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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jul 1954, p. 14

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PAGE TouT"tE TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN, R0WMANVTLILZ ONTAMO * THURSDAY. JULY 29th, Turn Page for Articles For Saile Articles For Sale f Notices Real Estcrte For Sale Real Estarte For Salej Work Wanted jLvsokFrSl A. diiona Cassfie cntspoud.Phoe 294.301 sove i exellntcondition, be closed for holidays from ueon highwy. lacstok 8 r 2. I ommîng a $70. HlC l s s fi di g n e e le ctn , 3 g2thD . t u g s t 3 r d . 2s2off___ _______ ________ __30ll* F o u r roo r unA n ew b un g alo w , 1 K ro lew sk i, R .R . 3, B o w m an v ille . l P h n 23 830 ___ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ _ Wpiece chesterf- - site 7. E., Bo wn lle . Phne 38.inFOUR-troom fram.houe , modae at, wal u bo r s, ho O shwM- 0 5 0 1 1 Y U G T m o of mi ed gai.dO o rsuifoo srte, c sle wlSbtcoed fr m posesi n Oc. s. ho e 361 i do , ot f up o rd, nGTPhbotirnHe- ees4P on3esier BIRTHS cheap. Phone 919, 30-1* 30-1 Quinney's Barber Shop, New- psesbuOc st hngalo31w, hard oso f ad uepbaditrDARLNTNAati ap B IG G S - M r. and M rs. Jim B iggs 1P hone B lackstock 74 r 3. 30-1 sander or a floor polisher fr M A g s t o A g s 6 h. 3 - f e . ..2- 2 1e O nae d $7,000.00. on, or cut3243. n3 ho e la ks oc , 0 1 are happy to announe thZ a- Lide Hdwae 7 KingSt.E.ofice FOUR-roomed brick bungalow in Oshawa, new o fr ae , ose 34i 2tf P B REinls okhr anrawr, îg.~ Dr. H. B. Rundîe's ofiewill with bath, hardwood, early pos-insulated, upoit sfume, bredUSgiMts available, lsotwean, rival on July 26 of their daugh- 800 BALES good hay. Phone Bowmanville. Phone 774. 30-1 b lsdfo uutsarne.Apydcrtd omw e-Ni ecle Elaine and Dianne. 30-1: D Y dese in - -satin, . September 6th, inclusive. 29-3 86 Scugog St. 30-1* rooms, room s arg, $8ith 030bed Joni M etafoP onr49 rton,.OPonoe142r79. 30-3 'DYdesdpn x cnln, RgBroadloom __170_________ac___reomyara ig$,500.JhnMro. hn 27b3-iarn,_____________ Dr. Rudell's office will be NEW bouse, completely finished, i170 acr edm tblegood barnGL-____26___s ne MARTYN-Bob and Lorraine also inch lumber. Phone Black- SAVE 50%. New Rugs Made closed from July 17 te August 4 rooms, bath, immediate po- ooe house in good condition, work, baker and confectioner,Auio Sie 1 Martyn <nee McFarlane) are. stock 84J. 30-1* from Your OId Rugs, Carpets, 3rd. 28-3 session, reasonable down pay- electricity thmoughout, g o o d!' anything else considemed. ApplySae their daughter, Donna Marie,CASE threshing machine, 22x38, Woollens, etc. ment. Apply 37 Lambs Lane, creek, 35 acres woods, school and1 101 King St. W. 30-1* Dra CmuntAut 8 bs., 5 oz., on July 12, at Mem-I on steel, price $250. Phone 2637. BLANKETS ALSO MADE PrsBeuy Salon will be Bowmanville. 28-3 churh12ml. nrfrei Orono0 orial Hospital, Bowmanville. 30-11 PHONE 3446 - BOWMANVILLE cloed fom August 1 to Aug- cu ereon mile. Owner fore LANDSCAPE and gardens'taken at7TpIn ON3lodbaycrng,1ok 29-tf __________15.___ 28-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE torieonacutopor care of. Harry Van Belle, 181 -- Properties Sold. Rented, healtb. Mill Lane. Telephone 757, Bow- Teudrs1eucine OELodbb araelokDr trysofc il e100 acre famm near Port Penny, by pubic aucion o V I V A N - i l i a n d D o r t h y V i-nn a rlDlieon w.yh onV3 2 1 . D R A E R ISra dy n e t a n b li dser. t o ryh oo f i c e wi3 2b e1 .n gD Ra n dAER I E Sd t woas idr o m e d b o s esio n ' m n v i l e .S t anaehpytanonete30-1* custom made, or draperies sold closed, June 23md to August 2. L.M LIOcopely mdridwthBLDZNGadxav S aarrapof tersnonaldtheby the yard. Our representative 23-8* Ra saeBoe ah uncec;bgseligauna Charles, at Memorial Hospital, ELECTRIC washing machine, will eall at your home any time Paîme's Barerhehp willberPhne 256 - Necastle Onh( Pame' BrbrShp il ePhne266- diving shed, cement siO, gravel and loam and fuI. Ger-eatoEniilnad 2ml Bowmanville, July 24th. 30-1* good working order, $15. Apply iwitb a complete range of samples closed for holidays, Augus 1 to T o~1csnrh 0 rfi a aae od fne, 5 I asn a pon. Phone a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43 Q u e e n S t. P h o n e 70 9. 3 0-1 * a n d su g g estio n s w ith o u t o b lig a - 4 in clu siv e , a n d w ill r e -o p e n o n s g a , N w a t e a cres w o o d s, b a la n ce w o rk a b le . 2 733 . 2 8-7 * * o h o p e e l s f a tc- -tion. Fmee estimates and free in- Thursday, August 5th. 29-2 sga,1Nwate 20-tf Near public and hîgb schools,; i ENGAG MENTS TWO or tbmee quarters of beef, stallation within 35-mile area. one mile fmom town. Easy aor Cntuto ENGAGEMENTS__________ 75 to 90 lbs. each. C. W. Downey, Lowest pnices in town. Fabrîc Dr. C. J. Austin's office will Massaiotrns.Y I hae reciuedions Mr. and Ms. James Kane an- Bowmanville. 30-1* Town, 59 King St. W Phone bie closed for holidays from Pe ""'ll Real sfi " instosruet trmBRC -BOC -CNCEE e nounce the engagement of their T R O ptte,7 b as 3609, Bowmanville. 8-tf August lst to September 6th, cottages and businesses for sale. Fre Estimates of M.Ja.H Dynr. n e I ONAI inclusive. 3- am n l ohrpoete, ME. eFreerke daugbter, Noreen Florence, to delivered in Bowmnanville. Phone DUCTALLOY pîow points, guar- 3-1Famsan aOnthrariorie, Sk, Boe RS9ilaeofN9oniîeNnto M . and Mrs. D. King. The 2473. 31-tf anteed nt to break, for most The offices of Strike & Strike buaess t. o sl 5 Otmo Son e 99A t E1 o3 2H1wa, Strd y J ra k ,e w, 7x14, $ 5 9 0 0;in ts. H ey w eelot e th d f A g o ath u m . sB o k r B w a n il e 30 -1 P H O N E - 2 6 4 3 o r 3375 1 l t a : O r ~ . . . . n marmiage will take place in St. FLOWERS-Gladiolus, $1 per ak, e al s$pot.00; ay welbe clayodfmom uTh e uryH. PedxTe1 ________________ al fumo John's Church on August 28 at dozen, free dlivery to te hos- dump traler, 7x9x3 platform day, the 2st day of August, in- NewtasitureodishesS NardNnREtools, somW 3:30 p.m.____ __ 30-l'* pital, daily. Willow Acres. Tele- adrcs ol s ihcm lsv.3- AEMNYA The engagement is announced phn 25-.- ___f bine; Otacd wagon, new, equîp- 25-tf 5-room frame cottage, 2 sun teE of Patricia Jan, daughter of TWO Massey-Haris binders in ped with 15-inch tires and roller DA E 1Wbile Dr. Witzel is on bol- porches, 3-piece bath, garage,1 . V Saren m odatqe.N e Mrs. Cole and the late Arthur good condition, one 6-ft eut, one bearings, complete $139.00, steel days from July 18th to August CARSON REAL ESTATE built in cupboads, electric stove, serv.Trscsh .Kmat Cole to ona d Pa l, s n o Mn. 7-f. eu . Ph ne ewca tle stone boat, one left, at $20.00. 3rd, D r. E. D .. H ubbard w ill take $4,350 full price, new bung- som e fu niture, storm doors and S H O ER E P A I R c er . L o d C s al . a ti n and Mrs. Verne Leavitt, Osha- 2146. 3- Phone Frank Hoskin, Blackstock charge of his office with the alows, Courtice vicinity. sreens, $4,000. Termis. ieer.Poe5R 3 lre wa. The wedding will ae3- 2. 30_1 samne office ous. 27-4 $5,000 fult price, ternis, well Frame 8-room house, 3 bed- SKATES SHARPENED _____ Fre-Wtbeac $.0 .kept two-storey home, garage, roims, 3-piece bath, heavy wir- 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (4n rear) plc nS.GeoysCuc 0L.blso idrtiea reWt ah$.gasolîne sml ris ec rn. ing, furnished, garage, large lot, 4-fFrRn at Il o'clock, August 21, 1954. $8.00 a bale. S. S. Morton & D ITýsaeor$,0 oaep wrk $,0fuispetc. trs7roomgod aw, 5,0 Tmm. m 30-1' Son, New Holland Dealer. Phone DO VflTORSELF aeo 50 nr'Tt' 600fl rc, ens -omgo an,$,0.Tri.I- - ______________________2279. 30-1 (cash),onti.cet.on 1954te- i sotid brick, town. central, val- mediate possession. Summer Months are APATETfi et dis DE T SSV o ubr irc rmT uable lot inctuded. 5-room frame bouse, beavy Most Economical for Appy3DueSet. 0- SAE n ume, irctfomT LEmade August 27, 1954. F. S. $6,000 fuît price, termis, two- wiring, basement, garage, 1/4 acre GERA MANR ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ mii t yo . P ilips Lum erAll n & So s, .R. 3, Bow an storey solid brick, attached b rik of land, $6,000, ter s. Immed-1 AND CEM EINT W ORK COBBLEDICK-Suddenly, at theCoKnut O.Phe residence, on Tursday, July 22, 17r1. 13-tf Expert instructions supplied miles west on No. 2 Highway. $7,000 fuît pice, term,ne 6-room solid brick, bath, il For prompt attention cal 3226 TREroe prmn n 15-tf frame bungalow, four roomsan furnace, ardwood f os, base- Free Estimates TH ro . A py Bx 21 c/ 1 9 5 4, J u i t L n n o b bM . t e d dic S cP P o X i M A e L yhr i ,2 0 0s r un eS O M F O O S L A DI w is h to a n n o u n c e th a t I h a v e b a th , m o d e r n in ý v e y r e s p e c t , m e n t , v e r a n d a s , s to r m d o o r s a n d L . T U R N E R h e a a i n S a e m n3 - Mr.El r .C b ldc ,RR h n r n od my shame in the firmi of. See this one. windows, gar'age, $7,000. PO. Box 177 Bowmanville ____56_R_14,________H._G.______Bothwell & Cole to E. A. "Sam- $9,500, fuit pnîce, 11'/2 stomey 6-moom brick home, living, 29-tf SI]-omdbueu oia FuNewalebae 21Bowmnill, ONE McCrmc De 3n0-1t*hoe292 Bomn i y" Cole, I hope that you wiîî 6-room frame bouse, bot water, dining room, modemn kitchen 32 1 ouneSrdCa, Juy 2that iONEr, orost & Wood 7 -ft. _______________offer him the same patronage bath, well located in town. bedrooms, furnace, garage, gar- PITTr onSauda, uy 4hat2bidron rot& oo -f.28-tf and wetcome as you bave given Many other homes, farns, den, many extras. Priced te BULLDOZING<t and _____________0 Cemetery. 30-1 30-1' $10 -$20-$30-$40-$50-$60-$70 past years. businesses that are p iced to se l.i U R I H D e r m kic n P- -REni-nBwan NVU Norm Botbwell. Chas. D. Rankine bath, basement, heavy wiring, X V TIGoc PIKADEmaInBoma-1 EAIN idsevie tstngO YUR301 Phone Bowmanvile 2762 insulated, garden, small fruit, TRENCHING and LOADING . ville, Monday, July 26, 95 ervice and complete stoc~k of -30.1mgarage exrançe $5,500-mternsoiF Ema eaoc elve w atteries and cords at Higgon e- lN 1TIT1u ~n ewcastt7-romslid FARM bouse, 9 rooms, insul EmaBecck elvd ie f1-s t uombleIsuace RN S K A P REAL ESTATE FOR SALE brick, 4-peebtfmae - FreeEstiniates Given- wate.PoeCare23.3- Albert W. Pickard and deof Electnie Limited, 38 King St. E., We have for Others . E. -IAJ.U godblth, y TtaceT TWO mohe f aioear. .R omnil.Poe48 0 New six-roomed brick veneer garageglt, many xWas m o t h r o M a i o n M r s ~ . R . B w m a v i l e . h o n e 4 3 8 2 0 t f W y N t Y u ? A T O R E C E R S b u n g a l o w , h a r d w o o d f l o o r s , 4 - i 3 0 d a y s ' p o s s e s s i o n , $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 .W M. * T R . 1rIo oPs g o u d l o î , a v i t James), Lorraine (Mrs. Louis' T O Pan pry g nshomyoExr hag o Cars UsedO R CK R piece bath, modern kitchen, Termis. PQRT PERRY R. R. 2 reaso al et A py Bx! Dewell), Evelyn (Mrs. Jack pressor, motor, two hoses, ex- in Business, or if you have P NE 76 B MA V L E nt fin b ld , f rae, laundyoames Nixo, Brke r PHONES., Res. 109r42, Office 392 c/o C n da tts a. . Dunn), and Howard of Bowman- tension cord, complete. Gary Drivers UJnder 25 Years of Age 24-Jnfrictagrgegod HwrPhlSesn ville, and Jim of Toronto, in l ennn hn 24 atr6 i yu aml)us ________Pone_ 143_____6____ urTowingfce 5KigSt_.__l71 P 79th year. Rested at Northcutt p.m.or aiy g ,,in.$25000 ens Smih Fneal ome M. 24-tf N xr rmu o are We have New four-roomed bungalow; Res. 682 or 2620 Local and Long Distance Mani prmns omn Division SreBwavle BEETS, _ carrots, apples, to- Men 'Under 25 Years New and Used Partsisulatoebting, cupboawrdsg, M O V I N G _____ SriewshlinTiiymatoes, '-potatoes, cherries, ber- 1lflJu Pigraei$,50.0 United Church, Wdnesday, Juy ries. fresh daily. Corn next nTP TTJIT OPEN 24 HOURS 1 Termis. - euwellRa Efu Licensed and Fuly Insured FOIRroe prmn t 28, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bow- week. Shaw's Manket, KurvN We Buy Al Makes and Models Income home, solid brick, four $27,500-. 140 acres, new bank Also gcul rfme, ApyI mnanville Cemetery. 30-1 Inn Corner. 30-1* INSURANCE AGENCY CARS AND TRUCKS sefc nan d a at ens nb m, w tr bo lG N R L T U K NGB asa tl01 SA D RC C - A T r nt N Ci pe om i e ih o- Newcastle Phon o 3671 Num ber changed fro mn 2916 to good condition, eavy wiing, p e s r y t m e SADECCK-AtTrotoOE lpprcobiewihmo-three garages, close to school andmetanyrdne P.C.V. Class "C", "F" and "HFmoe cn or, 6'M.-H bider,1 8 M.-. Oposie C-op oldStorgPressubrnsyatem, e- Generat Hospital, on Friday, bor, 1 M.H.C.binder 18'M.H. OposteCoop0o_ S 1rg756 Private jLne shopping centre, $9,000.00. Termis. implement shed . ingContact iveniecs ossinAg 5 Ju ly 23rd, 1954, Alice Mary. in goo condition; new and used 30-t More ouses, apartment ous- erected, large brick r nRe as n be mnt&pl o Hugyhson, aged 75 years. Belov- trcos.MseyHris 8oKn s and businesses for sale. bouse complote with att Pesfn T rnr 20 trafeo swl anec ct E.Phoey-Ha1.u 0-1 King ngSupplies C'-iww E TSMrs. A. P. Jansen modemn conveniences,ima ( . .2 r n) an e r m t -f r9-11Duke St. Phone 3309 4-piece bath, oiù heat- Phone 2493 BowmanvlIe _ _ _ er of Edwin. Mrs. Sandercock VENETIAN BLINDS - Stock COTTAGES CABINS Dance at Solina Hall on Fi- Bowmanville ing, schoot close, on No. 2-tdon. i rested at the Morris Funemal sizes, white or eggshell siatsLocaartgentfors2lf-contained. beat-pa Çhapel, Bowmanville. Service 1 plastic or clotb matching tapes. MOTELS -HOMES day, August 6th. Reed's orch- ocalF. getRfor -2 Hodityt heistrmA was held in Orono Unted Made - te - measure blinds a Toiets - Basins - Bathtubs estra. Admission, gentlemen 75c, 30-1 particular buyem as it [.V.IIAM Y) CLE .L, Chumch on Monday, July 26, at specialty; free installation; 28 Showers - Sinks ladies 50c. 30-2 JoIhn .D h Real ETor housuit rthg eamst EÇ II ~ II1,n 2:30 p.m. Intemment Orono tape and slat colons. Morris Co. Pesr ytm Newcastje Mechants BaIl Club D0 e ITHREA1 ml eTATE onable terms. TT-in n Hain P Cemetery. 30-1 Phone 480. 10-tf uPreuSstms Sports Day and Carnival, Mon- a 20hawro 0 acres $9a00r20,are,4 mite fromEN FO apartmnhrwo los day, August 2nd. Sports events hgwaweroi0 ceg$900-20a, res tme hoffAETFOsPCOUeorromha ONE used Massey-Harris Clip- Copper and Galvanized atteNwatî alPr, rkable, 30 acres wood, ne- higwyfam oue WOté N w atl al P rman e atr, re, w llarge barns, a godM or-Sun hcavy i nig rvt nrne Cards of Than.ks per combine, No. 50, motor-driv- Pipe and Fittings, etc. Carnival in the evening at tjie with L-shaped akrnm, dwithilstacke amboseri The Furnace with the cetra oain1oseso tg en new grdaneevorsbinew.7 "ýYOU PAY NO FREIGHT" Community Hall grounds. 30-1 i- bd; d ak arildiv tock fama hows n1-oagarne wish to thank my friends, 1. ew rne u e ase obine TOP-.'1 hed hoüse, 9ust 1. Phono L. D. Goddard, 554.rante neghbours and relatives for1 Jeoffroy chiset plows. S. S. Write for free catalogue McCrea's ýDecoration Day batroom, water Pressure, furn- $7,0020xcranes, 6Ontri . Phon347 their cards, fruit and flowers, Morton & Son. Phone 2279,.evc ilb edSnaae hydro throughout. Pnice10ace OMNIL Dr. Slem on, nurses and staff of 30-1 August st, at 3 p.m . Rev. Bon- $ 2000acrefrnis and loam 125 bus a d astu e f im 1 D ~o s k e e o Memorial Hospital, duing my - S.V.OHNSON steel, Bethany, will speak, assist- 20ar rm, sny la,15bs n tr, fiBohi &Iol D, stay. Ed i O mson in e I eG up ed by M. A. H. Monk. Specia1 acres workable, 50 acres wood, buildings, $2000, cash. (Formerly 30-tfweltwo&aCules M a c h i e m t sic w t b b e l s t c a y e m .$ 7 5 0 - 2 0 a cre s, 1a re s j .e 6 O t ri t P o o 3 473 i e l pv v i . w : Edwi Ormsto. 'Sc music4O by Mr. Harry Prestn. creek, wetls, good fences, 90x35 $ 5,000- 0arsfa1bos,,3658. 30-* t.bak brnwih tee sanh-Hydro, watem, tele- NWi H TIME TO stancne ionshoweat52 Have us look afle yu on toacofralmdm on My most sincere tbanks to M FOR SERVICE- PHONE Open Wed. and Fmi. Evenings Bowmanville Lions Club Carn- down, or arranged. R.R. , PhonocarieGardoni friends, relatives and neighb .uwmnvii tili 9:30 p.m. ival, Friday, August 6tb. High Tbree acres land on highway haif cash. P1 Port Hope. fo h lwr n ad etti Bwmnvl 3649 27-4 School grounds, featuring Ait- at Orono * I-I.II*V*ronied lui. for an th e l w m and ca urdswî h tb ee r o m d 4 ,0 0 0- N ew nsu l-b mck ouse,Hi I for me during my stay in the 14-tfStrfsbl game with the cabin; bas creek, Wetl, bydro, mos nIar fvnecs pl mn ole hospital and since v nanng New National Torches from the garage. Pnice $2.750. Termis. land, in Hampton. $500 AN E TN ducato o ok nlcldu home. Aileen Turner. Keiys Cul fouruer INTERNATIONAL for 1954 Buiek and many other1 workable, 105 acres of wood, 2 $ 650 New5 room huei re siae articua( _0If 1by new. modemn machines attactons.2u-1ewlinsmto 199, rThee 3 automaticaljl,, while you wait, at HARVESTER atrcin.2-4 wae osesma ydremn, rougoutc Bowmanvuîîe, with alI 10% DOWN - 2 Years to Pay C~ainSaemn frindsnd iegbbnsfr~ Mson& Dle EFIGEATTSennal ervi ationadgarage. Pnice $7,000.Terms iodern conveniences. ON NEW INSTALLATIONS RAWLEG uiesnwoe flowers, and their kindness HARDWARE 10.3 ceu. ft., reg. $499 Ceeeywt ehl nSn age, wth creek, 4-storey chick- aPsoncity1gnocery. day, August 8th, at 2:30 p.m. en barri, with running water, $ 10,000- 10 room furnishedIniy sbown to us in the loss of our 36 King S t. E. Bowmanville The Bowmanvuîîe Branch of the self-feeders, brooder stoves, mer hotel on Lake On- 1 <TA:P aleg-sDp.--4-19 dear brother and uncle, the late Phono 408 21-tf On/ly $33 Salvation Army will be in garage, drivingb shed, 9 roomed tan io, Bowmn îeIRaw A1L.LLg~ ig2- W lnd ca. Bugn82 cu. ft.,meg. 34 charge of the service, unden the frame bouse with batbroom, This is a money mak- 24-tf MnraP Q A ea n d a l p h B o g h nU s e u d i r e c t i é n o f L i e u t e n a n t H a m .( , 2 w a t e r p r e s s u r e s y s t e m , f u r n a c e , o n a n d c a r i b e bo o u h t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A A K r t s o u b a Uà« ..wnie nd hi h- j u l o ui urnace; oneo f e orn oo , N ewcastle h n A T D L v p u t y o s A C HR P I IG1o r, 4 O k o n o d wietey last, immediate de- coal funace. Both on same 301at ILpu -goe A C very. Ba red Roc , Non-se ed, - - feathers, feather tieks, raTo ont Osaw 5 5 9 2.Ha lo Ac e 135, pullets $1.3.95, White No. 2-Courtice, four rooms, O ..pportu flity furs and deerskins. Phono 3-2043 M A R R ' LA YSlahrh nbg o -at Rock, Ligbt Sussex, Ligbt Sussex modemn in eveny respect, ou OshawRaR coilootS46-tf tainingblue wallet with abot DMIIO Atoob grsos- PE.WELLEnd sx f g. 100 $1.e.n itre,(oidn- B rgain Prices $13.95, puilets $15.95, assorted Duties ta begun upon accept-, iation -Canada's Most Progsaes W s o 3 uE46 er yea b r e d $ . 0 & u n r d e s a n e o f c o t r c . J E S .W E L L Eo n e W e sta n B c h o C v i H l d a S . i v e M o o r C l u b " w e e k-e sn d.e sM u stlb ey a bse to 4 3aK i ification). Fne lePayl tAsrtdhay re o Fi d rp7a5c6l. ss ro h a y br e okerels Interested pe sons m ay see representative in this district.25,000 SCOT H PINE 21-t 75.30-1' 1195 per hundred. Turkeys - these shools by contacting: brusckes ealth an c for 25,00_SCOT H___N Fai qinef Boznnsxd6c es7c .J. Hobbs, Sec'y-Tmeas., cidentebenefits,ipensionenplan 21 fagor)odma, wavloo Ro m o toms 49c, assorted breeds 05c per South Dàmington Scbool andothe secnit andbeneitsiint Roonacind oardand Aufoinotive Pout less. Two week ad tur- Ae, Enniskilen, Ontario.J for the conscientious salesman. Apply oACasrcofd i rpishl keble fornegennleman. aPhonoed484.e'sowGarage T29r. Pagereforwoditioe ompobuindingsPaiff anyoin PRIVATE roomn and board avail- 134 King st, E. Bou-manviî brceds .89c. Shîpped C.O.D.1 To whom also aIl applications, tban past experience. WiteiONT drB$irI2 CanaGaSagesman, 30-2 ablefor entlman.Phone 8.Po 689 vile 1r%-edie Chick Haîchemues Lîm-: shouîd be mailed or given. strict confidence ta Box 196, c/o PONTYPOOL OT 3 Q i i t d F e ggo r i .3 0.j - 1 C a n a d i a n S t a t e s m a n . 3 0 - 2 2 3 - t f î e do ia n 1 7

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