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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1954, p. 15

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T, AUO~mT 12. 209! TRU ~AWABUW UTAT~LAN. EOWMAKYYLLE. ONTAEIO PAGE TITTEEN C crds, of Thnks The famlly of the late Arthur . Barnett wihh to thani al *îghbours and friends for their ughttul remembrance and pathy at the sudden loss of Ur dear liusband and father. 32-10 Y most sincerethanks te my ,r relatives and neighbours Or ers and carda et em adheir many enquiries dur- g n stay in the hospital and sance returning home. Mns. J. W. Bradburn, Blackstock. 32-1* If.J. Geaning and family ot~h to th k the nurses and fi f M orial Hospital, Bow- U. ,WIIkÈo, Mr.. Foley and a1 riends and neighbors for the mnany acta ot kindness when Mn.. Gearing was in hospital and durlng their sad bereave- m~ent. 32-1 I wish to express my sincere thanks for the flowers, carda and fruit I received duning my stay in Bowmanvilîe and Oshawa hospitals. Special thanks to Dr. Witzel, Dr. Shaw and the nurs- ing staff. Also to those who have driven my wite to the hospital. John Pluister. 32-1 I wish to thank Jimmy Moor- craft and hi. three friends for their honesty in returning my wallet on Thursday, August 5th, 1954. 1 amn a Boy Scout. and I would like to know if they be- long'to Cuba or Scouts here. I have been visiting my grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis, here in Bowmanville. Robert Gordon. We wish te express sincere thariks and appreciation to our inany relatives, fiends and nqighSours for the beautiful Ilor4l tributes, carda, messages of sympathy and many acts of kindness extended to us in the ]oas of a beloved huaband and father. We especially wiah to than.k Rev.. Udeil and Rev. 'Gandiner for thein consolir'qý words and the A. W. George & ,Eon Funeral Home for their kind, efficient service. Mrs. Wilmot Prou.. and hamlly. 32-1* Wanit.d to Buy lOLLING wheat, ar quantity. ,rvne Fseds, Taunton. Phone Oshawa 3-9931. 32-1* EOEseiling your live ol Repairs RADIOS and smal electrical appliances repaired and guaran- teed by experienced technician. C. J. Elston, 73 Concession St. Euat. Phone 482. 23-tf RADIO and television repaira. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lorne Doreen. Phone 2741. (Formerly partner in "The Radio Shop"). 21-tf REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- erators. domestie and commer- cial; milicing cooders. lggon Electric, 42 King St. E. Phoe 438. 25-tf Wil1 Pay Cash Now fer 25,M0 SCOTCH FINE Christmas Treos Appt>' Richardson's Garage PONTYPOOL ONT. 23-tf HAMPTON Mrs. Jim' Hugbaon who has been fh Oshawa for several moaths assisting bin he homne of ber sisten and brother-in-law, Mn. and Mm. Isaac Buimer, ha returned to the home of ber brother, Will Wilbur. Mns. Eli.ze Stomey who spent thrce weeks ut the home of ber aephew, Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgaoa, ha.. neturned ta Or- ono. Sonry to hear of the illness of Elleen Coutîs, who is a pa- tient la the Isolation Hospital, Toronto. Mn. Wilfrid Williams, Mn. and Mrs. Relph Sadien, Gloria und Janice, Cuesarea, Mn. and Mrs. F. Tomis, Enniskillen, were vis- itons ut Merwin Mountjoy's. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- joy and Mn. and Mrs. E. Stnong enjoyed a moton trip and pic- nic supper on Sùndey; ulso caîl- ing on friends, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyons and family with relatives in Toron- to on Suaday. Mn. and Mrs. F. Blunt, Bow- manville, uit J. D. Hoganth's. Mr. Bruce Caverly ha been bolideylnîg et Milford Manon, Muskeku. Mn. and Mn.. Jackson Wray, Maxine and Deboru, Oshawa, werc Suaday guesîs of Mn. and Mns. Fred Payne. Miss Cecile Petit, Toronto, spent the wcckend with Mn. and Mns. W. Chapmen. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, Toronto, Miss Reta Kenslake, Mr. and Mrs. Harland Trul, SSo 1 S TARK VILLE Misses Helen and Amy Carson attcnded the trousseau tea for Miss Lorraine Wilson, Camp- belîcrof , Satundey cvening. Miss Ellen Wilkins, Pont Hope, with Mn. and Mrs. Percy Far- row. Miss Marilyn Falls is visiting with Mrs. Thos. Falls, Kendal. Misses Helen and Norma Hal- lowcll and Mrs. Llew Hallowell attcndcd a shower for Miss Mary Hullowcll in Toronto, Fniday evening. Mr. .and Mrs. Lomne Todd had dinner with Mn. and Mrs. Mc- Knight, Millbnook, on Sunday, and attendcd the Decoration Service. Mn. and Mns. Pcrcy Farrow and Brenton, Miss Ellen Wilkins, Mrs. Llew Hallowell attended a shower for Miss Duaine Grey, Campbellcroft, and pnovidcd music for dancing. Mn. and Mrs. Morley Robin- son and daughters with Mns. Prouse, Osaca. Mrs. F. Stone uttended the funeral of Mn. Fred Flotto, Pont- Hope, Saturday. Young people had change ni the service ut Shiloh Sunday morning with a fine uttendance. Mns. Fisher, Newcastle, gave the message. Mrs. Westheuscnrcad the sciptune and special music was provided by the choir. Mn. and Mrs. R. McGahey, Oshawa, visitcd et Mn. Lonne Todd's. Mn. and Mns. Bert Tnim are spending a few days et thein cottage. NE WTON VILLE Kendal Eliminated Early in Bail Tournament The Kendal club only played one garne in the Newvcastle tournament on Civic Holiday. They were eliminated 2-0 by Orono early in the day, but gave the crowd and the Orono team many thrillz. From left to right, front row: Kari Lena- han, Gord. Lowery, Eddie Couroux, Duiçe Brunt, John Thompson and Hammie Boyd. Back row: Roger Lee, Don Ashton, Doug. Simpson, Hugh Westheuser, Carl Langstaff, Glen Dafoe and Rich. Evans. At extreme rear, Bob Cockburn and Roy Sleep. High School Board AIIows Darlington Another Member Denlinglon Council met Aug. 5tb with membersalal present and Reeve Roy Nichols pesid- ing. Council set fee of 20 cents per abstract, us requestcd by Regisbny Office. Letten fnom Durham Counby Higli School Board stuted bbpl Darlinglon Council may appoint another member 10 Board. On motion J. F. Heyland will be contuctcd as toaecccpting the position. Letter fnom Pickering Town- ship ne-Commuter Service on Reilways neceived and filed. Letten fnom Dept. of Munici- pal Affairs ne - 4-day course. Clcnk 10 aobify DepI. that tbrcc membens will attend Sept. 14- 16. Lebter from E. A. Marston ne -Town Line estimatea of cost. Reeve Nichols reported on the work donc. Letter fnom Municipal Board re-By-law No. 2003. By-law la be prepuned with nequested emeadments for next Couacil meeting. Clemk tb write Oshewa, Bow- manville, Toronto,_Western and Dun and Bredstrcet Collecting Agency. Clerk is 10 write W. B. Ben- netl re-grevel on Town Line North bctwcen Cartwrigbt and Darlington. Clerk bo write County En- glacer re-testing of sevenal Township gravel pila. Thc following buis were paid: Pettiason J.P.,summons $ 10.5o Scc.-Treas. S. 'S. No. 16' H.E.P.C. Hampton ligbts Bell Phone Co. Service H.E.P.C., Service,----- Hampton Park Grant Pêey Dalby, Poultny Damage ---- - James Pub Co., Advt. & Pninting --------- Hospitelizublon Wmn. L. Lycett, Seleny J. D. Hogarth, Salary -- J. Dt Hogarth, Postage - W. E. Ruadie, Saluny' - Mary Niddery, Salary H. A. Berron, Stemps Receiver Gencrai, Tex- E. A. Varcoe, Salary - Sec.-Treazs., S. S. No. 21 W. R. Pickell, Brucehlo- sis Inspector - Fred Smith, Brucellosis 500.00 147.00 8.65 4.50) 100.00 100.60 270.87 204.00 200.00 8.00 169.00 148.44 4.80 4.40 74.00 600.00 40.20 ' M. îFlatzi,RR., BethaniY. ~Mns. Harold Salter. Mrs. Hos- Toronto1 General Hosp itals stat- Inspector 31.6 ,Phêsie 7 r 13. Revers charges. ken Smith, Miss Erlyne Barron, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Gil- ing that patients ad mitted to Clarence Turner, Bru- 1-fwçre visitons with M r, and Mrs. men, Buffalo, with his parents, hospital should gîve their Lot cellosis Inspector _- 19.40 Lorenzo Truil at Williams Point, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer. and Concession so that Clerk H. Earl Osborne, Bru.- touir,'900 Lake Scugog.' Mr. John Patterson, Toronto may identify them. cellosis Inspector -_ 30.60 "hler tiout ecap Mr. and Mms. Lockwood, Osh- with Mr. and Mra. Arnold On motion Mn. G. Rickard is Sec.-Tneas., S.D.A. trois, rags and metals. Raw t otc r umr ead colB ------ - 2,500.00 juran~ddeeakis. hon 32343awa, wlth thein son, Mr. and Wade. t otc r umr ead colB -fu an dersk . hon 3-043Mm.Cecil Lockwood. Mr. and Mns. Ray Bunley, ing payrnent of Brucellosis In- Relief --------------------193.59 *Oshawa, cofleot. 48-tf Mrn. K. Wlntcrburn !@ ped- Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- spectors. Roads and Bridges iga week with friends eiLnd- lis Farrow. On motion Township join Maint. and Repairs -- 3,189.33 'WÀ CIIRE ÀIRNGCongratulations to Mn. and E. S. and ~Mrs.'Lnta n.Truman Henderson on the Paisey, elid onfrinda irth of a son on Aug. 7th etH th vwon Weclnesday. eoilHsial mn 11a p on W om efls Institute MA R R" Mm. (r.) Wallace Horn and Mv i elHptaBwa- m pOr la JEMMLLIRRY WMon.regl, et and Mrs. Manson Patton of No. Enfloy Dus Trip to Barrie, rli a Xw e. W phe M Mm. S. Keu«e spent the 9 with Mr. and Mrs. George Sta- DOWMANVELE w.ekend wilîh her son, Bey. pleton. ~ ndMn, . , ereyetPlain- Mna. Sue Marshall and Miss On Aug. 5 Hampton Women's Jack Macnab of Hampton, who 1-« and .ILJ esya Maureen Bain, Toronto, with Institute chartcred a Ganton gave ail a cordial welcome. Mr. and Mme. Allan IPark,.er Mn. and Mrs. Wilfred Cox. bus, with driver Mn. Russel After dinnen the ladies explor- Toronto, visited Mns. M. Good- Mr. and Mrs. George Hiender- Balson, when 31. ladies availcd ed the lovely wooded grounds mani and Louise. son and son Cecil, spent Sun- themselves of the opportunity and saw dank peacocks, white Miss Reta esak is d day wffh Mr-. and Mrs. Albert of a lovely trip, picnic dinner peacocks, several kinds of duck, 1,he SaWtr's. Throop at Lakefield. and suppen, without any acci- and many kinds of pheasants, Miss Rubhr Deweg, Oshawa, Mns. George Bisnett, Wind- dents or trouble. geese, a fox, deen and porcu- 9I.iLmdtTu PPAUS '70 BC. at Perey DewelWs. son, with Mn. and Mna. Raymond Leaving Hampton around 9 pine, ail being in enclosures. M&RI~E AN ADVANS FAOVM Mr. W. B. Power, Lindsay, Bruce. o'clock they jou.rneyed on the The flowers were ail very ÏiôL-tTiff -FO ILS isited bis daugliter, Mrs. Gar- Visitons with Mn. and MM . th Concession until they cross- lovely including the flowers at 14<S etJonto.Sid Lancaster followin.g the De- ed over to, join No. 7 Highway. the Provincial Gardens close Hampton triends were sonry conation Day service wene Mns. Then went along until they by. to hear of the death of Mrs. G. John Lancaster, Mr. and Mns. came to the new four lane Early ln the aftcrnoon the a. eeth o Brokln, fomerSamn' Buttery and daughter Barrie Highway, No. 400. party itarted for Onillia Park ~ j _______ reaet of Ffampton, ath e rltManian and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Teseeywslvltewhcn some- wcnt shopping, of a mt oracidentreetch and daughter Betty, Bow- Teseeywslvlteohr omdaon n n ofamtr ciet M.Ke1 crops looked good, wheat fields ohr omdaon n n who was also injured has since manvie. joyed the scenery, swimming been unden hospital cane, though Mn. and Mrs. Clifton Robb were yielding wonderfully, and boating.. Another bounti-_ aomewhat improvcd. Sympathy who spent some time at their some thneshlng was in prognesa, fui meal was enjoyed under is xtndd o n. eech Aancottage here lefI for Montreal somne wene eombining and othen coven. On the way home they asendenintheir.beretamn on M on day. fields were just la stooka. They visited Pont Boister and had Fricnds from here attcnded the Mns. Walken gn., in home from went through the bustling town some pictures taken. funeral on Aug. 2nd. the Memonial Hospital, Bow- of Barrie to the picnic grounds Several of the.members were Rcent visitons at the home of manville. at Midhunst Park where a disappointed in not being able ..Mn. and Mrs. Ken Caverly wcne Mn. and Mrs. C. J. Moase, lovcly dinner was spnead out in to take this trip due to illness Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison, Lindsay. and their gnanddaugh- a covercd pavilion. Mna. Venna but some visiting friends helped Grimsby, Mn. and Mns. Sher- ten Betty-Jo Jones, Niagara Dusto wau thene to see that the to make up the ioad. Altogether wa, Mn. and Mrs. John Crispin, sister, Mrs. G. W. Jones. whene the dishes wene washed. dlav arniving home around Windsor, Mrs. L. Sudds, Mn. Mrs. Coinaldi, daughten Ca- Mns. Duato is a cousin of Mr. 9:30 and Mrs. Doug. Caverly and thenine and son Charles, Mrs. 4 daghtc, LidaMn. erb og-Allison and son Tom, Belleville, Oervseand n. Wllia Cow WL R ise Genolnand Jac- OMn. eand Mr. WHay Cown, Parents, S.S. Teachers M ay Now 1queline Hilis, spent a week at'n nd Mrs. George Smith, New- Hospitality Inn, Minden. cate with Mn. and Mns. GeorgeSe u eT e ub leY th B be KIN S. E BWMAVeE Mir. and Mrs. 31. W. Balson, Stapleton. e u J ub l Y thB l" i accompanied Mn. and Mrs. Keith Mr. and Mns. Howard Ormîs- - -. ____________________________ton and two daughters and Miss *oe...U...uU..uma@oe...u...buuuuu. rj Dorothy Staplcion, attended the Illustrated for Good Reading a Curtis-Gray wedding at Garden Hill church on Saturday. Little "The Newcst and Most Mod- and the jounneya of the apos- *Beatnice Ormiston was flowcr crn Bible"~,"A Picture-Book tic Paul. -Mgirl. Bible", "The Jubilce Youth Bi- It is the complete Bible but *down to the farmi beside the termed will be released to the flows on in uninterru pted fash- -Mlake for a time, public in September. Copies of ion; passages, especially in the AIfif OMrs. Willis Jonea neturned it have already been prescnted Old Testament, which are con- * ii~ AI~fD 5 ~~1home on Fniday fnom Ottawa, ta Prince Charles and Princess cerned with genealogies, itiner- N e wIe..I a4E ic~ whcre she hsd been takinga Anne, aies, specifications and ma j ~~~~~~~five weeks' summer course for Pakdwt50pitesht surements, and other technical * school * Mn McGcgo Jons an ahi simple snapshot sketches of mutters, are placed in three col- *Mtr Mrs. Ddl Jones i every bird, beast, tnee and flow- umns on the lower haîf of the Sunitn, rspued on ew, er mentioncd in the narrative, page, but in thein night sequence la Ceame lua and meet aur new days with Misa Jennie Thomp- the attractive volume is the im nd f eip orcyeto Mhl e * ~~~son. Mrs. Giddus Jones, Bow- Authorized Version, "without meigheBbeSry -Mechanie. Jack Meae in.Mmunville, carne down with thern note on comment" in kceping Took Several Yeara' Work 5 ~~~~~~~~with the 150 ycar policy of its Svrlyas okhabe " R C A F Veteran, and 15 landvie d .ed atevl publishens, the Britishi and For- put into this handy edition for ye te garage business. .M rM. and Mns. Edgar Whîttak- eign Bible Society. young people and children. The *en and gnand-daughten, Gail, Up-to-date Vinas!Aid aim and purpose la "to bring a 7 S Hamilton, have been visiting For the first time this new the stony ta life". It lus publish- "darr wlIIruan lke new % I Mr. and Mn.. A. Redknap. lime of plain and practical illus- cd to commemorate the Third * ______________ tration is intnoduced ino the Jubilce - 150th anniversary of Wb akl thraugh" Bible. It is really an up-to-date the Society formed when Wii- * Thinkers are scarce as gold: visual aid nather than the old lium Wilberforce and some of, IIIIbut he, whose thoughts embruce lime type of story pictune. Route- his friends heard the stony of * ai t einsubjctwhopunue il maps accompany the text to show Mary Joncs, a little Welshgil unintennuptedly and feanless of the readen bbc roud he travels,i who tnudged many miles over OUAKANTBM S5RVICE consequence, la a diamond of milestones give thc distance rough roada of ber* native coun- enormous size-Lavater. between dif ferent places. tim e try to buy a Bible only to fîind Ife.,i..mua - N. ruc to bi * Before being approved for1 signala count out the passing of the last copy sold upon ber Ne u JM mil N tmk ta bg production, thermostats made !the centuries. badges on idcntity arrivai ut Bala. Cpe *by the Harrison Radiaton Divi- carda indicate the nationality of First 100,000 Cpe *sion of General Motoru are sub- the people he meets. City gates The first edîtion soon ta be *jectied ta severe tests. In ane of and dwelling of the points vis- available will consult of 100,000 F"rantesssaGherageatmustited are :l:a how. ighlights cpe n npitdb x F ra n k s G a r g e B open and close 35,000 times b..- of Uic book ane the special close- ford University Press, and dis- 72 CUGG SRET PONE323 * Try to live ighl and don't ings, officers, vestments and, publication cost. 72SUG GSRETPH N -23 oworrN, about how vou are gong vessels of worship: h .ethe cos-o ouTh ai o l:--%-u'l is & r4t. tui" cin. outrsid ndiLe hc or oryuI-h Club Secretarie.s Should Bear In Mînd These Rules Ia reporting be sure 10 include the date and place of the meet- ing and correct spelling of neme and initials of the bostess. Mar- ried womcn arc designatcd by their husbands initias-if sin- gle, give full Christian name. Deteil negarding some parti- cular items of business on pos- sibly a gucat speaker will meake club reports more interesting. A quotation from a speaker on from a report given by a con- vener cen be uscd 10 emiphesize the importance of remankg. Be sure bo give tbe neme or names of convenens. Indeatifi- cation by a familier name is likely 10 registen in tbe readers' minds. Pieuse send la reports as soon as possible efler the meeting, thb, cunlien bbc betten. If a meeting is beld on Tues- day, Wcdncsday or Tbunsday tny 10 have the report la on Fnl- day or Saturduy et tbc latest. Events beld on Friduy on Satun- day should be sent la on Mon- day. Tuesday is the earliest a meeting beld Monday eveaing could be sent in. Everythirîg possible will bc donc to gel il int tbe paper wibh the dead line Wednesday noon but some- limes that i. an impossibility due bo the fect Ihat Ihere la more news thun space. Reporta thet come in late muaI be hcld over ta the next weck. The Statesma appreciates the meny fine reports wmitten and telephoned 10 Ibis office. If there isa't lime 10 write the re- port, which is preferable, dont besitate 10 telephone. Co-operetion of press and publicity reporters ilaeppreciat- cd and will be reciprocuted whcncven possible. Pieuse siga the report with youn name and Iclephone num- ber. More detuils mey be waat- cd. American Magazine Plays Up the Province. of Ontario Canada's Ontario la one of the moat cxciting vacation spots in tbc world 10 explore, Vence Packard wnites in tbe curnent issue of The Amenican Mage- zine. In bis article, "The Land of the Canoes," be neveels thet 'more Americans go 10 Ontario for their vacations than 10 any other Place outside oun bondera" and adds Ihet il is un cspccially fine place if you bave young- stens with you. Packard bimscîf book bis wife and their tbnee young chiidrca on a moton trip tbnougboul On- tario and he tells ail about il in bis Amenica Magazine Ira- vel adveaturc. Bcginning witb Niagara Fells, the Puckerds pusbed aonth througb Toronto, past North Bey to Temagemi and Cobalt 10 bbc greet mining ceater et Kirk- land Lake. Everywherc they fouad modern and incxpcnsivc accommodations, wondcnful food and mugnificcat sccnery. "As we continued north,$ he writes, "evcnything was forest and lake as fer as we could sec-a jcwel- cd meze of woods, lakes, and streenis, with occusional mile- Iwide wild bluebemry patches that glowed blue la the sua." Aflen a trip labo bbc Kirkland Lake gold mines, the Packard family beaded back southeast for thein main destination, the great wildlife saactuary of AI- gonquin Park wbcrc thcy stay- ed ut Camp Minnesing on -'breuthtakingly b ceautIf u " Burnt Island Lake. "Il wus," Packard concludes, "ýa vacation we shah nremember and talk about for years ta corne.", -An' Englishman, a Welshman and a Scot wcre huving drinks ltogether. A fly happened to light in each drink. The Eng- lishmnan remnoved hfs with dis- gust. The Wclsbmnan flipped his dlear across the roomn. The Scot carefully lifted his fly and wrung il ouI. T 1CKNETS8 TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamshlp Consuit JU.R Y & L OV E LL Bowmanviiie 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 Billett and cblîdren, Bowman- ville, 10 Onono ta a picpic te honon Mn. Jesse Arnott of Lon- don Sanitanium, wha bas made sucli improvement in healîli 10 be able ta visît bis daugliter,; Mrs. Stanley Ogle, (Benniece) and Mn. Ogle and grandchild- ren and in staying for a week. Mn. and Ms. Norman Van Nest, Windsor, Mn,. Samî Brooks, Providence, Bev. and Mn., E. S. Linstead, Ilda, Pais- ley, Mns. John Short, sons Wal- ter and Luther of Countice, were visitons of J. W. Balsons. Mn.. J. C. Macnab and Mn.. Harold Wilkins cntertained their Sunday School clamses toa Epic- nie in the park here lest week ut the dinner houn and after- wands i Pingle's Crcek te swim. Mns. Niddery and Misa Mary Nlddery, Master Jimmie Wid- dccomb are bolidaylng with Mn. and Mme. Bob Fernandez and Debbie et a cottage at Lake Simncoe. Mn. and Mrs. John Hills, Miss Gwendolyn Hilla viýited Mn. and Mrs. Stuart Daw, Port Credit. c .stock Woi men 1's Institute Black Pay Mr. Kf last Wedi meeting of Ien's Imatit ILamne Tlic opening ec Treastint ers reportt bank bal& realized t and severa unable to nioney- Mns. En scnipture. 'swered by firsl dayi t-'IWO car past by 1 debt ta c Seenetar ers nepor je the Hc for Ibi d Lindsay. Mns. Mi ne the va television to, have a on this su Mna. Enr leader foý seanch pri Van Camr Canadian Tourist Bureau Now Sujgests Our Citizens Should See and Know Canada Better A few wepks ugo the Bow-! manville Rotary Club started a series of addresses to be given tbrougbout thc corning year oný "Know Your Canada Better" by heving citizens frorn the dif- fement provinces speak on thein particulur province. Two ad- dresses bave already been given in Ihia senies. To again prove thc old saying thel "great minds think alike we fin(- another nation-widc onganization is tack- lîng the samne subject from a diffenent angle: The Canadian Tourist Bureau, covgering Canada from coust to coast, habnoedcast a suggestion in which cvery Canadien citizen, frorn thc humble ma-la-bc- sîneet 10 every nationial on pro- vincial figure; eveny bop-ciass businessman, eveny communlty leader, sbould co-openate. The woadcr puzzling bbc Association la why Canadiens la greaten numbers, la a period when vaca- lions have become so genemal, do not viait more pointa of inter- est la Canada. Il is truc Ibal many of oun citizens now go south 10 escape the somebimes severe winters in venlous parts of Canada, but wc have a long period of sprng, summen und uutumn, wben mot- oring la Canada is featured wîth delîgblful weher, and moton travel leads tb many beautiful holideying centres whene fish- iag. boating, bething and recrea- tional faciiliîc are not surpas-. cd on the North Amenicun Cont- inent. A great m-ajorily of Canadien citizens arc unfamilian with the beaulîca of thein own country. Many have nol scen Muskoku, considcred the most alluring hol- iday area in Central Canada. Its location is ideal for visitons from the nonth, west, eat and south. The beal bigbways la Canada anc now available la reacbing Ibis central locality, studded wilh crystel lakes and rivera, may located la obscure ereas, and yet approachable by a well- planned chain of roads' and sunfaccd highweys. But oun purpose ls not alone1 ta recommend the beauties of our own district. Frôm the at- tractions of British Columbia and the Rocky Mountains, now accessible by road travel or ex- cellent air and nuilway facilities. down through thc nonthera sec.- lions of Ontario; through Que- bec and into tbc picturesque Maritime Provinces, the places for joyoua holidaying are in- numenuble. But our own people are booa prone 10 bbink Ihal if sometbing unusual is 10 be enjoyed. they must go oulside the boundenies of oun own country. This false idea sbould be dissipated. It doca not correspond with wéll- establisbed facta with wbich most Canadiens are familier. Suggesting thé means Ibrougil wbicb Caniadiens may perforin a service la the enlangemnent of inter-Canadien lnavhl during the favorable monîhs, the Associa-. tion suggcsts tbc following simple methocla: Talk up bbc idea of tmavel in Canada ut al epprôpniate bus- iness, community or social gath- eningsanad espccially wbereiri you meet officials, teacher5, press, radio and TV people and others wbo influence opinions; Sponsor and support publicityr programmes that attracl Caaad- lansaus well as other tounlats to, your area; Promole the Devclopmcent of local tourist attractions such as historic sites, communlty punks, festivals and other spécial eventa; Encourage adéquate higbway developmeftl wlth particuler stress on the early completion of the Trans-Canada Higbwuy; Develop the use of educution- ai materials on Canadien bravel la achools, clubs, displays, ,news- pepers and magazine., radio and TV programmes; This yeer, plan YOUR OWN Canadien Vacation. Hclp ail Canadiens discover Canada. The family was objecling to their son'a girl. "I'm sorry, Dad," said bhc boy, "but thàt's the besî girl I cen gel witb lbe cen we ve got." Nationally Advertised on T.V. Cheerio Cereals "Breakfast cf Champions" Wheaties .- .* Kraft Cheez Whiz Saran1 Newest and best in nel and for wnapping 25 fi.# Simonize - No scuff Self-Polishing Wax - - Farnily aizef * * - 27c fnigerator covening ýg sandwiches 39c 1 pint - . - * 69C Simonize - Floor and furnîlure Pas!. Wax - - - - - - 89 a large box soap 0 39c 1 quart - u m 49C Meat Department Feaiuring This Week Ail Cuit oi Rosi Veal Coakod Moili Park Turkey Broilers Capons and Fryiag Chicksms FREE DELI VERT YEOIl'S Neals and Groceries 5.5 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3387 Tribute to Grandmiothers 1. Bailey was bostesa newspapen of 1889. The best of! nesday ta the August woolen blankets wcre $1.75 a fi th Blackstock Wom- pair ut Sinipson's. She also read tule. Preaident, Mrs. a piece fromn the Bowmanville ,ompion canducted the Sun on "Etiquebte," and frans .xercises. "Uncle Tomn's Cabin.t$ an, Mra. Murray By- Mrs. Neil Werry, Mn.. E. Lar-. .d thal thene la a good mer and Mrs. Frunk Hoskin ancc. Nearly $50 was 'sang "Whispering Hope" with tnom tbe baking sale Mrs. Lorne Tbampson accorn- al merabers who wene panying. Mrs. Een1 Donreli gave ibake wilI contnîbute a splendid talk on "Thé Ferga-. ,son Fumily" - and had abbained nest Larmea- gave Iha considerable information irons Roll cail was an- ber uncie Sam Ferguson. r"a recoileclion of my Gedohr.Dywaa* et achool". The mollo rnnoh'aDvwsld n puy oun debt to the observed wben Mis. Lainer putliag lbe f uture in gave prizes 10 Mn.. Robert Fond, munelves". Mn. bb gradmother wlth bbe most ry-Teasrer rs.By-bnown-eyed grendchildnen; Mrs. rt~redtasuMiss B>'-Roy Taylor, the gradmother -le tht Miscoace witb the leaut gray bain; Mms. ditrc t Eo ofice coachNorman Mourîtjoy, bbc grand« lisnio wlh ofic lamoîber wilh thé susallest waist. IcArthur ncad a lelter Mn.. Percy Van Camlp con. aluetion oi radio and ducled a lree ejntébst for Mrs. and each member is A. Wright. Mns. M. Byers nead constructive comment Mrs. Malcolmn Emenson's ad- ubject next montb. dress given et tbe District an- riest Larmnen was group nual. nr the Histonical Re- A delicious lunch of sand- rognem. Mrs. Stanford wiches, tents and tee wao p nead irom The Globe served.1 Handy for dishes - Equivalent to Gay ""Liquid Detergent" Assorted flaveurs T V Rail Ice Creani - ,y. Avem 12, »M TIM CANADUN ITATUML4.W. IK)WXAZÇVZZZa ONTAM PAGZ-MTM

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