TM CANADIAN STATESMA1t . BOWMAUVILLE, ONTARI PG TV Races were held for ail age groups during the third; Barbara Bathgate, who won the race; and Sharon afternoon program of the Community Pienie at the Cream Kilpatrick, who came second. Races and 'other events of Barley Park on Dominion Day and campetition was were staged for every age group from tiny tots te aduits. keen in ail events. Shown above are the winners in the A huge crowd, estimated at over 2,500 persans, attended race for girls 15, 16 and 17 with the slips entitling them ta the Community Picnic which was the most successful ever the prizes provided by the Bowmanville Recreation Depart- held. Uent. Left to right are: Shirley - Bathgate, who placed -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Heading the parade which. started off the Community Picnic on Dominion Day was the excellent Canadian Legion Pipe Band shown above making the turn from Temperance St. on ta King St. Drum Major Jack Knight is shown in front guiding the band around the corner. In addition ta the Pipe. Band, the Drum and Bugle Band of the Boys' Training School aise marchedin the parade and bath bands put on an exhibition at the Cream of Barley Park after arriving there. Alsa in the parade were floats of the Recreation Department and the Chamber of Commerce, decorated bicycles, and two clowns sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. _____-Photo by Carson Studio, Part Hope Whatever ensiaves man is Opposed to the divine govern- ment. Truth makes man free.- Mary Baker Eddy. T 1CKE TS8 TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamshlp Consult JURY & LOVELL Bowmanvile 15 Kint St. W. - Phone 778 Ffmpton S. S. Ispiring Affair dunday School Anniversary ser'ie held on Sunday,,June 2 th, swere largely attendàed. R~v T. M. Kersey~ of Plain- tield was weléomed ta his home village. and church as guest ninister and his services were mudi appreciated. At the af-' ternoon service he took for his tblàme, "How far can you reakch?" and- held the attention et the children and whole con- rgaan ai he presented an in- Ce etng anid inspiring message dected more particularly ta' the younger ones, and impressed on their minds many valuabte rhuhs The junior members of the Sunday School rendered ilicely several bright and pleasing summer time selections. Baskets of lovely garden flowers added their beauty 'ta the church. In the evening a number of the senior members of the school formed the choir, who sang three anthem selections which were in keeping with the occa- sion. - Another impressive and splen- did discourse was given by Rev. Kersey the theme being, "I know whom I have believed". The singing was directed by Mrs. Jim Smales, with Audrey Macnab and Mrs. Mcnab ac- companying in the afternoon and Mr. Warrack and Mary Niddery in the evening. The usual lat of July sports, program in the park was car- ried out.J The evening football game be- tween Courtice and Hampton attracting a large crowd, and resulting in favor of Courtice, score 5-1. A goodly number sat down ta supper with a bounteous spread o! good things provided by the ladies. The Ebenezer Haramonizers provided the evening's enter- tainment which ail enjoyed. Truck Tire Just Misses Store Window Murphy's Furniture Store, 47 King St. W. very narrowly miss- ed losing one of its plate glass display windows before store opening time last Thursday morning. One of the large dual rear wheels of a passing truck came baose and bounded up on the sidewalk, crashîng into the wmndow of the store. It tare off sonme o! the wooden trim on the window, but. did not break the window itself. Mr'. Murphy placecl the wheel and tire, which is worth about $35, in the rear of his shop and no- tified police of the incident. As yet no one has elaimed the run- away wheel. The Guide Lamp Division of General Motors used 42,000,000 miniature lamp bulbs in 1953's production. They would have supplied light equal ta that fram about 18%½ million 60-watt bulbs. g iu This spei shirf, wes brondni uwI 1-8 VVV V - Why gamnble with bis favor. ite sport shirts when you can he sure they'1I be returned like new after aur expert .Sanitone Dry Cleaning! Al dirt, spots and perspiration removed. Perfectly pressed without a shine and there's neyer a tell-tale cleaning ardor! Try us today, we're headquarters for sport shirts ber. la town! EVELEIGH'S Laundries Cleaners & Dyers OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 Leeai Agent: HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR a' THE COVE CHAPEL ON< THE HIELL The opening service at the Chapel-on-the-Hill was held last Sunday at 11:30 a.m. This is the first of such services ta be held eacli Sunday up ta and in- cluding the Sunday o! Labour Day weekend. The speaker was Mr. Geo. Harrap and his subject was "The iPride o! Prejudice." The service, attended by about 35 people, was conducted by Mr. McCart- pey. The service was in its cus- tomary form. beginning with a hymn and the National Anthem. The prayer, given by Mr. Bahl, was tollowed by the hymn periad. conducted by Mr. Att- well. During the otfering, there was a solo on the trumpet by William Barrick, "Adieu," by Schubert. The President, Mr. Rabbins, welcomed those at the service and announced the follawing speakers and their subjects for the Sundays in July: llth-Mr. McCartney, "The Master Build- er"; 18th-Mr. Harrap, "The Letter ot Beauty", and 25th-Mr. B. T. Holmes, "Small Potatoes". The speaker, Mr. Harrap, toak for his text the whole fourth chapter o! Janah and gave a mast instructive account o! the little that we know about Jonah. The Lord sent a distinct message ta this man ta go ta Nineveh and tell the people of the city that it wauld be averthrawn in 40 days. This would be the same as gaing ta Moscow today with a similar'message. Janah de- murred, probably thinking ta himself that it would be a long and hazardous joumney, that it was a risky thing ta do, and that if the message were given, the resuits would be disastrous. Jonah probably thought this way since Nineveh was one ef the cities o! the Assyrians, the war- makers et the day. The Lord persisted with his message, se Jonah ran away, going on a voyage. We are told that he was cast overboard in a stamm and swallowed, then thrown up by a whale. The message came ta Jenah again; h. was given a second chance which daes net came ta every- one. Jonah delivered the mess- age et the Lord to the people ot Nineveh and he was amazed that the people accepted it; they cried for mercy and Ged accept- ed their penitence. But Jonah was displeased and angry, yet God was net angry. He caused a gourd-a species et plant-to shelter Jonah fram the suni. The account et Jonah closes with an enquiry tram him as ta why the people a! Nineveh should net be spared atter they had repent- ed. The story of Jonah teaches us that Gad has a purpose for each, ot us, however unwilling w.' may be ta carry it eut. i The Sunday School was con-j ducted by Mrs. Carlton wha taught the lesson etf Joseph re- turning good for evil. Twenty- three children were in at- tendance. 1 PONTYPOOL Several local people are em- played with Fagel & Co. and Elgin Budd, pruning trees. This, seasonal employment is a great' boost ta aur unemployed. Mr. and Mrs. L. Doherty and daughter Pat, Buffalo, were: holiday vîsitars with Mr. andr Mrs. Ralph Sharp. Several tram hem. attended the induction service for aur new minister in Bethany. Friday evening. Others attended the1 Marsh garden party the same evening. Mr. John Mucha sutfered a severe heart attack and is con- f ined ta hespital. His many friends wîsh him a speedy me- covery. This weekend brought a big t ENN ISKILLEN Mr. and *Mrs. Clifford Hetz, Garth, Janipe, Faith and Chris- tiie, Fairview, Penn.; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Port Cre- dit, Mr. and Mrs. William Lamb, Caesarea, with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Herbent Wright and tamily, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tresise and tamily, Oshawa, wîth Mr. and Mrs. Nom- man Wright. Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, Mr. Harold Spry, Rochester, N. Y., with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. Dr. and Mrs. Clarke Dorland and family, Lapeer, Mich., wîth, Mrs. John Dorland. Mr. and Mms. D. B. Kay, Mr. Bill Kay, Miss. Judy Duffin, To- ronta, with Mm. and Mrs. Adama Sharp. Mrs. Verna Forfithi and Ron- ald, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston.1 Mm. and Mrs. R. McNeil vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowling, Blackstock. Miss Lorna Jean Wearn is spending ten days holiday at Camp Pretoria. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton and family, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs, Port Perry, and Miss H. Hunter, Manilla. Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Bueamont and Jimmy, Toron- te, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lead- beater. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Pethick and Gail, Barrie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Pethick. Miss Ga-il Pethick remained for holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snowden, Kedron, Mr: and Mrs. Roy Lang- maid, Sauina, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke and Garry, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp with Mr. and Mrs. F. Denby, Hay- don. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and Elenor, Newcastle, were Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and r amily visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robertson, Shirley. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Mrs. Verna Wood, ' Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.i Sheldon Pethick.1 Miss Reva McGilI with Mt. i and Mrs. Charlie Langmaid, Sa-j lina.1 Mr. and Mrs. C. Larson,i Cheryl, Gardon and Donald,1 Regina, Sask., visited Mr. andj Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Cheryl Lar- DURHAM -FARMERS COUNTY CO-OP PHONE 37R 1 080 NO 7-TN/S -OBtND/TS TRN TW/Ne IS SUPRF SMOOT/?R<mM/N*e 600D STUFFII 1, vieatW SDPNAI YES m m m THAT'S RIGHT For TOP QUALITY DEPENDABLE BINDER TWINE PRO YEN FOR OVER 25 YEARS S EE Your CO-OP To-day REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT- COMMERC~IAL MACHINE SNGPS* LAWYERS NEARING LIOS *EMSAWRS ONHUMO! ltngtim mal i é4LOOK luTHEI IOOFING CONTRACTORS C OAU & COKE OK § IMER~CARLNTLR$ * UMPS * AIN SIIPlU Licence. and certificates of competency for the periad ending December 31, 1954, are now available, and enquiries and requests for application formas ahould b. directed to the Chiet Inspector, Elevator Inspection Branch, Department of Labour. Parliam-ent Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. ONTARIO DEPARTMEN1 0F LABOUR Charges Dolov: Utnt«i*p son and Lois Ashton have ben pen pals for over two- ye.r and this was their first oppor- tunity ta meet. Annual Young Peoples' parti at Rev. Seymour's summer camp sponsored by the T.U.C. Boys will be held Friday even- ing, July 16. Ail yaung people are cordi' ally invited. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- gomery, Miss Kathleen Grahara4 Solina, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wotten, Toranto, Mrs. Frank Webb*r and Mrs. Jas. Adams, Bowmart. ville, with Mr. and Mn,. W. J. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Iw1 , Donna Gail and Radney, Mîstej Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, *Ne,- castle. Miss Mary Griffin in company with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin, Heather and Dale, at. tended a picnic at Mr. and Mms Norman Collacutt's, Tyran. Mr, and Mrs. Lamne Gniffin, Blackstockt Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Rahrn, Tyrone, were Sun- day evening cailers at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin's. Sympathy is extended to re- latives of the late Mrs. Edwin Ormiston. Congratulations to Mr. andt Mrs. Allan Werry (nee Diane Lee) who were married at Ke- dron Church Saturday. Congratulations ta Kathryn Siemon on passing hem Grade III Music Exam with First Clais Honors. YOUR EYES and "' Re-written t , previaus - - copyrights Optometriat AW11 Disney Bldt. 31 King B., Opp. P.O. OSHAWA Phone 5-6143 262. Safety fimst rules if made for a geod purpose should b. en- forced. If the eycsight is going 'ta be corrected as a salety measure and the ane who posa- esses the defective eyesight tala ta heed the advice and admon- ition offered for his awn suite. the laws should be entorced not for his good but for the preven- tion of the injuries that may affect others thmaugh his neglect. (Copyrighted) PAGE lm