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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1954, p. 11

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TmYUMDAT, JULY th, UN5 THE CANADIAN STATSMAN, DOWMA1~VTLLE. ONTAMO PA~U ULUVEW Social and Personal lYing Officer and Mrs. Win. left an Monday for Victoria, B. Whttleton, Heather and Jo- C., where they plan an extend- Ann of Vancauver, B.C., visit- ed visit with bis mother. ed with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mrs. Geo. Smith, Newcastle, a~elast weekend. spent last week with Mr. and ~(.and Mrs. Frank* Smith, Mrs. Cecil Glass, Kendal. ~aand Gregory are return- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paeden ~gta Calgary, Alberta, after an -and Jean, Starkville, and Mrs. enjayable visit wîth their aunts, Gea. Smith, motored ta Keswick, Mrs. Nettie Cale and Miss E. Lake Simcoe, and visited friends ,'zckburn. Mrs. Smith and there on Sunday. iren attended the Black- Congratulations ta Mr. and burn-Hardy picnic at Sauina on Mrs. George Skelding, nee Joan July ist. Brown, who were mannied on' Miss Edna Carveth of Wind- Saturday, June 26th with the' sor eènt the holiday weekend Rev. Warren Turner of St. witf Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Car- John's Church, Bowmanville, véth. officiating. Mrs. Carl Nielson of Roches- Almost al af the summer ne- ter, N.Y., is visiting with ber sidents are now occupying their xnother, Mrs. Jo Irwin at the cottages at the lake. Glen. Mrs. Washburn and Miss Hal- Holiday visitors with Mr. and liday of Whitby are again accu- Mrs. John Voutt and family pying one of Mn. Bull's cottages. were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kin- The new minister of the Un- nelI o! Cambray, Mr. Clarence ited Church the Rev. M. C. Barnum of Campbellfond, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Fisher and family John Stemp and son Harny and moved into the local parsonage girl frlend af Uxbridge, Mrs. from Brooklin last Tuesday. Wm. Hargnave and children of Mrs. J. J. Foley of Toronto, isi Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Sid. visiting with her sister-in-law, Voutt and family of Udora. Mrs. Stella Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew of Holiday visitors with Mn. and Peterborough and Mrs. Jack El- Mrs. Marshall, Pickering, and lenton af Georgetown were holi- family, Were, Mr. and Mrs. John day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Volkmar, af Montreal, and Mr. Gordon Agnew. and Mrs. Bill Armstrong of Mrs. George Crowthen, Char- Memphis, Tennessee. les and Jamie spent the holiday Mrs. Alden Wheeler and Mrs. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Granfield and their Chas. Wood in Orono. children have leased Mn. Bull's Donald Stoneburg af Toronto, north cottage. 15 spending the summer holidays Mr. and Mrs. Carbrey and wlth Mr. and Mrs. Art Des family are at their cottage at Roches. Willovj Beach for the summer. Miss Catherine Dewdney oi Mrs. Henry Ragen has retunn- Toronto, spent the holiday week- ed from Houston, Texas, where end with ber parents, Rev. and she has been visiting with ber Mns. D. R. Dewdney. daughter. Mrs. Earl Fisher is visiting Mrs. D. R. Dewdney, Mrs. with her son Carl and Mrs. John Ferguson, Mns. D. B. Simp- Fisher In Cornwall. son and Miss B. Mclntosb mû- Mr. and Mns. Percy Hare vis- tored ta Stratford ta attend the ited in Burlington and St. Cath- Shakespearian Festival plays. enines an Sunday. Miss Ardele Pickering is Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith and spending two weeks' vacation family ai Hamilton visited at witb ber grandmother, Mrs. R. the Blackburn home on Mon- D. Parkinson in Montreal. day. Mr. and Mrs. Cook of Toron- Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Carvetn ta, are. visiting with Mr. and ________________________Mrs. Willes-Chitty at the lake- side cottage. TI1C KE TS __8__ TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or, Steamship New peaks in folly in cam- Consù.lt pulsory marketing may yet be J URY & Lo V * EL L1 established by govennments Bowmanville through attempts ta cut the sup- 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 ply ai human needs by acreage and production contrais. FREE! FREE!1 FRIDAY NIGHT 6 P.M. TO 9 P.M.t CILUX PENNY BANKS COME EARLY AND GET VOURS WHITE. Lander Hardware 7 King St. E. "?hone 774 WiII Live in Newcastle Smiling bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ernest Balfour LeGresley, pose happily following their marriage in Morningside Presbyterian Church, Toronto, on June 12. The bride is the former Hildegarde Mathilde Emma Vierkoetter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Vier- koetter, Toronto, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald LeGresley, Newcastle. The newly married couple will make their home in Newcastle. -Photo by Robert Lansdale Twice Postponed by Ramn Annual Lions Carnival at Bail Park To-morrow Undaurited by their failure 40o get "in good" with the weath- erman in their two previous at- tempts to hold their annuali carnival, the Newcastle Lions Club are making stili anotheri attempt to stage the big annual show in the local park on Fni-i day (tamarrow) evening. The committee also decided that should rain again interfere on Friday evening the event will be held on Saturday even-4 ing. They have flot told us wbat will happen if the show should be rained out again on Satur-j day evening, so ail we can do1 is hope that Friday will be a beautiful sunny day and thati the temperature will stay sum-i mienlike in the evenîng. Ail the usual carnival at- tractions will be on hand with the Bingo, wbeels ai fortune, ne- freshment stands, Lionette needlework candy and novelty boatb, and probably some new attractions the Club bas had timne ta think up wbhile waitingâl for the weatherman ta favon it witb nice weatber. The Carnival was first scbe- duled for Friday, June 25th and when thunderstorms inter- vened was pastponed ta Wed- nesday, June 3th which also turned aut ta be a wet evening, s0 surely ane ai the twa even- ings scheduled for the afiair thms week will favon the Club. Rev.- and Mrs. D. R. Dewdney Honored by Clarke Twp. Parish On Silver Wedding Anniversary A very successiul Strawbenry Tea was held at St. Georges Parish Hall an Friday evening, July 2nd, whicb was largely at- tended by many from Newcastle and Onano. Fallowing the tea, members ai St. George's cangregation and ai St. Savioun's, Orono, con- stituting the Panisb ai Clarke, assembled in the Parish Hall ta hanan the Rector, Rev. D. R. Dewdney and Mrs. Dewdney, on the occasion ai the 25th anl- niversary ai their wedding. Mn. and Mns. Dewdney, eî- corted by Mrs. Harold Gibson andi Mrs. George Cnowtben, en- tered the hall as Mrs. Garnad, at the piano. played the open-i ing bars ai tthe wedding march, and were seated in chairs fac- ing the cangregation. Bebind them, the front ai tbe stage was heauitifully deconated witb bou- quets ai roses, peanies and ilaw- ening shrubs. The People's 'Warden, Mn.1 k S UMMER PRI CES STILL IN EFFECT ON FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE Trhe Red Cooul (Slave or Nul) Budget Terms - No Carrying Charges Now is the lime Io MIi your biu OSB ORNE COAL CO. Office- 26 King St. E. Coal Yards Phone 897 Phone 410 E. V. (MIKE) OSBORNE Harald Gibson, read an address conveying ta the happy couple the congratulations and goad wishes ai the members ai the Panish and recalling the eight- een years ai devoted service which they had given ta the two cangregations. Mn. G eorng e Cnowthen, the Recton's Warden, pnesented ta the Recton, on be- hali ai the Parish, A purse af silven; and the littie daugh- ter ai Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Gih- son, presented ta Mrs. Dewdney a beautiful bouquet ai roses. In responding for himseli and' bis wiie, Mn. Dewdney warmly thanked the memaers ai the twa congregatians for their gif t, and then proceeded ta humon- ausly necount some af the hon- eymoon adve*ntures in the Model T Fond. In mare seriaus vein be went an ta say that the Rec- tory at Newcastle had been no temporary home, but one in which they had spent many happy years. in wbich their children had grawn up, and where tbey had formed .;o many close and enduning asso- ciations. Short addresses ai congratu- latian and gaadwill recdalling events which had taken place durîng Mn. Dewdney's incum- bency, were given by Mn. George Cnowther, Mn. Morton, Orano, Mn. Howard Gibson who bad been Warden for same years whîle living in Newcastle, and Miss McIntosh, nepresent- ing the ladies ai the cangrega- tian. Rev. Warren Turner, nec- tar ai St. John's Chunch, Baov- manville, wha, with Mns. Turn- er, were present spoke ai the happy relations existing between himseli and Mn. Dewdney in thein neighboning panishes, and braught greetings from St. John's Church, Those present then availed themselves af the opportunity ta, shake bands with the guests ai honor and persanally express thein gond %wisbes. A social hali bour iollowed bringing th;s verv. pleasant evening ta a happy conclusion. 01 Let them work for vou-Tbe Statesman Classifieds. cl&Ne 4accue :4in1f Gordon Àgnew, Edilor Phone 3621 A largely attended indu ctioný service was held in the Newcas- tle United Church an Tuesday evening, June 29 for Rev. M. C. Fisher wbo commenced bis min- istry bere on Sunday, July 4th. Mr. Fisher, formerly ministcr ai the Brooklin United Church, was inducted at a service an- ranged by the Oshawa Pnesby- terS' in charge ai Rev. H. A. Mel- law, chairman. The induction sermon was pneached by Rev. Jbhn Kitchen ai Orano, and the charge ta the minister and con- Rey. M. C. Fisher gregatian was given by Rev. Fred Reed ai Hampton. Following the service a recep- tion was held when the new ministen and bis wiie, alang withi their daughters, Melveen and Velda and thein son Wendell, were intnaduced ta the membens ai the cangregatian. Mn. J. H. Jase spoke brie!ly, .expressing the appreciation oi the congregatian for the fine work dane by Rev. H. G. Cro- zien ai Whitby wbo has been supply minister ai the church since last December, and an be- bahf ai the cangregation a paint- ing was presented ta Mn. Cro- zien by Mns. P. F. Hare. In tbanking the cangregation ion the gift, Mn. Crozier tbank- ed tbe membens for the fine co- aperatian tbey had given hirn during bis bnief ministny in the church. Bride and Groom Welcomed to Community Friendship Club To Make Bandages For Cancer Society Twenty-four members were in attendance when the regular June meeting of the Friendship. Club was held in the Sundar School Hall of the United Church, which was in charge ef Mrs. Kay Kimball's Group. -Members of the club were very pleased to have Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. Higgs, and Mrs. Beatonï, the President of the Ladies' di-i vision of, the Ontario Cancer -Unit, corne down from Oshawa and instruct them how ta make b~andages for the Cancer Socle-; ty It is the intention of the' Friendship Club to make this 'Work one of its future projects.. Strawberry shortcake servedý by members of the graup in charge made a very tasty lunch which was enjoyed by ail. During a short business per-1 16çd conducted by the President, Mrs. Kay Powell, it was decid- ed that no meetings of the club would be held during July and August. Induci New Pastor Rev. M. C. Fisher At United Church O BIUARYand Manlene, Oshawa, visited Guests with Mr. and Mrs.1 ALICE ENMMA ROWLAND Herb Reynolds and Peter were A respected resident ai the his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. village ai Newcastle for the past1 Reynolds, Caesarea, and hisi 35 yeans, Miss Alice Emma Raw- sister and husband, Mn. and Mrs. 1 land, passed away at the home Mahaiiey and family, Toronta. ai ber nephew, Rowland Bal- Mn. and Mns. Paul Mercer and lagh ini Teeswater, Ontario, on family, Guelph, visited hen pan- June 17, 1954, in her 83nd year. ents, Mn. and Mrs. F. Warren. Born in Bruce County on Jan- Mr. and Mrs. Garnett Callett uary, 27, 1871, the daughten of and daughtens, Part Credit, with: the late Mr. and Mrs. Robent Mn. and Mrs. Norman Kennedy. Rowland oi Teeswaten, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Martin- Rowland operated the Willow- ell and Kenny are witb her dale Nursing Home in Newcas- brothens, Archie and Cecil tle until iorced ta netire due to Blodgett at Roseneatb. jîl health, a number ai yeans Miss Irene Inch, accompanied ago. She lived retired in New- by Miss Doris Reynolds, Part castle until a few weeks ago Hope; Miss Frances Jenmey and when she went ta make her Miss Berniece Lunn, Orana, left home with her nephew ini Tees- Thursélay for a seven-weeks' water. tour ai the west irom Calgary, Miss Rowland was a memben for the Stampede, througb the ai the local United Church and Pacific States, into Mexico. was a life member ai the Wom- Kendal and McLean's school en's Missianary Society. She is pupils and teachens, Miss Inch survived by twa nieces, Mns. and Miss Powell, held a picnic George Fisher of Carman, Man- on June 28 at Cald Springs. Int itoba, and Mrs. Carter McKee, the. monning the pupils enjayed ai Gaît, Ontario, and one ne- races, sack, tbree-legged, etc.c phew, Rowland Ballagh, ai Tees- They had a picnic lunch with1 waten, Ontario, A cousin, Mr. ice-cold chocolate milk. In the1 Hawell Rowland ai Ornn, is the aiternoon a well contested only living survivor in this area. game a! ball kept the teachers The funeral service was con- on their toes as umpires. Schoalr ducted by Rev. Harold West ai iinisbed Tuesday morning when1 Bîlmon United Church on June the pupils received their pro-1 19, witb interment in the Tees- mations.'t water cemeteny. Mrs. Neya Little spent thef weekend at Markbam with Mr. and Mrs. Aylward Little. KENDALtauesda eveninig, June 22, a KEND L taty cld ork nd sladsup- per was served in the Sunday Recent guests with Mrs. Neva School roam followed by a veryt Little wene Mr. and Mrs. M. E. amusing play from Sauina, en-t Nixon, Milton; Alyward Little, titled "Maid ai Money"' whicb Mankham, and Alec Little, everyone enjayed. Duning in- Toronto. termissian, Rev. S. J. Pike caîl-1 Mn. and Mrs. George Clarke, ed farwand Neil Elliott ai Me- Toronta, are bolidaying at thein Lean's scboal, Kathleen Geach summer home here. ai Kendal school, and Rannie Mn. and Mns. Selby Grant, Gay, Sixtb Line. Mrs. Kennedy,t Bawmanville, wene guests ai Mn. president af the W. I. presented and Mrs. Norman Kennedy. each with a fine Watenman'ss Mns. Mary Luxon and Marion pen ion being the best ail-rounds are spending a couple ai weeks student in their schoals. DonnieC at their cottage on Lake Kushag. Mercer and Peter Reynolds werea Mn. and Mns. Monley Mullins not eligible as they received the tonville. I Your awards last year, although tbey' were highest again this yean. 1Sorne 44 happy-ga-lucky folks went ta Toronto by bus Satur- day evening and this time had the pleasure ai seeing the Maple Leafs play, although they did get defeated. Bob Cackhurn, managcer ai the Kendal team, secured the tickets and laaked aiten the trip. Recent Local Bride Mrs. Geo. Skelding Hionored at Shower Asked ta attend a meeting ai the Ladies' Soithaîl Club, af which she is a member, an Tues- day evening last, Mrs. George Skelding, nee Joan Brown, was completely surprised ta find a hast oailher iniends assembled in the Cammunity hall She was ushened ta a chair ai honor tastefully decorated wlth pink and white nibbons unden a can- opy of balloons whicb, wheni broke, shawered bier witb con- fetti. Following the applause ai the 85 guests in attendance at the rniscellaneaus shower, the yaung bride commenced the anduous but pleasant task ai unwrapping the large pile ai lavely and use- fui gis banked araund bier chair and reading the attached cards. When the gits bad all been unwrapped, Joan very chanin- ingly expressed bier tbanks for the many gits and invited ail ta see the lovely display. A most happy occasion was bought ta a close as the hast- esses, Mrs. Allin Rowe, Mns. Al- fred Adair and Mrs. Thomas Spencer, senved refreshments to the group. Out ai town guests at the. shower were Mrs. AllanDik son and daughter Barbara< Mns. Carl Nielson ai Rochester, N. Y., and Mrs. Don Parker, ai New- I ON Store - SERVE COLD CUTS -ý SWIFT'S - 4 VARIETIES I ONE PACKAGE PLATTER- PAK 12 oz. pkg. AWAYS GOOD - NOURISHING - SLICED iOLOGNA JUBILEE - No.1 - FREESTON PEACHES Hé aping Quart. Box 37c FIRM - RIPE 49C 29 Beuncunaos Per Pound19 I 9c HEIXJZ - OVEN N TOMATO SAUCE - 15 OZ. TINS Bcuked Becuns KADANA- DELICIOUS FLAVOUR TEABAG Owned and Operated by Dominion Stores Limited ~For35c 100 for 79C Values Effective Thursday - Friday - Saturday, JuIy 8 - 9 - 1 About 200 neighbors and friends of Newcastle community gathered at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Balfour LeGre sley on June 26 for a housewarming party and presentation to the young couple wh o were married on June 12 at Mlorningside Presbyterian Church, Toronto. Gifts of an easy chair, trilite lamp and wall mirror were presented and a happy social time e njoyed by ail. Pictured above are the newly married couple and their parents. Left to right: MVr. Ernst Vierkoetter, Toronto; Mr. Reginald LeGresley, Newca stle; the bride, Airs. Balfour LeGresley, seated in the presentation chair; the groo m, Mr. Balfour LeGresley, standing behind; Mrs. Reginald LeGresley; Mrs. Ernst Vier koetter. The dog is Freya, owned by Mr. Vierkoetter. -Photo by Frank Hammond LOW PRICE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMM. ONTAMO PAGE =Vu il

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