- r 't t ~. r~.-- -- -. -..- -r...r.----. t-. ~MAT. AYMTT 19, 1954 3 CANADIAN STATSMAN. EOWMALNVILL. ONTARIO PAGE Nnmf Ed Youngmnan'sColumn 1%0 Stat«as'Grans Roots Coum"lt i Cvernlght stops on journeys Iisually produce interesting fBcts. A souvenir package of Inaýchés t Daisey'a Motel car- tled the owner's namne and ad- dress on one side, while on the ether wat this pertinent obser- 'vat:cn "I had no shoes and corn- PliBnd-%4ntil 1 met a man WiIIi no ftt"'. Ouess moat of un are prone tu L>Phaslze aurirrtations In- U4Ilof à reciating our many lb'éosng. fWeweren't su fuli cf self pity, we might notice that there are 9thers a l-,t Woisé off than we. And speak- 111g abôut feet reminds me that 'n'line 4iven't been washed las ime. An o#fer stop will be rememn- ~eredf or four reasons: Had my hbir eut in a basement barber shop, for eight bits, which my Wife declared, wasn't as good ozs he could have done for noth- Ing; Purchased the moat taste- les; peaches imaginable; was otfered the crummiest cbn wlth. véry primitive communal rest room and shower facilities, at an exorbitant price. ', ore the tail pipe off the poor littie AustinIs muffler when we we-:'e foollsh enough to go off the pavement, mbt the mud. One night il was too bot la gleep.Tlhe next, too cold and dasmp. The third, too many mas- quitoes and liny maths made life a misery. The fourth, there was too mnuch competition be- tv;een the heavy traffic on ti-c. highway in front of our motel,l and a switch angine on the rail- road al the rear, resultlng in rny eyes (the following morn- ing) having the appearance of two burnt hales in a blanke t.: My wife said it proved the truth l of that old adage "'There's no r est for the wicked." A lady tlid of an unusual stunt 2he witnessed when visit- in.- San Francisco, recently. Moth ers would switch on the television set, pull the baby's crib up closeý and while the pic- tures kept junior amused, mam- ma would go back to bed emd enjoy further sleep. One night, We attended aur first "drive In" theatre. Il la supposed to be the largest in Canada. What do you suppose the picture was? " Bend of the River"; which we had seen at the Royal Theatre in Bowman- ville several months ago, which proves that our local picture hovse is as up-to-date as the best of them. Not too many people reading this column use natufal gas inl their homes. Around Calgary, ail you do is twist a wee tap when you require either heat for a room, or for cooking. No woodshed or storage bins, no ashes to carry out, no clinkers to bother the grates, just a nice clean, odorless blaze for al purposes. A small house can be run for three frogskins per month, larger houses more, ac- cording to size. We, who burn wood in kitchen stove and fur- nace throughout the entire year, can realiy appreciate the com- forts of Alberta's natural gas. During stampede week, a workman mnav go on the job, hang around for an hour or 3o, then go home, puzzled at the non appearance of other work mates. The second time this happens, he throws up the --onge. and dec;des ta go ta thp Stampede, where he is apt to findt fis missing pals, plus the H amouo that à bit Of Wood preservatixei applied et Hlittle cot when the fence was put ini, would have saved him the. cost of new poste now. ln the telephone business, as 'roUm! your ô"n home, w@ find it's better ta do the. job right in the firt place and tiien look ater it. It', the best way we know to avoid hcavy repair and replacement coste, ta savo expense and give yen mot service for your money. That'. why we treat telephone pales against rot; why -we keep Our trucks<,l.an and in good repair; why we put up It'acoammon smms.if w. are takeep our oauisdown-and thse prfee ef your telephone service lotv. lix.y- -MUS gik uu fudl nforwaeon oMa 00 nooai ftweemof " , v!oed mu u u rt. Fom.saProdum sLome.. min.. <Canada;D.pormnmsf Norh.ri, ffairsandmionoua @ Imm nuLLTamulNECOMPANY 0f CANADA THE STERLING TRUSTS CO0R POR A TIO0N NIA OFMc 372 "ey St., TO00 boas himself. Seldom s there any unpleasant aftermath. Such aberrations are explained away by a shrug, and "Stampede, you know." At an overnigbt stop lni the rugged Montana country, the hotelman handed me the keys of the room, plus à 26-ourioe bottle af water, which I at first rnizlQok for gin. Hi-s actionipu7- zled.us because there wvas pe.- ty of water in the laps. How- aver, wben we needed a mnort, we swigged tram the bottie. The following morning, the maid explained that the bottled stuff bod been bouled tram a town tbirty miles away, was "good waler," and cost Ibrec cents a gallon. The local water was sa full of soda that il us- uaily upsets strangers, but was dandy for washing clothes, be- cause il bleaches them s0 nice- iy. Local folk drink il without ill effect. At aur next overnight stop, a native of Indiana, about sixty years of age, told af going througb this part af the couli- try wben be was much younger, on the raiiway; when a man, passed middle age, engaged hlma in conversation, and bold hlm he had left Ohio some years be- fore, lied settled in thot parti- cular part ai Montana, acquir- ed tbree sections of land <1920 acres), at one lime bad passes- sed over 300 cows and 75 hor- ses, but due la continued dry weabher wibbering the grass, had sold most of bis stock ta buy feed for tbe remainder: That morning, be had shot his last remaining six horses, and boardcd bbc train wibh just enough cash ta transport him ta Ohio, wbcre be intended ta sbay. He offered the young In- diana lad the bible deeds ta the 1920 acres, free. But our ac- ý uaintance wasn't înterested. e bold us that, had he taken the offer, be would have spent as mucb in taxes over bbe last forty years as bbc propcrby would realize today. Our motel neighbour sbowed us a sbeltered depression where, he cloimed, three hudnrcd and fifty catlle had froze ta death during a particulerly cold snop. Tbob's a lot af catîle ta freeze in anc bunch. Ini the Sweetwater Hilîs, we sBW. where Indions bad used a hi-gh butte as a waîch tower ta &pot buffalo herds on bbc plains. Later, "palefaces"' discovered folid there that assayed twenly- ive cents ta every shavelful of dirt, but i-t soon pcbered out. Taday, a few old, grlzzled pros- pectors are still hunling for thec elusive Moîber Lode. We met a chap i-n Calgary, wha, threc yeors ago, fast tolk- cd finance companles i-ntoa an- 1!1g hlm anc hunidred tbousand doulars, wi-th which ta purchase heavy earth moving machinery, on the strenglh of passible gov- erninenlal contracta. He bas pald off half, and expecîs ta finish paying bbc ather fit ty tbousand off witbin bbc next two years. Thab's failh in onc's abllty alrigbt. This sme man told me of seeing Walter Ure, (25 yeara- ago) who rccently dicd in his earlr forties, wbile Mini-aber of A griculture for Alberta, run i-n a six mile road race, clad only in raclng shorts, socks and boots, i-n 45 bclow zero wcolbcr. Anoîber avernight stopper assurcd me that, in Minneapa- pis, 1951 model cars, in excellent condition, with no more thont 35 ta 50 tbausand miles on bbc speedameber, could be bougbt for $300 opiece. He said bbe used car lots arc ful of unsold« cars, which is having a depress- ing effect on business i-n gen- ersi. And thal, during bhc weck of July 5, moyen dealers bad been iarced out of business i-n Ibis ane city. AI Willîston, N.D., we caught up to a bus, sparting shovel, mnow shoca, a chunk af a totem pole, and tire chains, ail fasten- ed on tbe rear. Painlcd across the bock waa "Alaska-or?" And beneath tbcse words was Ibisà si-ç,nifi-cent phrase: "Wc mode il'! The. bus conloined a family, wbo had purcsed il, gane ta Alska, ahd wos on the way home. As souvenirs, they had acqulred a couple af husky Befare you apeok, three gates af t] gold: ig Tbese norrow gales: First, "Isv il truc?" Then, 'Is il needful?" Ini yaur b mind Give truthful answcr. And the c next a Io luansd narrowest, 'Is itl i klnd?" Ad if ta reoch yaur lips aI u luit r Et passe through these gate- 1t waya tbree, c rhen you may tll the tale, nor si fear ti Whbat tbe result af speech imay ft be. -Beth Day p BIANCN OFP1C 1-3 Dunop UI, aie Former Counties Councillor Offers Some« Practical Ideas On Crowded Accommodation The views af a mon Who sot i-n caunlies council a consider- able number oi years ago, but Who daca not want ta enter per- onaily inb hie controversy surrounding accommodation in tbc town bail, migbb be ai geri- eral intercat in view ai bbe staleniabe which aI present marks the situation. Itla i- smalter of record 1ha1 efforts la purchase another building wcrc deteated by a mojoni-ty vote in the counties council as was also the propos- ition ai conatrucbing a new building. By consent i-I was de- cided aI the lasI session of counlies council ta drap bbc en- tire mater-for bbc lime bclng at leas-af seeing wbat could ho donc i-n regard ta direct negotiations wltb the town ai Cobourg for more accommoda- tion. "I amn not a lawyer," said the gentlemen Who expressed bis views, "but I bhink some of the caunties caundil are frigbbcned boa much by thc significance ai bbc judicial action baken in an- ather caunby ta provi-de more room for a law llbrary. Appor- enbly there is some precedent wbich establishes thc rigbt for judicial steps ta provide need- cd expansion ai bhc law libra- ry quarlers, but tbab docs not go so for as ta include ather facilities, sucb as a robing room for lawyers, a conference rooni for lawyers and Ibeir clients and so on. I take il that tbere la no lefal compulsion ta pravide anytbîng beyond bbc enlargement ai bbc law library.. I amrnont suggcst- ing that these extras arc nat necdcd but tbc council bas stampeded ibacîf I-nIa tinking thol o judgecacn issue a wr-t and force bbem to. Should Try Again "Hlowever, now that the sub- stitute building bas been turn- cd down, I tbi-nk bbc bawn of Cobourg and the counties caun- cil couid gel bogether again witbaut the distractions af ncw Scugog Anglers On Lookout To Tag Lunge Angiers have been catching a foir number ai bagged lunge and basa l-n Pigeon and Stur- geon Lokes Ibis summer. These arc fimb thal have been trans- e lanted from. thc Nogica Creek ih Sntuary sme moyen miles'nortb-eoat ai Babcaygeon, and bbc tag i-s i-n the frm, ai a amallplastic disc lied ta the lefI cbeck banc wi-lh monofila- ment lino. Each tag bears a numnber whlch Identifies bbc fi-ah sud thu.. enablea fisheica workers to look Up ils hiutary. The Noqies Creek Moikinange conservation Projeti-s a joint effort carni-ed on by ebcToroin- ton Anglers' sud HunIers' As- sociation and bbc Depsrtmenl ai Landsand Pareis. There la a draw for à cash pni-ze on the returned legs tram, lunge and basa and anglers are requeated ta forward legs and information on the capture ai bbe fish la P. 0. Box 187, Bobcoygean, On- tario, or ta bbc Dept. of Lands and Foresîs et Li-ndsay. If a tagged, sublega f ish is caught, tbc tag sbould be cli-pped off, tbc fish rncasured (if possible), and then careiully relurned ta the water. Tagged lunge are aia show- ing up i-n Lakte Scugog. These are fisb that bave been slmilar- ly taggcd during bbc research work of Dr. R. C. Ritchie on meaki-nonge i-n Lake Scugag and legs trami fi-sh i-n Ibat erea sbould be rcturncd tb Dr. Ri-t- chie, c/o Banting Institule, 100 College Street, Toronto. Now's the Time 'To CdIIect Cones And Tree Seeds Wi-tb tbe appraach ai Au- tumn, harvcsing lam once aga-n In full swing. Farmers are bar- vesllng their cropa, gatbering seed for nexb year's planting. The DepI. of Lands and For- eala must galber seed from, aur farest treca la praduce Nursery stock for distribution ta bbc rnany applîcants who wi-ah ta estabiish piàantations. Trees, un- like field cropa, produce abun- dant sceda oniy cvery 4 ta 7 ears. Il becomes necessary ta old up in advance a suppiy of seed which is kept in cold- storage unI-ilrcquircd for plant- ing. The seeds ai the cani-lerous trees, which are uscd mastly in Reforestation, are produced n a cane. Two seeds are form- ed under eocb scole-like par- tion ai bbecocne, and each seed ¶as a wlng altached toAi- for dispersai by the wind. The cones ripen in the late Fall Ihe scoles deflect from the boc<y of the cane, and the seeds are re- leased la be scatlered by the wind. The harvesting cf canes musI be donc, i-n a relatively short period i-n bbc Fa11, siter the cones bave reacbed malurlty and beo re the seeds are re- lased. Cane collection will soon be underway in the Lindsay Disat- ri-ct. An y an interesbed in cal- lectixîg should contact tb. Dept. of Lands and Foresta et Lind- say, your nearcat Ranger Sta- tion or Farest Carelaoer for de- tails as ta lime and pr-ce, paid per bushel. V. S. Milburn, Federatian Sec- etary: "Il is possible la find xport markets if we go aiter them ourseives. W. must gel Ito a sbrang bargaining position Rnd not ssk the governinenla ta Lke surpluses aff our bonds." Over bbc last five years the federal governmcpt's revenue fromi income taxes hsas more dmn doubied. -.' buildings to detract them from a practical, sen.sible solution crf their difficullies. For instance there is the small room off tha deputy-sheriff's office, which should be ail right as a rooin for the lady jurors and the lava. tory under the stairs could be closed ta pblic use and joinad with the lady jury room be a There la the tact that appar- ently the judges do not lîke the idea of the lady jurors having ta pass through the crowd when court recesses but a door cou]d be cul Inta the West well of the court room and a covered pass- age mode across the lawn and inb the exisling east door of the West wing and from there il is only a step or so to bhe de- p uty-sheriff's office and ta the lady jury room. Thât should answer the question of where ta quarter the lady jujrors. "As for a robing roam for the lawyers, Harry Deyman bas a large office near the counties clerk's office, that was once the provincial police office and il is plenty large enough ta di- vide off into a robing room for the lawyers and stili leave room enough for Mr. Deyman. The council chamber is noisy from the trucks going by but the new highway will elimin- ate that and as for as il being crowded, il migbl be economy for tbe time being ta pur up wibh the close quarters. Living Coat Hlgh The tenure of office in coun- ties council is faily short, so it la flot sucb a terrible hardship for the individual members to conduct their business in their crowded surroundlngs for the lengbh af lime that they are members," hie declared. Touch- ing on the ýeconomic side of the picture hie said: "Farm priceare Iow and town people are, many af them out of work. The cost of living is still vcry high and il is na easy job paylng taxes. 1 think that the counties council and the town af Cobourg should try again and make the best of what they have gaI and icave ncw buildings ta such lime as when money is more plentiful,i prices are more favourablè andi taxes easler ta raise,"I he sug-1 gested. 1 * __ r 'WI-en News, Scarce j Fergus Editor Looks O ut ,the Window (Fergus News-Record) This la bhe tiine of ycar wherî news is aiways scarce. Many, papers are cammenling on it, and wondering haw ta fili ther columna. ga many Canadians go away on halidays that much ai bbc ardinary routine simply stops. Governing bodies sus- pend operotions. Scbools close down. Facborica boke a week off. Many stores are content .a run alan g an lb. momentura lbey build up durlng Uic rost of bbc year. Sa tbe editors, laoking around for samnethîng to discuss, look ouI théir office windows. If bbc wcatcr I-s bot. tbey see sorte- thing Ibat pravides endîs edîbtorial material. Il's surpris- ing how mony ediborial column5 have mentioned slacks and short$ for _'komen in bbc last tbree wccke-and there will lie many mai-e editorigis an the samne subject before August is aver. Gabhering a digest af opin- ions, it scems that moat ai bbc maie cditrs-and most editors are male-look witb bolerance, favor or entbusiasm (dcpending prabably on their ages) on bbc young. ladies i-n shorts, particu- iarly if they are well cquîpped ta wear tbem. But bhey anc aind all dislike slacks. We agree. Shorts allow young girls withi nice legs ta show tbem ta ad- vantoge. Older women with ni-ce legs con wear them well, but i-b i-a obviaus Ibat somne. aider womnen haven't as nice legs as lhey once hed (if they ever di-d have them, os bbc Irlsbman migbl say), Wbile most athers lose their enthusiasm for dis-ý play, or lislen ta bluta dropped by busbands. The objection ta slacks i-s simply that they look ugly on ninety-nine wornen out ai o hundred, somctbinig that the women have een strangely slow toi learn. But ic'. gel on witb aur symposium. Barrie Examiner: "This ycar, slacks are slacker, shorts are sharter and bbe bolIers have halted." Glengarrr News: "Down bore, a 11111e off tbc beaten poth, we may flot sec 50 many summer styles, we'd say there is nat much aiack i-n- the slacks. We'rc short on shorts, but what wc bave are pleasantly short. As for halers, they had la hall. Move 'cm even o fraction and there'd be a reol bust-up." Wlarton Echo: "There's noth- ing persanal or psychologicai about my disbaste for siacks, un womnen. I don'l Ipind those je nansd shorts aré O.K., de- pendling on the legs. It's simply that they'rab 30 darned ugly. And tbere's anc tbing worse tha» The Statesmnan SoId At Following Stores TruIl's Store, Courtice Strong's Store, Port Hope Reg. Edmund's Store. Bcthany Jobnson's Drug Store,. Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown.' Newtonviile C. Pethick, 'Enni-skilien T. M. Slemon, Enniskiilen F. L. Byam, Tyrane G. A. Barron, Hampton A. E. Ribey, Burkelon H. T. Sayweli, Blackstock Keilh Bradley, Pontypool C. B. 'Tyrreil, Orono H. K. Reynolds. Kendai Gilbert Food Market, Milibrook Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa - Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smake Shap Rile's Smoke Shop Jury & Loveli Elgie Harnden's Handy Store The Statesman Office tight slacks on a woman. '...at is slack slacks." Durham, South Carôlina, News-Journal. "Ifl t's too hot -a wear clothes people ought ta stay home."es Twenty years ago Canadian milîs were producing more than 6317 of &Il wool cloths used in Canada but today have less than 57 % of the market. TIC K E T 8 TO EVERYWIfERE Air. Rail or Steamship Consult JURY & LOVELL Bowvmanvlle 15 King SM. W. - Phono 778 IStafford Bros. Monumental Works Phono IVhitbp 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmansliip andi careful attention ta detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of importcd and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock, WNTH AN - HFC LOANI1 .50 t.$1000 «n yeow u alsgnature - No bankable security needed e Easy-to-niet - requirements a Fast, one-day service e Sensible repaynient plans e Phone or corne . today for a quick, signature loan for any RIMEMBR a 2 out of 3 profer HFC , OUSEHOLD FINANCE, 11-1 V2a Situe. t.outh, second fi..., phone Oshowu à- 1139 .OSHAWA, ONT. PORT UIOPI bSfANCUs 71 WmIten if., 2nd fleur, phone.4800 i IF YOU 4 ARE INTERESTED IN: 1. Providing your famlly wllh mors food, botter food, a grealer v'arl.Iy olf fod. 2. SavEng houri of kitchen drudgery, planning and preparation of mmmi. 3. Increauing the. ovorali hoalth of ysur IamIly. 4. Ownlmg a beautiful Amana "Sior.rnor",, Freezer. 5.EllmInating WASTE. You Can H-ave Ail This for Less Money than You Are Presentfly Spending 'for Food Alone. Why not l'et us have a fully trainedl foodl comnsmlor contm around to your home and help you wlth your mmml planning, food budget and klichen work. 555 sec~ eccccscseeesesses eecescssseee se.e~c.e. e --,----------,ci ec There is Definitely No Obligation S 5 **BOOI 5* 5* e..ss ese ec.~e------------ ce .......... Oco ec You will receive abuoltely free a beautiful sel of menu cards in a plauticised recipe file box when sur food-couiseUor contes oui Io your home. AIl foodi spedally processi lfe home freezer use ini a government Inspecied plant of Cumada's largeui food packer. If You Live in the Areas' Serviced by this Newspaper Phone Bowmanville 578 or Write Kitson's. Amana Plan in Bowmanville. Clip end Mail This Coupon and we will make an appoinimeni with you to have a irained food counsellor help you wiih your problema. This Can Mean IJnlimited Savings in Time, Money and Labour, to You. ITSON'S AXANA PLAN cm73 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILE VPlease send Food Counsellor ta: nNlame âAddress Phone "At No Obligation Whatsoever" LAME lin