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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1954, p. 14

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I PrAGemr VOUTEM ' ,.,. dar< 5TTSM ., &1Mi9LN - - -. -- --- MU . OMNfýr0 ~TÂ1tIO __________________ ?Ht7~tSDAY, JULY Stii, 1~4 \\ %,1 il // 0"0 GT~tP~ I 13 TNTrTW~ I~N y- qw ~ - - -0 £j3mirlahJ 1I'LNJ>JlvAYi'uLUJIJI IJING dLEtVJENTS 1 Artipces PFnr R"1o LIVING-Irla and John Living are happy to announce the birth of a son at Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville, on July 3, 1954. A brother for Janet and Stephen. 27-1* ]RICE-Mr. and Mns. C. L, Rice (nee Jean Gray), are happy to announce the birth o! their son, Glenn Lewis, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, Sunday, June 27, 1954. 27-1* SEYMOTR-Sam and Ella Sey- znour (nee Brown), are bappy to announce the arrival of twins, a boy and a girl, Wayne Joseph, and Wendy Lou, on June 27tb, at Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 27-1* MARRIAGE MAYBERRY - BENGTSSON - On Monday, June 28, at 4 p.m. in Trinity Church Chapel, Princeton, New Jersey, the mar- niage took place of Kerstining- Marie, daughter o! Mr. and Mns. Ruben Bengtsson, Malmoe, we-' den, to John "Jim", Patterson Mayberry, son o! Mrs.M.L Roenigk, Bowmanvile, and-theý late John S. Mayberny. 27-11 DEATHS BICKLE-On Wednesday, Jui 30, 1954, George B. Bickle, his 87th year, beloved husbar ot Margaret Bickle and dei father of Gladys (Mrs. Ce( Upper); Charleg' Evelyn (Mi Frank Jamieson), and Howar Service was beld at tbe Môni Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvill on Saturday, July 3, at 3 o'cloc« Interment Bowmanville Cen etery. 27. ]HOAR-At bis residence, R.R. 13owmanville, on Tuesday, Jul 6, 1954, Sidney Tbomas Hoa aged 70 years, beloved husban o! Millie E. Hilîs. Resting at tù Morris Funeral Chapel, Boi manville. Service in the Cbapq on Friday at 2 o'clock. Intei ment Betbesda Cemetery. Flom ers gratetully declined. 27' McKAY-At Memoial Nospita Bowmanvîlle, on Tuesdlay, Jul 6, 1954, Wil!red S. McKay (Nev tonville, Ont.), in bis 63rd yeai Beloved busband ot the lai Florence Gordon and dear tati en of Kathleen <Mrs. Georg Kimbaîl), Marguerite (Mn. Vance Cooper), and Wand (Mrs. Jack Kimbaîl). Restin at the Morris Funeral Chape' Bowmanville. Service in th~ Chapel on Thursday at 2:30 par Interment Oono Cemetery. 27- IWOUNTJOY-At bis nesidencf 28 abelle Ave., Isington, oi W ensday, July 7, 1954, Cepha John Mountjoy, in bis 89th yea beloved husband o! Margare Mountjoy. Resting at the Butie Funeral Chapel, 4933 Dundas Si West, Islington for service' Fri day evening at 8 o'clock, thei at the Morris Funenal Chape] Bowmanville, for service at p.m., Saturday, July 10. Inter ment Bethesda Cemetery. 27-: rCards of Thcmkxs As we bave sold our businesE to Mn. Murray Porter, we woul< ~lke to thank tbe people o! New. tonville and suroundîng dîstrici for their past patronage. Mn. and Mrs. L. H. Barton, Newtonville, 27-1' Y wish ta tbank my friends and neighbours for their cards, Visits, flowers and many kind. inesses, and especially Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson wbo provided transportation to and fromn Port Penny Hospital. Mrs. Klaas Vîcigen, Nestieton. 27-1" We would like ta express aur tbanks and appreciation ta our friends, neighbours and relatives' for floral tibutes, cards and messages o! sympathy~ during aur recent sad loss o! a loving wife and mother. We cxtend a special thanks ta those who bclp- ed at the home. Edwin Ormiston and !amily. 27-1* .We would like ta express aur sincere thanks and appreciation ta our triends, neighbours and relatives for their acts of kind- ncss, floral tibutes, cards and messages of sympathy neceived in aur sad bercavement in the loss o! a loving busband and father. Mrs. W. Bryan and family. 27-1 Mn. R. Giffin and Mrs. Char- lotte Stephens wish ta slncerehy thank Drs. Ferguson, Sturgis andj Rundle and aise a special thanks ta Mrs. Lorne Stevens Who s0 tenderly camed for Mrs. Clara Topping, also the many fiends; and relatives for their acts a! kindncss duning hem ihiness, flor- al tibutes and expressions o! sympatby in their recent be- reavement. 27-1 We wish ta cxtcnd most grate- fuI thanks and appreciation ta the many friends, relatives and neighbours of Pontypool for their kind expression o! sym- pathy cxtcnded ta us duning a'ur ment sad bereavement i thej loss o! a dear husband and son; especialiy thanking the ladi* of the community ot Pontypool United Chunch for their kind- nens, Rev. T. Hoggemward, Rev. Sanderson of Toronto, Dr. Me- Neil, and the Pontypool Ccm- *tery Committee. Kay Chamnbers, mnother and' father and tamily. 27-1* Room and Bo=dj A comfortable home wanted for for qulet gentleman, old age 4 PesÉoner. Apply Box 182, c/o Cad 8 tatosMan. '7-10 DUUMMTT-In Ioving memory of my dear husband, Allen Wil- liam Dummitt, who passed away suddenly, July 10, 1953. We sit and think of you each day And think of how you died, To think you could not say good- bye Before you closed your eyes. Our hearts still ache with sad- ness, Our eyes shed many a tear, God knows how we miss you As this ends the first lone year. -Missed by his wife, Reta, and children, Karen and Roddy. 27-1. DUMMITT-In loving memory of a dear son, Allen A. Dummitt, Iwho passed away suddenly, Juhy 10, 1953. We little knew when we woke that morn The sorrow the day would bring, For tbe caîl was sudden, the sbock sevese. To part with one we ioved so dear. Some times it's bard to under- stand Why some things have to be, But in Ris wisdom God haà planned Beyond our power to see. God gave us strength to tight it, And courage to bear the blow, But what it cost to lose you No one will ever know. -Lovingly remembered by his mother. and step-tather, Lavemne. 27-1 KEITH-In loving memony of my dear husband, George M. Keith, who passed away, July 5, 1953. -Ever remembered by bis- wi!e, Freeda. 27-1* KING-In loving memc*ry of a wonderful mother, Margaret Ann King, who passed away, July 8, 1950. Tbey say time heals aIl sorrow And helps us to forge, But time so far bas only proved How much we miss ber yet. We mourn. for ber in silence, No eyes can see us weep, But many a sulent tean is shed While others are asleep. -Sadly missed by daughter Connie, son-in-law Bill and grandson Gordie. 27-1* MAYNARD-In loving memnory o! dear Susan, wbo passed away July 6th, 1951. And wbile sbe lies in peaceful sleep, Hem memony we shall always keep. - Lovingly remembered by Uncle Sid and Aunt Editb.. 27-1 hMAYNARD-In loving memory o! Susan Ruth Maynand, wbo passed away, July 6, 1951. In our hearts youn memnory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and trvip, Trull's picnie to be held at Orono Park on Saturday, July 17. 27-2 Hospital Auxiliary sale o! homebaking and knitted goods, Saturday, July 10 at 2 p,.m., West Side Beach.. 27-1 Dance, Solina Hall, July 17th, 9-12 o'clock. Reed's Orchestra. Admission: gentlemen 75c, lad ies 50C. 27-2 Werry picnic will be at Hamp- ton Park, Saturday, July 17. Dinner 12:15, supper 5 p.m. Ham wilI be supplied. Sports, 2:3'0 p.m. 26-2 Notice to Cbjstmas sbo?,pers -Plan to do your Christmas shopping ealy this year, at St. John's Guildettes' Bazaan on Oct. 30, 1954. 27-1 Decoration Day at Hampton North Cemetery on Sunday, JulylIl at 3 p.m. In case of ain service will be held in the church. 27-1 Mark September 24 in your date book as a date to keep for Beehive Rebekah Lodge Penny Sale at Lions Centre. Any member will be happy to supply you with tickets now. 27-1 Keep Friday night, July 23 open for the monster Canadian Legion Carnival which begins witb a Free Stage Show at 7:30 p.m., featuring four o! the best performers in Toronto. Other attractions will be a merry-go- round and 15 games and booths, including a huge bingo booth. A '54 Chev. Bel Air will be sold for $ 1.00 to somne lucky ticket holder, and thene wihl also be an attendance - draw witb four valuable pnizes. 27-1 Notice to Crediiors AND OTHERS ALL PERSONS having dlaims against tbe estate o! ALICE EMMA ROWLAND, late o! the Township o! Culross in the County o! Bruce, Spinster, who died on or about the seventeenth day o! June A.D. 1954, are notitied to send to the under- signed on on befone the twenty- fourtb day o! July A.D. 1954, ful particulans o! their dlaims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-!ourth day o! July the assets o! the said testatnix wihl be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to dlaims o! wbich the executor shaîl then have notice. DATED this second day o! July, A.D. 1954.1 CRAWFORD &1 HETHERINGTON, Wingbam, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 27-31 There is flot a day dean Susan For Rent That we do nat think of !u n-Lovingly ncmembered, grand- ]YOUR-room heated apartment, ma and grandpa Mairs. 27-1 central location. Phone 897. -MAYNARDnloig eoy HOUSEKEEPING rooms for Sof Susan Ruth Maynard, baby young couple or business persan. -daughten o! Mn. and Mns. Ken Phone 3586. 27-1 Maynard, wbo died July 6tb, FURNISHED two-room apant- -I1951. ment. Phone 2851. Apply 69 ;s Nothing can ever take away King St. E. d The love a heant bolds dean: 27-1 1- Fond memonies linger every day, COTTAGE, East Beach, Bow- ýt Remembrance keeps ber near. manville. Apply 143 Queen St., -Ever remembemed by mammy, or Phone 439.. 27-1 daddy, brother and sisters. 27-1* ONE or two rooms, two blocks tram post office, furnished or Noie unfurnished. Phone 822. 27-1* NoticesTWO nice upstairs rooms. Apply Dr. Birks' office will be closcd Mrs. F. Caton, R.R. 5; Bowman- 1 tram July lth te July 25th, ville. Phone 2360. 27-1* 1 inclusive. 27-3 ROOM or room with board, close t - toibospital and schools. Phone Dr. Stamey's office will be 33.2- closed, June 23rd ta August 2. 33.2 - 23-8* THREE nooms, beated, available -August Ist, suitable for young r Dr. Dinniwcll's office wil ho couple. Apply 97 Ontamio St. or rclosed, June 3th te July l9th. Phone 3507. 27-1* 26-2w FIVE-raamed beated apartment, Dr. Cattnan's office will be two bedrooms, centrally located, closed tram Jilly lst - July il immediate possession. 143 Qucen inclusive. 26-241 St., or Phone 439. 27-1 Wbile Dr. Witzel is on bol- WEST Beach Cheemia Cottage idays from July l8th ta, August for mient, July and August. Kind- 3rd, Dr. E. D.. Hubbard will take ly telephone Toronto HA. 7577. charge o! his office wîth the 27-1 same office boums. 27-4 SIX-room bouse, 1/2 muile east Free-With each $2.00 gasoline of Blackstock, large gardien, sal or$5.0 o reairwork schoal bus. Apply Rupert Wermy, sal or$5.0 o reai Blackstack. Phone Blackstock <cash), 1 ticket on 1954 de-, 98 r 3. 27-1* luxe Pontiac car. Draw ta be_____________ muade August 27, 1954. F. S. EGTnoe os nBak Allen & Sons, R.R. 3, Bowman- stoc, bydoand uen gaage ville, Ont. Phone 2833. Three bard 'and soft watcr. Flor futh- miles west on No. 2 Mighway. cm information Pbone 3085 Bow- 15-t manville. 27-1 Rooms tai Rent aat nsl otied et c d; adults only. Immediate pas- WE bave a tew rooms available session. Apply Box 179, c/o at reasonable weekly rates. The Canadian Statesman. 27-1* Balmoral HoteL 8-tf SPACIQUS, four-noomed, heatcd - apartment. Excellent location,~ Repairs hardwod floors, priva te en- RADIOS and small' electnical Reply ta Box 181, c/o States- appliances repaircd and guarari man. 27-1j teed by cxperienccd tccbnician. S C. J. Elston, 73 Concession St. Lost East. Phone 482. 23-tf - BROWN leather kcy case with- RADIO and television repairs. four kcys. Phone 3328. 271* ,IF Prompt service. Pick u and a delivery. Lamne Dorcen. an KEY case and five keys, cast o! b 2741. (Fommerly partner in "The Balmoral Hotet Rcward. Phone a Radio Shop"). '21-«!3196- 27-1* S REPIRSta Il ake otretug-CHILD'S red metal ' wagon, in C. erators, domestic and commer- viciniy 2o!High and.3d 27trets. bial: milking coolers. Higgon Rpy22H g t 71 Eiectrlc, 42 King St. E. Phone GOLD-capped Parker pen, lost IC 438. 25-tf on Friday, July 2 at the Bank ni of Montreal. Finder please leave U WATCH REPAIRING at Canadian Statesman. 27-1J C l atChicks For ae b 1 ----a MA R IR S BRAY chicks. Various varieties, b. JIKWELLERYI prompt shipment. Pullets, day. I( B: h~3~, . ~ « ad, started. Broilens for Aug- s da Kig st W. hone ust-September delivemy should S BOWMANVILLE be odered now. Pull particulars H Il-ti frm JF. L. Byam, Tyronu. 27-1D &-" J .& ,.1 %il jwt BUCKWHtAT, $2.00 cwt. Ph. 2194.2 1,000 BALES o! red cloverz timothy. Phone 2913. 2 THREE-piece chesterfield su Phone 3196. .2 FALL wheat, $1.65 a busi Phone 2753..02 GREY baby carrnage. Ph( 3053.. 2 MASSEY binder in good sha Phone 496. 27 LAWN swing, painted yell. like new. Phone 462. 2 ONE used folding carnEa cheap. 212 High St. 27 ONE white evening gown,s 16. Apply 9 Vetenans Ave. 27 QUANTITY of baled hay. Phc 2878. 27 SEA flea, size 1lx41/2, in gc condition. G. Barrett. 27 QUE St. 27. QUANTITY o! mixed, baîed h; Earl Trewin, Enniskillen. Phc 2351. 2' DUNCAN Phyfe table 36"x4E kitchen table 30"x41" opens 57". Phone 3435. 27 ALFALFA and timothy bal hay, also quantity of feed o& Phone 2930. 27- ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bai delivered ini Bowmanville. Phci 2473., 31- 1500 BALES hay for sale; ais want to bale hay. Phone 211 Newcastle. 26 'ONE used large fumnace con plete with oil-burner and col trols, cana be seen at Tyror School. Phone 2240. 27 THREE oiù lamps, three ci burner bot-plates, sometbing f( your summer cottage, il Dul St. Phone 3309.27 McCORMICK hay loader, ne condition. A. G. Perrin, Ne' castle. Phone Clarke 3192 27-1 A play pen, high chair, coi mode chair, baby swing ai pram. Apply 4 Veterans Avi Phone 3454. 27- DO your own floors-rent sander or a floon polisher fror Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E Bowmanville. Phone 774. 27- COCKSHUTT rope hayloader, years old, in excellent conditior $75, or will trade oats. Ahi Macklin. Phone 2202. 27- UJSED Mercury 10 h.p.. Lightnin, outboard motor, fine conditior Lander Hardware. Phone 774 27- RANGETTE in good workirI condition; two sinks comple'i with taps and traps. Apply 6 Middle Rd. Phone 3207. 27-11 200 CEDAR posts, 8', 5'" to 6 tops, 50c; 41h" to 43/" tops, 45e Box No. 180, c/o Canadiai Statesman. 27-11 USED chesterfield suite, wbîl( enameh cook stove, chrome tabl( and chairs and a child's pedÉ SAVE on lumber, direct Iton mîfl to you. Phillips Lumbe: Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phon, 17r11. 13-t HEARING aid service, testini service and complete stock o. batteries and cords at Higgor Electric Lîmited, 38 King St. E. Bowmanville. Phone 438, 20-ti THREE-horse power garder tractor, plough and cultivatox in AI condition, reasonable nearly new. Phone Newcastle 3386. 27-. TWO paint spray guns, corn pressor, motor, two boses, ex- tension cord, complete. Garr Venning, Phone 2143 after 6 p.m. 24-tl PONY saddle, western style, bridhe and martingale, like new. N. J. Scott, Brookdale-Kings- way Nurseries, Bowmanville. 26-3 CHINCHILLAS, one male, twc females, registered, excellent quality, with cages if desired. No neasonable offer refused. Phone 3331, Bowmanvile. 27-1l' $350.00-CAMAO piano. Heintz- ýman sound board 64 key-bo 'ard, console, heavy mabogany, beaut- iful tone. Reply S. Moganson, c/o S. Papish, R.R. 4, Bowman- ville. 27-2* TRACTOR, Massey-Hanris 102 Jr., in Ai condition, best offer; Plymouth car, 1949, excellent condition, best offer; set of four- section harrows. Marvin Nes- bitt, Nestleton, Ont. 27-1* iTENETIAN BLINDS - Stock sizes, white or eggshell siats, plastic or cloth matching tapes. M'ade - to - measure blindsaa specialty. free installation; 28 tape and slat colons. Morris Co. Phone 480. 10-tf PLANTS for sale-Strawberries, asparagus, ail varieties of cab- bage, early cauliflower, lîmited amount of broccoli and Brusseil sprouts; Kohl Rabi, mint, some chives; feed box for cattle. O. P. Hertzberg, Bowmanville R.R. 4, Phone 2200. 27-1 ONE 7 ft. M.H. binder, one 7 ft. .H.C. binder, 3 years old; one nearly new mower for Ford, one used electric refrigerator, new Case and New Idea side rakes nd bale elevators. Binder and baler twine. Now is the time for a refrigerator, 10 ft. $300.» We' ave a ful Une of Case and New Idea haying equipment, mowers, ide rakes and bale elevators. 3ee us for farmn equipment. W. ï. Brown, Case Farmn Equipmcnt Dealer. 27-1 ine in rid eil ýrs. d. ris le, 'k. M. 41 ly nd )el rv- r- ,te h- .S la .e, n r, r w-chdaeth----- Pta MnrelPQ.271 er. M 13. lt, RR .Bta Iestate wiil be distributed havingj MANAGER with car for Christ-Phn7r13Reeecagé - 'regard ta the Will and the dlaims mas tree buying, pruning and 5î-tf FIV that bave then been received. 1 shippîng, about four months each WANTED-Livc poultmy. goase cas DATED at Bawmanville, On- o. tamo, he6thda o!Ju 194j year. For appaintment Phone feathens, feather ticks, scrap Nev ari, he thdayofJuY, 15. 3322, aiter 6 p.m. Roy Uselton,j iran, rags and metals. Raw Lawrence C. Mason, I Room 8. Balmoral Hotel, Bow- funs and decrskins. Phone 3-2043 Tj Barnister, etc.,1 manville. 27-1* Oshawa, collect 46-tf gavi 30 King Street West, Bowmanvifle, Ontanio, TEACHERS, students, f ill your WI1py Clm Solicitor for the Executor.1 summrer monhs wZith anewinCash NQW G: 27.3__________ina_________te-_for_5,0_0 SCOTCH INE idot Cas-o-S l guarnteed products including Chrisimas Trees 195 Openings in your surroundings. Appiy ro MOTORCYCLE, 1951 N.S.U. Fox, Write for full partîculars ta the Rih.d n~ciri 4-iedfoot change, miles 2,000, largest bousehold necessities ihsns Garage ver, in best o! condition. G. Barctt, manufacturer. Familex, 1600 PONTYPOOL ONT. nipe 27 Qucen St. 27-1* DeWaimier, Montreal. 27-11i 23-t! trea. Wantooed os nNw stle or Bowmanville, wth ssession by August lst. Phone awcastle 2736. 27-1 i The God who gave us lite, ve us liberty at the same ne.-Jefferson. General Motors of Canada is the midst of a multi-million lar expansion program for 54 which will bring 25 acres parts and accessomies under f. Increased warehouslng fa- ties are assured for Vancou. rEdmonton, Saskatoon, Win- )eg, London, Oshawa, Mon. ml and Moncton. *f LàiArticles For Sale Work Wcmted Real Estate For Sale kone !1, WOMAN wants day worls. Phone BUILDING lot, 50'x150', Edsall 27-1 iSingAer 2194. 27.1*, Ave. (off Scugog). Phone Don ànd I Sewincr Machine Co. WOMAN would ike work from Sa,30.2- 7- 1 8 till 12. Box 183, c/o Canadian FOUR-roomed brick* bungalow« - FOR SERVICE - PHONE Statesman.. 27-1* with bath, hardwood, eanly poss- jt. B avil 3649 ession, terms aranged. Apply owmavhA ASPHALT sbingling, tule floor- 86 Scugog St. . 27-1* 14-tf ing laid and chimneys repaired. i [ici._______________ Phone Oshawa 3-2997. 26-2* INSUL-BRICK bouse, V4~ acre lot, reasonable, small down pay- - K.eys Cuf Io urcier DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- mn.As te osi ap nne b ew oe mcie ton, for custom kiling. Phone ton. Phone 2578. 27-2 -automaticaliy, while you wait, at3233-t SIX-roomed bouse, brick, large ape.lot, conveniences, ful hasement. Maso & ate LANDSCAPE and gardens taken Cheap.. Apply 39 Ontario St.. Mao ae cane of. Harry Van Belle, 18 Bowmanville. 27-1* bw, HARDWARE Mill Lane. Telephone 757, Bow- 7-1 36 King St. E. Bowmanville manville. 27-4 SIX-ROOMED bouse, modern Phone 408 21-tf _ kitchen, 3-piece batbroom, tiled, ige, BULLDOZING and excavating bot water beated, large garden. A V O N by the hour or contract; sand, Pniced for cash sale. W. G. Ab- size Orden now our Summer Specials gravel and loamn and f ill. Phone ernethy, 1 Coleman St., Phone r.1* Per!uined Deodorant - Cologne273278 316271 - Lipstick - Dusting Powder CAPABLE woman able ta take REAL ESTATE FOR SALE one Powder-Pak - Many others complete charge o! meal prepara- Properties Sold. Rented, -Cail or Phone tions for a large housebold oni Managcd and Appraised ood MRS. ROBERT KERR weekends. Hours 7:30 a.m. to L. M. A L LîSo N een 99 King St. E. Phone 3038 3:30. Phone 731, Sat., Sun. 27-4*1 Real Estate Broker .1* ~27-1* DNBokcretr o- Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont, DTwo Brooksnortb a! traffi- iay. tractor-All types o! remodell- w blcsnrhotafi 1 one Ruris flroaciionm ing and kitchen cuphoards; signal, Newcastle. 0f1 7-1 builder o! new homes. Free20t SAVE 50%. New ugs Made estimates. Phone Osbawa 5-0650, Ra to Wooliens, etc.waie60. 6-tf PedwellRelEte led1 Do iio ug Wv Ying Masonry 6onsfrucfion Farms and all other properties, ats. Company BIK-BOK-CNRT _1* Phone 3446 Bowmanviile BIC F-rLee -COCRTE bsîesesmec, orsae mec stiate H. C. Pedwell, Broker 19-9 ANGER BROS. Newcastle Phone 3-S :ne DO IT YOURSELF 5t -t! f PHONE-2643 or J8375 2t T 1 L E42-tf A steal-cottage with lot, 571 50o, 71/c each and up - Ail kinds West Beach, Bowmanville, 'b 18,suiidCnre mile off Expnessway 401, less'E 6-2 Expert instructions upidCnrf ad than 40 miles from Toronto, less M_ Custom Floors LaidMa n.W r than one hour travel time. Sub- c-H. G. HEAL ao W r mit ail offers. Can be seen any- ne Phone 2902 Bowmanville TT time. Listed at $4,000. Realtors, 7-11 27-tf L .TUR N E have you a client? Haines Cox, iii-Phone: Evenings 3226 57 West Beach, Bowmanville. for DRAPERIES and venetian blinds P. . Box 177 Bowmanvile 2- tke custom made, or draperies sold 21-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7- by the yard. Our nepresentative SAVE MONEY AT 6 noomed solid brick bouse on - wîll cail at your home any time A E paved road, very large kitchen, ew witb a complete range o! samples D A VE S 3-piece bath, close to schaol,E ýw- and suggestions witbout obliga- $5,000. Low down payment. - sation re etimates and !re S5H 0 E R E P A I R àe iraomed solid brick bouse, Lstaion witin 35-mile abra. rn detached, 3-piece bath,1 -. Lwes pncesin own Fanic SKATES SHARPENED furnace, hardwood floons, ful i-Town, 59 King St. W. Phone 3 TEMPERANCE ST. (4n rear> cellar. $6,200. Terms. nd 3609, Bowmanville. 8-tf 44 omdfaebnao,3 ve. b7t omfath bungl, 3-. -1 pîcce bahhot wtr ev -~ Pumbng uppies AGURE' GA AGEwiring, furnace, cupboards, bard- m for g uPie A URE A AG odfloors, close to school; )M, COTGE or CBN 28 Brown St. Phone 900 make an offer on this bungalow.b E ., O T T G E S A B I S G N E R A R E A I R S t o o rdM rs. A . .P . 4 a n se n I r- MOTELS HOMES GEEA RPA StaFd Bowmanville 11 Duke St.. 5 Toiietà - Basins - Bathtubs and Ail Makes o! Cars Phone 3309 'n, Showers - Sinks BODY and FENDER REPAIR Local agent forc in Pressure Systems Duco and Dulux Refinishing Jon2.Deih-Ra 1o -1l Sump Pumps 27-22-1 îg C ppe and Gal aniz d L cal nd ong ist nceD e W ITH R EA L E STA T E n g C p p e a n d G a l a n i z d L c a l n d o n g i s t n c e1 3 5 a c r e . f a r m , g o o d l o a m , m. Pipe and Fittings, etc.M fl1TNG nearly level, with 10 acres maple 14. ,YOU PAY NO FREIGHT" U OVIJ wood, rest aIl workable, 3 wells, - Write for free catalogue Licensed and Fuliy Insured 120x35 ft. bank barn; 8-roomedC ngContact insulated frame bouse with !urn-E teHNOPrso ace, bydro throughout. o PriceT 69 S I SO rso Transport $14,000. $6,000 wn O 300 acre mixed stock farm, PLUM umgao ws Phone 2493 Bowmanviile 110x66 ft. bank barn, with water I T-fvw 0.26tf bowls, 10 hog pens, double a c. 1 garage; Il roomed clapboard a n hne32BULLDOZING and bouse, etc. Price $25,000. Terms.T * Open Wed. and Fmi. Evenings 250 acre farm, 125 acres work-w -tili 9:30 p.m. X:t III able. Sandy loam, 50 acres o! e 27-4 EXCAjýTING wood, creek, 90x35 ft. bank barnr( al ~TRENCHING and LOADING steel stanchions, silo; 6-roomed ej T' BY HOUR OR CONTRACT frame bouse. Asking pnice El - Free Estimtes Given - $0,000. Easy down payment. K M MCrikHiyodr reEsiae ie 100 acre farm, 90 acres work- arope loade ea>lr, 3yW M sT Ri p able clay loam, 2 bank barnis, E ie McCormick Green Crop Loader, POR ER R .2 Pice $8,000. Termp -f 2 years old, $150 PR ER .R 4 cefr,1darswob McCormick Rope Loader, PHONES: Res. 109r42, Office 392 20ar am 0arswat: ig ~22-tf! 100 acres workable, remainder o )f 6 years oid, $60 pasture. Has creek, wells, 90X al 'n Cocksbutt Hay Loader, NOW IS 'THE TIME TO 40' ft. bank barn, implement dt rope type, $125 H v shed, driving shed, 16 roomed ný Lf Case Baler, automatie tie, H v us look after vour clapboard bouse with 2 bath- c, rooms, furnace, built in Frig- a with mater, $825 JTT~~Ç idaire, garage, Price $14,000. International Combine, 5-1t., PLUL'JJJJ.G $5,000 down. moto dAIen,$84 8 roomed insulated home with .e McCormick 6-ft Mower AJND EA I batbroom, water pressure, elec-- 1 Frost &Wod5-ftt Mower E im es tric heater, hardwood floors, 18 & Woodut 5-t. Mower Free siae electric stove, heavy wiring, w garage, close ta school, store, - -Buck Rake on '35 Chev. Truck 10% DOWN - 2 Years te Pay etc.; newly roofed and painted. Pl y Cockshutt 7-ft. Binder ON NEW INSTALLATIONS Price $9,000. Terms. B. Intenatona Cor Bider5 roomed new bouse with 3- SInternational ComBidrar Phone 3613 bedrooms, batbroom. built in 1Y Intrnaionl Cb Tactrcupboards, elect#'c beater, beavy e 1.l qipdlI . VT A DP wining, picture window, bard- - -International W. A . KILPLT2J.IIJJ wood floors, storm windows and RE Fr al M TractorPoh 24-tf screens. Pnice $6.000, cash. fmE F ord T rac or w th P ough7 room ed fram e bouse in vil- T i, Personal lage, bas the bydro: close tMa Recti Estate For Sale REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Beauty parlor in seven room. ed bungalow, modern kin full basement, smail barà~oc garden. $5, 000-00, $3,000. h. Balance terms. Four roomed bungalow, just completed, modern kitchen and bathroom. tile and hardw.d floors, full basement, fuW> insulated. Good value at $7,000.00. $3,000.00 cash, bal. ance terms. , 170 acre farm, ol a~mile A1 from village, church scholu( eigfit roomed frame ho,;,,wel.. decorated, hardwood 11001« downstairs, five bedrooms, goocr basement. Barn, driving shed, stable with hien house, brooder house, hydro throughout. Creek through pasture, 35 acres of woods, 20 acres hardwood, bal- ance cedar. Price $15,000.00 with terms. We have lots, cottages, houses and farms in the Oshaia, Ajax and Bowmanvjlle districts. J. P. Allan, Broker Oshawa, Ajax, Troronto, Bowmanville Mrs. M. E. Leask, Local Agent 65 Ontario St. Phone 919 Bowmanville 27-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE $500 down-5 roomn frame bungalow, on 1/ acre lot on pav- ed road. Coal furnace, heavy wiring-, immediate possession. 8 roomn frame house, 3-piece bath, heavy wiring, partly fumn- ished, garage. $5,000, $2,500 down. Immediate possession. $3,000 will buy this 4-roomn frame bungalow, built in cup- boards, heavy wiring, floor cov- erings, % acre lot. 4 room brick bungalow in good location, 3-piece bath, oak floors, furnace, hot water heater, garage. Income home: 5 apartments, 21 rooms, 'rented. Full price $7,500. Terms.. 75 acre farmn in Darlington, good trout stream, bank barn 30'x80', pig pen, hien house, garage, 10 room frame house in excellent condition. Full price $10,500. Terms. Farm, near Bowmanville, dlay loam pil, all acres workable, garage, hen house, il room house, solid brick, hot water heater, built in cuphoards. Price $9.000. We also have service static,"'" ' wood working plant, cem block plant, also farms, hous,. lots, etc. James Nixon, Broker Howard Philp, Salesman Office 85 King St. E. Dial 713 Res. 68; or 2620 Aucfion sales Durham Community Auction, Orono Sales Barn, at 7 p.m. rhursday. 24-tf Mrs. Frank Oke, 133 King St. E., Bowmanville, has sold ber f house and wilh sell by publie auction on Saturday, July lOth, at 1 p.m., her housebold effects. Tlhis sale will include such items ' as a nine-piece walnut dining- roomn suite, a three-piece walnut bedroom suite, three-piece chest- erfield suite, studio couch, (the above items are aIl like new); Kelvinator electric refrigerator, Moffatt 4-burner electric stove, Electrolux vacuum cleaner, Gen- eral Electric washing machine, beds, dressers, spring-filled mat- tresses, walnut end tables, chests of drawers, kitchen suite, dishes and glassware, drapes, steplad- eqr, garden tools, inower lavin mower (nearly new). Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 27-1 Livestock For Sale 18 YORKSHIRE, pigs, eight reeks old. Phone 2682. 27-1 "UREBRED Yorkshire boar. G. 3. Rickard. Pone 2813. 27-1 iORKSHIRE sow, due to fresh- in one week's time. Phone ~ )shawa 5-5968. 27-1* tEGISTERED Ayrshire cow, to reshen in early July. George 'imms. Phone 3 ring 1-3, Beth- ~ ONTAMO . ie

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