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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1954, p. 6

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Mrs. J. E. RichardsCo p e W d n T r n o Chartran's Indiaris where she wfilb. for two weeks nvrayo r n n r I C upeud n T ro t s a leader ini Caravan Work, anldVnronJI ha Is I poIte Vacation School for Young Pen-LtteBta. TheO0rono NewsiHumdlH McNlt"spesosre yteUie Il i i.-~~ Church. Then she wil be at gtee ttehm iM.J Dsrc u evsrAl Stars by 5- arryîield, near Kingston, for WJe n n n r.Kn Mn I James E. Richards of the next two weeks. Mr. and n t ak r o e n a a Mr ae .Rcad fThe Sunday afternoon session Mns. Van Camp weigt on to Va- eeigt a aeelt u Miss Francis Jenney and Ber- Ted, Jack and' Miss Forder, Orona, has recently returned o Midget basebail becomes sey and stayed Sunday with the tahr isAde ~y h ok Isad, ube more and more keenly fougi, Van Camps and Rumney fan- tuh eetepattoya New Mexico. on Sumday. where the *Canadian factory aodtfei aamuhmr pleasing and captvatng ba l Mr. and M s. Reg Rim mer and Pe rb o n xt ea. M . J Creaini afBarley Camp, Bow- and Mns. Albert Morton v'isited with which company Mrs. Rich- gand Mr. ArthurgTlandn presenan znanvllle, Thunuday evening. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ards has been associated for the OlSna n oessrigM.adM.Aa hre n "Indian " continued on their niskillen, with M r.. and Ifru d M s H y wt h m o urday In Toronto. Blackstock. Because of Mrs. Richards'vctrus ata thypo aodMLghl.adsndheksadeiou éýduced their al Important, win- Mr. and M ns. Rud Heaslp, l n h w ssre y M s C n and Jamie. Newcastle, spent the Mrs. A . Lewis have returned ta and hier outstanding ability, nn u nasraigtil ootcle nM.adMs holiday with Mr. and Mns. Rochester, N.Y., aiter anendig he was appointed District b m~Cak cnn ulHryVnCm n r n ttecolga h WooM.Luxtan w xth the fre' vt h declding run Mrs..'Wallace Marlow on Sun-tenanTsdyLna > Mr. and Mn.. Boyd, the form- sater, Mrs. Alexc Watson and but due ta illness in the famfly i h otr ftesvnh dy er Pauline Robbins, have moved Mr. Watson. she was forced ta give up hier ___________________lle ta Mn. J. Thampson's house at Antioch neighborhot>d met at managenlal duties in 1945. upio i Jod theit fr teaeerRMed upa.Nw gi hehsbena-MnsJoelnnett or he Re- 'W i Kxrby. -the school Saturday eve, June Nowý agi Rehsbe p es~u~n hnwieM-HAYDON afrwi î !adzngas Mrs. Jim Major and Mn, J. 26th. ta honor the recent mar- painted District Sales Repre- I~~NlysAlSaspthn a si h onpten E. Richards were in Peter_- nages af Keith Wood and sentative aven six counties and arnai feball te "Hank"Ln. r n Ms oh a d a. ienon ul th baraugh an Frlday. Aieck Moffat. Each couplewa her friends ail jain in congratu- psented with a loveiy chair. lating her and wlshing lier suc- The gpr evisfouits, wfrasf amlan h ilA n , ToeAh-ron.Pornilichre pr.Jh ichnssro ethand Heien, Aleck and ceas. For the present Mrs. ~<~the gae, eufou isby an ai aehliy and in AshtonToro-thhoeaMs.WbuBc was an "Dominion Day Refiec- Norma all expressed theun Richards wiii continue ta live * .L typical pitchers' battie, and ai -___ton___cottage.____ tians" Sunday marnlng at Orono thanks. A short pragram, danc- In Orano. .. haugh the vanquished Ail. Miss Mabel Brown, Mrs. Fon- 'United Church. Next Sunday, lnganluc e njyd Observing the traditional ceremany of cuitting the Stars squeezed five safeties tain, Mn. and Mrs. D. Fonta-n July llth, the L.O.L. of Clarke an lucweenoyd cake, -are Mr. and Mrs. John Edmund Maguire whose mar- from Knetssat aaadNiM.adMs .Mc Ditrct wiia ad h eathe Miss ab f e . GvoyrgenBedAnna M. Sherwin rage took place on Jure 26 n the Church of Epiphany, ýçeare three bingles by the Kenze, and amiy, Toronto, at chfeundhheaaed a hendal thice fnerna il e orge . Toronto. The bride s the former Joan Phyllis Simmons, Chartran Savages, wild n ess Mr. and Mn. A. MeNeils. Pie ndDrm an ad ay. icle-- oorpiagued Lane', otherwlse glit- Mn. and Mn,. Young, Mrs. 30 rane .uienie<Biwmandvifle Gon Sat-Honor daughter o r n r. la imnToronto, ndtening performance. "iËank" 1,- Short and Mrs. Jeweson, Osh- Mnand M.Cii o Mrtc, iM. and M n, Bob A t Show. the groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Maguine, sued 10 walks ta 3 irce tickets awa, at Mn,. W. Thompson's. Mn. and Mrs lf oa ie n r nd Esseny ob At- er Bôwmanville. byKnet.Lewhfe 3, Mn and Mn,. Ken Brown and _______ ______ _____y______ _______ ______ ______ ___ fo spent Fniday in Peterborough. Barrabaîl Maple Grave, visited wýhiIc Kennett fanned 4. family, Pickering, Mr. and Mna.WAT D Ms. we F Mr. and IVIns. Luther Banrabal. nien June 23rd Miss Anna Ma- Heading into the last af the Frank Osmond and family, Mn. Mr n r.Oe agan, Mi Sherwin, bride-to-be, was seventh in the abbreviated tilt, and Mn,. Earl Thampson, Baw- Karen and Michael, Sarnia Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Miller, guest af honor at a misceilan-BiILxn taldrdnce mnvleatM.ndM.R- spent the weekend with Mn. LnyadWye eto u-eaus shower given by ber aunt,aitewytahrdoask-anTh ps'sSRVC and Mrs. F. 0. Cooper.. day for a maton trip through Mrs. (Dr.) W. W. Sherwin at the a ig hpeg t eond by Cnt an- ln,. etho son ad amly Mn ~M. and Ms. H n J n e th eat r ts. h me o! Mr. t nl y ha ma . 7 rf o i f f tone. John Fow er practically Toronto, at their cottage for Preston; Mn. and ars. Fred M.adMs alGay The bride-ta-be was escorted Eabcmetehraihetgin thsu e. Junker, Hamilton, spent Sun- Hamilton, visited Mrs. Thorn- by Master Keith Sherwin, toa a9* .1cntet hen swiofng ing l n Mn.h e org Ber tnmn n day with Miss Aima Cutteli. ton Wilson and other relatives prettily decorated chair ta the cif n .onesai Lan' ist inil "eso" M,. GTo rahaetmand .andl Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morris aven the holiday weekend. »I strains ai "Here Cames te h the boeo e a t dinky îîyins.To o ma rahae nmn.and fMrs., and Rasa spent the wcekend at Several Orono Girl Guides Bride", played by Mn,. G. Car- blo sort lit ie ionk ly ab a-int Ohe a' their cottage, View Lake. i t an Manday ior twô weeks son. Enla Cbapman pinned a short l% e btRafesnta be ob-aderti Mn n n.Nra vr Mn. George Mitchell, Toronta, at Oak Lake. corsage on Anna Marie and 0j a bd a yzlng rniestnag adte d milyNMr.and vryhr visited Mrs. George Butter. on Miss Aima Cutteil was n Mn,. S5h e r w i n in ber ne- a 'bal ingrnig go the au. itLxt ndlie ankin, M. and Mrs. Ghar-IA" DA Sunday. Oshawa on Saturday. marks gave the bride-ta-be some (rA son)ciinging ta third Jim Clarke don Denby, Toronto, Mn. and LI J iIrL Maser R n Cop r Mn. Cooper, KendaIalI.îvîn ~sudavc yraigte(yMObre made himseii camiortabie at Mn,. Adam Sharp, Mn. and M:s. spent the weekend with Mn. at nesidence oi Miss M Taîkîoen "ItTksa ep Mr. and Mn,. "Genry"' Duvaîl Mrs. Gea. Butter, was sup- Aiten opening the many beau- sand aIot .f.s. bail, out n d k D. eobrge.LHOTE and family, Lcskard, mnoved, ta per guest on Monday of Mn.. tiful and useful gits Ann Ma- Th'le Roses wiil play Wbitby at .234, Hamiltan .233, Bird .231, "Hank's" next pitch was ,a and Ganny, Mn. and Mns. 1. their new bouse July lst, nonth, W. G. McCulloch. rie graciousiy thanked every- the High School grounds FridayiDadson .222, Girandi .211, W'i- curve that brâke beautiful", too Cook, Scarbora, Mr. and Mr,. ai Orono on M. J. Tâmnblyn't. Mr. and Mnra.- Archie Watson one for their kindness and ail nigbt at 6:30 p.m. bins .200, Cale .156, Heath .101, beautiful fan Gary, as Clarke McKenzie and iamily, Newton-DI[ II G subdivision. and i amily, Mr. ad Mmx. W. jauned in singing "For She's a* à Cowle .083. beited the honsehide ta centre,- ville, Mn. and Mn,. C. Avery Mn. and Mns. Hateley and Srhith, Toronto, vislted Mn. Joily Good Felaow". 'This should be a real battie as **àscaring Luxton, and sliding inta and family, Newcastle, Mn. and famiiy, Bowmanvile and Mn. and Mns. Alex Watson. Miss Catherine Power gave a Jirn Crombie will be going ail Dadson, Bird, Heath, Stainton, third safely wth the game Mns. R. Wilson and Bnian, Osh- and Mrs. Les. Danch and fam- Mr. Hubert Cabbiedlck, Lcam- edn, GodA vc oott epWibasepin ilamBtnhw Lg inn rpe!w awa, Mn. and Mn,. Frank Den- iiy, Scarbara, were vstr inigo.setteweedwt Brides', by an old-countny cicr- second spot as passible as they and Parker have yet ta make a For the Indians Ciarke's re- by t R.anOI\4Noma Mn. and Mns. Carl Tennant.. hi. mothen, Mrs. Win. Cobbie- gyman. Mrs Carson favorcd seem ta be the club ta beat ion fîelding ennor. Gallagber j, ounding triple was the big Avery's. Mn. and Mrm. C. V. Wilson, dick. with twa well rendered solos, the league cbampionship. clipping along at .991, Hooper biow, while Fowlen and Farder Mn. and Mrs. Mac Alpine and BsMeslaaw About twcnty fiends and 111111 Walk Beside You"l and* * .953, Falls .930, Giihoaiy .918, cach garnercd safeties. Mc. Aileen, Toronto, with Mn. J. members ai St. Saviour's An- "Till the End ai Time". A bu- Manager Crombie may stant Jones .909, Cale .896, Girardi Nulty's Ail-Stars' six bits were Waiker and Mn. and Mn,. Xen- glican Chunch, Orono, attended monous poem on "The Snoring Bun Legree against Whitby. .891 Yourth .880, Hamilton .87,fairly spread out with Lane, neth Walker.Bo an Deau' Stock St. George's Anglican Church, Husband" was given by Ariehe Legree ;hut out Coiborne in the Cowle .846, Ferguson .818, Cox wîth a double and a single In Mrs Henry Pearce, per cent Newcastle, strawberry social, Rainey. Mn,. H. Allen gave anîtgaenJuystnds.80 four trips, Marjernison one fon ville, visited Mn. and Mns. Ar- Removed and Mn. D. B. Dewdney were Wedding". Severa contests were bail. n nG sch0o'Â> and Horu hve Inas Line Score M. and Mn. George Tabb R du to presete.dwith pure onthe ejoye. A ery dlicius luch soredthe RstHrnEandeafamilyE aandaml Mnad H.s Cross-s Highest prie« veld for occasion -of!hï 5t ed was served by the bostesses, From an attendance angle it Gilhooiy bas stolen 10 bases an ndas5i an attended a family picnic a Doid, Old.gnd Crlppled annlveruary. which braught a very pleasant is a good game ta sec, if the fansa ppasing pitchers have given Gi A1-.Stars - ---«--- 4 5 4 Mn. and Mns. Norman Colla- Farm'Stock. Mn. and Mn.. R. R. Waddeîî evcning ta a close. want the Roses to nemain in the 12 free passes ta îîrst base, Ham- cutt's, Tynone. TZLEPHONE COLLECT MrH.Hlp ad rsAn Lake Shore League. The exec. ilton and Falls have three sacra- M.adMs .Vva n M.HHopradM.A-utîve feel If Bownuanvilie fans fice bits ta thein credit. Ted aiytendthHok p- Co o r 7 7 des oot;Mns. Ca. H s R cr do not want ta sec this game Dadson bas missed the aid apple L C S Kne a n na ame, Bunketon. *Awc and Mr, and Mns. Dave M.adMs eleGaa NICK PECONI Hooper attended the funeral of - they might just as weli ioid up il tiiTI5. Mn. and Mn,. Cecil Hill, Mn. vlsitcd Mn. and Mn.. Cyrus Ash- PETERBOROUGH a-zoo6 Mr. Gea. B. Bickle on Saturday and cali it a day. MngrJm Cobeue and Mrs. Stanley Rahm, Paul ton, Bunketon. at Bowmanville. *aae JmCobi sdand Canal, attended the Bea- Mn.. W. Tbompson vislted ______________________ Mn. and Mr&. Foster Fenguson Just keep in mmnd the admis- Ted Bagneli fon the iirst time, as cock Famiiy Reunion at Little Mn,. Wood, Bowmanvillc.FATrkft n attended the funeral ai the sioln pnice is only, 35 cents and a pinch bitter in Coibonne*. Old Lake Park, Midland, on Satun- Mn. Milton Siemon visitcd LucenSriefdere latter'. brother, Mn. Herman if you attend the game you wiîî Reliabie Ted nesponded by day. Miss Annie Mountjoy, Bowman- FA TR LE O oeBlackstock. be keeping basebail alive In the smashing out a double.. We Mn. and Mrs. Anchie Newton. ville. Mr. RPer OR Ho ey Mra a eun gaod aid home town. guess aid "Pappy" stili can Show Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mn. and Mn,. Lloyd Siemon cd home aiter surgcry at Osb- ** ~ some ai the young gafiens how TriWsowt r.Gog M .Fd T's En- Awa General Hospital. Lake Shore League Standing t oeotaht Crawford and Mn. and Mn,. J. nisklllen. MM At the meeting o! the Even- W L Pet. GBL wanicFiendDu W. Pearce. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Potts, wekyoeertowes U i ng Auxlliary whlch was beld Bowmanvilc il1 3 .786 wavll iean rm Mn. Charlie Lubsen was Lynda, Tommty, and Deibert, atth om i lee Blina Y b6b Band will be holding thein draw home for a iew days fromn the with Mn. and Mn,. Tom Potts, on June 18, Beth Sherwin, wha Part Hope 4 7 .364 5 l a the bail game on Wednesday, Sanitarium, Kingston. Collingwood. is leaving shortly fon theirnenw Coiborne 3 8 ;273 7 Jereuy membwen airt He pBand Mn. and Mrs. Jim Brown, Mrs. Chale Rankine, andOen eedy home at Brandon, Man., was Cobourg 2 8 .200 7JVa wili sdiyua iet eron the cair Chicago, visited Mn. and Mrs. Mn.. W. Corrigan at Toronto, on presented wltb a cup and saucer, * * à yu ice n h carCcl l. Sinday. F ETas a tgolng t baway g!t Th d. M . C. W. ut and Nn- Mn.and Mn, W. Vivian at- entation was made by Mac AI-. . i BowanvurtHe bad Cworge** cy are visiting ber sister, Mn,. tended the silver wedding an- len. iethgraciuslythankd hie ond Porgtoe n rd bug Wbitby dci eated the Roses Mel Black ion two weeks at Ox- th l s foBe th e g na sly t ankd -h v n i a e aten cei. Monday night in W hitby and frd Station. John is with is holitdthey mght coe andnow have taken treoto h uncle, Harold HtoSih vopsitemibthrcawmean The Roses arc batting .247 and ive games played. Whitby: 10 Falls, and Bihlla with is aunt, KI @ U ov iai e nten on fieiding .928. Averages are uns, 13 its, 3 erros; Rses: Mrs. Charles Hill, Kenmore. Mn. and Mns. Walter Alton iue tJly2d6 runs, 10 bits, 4 errons.M.RyTre stkna and son, Frank, Lucknow, who****** summer School course at the were on an extcnded motor tri Big Frank Hooper bas takeru Stainton stanted ion the Rases Coilege ai Education, Toronto. cailed on his aiter, Mns. (DrS aoven the lead ion batting witb and Crombie put Ferguson In ta Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Dawson Sherwln. a .333 average, Galiagher .310, pitcb fnam the 4th inning on, and Sandra, Windsor, Mns. Ev- Gilbooly .293, Stainton ,.286, Cox ** elyn Fnanks, Stoney Creek, .281, Fenguson .273, Falls .269, ThRoewllbvtadit stopped here ion July Ist, then Joncs and Legree .250, Yourth WhtbyseFniyniht ave tay ine took Mns. Fred Bailey with Staffo)rd Bros. M usic Re uits _________________ Juin M usic R sultsîirst place. thcm ta Pointe au Baril for 'tR.M.recntsummer examina-.aesAldedMns . BasaMr. L.< 16 "~ and Mrs.Roy Taylor, spent Sun- _ : 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby tnsoteRyaCertoy 85-year-old nesident ai Tyrone, Rabbins bave returnd ta Les- day with Mn. and Mn,. Anson FINE QUALITY c ui fTrothl nwbo lives witb bis son Lloyd' kard. Taylor at thein cottage at Rice MONUMENTS AND Bowmanville Communlty Cen- bas been a memben ai the Mn. and Mn.. H. Thampson MandMkeT.a Sib AREStre, r sflos Orange Lodgc of that village and fanlily, Toronto. spent theMran s.To sSmt PianR$o , Grade VII -Honors: for 65 years, duning wblch tim holiday at their cottage. L n ila VnCm n Prcie anmashp nd Dou1glas Lycett, ff7K%;« Gade -be bs attnded eanî eve Mn.and Mn,*C. rou7ad ichadsLadTgSt-Jse4' din sscitin i onum r, O e nd ai tan you I for FREE folder, «R uannng Benheim and will teacb at Car- P o f O ti Mna. H. Skinner and Mn,. H. We were pleascd ta sec e o Wat.r, the Pane Necessity". dinal in the Fali. durable and weather resistant. JU YStainton consented ta represent many at Cbunch for oun anni- Annual Orange Lodge parade us on the Hospital Auxiiiary at vensany Sunday. Bey. Sayweil________ and Church Service was an Sun- Learn how the two-coat BowmanvIlle. Strawbenry Tea ai St. Stephen'. Cburcb, Olx day evening with Bev, -C. W. 5p 'lJ Twas planned and Mna. H. Skmn- anducted the service and Hu$~~ton taking charge, assisted Pittsburgh Sun-Proof SP C A ' nen reported on District Annual. 1thyechôln rendered sevenai love- b non ereBa iholso n.mer oT.Pit ytinofr Mns. Russell Wright gave in- I elect ions. A babismal font r tt Band h oed tebpa- HombITTCRIIRGI'ffer splnlng thoughta on "What we 1 was dedlcated that bad been of!Carwrightxtranpotectiotat mod gay ai Others, on if you can't donted by Mn. and Mn.. Leray a0 rade. exraprtetonatiId sen a q&»t ay samethilng klnd don't say Hamitan. A' deliclous lunch Miss Gertrude Henry, Sheila Crei n e anything". Mrs. A. Harvey ru- was servcd, aftcr the service, y anehd rang SohMer&.aestecst ponted on Curnent Events. the ladies af Leakard W.,A. are bolidayitgwetb Mns. Jame only 6.50 The tapic for the attennoon Mr. anid Mn,. N. Fee and Mr. ol $6 5InSchoal 50 ycars Ago. The and Mns. K. Fee ýand Roderlck Mn. and Ers.Ruprti yen , o-f Sun-Proof House Paints. blatony was given ai Bethesda, spent Sunday In Hamilton visit- and Mn,. with Mn. and m.OIsogWN1' Hat e w7.ur ah' Iic< . Mrs.H. Skinner, Mr». A. Wood, M. and Mra. G. Duvail oy. Mervyn Graam. andJacuelnes bvea gael.wTurpel nt th ne hoseM. Dougal McDougal and radJaingsfone Roisvear g aey hvTbursda nta t newbouseMn. John Vance, Toronto, viait- I Complete Hair Cut -only 50c redr theAol uhor, thcyW heave spurhas eathaby.& d Mn,. Ed Dancy and other Wy 50c LeukBowmaville gavea Mr. L. Hmlo la ill. W. wlsh PUIPS SFEEIfins neading "Spankie". Duet was hlm a speedy recavery. L OTNR Visitons on Sunday with Mn. Sn g y M ary W lkln on and Bey. and M n.. K itchen n d L IN IT U »P y m and M n,. C ci H il l w ene M r. 153 o ha k t rs lap il a M n. and M s. Ed W nu ton S nd -O N NMr.AN AJ akMn,. er and li , o- l e .1Bay;E Joain s B eauty C entre Mr.N Wolymaved am ily were suppen gueste wîth Mr&. Graham, Mn. Albert Fryer, 38 King St. W., Bownavil. Phone 455, e.s. 34U8 ai thankata M.. ad a nd n adMp.Lacrtuna. l K E U ifranta;Miss Editb Brown, On-. A DRE H a2jhs waha aknpatlKha, Mn. and Mn,. Percy Jobb, m mI uiW lla .Str CLOSFID ALL DAY MONDAY Mn.. Harvey seconded the mo- A summer schoal ion rural PLUMBING AND HEATING Oshawa. Pain -andWambVyV. W QE<-EVENINGS 13Y AN'POINTMENT to.ciengy will be held at the On- jpHONEg 61& OMNIL n n r.Sair a NTEacb memben picked a peanut jtanlo Agicultunal College liDIU'iui4>n SfreSMr amtoknd een tafRd aa, PHONE 431 8 IGS.W aster. Attendance 24. visitors 7.1 Guelph, juIv 211tp 30. Divsio_____a.__Cap__________o Rma north oft Atherley, on Satrday v ¾efraW.,<4 Ww~ NIISt Fý - 1 ý*7"- TEE CAIÇADL4» STATZM AN, BOWwLAýý ONTAFM wq*m ÉqAiwAvVjLý Tua ODAT, 3ULT 4tl4 le"

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