenians for tht 179 atudents m-ho made tht trip ta tht Nation'@ capital ta leern mare about how tht gav- ernmtnt ai Canada functions. Each student wea sponsored by tht Rotary Club af their lame towxi on city, and tht organization of the events in Ottawa Rotery Club, he said. Ht thanked tht Rotary Club litre for peying lis expenses ta tht Capital City and Rotany International ton making sudh an "Adventure In Citizensahip" possible. Given Officiai Welcome The students were welcomed by Dr. Douglas Piercey, Ptesi- dent ai the Ottawa Ratary Club, and by ont ai tht Con- trollers ai the Ottawa City Council. They elso met Dr. Mac- Gregor Eesson Who la chairman ai tht Canadien Citizenship project ai Rotary International. Tht mornings ai their tour- day stay, Mr. Turner said, were very profitably spent in graup discussions et Carleton Callege devottd ta stud.and discussion af variaus aspects of gavern, ment and gand ciiizenship. Tht attarnoons were spent in visit- ing tht vrnoua government ho- dits seeing tlern in action, and havlng their functions explain- ed ta them. Tht local high schoal studeni wes particular- lyîpressed, le said, by tht ffebate le witnessed An tht House of Commons. "hi was vtry im- pressive ta realize thet whet was being donethtIre would af- fect tht lives ai tht people on heuf a continent", lie declared. Tht highlight ai tht whole trip, Mn. Turner seid, wes when tht students were given thitA citiztnship certificetes by tht lion. Walter Hennis, Mînister ai Citizenshlp and Immigration. Aftei, thcy received itet, they were taken on a tour anthtý Perliernent Buildings and wae rnuch Ampressed m-ilth tegran- deur and beauty ai tht build- ings.,- Mn Met Many O)ffleials e Later an, the Grade 12 stu- -dent was taken on another tour of the buildings by John M. -James, M.P. for Durham. TIhrough Mr. James he met sev- eral important government of- ficiàis he would not have met otherwlse, such as Secretary of States, Hon. John Pickersgill, PoËtmastcr Generil; Hon. AI- i cddt Cote, and Hon. Jean Le- sage, Minister ai Northern AI- faira, and National Rkesourees; and Han. Milton Gregg, Minis- ter of Labor. During their stay in Ottawa, Mr. Turner stated, they heard et Variaus times short addresses by Prime Minster Louis St. Laul'ent, Hon. George Drew, M. J. Coldwell and goloft Low, the leaders of the four Canadien political parties. Other hlghlightq a1 their "Adventure in dltlzenship" were Vigità ta the National Art Gel- Iery, the Supremne and Eltche- quer Courté, Rideau :Hall, the resîdence af the Governor Gen- eral; and the residetice of thé Prime Minister. At the Supreme Court, the Chiet <fustie tif Can- ada Hôbn.Mn. Thibideau Rinitret, âpolte ta the party et 112 >1gb school students, Mr. Tutner'-c said. At the farewell luncheon one af tht students from cach prov- ince gave a short address on his thmepryince. As tht NtoalfAn thoe proinc fe "As WCaodAn- théM t tthiâ fareweIU Iuncheofl'",13 Mn. Turner stated, "I am sure that each Ètudent feit, as I did, an inner sense of achievement and a truer eppreciatian ao he responsibiitminvolved in be- ing a eitizen of a great country ï such as ours". Project Receives Pralse Ht conêluded by reeding a capy ai a letter sent by Prima Minister St. Laurent ta Dr. Eas- son, Chairman af tht Canadien Citizenship projeci ai Rotary International. In it ha descibed' thé Rotary projaci as a "reel contribution ta national unity Ed Youngmnan's Column "» nSttaeamoOMM ILoot. Catumnls In the Editors Mail June 1 15-4 Deéan Mr.. ames: On behalf of the Business and Prafessional Wamen's Club, I wish ta express sincere thenks ta you for thé assistance given us by yaur Paper duaing eur Club year juat ended. Our varlous ectivitiot through- aut the year wère very mucceua. ful-we reallae that à great deal aoftti uccoe was due tô the -gaad" publlalty eôfltained ln tht Canadian Statesmen. Yaut Peper hem dorne rmuc ta meke ôujr Club botter knaown iri thit Town and in the surround- iaig districts. W. alza want you ta knaw at your Mrs. Lunney ha& be i~ invaluable help ta us-we 0j, indeed indebted ta her for lr interest, and co-oporation. Agein thehking you for t man1 klndnesses extended u#1amn, Yours very truly, P.W. Club. Mr. George James, E9ditar, Canadien Statearna, Bowmanville, Ontario. Large tee estates in Cei*1 cultivâte between 3,00t) an 4,' 000 tee busheg ta the acre. and an important atep ln the preservation of ideals we ail ahane. The B.HS. atudent was thank- .d te hintn.ating outline 01 hie trip by Roterian Arthur Morgan, whodescribed It a-«,& complete tory &end a very' good one. 0. Edwln "Tae'tMann,- foc- tar of Chiropractie who ha. been practiclng lan owmanvillé during the pafit two yean, was WniatedbInta memb.rshlpIn the Club et the meeting. %a wat sponsored b! Rotarimn Rex Weitera. Presdent George Moody, and Peut Presidents Walter DeGeor, Forbe Ieyland and Garent Rltkard taok part An the nt tAon ceremanles. In presenting hlm wlth a capy of "Service le My Business" the Roary "lbi- bie",' Mn. Deàeer told hlm he lied been chooen for mermber. shlp, An the Bawmenville Rotary Club because the membera be. lleved he had tht mental and spiritual ebililties ta Interpret ta the public the truc mneaning af Rotary. "«It il; your remponti- bility ta be an ambâsgador tram the Club ta your vocation and ta carry the Rotary spirit of service ta tht fellow mernbers of your classification and the public ini general", he declared. Mr. Heylarid présented hlm With his Attendance badge and stressed the fact that le was exiected ta attend ail meetings unless it were absolutely im- possible ta do sa. Rotary Objecta Outlined Tht new member was pre- sented with a framed copy af the "Aima and Objects af Ro- tary" by Mr. Rickard. "Rotary stands for tht pyrinc*ple of ser- vice above self", Mr. Rickard declared. "What Rotary embo- dies must be carried out in the lives of its members. It can only periorm its functian if is members are the living ambadi- ment oi its creed". He assured Dr. Mann that the mnembers ai the Bowmanviile Club believed that its principles wauld ha sait in lis hands. President Maody and the other members ai tht Club then welcomed Ted Mann into tht meTrnbership. Ratarian Mark Raemjgk iro- duced three visitors ta tht meeting: Rav. Harold A. Tur- ner, father ai tht speaker, Ron Turner; John Rhind, guet tfai Rotarian George James, ho came ta Canada fromi Ed n- burg1h, Scotland. about six waeks ega, and Rotarien Morgan Prentice of the Minden Club. President Mobdy made a birthday presentetion ta Rotar-I ian Bil Rudell. Fresh! Pure!' Whoiesome! Thet's aur proud boasi for thé Milk that beers aur rieme-and, ail thé daliciaus Dairy Foods we serve ta thia comfiunity. Gilen Rue Dairy Iy WTEILEIPlINE 4441 BOWMArVIlLBd Find ouf in the driverà seat a VS 1 os p date Aouqd your Ford Dealer'g invitation ta get behitid thec m-ml of a Ford befote yau buy aniy car. We think you'U discover in nio timne et ail thet Pord offers yôu Mtoré of tht thIngs you wafnî than ~ 7~J ~ 7fJ~f~,I<4y afly thét car in it field. fPord is thte best buy of ail for, Canadians witli an eye for value l VYOUR FORD DEALER INVITÊS YOU T irm.Equipment & Automotive Ring St L Phone 689 * *. - -.~ VI Y.. HUNh omfort GIARANTEED COMEýORI BONI nm UWWU M« 6N-RNAflNG WmImmmu V4ANF wm «et w NOME FM MW ONfWU~ 1 . e."gk bu69 AI m hwma Mo MAVISPA«f .ii a S&mme. i Wm m W til 6 *O Qu u bdcf floo nhbauamt danoulIIiy seau mWha'mw uubag un& . AU k whm kt yor hoe.. S.Blain Elliott ewka~ TOM COWAN Prop., % Dowmanviile TMMDAT, ima -loth', 54 LM 1 nK FOR TFIF %IGN OF VAtut MIN YOII BUY A (JSFD CAR--SFF YOUR FORD PFAlip STATEMUN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTAMO PAM mmr