PAGE TWO THECANADIAIiSTATZSMAX, EOWMAKYNJLE. OUAIO . i'N!1tAY, 3flLT Bh f EDITORIALS Durham Coi We often wonder wby SQ mnany su *cessful farmers run down their own pr fession of agriculture, for it must be t] means of discouraging and driving mai of their sons from following in their dac footsteps. True, farming bas its ups ai clowns like any other business, but wî the improved mechanization of farmii the backbreaking drudgery of old da- has been greatly removed. There have been depressing notes pessimism uttered fram time to time abu the future of agriculture in this countr because of the increase in larger blocks farm lands concentrated in a few barý and the lack of interest in farming di played by the younger generatian,o serves The Sun af Swift Current, Sas On the contrary, there is much cause f an optimistie outlook. The growth ai development of the 4H Club idea indicat that young people on the f arm are comir more and more around to the understan ing that f arm life bas advantages ou Editors No' It bas always been the policy of TI Statesman to express its views on publ affairs, including municipal and othi local prablemns, as we see them, aiter di consideration of bath sides af a questio We inherited this palicy from our reverf father, who counselled us when takir over the editorial page years ago ta nevg be afraid ta express your views. Peapl he said, may disagree witb you but tbE will respect you for baving the sinceril and courage ta express your views, wil] out fear or f avor. Right along this li tbe editor af the Listowel Banner expres es bis views in tbe following editorial: The question bas been asked-ai weekly editors inclined ta steer clear' community criticism more than they di a few years ago and, wben a weekly edit( "9sits on the fence" on local issues, is 1 being diplomatie or weak-kneed? M suppose a person sbould reach for h crutches in order ta stand like a man ai suggest, cantrary ta public belief, week] editors of today are not inclined to steE Music ta His Ears No sooner bad we made the last pa3 ment on our new power lawn mower tba we read these discouraging views in t1 editorial column of the Wingbam Advanc( Times: Perhaps we're old falhioned, but seems ta us that modern tecbnology going overboard samnewhat in promotin this current craze for power lawn mower From what we can see the average fair ily needs a power lawn mower about xnucb as it needs a tractor for tbe bac garden or a snowplow for the front wa]l Without wanting ta stand in the wa of industrial progress, we could point oi tbat most front lawns are scarcely bi enougb ta cause any strained bacý tbrough the use of a band mower, eve when eut as infrequently as aur own. Ai furthermore, from what the statisticiar have told us about the average shor chubby Canadian, most af us could prol ably do with a bit of exercise. Admittedly these are minor pointsi disiavor of the power lawn mower.. Ou biggest complaint is the infernal noise. Af ter the staccato barkings of thes rnecbanical rnionsters, the pleasant whiri ing of the aid barid mower is music in ou ears. Intelligent People and Flatter Do intelligent people "fali" for fla tery?. According ta those who are sur posed ta know, sometimes they do, depenè ing upon how intelligent the flattererî The almast universal success of flatter lies in tbe frailities af man's nature. W ail like ta bear nice tbings about ourselve and, if we are not too sure ai aur abilitie: aur looks, aur children, we unconsciausl lean backward ta believe praise, no matte ~4 DQ W hi ch You Please Dim and Distant Pasi là YEAES AGO (1929) untyis Frtunte a d Ch oseThe sudden death of Mr. G. afl~i N.Thurrton turner ac- weighing that of city lie, and that it canetwnveuyrier reiu ýro- be a way ofi lue eminenfly satisfying and We were particularly attracted to the political views, lohngad furcbsin tes f th he rewarding. pxpressed editorially, on the shu.ffle and retirements ln late Markus Mayer. ny We are sure that 4H Club members the Cabinet announced by Prime Minister St. Laure.nt on Chautauqua was advertised Ld's of this district will neyer form a bread line Dominion Day. As many peopleý only subscribe to one for the week Ju]y 22 to 26 with- S, nrime. performances for $2.75. nd or go on relief. Governnient agencies daily newspaper, which custom at times la inclined ta give There were two plays, "The ith farmn organizations, even service clubs of the reader a lopsided view of a political situation, we are Family Upstairs" and "Smilin' .ng tawn and city are now fully imbued with passing on ta Statesman readers extracts oi editorials on, Thraugh", lectures, musical ar- ays tbe realization ai the wortbiness of the the Cabinet changes from two Toronto dailies whose polit- tists, and a clown for the child- 4H Club movement and with tbeir support ical views dîfier considerably. Without taking sides in ren cone rt.nsale of and good leadership we are going forward this issue (being editorially out of politics since 1949!) we new pasteurizing plant, and re- out in this country ta an encauraging era for ask you which is the lesser of two evils: to be biascd or novations to the building were ry, agriculture. Our young folks are learning lopsided in your thinking from just reading one sided made, making it one of the most of farming f rom the ground up, and that's ,political views, or from reading bath sides af an issue and up-to-date plants in Ontario. ids ot a Irsh wtticsm.Reminiscences of Mr. and sds notan ris witicsm.bccoming confused which side is right? Do wbich you Mrs. Thos. Baker on the history lis- As far as Durham County is concer- please and choose by readîng the two editorials as follows: of Solina made very interesting ob- ed much credit is due ta the practical and reading. ýsk. effective leadership given Junior Farmers CHANGING PARTNERS 1 THEY WILL BE MISSED Mr. H. A. and Mr.. A. T. Flet- for the last 25 years by Ed. Summers, the (Toronto Globe and Mail) (Toronto Daily Star) Toron anRorieesat th tnd popular and beloved Agricultural Repre- The Government Cahnadians Tt muât have been with con- Newcastle - St. George's tes sentatîve, wbo, it is said, is responsible for re-elected last Auguist was one siderable regret that Prime1 strawberry festival was a suc- ing 85%7,aiofbis club members remaining an thing; the Government they Mnister St. Laurent announced ceas desp ite chilly weather. îd- thefams-n sse tat s oo itn oer-hae tda isanthe. heterthe retirement fromn active BI ac kstock - Sixteen pupils~ nd- he arm-an sse tht istoooftn ovr- avetoda isanoher.Wheherpolitical life of three of bis able wrate Entrancee exams at Black- ut- looked and nat fuhly appreciated. the multiple changes announced lieutenants. For two of themn, stock centre. by Prime Minister St. Laurent Mr. Abbott in finance and Mr. Enniskillen-Dept. of Educa- onDominion Day mean a strong- Claxton la defence, held senior tien approved establishing a "Y s- Ae f or a weaker Cabinel, btter cabinet posts. And the third, Continuation School starting "Yes- es" M n be Mn. Chevrier, bas long been Sept. 1, 1929. policies or worse ones, time alone associated with the government Durham Club of Toronto, 'he clear ai community criticism. will tell. One can only say that as minister of transport. spent a day in Bowmanville. lic The approach today, however, is mucb it will nat be long in telling, for At one time or another over visiting at the Boys' Traininig ier mare . subtie. The "knack 'cm down and Canada is now entering a period the last 10 years ail three have School and Fletcher's "Ras- tue drag 'em out" battles ai the past between that has ail the earmarks of been spoken of as likely looking ery", also the Flower Show at trouble--political, military and -prospects for the party leader- the Fair Grounds and a church on. editar and irate customer in a newspaper's ecanomic. ship, and Mr. Abbttecertainly1 garden party at Hampton. would bave been a strong con- 1 Hampton - Women's Institute -ed front office are an the wane-now if the No tears need be shed over tender had he chosen to remain held Gratidmother's Day at the Ing sledding becomes rough a quick eall goes the departure of Mr. Brooke in the palitical field. Themr de- Bungalow. er forth for. a solicitor. Claxton tramn the Defense De- parture tram the goverriment )le, Since the average weekly newspaper partmnt, or that of Mr. Douglas atter many years of distinguish- basver clse ieswit muicia stt tram Finance. The pon ed service leaves a gap tliat wiîî 49 VEARS AGO (1905) iey usually hsvr ls iswt uiia tt of Canada's preparedness net be easily filled. iplnweebig ad ty council, reparting monthly council meet- tells the story in the former case. Bnibgtwb pvloerfr eoatinsDay, July 14,made h- ings, printing the minutes, running by- The latter's legacy is a tax bur- M.Abtwomvsoe o eoainDy uy1,wt [ne laws, printing ballots and the like, diplo- den which is baving ruinous ta the supreme court, will long a procession ta be led by the effects on Canada's economy. be remembered for bis balanced Durham Rubber Ca. Band. Ai as- macy plays a large part in any negatiation Between Mn. Claxton's sîap-* budgets and, more particularly, organizatians were ta be repres- for dealing a blow for the taxpayer. happy taxing, the nation bas the application af budget sur- ented. Ministers taking part ieThe newspaper, bowever, should been led a merry dance. pluses ta debt reduction. He were Rev. V. H. Emory. Revt4. Lrebelieved, and igbtly se, that in Hugh Munroe, and Rev. W. E. af guard the taxpayer at every turn, not Mr. Walter Harris, who sur- times of prasperity it was prud- Carrall. lid necessarily making policy but keeping an nenders the Citizenship and Im- ent for the gavernment ta ne- McMurtry's West End Store or verwacbfl ee n te amiistatinmigration portfolio for that af duce the public debt. He stuck offened Crum's English prilits horev wTh sa yN oneeverdinsratioan. Finance, merits condolences ta this palicy despite opposition for summer frocks at 10c. a he *The ayin, "N oneeverwinsat wrnather than congratulations. It daims that be was "over-taxing" yard. Ne but don't be on the losing side" bas its is flot bis awn Budget that he the public, and in bis nine yeans Durham Rubber Ca. Band ar- uis parallel. . . a newspaper can be neither must administer over the next as mînister of finance saw the ranged a moonliglit sail an the nd fr no aganst ut i badbettr bethenine months, but Mr.. Abbatt's. net national debt faltramn $13, "ryl" :ly frg ov as ra s u t ha e txaers arte bNunt the less, be must bear the 421 million in 1946 ta $11,151 In the Hm ins wssg conceghtmea rastetxpyr rebutof ah the mistakes in that million at Mardi 31 Iast. getedthe Houewni keep nea ýer cnend Budget; mistakes wbich bave gse h oswf epna already tbrown thousands, and For most part Mn. Abbott's and tidy by wearing a large will tbrow mare tbousands, of policies leaped ta the sîde of overal setbat if an unexpected interests ai "prospects" so tbey can pre- Canadians out of wonk. That is financial ortbodoxy wbicb, ia visiter arnived she could whip pare synthetic conversations that will net Mn. Harris' onîy mistortune. retrospect, perbaps was neot a it off and display a neat, dlean ky- trick unsuspecting buyers into placing He takes aver the Finance De- bad thing. He lost little time dress. It was pointed out that lageodespartmaent at a time wben stead- wben be became finance min- the home-worker bad better an lreods. ily ising expenditures are nun- ister in dropping wantime con- opportunity of keeping ber good ýhe Probably the most beguiling form of ning up against the barsb tact trols and be resisted strong looks than the business girl who e- flattery is asking for advice and then of steadily diminisbing revenues, pressures ta reimpose coatrols had ta travel sametimes in dir- hisenig t i. Amos an sraner boWbatever problems be encaunt- wben the Korean war unleasbed ty cars and smoky tunnels. It iscovgt i.Ams ysrners aur ened with >immigrants and another wave of inflation. But In the wedding write-ups of It dicover ourchief interest and talks Indians are as nothing campared if these policies indîcated a con- 1905 tbey used ta say that the is enthusiastically about it, asking many witb the ones be now inherits. servative nature, it must lie add- groom "was supparted" by o ~g uesion, wll anvnceus hathe s a Tb Deens potfaio oestaed that in laten years lie tunned and so. This always suggests a ng qestons wil covine u tht le isan he efese prtfliogoe tean almost deaf ear on repeated lack of courage on the part of the rs intelligent, cbarming and thoughtiul ici- Mn. Ralph Campney, wbo bas cries tram thte business commun- bridegroomn. M_ low wbam we would like ta see again. Ist bere toe. Mfn. CaMny- ity for tariff protection against As in 1954. public and higli as takes a very intelligent person ta assay varied service in the First Worldipat.cboex iniarsusbd ck such a conversation objectively and War-medical corps, intantry It was Mr. Abbott's good a prominent place. k. determine whéther bis new acquaintance and aviation-places hlm in a fortune taelie minister of finance Salem -Members of the Ep- ay s fien o asomewbat stranger position than in nime of the most prosperous warth League gathered at the ut i afindo pbony. M.Hriwot u nldeyears in Canada's bistory. And bome af Miss Carnie Gnigg to igFlattery is not a recent acquisition ai bas no background of finance an whule lie would be first ta dis- offer best wishes and farewell ksg aur culture. Jonathan Swif t summed it econamics. To the latter's vacat- dlaimn credit for this prosperity, ta their president. Miss Hilda arud 70 ed post goes Mn. Jack Pickers- it is rot an exaggeration ta say Logan, whose marniage ta Dr. en UP ao 10:gill, whose Cabinet carebr can that bis fiscal policies helped 'ta Walter T. Willard, Toronto 'is an aid maxim in the schools anly lie described as meteoric. toster the great ecanomic devel- Junction. was reported in an- '1'That flattery's the food ai fools; Mn. Pickersgill in the past bas opment that bas taken place. other column. She was marnid ýns Yet naw and then your men ai wit expressed strong views on the Mn. Claxton, who is neturning tram "The Evergreens", the rt, Wh odsedt aeabt subject of racial tolerance; lie te pnivate lite as vice-president home cf Mn. and Mrs. Robeit )b- Wilcnecn otk i.will bave many opportunities, at of the Metropalitan Lite Insur- Collacott. the Department of Citizenship ance Ca., leaves behind in the and Immigration, ta back tbem department of defence a record ýur IJeIIeI L.0Ie 11081 I'eve He will also bave the appar- ians really appreciate. Because - I wold pper t b aneffrt on hetunity, through bis pîainîy fav- of the huge sums spent on de- ýs I feder laea tene ffttsobeteored position at court, ta make tence in recent years, bis de- 'r- boumgvrnet ee t hsbeae the Immigration Department partment was subjected ta tierce huta pay a well menited recognition ta mare important than it bas been poltical criticism. But this ur the late Agnes Macphail, the iirst woman hitherto. On the last day of criticism Iln no way detracts tram member ai Parliament in Canada. A Parliament's recent session, Op,- bis splendid record. desatc frm Otaw no sttestheposition members very propenîy The defence build-up after despteh ro Ottwa nw sate cthe plained about the small Korea wris a masterful job that unveiling ai the bronze bust ai Miss Mac- a ont atnin ie ti can only be tully appreciated by _______________ 'y phail bas bad ta be put over until the next the House. Mn. E. D. Fulton toe wo wr otnt t- session ai Parliament. Bath the bust and' (PC, Kamloops) remarked that enough ta see Canadian forces the dtlon 'b t '1 sandaretbere bad nlot been an adequate i n action in Kanea or ta visit ý tepedestal nwîich twi tn r discussion of the department detence establisbments in Britain d- now ready and a location in the chamber since 1950; and that la the inter- and the continent. The record bs as been recommended, Commons Speaker vening four years, it bad been of the Caradian fonces in these ReneBeadoi ba annuncd. nde scutin bytheComonstheatres speaks ton itself. And ry en Bauoi ha afOThd.une cuiyb h om the man who supplied the argan- VeThe bust was made by tbe Austnian- fr only three days. l o n izational leadership was Mn. esZ born scuiptor, Felix Weihs de Weldon.,o ra motne hul h e e apbi iehv One of tnese ciays is Yesterday with dvlpnwm ea1 it itae ndcrs isfLlsad arge Number of Shoppers dvlpnwmdl blundens, its aches and pains. Yestenday To get informationo bas passed forever beyond aur contrai. I a e U e o rd y E e igdy nta fteu Ail the money in the world cannot Mak1 saonrïa ve igdys ited the rtf bring back Yesterday. We cannot undo a The rew policy adapted byj mittee of - the Bewmanville power fa.rm equipmer single act we periormed; we cannot crase the stores on Bowmanville's Chamber of Commerce wishes a single word we said. Yesterday is gone. main street et remaining open j te tbank tbe mendiants for their On this test track th The other day wc should not worry an Fniday niglits until 9 p.m. fine co-eperation on the rew bounce and sway, jcl an d clasing Saturday nights at trial system of Priday rather about is Tomornow with its possible ad- 6 p.m. worked eut veny well in than Saturday night store open- and round. As theyg vensities, its burdens, its large promise its first tryout hast Fniday and ings. Tbey believe that as shea- the inside story of ai and pon performance. Tomonrow isaIaso Saturday nights. pers become used te tie change, beyand aur immediate contrai. There were a large numben of the volume of business on Fnl- 'of the day to dayV weý Tomorrow's sun will risc, either in People On the streets Friday I ay nights wull lie langer tia splendon on behird a mask ai clouds-but nîght aad the majanity ef mer- Ithat fenmerly done on Saturday Tese controlled su] it will risc. Until it does, we have Ichants reponted business was fights. design equipment thE nijOabout the same, and in sote The tact that there were very tion, long life with o stake in Tomonrow, fon it is as yet unbonfi.1 cases slightly betten, than the few people on the main street Thtis leaves only anc day - Today -.1 normal Saturday niglit trade. last Satunday niglit shows that and labour. For qu Ayman can fight the batties of just are The main street mendiants co- meut people knew et the change inechanization, equip ln operated very well in making and had dore their shopping day. It is only wben yau and I add the ithe switch trem Saturday ta Fni- eithen Fniday nigit or Satur- burdens af thase twa awiul eternities -iday niglit store opening and day atterroon.A Yesterday and Tomorrow that we breakfthere were only two stores1 The new policy wiîî continue M ASS EY- HA clown. 'which declined ta go along witb in openatien every Friday even-I Let s, herfore li. bt on da atthe other mnerchants on the new I njg on a trial basis all duringMkesohi Le uthrfoelvebt jedy tpolmcy. July and August and on Friday, krsohi a tùWQ. 1Tb* £tait Merchanta Com- jSptember 3. V And youll bave rnoney fer extra expenses, tea, wben yo~ Phtone fodloy for learn'about tie way you can save by using the 'blue ceaI' more d.otails of the Budget Plan. Con jen, monthly paymnents assurtjto ai paid-up heat for the c rri ing winter-and you savïe "wvhen you buy o az a 'warm-weather discount'. ýý-Sheppard & G*0i 96 King St. E. Lumber Co. Limited Bowmanville Phone 715 "OCOUCLSE i1FHAVE fAN E$TATE "My Dad is building it for me right naw. and it's gaing ta be pretty important to me some day." And a father knaws how important it is ta have that estate praperly administered, no matter how small it may be at present. He may receive advice and assistance fram experienced Trust Officers an the disposition of his estate without any obligation. Write for free bookiet "Blueprint For Yaur Family". THE STERLING TRUSTS C 0OR P O R A T 1 0N HEAD OFFFICE 372 Bay St.. Toronto BRANCH OPPICE 1-3 Dunlop St., Boerie -HARRIS FURST WUTH SCALE TEST TRACK FARM EQUIPMENT ;t h as been the swing to modern mechanization. ive been made upon imnl1ment engineers to to keep up with the needs of agriculture. on mnaterials, designs and features in hours an& usual montha and years, Massey-Harris designed- full scale test track for tractors and modern- nt.7.r he machines lug heavy loads, bunip and shake, Dt and jar, climb steep grades, and spi rog>d go through the test, electronic instruments k ýress and strains and complete records are kept ear and tear. upervised testa help Massey-Harris engineers iat will offer more advantages in ease of opera- )w upkeep cost and greater ahility in savmng tinie îality, satisfaction, and service with modern pwith Massey-Harris. RRIS-FERGUSON LIMITEDii igh quality farm implements since 1847 - ~ </ -~---~ k4 I s 10th Year of Continuous Service to the Town of Bowmanville and Durham County AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER 41 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Yomr, atrictly in advacc $5.00 a Year in the United State Publshod by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY Bowmanville, Ontario Authonz.d aie Second Clast Mai Bot Office Depaztment, Ottuwa GEO. W. JAMES, EDIToz M" 1 "- -1,l1,lpý- -'l- 1 -,-, PAGE TWO ý,l 0