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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1954, p. 11

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S-s s. .**- ..,,. . . s.... 'V*fl.* - .~.- THfURSDAY, JMnE 7th. 1054 ____________________________________ IP A NA IT A W PATMOUV-A ^WwmVa *tib ip o Geo. E. Chase, Manager of P.U.( For 37 Years, Passes lune .1( Served WeIl as Public Servar George E. Chase, manager of cluding Pontypool. the Bowmanville Publie Utilities Made P.U.C. Manager Commission for 37 years prior to1, his retirement in September of In 1932 the Bowmanville Pul last year, and a leading citizen lic Utilities Commission wi of he ow sice omng erei~formed and he became manage 1917, died in Oshawa General' the addition tsing dth oe to Hospital early Thursday morn- the Prua.CeM. coiueas oera ing, June 10.teruaara MrCaew .Although in failing health for ..eeveral years he had remained ,,tive and was down town on n iesday afternoon. Early Wed- nesday morning Mr. Chase suf- fered a hemorrhage and went into a coma, and was t9ken to 1 Oshawa General Hospital in a Northcutt & Smlqh ambulance around 10 o'clock. He passed awyaé hithout regaining con- Sc0~ness in the early hours ffi. Chase was born in Bright- on, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Chase, and received his education there. He joined the Seymour Power Electric Company as a young man and woÎrked his way up to Manager of the Brighton office beforel coming here. In 1917 he came to Bowman-' ville as manager of the Bow- manville office of the Seymour Company, which at that time supplied the electrical power in Bowmanville and most of West Durham. When the Ontario M Hydro-Electric Power Commis- e.EChs sion took over the assets of theGe..Chs Seymour firm in 1921, Mr. Chase responsible for the power servic( remained in Bowmanville as in this large area of West Dur manager for Bowmanville and ham from 1932 until 1950, wher the rural area around the town, it was divorced from the P.U.C, which ncluded parts of Danl- and became the BowmanvillE ington, ail of Clarke, an4l the Rural Operating Area of the Hl south portion of Manvers, in- E.P.C. sT,,PYUR'EU Our e!rade A is "A-1" in Purity and Flavor-Goodness! Fresh!* Pure! Wholesome! "hat's our proud boast for the Milk that bears aur name-and, ail the delicious Dairy Foods we serve ta this community. Glen Rae Dairy TELEPHONE 444 BOWMANVIzL witlu ASPHALT ROOFINGS AND SIDINGS Don't wait until the ckumjc4e of you wsather-worn t. b.easily repuired - away and patch up thos. bad spotsl You'il find isco Asphait Roofinas un for repair purposes - a0 id range of patterns end colours allows you ta match your pros. ont roof and sidsewolls. SThe fins quality of isco P Educ s combined w th th ir I1~ prices ollow you te put Yir home in A-i1 condition for a very smoll cost. SE OUR BISCO DEALER NOWI ,.g McGregor'Ha, 05 K ING ST. W. - -- - - . -- - ,~ .~. . .mî. > w i.Ai'i U*L&5, ..INIAh In 1934 the P.U.C. took over the operation of the town water syte; ndin1950 the town B.T. S. Cadets Given Hig.h Praise sewer system was also added to JMr. Chase's responsibilities. He B n p cin O f perfomedBye ctionxatOfficers on Fine duisin connection with his Sposition in a very capable andpparnc, rnart Marching. efficient maniner.' Ris keen bus iness sense contributed a greatTh deal to the growith and develop- Th high degree of smartness dets have more than one year'i mentof ydr sericein hisand precision reached by the experience ini Cadet work, anc men ofhydo ervce n tisCadet Corps -of the Ontario sarne have only one or twu b-district. Training School for Boys hors montho. Superintendent Brown rs When the Bowmanville P.U.C. was displayed at the second an'. aise praised the Cadets for their er. was set up in 1932 it took over a fluai C&det Inspection held at fine showing. M,. 20-year debenture debt of $75.000 the school on Friday night. Instructors of the Training Lte from the H.E.P.C.. and it is a Officiais present on, the re Sehool Cadet Corps besides las tribute to the wise and efficient vîewlng stand for the Marcli Chief Instructor Cuthbertsor management of Mr. Chase that Past were: Major John Foote, are Lt. Bill Bagnell, Lt. Alf. this debt was paid off in onl a.. inse of Reform Insti- West, Lt. John Graham and Lt. larg e aount hierest hages tutns in Ontario; Major Al- W. M. "Mac" Robb. foril eas. her wre an in Vigi, Drecorof ran : Officer commanding the Ca- for l yars Thre wre anyingof the Department of R e-dtCrsi ae ao a improvements iworking and formi Institutions; and Mrs. Virdet Corpsnd iseCad Majora storage facilities of the P.U.C. gin;, Lt. Rubens, marking offi- qan n the b o ian m shunde during his period as Manager, cer fromn Eastern Area Cadet te ad Cet fB lam Shoat and the hydro system expanded Headquarters, Kingston; Lt. AIl te nt adtBn Sren tremendously in the 37 years Cuthbertson, Chief InstructorCrcet during which it was under his of the B.T.S. Cadet Corps; J. X, 'ollowing the march past and direction. Brown, Superintendent of the inspection, a display of ma.rch- Active ln Community B.T.S. and Mrs. Brown; Asist- ing and playing was given by Mr. has tok aver aciveant Superintendent James Park- the band. A demonstration of Mr.Chae ooka vryactvehill and Mrs. Parkhill, and immediate action on the Bren part in community and civic affairs in Bowmanville through- Reverend D. R. D e w d n e y, Igun was given by a group of out the years, and gave of his Chaplain of the B.T.S., and six cadets under Cadet Cpi. time te a wide range of comn- Mrs. Dewdney. The salute was Campbell, and a demonstra- munity activities. He was a taken by Major Vîrgin. 1tion of rifle aiming by a section member of the Bowmanvillec The inspection of the Cadet Of six Cadets under Cadet Cpi. Citizens' Band for many years, Corps. which is made upof8j Blackburn. playng he tomb ne, uph n -boys formed into two tr op 1 Two gymnastic displays were iumn and bass horn. Mr. Chase and a druma and bugle band icarried out, including a tumb- was also a member and baritone was carried out by Major Vir- ling display by a junior group Ssoloist in the choir of St. Paul's gin, a former Superintendent of of 20 boys and a 'displa'y on United Cuc o 5yas theB.S; Lt. Rubens, Chief springboard and horses by a Chrc fr25yers Instritor' Cuthbertson, Rev. senior groups of six boys. He was vt r frequently the Dewdney and Rev. Warren N. The spectators and cadets soos i uialetraimnsTurner. te oe eteswimming put on by various local organiz- Praised By Major Foote pool in the gymnasium where put on by various local organ- In a speech following the in-1 displays of swimming, diving izations and also conducted the spection, Major Foote compli- and lifesaving were carried out. ýe Rotary Club Choir for many mented the corps on their smart I These gymnastic and pool dis- -- 'eas. n. has wa alo appeanance and had speciai !plays were under the direction ~member of the Rotar y Octete praise for the drum and bugle l of Lt. Bagneil, athletic director He was a charter member of the band.. of the school. e1 oayClb.ihwa one Lt. Rubens stated that he wasi Eighty Cadets of the Boys in 19 ma24 le H as the is sri e u extremely pleased with the C a-1 Training School Cadet Corps - inBowanvlle Hewasthedet Corps, especially in view of Jwill be attending a 10-day *third President of the organiza - the fact that their training per- training camp ai Point Petie, tion in 1927. For 12 years. from iod is so short. The Menmbership Prince Edward County, ihis' 1924 to 1936, he was the inde- h nti hné vrysrmr omnigAgs fatigable manager of the annual ofthunti chneevrsu er cmmnngA ut Rotay CrnivIs.yean, since the average stay a 23. It will be the second time Rotay Canivas. . the school lasts only one year. the Cadets have aitended sum-. In fraternal circles he was a For this reason none of the Ca- 'mer camp. Past Noble Grand of Brighton Lodge, I.O.O.F. Mr, Chase was a Life Member cf United Lodge A.F. & A.M., No. 29 , Bighton, a m t r w Flc s o Pand a Past First Principal oM mmfh C o d Flc s t Palestine Chapter, Royal ArchV Masons, No. 249, G.R.C., Bow- Y elverton Annual Garden Party CvvnTestimonial Dinner Kew Beach Co p e Score i InFbur f hsyafol-Co p e lowing hîs retinement as Man- Yelverton: Well over four Entertajnment was furnished ager of the P.U.C. last Septem- hundred people thronged Yel- by the Kew Beach United ber, a testimonial dinner was verton's new church hall on Fni- Church Couples' Club of To- held for Mr. Chase at which 35 day night for the United ronto in the form of a satire on guests, including Bowmanville Church's annual Garden Party. Don McNeil's Radio Breakfast civic and P.U.C. officiaIs and A profit over approximately Club. During the supper hour men in the municipal electric $250 will replenish the church cards were distributed to the feed tho paytriuteOntao, im treasury. audience. These were collected eredte py tibut te im. A new kitchen has been ex- and a number of local people Mn. Chase held many high cavated beneath the stage and were called te recount humor- ofithce unisciaioselectfeld ham plates, pies and cakes were eus incidents of thein lives on towihhe devotale5 erofdserved from there. the simulated radio broadcast. A beis hh lif-37 otem in Baofn A new curtain in a rxch shade memnber of the Kew Beach Cou- vislfe He wasvemyat in thean of blue added greatly to the ap- pies' Club took the part of Asi.H ation fMunctipalenc-h pearance of the stage. This cîur- Johnny Desmnond rendening two Assciaionof uniipa Elc-tain was made by a number of exceptionally fine solos "Time trical Utilities, serving as Pres- ladies in the comrnunity spark. on My Hands" and "When Yeu ident in 1939 and as a member ed by committee members, Mrs. Corne to the End of a Perfect of the executive for 15 years. Howard, Wilbert Malcolm and Day" and another member tak- H affairs ote OraMiipalheMrs. Floyd Stinson. Much cre- ing the part of Eileen Barton affars f te Otaro Mnicpaldit is due themn for their speedy- showed an outstandingly melo- Electric Association. and skîllful work. Baskets of dious voice in "An Irish Lulla- He was a member cf the Pro- flowers graced the front of the by" and "Alabama Coon". The fessional Engineers' Association stage. parts of Sam and Aunt Fanny of Ontario, the Engineers' Club of Toronto, and was on the Ex- ecutive of the Red Seal Assoc- ' iation, an organization concern- ed with the improvement of electrical wiring methods. In Mr. Chase's death Bowman- C.~ MONTREA-ciencehbc proved most womea eau ville has lost not only a very ., see more shades cf colour than mien. But even womeq efciesent who apabevfoer37eau be deceived by the amount of whiteness in isheets civi serant ho dvote 37 ndshirts. For instance, how long is it ince You years to public service here, but !'usd Laundry Blue in your wa8h? Here's something a leading citizen and community te remember: Soape and detergenta take out dirt, worker. beh1 ta *ke -out. ,tain. bu,j Iun .4 v Blue mkesvou Four Close Survivors Surviving are his widow, the former Miss Winifned Lock- wootl cf Brighton, whom he married in 1921; twe sisters, Mrs. Curtis Rowley (Lydia) of Hilton, New York, and Mns. Harny Wright (Edith) cf Toronto, and one brother, CYril Chase of Lindsay. On Friday evening the mem- bers of the Bowmanvi]le Rotary Club attended in a body at the Northcutt & Smith Funenal Home, and later in the evening a service was held by membens of Jenusalem Lodige, A.F. & A.M., No. 31, G .R.C. .Largely-attended funeral serv- ices were held at the funenal home on Saturday ai 2:30 pm., conducted by Res'. Harold A. Turner, minister cf St. Paul's United Church. Palibearens wene Dr. Vernon H. Storey, W. Ross Stnike, Q.C.; Mark Reenigk, L. W. Dippell, R. L. Mitchell and D. R. Mornison. Many beautiful floral tibutes surrounded the casket fnom re- latives, friends and organiza- tiens showing the esteem in which Mr. Chase was held by a wide circle of friends and business associates. Interment was at Mount Hope Cemetery, Brighton. BLÀCKS TOCK AUXILIARY 0F W.,M.S. '. »uggw laTouThe June meeting cf the get busy riglit Blackstock Auxiliary cf the W.M.S. met June 9 at the home d Sdlngs ideol cf Mrs. Carl Wright with 20 la- dies present. Mrs. E. Larmer opened the meeting. Mns. Lloyd Wright took the devotional en- titled "The Answers cf Ccd" INOTHER with neference to Gideon. Rol eaul was answened wiih a -thought for the day". Preaa tosfrpacking cf the bale were made. Baby Band day for July meeting was planned. Mrs. IUJLDING Arnold Taylor teck chapter 7 cf the Study Bock. This was a ATERIAL study cf the nenewal of the Christian Church in Europe. -Mrs. Howard Saywell nendered a love]L\ solo. A talk on -Peace LONDN, OT' îand Toîcrance" was given by o eî; Mrs,. E. Dorreil. She gave an example of the wcnk UNESCO is doing. Mrs. E. Larmen nead a poemn by Edgar Guest. Mrs. jCarl Wright thanked her group and alec Mre. Saywell for their 'dware ihelp with the prcgram. A vote Wright who epened her home. BOWMANVILLE A 'tiainty lunch wms served by the hostess and ber group. wash really white. If you have been forgetting Laundry Blue in your wash , try it nexi time. You'Ill es that oven the most thoroughly waFab. ed clothes need Laundry Blue te make them white. Laundry Blue coos lese than two cents for an entire white yack. For a whiter wash, buy RECKITT'â BLUE or KEBEN'S BLUE. Gmo«l ~IMideummernm wsek à&"* ad the ine dayl É That meanc hippy weeka ahead when 1 cma delight my O famîly wîth warm - weatherî À TiP For lune Bride. (and ail meals featuring their weddîng guesto!). You should M IR AC LE WHIP SALAD be walking on air at your wedding DRESSINO. I move that we --se be verv sure your days oJ Homemikers get out of doors trousseau- shopping won't leave vou with painful corne. Gel every moment we can . b y ýLUEý-JAY 0cm Placiers right serving more salade and cold dshe. nowl They contain a new medica- than ever beforel1 And whether we tion called Phenylium that gela plan on cold meatà-.-fish or chick- right down under your corn and helps push it out fr'om underneath en ai the base for those saladm; ..the firet reolly new medication whether we are srving vegetables for' corna and calluses in over or fruit; whether we're uhing seventv years!la actual teste, jellied salade or tossed green salade Phenylium wenîtot work *33% . . the key-note Io perfectioni ie faster and worked 35% more sure- Miracle Whip. You'll taste the ly than other leading remedies.S ifrnewt ial hp hurry, aIl you lovelv brides *8 ifrnewt ial hp . sait for Bîtie-Jays wit'h Phenvlium; blende s moothly, and bas suci at your favourite drug countier to- a oreamy texture-it i. a delight day. t Ue We're Lucky Tom on, seemne ta me1 1 remember how long it used te take S my mother te inake inacaroni and cheesa. Al the fusa cf grat- inx cheece; the bother cf making the whit.e sauce! 'Now, thanirs te 1 Finit h'. .4 Pleaaure . .. te 411r \ KRAFT DINNER about somet.hing whic.h bas been ' . . we have a de.- of belp teo as man ' people us icicus main digh which cooke in AIBSORBINE JR. oi'er the years seve mintes Off he seli-nta . *. Take, for instance, the ordi- seve miute (Of th shif-nto nary, everv-dav matter of tired, the pot~--on te the table). The aching feet. Every onec cf us bas mellow cheddar cheene in griied; them ai Urneo. And the worut cf the macaroni in a special fast-cock- iisnt bat the tensenes and pain ing make; and it costs lesu than doeont stay in our feet-it shows up in our faces. And tins' pain- fve ceets a servingl Um-mn-m! uines cie deepen in time te win- Ses how the cheese mete te a kie@! That's wh v those who'vP dis- iempting delight and how, in coypred the secret, ru!, cooling, mattr o moenta yo bae : scothing Absorbine Jr. on their mattr o moents yo hae afeet and Sud muscle-relaxing re-s nourishing, flavorful, monev-saving lief verv quickly. Availible at ait Mari Wes Simply Beaming . .. when eh@ dropped by laut eight. She rame in un tel! us how she get on with an idea we gav-e ber. She*d solved her nêxt winteres coi! prohlem ---ad saved hptr!elf mouey in the bargain. How' By huying her coal with a RANK 0F NMONTREAL, Cool Lon whic-h she and ber busbaed will pcv bark -in ey inqtalmpnt.ç. Thev'll havé, a juIll coal-bin ai cheaper summer prices-snd they*ll have their pav- mente extended over ten mont h.ieîtead cf concenr tîated in the winter mentheq wlipn there see-m to b. go manyj extra expenqes. Whv don't von latch on ta this monry-siving. worr-;ving idce,>îind talk ta Your nearesi B cf NM manager about your comieg ceai bill? B ýd '0 la Lr ýg 's in In a 10,000 mile economy run at Indianapolis Speedway, the 1954 Oldsmobile engine was run at a constant speed of 60 m.p.h. and used 10 per cent less gaso- uine than a 1953 engins Ini the same test. Miss Betty Waddell was the guest at a community gatheing held in the United Church Sun- day School roorn Thursday evening. In honor of her forthcoming marriage to Mr. Melville Me- Gee of Lindsay, which will take place on June l9th, she was pre- sented with a complete table setting for eight in crstal and a woollen blanket. The Sunday school room was decorated for the occasion with pink and white streamers and flowers and a "bride's chair" also in pink and white. Miss Marie Carr read the address of congratulations and good wish- es, with Mrs. Charles Reynolds and Miss Marie Finney present- ing the gifts. The guest book was in charge of Miss Catherine Reynolds and Miss Marie Finney. The pro- gram included vocal duets by Norma and Wilma Jakeman; Judy and Joy DeGeer. Mrs. Manseli Finney gave two comic readings. Miss Ingrid Rajski gave an accordion selection. Mrs. Thomas Jennings sang two numbers. Miss Judy DeGeer gave a piano solo. Mrs. Manseil Wright conducted a contest "Ad- vice To The Bride". MON. L.'S. CICBU, @.C., MINISTER A mock wedding ceremony 4 was performed with Mrs. Orboe Wright as the minister; Mr&. T. Jerinings as the groom, Mis& Catherine Reynolds sa the grooamran, Mis@ June Wright, the bride and Miss Ingrid Rai- ski as her bridesmnaid, with Mrs. R. Carr playing the weddlng music. Lunch was served and a so- cial hour enjoyed. Miss Waddell thanked svery- ane for the lovely gif ts, ospe- cially the committee who had arranged the evening's enter- tainiment and invited all ta at- Iwere especîally wi nce and kept the crowd i hwls of merriment. Members of Yelverton con- gregation are indebted ta this lively and taented group who would flot accept any remuner- ation, except for their suppers, for their performance. 9 For their Sunshine Shower, 1Port Perry Hospital was nam- eed; flowers were sent ta Mrs. 1Ernie Lane and Mrs. Bert Gib- -son; Mn,. Howard Malcolm was picked as an autstanding neigh- 9bou. Local people participat- ing in the broadeast were Mrs. -Lloyd Clarke, Ballyduff; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher, Peter- borough; Mr. and Mrs. Pery Preston, M. and Mrs. Laut- rence Staples, Mr. Norman Wil- son, Mrs. Harold Stinson, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Malcolm and Mn. and Mrs. Art Rowan. YELVERTON A shower In honor of Miss Jean Stephenson was held ai the home of Mrs. Ralph Mal- colm reently with Mrs. Jack JWilson as co-hostess. Friends and neighbours from Yelverton and Janetville gathered to hon- our the bride-elect. A scrapbook depicting the life, past-and pres- lent and future of -the bride andi her fiance, was concocted with much hilarity. The high point of the evening came when Mrs. Jack Wilson read a short ad- dress and a bassinet laden with gifts was caried in. Miss Stephenson thanked the guests very graciously for their kind- ness. Jean is daughter of M. and Mrs. Milton Stephenson, Yelverton. The goom-elect is M. Richrd Atkinson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robet At- kînson, R. R. 2, Janetivlle. Community Honors I rW ME w AM4ORM R.: llMitw, Wbèi" 4pa& Ontario Travelj Ho8bes, invite. Y-uto use this coupon for FIMinformation about Ontar. ~~~FREEAf ail it tdy ONTAR40 DEPARTMINT Of TRAVEI. A PUBLICITY Aufh.rIzed bomter of C-Cole u n e1 omwm hC.raCle LI& HANBLY"S DEVERAGES- 7ç OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE 82733 ra"rof 'Cck. i 0regiowtffredmov* ài [0 PAGE ELEVEX 1 tend ber trousseau tea on Sat- urday afternoon. 1 A 1 Ir home is too

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