?I!UISDATY LT th, 19541 Reeve Littie Claims Cobourg Mayor Holding Hammer Over the Coun cil Purchase of New Office Building Four proposais covering ten- which would be deeded over *ancy of counties offices in the the town for a nominal sum. Cobourg town hall were con- SupieRvlto *veyed by Mayor J. D. Burnet of Sr>ieRvlto Cobourg to Northumberland and Mayor Burnett surprised cou *Durham Counties Council at the ties council with the revelati opening of the summer session that he had dug up informati, 1 Juy 20. that by an act passed during t * peiaicomitte hade bytime that this province wi , i e Sid Little of Bowman- known as Upper Canada, t 'ile, has been shopping around law courts were permanent for omemonhg fr mre de-established in the town hall quatsoe aconotio for ounad- Cobourg. The mayor claini qtie offce nidacortros ut that when the province of C tiesoffces nd our ropnsbuttario took over, they also assur there has been no decision ar- e h eiito aedr rived at as yet. Stili beingisatin mcon-ri sidee~ s te rcomendaton the time when it was known SOf a Oecii committee of coun-UpeCad. t ouýùncil that the Hatfieldt The mayor aiso declared th~ HaIt schooî buildings at Cobourg i was a matter of record th~ be purchased. when the counties council of Mayor Burnet's proposais were considerable number of yea digested carefully by counties ago sought to move the cou] council and referred to the out of the town hall, they wei special committee for considera- told by their counties solicit< tion. the late Mr. Holland, that it wý In brief, the mayor suggested not possible for themn to moý that the town, in consideration the courts out of the building. of a certain rentai, would build Reeve Sid Little of Bowmai an addition back of the town ville, chairman of the buildir hall, which would give the committee, commented that t] countie. the extra space which mayor of -Cobourg was holding it is claimed, is needed. It was hammer over the counties cou. also suggested that the counties cil. The mayor replied that 1, shouid vacate certain offices, but was oniy giving them the infoi leave the administration of just- mation now in order to sai ice offices 'and court rooms ir them from going ahead wit the town hall on the current other plans and then learnin rentai basis. that they could not proceed wit A third proposai was that the them. town would find extra accommo- Mayor Burnet was aske dation for solicitors and a room where the act was to which h for lady jurors, with other ac- referred. He replied that it wa commodations to remain as at in the town soiicitor's offic Present. Fourth proposai was1 where it could be examined, bu that the counties buiid on landl it would hax to ie returned m IFRE El BALL POINT PENS with every purchase made in our store BETWEEN 6 P.M. AND 9 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHTe-, m Specials for FRIDAY & SATURDAy MEN'S ~'II . Dungarees MI 8 oz, Sanforized Reg. $3.49 pair SPECIAL Pair Jk. SL 491 MEN'S AND BOYS' RUNNING SHOES b ill7tà,Eeg. $2.95 pair .65 Pr. Complete Lino of PfMING EQUIPMENT ,UEEPING BAGS ROLL-AWAY BEDS BLANKETS, ETC BO WMANVILLE SURPLUS SALES KJG ST.]E. BOWMAVIMJ1 PHONIE 32U by the law lbaybcueo t Rentai Cost1 un Mayor Burnet pointed out thati on the total number of square feet' on rented by the counties in the he town hall amounted to 9,469, vas ofr which the rentai paid to the he town was $4,000, plus aliowance 11Y for heating and upkeep of $1,500. of The counties paid their own ed janitor. This worked out to. a n- cost per square foot of 58 cents. mi- Comparinithis rentai cost per ing square foot with rentais paid for as other business holdings, Mayor Burnet said that the rentai paid iat for the unemployment office was Iat $1.58 per foot; rural hydro, $1 aa foot; Bank of Commerce, $2 rs a foot; professional and com- rts mercial offices ranged from $1 ýre to $2 a foot. or, i Space rented by the counties vecourt rooms, iaw lîbrary, several vevaults, judge 's chambers, sher- iff's offices, road engineer's of- ýn fice and other offices. ng A number of propositions were he offered for consideration of a counties council by Mayor Bur- f-net. First was that the town he build a new two-storey building.« )r- This wouid relieve the present ve congestion in the town hall. By th moving the council chamber and ng assessor's office to the new th building, it wouid leave 8,062 square feet occupied in the old d building, while the new one1 he would provide 6,000 square feet as for a total of 14,062 square feet. ce ~Total Rent 1 it On the first floor of the newt -building wouid be located the1 health unit (at present occupy-s ing a bouse on George St.), wash1 rooms and a room for ladyt jurors. On the top floor woulds be the council chamber and roada office. Rentai for holdings in t the old building wouid be $5,361 or 80 cents a square foot. Rentai for the new one would be $4,800 or 80 cents a square foot, for a total rentai of $10,161.23. This wouid include janitor and heat- ing. The second proposition was th-.t the counties should vacate the assessor's office, cierk's office, council chamber andb cierk's vauit, a total of 2,087 f feet%, leaving 7,372 feet which t] would rent for 58 cents a foot. h Third proposai is to leave then rentai space as is but the town c to provide room for solicitors h and a room for women jurors, I: rentai to be decided later. & The fourth proposition was h that the counties buiid extra ir space on land which wouid beR deeded by the town for a nom- si inal sum and ailowance would di he made for space turned back ic to the town in the oid building, ri Turn Down Motions w The next day (Wednesday) di the property committee, by the slim margin of Il votes to 10,91 turned down the offer of the V town of Cobourg in regard to P supplying extra accommoda- tu tion for Counties offices in the town hall. d By the same vote of 11-10,' the d committee voted in favor of ed Don't Was Your Prenty Cottoi' Dresses a -an aut Homeim 't p 4 4 I " Perspiration rmmovd " Fobrie "body" .estored " Colorsend poffere brightened YoulI b. aman.d at te.dIfM ference in your pretty cot- ions aft.r our new secret weatmeng. They'1i domo b..k looking end feeling ]Nke-new again, perf.ueIy pr.a.d. C&M xxm4.j EVELEIGH'S Laundries Cleaners & Dyers 081UWA ZENITHlsm Lm] Agent: BOOPER'8 LADIES WEAR tDnLfA TAT L &A, O WM 4Vn£& ,OI" A KP P G DH~ r Boys'y JEANS *First Quallty *Sanforized *Zipper Front Copper Riveted Pocketa *Real Western style Regular $2.95 pair Friday and Saturday Special $175 Pair m 1 ' e spoft vone