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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1954, p. 7

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- .-= -~ - ,ç~- ~ THE CANADIA STATESMAN,_BOWMANVILLE ONTAMO F=________________________1 SocaIl& £ersonal Phone 3303 Mn: Herb Rogers lu visiting Visitons witli Chie! Sydney his suter et Grimsby.1 Venton and lins. Venton over lins. Ida Tennent, Toronto, the weekend were their daugh- heu been visiting lins. j. W. ter, Audrey, and tw o!of hem Knight. friends, Miss Ruth Heels, and Mr. Don Cremp is again on Miss Elaine White, ail o! Toronto '%estaffet Windermeme House, Western Hospital, Toronto. Muskoka, for tUe summner. Report a! Memoriel Hospitalj * nfoget "Open House"' for the pas! week shows 39 ~&nnylee Ladge, Newcastie admissions and 40 discliarges.j lot Iturday a!tenoon, juný 1 Ten babies were bon, six mae 19t~ î and four female Nine major[ Mr- and lira. Harold Cesbourn and 15 minor opemtions were J and two children, Sarnia, spent performed, -. tre ememgency- the weekend with his father, Mr. cases teted. H. H. Casbourn. Mr. and lira. James Piekard lins. E. R. Freeman, St. end femily, Toronto, spent Sun.- eathe es, spent tUe weekend iday with his parents, Mr. andj wit4 1.&t. and lins. Leslie Jack- lins. Albert Pickamd. TUe eut qwn 1 ff other relatives.j of the femily - jained them in Hazel. and Harvey Wcbbem tUe efternoon and ceiebrated le!t June 12 ta spend the suni- Father's Day. Twenty-two had mer et Bigwin Inn, Lake o!f supper on tUe lawn. ]Baya, wliere they are emplayed. His many fiends wcme shock- Misa Grece Nicholson o! Ham.. i d tai heer that Mn. Rosa Stutt, ilton Public Schooî Teaching Manager o! Jury & Lavell Drugt Staff, was a weckend visitor S tome, suffèred a seveme heemt j with hiem parents, Rev. R. R. atteck Sundey afternoon and ~ and lira. Nicholson. was taken ta Memorial Hospital, j Bowmanville. Latest reports Mis& Thelma Witvoet, Lowe are that lin. Stutt's condition is St., left this week ta vist improving.a friends in Edmonton, Alta., and M.Jh hnwarcnl bexpeC rtmasm.bc sirycame aut fram Scotland and lies befre hnstms.been staying with his sister andb Mr. and lira. J. Faulkner, brother-in-iaw, lin. and Mr.. 'Town, and Mn. and lins. W. E. Elmer Banting, has secured a Dorkiaend baby, Qucensway, position with tUe Canadien t visited relatives et North Bey Bank o! Commerce in TorontoIV and Cheik River. and started on has new careerD TUe Higli School year has on lionday. ended for students o! the Low- Transfers o! ministers in the 1 îr and Middle Schools, and the Lindsay Prcsbytery o! tUe Unit- ý Upper School will finish writ- ed Chijrch include H. Juil, B.A., ' Congratulations ta Miss Diana Rev. R. R. Bonsteel, Stirling v Wcbber on completing Uer firat district, ta Jenetvilie and Beth- 0 year et lesten University any district; Rev. W. Hogerward, T with honora. SUe will spend tUe Janetville, ta Stirling aresa Rev e] sumier at Dunn's Pavillon, W-. W. Patterson, B.A., B.D.,t Bale. Nonenda, ta Fenelon Fells. -' Mn. and lira. Garnet Rickard Electnic power will egain be i are spending this week in Mont- off for tUe entire area o! tUe < real, whene Mr. Rickard is eat- tawn o! Bowmenviice this Sun- CI tending a Dominion Seed Board day morning, June 20, fnom 5 ci Convention. lin. Rickard is a ta 7 a.m. This is neccssery ta im directon of tUe Board. continue repaira begun lest Mn. Garnet Goheen la repre- Sunday. A further shut-of! E senting Florence Nightingale leter on may Uc nccessary ta si Lodge, NO. 66, I.O.O.F., et tUe complete tUe work, it is under- a annuel 'sessions of tUe Grand staad from those i charge of Lodge bcing Ueld this week et tUe Bowmanville Public Util- tUe Royal York Hotel, Toronto. ities..M lins, Mec Moore, Bowman- M Sville, is ettcnding tUe Rebekah w: Assembly o! Ontario ini Toronto bc j hi ~s week and has enlctdM 1ýST. JO HN District Dcputy President for M: District No. 8, which includes là ~Omono, Pont Perry, Oshawa No. n, 3, Port Hope and Bowmanville. Ca MUR H Rebekeli Assembly is tUe 30,000 îra (Anglican) member women's brandi o! the 0o Rev WarenTurer, Independent Orden o! Odd Fel- vil Rev.Warrn Tuner, lows Grand Lodge o! Ontario. B.A., B.D. lin. H. C. Rickaby, Ontario Deputy Mini'-r of Mines, Tom- - onto. who is e brother o! R. P. Rickaby o! tUe "Big 20", Bow- manville, was anc o! thnce men ila.M.- who lied a thrilling experience wlien they escaped from a U Flo er ervce helicopter which tunned aver i m TUe men lied ta weit until tUe11 AND SUNDAY SCHOOL cebin filled with weter befome 15 they could 'open the doar and 1 fin CLOSING swim ta safety. 'V. 1 ~Leading article in TUe Sports- 18 Imen's Manuel, issued ini tUe ane Services also at intereat o! sPort in tUehe ed a!o! O the lekes district and Nortliern oal & .M. and 7 pm. Ontario, is by e weli known ma Durham County boy, Dr. Albert e E. Allin, son o! the late Mn. and jsei Triniiy United Church, Minister: Rev. T. A. Morgan, B.A. Rev. John Linton, B.Th., MIA, General Secretary of the Canadien Temperence Federation, "On Seiting Up MISIE Phyllis Chals Barrett, ic. A.T.C.M., Organist. -MAPLE GROVE Sunday Sc hool ANNIVERSARY S.undcaly, June '2Oth The Sunday School Anniversary ivili be held at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER - Rev. Wm. G. BERRY Associate Secretary of the Board of Evangelism and Social Service. ) Special Singing by the Sunday School assisted hy MR. MOSES, of Oshava Ou WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd, commencing at 4:30 p.m., SUPPER will be served. FOOTBALL GAME at 6:30 p. At 8:15 p.m. Newtonvile W.l. wiIl present their play "Business Merely Business" 3-act comedy play Master Dilly Wade and Miss Barbara Brown wiU assist between acte. Adults.-Supior and Concert, $1.25; Concert only, 50e Chldren-Supper and Concert, 50c; Concert onIy, 25e cases must hammonize with the (Continued from page one) other fumniture in the room in 'front pumphouse, George Van- which they are ta be used, and Bridger, Manager of the Bow- for this reason the finishing of manville Public Utilities Com- them is very important. The mission, has steted thet water wood is first stained and a coat cen be pumped through the in- a! filler applied ta fi in min- take pipe and put into the town ute hales and cracks. Cellulose water sy9tem even before the lacquers are then applied with final grading and covering ai a spray gun. because they dry the pipe has been completed. so quickly they cannot be ap- A large wooden crib 16 feet plied properly with a brush. by 8 feet, and 10 feet high, The lest step is the rubbing made o! 8 by 8-inch timbers down of the cases. The final has been constmucted for the polishing in the Simpkin fac- mouth o! the intake pipeline. tory is elways done by hend ta This crib, cantaining the 21- give the beat possible results, inch intake bell, will be lawer- the speaker stated. ed 22 feet below the surface o! One a! the satin lacquers the leke and fiiled with large wich the !irm uses is exclu- rocks ta hold the intake bell sive i Canada, Mr. Simpkin and the pipeline fmom shifting. seul, and is made especialiy for it from a formula obteined from 16-Inch Pipeline an American firm. Rapid pragresa is alsa being The speaker stated. that .67 made by the Cornish Construc- separate opematians are requin- tion Ca. on the 16-inch pipeline ed for even a medîum-priced which wiil carry the waten up- Icdock case, and many o! these town ta Bawmanvilie consum- requime highly skilled lalbour. ens. The section of pipe fram He stated that ecience in the the pumphouse ta the corner of years since the war has aided Liberty St. and the Base Lîne the cabinet industry tremen- E. was completed last faîl, and dously b3' developing synthetie in the pest two weeks it has glues and fast-drying cellulose been extended from this point -lacquers. The synthetic glues alang -the west ide o! Liberty are much superian ta the aid St. and Ontario St. ta the corn- animal glues in thet they anilen of Ontario and Nelson St. watempraaf and much strongen nFom thene it will run along iThe lacquers develiped since the south aide a! Nelson St. ta the war dry much fasten and Hunt St. and theni along the provide a water and alcoholic- nîight-of-way o! the nailroed proof finish. Some lacquema are spur inta the Goodyear plant even resistant ta heat to a very as fan as Queen's Ave. great extent, he said. At Queen's Ave. it wiil be New Maehinery Invented tied into an existing 8-inch main and from thene the weter New machinery and sawg' cen feed into the town system have also been invented which u oteeeae ak h womk et great speech Mr. Simp- nup ta teev saedynkbTe 'kin steted. One new saw will niew no, h system haaeaybe make 20,000 cuts a minute, and tierityoStheond theystem iet another will cut 21/2 inch plen<sLian tyOStriandhelseonet as fat as e man cen feed it. It will elsa be connected with In concluding his classifica- the plant a! Cajaadian Cennens tion taik, the speaker sated and the Goodyear plant on its that he wes very proud ta have route 'ta f Queen's Ave. The been invited ta joi the Bow- new systemi will end et the imanvile Rotary Club would 8-inch main on Queen's Ave., do his beat ta uphald its spirit and Mr. VanBridger feels that and ethics. this will look after the weter 1Mr. Simpkin was thanked needs o! Bowmanville for xnany for his moat interesting talk by lyeams ta conie. Rotemian Tom Rehder. Should water demands be- Presîdent Moody weicomed came heavier in the future the Rotarian guesta Tom Dobbie of 16-inch main cauld then be ex- Oshawa and R. H. Reynolds o! tended fmam Queen's Ave. right Toronto ta the meeting. Rotam- j up ta thc elevated tank back ian Garnet Rickard wes presen- o! Chumch St. ted with a two-year perfect et-i tendance pin by Attendance A speciel electricel installa- Cheirman Keith Billett. tion hes been put in et the puaiphouse ta prevent the in- take pipe into Lake Ontario 'holders awn Genemal Matons. rosion Service Ltd., Toronto, More than 90 per cent o! the this installation develops a neg- owners are individuels but no ative electnical charge in the ane individuel owns so much intake pipe which will prevent as 1 "2 per cent o! the common lit from rusting and corrosion sUae.., adefiaitely. Rot ary Club (Continued from page one) Inited . States, but Canadien eple and besswood are also csd. In dlock cases whene lumber 3used, the stain and lecquen iish is applied on the lumber sel!' Clock cases whîch are iade with plywood, hawcver, re finished with face veneens fwelnut, mehogeny or white ak. Spme o! the big dlocks are iade af bath lumben and yen- ered plywood, Mr. Siinpkin aid. Finish Must Harmonize He pointed out that tUe dock Mrs. Fred AllUn, Haniptc Entitled, "Gaine Bird. o! Nort ern Ontario," the article is fine one an this subject. E Allin is Pethologist et the Pr vincial Laboratory, Fart Williai An exemple o! how ai store cen provide business f another was delnonstreted' la weekend. Maurice Breslin gai away e free fleshlight ta evex customer when he re-openE his Men's Weq& Store an Kir St. East. TUe result was thi Mason & Dale, Lander's Harc warç and other hardware storf foufid their sales o! !leshlig] batteries saming as the mccil ients o! Mr. Breslin's Iargesý came in ta get them loaded ul Our octogenamien busin.ý [prince, Mr.W. J Berry, left o iMonday on his Alnual vecatiax This year Mm. Berry has oui lincd a- two montha' trip, vi bus, water end rail ta Alesk and down as fer as Seettle. H lias egain kindly cansented t write e senies a! articles ai his wandcmings for The SteteE man which are alweys intemest with humor about has exper ience and tUe people he meete Congratulations are offerei ta Miss Margaret Veele, deugh ter o! Dr. and lira. W. T. VealE HarroWv, and grenddeughter a Mrs. Avery Johnston, Bowmen ville, who meceived her B.A degrce in Household Economir: at the University of Western Ontario an June 5. Dm. Veal( is alsa a native af Bowmanviile being the son o! Mn. and Mrs rUas. Veale. A pictume o! Misý Veale receiving the congratula. tions o! hem mother and sister Mlary. eppcared in the Windsor )aiiy Star of June 7th. Charles Carter Sm., well knowm local master baker, wes electeÈ ta two important posta in Cenad- ian bakery trade organizatianm lest weck. At the annuel con- vention o! the National Council of the Beking Industry heid in Toronto an June 8 he wes ne- elected Chairman o! the Educa- ;ianal Committee. The foliow- ng day et the annuel meeting of the Ontario Bakers' Associa- tion he was elected as a director of the arganizatian. He is elso chainman o! the Advisary Coun- cil o! the School o! Bakery Ad- ministration et Ryerson Institute. Mn. and lins. Alex Wattie, Edmonton, Alta.; Mn. and Mms. Stanley licLean, Onillie; Mn. nd lira.' Gardon Martin, Miss Doris liartin, Miss Marilyn Baskerville, Newcastle; Mn. and Mra. Harold Hemmond and Mureay, Bowmanville, visited with Mn. and lins. Orville Os- borne lest Thursday. lin. end .ra. Wattie are grandparents a! Mr. and Mrs. Osborne's son-mn- aw, Mn. Alex Wight. They rotored ta Ontario on the ail- eanadian highwey ta visit ne- atives and frienda in Barrie, inillie, Toronto. and Bowman- ille. haJ TWO St. John's Appoinred to, ne 'As a result o! the reoent An. .or Ist glican Diocesan Synod in To. ve ronto, Bowmanville is weil re. Y presented in the Counsels of the d Diocese. Mark L. Raenigk was 19appointed by the Bishop of To. at1ronto as a member of the Dio. d- cesan Executive CommitteeThe htagement committee of the Dia- Pce betwe:n session of Synod P. op and the Co-adjutor Bishop, 58&representative Clergy and Laity )n of the Diocese. Haîf the cler- n. cal and lay members are elected by ballot at Synod, the othérs la are appointed by the Bishop. ,a At the fimst meeting of the exe- le cutive Committee Mr. Roenigk to was appointed to that commit- a Library Rec ,-Stock of A - In spite of television, books are still the çhief source o! in- ýformation. The citizens o! Bow- rmanville have more than 8,000 eof them at thein disposai and may borrow as many as three at a time, if they join the Pub- slic Libnary. It costs one dollar a year for grown-ups and loc for childmen. * So far this year the Library has bought an average of fifty new books a manth. As far as fiction is concerned, the Librar- ian has chosen ten out of twelve sof the best sellers as reported *by one af the largest libraries in Canada, the Toronto Public ILibraries. These have been on- dered each month weeks ahead of the publication o! the lista o! the most popular books. Your small libnary provides li- brarian service equal ta that o! much larger institutions. 'The children's section is par- ticulanly good. Many. excellent juvenile books have been pur-, chased during the past twa montha. The Library subscibes ta twenty of the leading Cana- dian, American, and British magazines. These may be read in the library reading room, and may be taken home ater they have been held in the read- Get Your Entries In For Fishing Contest The 17-inch brown trout ceught by Frank Jamieson on June 9th in the Hampton stneam is top entry 50 far in this divi- sion of the Mason & Dale fish- ing contest, sponsor o! the cou- test, has ennounced. The conteat for the largest brown or speckled traut caught in this erea lasts from May 15 ta August 31, with 4 pnize o! $25 goinig to the winnen. The bass contest begins an July 1 and lasts until October i. A prize of $25 will also be given ta the fisherman landing the langest bass. Entmy forma for the Mason & Dale fishing contest may be abtained with the purchase a! any item o! fishing equipment at the store. Water System Balanced Fitness PTASIG -t- w-L ENO A Quick and Easy Wmy TO STOP COCCIDIOSIS "COXINE"7 'R the drinking water SIMPLE TO USE.- CONOMICAL TABIETS Ne. 2315 25 tablets $485 - 50 tables $9.4() CONCENTRATE No. 2528 4fi& oz. $ 1,30 . 16 fl. Il. $4. 10 133 fi. or. $20.00 KLEENEX SPECIALS for this WEEK'EN D1 A.S.A. Tablets - - For fast relie! o! heedeche. I. D.A. Corn Remover Safely removes entire corn. - 19CI, 49c 100's and 300's L.D.A. Linseed Meal - - - 29c Save on this high quality I.D.A. product. 12 ozs., reg. 35C I. D. A. Witch Hazel - - 23c, 59c A soothing, heelîng lotion for sunburn and bites, reg. 30c, 75e GIFTS FOR FATHER'S DAY! Sroerial I BILLFOLDS 1 GOLF BALLS Here's an outstanding oppor- tunity ta get Dad a supply o! the new law-priced Mar- athon golf balla. Introduced jus! in time for Fether's Day and tUe golf season. 45c, '3 - $1.25 12 -$4.75 SNCIAL iOW.PRIg« OFFER f WkI. le oim ,' C- A fine zippered English Moracco leether bilifaid- packed in e gift box. $2.50 value $1.79 Genuine sahid English Marocca icather bill!oid $4.00 value Shaving Needs For Smokers Philishave ----- ---- $27.95 Macdonald's Export 33c, i41e Gillette Razors and Bletles Ronson Lighters 6.50 and up 50 Bine Blades ------- $2.50 Pie rm---- 1.0u Palmnolive Rapid Shave Piefo1.0p Cream----------------98c Zippo windproof lghter 4.95 Playing Cards Reguier 1.98 velue ziettst styleswaves ALL AT ONE TIME Your I.DA. druggist carrnes a wide range of KODAK CAMERAS AND FILMS Sun Glasses. Picnic Needs VACUUM BOTTLE Polaoid .98,2.98These British-made botties Fits-On ______- 2.50 with plastic tops are sturd- ily constructed ta have ef- Neutralite 1.98, 2.98 ficient inaulation from heat Tone-Ray- 4.00 to 10.00 orcl-Pitae Sun Clip -_____ 1.50 98c IDA. Health Saits A pick-up thet's !izzy for mý foks tet are busy. Refresh- PACKAU ou 20C ig ... coalîng. 20iIsm63/4"xW'One vpound MANISIrn 1?XlY' 59c IDASORB Idesorb is prepemed for Simple Dierrhoae, summer complaint . .. have a bottle in the houa. and witli you when travelling. PRECRITIONS A SPECIALTY PIN CURL PERMANEN T " NO NEUTRALIZ*R " NO RE-SETiNO " NO TUMEOMI WND MOI Alex. We Deliver You.r Local ID.A Drug Store Drugs Phone 792 I I Ch ch en Hopitl Bza R. BronrM. OG". MeMul- Merchants Sponsor ~y od Ex cuiv ifrm ag oe> Mazve an srrunin cm-Midget B asebai Syno Ex cutvel Coninud frm pge ne) munity assisted the Hospital yearby rs. H.H.Tdhm Auxiliary both in donatig ar. Two midget baseball teanis are Walkervile, was won by Mrs. ticles and -helplng in the booths being sponsored by McNulty's *tee's important "Finance sub- Robt. Davies, 144 Scugog St., the last Thursday. It was'a splen- Sports Store and Chartran Men's *committee"., draw bemng made by lira. A. G. did coznmunity effort for a coin- Wear, with games being played Mr. Roeniglk was further hon- Scott. mulnity hospital. on Sunday afternoons fat the oed b being elected to the Hg colgons atSn Diocesan missions Board, which Winners of door prizes, dl.Uw!'1 J ck McNgruds LsSan sis responsible for work in the feer were Mrs Mael &JiJ ampeJack MCol's a 65 assstd Prihe ofth Doceefotr ev ehred gusts who lJack ilClub sdapdJc oesta 65 asise Prihs !th Does.Brown, 192 King St. E.-rose John Lunn was the winning ,herc, owafnSt.lJehnR bushes donated by .nrookdale- noldS Annual ricnic pitcher, and John Fowler was WaurrenTurerwas lecte . Kmgsway Nurseries- Mrs W. charged with the Cole teani's WarnTunr wseece oStaples, 34 Silver t-pano!A CraBIa bs the Diocesan Comuittee for so-plants dontted by S. J. Jackmans cia] Service and to the Diocesan tsdntdb .J ak Tow ad Cunry huc an & Sons; Mrs. Harry Allmn, 55 The annual picnic o! Trinity Ttwn Aand meeuting urh o Centre St.-$5 worth of nmer. Jack and Jil Club was held H laitter bodt onmTesday ofst he chandîse from Downham Nur- Saturday at the Cream of Barley .~, r 7atrboyo reeeTesd aria seseis Miss M. Sullivan, 25 Park. Approximately 150 were H i t r . w s e-eeced charm n. As eogeSt.-cup and saucer don- present and thoroughly a rn ae DiohucsBnys' ee fohe ated by P. G. Newell Lumber the fun and eats provided.~ DoesDam g e ChuchBoy' eage e s a Co, Newcastle. Under the capable direction of rnember o! the Diocesan Board o! Religiaus Education and of No. 9118 was not claimed. If Elmer Banting,'Stan McMurter its sub-committee on children's the holder of this ticket wil and Harry Saunders, races and C urtice A e Mrs. Cawker or Mrs. contests were conducted. The or.Dippeil, the prize o! a pair of winners were: Hailstones as large as golf pilow cases will be handecl Boys, 6 and 7 yrs.-Gary Akey balîs caused considerable crcp over. The sixth door prize was girls, 6 and 7 yrs.-Linda Stee1g; damage ini a !reak storm whicin flot drawn owing to the smaîl- boys, 8, 9. 10 yrs.-Alan Plum- struck the Courtice area for :eives Largé ness o! the crowd. It was mer; girls, 8, 9, 10 yrs.-Sharon about five minutes on Thursday Lumbr Co . NrmanJames; girls, 11, 12, f3 The haiistorm was confined Convenors o! booths were: Yrs.-Larraine Jamieson; ladies'tonyasmharaexndg Iew ' B ooks White' Elephant -Mrs. Duincan ladies' sack race .Mrridy Mut- Oshawa to Maple Grove, and Smitc;yJspot - Anne SaundeenromnaboutnthenoeastylimitsDac ing room for a reasonable per- field, Mrs. W. A. Edger; Parcel tn es vy ae from the lake to about three- iod f tie. .Merkley, men's sack race- iod of tîme.Post-Mrs. H. Goddard; Candy Har1ke;cupessa 1rc quarters of a mile north of No. Recent and interesting books -Mrs. Biil Oliver; Children's -Clnt nd race art 1 oa2 Highway. Most damage was on every subject from air con- Wear-Mrs. Lloyd Ayre; Bride 's biscuit race-Harry Saunders; done in the Courtice area where ditioning to archeology, from and Homemaker's - Mrs. Wm. boys' shoe race-Lee Rackham; newly-sprouted crops were flat-, baby care, carpentry, electron- Rudeîî; Club 15, Beach Togs- throwing roîîing pin June Ham tened down, leaves were strip- ics, right -through the alphabet Mrs. Geo. Vinish, president of od onet hl rsn- e rmtMsadwnos to ooog ma b brroed I th .lu; Hmeakng- Mrs. Susan Burgess. neon signs and car headlighis is na trouble to find them, just Mark Roenigk; Plants-Mrs. A. Bse teaoerces the were smashed. tei th LbraianorAssstat ThmpsnMrs. Frank Kers- potata, life saver and nail-driv- In Bawmanvilie only heavy Librarian what you are inter- lake; Kitchen Booth-Mrs. Nor- ing relays proved exciting and'ramn fell, and, in Oshawa there ested ini. Or you may consuit man Allun; Handknitted Goods amusing. An abundance of'was hardiy any rain and no the modern card index system -Mrs. R. G. Cowie; Afternoon pie a itîue oaltk al in which the books are listed Tea-Mrs. J. W. Braden. pig pa i theriu e ven lts. Toh atocoswr eto unerth rlaedsujet , ~ Seven Bowmanville High While the majority o! Jacks in the Courtice area, windows weil as under the authors' School g iris did an excellent job and Jilîs were running off their and neon signs were smashed names. If the book you wis of baby-sitting whiie mothers surplus energy, Don- Shay, Ev at the Tremeddan Motel and to rad s n instoc, ai enjoyed the bazaar and tea. Jamieson and their committee Mark Atkins' greenhouse on that it be put on the next order They were: Gerry Ross, Mar-: were busily engaged in setting Harmony Road North at the hist. '! garet Goheen. Beverley Wilson, tables in preparation for fne east fringe o! Oshawva suffered Bowmanvillians should be Mary Jones, Josie Brooks, Ca- evening meal. Each member $ 1,000 worth of damage in brok- proud of their Library. It is therine Vilkoet, Alice Oldejans. provided sandwiches, pickles, en windows. mnaintained by the Town for Convenors o! draws were: cake, cookies, or tarts. Coffee, Mrs. Don Thompson, wife o! them. The Provincial Govt. also Miss Pat Smith, Miss Barbara milk and ice cream- were provid- the proprietor o! the Oshawa helps. Watch for the new sign Spencer--dishes; Mrs. Ray Lath- ed !rom club funds. Dairy Farm, north of Preston- which will swing from the Town angue - steam iron; Kitchen Everyone agreed that it was vale, collected several hailstones Hall. Just in case you did not Booth - tea 3ettle; Mariao the best picnic they had ever the size of golfe balis after the know it, that is where the Li- Couch - pillows; Homemade attended. Even the rain co- heavy storm. The ground was brary is situated. Your Librar- Cooking Booth - cakes; Mrs. operated and held off until covered with the hailstones ta ian is Mrs. F. W. Bower;! As- Lloyd Preston-groceries; Mrs. families were rounded up and a depth of two inches in some sistant, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. Geo. Young-blanket; Mrs. W. on their way home, sections.> - i ni i d.mudemiCOMPETIT PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Arn...,SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY q FRUILT PAGE ', For 1 $1.791

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