t4te~man "Durham County's GIreat Family Journal" VOLUME 100 BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARJO, THURSDAY, JULY 29th, 1954' 10e PER COPYNUER3 I Lions Give Boost IJTo Bruce Semple Lion Bruce Semple was gîven a '"boost' at the meeting of the Bowmanville Lions Club Mon- day night by Lion Joe Cooper. He-was born and educated in Toronto, Mr. Cooper stated, and following his graduation fromn high school joined the firm 0of Canada Packers there. He serv- ed in various capacities with the firm and was made a salesman in 1949. In 1950 he came to Bowmanville to live and ini 1952 purcbased a home here. Mr. Semple joined the Bow- manville Lions Club in 1951. and has had 100 per cent at- tendance the last three years. Last year be served as Chair- man of the Special Activities Committee and did a very fille job in handling the auction held by the club. He bas been nam- ed as chairman of the same committee for the current year. Local Girls Receive Hospital Treatment ,After Car Crash Keeping Cool at Memorial Park A sure way to beat the heat has been found by two lucky Bowmanville youngsters shown above. They are spending these hot, muggy days keeping cool in the pool - the Lions wading pool at Memorial Park. At the left is Glenna Park, six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Park, 7 Anne St. and at the rîgbt, C'âro1yn Stacey, 8, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stacey, 26 Orchard View Blvd. There are plenty of older Bowmanville citizens who would have been only too glad to trade places with these youngsters on some of the hotter days recently. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Thr~~ pe, r* iAil Aboard For Il ilND q6 9 %% "%J ifif fi ooy bcout camp Local Robbery Case Held at Lakefield Bowmanville Boy Scouts anc Cubs, Il years old by the end y f this year, are looking forward 4?emanded in Custody to Boy Scout Camp to be held atLake Katcbawanooka, near Walter Polley, Ronald Trim- peared at his farm and %sked Lakefield. from August 7 to 14. ble and George Roberts of Bow- about tobacco farms in tbt. -dis- Troop Leader R. L. "Bob" \laanville pleaded guilty in Bow- trict. He then asked for a à, ,nk Evans will be the camp leader I»anville Police Court Tuesday of water, and when the agced and Doug Bryant will be the Wtorning to charges of robbing farmer gave it to him, remark- camp cook. The fee will be $12 P'atrick White, 66-year-old far- ed it was "nice, cool water". for each boy attending, includ- Oiýer froma Darlington Townsbip When be bent over the pump ing transportation costs. Appli- of $280 the morning of July 16 again to prime it, Mr. White cation forms may be obtained by using personal violence on stated, be was hit twice on the fnom Mr. Evans and these sbould him. head. "'I got numb across the be filled out and turned in to After hearing evidence in the top of the bead. I was dazed him along with the fee, as soon case, Magistrate R. Ivor Moore and I staggered back to the' as possible. of Lindsay nemanded the trio corner of the bouse," he stated. A good program of Boy Scout in custody to Cobourg for sen- Mr. White said be saw the activities has been.plafined and tencing, probably on August 9.* stranger with a pistol in his the boys will be able to fish and Borden Brannigan of Bow- hand before be lost conscious- to swim under the supervision manville pleaded not guilty to ness. Wben he came to, bie of trained Red Cross swimming a charge of receiving part of said, his money amounting to instructors. About 35 Bowman- the money, knowing it to be $280 or $285, was gone. ville Scouts and Cubs are ex- stolen. Evidence was heard in Suffers Weak SpelI pected to attend the camp. the case and Magistrate Moore During cross exam;nation by reserved judgment until Aug. Mr. Ricbardson, the aged man - 17. ~evidently suffered a weak speil 1is The courtroom was packed and said, "I'm going to drop"'... ownfls F with spectators for the trial,i A glass of water was brouglit1 which bas caused considerable to him and he remained iný the jnterest, and they iistened in- witness; box. He told Mr. Mvas- iGladia hI Show tently for the evidence of a on, defence counsel for Rb Two Bowmanville girls, Ruth Adams, 19 Victoria St., and June Staîker, 19, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, were injured in an accAnt sbortly after 6 p.m., Sunday, on the Nichols sidernad at the Fourtb Concession Road, two miles north of Courtîce. Both girls were taken by ambulance to Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, but Miss Adams was re- leased that night after treat- ment by Dr. Howard Rundle for shock and nerves. Miss Staîker was more serious- ly injured and is stili in hospital suffering from a broken rib, in - ternal injuries and cu ts on ber! arms. She is being treated by Dr:' C. J. Austin. .O.P.P. Constables Pat Cornell and 'Chris Cresswell, who in- vestigated the accident, stated that Miss Adams was driving south on the Nichols sîderoad accompanied by Miss Staîker. A car driven by Merle Clarke, 26, of Oshawa, was proceedmng west on the Fourth Concession Road,' and in turning northbhit the right rear door of the Adams car. The car was spun com- pletely around hy the force of the crash and botb vebicles suf- fered considerable damage. Clarke and the two passengers1 in his car were flot injured. Miss Staîker was rusbed to Memorial Hospital in an Oshawa ambulance and Miss Adams was, taken in an F. F. Morris' Company ambulance. Miss Staîker is a former em-t ployee of the Memorial Hospital,. Citizens Prese nt Steam Iron to Mr. Don Shay Among the many presents given to Recreation Director Don Shay. wbo is leaving Bow- manville at the end of the week to take a similar position in Simnoe. was an electrie stearn irnpurchased by Dennis Tier- Oshawa Man'Lucky .Winner* of Légion Car The lucky person among the thousands w1bo held tickets on the Chev. Bel Air sedan raffled off by the Bow- manville Branch of the Canadian Legion at their annual carnival Iast Friday night is shown above receiving the dividends on his investment. He is Gerry Dumont, shown third from left above, receiving the keys to the car from Jim Firth, who was chairman of the Legion car draw. Ed Clapp of Bowmanville, a member of the LegioM who sold him his ticket, is shown at the extreme left with the lucky slip of paper. Mr. Clapp received the $200 seller's prize. Fatal Accident Occured When Brother Released the Briýke Of Truck Passing Over Sister A tragic accident last Thurs- day afternoon took the life of two-year-old Judith Lynn Cob- bledick, daugbter of- Mr. and Mrs. Elford Cobbledick who live on a farm just west of tthe in- tersection of No. 2 and No. 401 Highways between Bowmanville and Newcastle. The littie girl was playing on tbe ground near ber father's truck and ber older brother, aged 9, was in the cab. The truck was on a grade leading up to the barn and when tbe boy accidentally released the emer- gency band brake on the vebi- Die, it rolled back and tbe rigbt front wbeel passed over tb3ý little girl's chest. At the time of the accident M'vr. Cobbledick was in tt bouse getting ready to go t IMemorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, to see one of bis otbcr cbildren, Earl, 6, wbo bad been admitted the afternoon previous for an appendix operation. He rusbed the little girl to hospi- tai imnmediately. but sbe was dead on arrivaI. O. P.P. Consta- hie Chris Creswwell investiga- ted the accident, and Coronor Dr. C. J. Austin also attended. Tbe funeral service was held fromn the F. F. Morris Funeral Chapel on Saturday, at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. T. Arthur Morgan. Besides ber parents, the little girl is survived by four brothers and one sister; Larry, Fred, Earl, Beverley Anne and Wayne ranging in age from 10 to four. Mrs. Cobbl dick is the former June McKnI% t of Bowmanville. A rm y Worm on March At. the right is Ross McKnight, President of the ±3owman- ville Legion Branch. Mr. Dumont was living at 169 Osha- wa Boulevard, Oshawa, at the time he bought the ticket, but has since moved to 334 Ulalie Avenue in that city. He did not have a car and bas not yet had bis vacation, s0 bis lucky win will enable bim to drive in style when he does take it. Mr. Dumont is employed at Field Aviation*~ Co., Oshawa, is married and has a daughter five weeks old. He is a member of the Oshawa Legion and served with the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders. -Staff Phott~ Oshawa Man Is Lucky Winner of New Car af Huge Legiow--Carnival The Iarest crowd to turn out Gui-don Rundle, son of Mr. and for a carni-val in Bowmanviile (Mrs. Edward Rundle, Bowman- in several years attended tbe ville. Cedar chest - Marilyn Legion Carnival sponsored by Murphy, 68 Cburch St., Bow- Bowmanville Branch No. 178 at manville. Doîl Draw - Amie the High School grounds Friday Morris, daughter of Mr. and nîght. Perfect weatber and a Mrs. Don Morris, Bowmanville. fine program of entertainment A draw for a pair of field glass- aIl contnibuted toward making es beld as an "extra"' draxv,,s the event an outstanding suc- won by Annie Piper, Brown 'St. cess. I'The draWvs for i e cet-ir Tbe draw for the Chevrolet chest, doli and field giasses were Bel Air sedan, whicb was one sponsored by the Ladies' Auixil- of the main attractions of the iary of tbe Canadian Le-ion. carnival, was won by Gerry Du- Legion Band Paraded mont, young Osbawa industrial The carnival got unuer way awa orkewovesat 169 ob-to a fine start with a parade by awa oulvar, wo dd nt he Legion Pipe Band and a own a car. Edwin Clapp, a mem- numijer of children from Frank- ber of the Bowmanville Legion, lin Park plavground drcssedi sold the winning ticket and re- orf csue-.Tepad ceived the seller's prize of $200. wcolorfîtl costumes. The par Mayor Morley Vanstone d row\- vasfvpepedas ' a large p n -e the luck 'y ticket from the buge aof Stople as inovdtupand drum, and Durbam M.P. .John 1taonSt.. an KngSt. tanth large numner or witnesses call- crts. mhat ne oad suttered ney w1I UC T is conecflJ i trU 1-0- A e uul 1High Shoolgons Th Idb rw tonyH .dzy plsad haahsA g S 4tfl several citizens. over th*e public address svstemn. co-COllvcd' Demn prior to the time he was struck Mr. Tierney received dona- OtheruriarrJer Deymnc attorneys, A. H. lon the head during the rob- The annual show of the Osh- tions from the. foîowing play- c o s Dr a Cu t Winners of the other drav.ws0 iaonsLi :r l m.rhiî n Rihadsn f oburwh bry aa laioiSoiey il b goudsuerisrs mrcats held in cnnection with the car- counîe-acig h ni Rihrso fCoorhei br.aw d i owmanvicie t his yen and cit evsoratsmt eln Hardly a farm in Durham feed on leaves and frequently nival were: Attendance draw--cate mncvr fteppr appare fo PoleyandTri- Grdo Poers th negh-the the first time, at the Le- Cole, Elizabeth Prower, Mar- County bas not been bit by army cut off the heads of grain. The ladies' wrist watch, Doreent anddrmes aedbDui bll, whnd appea.e fo r o - inbis tovago for.- hite tified gion Hall, Aug. 14. This is a big ijorie Shane, Mr. and Mrs. Mike worms in the présent plague adult inseet is a brownisb gray 'Shaw, 147 William St. N., Majorc k ng adPp vilewh apere fo Rb-li hs ago fr el, esife vent for exhibitors and pub Osborne, Mel Dale, A. M. I wbich is sweeping flot only moth with a single white spot Lindsav:ý silver tray, Shirle\ Majoîc oî lr ste giet, geei a the a e v Oiencetat eandstabeeing ahn e lic alike, thte display of beauti- Thompson. Jack Cole, Don AI. through this district, but al of in the centre of each front wing. Bothwell, R. R. 3, Bowmanvill.i: playc.eeaNigln ue given in the a s to e o POlley wek d Mr aggening wen be fui blooms being a« brat-tak- lin. Lorne Van Driel, Ethel Sey- Ontario, Durham County Agri- Poison Should Be Used f hinstone necklace- set, Reg. drew a get da f a pa two accused. to the O.P.P. detachment offi- ig îght. mour, Blain Elliott, Don and cultural Representative Ed Mr. Summers stated thtthe Land, 292 King St. E., Bowmnan- Presdn o. cngto Dr. AstinTestfies ces east of Bowmanville, fromn The district covered hy this Audrey Rundle. The Purdon Summers bas neported. foilowing baits and sprays vil;rietoepnst Dre h DrC. Austin oefiesman whre he xas taken to Mem- society is large, running from Famnily, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey In spite of the widespread 'sould be applied when the Holrod. Hampton. welcomdttkrcuLt"c Dr.C. . Asti ofBowan-orial Hospital. east of Newcastle west t0 Pick- Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kent, prevalence of the army worm worms are found in gardens on Special draw for bicycle - «Cniudo aesvn Wviete t e o ra sitalI acMVnr.e 1Nwtn-ering and north to Markham. Jim Clarke, Alex MeGregor, in Durham, bowever, -only a on fields in any quantities: Whtea MrnralHspta JckVnDrn f eto-The size and quality of this an- Percy Cowling, Mn. and Mrs. comparatively few fields have The recommended hait is as A a o rv s T c e here for sbock and cuts on the ville, testified that Polley, Robi- naMxiitoascrrsodyayotare.Du atrnDeninetdt scrnetetflos:Ba,2wls:p~ top of bis scalp and on the ieft lerts and Trimble came .to bis na xiiini orsod a ahnuDu atabe netdt uhe xetflos rn 5ls:pïi h .b- ngly large. witb competition Art Hooper and JonyJme. that crops were seriously dam- green, 1 lb.; molasses, 1 to2 side of bis face. These eut- house in Newtonvîlle, where he bein xrml en aged. Most farmers have used were surrounded by larg«e selis fisbing bait, before 9:30 1îng extremeabouly1ikeen.n. bruised areas, be said, andj a.mn. on the morning of Julv 116. Aogterglrehb-1DDT odr pa rpio GRAND STEW RD bat intime t save their crops In prepaning the hait, the poi- were of the type whicb woUld 'Polley told bim that he bad bie tors from Bowmanville, all af f .ev dmg.;On should be mixed thorougb- have been caused by blowt. old 'Pat" twicc on tbc head wbom have won many prizes in lyrom heavybrndamage. 'sin struck by a duli instrument. With a blackjack and once witb former years, wiil be Dr. E. W. ' Army worms bave been ne- over on a smooth, dry concreie Mr. White was called and i a revolver. He bad a bite on Sisson, Ed Summers, Frank ~ * ported in some flower and veg- floor until ail is green. Avoid gave bis evidence wbile seated b is hand, Mnr. VanDuren said, Samis. Percy Greenfield, asétbegrnsvninBw eahgtedu ytiga in the witness box wibh bis 'and bold bîm that be bad ben weil as Harry Jose from Newv- n abvl dens tevaen in B t ow- breanhin th e ustrby tng cate.Tee ilnodut ehaville btt he reas mtos oi adecie ro head resbing on the crook of bitten by a dog between the casi.Teewl odutb --haiybbhv entoeOicloth over tbe nose and around his arm. He complained of a second and third time he hacl a niumber of others as weli. Fur- the west of town on No. 2 Higb-th edTemoasshul t'i - ter partculars ntteehcead.yTndetmoaassesr shouida headache and stated that he bit Mr. White. He also testi hrpriuaso tete-v,- wyad oalse xeto e stirred into the water and had been unable to do inucli fied that Polley' said he had ishow will appear next week. the east. A horde or "army'i of tbis then mixed with tbe poison- work since being struck bwice Ilosi bbe revolver and biackjack the worms moved across No. cd bran until il resembles dlamp on the head during the robbery, wbile running bbrough tbbc 2 Higbway near town a few adscubynttii. wbich took place about 8 a.m. ' uh n htTibews New Stl days ago. i ads,-cubl ltsiîy on the morning of July 16. worried because it was lisRua Spray Infested Fields Ifdsiedi the poison coul gb sai, amanfatber's revolver and be didn't A Ialdsove b tewtraon At that time, he to idaman Mvutiple M i Box Harvey Brooks, wbose farm (Continued on page seven) . who was a stranger oim ap- (Continued on page seven) is about one mile west of Bow--- __ At Ma pie Grove . manville 3on No. 2 Hlighway, o e E oo it Wihnafwdy oeres- , . wbicb was badly infested and Thieves. Take Furniture from idents on aBowmanville RR.3,- Wesley Werry of Solina spray- Appointed For....... west of the town, will be using ed 19 acres of corn which was anew type of mail box brougbt al b eavily hit by the l1'2-inch' Q ntario St. School on Thursday out by the Post Office Depart- catplso s ildo so Eastern C ute of th*old-ypej the farm of Garnet Rickard, would alnpst seemn that fîom the nurse's room and the 'of box on a post that line. Our about tbree miles east of Bow- 0ntannai P. Lrewsins ier ihvswobroke imtothe On- other from the teachers' room. noads the nwfxue pa nil nN. iha ýrnct an d o Home n nse tario Street School late last tAn upbolstered chair, blankets multiple box. RosynC Seenvas also heavily infested. Fred adHm cnmc Wednesday night or early 'and pîllows were taken from the Made of beavy gauge green prominent member of Jerusalem Stevens and a number of other ASrie Ontario Department of 'hursday monning were out 10 nurse's room and dishes and ! IgAF .. o 1 farmers have also been forced ! griculture, announces the ap- iÉahue ugn ymetal thene are 10 box holders :wanmî pointment of two County Homne îs~ boue, jdgin bysiiverware from the kitchenette, to a unit,. ac oueoler-ed Gandile bas heen appoint-f to spray their crops. Ecnmss1wokibbEa- the Stewardhadofltheakf The langer worms are expect-erpatobbpovn. th e d es tole . T h th e v es h a d lso ake i su p p lie s is o w n k ey a n d o ck , M rra n d t he da - d o gomob cf p ta g e r n M sspao m yepBoHin ce . In ded in the lbot were livo down nfumons in Ihese twO'and tbe rural mailhian bas one; asonic Onderath 9 n-ctogit hepasaeby MsElnrSm BHc. stuit~couches, an upholstered rooni., and had the remainder 'key, that will lift tbe front ofi nual communication of the, the end of next week, bowevcr, a 1954 graduabe of Macdonald char, laket an p llow :oiii lcs u thesublseedc air- thebb 10 boxes at one time. He: Grand Lodge of Canada in the and the worst of the plague Institùte will work in Durbam, dishes, a radio, light bulbs and 1 rn ei lcs utteea-thIen sorts the mail into bbe' Province of Ontario held inl should be over by that time. Peterborougb and Victoria tools. idles xvere hot taken. A radio various pigeon holes and locks Toronto last week. The~- crops showiggets oniswt eduresi The robbers finsuntis titiedadto gels i inThe robildi tte jimmyîg esoen lig thelscadoolsf-' .Verv Worshipful Brother 51ev- 1 damage in Ibis district art' the Department of Agriculture in fo the basengmenimin ic ndlg t lstare-room FTwo of t4ese units will be cris was initiated a member of!coro, oats and harlev. Other office at Lindsav. dwfrogmnmim the baf thievsor-rd placed in tbe vicinitv of lmapi' .Jerusaleni Lodge in 1938 and - crop;s such as bomabtoes bave Miss Faye Irvine aiso a Mac- tUO WiflO5 - ~ Th e ifor ti cxséident- rove schooi for use of résident,; :erved arsWrhpu atrj~ auce.adteom oad institute graduate of but failing 10 do Ibis they broke ly caried their lbot across tbbic atparticular ds I i n1945. Hyear. dauonhaegbebler i o out the kitchenette window on school \'ard aI the back 1 abeiedta l m r ibet. a r ~ious commibtees of the Lodge eale nd lo er e i ro Dea nd Couany illaughe ,Ilwas a tense moment at h einCr . theDue Srel sdeof h waiin veice o Dke t.asiîsbed on other local routes ;n wt itnto n with faith- town. ber field in Hastings, Lennox I Friday 'i-tmght when Mayor Morley asoe ece scoo. hi inow isonyfulness to duty. He Js also a- We1atr b scol bi idw s01'cushion.s and dishes were found bbc near future. mm1 f aetneCalnarWen abou rei2inhes telogana e and Adco ntiesZrthubr off e i4 dunfrtew nng: about two feet by two feet, sO n1 therofPaesin hayard. but1 2i ceplgand be'and Addinton andNorli rn-fice ~ 'du o h inngtce ntecrda they were forced ta remove bbeci Te break-in was discovered jfRAM. No. 249. greenish brown in colour with in the Department of Agricul- Ev.ervone present iîad their' nesc~edhpnta arms from tbc studio couches bv caretaker Ted Bird when he Mrs. Amy Tait retumned to I .1r. Stevens' many Masonic longitudinal sînipes. They feed burne at Napance. I His Worsh-4p, would grasp their tickei ote ol rv to get them out. Some of the wýenb 10 work at the scboo! Bowmanville Fniday irom a bretbren and friends in Bow- aI night or in the late evening. Bobh of these young Homei homne 1he 1954 Chev. Bel Air which wsgxci' h uk boits and flots from this opér'a- Tbursdav morning. Inveqtiga- 'week'.i vacation in .New York. manville and district are con- During the day bhey usually lie Economists are weIl quaiified -inh~ tatcl, hwvr hr a nyb tien were left on the floor of fion is being continucd by the She was accompanîed on the gratulating him on this well- in a partly curled 'position un- ýfor extension work witb rumal -IL - n the ktcheette Bowmanville Police Départ-: trip by Mrs. George Norma n, dapî etofGaddmlms !erho tez 1jvoung peoplCu edr n înradi a th iceet.mérited Citeto raddrlmso erho t lClbLaesadW'nradi a erry Dumont o Ohra Ont atudîo couch wai taken1 men. IToronto.1L.odge. cover. They clinib the plants to 1Women'a Institutes. -Photo by CrO tdo otHp I 4w -N d d d t