TEE CAMAnIAN ~TA'ru~.quA1t ftflwU A ITU?? .T U ~Mq' A UU% >ects to Net LONG SÂULT Mr. and Mrs. -Elmen Farrell, arnivaI New Toronto, were supper- guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Sun, Saturday. Hagersville Mr. and Mrs. R. McLaughlin and family, Blackstock, were Sunday guests at the Murphy Cole stated that the winner Of home. the car, Duncan Laidlaw of Ha- Club 50 will meet at the gerseille, had been invited ta Murphy home Tuesday evenmng, be' a guest at the meeting but Aug. 17. had flot been able ta carne. The Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker members discussed ways of im- and family and Mrs. May proving the Carnival next year Johns were Sunday evening and also the best method of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd showing the Club's appreciation Webb, Drurn. to thase persans other than Lion Mrsý. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. who helpcd with the various Faulker, Judy and Steven, boothe. Fallowing the meeting Mr. Wm. .Clarke, Toronto, Mr. a large number of members Wmn. Harper and Mr. Gardon went ta the High School Baker, were Sunday guests o! grounds ta finish the cleaning- Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Fletcher. up pracese. Mr. and Mrs. Mansehl Wright, Lion Fred Cale, wha has been Bethany, were Friday evening an the Carnival Committee for guets of Mr. and Mrs. Orme nine years and Chairman of it Miller. foi the past threc years, thank- Congratulations ta Mr. and ed the Lions for the coaperatian Mns. Marshall Faulkner on the ~13 RESIENT arrival a! a yaung son. IVB RESIENTMn. Stanley Fletcher je vis- iting relatives in Hawkesbury while an holidays. IMrs. Edith Murphy and Mr. Jack Acheson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W. Murphy and fam- ta celebrate Derry Day. Mr. and Mrs. Unswonth. Ha wksbury, called on Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Fletcher Friday on herway ta Welland ta attend ýheir son's wedding. Tobacco harveet started an aur local tabacco farm this weck with many of the familiar faces again on hand ta help har- vest the crap. Mr. and Mre. G. Fletcher werc ýStunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Sim. Miss Barbara Harper and Mr. )aents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harper. M.and Mrs. Eari Duvall, James Marr he bas receivcd during that pE iod. Lion Dave Preston wil in charge of the Carnival nE summer. Guests Welcomed President Marr welcon twa guets ta the mectir M Leskara, witf Mn. andi Mrs. Orme Miller. Master Douglas Taylor, Osh-- *. er- awa, and Bob Smith, Bowman- Shown foilowing thE .be ville, witb the latten's grand- iext parents, Mn. and Mns. F. G. in St. Pau1*s United Churc] Smith. August 7, are Mr. and Mrs. Mn. and Mns. W. Vaneyk and bride is the former Pauline John, with Mn. and Mns. R. Don- daughter of Mn. and Mrs Wý ned ath at their'cottage near Iran- . h o fMr n r.' ing; dalle. i h o fM.adMs rSOLINAat Mn. Hwr ilos 'ail. S LN Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Baker luc- and family, Georgetown, visi- ca- Mrs. Chances' Langmaidara- ted at Messrs. J. and Tom Bak- W- ranged the nilssionary prognam en's and with them attcnded for Sunday, Schaol Sunday the Baker pienie at Mrs. Min- iv- marning. This includcd' vocal nie Snowden's, Maple Grave. en- solos by Jean Baker and Kath- Master Gary Ormiston, Bow- ten leen Graham and a stary read manville, holiçjayed with bis ens by Mis. Roy Langmaid. cousin, Ronnie Baker. ta Sunday Sehool next Sunday Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, :ey will be at 1.1 5 p.m. Decaration spent the weckend at home. mns Day service will fiollow at 2.30 Mr. and Mns. Isaac Hardy o' dock Wben Mn. M.' H. Staples and Stanley and Mn. and Mrs. ed o? Onono will be gest speaker. Joe Snowden attended Decor- re- Mn. Russell Gilbert bas sold ation Day service at Oakwood hhie fanm t6 Mn. Wm. Darch of Sunday.l Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kivell and Mr. and Mra. Bcuce Tink and Miss Pearl Leach visited at Mn. he cbildnen and Mns. Addie Tink 0. Chapman's, Orono. !l- enjoyed a !amiry picnic at Osh- Mn. and Mrs. Frank West- heawa-on-thg-Lake. lake at Mn. Tom Westlake's, ihn Mn. and Mns. Russell Wright Bowmanville. 'an Tyrone, visited at Mr. E. R. Recent visitons at Mn. A. L. Taylor's. Pascoe's wcne Mns. W. D. Mc- Mn. and Mrs. J. Yellowlecs, Laugblin, Mns. Mabel MeKes- Mn. and Mn,. Harvey Ycllowlees sock, Mrs. Bryce Brown, Jean cd and Karen accompanied Mn. and Bobby* Oshawa; Mrs. Mar- un and Mrs. Russell Gilbert ta garet Chapman, Hampton. Camenon Lake near Fenelon -Falls on Sunday whenc theyi -spent a pieasant day with Mn. *and Mn.. Bob Johnson Sr. and *Jr. at their cottage. Miss Helen Baker bas retunn- 1ed fnorn a pheasent trip ta the nrs. Harold Pascoe, Mn. nd Mrs E.Cryderman, Mary Keith and Elma and Mr. Hel- iV U O E M mer Freitag attended the Cry- derman picnic at Alcona Beach Mr. Walter Hooey, Sioux H N V R Lokout, visited at Mn.' Burney Hooey's. S Mn,. W. Panrinden and Heleni and Mns. Addie Tink accom- panied a group o! Hampta ladies on a bus trip ta Barrie and Oillia. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lang- maid and Marlene, Mn. and Mns. Roy Langmaid visitcd at _____ Mn. Frank Paecoc's. Misses Helen and Patsy Knox enjoycd holidays witb Brough- arn relatives. Mn. and Mn,. Newton Peel and Mrs. Eva Lowe, Canning- . - ton, at Mn. C. Pascoejs. Margaret and David Miler, Brougham, are holidaying at Mn. John Knox's. Mn. and Mrs. H. Farrow and sons, Starkvillc, Miss Lorraine Farrow, Bawmanvilie, visited at Mn. George Knox's. Mn. and Mn,. Hanny Knoxc and Dean visitcd' at Mn. Wm. Knox's. Brougham. Mn. and Mn.. C. Ramer and chihdren visited at Mn. Teda Graham's, Lindsay. - Mn. and Mrs. V. H-. Godden, SMrs. J. Leger, Oshawa, wene at F I I A R Mn. E. Cnydcnman's. Mn. and Mrs. Annot Wottent and son visited Oshawa friends. s' *W'ol Mn. and Mns. Harny Bpstablen and Miss Vera Gibbons, Toron- ta, visited at Mn. N. C. Wat- 4/ i..a ten's. jMrs. L. Green.wood, Bridge-p pont, Conn.; Mn. and Mrs. L. e Pastel-caler interlor Bradley and Ronnie Page, En- 0 niskilhen; Mn. George Fergu- e Ful-width Freezer Chesi son, Mt. Forcit; Mt,. Cameron Oke, Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs. e FuII-width Chili Drawr h Roy Hunten, Manlene and Mar- a Ful-wïdth Hydrater a ion, Mrs. George McPhenson, c Grand Valley; Mn. and Mrs. a New Pantry-DeorW Bert Hunter, Streetsville; Mn. and Mn.. J. Smith, Mn. and e Rust-resistant Shelvei Y jMn.. C. Smith cf Cann wcre a Butter Compartment H Sunday visitors at Mn. Bruce p Montgomery'â. '0 Quickube k. Trays e Mr. and Mn,. Don Vander- hoef and Mn.. C. D. Enb, Roch- e Lifetime Porselaili ester, visited at M . A. J. inleio 'Ion picnic on Civie Holiday. tic IMn. and Mn,. Elgin Brum-,$ 9 .5I meladfamnily, Bowmanville, h were at Mn. W. Panninder's. Model STO-76C ha Mn. and Mn.. E. R. Taylor s visited et Messns. Ralph and E. Larme', Blackstock, while en- M A Miss Evelyn Taylor neturncd SO N witb tbem for bolidays. o Miss Lena Taylor, Bawman- & DALE a ville, viutted et Mn. E. R. Tay- m lor's..H R W E Dr. and Mn.. Jerry Milison, H R W R Ruth and Jimimie. Mn.. El!» c eir marria ' e which took place ,h, Bowmanville, on Saturday, Gordon Thomas Taylor. The Alice Charlotte Bridgett, only Valter Bridgett, and the groom Talmage Taylor, Burketon. Tyrone Institute Hears Interesting Talk on 4-H Clubs Tyrone .Womcn'e Institute was beld at the home o! Mrs. J. Broome, with President, Mn.. E. White conducting the meeting. It was opcned with the singing of O Canada and Institute Ode. It was decided nat ta exhibit at Oshawa fair this ycan. Mrs. E. White and Mrs. GlaspelI wil be nesponsible fan purchasing six folding chairs. Mrs. Hoar gave an excellent reading and Mrs. L. Ahdread gave twa short humorous read- ings. Music was pravidcd by Ruth Pascoe with a piano salo and Misses Glania Brent and Marlon Wright with a vocal duet "The Little Yellow Dog". Mrs. Hoar introcxuced the guest speaker, Mrs. Lloyd Sle- mon, a! Haydon, who spoke an the 4-H Club, stressing girls' wonk in the vaniaus unit. pro- vided by the Dept. o! Agricul- ture, through the Women's In- stitute Office. Mrs. Hoar thank- ed ail who belped in the pro- gram and the bostess for ber hospitality. Attendance 20. - Much of the grain ln the dis- ENNISKILLEN trict has bcen eut and mast farmers are hoping for a littie Mrs. E. Strutt vislted with more maisture. Tornatoes are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strutt, beginning to ripen but nced Burketan. rain There is a continuai. strug- Miss Shirley Mills is spending gle to save crops from the a week's holiday at Oak Lake. weather and framn insect and Master Larry Ashton, Purpie animal pcsts. The army worm. Hill, with Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. bas flot been as bad in this part Ashton. of the country as north and east Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb but sorne grain fields are in- and Kenny, Bawmanville, Mr. festcd and gardens as weîl. Lawrence Tabb, visited Mr. and Word fromn Carleton caunty Mrs. Wallace Griffin. tells of anc farmer who could Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt prdcure -only a little poso accampanied Mr. and Mrs. Orr from deplcted stores and in Jeffrey to visit friends at Mar- spite of neighbors assistance ta mora. 0 dust poison as far as it would Misses Brenda and Patsy El- go, after two days 23 acres of lis visitcd Miss Joyce and Mas- grain looked as if a hail starm ter Bill Gingerich, Oshawa. had hit it. There were as many Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright as threc worms on a stal.k. spent the weekend with Mr. and Coons are stili plentiful here Mrs. Arthur Wright, Barrie. and helping themselves gener- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke vis- ously to swcet corn. ited Mr. and Mrs.ý Wilfred San- Last Thursday Gwennie Ford derson, Columbus. and Sharon Thorndyke had a Mr. George Ferguson, Mr. and joint birthday party at Willow Mrs. John Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Beach. There were 21 present Cecil Smith, Conn., U.S.A., Mr. and ail had a very happy time and Mrs. Bert Hunter, Streets- with- games and preparing their ville, Mr. and Mrs. Chances picnic supper outeide. Adams and familly with Mi. Although there is no decora- and Mns. W. J. Ferguson. tion service in this cemnetcî'v Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Peth- [ast Sunday many of the graves îck and Ruth visited Mr. and were dccorated with flowcrs ijl Mrs. Jim Walkcr, Blackwater. memory of loved anes rcsting Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick, Mr.i hcre. Sunday Sehool was held and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and! as usual in the morning witn Charles, visited Mrs. Verna1 Clarence Nichalîs acting as su- and Miss Nancy Wood whereî perintendent. they are holidaying at a cottage This is the time of ycar when at Hawkestane on Lake Simcoe. old friende corne araund to greet Mr. and Mrs. Walter Colenutt us and see the Place of former and grandchildren, Karen and labours. Mrs. Germaine of Lon- Gloria, Lcamington, with Mr. don, visiting Mrs. M. Roebuck and Mrs. Eari Trewin. and Miss Brand of Port Britain, Miss Betty Wright entertain- called an friends in Wesleyville cd 14 friends at her birthday vhere she taught schoal some party. Tears ago; Dr. and Mrs. Oke Miss Marie Bottrell bas re- wcrc here on Monday to say turned to Newcastle after holi- HeIlo to as mnany as time would daying with Mr. and Mrs. Carl permit. Dr. Oke is still station- Ferguson.11 ed at Dover Centre. Mr, and Mr. and Mns. Robent Sharp Mrs. Charlie Donaldeon are vis- and Janice, Moose Jaw, Sask, ting the Nichoîls' families. Mns. James Cook, O0shawa, vis- Char1ie lived here in the thir- ited Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp. hes, Mr. and Mns. L. Stainton and Mrs. L. Toppin visited family, with Mr. and Mrs. H. riends here and tells of the Stainton, Hampton. highlights of her trip to Bri- Miss Patsy Ellis visited with tin and the continent hast Miss Laura Griffin. spring. Other visitars with her Mr. George Ferguson, Mr. and were Mr. R. Mornison, a cousin, I Mrs. JSmith, Mr. and Mrs. . C. Fom Alberta, on his way from mth Conn., M.ad M s et Long Branch to the ranges at IHunter, Sretevihie, Mr. Harry 'ttawa for the rifle shooting, Ferguson. Oshawa, visited Mn rid Miss jean Graham and her and Mrs. Albert Oke. nother from Toronto. Mr. George Fenguson, Conn., Mn. and Mrs. Melville Ferguson, Mount F'orest, Mn. Harry Fer- Dcsirc is prayer: and no 10551 guson, Mis. William Wanamak- in occur from trusting Godf er and twins. Oizhawva, visited vith our desires, that thev mnav 'Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fergu-on. )moulded and cxa]tcd before' Mn. Harold Spr *y, Mr. Frank hev takp form in u-orcl, and ini Snry. Rochester. N.Y.. v'-ite1 dl-e* Mary Baker Ecddy. àMrs.Frank Spry Who isbhl-' MAPLE GROVE Mrs. Wm. Ortan, Eissex; Mr. and Mns. Raoss Maîkin, Dixie, visited their cousins. Mr. anld Mrs. R. D. Trinible. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Pritchard, and John, Manotick, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Mildred and Bob. Master Peter Pritchard, who spent last week with his grandmother, returned home with hie parents. jWill the children please bean in mmnd the vacatianal Bible Schaol ta start on Mariday, Aug. 16, for twa weeks from 9 a.m. te 11.30 a.m. Ail children wel- came. jDan't forget the Jr. boys foot- ball game Thursday (tonight) at the Boys Training School. Master Genry Jeffery is at- tending the Boy Scout Camp, this week. Mn. Raymond Twist, Salem, visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Foley. Don't forget the two services on Sunday: Sunday School at 10.30 a.m. and Church School at 11.40 a.m. when aur pastar will be with us, aften bis holi- days. August meeting of W.M.S. was held in the basement, with a- small attendance. Presidejit, Mrs. Chas. Greenham conduct- cd the business peniad. Reading by Mns. A. Laird on Christian Stewandship. Program was in 'charge of Mrs. C. Greenham and ,Mrs. R. R. Stevens. Mrs. Green- ham taok charge o! Warshîp period with' Mrs. Rass Stevens neading the passages a! scrip- turc. "Common Factors in Tem- perance Thinking" was read by Mrs. C. Greenham; "Common *Assumptian" by Mra. H. J. Brooks; "Evils o! Alcohol as a Beverage" by Mrs. R. R. Stevens and "Medical aspect of Alcaîhol- ism", by Mrs. C. Greenham. NE WTON VILLE Mn. and Mrs. William Me. Quoid, Toronto, vlsited Miss An- nie Nesbitt an Sunday. In the afternnon they attended a spe- ciàl service at St. Mank's Church, Part Hope, when the boy's chair !rom Trinity Cal- lege taak part of whicb choir Mn. and Mne. McQuoid's son is a memben. Word bas been neceivcd that Mn. Hanry Joncs of Victoria, passed away on July 31st in his 94th yean. He was the laet sur- viving son o! Mn. and Mrs. Samý- uel Janes, of Ncwtonvillc, his two brothers, G. W. Jone and S. R. Joncs, having predeceas- ed him. Mrs. Chas. Reid and Mr. and Mns. Kennetb Smith, Toronto, were down for Deconation Day service, guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood. Mr. Elmen Randail and son Neal, Oshawa, witb his sister, Miss Minnie Randahi. Decoration Day Service was hcld i Lakeview Cemetery Sunday afternoan at 2.30 p.m. In the absence o! Presbytenian and United Church ministens on halidays, the Bowmanvîlle Sal- vation Anmy toak charge o! the service. Besides the three hymne in which aIl jained the Band was veny generous with its music. A solo "Sunnise To- marrow" was mucb appreciat- cd. Lieut. Ham gave a fine message based on the text "Re- move nat these landmarke." The landmarks le!t by aur pioncer fathens ta guide us are: (1) the Chnistian home; (2) the Bible; (3) and the Church. The cern- ctcny was bcautifully deconat- cd and a gaodly numben were in attendance. M0NTREAL -Just to re'mind you . . . I had forgaotten something until a few weeka aga that 1 S wxsh I had neyer forgotten. And yau may have forgotten it, too. It's Laundry Blue -and [the wan- derful whiteneas it eau add ta yaur 'white wash. ,Remember thi - soaps and detergeats - regard l ess of their colour- take out dirt. Bleach takes out stain. But Laundry Blue puts white ia! If you have heen forgetting Laundry Blue, yau've heen missing a -surprising amaunt of whiteness that eau ho added ta your white wash .Your husband's white shirta, y ur shcets and toweis can al h. so much whiter if you use Laundry Blue. You eu add whitenesm ta a whole white wash for les@ than two cents. Get RECKITT'S BLUE or KEEN'S BLUE. Sun-R q>emed To.natooe-eoped Corne On M'gi.I.. . it'o have no out and -filled imo re o? this with chiken- faalighnem of or figh - or EbrîjL~ over-tired, ach- cold meate ing feet!1 You ail blended in- .WiI. don't have to toa delicieus jJ J endure the irri- treat with .m tation and pain MIRACLE ai a U - there's WHIP . . ihiauI.i faut relief oren'?hy oo Matter of fat, in ruhhing we use Miracle Whip,rin anc way ABSORBINE JR. briskiy into theý Miracle Whip! Ifs texture lee ae ndDtto~an satin-smooth -so riht for bled- hues, la time, they deepen mnto ing with every kind of fruit or winkles. Bo it is foolish nat to vegetable - as vdil as chieken, kcep Ahoorbine Jr. on hand - coid meata, fish - or jellied available 5fay drug counter fer recipes. Miracle Whip too, in the <nly $1.25 a long-lanting botfle. aalad dressing which makes sapd- e mbrtathundupi wiches a treat! Altogether y eeierta husnauo an sec wy, day in and day out thoisanle catestify ta thc waiy the Sanders family id snome nu it soothes and verse those throh- for their favorite selad dressing bing pain spots! AlwaV8 haU a in these hot-weather veekal bottUe in your hathroom cuph4%il Pur 30uu Leo,&aDe#4rmeJ teseAgetdays-so many neighbors ame bu vacation. Summer means that your home, 3 00, is probably Ieft empty for a period during holdays. That'a why its so esaential to rent a ositýo Box at your nearest branch of the BANK O MONTREÂL. Youil find it's auclx a sifatio ab. able to tuck away your valu. hiles in a completely sale place and go away wit1j no worry about thieves or fire. More people thi ever before are enjoying the peace of mid thal cornes with sofe-kéepiiq of valuqble. Why don%~ you arrange to ret a B of M Safety Deposit Box? 1'8 a auggeatioiq vhich may well make a happy diflerence to your vacation. Cawker's I.G.A.Store Ment Specials wfft's Preminsa Franks 3 ib. $ 1.00 Fnesh - Pienle Style lb. Pork Shouldor 37c Swlft's Premium Evlseerated-Cryo-vac packed Fowl - Lb. 49C Produce Bunched Cerrois 2 For 15C Celery Sialks 2/ 15c Cal. Louons 6 For 19c Grocory Speciauls . Lb. 19<, IGA. Evaporalod NiIk IGA. Salad Dresuing Clover Valley Cheeso Slices Donald Duck Kraerugg c Variely Pack - Grade "A" Suai! Eggs, 2 Largo Tide .*.* Giaul Cheer * Open Friday Evenings uni 9 o'clock Ol p eI lfor your co veni nco - Cawker's 1. G. A. Market 21 - 23 King St. W. Bowmanville 16 oz. 16 oz. 12 oz. 48 oz. - ~ ~ 1 « e .23 - * e 35c 3 $1z.0 a * c t:c 33c 25c Feafures Freali CLOSEJ3 FOR HOLIDAYS MRON AUGUST 1510o AUGUST 22 We'1I ho hack en 1h. job -sa Monday, Augusi 23, daying with Mr. and Mrs. IL Roll càâ was answered by Wright.1 "Bringing a visiter", but seve Mn. and Mru. Roy Trew-ix, eral fines were paid. An invita. Mimico, spent the weekend with tien was acoepted from Mra. Mn. and Mrs. E. Trewin. Wm. Ashton to have aur pic- Mr and Mrs. Mel McCune, nie in August at their cottage Cheryl and Cathy, Varcoe's at Lake Scugag. Mrs. A. Bo, d Road, visited Mr. and Mrs. Har- took charge o! the prograin. old Ashton. Two vocal solos by Nancy Wood Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms at- accompanied by Elenor Heard. tended the Taylor-Bridgett were given. We enîoyed a short wedding on Satunday in St. and inteiesting paper given h)y Paul's Church, Bowmanvilie. Mn,. Van Dam a! Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn. Mrs. M. Hobbs spoke on the Ciaremont, are visitmng Mr. and United Nations. Lunch was serv- Mrs. A. L. Weann. ed by Gnoup 3. Mrs. Herbent Wright and Mr. and Mrs. George Cale. hblidren, Barrie, are holidaying nutt, * Essex, Mr. and M&s. with Mn. and Mrs. Norman Charles Russel, Charing Cross, Wright. were Tuesday supper osts Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Red- with Mn. and Mrs. EarlâÇe-. knapp, Newtonvjlle, Mr. and Win. l Mrs. Edgar Wbittaker and Mn. and Mn,. Rediard Grfii, gnanddaughter Gail, Hamilton, 'Union, Mn. and Mrs. Bert Hun- Mr. and Mn.. Floyd Pethick and ter, Streetsville, Mr. and Mns. Robin, and Master Melvin Rab- Cecil Smith Mount Forest, Mn. bin, Toronto, visited Mr. and and Mns. banald Lee, Wayne Mrs. Sheldon Pethick. and Terry; Mn. Ken Lee, Osi- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fergusan awa, Mr. and Mn.. Keith Fergu- and Irene, visited Mr. and Mns. son, Bowmanville, with Mr. and L. Winkwarth, Barrie. Irene Mrs. Wale eg" remained far holiday..er Mr. and Mn.. A. Leadbeater with friends at Fisherville. J Congratulations to Mn. and La RU.NEL Mn,. Richard Wood, nec Ruth Ashton, who were marnied on Tyrone Women'e Institute Saturday in the United Chuncb, members are nequested ta meet Enniskillen. at Mrs. Walter Vaneyk's, Wed- Mn. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater nesday, Aug. J8, at 2:30 p.m., visited Mn. and Mrs. M. Brawn sharp, for a tour of tobacco and Mrs. M. Allen at Courtice. farms. W.A. met at the home o! Editor's Note: Lack of Ty- Mrs. E. Trewin with 25 present. rone news this week is due ta Vice-President Mrs. A. Sharp aur faith!ui correspondent Mrs. taok change a! the business. The iWalter Rahm, being away on devotion wvas in charge o! Mrs. a twa-wccks' vacation. Sa, 'f H. Stevens and was on " o have any news next wcejc Rigbteaus Nation". Bible Rend- Yplase phone 3303, direct ta the ing was taken by Mrs. F. Toms. Statesman Office - G.W.J. TM CAMAIMS STATESMAS. BOWMANVMIJL ONT,&Mn ib. 45c 1 THMUDAT. AUGUST 12, ý - Bananas