t~OY18DAY, AUGIT 12. 1954 THE t!ANAflTINTATEIMUS. DOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIOPAETEVI Visitors with Mn..mimd Mxi. ID. M. Mylea were Mr. -andi Mns. IRObent Millier, Toronto, Mn. andi IMrs. LlIy Myles and family, Whltby, Mx. andi Mrs. Jack Da- vis and daugliters, Bowman- VIlle. lira.Wm. B. Hoar returneci home mitr vlutlng Mr. and Mii. Shocigrasa, Aocheâter. 4mblyn Family hlid a lec- iffl.. Orono Park on Saturdlay. ls.John Morris vialted trleýdâ ln Toronto. Mra. Geo. Buttens spcn!t th past week in Oshawa. ,Misa Catherine Lynch, Wood- bridge, la visiting Mn..sand Mrs. liarry Rowe. Mn..mand Mri. Chas. Reeson anc finily Port Penny, Mr. andi *Mrs Ge joutilîîîr, Mr.Leon- lard '1ett, New TO;oronto, vis- ajted 1<4~. ancj Mrs. E. Rainey. Iï Mr. andi Mn. Bob Cooper and Ïamily, Lohdon, are visiting Mr. and Mns. Carl Tennant andi Mr. and Mrs. V. O. Cooper. Mr. and Mns. A. Clough, andi Idr. Arthur Clough, Trenton, pe nt Suniday wlth Mr. andi Mrs. Jim ajor aand famlly. Mr. and Mrs5. H. Luxton andi family, Bowmanville, apent Sun- day with Mr. *nd M~rs. liarry Mercer; 140rry $nd Donaldi ne- 3>lainiig fo, a v'isit. Miss Ama Cuttefl l vlsiting LESKÀRD It! s with rcpret that wc hear Sympathy in extended te Mrs. W. Conycîl and famlly in thus their sad lois. Mn. L. Robbins spent the week on, the fanm with Mn..simd Mnî. A. Rabbins. Mrn.rd Mrs. C. Prust and Lynn are spending tIe month et thefrcottage. We extenci a welcome to Mr. an~d Mns. R. Gilbert, Fenelon Falls, who have rented Ms.. Bnadshaw's house for the sum- imer. Mr. .and Mri. M. Tennant and lamily, Mn. andi Mri. Glen Ten- riant and family with Mn. and bir. Art Tennant. .Mrs. L. Kukalis and baby, andi Mr. W. Fee, Winnipeg, wlth Mn. ,.and Mn.. N. Fee. Leakard Cornmunity Plcnlc held a! Orono Park, Setunday, brougît together 60 frienda and relatives. t! was convencd by Mi. R. Beat andi Mri. A. Ten- flan!. There wene many olci friendu, among thcm Mri. Willis and family, Buffalo-, Mrs. Lunau (nec Ruth Bradley) andi fanmily, Oakvllle; Mrs. A. Cain (nec Eva Corniah). Toronto; Mr.. Tebble, Nwcastle; Mn..mand Mrs. Lock- -Wood, Oshawa; Mr..mand Mns. H. Thompson and famlly, Toronto, andi Mn. Dent of Lindsay, who took smre photographi. There -%vnc many more, too numerous ;ýntirm. We hope ta sec you Sagain, the fin!t Saturday. i ugmzU, 1a 5 I ENDAL, Dr. andi Mns. Floyd Cuttell, Westficld, N.Y. Mn. andi Mn. Donald Stephens, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones attendeci Decora- tion services in Port Hope on Sunday. Mrs. Donald McGee returneci home last week froni Wellesley hospital, Toronto. Mer inother Mrs. Bradley, Stittsville, la with her. Mrs. Jennie Hooey in in the Memoilal Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Wilson andi Jack spent Saturday in Parry Sound. Mn. and Mns. Frank Robbins, Toronto, visiteci Mn. John Mor- ris. Mr. Carmin Cornish andi Mr. Douglas MdGee, Toronto, re- turned home Sunday from Ros- sea,, Muskoka. M.and Mrs. Lloyd Crabb and family, Ottawa, are vlsiting hIr. and Mrs. Clarence Duncan. Mrs. W. W. Sherwin, Douglas and Keith, were supper guests of Mrs. M. Sherwin andi Law- rence, Wednesday, before leav- ing for their new home at 437- 9th Street, Brandon, Manitoba. A number of relatives and fniencis called in the evenlng ýto say farewell. and Mn.. Stan Gray. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Glass and Ronnie, Mn. and Mrs. Reg El- liott and family, and Mn. and Mrs. Roy Little and family en- jomyed a picnic Sunday at Gore's Landing. Mr. and Mns. Milton Lowes and Ronnie, Peterbono, vislted her parents, Mn, and Mn,. Non- man Patton. Thc Ontario Motor League has crected a numben of signs at the corner formeci by the 7th lime and Newtonvilc rnds. This will be a great benefit to the many strangers who travel this roand. A while ago a bus- load of ladies, who lad been tlnough the Ganaraska, were directed down to thîs rondi to get back to Peterbono. When tley got here they were smre- what turned anound and had no signa for guidance. Some ini- sisted they go on (west) smre that they turn (south) and one lady saici île knew they should go the othen roand (east). I had the pleasure of settling their argument and telling her sle was correct. There was a large crowd at the second dance in A. Foster's tobacco barn leld Friday, Aug. 6. Over $100 was taken in nt each of the dances, which will be quite a lelp to the bal team and the park. TIens was much more exciternent during tIe evening than had been an- ticipateci. Monday afternoon a grass fine caused a flunny of excitement at Kendal. It was finît noticed along the roadway west of the achool. t! burneci along Bill Jackson's pasture toward Blake Alcxanden's buildings before Eddie Counoux go! somne fur- royws nute ha m,..of i4 MiW Us nia Wh bu ant W. A. met on July 29 with dhe puat month with her aunt Mri. Garland Cathcart presid- àt Pert Cretliti ~s Pected hS"i~~ng. Misses Phyflis Jackson and soon.Mary Honey of Milliken, fav- S MAIOw a m alu b o la ored wlth piano solos. Miss *ith MNa» mgraaf-i» Orono. Stewart Introduced the speaker, mm. Watt. Martieli, j&. Mrs. Stevens, who gave a very r d UM.Ab> Colo and Roger interesting tlk on her 1f. and lad aleasant 14 Io Kingn work among the Indiana. Miss rd d Otaw retnrning through Stewartý conducted a Bible con- MtoMqnlsearz test after whilh e] enjoyed a Master Ronxi. CO #M pet ttasty lunch. tew days wlth Reu aàadJI*my Kendal and Welcomne are stili, Lit tIe. playing off to secure 3 wins of Mrs. Wilcox of Chicago came five gamnes. First game was bome wlth Mira. Neva Little and keenly contested at Welcome Nlec on thoir tip to Chcao.wlth Welcome winning 2-1. Sec- While visiting the Ganaraska ond game, et Kendal was won the ladies hadt the umexpected by Kendai 10-0. Kendal won p1jeaure of ueelg a deer and the third gamne at Welconie when visitlng Peterboro were about 9-4. The fourth game in tortunate to be on hand when Kendal was called with Wel- a boat went through the Lift- corne leading. This, the fourth locha. game Is being replayed et Wel- Mr. anid Mrs. Russel Rusk, To- corne Saturday night, as decid- ronto, with Mr. and Mma George ed by the Executive and man- Mercer. Mr. and Mri. Cy Elsey agers of the teams in Port Hope, wereSundy gusts.Monday evening with the 5th wereSundy gusis.game, if necessary, also being Mr. and Mrs. AI Stevens took pLed at Welcome (4 games in Larry Up to the Hospital for Welcome n taesiiKn Slck Chlldren, Toronto, for a del.) check up. He la xmprovlng steadlly since his operation. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mar-.AD U tineli vlsited e brothers, Ce- C D U cil and Archie Blodgett, Rose- neath. Kenny returned home Mr. and Mrs. Woodward, with them after holidays there. West Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sunday guests with Mr. and Floyd Passant. Mrs. Milton Robinson were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. James Gray, andi Mrs. Guardhouse, Mrs. Sel- Lynda and Brian, and Mr. and kirk and Mr. W. Christie, To- Mrs. Arthur McMahon, spent ronto. Sunday in Toronto with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ingersen and end Mrs. Erie Foshay. grancison have moved on the Mr. Flem Thompson andi Mar- Carson farm which they pur- low, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart chased from Jack Nesbitt. We Thompson and Debbie, visited welcome them to our commun- Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee. ity. Miss Mary Passant was holu- Guests with Mrs. Thos. Falls daying with her grantmothcr, Sunday were her sons, Mr. and Mrs. E. Passant, Bowmanvile, Mrs. Art Falls, Bowmanville, and thîs week is with her aunts, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Falls and Miss Pearl Cobbledick and Mrs. family. Toronito. John McKeener, Oshawa. Miss Betty Martinel 13 with Mr. and Mrs. Dorval Gibbops, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martineil for Toronto, with Mr. andi Mrs. Nor- awhile. mnRhe Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore andmaRor. sono, Toronto, and Miss Theres- The Johnstons and Jacksons sa Couroux, North Bay, visiteci had their pinic Aug. lst at Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux. Shingle Laindng and also Mr. Moore returneci to Toronto. watched the boat races. The rest are remaining for the Master Warren Rohrcr is tobacco harvest. holidaying with his cousins, Somne few tobacco growers Kenneth and Barry Rohrer. startcd priming the latter part Miss Crystal Fallis, Port Hope, of last week wlth many mnore was home with her father, Mr. startang on' Monday. Merdith Fallis. Mraind Mss. Barney Waters, Mr. andi Mn. James Fallis, Joey7.,and baby, Peterboro, Lynda andi David attendcd the \,.,a ler father, Mr. Herbert Adams-Ferguson Reunion Sat- Mercer, also visiting Mr. and urday at Cream of Barley. Mrs. John Thompson, Sunday. Bowmanville. Mrs. Little, Mrs. Wilcox andi Congratulations to Mr. andi Alec Little, visited Niagara Mrs. Brian Wilson on their ne- 1 As. Saturdar. VaceAlle cent marriage. Mr. and en .Mr. Gay, a student minuster and famlly, Orono, visiteci Mr. from Oshawa, conducted the andi Mss. W. Mercer, SundaY services on Sunday. It was well evening. attended. Mrs. Mary Luxon and Miss Mrs. Edgar Gibson spent one Marion White, were guests Saz- day in Hamilton with her son,1 urday at the wedding of Miss Mr. andi Mrs. Glen Gibson. Dwaine Gray, Perrytown andj Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thomp-' Zdward Curtis, Cobourg, ini son, Peterboro. 'Mr. and M-s., carden Hill LUnited Church Percy Tuff and Car]. Toronto.1 The reception was lield at theP with Mr. Flein I homjpion and, home of the brid' parents, Mr. 1 Marlow. ,.. J jThe Orono News r Il ýPLU5 -ALL-NEW7 Limaeuh«à hihli. extra àANADAs fii IuIISIOU AW ,Golden Picture Frome' eAntieglore Optic Fille,; *Hand«nbbed Nof.dooe Ç.*Wi ONE ORLY Reg. $509.00 $20000O s309 Watch for the N EW 1955 ADMIRAL T.V. MODELS front 17" la 27"vi They are belier Ihan ever We expeci Ihent nexi Tuesday Ask about our trade-ins We have some excellent sels ai rock-botiom prices T.V. A Woi Second The respou Biriliay Sale boin so alerrifi repeatlng il ihi oui the 1954 Mc If yau wa sel# we sugge. early before we comploelIy. Get ready uuperh FalI M Mr. and Mrs. J. Aukenhead'a. Slemon. HÂYDON Mrs. Wesley Brownlee, To- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reaci, ronto, is holidaying with Mr. Ira Beryl, Lynn and Mr. Henry Mr.Gerg Betnxn Mis e-andi Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. shton v sted relatives at Port lenBetrm, n.ani Ms.To Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thomp- Graham and famlly, Oshawa, at snadKrnatrddte Mr. and Mx'.. Lloyd Slimon Mx.ani rs M.Betrmns. Taylor-Bridgett wedding at viited Miss Nancy Johns at Mns. Cols and Miss Estella Bowmanville on Saturday. Fenelon Falis. Blackburn, Newcastle, were Mn. and Mrs. Frank Denby Mr. and Mrs. Charles -Gar- Sunday visitors at Mn. and Mrs. having solci their farm to Mr. rard, Mr. Alfred Garrard and Wilbur Blackburn's. Percy Prysciale, Unionville, had Mis& Jean Griffin, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ThomD- a sale bf furnitune, etc., on Sat- at Mn. and Mns. H-. Gay's, Osù- son and daugliter, Toronto, Mr. urday. awa, on Sunday. andi Mrs. Frank Osmond, Bow- Mr. J. Wallcer accompanled Mrs. W. Thompson has ne- manville, Mr. 'and Mrs. Gleri lis brother, Mn. Vincent Walk- tunned home fnom Carleton Thompson andi family, Carle- er, Guelph, on an enjoyable hl- Place. ton Place, at Mr. and Mrs. Ro- iday trip ini the Matheson dis- Mnr.sand Mri. Lloyd Slemon land Thompson's. trict. visiteci Mr. andi Mrs Ralph .Mr. and Nîrs. J. Tamblyn, Miss H-elen Bertrlm 13 ho!!- Sadier, Purpie Hill.1 Ross, Jean and Marilyn, Orono, daying with fniencis at Sudbury. Susan and Mary MacKenzie, at Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron Toronto, are holidaying with Mn. and Mrs. John O'Neil were at Haliburton on Sunday their granciparents, Mr. andi Mrs. and family, Sault Ste. Marie, at andi cailed on Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. McNeil. n der fuil Birth day ,Ise Ia Our speclal lasi week hait la Ihat w, are ls week la sr odels we bave. mi a Television st yon somo la iare.cleaned ant F ow for lte' irograms 1 Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak andi son Garry, Mr..sand Mrs. Jack Cannon and David., Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King, Miss Ruth Archer, Courtland, N.Y.; Miss Hazel Barrie andi Miss E. m. Holmes, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. M. Couch and Barrie, Tlm- mins; Mr. .and Mss. Glen Pol- lard, Streetsville, visited Mn. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mr. and Mns. Gordon Martin and family visited Mr. and Mm. A. E. Mellow, Kingston. Mr. Lloyd Martin, North Bay, spent Civic Holiday weekend at home. Mr. .and Mns. AUf Wilkins anmd family, Oshawa. with Mr. andi Mns. Chas. Bedwin. Another good Uhlng about tell- ing the truth 13, you don'! have to remember what you nid the last ie.___________ Reg. $579.00 SSave .$180moe ____________0- lmIVO1N SALE SýHOP Mad i 22251 Wobut et NMOOMgaY. Limed o.k sIightIy extra. is399 GI olden pictureFromme n ew At-lr Optk F*we Modern "abnet sens. FOUR ONLY Reg. $539-00 Save $20.000 ON SALE $3 3 3 Ring Street West Phone 3262 m Dowmanville I S.-, .. .~. . -.--. ,.. t. .....-............ -.....--....-.----~ - t1 Mn..sand Mrs. Bob Rutherford, Orono; Mn. and Mns. Charlcs Rutherford, :Kirby, spent Sun- day evening with Mn. and Mrs. W. Adams. Mn. andi Mrs. W. Adanms vbIst- cdi Mr. and Mmi Bruce Whitney, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Woodhanis and Marie, Toronto; Mr. and Mns. Fred Coudh andi Mrs. N. Samis, Newcastle; Mr. Ed Samis, Newtonvile, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alîdreci. Mr. and Mrs. $iarry Plckard and granddaugher, Chatham, visited Mn. and Mrs. W. Holmes. t! Is not what you would like to be, but what you are best fîtted to do that la golng ta get you somnewhere. Save ON SALE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT FOR YO UR CONVENIENCE The The ýWorld's Series Bal Cames are Coming! Why Boiher the Neighbours? Cet Your OwR TV You'l Lova Il! 30 FOOT AERIALS ASoLOW AS $30.00 A mm tÉU ÉDAT, AUGUBT 12,1954 PAGE MAT-P -ý - -«I-d. -,