- -. -.0 - ?TJRSDAY9 JUNE l7th, 1954 Legion Plans to Decorate 79 Graves at the CemetE On Decoration Day, June 201 Cenade Ernie Perfect, wlio Bowmanville Legion'a provin- wca the Previncial Legion darts cial championsbîp bowling tearn singles cbampionship in To- of 1952.1 rento, on June 5 in cempetitien He sponsered a motion, wbich with 106 of the best dants play- was passed by the membens, ers in Ontario, was congratulat- that the executive purchase a ed by Presidont Ross McKnight large shieîd te ho put on display and the general membemship at in tbe hall on which the naines ameeting of the Bowmanville of provincial champions and Branch ef the Canadian Legion provincial champîonsblp teamns & I Tusayngh.wll ho ongraved. P'ýldembers weme sown theVentilaticiSystem Dlscuused wrjmpionship shield won by Cara lxMiso h Cemnade Perfect whicb wiîî re- SpChalirmangAloMaisote miain in the Branch's possession preia Building Coitee ne for one year. Sports Chairman pre htRseîMfa a -: ullBats pintd et tat nceexamined the Hall te determine this sbîeld is returned next year what typ es of vntlinsyte thore will be ne tropby in thewudbeestoitalute Legion Hall te show that the auditorium. Ho recommended the ventilation system eutlinedI BJ ranc had once bad a provin- in the tender of Walter Davis V chai Qjampien. The same situa- & Company and this recommen- to pplied in regard te the dation was paseed on te the exe- cutive te act on ht. It was point- od eut that early installation of this systom is necessary because BUILDERSthe weekly bingos will continue CONTR CTORS during tbe summer months. c * rI~Àr~rthe Bingo Cemmittee neoaited« FRMI~VEIÇ that these events are being wellE attended and are pi-oviding a1 No. 1 and No. 2 HEMLOCK good source of revenue te the SPRUCE AND Brancb. His commttee is pur- PINE LUMBER chasing 100foling chairs for Rough 'or Dressed Commade William R. Hayes, Delivered on the Job Bowmanville, was iuitiated intoa by truck. membersbip in the Brancb byc President McKnight,ý Zone Ceom- Write for Prices mander Stan Dunn and Cern- rades Ernie Perfect, Jirn Fair lapp rton and Pote Bathgate. Comrades Clapp rton Ai-chie McNeil, R.R. 6, Bowman- ville, and George White, Bow-0 -manv,ille, have necently been Lumber Co. enttd Chairman Jim Fair reported PORTLORIG - NT. that the recent Ladies' Night cf the Brancb bad been a greatV ~jj I Fcther's 1 erv Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Richard! Mr. and Mrs. K. Rundle, Glori and Donna, Salem, visited Mi and Mrs. J. Potts and Mrs. 'W Martin. Mr. George Bertrim, Mis Lorraine Graham, Oshawa, a Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim's. Mrs. M. Morrison and MrE M. Par-ker, Toroente, witb Mr and Mrs. J. Aikenbead at thei: cottage. Mrs. Murray Coates an( Barbai-a, Mrs. Sandy Moore Evelyn and Louise, and Mrs ,Russell Coates, Shirley, calle( on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Aver3 and Vernon, Salem; Mr. anc Mrs. J. Martyn and famnily Bowmanvilhe, at Mr. and Mrs Wm. Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay and Robert. Osbawa, at Mr. and M4rs. Chaqrlie Garrard's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin. visited Mrs. John Anderson Neow Toronto. Mr. Lloyd Ashton and Mr- Roy McGill accompanied by Mri. Gordon Werry and Mr, F'recker, Toronto, spent the iveekend at Mr-. Fmecker's cet- tage at Lake Baptist. Mr. Milton Slemon visited Mri. Will White, Hampton, at Viemonial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family vhsited Mi-. and /lrs. Harold McLaughlin, Black- stck. Mr-. George Bertrimn, Miss Lorraine Graham, Oshawa, f rs. M. Bertrim visited Mrs. Bertrîm's mother, Mrs. Gagé~, it Cannington. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery 3nd family visited Mr. and .rs. Harold Avery, Burketon. Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Nor- nan Avery's were: Mr. and Mrs. Rankine and Margot, Mr. id Mrs. I. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Lutes and Garry, Sc.çnboro; [r. A. Skoyles. Galt. Mr. and Mrs. V. Walker and lughters, Guelph, called on &r. J. Walker and Mr. and grs. Kenneth Walker. Sunday Scbool at 2 p.ni. and 1hurch service at 3 p.m. Rev. ýute will he preaching bis .rewell sermon. We hope for W.A. June meeting was held in Thursday afternoon at the cewin home. Prosident Mrs. .oyd Slemon opened the meet- g. Mrs. Arthur Trewin, Mrs. rtbur Read and Mrs. Lloyd emon gave reports of the W. *- Convention held in Trinity rited Church, Bowmanville. ývotionaI was presented by rs. Cecil Slemon. Mrs. Wil- ir Blackburn bad charge of ogram: solo by Mrs. Lloyd ;hton; roading by Mrs. Jack nos; Mrs. W. Tbompson gave talk on ber trip te Vancouver. le by Margot Rankine. Lunch as served by Mrs. Blackburu's *up and bostess. Tbeir were 1aduits and nine children .sent. F i ar G di i i fa an M: C. DE b. Mr Jo ai pi Dauy ut BRESLIN's MENI'S WEAR Men's Whifte Broadcloîh Shirts Size 15 - 15% only. d FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY $1.98 Bresli*n'sç 27 KING ST. B. - Reg. 3.95 Mon' s Wear BOWMANVILLE I ia ss t ir e, S.i TI ANAD!I NSTATzsmAN, EowmANYTLL, OITAM OPAGI TEIUH success and was veryN tended. A small loss ha incurred on the event ii to keep the price charge. bers as low as possible. Decoration Day Pla Chairman Pete Bathl the Poppy Committee ed member> that belp is from them' in making a ments for Decoration the Bowmanville Cemel June 20. The graves of7 manville district vetera be decorated with flow said. President McKnighti ed members of the Legic nival on July 23 and .asl chairman of booths tc their plans well in a Comrade Cliff Samis is man of this event, and stage program bas beeni ed to open the carnival. ry-go-round bas aise bE tained for the event. President McKnight ar, ed that he plans to re the Branch at the Domin, gion Convention to be1 Toronto, August 1-6. HAYDON o the team. and with Mn. and Mrs. M. Em- h M amake .dvance. schair- a free arrang- A mer- een ob- nnounc- 'preselit iion Le- held in well at- ad been in order ýd mem- igate of remind- needed arrange-! Day at tery on 79 Bow- ns will vers, he remind- ambling with the " O0S;ES (By AI Osborne) Somebody forgot ta water the Roses last Wednesday when Whitby played bore with tiie resuit that the Roses wiltdd. Whitby gave Bowmanville their f irst taste cf defeat with the Roses belping the cause along, baving only three hits and malc- ing eight fumbles. It was a bad time to have W~ poor game but the whole toam was away off base and prabably it was a good one out cf their system. On Friday night the Roses travelled te, Coîborne and gùt back on the beam again, taking the Dodgers by a score cf 10-6. Tim Cox was the bero cf the game with a grand slam homer in the 6th inning. John Stainton xvent all the way for bis third straight win. The Roses collect- ed 10 runs, 12 bits and had tbree errors. whilo Coîborne had six runs, Il bits and four errors. On Monday nigbt witb a good shower during the game the Roses burst into full bloom andi came up witb a perfect fielding game-the first this year. Geo. Heath was on the mound and won bis second straigbt game, setting down Port Hope witb five bits. Lloyd Hamilton was the bitting beo, having a triple and a double: Tim Cox bad a triple as did Butch Colo. Whitby Roses in Winning S na Ps i Tlieir Streak The five-game winuing streak of the Roses was snapped oif abruptly by Wbîtby at the High School grounds on Wednesday nigbt of last week when the visitors racked up a 7-3 victory. The Roses could manage ouly tbree bits off the combined de- liveries cf Paul Michael, who worked the first three innings, and Gord Brown, wbo finished the game. George "General" Joues huri- ed six innings for the Roses and George Heatb finished the game. Betweeu tbem tbey gave up only six bits, but eight disas- trous errors by their teammates paved the way for the Wbîtby win. The visitors got two i-uns in the second, four in the big fourtb and one in, the sixth in- ning. For the Roses, Jones bhad a double and Tim Cox and Frank Hooper accounted for the other two bits. Hilton O'Neill rapped eut three of Whitby's six bits. -- R HE Whitby --- 020 401 000-7 6 4ý Bow'ville 001 200 000-3 3 8 Roses Team Chalks UP Its Seventh Game in Eight Starts I j il B uy Your T.V. NOW When Prices Are At Their Lowest! If you wait until Fali you wiIl pay at least $90-00 more* for this beautiful Bowmanville Roses won their seventh game in eight starts Monday night at the High School grounds by defeating Port Hope by a 9-2 margin. The Roses are on top of the heap in the Lake- shore Basebali League with a 1½-game lead over Whitby. George Heath pitched seven innings of the abbreviated eight- inning game to post bis second straight win. Jack Parker went to the mound in the eighth to finish. The contest was delay- ed by rain for about 10 minutes in the third innîng. Bowmanvîlle scored two runs in the first inning, three in the second, three in the fourth and a single run in the sixth, while Port Hope got single runs across in the fourth and fifth frames. Lenilian on Mound Lenihan toiled for the first 3%½ innîngs for the visitors be- fore being shelled from the mound and Long John Holman came in to finish the game. The Roses' three runs in the fourth which led to Leniban's down- i fall, came on a walk to Heath,1 a single by Gilhooly, Hamilton's' triple and an error to the Port Hope third baseman. Hamilton led the Roses withî the willow, rapping out a triple and a double. Tim Cox and 3utcb Cole each had triples, Don Gilhooly contributed two singles 1,I and Frank Hooper, Bob William, Ted Bird and George Heath also i collected one safe blow apiece. For Port Hope A. Ashton and rrawin had two bits each and i Holman contributed the fifth.1 It was the Roses first perfect rame in the field as ail chances. vere handled flawlessly. i R H E' Port Hope 2 5 3ý Bowmanville------- 9 10 O' Port Hope---Rose, If; Trawin,1 f; Ruttan, lb; Wakely, ss; Keel- r, n; Thickson, 2b, D. Ashton, b: R. Ashton, e; Lenihan, Hol-; mian (4) p. Bowmanville - Gilhooly, 2b; Hamilton, If; Cox, rf; Hooper, c,; lb (7); Gallagher, lb, Yourth, 3b: Bird, cf; Cole, ss; Heath Parker (8) P; Falls, a (7), Wil:l jas (batted for Gallagher in1 3th: Buttonshaw (batted for' Eeath in 7th). Umpires:. Barnes, plate; Hobbs,i iases. Power steering produced by 'eneral Motors flot only makes teering easier but helps the iver ta hold the wheel steadyi 1çase of ruts, chuck boles,! owouts or when a front wbeeli ops off the pavement onto 50£ c a eý 16t be G( st( di in bli dr dm*mre ONLY MONTHS PER CENT TO DOWN PAY The Regular Price of this Set is $329e95 We are featuring if this week for ony- $239.95 3 - Channel Antenna $65.00 Roto-Alichannel Antenna $125.00 The 33 KING ST. W. T. HOPE32 PHONE 3626 Lakeuhone. League Standing W L Pct. GBL Bewmanville 7 1 .875 Whitby _ 5 2 .714 1%k Port Hope- 3 4 .429 3%/ Ceiborne 1 4 .200 41/ Cobourg 1 6 .143 5½ Clinton Ferguson is leading the Roses in bittîng with .385, Staint- on .357, Hooper, Cox .333, Gil- booly .310, Falls .300, Hamilton .293, Williams .250, Jones .222, Gallagher .211, Bird and Girardi .200. Cole .176, Heath .143, Yourth .115, Cowle .100, Dadson .091, Parker and Buttonshaw have failed to get their first hit. Dadson, Heath, Stainton, Jones, Bird, Buttonsbaw and Williams 'are ail fielding 1,000, Gallagber .980, Falls .968, Gîl- bdoly .960, Hooper .920, Cole .917, Girardi .913, Ferguson .859, Yourth .849, Cowle .846, Hamil- ton .778 and Cox .667. The Roses as a team are batting .240 wbile fielding, .930. Pltching Record W L Pet. Stainton - -3 0 1.000 Heath ~2 O 1.000 Jones --------- 2 1 .667 This Saturday the Roses are playing a benefit game for Gord Sellers, in Newcastle, against an all-star team from the rural league. Game time 3 p.m. The next home game wilI be Wediîesday, June 23, wben the Coîborne Dodgers wiIl be ber e. Who's Who With the Roses BTed Bird, Outfieider. Born ini Bowmanville 23 years ago. Bats left, throws rigbt. This is the second year for Ted witb the Roses, with bis other basebail experionce being witb the rural league. In hockey he plays in tbe town league and aise the rurallbague. Bird bas the makings of a gond bail player. Ho has speed te burn, a good throwang arm and sbould, wben be gains con- fidence in lÏûmself be a top notch, batter. Tun Cox, Outfielder, age 26. Born in Bowmanville. Bats left, tbrows right. Tim bas been a star with the Roses for five years and this year is develop- ing into a long bail bitter. In )ther sports Cox bas played hockey with Orono's Junior ;eam. Ho is oeocf the hardest work- ers on the Roses' rester and plays tbe game fron, the first man te bat te tbe last man out. Hieprosence WilI ho a great asset Coiborne Dodgers Bow to Defeat With Roses Victors Bouncing back from a 7-3 loss ta Whitby, the Roses tnavelled to Coiborne Friday night to defeat the Dodgers 10-6. Johnny Staint- on pitched the entine game to register his third stnaight win. The Roses collected 12 bits off the deliveries cf Brinklow, who hurled the first f ive innings and Mitts, wbo finisbed the gamne. Tira Cor was the hero cf the game with a grand-slam hemner in the sixth frame, and two singles. Bob Gallagher came eut cf a batting slump with two hits and Don Gilhooly, Maxie Yourth, Clint Ferguson, 1Lloyd Hamilton, Johny Stainton, Ted Dadson and Roy Falls ail had one safe bit. Yourth and Falls napped eut doubles. Bridgeman led the Coîborne squad with three bingles. After Losing Twice Legionnaires Trim Kendal Team 32-2 Bowmanville Bantamn Legion- flaires wont run-crazy in a game played Friday night at Kendal, defeating the homesters by a basketball score of 32-2. Bob Mari errison pitched the entire game for the Legionnaires. Bowmanville teamn had pre- viously lost two games to Co- bourg and Port Hope and were apparontly ali-out for a wvin. They lost 7-6 to Cobourg in a game in the counties' town on June 2 which was played under protost. On Saturday, June 6, the Legionnaires were shut out 5-0 in a game playod at Mem- orial Park against Port Hope. Their next game is schedulod for Port Hope on Friday, June NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler attended a dinner for Light Horsemen Exhibitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Mann at Bridgenorth, Thursday evening. A numýer from bere attended Yelvorton gardon party and re- port a *onderfuI supper and evening. Congratulations ta Mr. Robt. Atkinson and Miss Jean Steph- enson who were mariled at Bethany on Saturday. A num- ber fromn here attonded the i-e- ception at Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stephenson's. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Suggitt on the ar- rival of a young son at Port Perry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- son attended the funeral cf their cousin, Mr. Thomas Chambers who was buried at South Val- entia Cemetery on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson and family spent the weekend at 'théir cottage, Lake Scugog, merson. Miss Gladys Emnerson, nurse- in-training. Oshawa, spent Fri- day with her parents, Mr. sud Mrs. M. Emerson. Sympathy Is extended te Mn. and Mns. John Mappin ini the passing cf his father i Torontô on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. David Johns wene Sunday supper guests wîth Mr. and Mrs. George Johns. Mr. and Mrs.1 Victor Malcolm entertained guests on Sunday in honour cf Wayne's 9th binthday. Service in the United Church next Sunday at 10 o'clock. It is Communion Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin visit- ed Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm. Nestleton W.A. and W.M.S. met at the home cf Mrs. W. C. Hutton, Blackstock, June lOth in charge cf Mrs. Ralph Sadler's group with 21 ladies and some children present. Meeting open- ed with Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm W. Steele. Devotional whlch wua "Stewardship snd Service" was read by Mrs. V. Vine. Ladies were pleased ta have the base- ment palnted by Mr. G. Bowers and the curtains were sent ta the cleaners. Several thank you notes were read. Plans were made for the supper and play. Prograrn: reading, "Too Tired ta Pray,» Mrs. H. Vine; paper on "Citizenship" given by Mrs. G. Johns; reading, "Seif-conscious" by Mrs. L. Joblin. Mrs. Hutton and group served a bountiful lunch. MrÉ. K. Samells moved a vote of thanks toalal for anoth- er well spent afternoon at the parsenage. July meeting in charge cf Mrs. George Bowers' group. Since the f irst radiator was made in 1911, Harrsion Radia- tor Division of General Motors bas produced more than 53,- 1 m FOR RENT Large office in Jubilee Building on King Street, West; available May 3lst; heated; long lease if desired. Apply - N. J. SCOTT Brookdàle-Kingsway Nurseries Bowmanville, Ont. DG TGU NEED à NUI iIl THEN HERE'S YOtJR CHANCE TO VWIN A NEW Clamre 1Brofluews 30" RANGE... FREE 13y purchasing a new Clare Brothers Hecla Furnace between now and July 31st, you may wmn a famnous Glare Brothers .ewel 30» Range for nothing! To take advantage of Gare Brothers lOOth Anniversary offer: See us. Buy the Gare Brar Furnace most suited ta your needs. Then, before Decenme 31, 1954 write and teU Clare Brothers what y« iked but about k.. If your letter is the best received you will wmn a ne Clare Brothers 30' Range... gas or electrie... absolutel frme. SEE US FOR COMPLET£ FURACE CONTES DM»1B ,> and remember: this is an umusual contest becaus. L There as a separate prize for every Provinme 2. You compete only with those people who have booghta Clare Brothers EHeca Fumace betwoea naw and JA* y3".à your Pvovincet L. A. Parker& Sons King Street East Phono 651 0 0 0 9