* ---. ~ ~* ~-.* ~ ~ -* *..s,*-*~*. t, - '- - ,"w' 1r - - -, - .r'"r" ~ -THUBDAYV, JtLY tIiM1954 Ed Youngman's Column The. Statssma' s u Boots col= mnist - - il THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV!LLE ONTAIUO Guemtt yeu remember that I bowhclggcd when yaum scribe ap- mtentioned sometime ago about plied the hydraulic. The athtr us eîLher buying a re4rigerator fehhow neariy turned aven, tny- on galng to sas the iamous ing ta avold us. About ten min- Stam pede in Calgary. Welh, we utés afier we resumed aur jour- ecded te toss a coin, If it came ney from the scene of the bad lieads We went, If it came tailsaciet two cars, jackeying fur We bought. Just when we were postin ight ln front af us, goi totts, we decided flot ta made us gasp when they camel ~o aldIt came up talla, and within a wnisker ai knocklng we'~idmiss the E@tamnpede. each other off the road. Luckily, We t%ïisted the tail ai the aid the fellow behlnd me was about- -Austin arnd here we are, on the twenty feet away, on he migunt raad te the Golden West. Bv have piunked hi: engine into the pe you ead thest line': aur rear seat when I pulled aid weeplet ta be Watchnig. buck- Betsy toas teeth-jarring stop ta Ing bronchas, ' bul-dogging, avoid hitting the two gladia- chuck Waggan races and ali that tors in front ai me. If you peo- gaca to g ve a feliow a glimpse pie haven't toaled a car on the Of »J. old West, lncluding real six lane highways around Fin', I Indiana. then as far as traffic thrilhs go, -But rght now, thia 1a beini you ain't seen nothing yet. Written -in ane af those splendiâ When we egistered at the cabins, beside Cas: Lake, an first motel in. the U.S.A., the Highway 2, nat far main Bein- chap naticed aur addness and Idji in the famous State ai Min- surprised us by saying he had neaota. Figurlng the Austin wa.s visited around Lake Couchi- due ta have Its innards aver. chini, Barrie and Gananoque 1hauled, ws had a ebuilt mater anudliuked Canadians very much. inatalied, and neturned ta un the When wc were having a meal evening before we started the in Warba, Minhesota, a carf trip. To aur surprise, a sticken full at the* next table told lisi on the wlndshilhd warned us ta they were fain Toronto and go- - mlot ciive the aidgirl aven thir- Ing ta Winnipeg. When we men-1 ty mil"s per haur ior thé finit tioned Pontypool, they taid of liv: hunc[red miles. Knowing drlvlng thraugh the Ganaraskar that today's %otorists wouid ares with Oshawa friends, last1 hnpatieratly batik their horas for summen. When young people, in1 Us ta get a wiggle on, w: made cars bearing On taria icenses, go0 a two foot square cardboard past, they beep their bora, smi le aign and stuck- an the back, and wave. But when mniddi.!-c which read, "Breaking in new aged on elderly people go by,F engin:. Please Pass." In ail that they just stane stonily ahead. l fiv: hundred miles onhy one Guess they feel annoyed at whata mnan gave us the homu; he was the Amenicans might say if théýyt driving a Cadilhac, was one ai saw them fnaternizing withh those beeiy, red faced, impatient, thle hayseeds in the dirty, bal- n vcry important looking jerks, tered littie Austin. f who was probably too soused, Wben cossing * the Mackinacd or too Iliterate ta read the Straits on the car ferry, another f ,sign..It didn't secin te ir»iprave chap about my awn age, e'ndA ha lateper when the littie aid I chatted. He told me that Hen- 0 Austin honked right back at ry Ford, Sm., once baught up le hum. By the way, thLs joker was about twenty thousand acres afil a Canadian, it happened be- forent in northern Michigan, ta v tween Woodstock and London. be used for expeimental pur.- N I wondered why sa many pea- poses. A madel saw, miii was f pie smilcd and waved as they erected, bouses built for the Ir went by, until Buteh auggested staff, sehective ioggjng was in--si that penbaps very.few ai themn stituted, with the idea of having el wsre neading the sign, but sup- this panticular area produce p osed it meant "Just manied". profitably forever. Now t hat Min. wen we puled up et a stop Ford bas been gathemed ta his M Iight in Saginaw, Michigan, a fathers, my informant ls feanful ai car pulied up, wltb horn blow- that the praject may b: aban- 0 ing, ight beside us, It was a doned. This samne gentleman wedding paty and ln the short suggested that, when I p assed tinie the iight was red, the tbrough the city of Iran Mounl- de eager youag groom kissed the taino I stop off and visit the blsbagbIde four times. The Wilson Paint Ca., using hi s P( people an the nldewaik 'wander- naine as an introduction. Time Ai cd why the two aid cadgers in dld not permit! it the ittie mcd car, with the siga While passing through Besse- ý the back, ddn't do likewise. -mner, Micb., wbich boants the fi: w: w ýere going through deepest Iron mine in the wonld, St i..nt, Michigan, a couple of w: saw the town's fine depant- bÏaiitiful, late model cars wham- ment go into action on a shed, a mned into eacb athen witb such buring behind a bouse, right wl force, at an intersection, that beside the road w: were tra- an. aIl occupants wem: badhy injur- velling. Talk about a grand- ,ed, taken away in ambulances stand seat. Incidentally, one of P and the cams hapeless wmecks. the lovehiest drives imaginable, P tThere wene six cars between us is the ane an No. 2 Highway H end the pair that were wnecked. thmough the Iran Range an a We feit gladi that the thirty fine day. t's quit: a sight ta se: lia :mile linit on aur motor prevent- a ship being loaded with iranCl ed us froin beiag anc of that ore, in about on: boum, at the B. ether pair. Supenior docks, which, by the C. About fiteen minutes pre- way, happens ta be the largest lar viously, a car boiled out of ne. iran are docks in the worid. wheme, looked as tbough it in- A cheeky Minnesota mosqul- dai tended ta strike us amidship, to juat had the gali te bite a Fi changcd course at the hast sec- hunk out ai my good Canadian da: ond, and cnossed aur baws s0 nlght arm; international rela- 1 close the Austin nearly went tions became strained, theme was n $ LOANSs Are your present monthly commit- monts too heavy te carry? $ Consuit Bellvue today for an easler $ $ way to lighten your financial $worries.$ A plan te suit every income. $ A Belivue Loan is as near $ as your Phone. $BELLVUE FINANCE G. H. Wilson, Manager $ 29% Slmcoe St. S. Osh,,awa PHONE OSHAWA 5-1121$ I~ 1 - - The Girls' Softbaii Teamn keeping up their good reput tion with two wifls last wee over Harwood and Milîbrooà The boys' basebail gamei Friday night was labelled u finished business.. . ramnei oi in the top of the fifth innir with the score tied between ti locals and Janetville 3-3. An induction service for tI new minister of the Bethar United Church circuit, the Re R. R. Bonsteel, transferred he: from Stirling, will be held c Friday, July 2 inn the Bethar church. On Sunday evening, ti Rev. Lawrence Norman, who leaving this week with hi: wi: and family to take charge( the circuit at Erin, preacht rus farewell sermon. Mn. Noi man has served on the charg for the past eight months an during that time has made man friends in the cammunlty. M: A. H. Monk expressed the regrE of the congregation at thei leavlng the community. Due t 11l health brought on by a se vere asthmatic condition, ML Nlorman had requested a trans fer to a higher and dnyer cl] nate. The people of Bethan, sincereiy hope that he will ben efit by the change. Guests of Mn. and Mn:. Jame M'cKinnonn hast week weri Mrs. Ceci McGili, Toronto; Mr and Mrs. L. Ingram, Cleveland Ohio, and Mrs. G. E. Staple. Lakefield. Ross Jordan spent seyera' days in Toronto necently. Mn:.- Winnifred Fitzgerald Peterborough, visited with Mias Annie Sîsson iast week. Lieut. R. Taylor of the RCAJ it Quebec, with his wife and lmily vi.sited with Mr. Thomna tapies on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Haig Bothwell ind family of Peterborough, rere weekend guests with Mr rid Mrs. John White. Mrs. J. Davis and Mrs. mIn aimer, spent the weekend in leterborough wlth Mr. and Mrç. 1McMahon. Recent visitons of Mrs. Wil- ia Cavano have been Mrs. lifford Hutchinson of Victoria, .C., Mrs. George Woods, Mrs. *Cook and children of Fene- DnFalls. Miss Muriel Flett, teacher of he junior roomi left on Mon- ýan for hem home at Fenelor i is and wll leave on Thurs- Ày for a trip ta Victoria, B.C. Mr. and Mms. Shermnan Mont. :mery and Wayne, of Peter- >rough, visited with Mr. and Irs. William Philps durlng he weekend. Mr. and Mr&. Hugh McDonald, mronto, spent severai days with Irs. Richard Failis. Mns. Frank Martichenko and aughter, Debonah Ann, arriv- * home from St. Joseph's Hos- Lai, Peterborough. Mrs. Rupert Wood entertain- a n Monday evenlng for Miss atnicia McBean, who has taught tFaiiis School for the past vo years. The guests present- 1Miss McBean. with a Ken- îod reversible blanket and )usehold linens, offering their mgratulations and good wishes Santicipation of her caming .rmiage ta Mn. Donald McRae Edmonton, Alta., which will ke place an July 3lst. Mis cBean ieft on Friday to visit [h hem mother in Bainsevilie. go bc Mi thi Mi da, ed pit cd Psl at twi ed wc hot coi in ma tahi Mc' wll How many decds af deatbie-ss vintue and immartai crime the world had wantd had the ac- tain said, "I will do this tomor- ow."-Lord John Russel. 'Bowmanville Rotary Club Officers ancd Committees Take Over New Duties,July Ist m= Chas. Carter. Club Activities-Don Walter Reynolds, ý-BilI , 1 a ioud smnack; resuit, one kee mosquito'sent to the 1 hunting grounds. This pa: lar nosy in.sect must have a stranger to this state be, he was flot marked wlth a Maybe he belonged to1 Dakota, where we hope1 tomnorrow. If I, see any o iong-nosed friends, I'11 tel what happened and- warn that Canadians don't like1 "needled" too rnuch. espec by strangers. Three years ago, the pi down here wouidn't accept aanmoney, we were fc ta exchange -it at a bank pay from eight %~ thirteer cent premium. This trip,1 a lot of fun holding a ten d Canuck bill in one handN I search my pockets for A ican money, suitabiy expli that Canadian money lsn't m~ ed, only to have the other1 frantically assure me they love Canadian dollars. e. Unquestionably, the final ben- Ir. cii rmithe industry is ta s: employment. Labour benefits II thmough payment for services 'Y rendered, cither dimcctly ta the ,I tounit or vacation visitor, on, lndlrectly, fan behlnd the lin:: 39 of pensonal contact with the ce visitar ... la th: fields and fac- r, tories. The Visitor Industry is can industn "with ina smoke- ~stack , ançi yet Its value ta em- ploymcnt is incalculable, In semving the visitor witli goods w: se: a second great ben- ieft . . . PROFIT. For, with al the services rendemed, those who !provide thein - the manufac- Stuner, the whoiesaler, the job- cibrad the etailer - each Smakes bis modeat share of pro- fit which, whcn totailed, adds many millions ai dollars ta Can- 'ada's pmsperity eveny year. On: ai the neldoin recognized a values oi the Visitor Indlustry ais that accruing from taxation. At every level this is an impor- tant factor. 1. The Provinces have their gasola: taxes and througb these i(and niator licenses) they col- ledt annually $100,000,000..1 2. Ail Provinces profit from the sale af hunting and fishing. licenses. ta non-nesidents, and when It j: realzed that in ane province alan: this type ai sale brought close ta two million dollars, the importance ai :uch *permit sale, as a real factor in our national income, becames *evident. 3. The sale and lease ai Crawn Lands in varioUs provinces-for cottage, cabin and camp sites, and, la many Instances, as lo- cations for esont openations - likewise produces substantial Crawn revenues. 4. Thmough the punchs::ofala- coholie spirits, 'end permita thereiore--oum visitors made a furtber contribution ta Canada's tourist cash register, 5. Coming ta the municipality, icannot b: qucstianed that in- creased business derived iran the servicing af the taurist visit- or maintains eal- estate values. This is most apparent in cities and towns which serve as gate- ways ta eant ameas. Bit Market For Farmer Many Canadian industries, whethen thcy nealize it or not, in varying degre: feel the lm- psct and influence ai a thiving tourist trade, but non: marc sa than.egriculture. In any boomn travel yeam, Canada wlll have a tounisi population, comprlsed in the main af visitons main th: U.S. af 20,000,000 or more. In any such year it bas been es- timated tliat tbis tourist popula- tion under normal food condi- tions, will consume 4,000,000 LESKARD Mrs. Bell, Toronto, is spend- ing the summer at her cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Spry and Kathie, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Spry. Mr. and Mrs. Heni Campkin with her parents, Mn. and M.ns. Heaton, Pickering. Mn. and Mrs. H-. Duval and John, have been vacationmng at Deer Lodge, Rice Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Duval spent Sunday visitlng with them. A crew of tree pruners have been buzy on Hamilton's Christ- *mas trees for the last thmee weelcs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fee, Winni- peg' have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fee. Leskand was well represented at the Deconation Day service, Orona. Mr. and Mmi. C. Prust were at their cottage this weekend, ac- companied by Mn. and Mrs. Wal- lace Cîsyton, of Devon, England, who are spending the summ:mr in Canada. Mrs. Cîsyton is the sister of Mr. C. Prust. Account of a local wedding in an English paper read: 'Civ- en away by hem brother-in-law, the bride wore. white net over white taffeta, ful-lencth veil and feathened head c'mess an4 she was'fined three paundà with ten shillings coat and his licenbe was endorsed".- Seems ike a good tiine was had by aIL. _à dozen eggs, and 18,000,000 pounds ai beef and other farm products ln hike proportion. Let us b: more specific on tb: important point. Let's deal with an: individual nesant botel, ai moderate rates and average guest capacity af 200, which durlng its 80-day business op- eration last summen bought Can- ada produce ta the value ai $18,- 115.81. Hem: 1: how the pmaprie- ,tor af Ibis menant tabulates bis punchase-in pmoducts and osts: Canned fruits,, jams, symups -----.---- 827.30 Cand vegetables 427.46 Juicez and soups - 381.40 Daimy producta 4,349.9,q Fnesh fruits 88.09 Fresh frozen fruits - 339.44 Frcsb frozen veget- ables------ 419.30 Fmesh vegetables -- 1.038,87 Meats, fish, shortening 9,041.30 Motlscil-u$1,202.81 a) inet Bheleof." - inscripinon Ott, In every weioght.ca. tc ie tir LS. lt M3 ýn. ei Lr A. Mi al d, as Y Ld as il. h, r. La .n F. Prom the 5-ton cos$ up, ne motter how grsai the ieod or how tough- the operating condition, OMC hua the right truck *ninered for ~: lihs lob. la Paunls or pick-up*, GMC has the right truck for te. oh.-avalh abi. with standard or Hy"u Modes trunhuUsulns.* %'drmM.e faimis.m ds pkHe t Oukuma" GET A REAL TRUC'I ROB 1soi Phone 585 OMC M-450 and M-470 In the a-nd 5-Ion class, bring you ex- clusive Hydra-Mati c plus Valve- ât* n-Iieod pow.r, and redosigned Comfertmaster cube. t he widest range of truck power plants, tra flsmissiona and axies on the market 1 A hg'ward control GMC with more gb.d epace end greates carrying euPacity. *MC -ton ruck, cil wth COmfortmonter cbe, houl the 1-d on ony rood fur lois. A model for sv.ry hauling n.ed OMC-9540 MOTOR PGNIAC AID EUJCK CARS e G. M. C. THUCKS 166 Kimu Si. E. LIMITED lé PACM Imm, Newcastle United Church oi whch Mrs. Cobbledick wa valued member; Neighbors; and Durhamn Wood Products. Inter- ment was in Bowxnanville Cern. etery. - Among those from a distance who attendedt the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Elford, To- rofnto Mrs. Arthur Elford and dauhter, Miss Hazel Elford. ufalo, N.Y., and Mr. md Mrs. be an to :f1 thc ti b:i Ca 'oc loil whi van par ju an. Ippy t'ou. Deen ause LM. drth be hi: hem hem i ng p!e ,an- and per hile ier- ing ýnt- !rty uuut are ita- on unl- out the the tny 'eV. re Lny the fe of Dr- nd 4r. 1 The folhowing Is a lit af of. rficers, directors and cammlttees ei the Bowmanvllle Rotary Club who assume their vanious duties ion one year commenc- ing ,TulJ 1, 1954: Dr~ President - Qdl Rolisan; Vice Prsident-Keith Jackson; Secetay-Rex Waitcms; Treas- urer-Mank Roeriigk; Past Presi- dent-Geo. Moody; Directors - Walter Reynolds, Biain Eilia'tt, Frank Jainieson, Bill Rudehi, Keith Siemon. Club Service Cbairman-Waltem Reynolds. Programme - Tom Rehdncr, Gea. James, Rosa Stnike, Attendance - Kelth Biliett, Abbey Darch. ' Fellowship - Mcl Dale, John James, Art Morgan, Howard Rundie.. Membership-Dave Mamison, Tom Palmer, Cy Siemon, Fred Vanstone. Classification - R. Rickaby, ,Don Morris, Morley Vanstone, Walter DeGeen. Rotary Information - Walter DeGeer, Art Rlbey, Rex Walters, Keith Jacksop. Bulletin-Keitb Sierhon, Jim Stuti, Kcith Jackson, Ron Simp- km,. Music - Bob Stevens, Keith Billett, Abbey Danch, Walter DeGeer. Sick Committe - Mark Roe- nlgk, Bob Stevens, R. R. Stev- ens. Magazine and Public Informa- tion-Mamty Martin, Gea. James,1 %Community iServie Franks Jamieson, Chaimman. Crippled Chiidren-Dave Hig- 90oU, Fombes Heyland, James Ho- rath, Howard Ruadie, R . R. Stevefts. Youth Service-Art Morgan, Lau Dippeli, Blain Elliott. Special Events-Morley Van- Stone, Clame Ganton, John James, Gea. Moady, Pets Newchl, Gar- net Rickard, Tanspantation-..Tom Palmer, Clame Ganton, Mark Roenigk. Inter-Club - Gea. Hacking, Dave Higgon. Easter Seal-Waltcm Reynolds, Geo. Moody, Bob Stevens, Keith Billett, Mcl Dale. Rural & Urban-Garnet Rick- atd, James Hogarth, Marty Mar- tin. Play - Fombes îieyland, Mel Dale, Pete Newelr, Ron Simp-s kmn, Keith Jackson. Vocational -Service-Bill Ru- dcli, Wes Cawker, Gea. Hack- ing.c Sang Leader-Bob Stevens. International Service- Blain Elliott. International Afiains- Chas.8 Carter, Cy Shemon, Ross Strike.M Rotary Foundation. - LouS Dippell, Art Ribeyr, Fred Van- 1 Stan:. Sergeant-at-Arms-.Keith SI:- mon.a Pianist and Histoian-Daven Morris, n ý C. M. C. TRUCKS 166 King Si. L v Orange Lodge Parades Io Church At Pontypool The iangest and most colonful church parade af L.O.B.A. and kj L0. members was he]d here un day aiternooon. Headed by the smart Tyrone Plut: Band aven 100 paraded ta the United Church whene they heard a fine sermon by Rev. Bro. Lougheed, Past Grand Chaplain of Quebea. The Community Choir render- ed a fine service af sang. The parade was abhy marshalled by Bro. Gerald Fisk. L.O.B.A. mem- béns were present from Tymone, Bethany and Toronto and were honored with the presence ai Won. Sister Addy, Grand Treas- urer af Ontario West and Won. Sister Bracknen af Toronta. Visitons in L.O.L. ranlts includ- ed membens from Toronto, Osh- awa and nnany points in Dur- ham West and Durham East. On their return to the hall, with W. Bro. R. J. Payne as chairman, enthusiastic speeches, were made by W. Bro. Lloyd Webb W.M. oi L.O.L. 82 who welcomed the visitors. Other speakers were Sisters Addy and Bnackner of Toronto, Rev. Bra. Lougheed af Port Hope,' Paýt Grand Master W. Bra. C.-Devitt of Blackstock, W. Bro. Bateman, Coupty Master of East Durhain, W. Bro. George Brown, Past County Master oi West Durham and others. L.O.L. 82 is very grateful toalal those who as- sisted in making this parade such a success.. Parade ia Bawmanvihle Several members af aur band and Lodge attended church pa- rade in Bowmanville an Sun- iay momning. After the parade they made a fraternal visit ta see Bro. Albert MeMahan a nighly respected member of the Ladge and when able the grand old "Daddy" af the Band. This village was saddened ta hear of the sudden passing of John McCabe, 23-year-old son of Mn. and Mrs. Bill McCabe ai L.otus. We ,extend aur mast sin- cere sympathy ta the bereaved. Mn. Elgin Budd ai Simcoe ar- rived in town Sunday and is commencing this week pruning his fine stand af Scotch pine. Weddlng belis rang Saturday fo the Mitchell-Gilbanks wed- Ling.,; United Church Gar- den Party was ýa huge success. The soi tball game betweeen Nfilbnook and Bethany was :eenly cantested with Bethany winning 5 ta 4. Sùnday visitons with Mn. J. Payne included Mr. and Mms. id Loscombe and family ai )shawa, Mn. and Mm. Addy and ms. Marion Bnackner and Miss- ýs Elizabeth and Kay Bracknem )f Toronto. "Proclalm liberty throughout LII the land unto ail the inhabi- OBITUARY MrS. LORNE COBBLEDICK Mns, Lamne Cobbiedick, a lang-time resîdent af Newcastle, pasged ta rest at her nesidence, Beaver Street, on June 23, foi- lowing an ilhness of about twc weeks. She was 67 yeams of age. The deceased was born Nor- ma Bessie Elford, at Providence, Darlington Township, on Juine 10, 1887, the daughtem of the hate John and Hannah Ehford. Hem husband, Mr. Lorne Col.- bledick, now deceased, farmed un the Newcastle district for many yeans. They had thre children who survive ta mourn their mother's passing: Ruth (Mrs. Lloyd Passant), Black- stock, Ross and Elford, New- castle. Also surviving are two brothers, Mn. Percy Elford, To- motand Mn. Wallace Ehford, Vacuver, B.C., and a sister, Mina, E. Stnike, Bo*jmanville. Funeral service was, hehd on June 26 in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilhe, wlth Rev. Harold Turner officiating. Pail- bearers were Messins. Milton Wight, Wrightson Wight, Fred Lovekin, Harny Dennis, Char- lie AllUn and Alec Prout. Many beautiful floral tokens evidenced the lave and esteem in which the deceased was held. They inchuded tributes from Co. Momnison. 'Eve rybody Benef its From Ontario Tourist Industry 1 BUILDERS CONTRACTORS FARMERS No. 1 and No. 2 HEMLOCK SPRUCEAN PINE LUMBER Rough loi Dresued Delivered on the Job by truck. Write for Pricei Lumnber THEN HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A NEW dC>Ior Brothoe 3,0"lRANGE **.FREE fly purchasing a new Clare Brothers Hecla Furnace between now and Mây 3ls4t, you may win a famnous Clame Brothers Jewel 30' Range for nathing! To take advantage of Clame Brothers 1 Oth Anniversary offer: See us. Buy the Clarm Brothers Furnace most suited te your needs. Then, before Decemnber 31, 1954 write and tell Clare Brothers what you Iied bcst about it. If your letter is the best received you wilI win a new Clare Brothers 30' Range ... gas or electric.. absolutely fre&s. SEE US FOR COMPLE= ]FURNACE CONTESft ETAI ...and remember: this is an unusual contest becaus. 1. There is a separate prize for every Province. 2. You compete only with thoôm people who have b6ought a Clare Brothers Hecla Furnace botween now and, Juj i t l your Province!l L. A. Parker-& Son King Street East Phono 651l 1 -- BETHANY PORT LORING - ONT. 1 1 - OMC 1%ilt. 2-ton trucks ail haive the lamou Valv.-ln-H.d ecuomy engins$ plus foughuu frames tu curry the.gond et lower opevmtng £011. 1