THUEIDAT ZUL? SI, 1UMU CUADALIANSTATMMI. EOWUANVLLf ITA= PAGE my= mu ~~~~~~~~~~Kngston, ael attending a re- necesuary by the élolig off 'PTIVa bohr r aryBcil Il Il wiAn *loe of the Stacey Clan at Ebenezer Church and a shortage OBIUAflY Not aoa .SA n h &ocal & £ ersonal A nounce New Ratesnd:Pak, ::yrLoust.of Ministers inthBayofAtr lnsof:btefor 8 -ctalHesoIIEl, on Saturday. Quinte Conference. A meeting GEORGE ULOtz BICKLE 199 Tngrnchlre n Ph 33 3 themateral an rnetods pesenty avalable Theyhav~Bethany Band attended divine day evening ta arrange the tr.,Bwmnie on loconsulted coundil (last year) and it has been agreed gçrvice in Omemee, Sunday schedule of services and plan for pabd to Sret, on .Tn 30. Ha that a policy should be- followed that as far as possible fforniftg. et udyJl atefuue h ed t us ntilJu ne 30.uldj nna.araextiSndahe vly l h uue eldutlla a5 . Bicklouce k Miss Jeanne Bentley, Toronto, Ed 'Summers, Arcutura only the sewer user should be charged a sewer rate. The 4odge memb-crs wil hold their hv of 7 8 18vatn n reaKilifrRpeettv frD ra, is new swaneprd ntevlaeadhv en8.M.Bcl a s0ewtn n.Fed.Kih o ersnatv o uher rate was arrived at by dividing the number ieTtcT"PI well knawn in thus community (Cnnedfo paen. n e. Lo d Elsi iiig attending the annuel conference of sewer connections into the am ount required to provide wjjnited Chrch. hih esaeierovicex er f ur phte o ttseen for OI Pic EwrdIladsntavo'a Aignicltural Mon.for the annual cost and setting up a special rate for factor- The Misseq Gayle Bristow and Ms ruS. r n ~r aha rmteUn emvdthate Bl eehn 1 latve i Pine dwad slndsetaivs bin hldtrm n-ies and schoois. Catharine Reynolds have gone Ear Argue, SManvMrs.ain , ts. ashow rmvthe trm T oat rnh osîe hngn pat until Saturday af this week wiesoyr a hehyrolito this P ssuek.0 M meIr monk tahs. Ror theads A gandnv rStreets om mitteerrn or ' 1m i Mr. and 1,rs. David Hlggon a h epvi.Arclua The sewer rate is set very close to cost and some ta ilro awr o h visited Mr. and Mrs. Victor in 1924 until hia retirement a anl, family ire visting rela- Schooi. years there may be a deficit but over the average it. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Monk and Malcolm.19. wiflge tocwthBlTe- ti : Port Coiborne. Rev. and Mns. F. B. Fifield and should meet the cost providing the capacity is flot in- Canieron, Peterborough, with Mrs. Margaret Sproule and The. deceased V185 bor In phon( a i ear atsmt »Ëtý an Mrs CavinBree Mis EniceFifeld re njoing reaed.Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Monk. Mr. Len Badgley, Toronto, -Plymouth, England, tue son Of.- ter. iiatared ta Calg4ry this week a week's holidays at Elim Camp he aer rksstmotelkeiaou o- Mrn. Thomas Malconison and spent Saturday evenlng wîtii George Blaye Bickle and Saraha Alte a eevdfo u ono h wtrôk sse o h aeisaotc M- iss Hazel Malcomson spent h r. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Pruer Waîker, and came tCpnta 'eA ntiirr Mn.andMxs.[Chale Urnwhiçh is sponsored by tue pleted and if necessary puxnping could commence at any weekend in Petrolia. Mr. and Mns. Norman Mal- Canada with his fuxnlly when counimebra aaqe t r.attnd theSt1apese. n Lake Smca. nar Beaerton ic dettecf u earoT he.Paviio Christian Business Men affiliated time. The intake construction asbnmoedfiuit Mrs. Otto Spencer and Mrs. colm, Toronto, with Mr. and n 0oreasad.T1 ta 2«Iord, spent the weekend witu the Pentecostal Assemblies than was originally anticipated especially in excavation John White wene guests at the Mrs. Chas. Fallas. Whe 21 yea or t n. icle. Mansoo uy 1fr W!teraunt, Mrs. F. Calmer. ~ aaa .. fLowes-Belcey wedding in Peter- n WlerFt e o 2d taaronto -wr.Bc k uncpl niee a MissKanyn cDonod f Cand a. JmsMaibut this has been ±înally overcome. ±There is of course Mrug.n aura. aandwerSunday r Fppe, marnedCta Troto EaMo.> a ntet0 ih&s Monda>. for Rochester, N.Y., ta Mr. and Ms. Jno astoner no filtration plant installed except the series of tanks .Mn. and Mrs. Leonard McNeil, guests miaM.adMr.L h redeCalte hlm in Ag isrc, h s en st :adMsEretLnMran r.Brnthrough which the water from the intake passes but this Peterborough, with the Thomp- Joblin. au, 94.transerdt orno:ev gad are officiai delegates af the should give satisfactory water except in cases of heavy so Airman on rd Wodsba Mrs. H. Vine with her daugh- ustBèmav19e4Mr3.ckeLeria b Mn. uglas Nichais and -Mn. Bowmanvllle Lions Club at the storm when some turbidity may be present but eertainly retun rdon Vicoria, bad ter, Mn. and Mrs. Reg, Middle« Inllow th e Mr. i maklet etinCaltedig mto ~-.Zale lak e Kngton sentLinsInternational Convention no more than experienced naw. The water should be spent several days with bis par- tn atn gardeninag with succeas and was asd htBwmnil Eunda>. with'Mn. and Mrs, L. being held in New York City. cooler and certainly sot ter. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Mn. and Mns. Frank Emerson skill. Ris beautitul flowen gar- oae$5twr hsbn ý rs erg areWoods. He is now stationed at and Mary, Toronto, vluited Mr. den was a hobby which lie loy- quetwic steaonb- Second St., spent a tew days at Vstr ih te issRC .bs tCitn and Mns. M. Emerson. cd and which brought admira- ingcotiueb>msta c WM.adMi ereCr er, Vli-n withStue Mithes E. A. Hircock, tax collector Geoni. C, Lat. C, Fr. C, Chem. Mr;.'and Mrs. Manseil Wright Miss Irene Emerson at Lake tion tram li who saw it. Sine1lr Syracuse, N.Y., aven the Jul>. weekenDuer r. nd tu.ed and assesson for the town of Co- C. were in Caesarea for the holiday Couchiching with fvr. and Mns. his retinement, h. also enjoyed laner uiiciisi h n lo oldy Weekes, Toronto; Mr. and Mns. bourg, brother of Mn. H. T. Hir- G. Craig-Eng. 2, Hist. C, Geom. weekend. Mr. Raymond Kin- Frank Emenson. keeping up a regulan cornes- tnibuet h in okdn Wc are pleased ta announce jW .Wee n agtr cock, Church St., Bowmanville, 2, Fr. 3, Chem. 2, Art 1. caide, Malton, visited his bnoth- Nestleon W.A. and W.MS. pandence rivth relatives -n > n.Mntn and stte ta that Mns. F. H. Joness ai Stettlen, MarLon eee and san, ttaw; M. as 'advised the town counicil, D. Cramp-Eng. C, Hist. 2, er, Harold Kincaide, Yast week. wlll mGet at Mmi. Wm. Steele's frlends at a distance. The. Mar bScopainwthteB - Alberta, is necovering from ber adM.JboNnio .thnt he would be resignimg bis Geoni. C, Lat. C, Fr. C, Chei. 3. Miss Laura Hutchinson, Toron- onl July 15, in change af Mns. ket garden lias been abi>. car-i manail od n tet recent ilUness., muicipipot iOSipvmbe, u B. rydemanEng.3, Hst.ta, vas guest ai Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowers' group. nied on b>. his son, Charles, for 1Comi,,wh e ral as Mr. and Mns. Sidney Cas-C.MisOveSoeToot. order ta serve the Presbyteriazi 3, Geoni. 2, Fr. C, Cheni. C. Herb Kennedy. The supper and pil>. spcn- tie past number af years. Mn. ed. boumn and son Gregory Toron- As bas been tue customn for Church as a missionar>. in Bnit- C. Dilling -Eng. C, Hist. C, Rev. Richard Bonsteel, B.A., sored b>. tbe W.A. was well Bickle was a faltbful memben ta. spent the weekend 'jitî Mr. the past sevenal years, the finat lis Columbia and satisfy an arn- Geog. 2, Ciem. C, Art 1, Music wbo moved here iast week tram attended and much enjoyed. of the Christian Science Chunch, A ptte rn e ei . l Casbourn. Monday inun August, Monda>., bition tiat went back ta when hie C. Stirling, had charge of bis first Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm Oshawa. dentso ael odfrâ Mn. nd m..Hamn GrenAugust 2, willi be.a Civic Hoi- was 10 years aid. Mn. Hircock M. Dobson-Hist. C, Fr. C. service in Bethan>. Unitèd attended the Farmer's Union Funeral senvice *as beld on sexthenpoete a e CMrndllspett. hoary Greth iday.. A motion declarlng tuis ha. obeen tax collector for 17 C. Fisk -Eng. C, Hist. C, Chuirch on Sunda>.. "For We meeting nt Blackstock Friday Jl.3 tts Mri u ena ro diio isga UCltrnall, entsheDr. iand thday a Civlc Holiday was passed years, ai wbich be spent 10 yeans Cheni C, Music C, XI Lat. 2. Ae i LburraTgehr i3t Ca ettand Mrrs o ne b>.turne the W. Sirssorntrn d Mns. b>. the Bowmanville Town Coun- as bath collector and assessor. T. Goddard-Eng. 1, Hist. 1, With God" as tesulajecthea igAnu atedd n e ntdTras, Tonuto. byturs cil at the negular meeting beld Geoni. 2, Lat. 1, Fr. 1, Cheni. 1. bis sermon. Mr. Bonsteel stress- the Orange Service in the Frn aafntcui i 'Ap.o a eeie rn Mlis Gwen Hoskin and Mn. an Monda>. night. R. Goheen-Eng. C, Hist. 2, ed the fact that camplete unit>. United Chureh at Blackstock on rak aya ar t ui the Delrmn uicplAtar George Blackstock, Taratot, vis- dcaeofcae tteo-fr ItdhrmteMisses Eileen and Marjrin R su Its em 2, Lat. 1, Fr. 1, Ciem. 2, and coacperation fram the Eîdens Sunda>. nîght. gn Tefnrlwsatne dcuclta h ar Mr.R .B.H.S. R IGe . greceived grants fornde ha Hotkd. her mten, Mm. R. T.Cauci and Miss Jean Cunning-XIGek1 and ail members ai the churches Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuckey, b>. a large connection af rela- tary dcta aonigL Roiin forti. hlidy.ham ef Satunda>.b>. 'plan, for (Continued tram page ane) C, N. Halubenko -Eng. C, Hist. an this circuit will be most Frankiord, visitecl ber sisten, tives and inienda. $217dnn 94 Mr ndMs.Jc Lde n Egad hreteyepctt VneroiArMui.Lat. C. Phys. C. necessary. The six-paint parish Mn. and Mns. George Joins. $4 soi-. ank Bim ac oe any- nghnd sxwceksthe>. explets, deko rt uî.P. Hoopen - Eng. 2, Hist. 1, is now comprised ai Bethany, Mn. and Mn.. Pency Preston Palîbeaners w er e: Messrs. sondJavenny, Baltire, Mr-ospènd rstineek ongpla cesand Grade- X ta Grade XI Geoni. 2, Lat. 1, Fr. 1, Genni. 1, Yelverton, Pantypool, Manvers and Miss Betty Preston, Lifiord, Blaye BagsIey, Headle> Bickhe, PevesoPoresadrf- inothen,,Mn.. C. J. Smale.. $cothand. Miss Heleil Baker, Pnize for Generai Proficiency Chem. 1. Station, Janetville and Mount also visited the Johns' an Sun- William Hane>., Bruce Upper, aticn-tcichseceho Mn. and Mn.. Jack Addlnall Toronto, la leavlng thia Satur- -James Ferguson. R. Jackson=-Eng. C, Hist. C, Hareb with Mr. Bonsteel as the day. Ray. Bickle and Kenneti Cav- sponsrdb.Gnea aosa and daughters, Laura and day b>. 'plane ta joan.tic part>.. lat Chass Honours-R. Brown, Geog. C, Lat. C, Cbcm. C, Mu- Senior resident Minister and a Mn. and Mns. Dan Lapbam cr1>.. Intenment was in Bow- Canaar smknga xesv Cherry, London, Ont., vlslted D. Cattran, Bevèni>. Cowling, sic C. junior theahogical student, who Bowmanville, visited Mn. and manvihle Cemetery. yean-on oro i.Dmn thein aunt, Mn.. Gus Baunsal. Repart of Memoniai Hospital, M. Falls. J. Fergusan, O. Hine, D. Laird - Eng. 3, 'Hist. 2, will arrive later. In the mean- Mn.. Victor Malcolm. Surviving are bis widow, Mai'- ion. h w aaindmn Bowmanvilhe, fan the. past week A. Jammen, W. Hoopen, j. Geog. 2, Geani. C, Fr. 3, Chem. time, Mn. Fred Mclndoo ai Fain-tra Magr. Jan ice, .Don xanew sioe 4radmssios an 53 is-RoseoanFairAt-2ganet aetesAiScldsrtospvieuineswt Mn. sos45amssosand Mrsdi- Don Ccx 3,*and2 mount, lay readen la assistlng. Prime Minister Louis St. Lau- ren, Gladys (Mrs. C. L. Upper),. a comatsa itr.a h ristdMn.anicD n.. K.E crment t n he stoba d pahiter2-CaaHoor .Ae-K. Locke - Eng. C, Hist. C, The change in the circuit tonm- nent: 'It lsn't the govennmeit Peterborough; Charles> Evehyn star>.a rgestnui cec changes.nd lia WtiEinStonkthDeD.aAutinChM.Bi.ds.cunitcom.ri(Mn.. eG.anF.YJamieson)roiand oHavi- eanditengineering.amieAdmissionw- an den. M.adM. W .Sa-own way, witb elgit boys And Bneth.,. CooperBrr J. ~gMcGil-Eng. C, Hist. 2, vetnand Ebenezer was made Itthetc yesofCnaa.aid l fBowmanville; also free. Mrs. M. .L. Rocnlgk week. Five major and 17 mînar Cowling, J, Fintoif, J. Fowlen, Go.2 h.2 en.3 r ,--_____ ______ _______ Werelu nineto, Nw Jrse, oenaion wee pnfomedandC. Lamb, K. Mutton, E. Osborne, Cheni. C. Wtenrnth onmaNeiagerstey, ouerationg erepcaes tmead J. McGregor-Eng. 1, Hist. 1, ettndngth mrrageofthir furemrgecycaestratd. T. Park, R. Stacey.. Geom. 1, Lat, 1, Fr. 1, Genni. 1, son, John Maybern>., an June,28. 3rd Class Honours-B. Alex- Chem. 1.___________________________________ Mm.. Glen ander RicArd tuhs tîme of year tiiene are ander, P. Barrett, J. Beckett, A. Mrl-n.CGegC end Janîce, have been spendlng manThvstoat ocaloe Begle>., E. Brown, J. Cann, N. Chern. C, Music 3. a fw dy. ithMx. BainEl-an Th Sttesanis alwa>'s Dale, R. Dillinq, B. Fisher, G. S. Mills-Eng. C, Hist. 2, Lat. lott and famil>. at Crowe Lake. gata-pera te b>. pubising Gibs M Hnn, . a Jis- 3, Fr. 2, Chem. 3, Music 2. W. are sorry ta hean that Mr. pesonal 'itms yPhnearding tus Johnson, L. Luffiman, M. Me- S. Ott-Eng. C, Hist. C, Lat. BldNicolsai iistaf a vsit, Smpi. Pion 333. ouDonald, L. Marhow, P. Mathi- C, Fr. C, Cheni. C, Music 1. SidNicol ofth stffof oycan psy your guests noflOtner son, P.' Piper, L. Snowden, J . Panas-Eng. C, Hist. C, W. Niciiol' Garage, suffered a compliment thon b>. .eeing thatTalrD.Tite.GagCem.,FrCCe. heart attack on Frida>. and 18 a pensonal Item appears in the Talor . Bie Lt. Fr.), K. C, usic C r , hm MisOshAanea Hosptal. hm on wppn Bragg (Fn.), J. Brock, C. Bruce S. Polhock-Eng. 3, Hist. 3, Ms Anra ofanand A new map ai the, Province ai (Camp., Lit.), R. Carruther3 Geoni. 3, Lat. 3, Fr. 1 Chem. 2. qVOC te~<ster Jim Hofirnan, Buning- Ontario, four t,.t b>. tiree fest, (Maths., Lat., Fr.), P. Conway, M. Prescott-Eng. ë, Hist. 1. nare visitlng their cousins, bas been purchased by.the Bow- J. Cornish. B. Eldridge (Maths.), E. Prower-Eng. 1, Hist. 1, godependon mn ff RCSPLSPRO Mines Heathen and Jennîfer manville Public Libran>. and is E. Faire>. (Fn.), F. Goddard, B.Geom. 2, Lat. 1, Fr. 1,Germ. 1, Dru St,?CMPTIVLEs PR DCE PUS ERSONLFERIC Jams nd aserGeoin>.available at the, Library for Graham, K. Graham (Maths., Chem. 1. CSPCIL FEDAeADSAURA Mn. Clive Clark, necentl>. an- shows ahl hlgbwaya and gives Lynia, G. Marlow (Lat., Fr.), C. Lat. C Fr. C, Ciien. C, Music C. r-hed tram German>., and Capt. ather important Information. It Milne (Maths., Lat.), B. Mutton, H. ititter - Eng. C, Hist. C, . fJ MeNiese and Mrs. McNiese, ia printed an tie #cahe .ao 10 June Mutton, C. Phillips, D. Alg. 1, Geoni. C, Fr. C,- Cheni. t!eamp Borden, wene weekend miles ta the inch. Pickering (Lat.), A. Quinn.>. C, Music 3.M Mod.lasts fromn Bowmnanville bave M. Smaie, B. VanNest (Maths., C. Geog. C, Chcm. C, Music 2. PEROXI Several former tniends fromn placed Ia races held during ne- Lt) .Vnrck (ah. P. Smitb-Hist. C. PR XD the Dept. of National Revenue gattas at Port Penn>. and Tren- Lat., Fr.), M. Walken (Lat., Fr.), N. Smythe-Eng. C, Hist. C..S.&C a lt19 visit ta Mrs. Ina MacNaughton toak tire, seconds and %ne' Credit i. given ta the foliow- Lat. 2, Fr. 3, Chern. ë. PiE A B,.C Tbes * 9 recenti>. ta iehp lber ceebrate third in tue AZ Cia.. at Port lng students in subjecta listed: Geog. 2, Ahg. C, Geoni. C, Cheni. FGT O T E ber birtiiday. Penny on Sunda>. and Gardon J. Mason - Hist. IX Maths., 3, Art 3. ( ~ J~~ 3 Cars, owned b>. Gary Pettit, Kllpatrick placed third in the Geag., Music; A. Ooms - IX J. Stainton -Eng. C, Hist. C, Casara aSC o *'l'e 33 IR. R. 3, Bowmanvlhle, and Da- AH Chas, at Trenton on Dom- Maths., Art Music; D. Fonder - Geog. C. Geam. C, Fn. C, Chena. DiestveKoni anADld lxatve iO'jneg 3 vid Strang, Pantypool, wcee iin Day. IX Mathis., iX Fr.; 'A. Periect - 3. j-Dgsietncadml aaiv 01,rg 9 considerabi>. damaged ia n a c- l.Mne eishi- IX Maths., IX Fn.; M. Richards R. Stocker - Hist. 2, Fr. 3, cident an King St. E. late hast Mid t uiefatlevoldsHa ouse, IX Lit.; P. Robson -Science; Cbem. 3, Art 1. ,.--, Fnida. eveing.Jackson's Point, Lake Smce M. Snowden-French; R. Vivian L. Trimble-Eng. C, Hist. C, C I ra ~ Haylng ia Durhami Count>. Iu for tue aummen montha. Miss -Geog. IX Fn.; G. Wra>-Hist., Geag. 3, Chern. C, Art 1. Eey oadTetia on arg 9 nepoted as pnogneasing witu a Margaret Reynolds la at Digby Gcog., IX Fr.,; Science; Joan R. Tunner-Eng. 2, Hist. 2, SEILLWPC OFI veyHoadTatil-1punjreg89 betten than average cnop. Grain Pines Hotel Dlgby, Nova Scotia, Mutton-Ant. Geom. 2, Lat. 2, Fr. 2, Chem. 3, PCALO.RIEOFI generally la continulng ta make! wbene sic la empîoyed as pla>.- Grade XI To Grade Xii Music 2. i good gnowtu. Carna ter a slow gnound ou rio o ihldy Prize for General Pnaîiciency M. Warrack-Eng. C, Hist. C, ',.oîwo...ra S a 2 ' for 23C start, le beginnlng ta came along season. oti refo the Idaies-leyotr Geog. C, Geom. C, Cheni. C, N OW!a»% p ol ram S a wellofaiMn. and Mns. W. B. Reynolds, . i h 1Cant Art 1 Honourable Antonio V. Acosta, Centre St. . Fgst lson . es, . CMat- 11. Webben-Eng. 2, Hist. 3, $ih10*mmmIDA nn ihLnhn-Rg / District Judge ai Puerto mcaC onrtlaIn aMn a. cherA. ort .er. , .Mi-Gcom. 3, Lat. 1, Fn. 1, Cheni. 2. 61110ett lueCA ha. joined his wlte and daugbters Lycett, sdn ai Mn. and Mn.. Wm. 2n ha.Hoon -i. .- R.Wlkn -EglCaia.C Floor Wax * - - 39c mm n~ ta spend tic monti ai Jul>. witii Lycett, and Duncan hlpsso 2nCasHnur- tAý- Alg. C, Chem. C, Music C. ly w,. sti1 Mn. cotas iser, is Vvin f M..F.Phhlps snton, W. Brunt, J. Gibsan, N. Commercial Results Wpne I.D.A. Easl-Gloss Paste Wax a 1 lb., reg. 53e Bunnen a' ites Ms ive o r and Mn. unelF.m S.o Phihlipa, Haniuin, P. Morrîll, M. Richards, (Senior Commercial) an. n r. uilSm Bowmanvilhe,wh have been M. Vancoe, H. Webben. Pnize fan General Proficiency Mr. and Mn.. Erie Coombes, itosucet safu of ealexamina-;P.3rd Clasm Honoun-1. Axiord, i-Anlene Rosevean. rm ilk fM gn"Ta lt 2 c 9 daugbtens Gwen and CoenBin togoeHlTrno ' agnell, E. Buma, E. Burgess, Bank of Montreal Cun forMi1ofM ge aTa et I,5ci.,,.n. Brontewen hliday vsitons and Mm ..CPedwehl, new- Mr. SCoveni>., D. Dilling, R. Faine>., Specd and Accunacy in Typing nel 100's and 300'& a Reg. 39c and 89e dahm.s 13rotewer holdayvistor andMrs H.C. Pdwel, ew-D. Leask, D. Mooncraft (Lat.), -Bruce Cale. u20 eu with her parents, Mn. and Mn.. castle, who was suecessful i F. Westheuser, I. Yunko. Bank ai Commerce Pnize in Che.rence H all. The gils are ne- second,>.ean lew examinations et1 Pass-R. Banner (Ar.). J. Bookkeep)ing'-Renneth Kelly. __Ol e 01 -- 29 ai tein obl , R. N r Blue B. Comn Psaters 3i Chu rchtives at luncheon, at the home C. D'iling M. Dobsn, T. God- BMr. Noranatiol s pr-h aîauu ced . - M:nnenQuisanao 65: PW 4UE.. b3oeu Ministen: Baltimore. Rev. D. J. Lute, for- P. Hooper, R. Jackson, D. Laird, Lowes. Fiu..ns. j sinFotAheie 5 Ite. T A.MoranBA. ter at Betiesda and his appra- McG ne g or, S. Mihs, S. and famil>. spent tue weekend Fte- -~" c mu priate message wus weUl receiv- Ott W.Pans, . Pollock, M. at thieJx cottage near Burniv-a ~ " ed by tic large cangregation on Prescott, E. Prower, M. Re>.- er. E 1reserving ~- v- Sunda>.. . nolds, H. Rîtten, R. Ramnbough, Mns. Editu Hendens, Telven- E N O aies C p IN SR IE îWord bas Juat reachd u ofP. mit, SyteM.Spceton, is visitîng MB.EmmaCava Capsie I N SR IE tepasalng an Jaune 15, 1954, of J. Stace>., J. Steinton, R. Stock- noMr.Ema aa- PEASANTfSpi' i.en N lion F. Chapin ln* St. Luke's er, L. Tnimble, R. Turner, M. Mlra. Isabel Fallia, wio bas Salberling - fte, 79e, 8e _ý IH S.'A LS ;oiaNew York City., wio Warnack, H. Webber. spent tic winter lu Taranto bas YATN; Certe oladAui 27e .9 ~ £*- 0 iived .'at 28 1421st Ave., Long Credits are as follows, returned ta ber home bene. vuX O. *ult 1.- -Ialand City 5, N. Y. Altbough B. Allison-Eng. C, Hist. C, Guests wltu ber for the week- - Jar Rings, red - 12 for 9o___BoxJ Il ar. .-Mr. Chapin had a heant condi- Lat. C, Fr. C, Cieni. C. end wenc Mn. and Mn.. William Parowax, 1 Pound - 16e aa.utnd . JONIOS-*125 REM uOur Oreat CemlssOR tion for nome time the end camne T. Annis - Eng. C, Hist. 3, Dixon, Mrs. W. Raine, Taranto; *0 sudideniy. Mr. Chapin waa with Geom. C, Fr. C, Chem. C. , Mn.. Rasa Downie and Sandra, No EVENI[NO sERVICE 'tic Union Carbide and Cambon K. Brooks - Eng.2, Hist. 1, Raeboro.R SC I1O ( A SP ILT Camp., New York, for 37 ycars. Geog. 1, Geom. 1, F. 2, Chern. Mr. and Mo. ER>. Stinson and A S ET Senvie« were iield In Trinit>. 1, Music i. tamil>.. Osbawa, with Mr. and -Baptlat Cbuncb, New York City. B. Carutiers-Eng. C, Hist. Mr,. Pere>. Menthe. and at Mlnadale, NY., 'Wiee ie 3, Geag. C, Lat. 3, Fr. C, Ciem. William Hancôck, Orano, la Mr. D. C... ..mL.T.C.M. wau buried in the~ famil>. plat. 2. visiting Mn. and Mn,. George & j e.e0 Surviving are uie wife. tue fan- A. Carsn-Eng. C, Hiat. C, Weddell.D ph>llî. Chala BBmtt, b i& sister eud brother-in-law, H. Carson - Eng. C, Rust. C, Mm.. Ernest Stace>. wen, Mn. A.T.C.M., Onganiat Dm. and Mrs. Royal Paxton, Buf- Geog..C. Pr. C, Ciem. C, Music and Mn.. Charles Cutts and We DeJive Your Local LD.A Dru StorePon 79 falo, NY., and a niece, Mrs. G. C. tanail>., Kitchener; Mn. and Mrs. I. Pnld, Surr-ey, NJL I& Col.-Eng. C# Rist 3, Leonard Merrick and taznily, qui JuLir am, M4ý