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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1954, p. 11

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%MMDAT, AUGUBT IM . » TE ANDA W AA. OMAVLU. 'ftlàU FAM--- Over One. Hundred Present At Rickard Family Re-union hiNewcastle( J ate af wel veather, the family picnic which : l.e have been been held at Crossa af Barlejy Park vas L a er enJoyabie stiain whefl ~edlithe Communily Hall, Neveastie, an Saturday, July O0e7 M ,dred gathered for OP apr r ht Lions' roam. Af- ~ pMt~hgin extra tables, it qKs still Înecessary for same te bet in the kitchen. While sup- w5 as being pepared the agegatheing af children held away in the basement, their shauts af joy echoing snd Ye.echaing as they piayed. Afler supper. President Mr. Breuton Rickard welcomed the large gathening, expmessing hie Appmeciation af their presenco amid such uniavoumabie wea- them. Marie Pedweli, secretamy- treasurer, gave hem report. The gatheing won thon asked te go down te the basement Where the sports sommitte., Ted mILHelen Buxtan, Bill and .tcn Allan, $tan sud Wylma Alun conducted races and contensafor young and aid which werm much enjayed. A lew years ago thene weren't enougli ebuidren ta have races and nmothey will hav> ta run them a khet. te accommoadaIs. theni aI. A dreund m. mntet l $u"a drees and hat for his la*t model tram newspapons flid~~e*sud Much marri- eas woni by Glenn and Jeau Allia. A faiIy neiay eonssls cdai ather,nmollies ami o chlldren unden 10 yatïas van berGamnet Wà='Bieardp Donald and Walter. hben vent bock ta Ibý'Wyoani whsre fIlin Ive sinonpienica were *WWJ! Xe«L Puarce, vice- r.slentpreented the fol- ieaprizest Persan hÇest dlstance--Robert kspnMrh -Ment son (4)-BDI Aln!0; Gen d Ken Werml; *»emmbl- M ase Pedwel1; o7utigeut beby'-Betty Jean daugte Jean and MW O10 frthdiu i BordS Coâ« Ph..ons nr1,%floleot .ommunity Hall neareut date of picnic-Bar- Lbara Grahain, Pontiac, Mich., daugliter ai Mary and Weuley Grahama, July 30; Robert Greg- ory Eockln, mon af Lieutenant and Mns. Joe Hlockin, Camp Borden was second hi# birthday being May 29; Grandinother with mosl grandchildren-Mrs. IrwIn Allia 12, Mr@. Walter Rickard had il and Mrs. Harny, Peance 10 grandchildren pneg- ont. Mrs. Màlllon Wight presented th. repart af the nominating committee for 1955. Presîdent, Brenton Rickard; vice-proui- dent, Ken Pearce; secretary- treasurer, Marie Pedweii; Man- agemnent Cammitlso--Glen and Jean Alân, Cecil and Hazel Williams, John aud Ruth Con- neily, Ted and Helen fluxIon. Those attonding from. a dis- tance bouide those almeady men- tioned were Dr. Howard Rick- ard, bis son Jack sud grand. daughtem Sheila, Port Coibomne; Squadnon Leader and Mrs. Law- ronce Ashiton, and son Richard, Trenton; Mn.and Mmi. Roy Ash- tan, Larry and Sharon, Toron- to, Mmi. Sadie Meflain, Ida; Betty Allia, Peterboroughi; Mr. sud Mmm. Stanley Rickard, Bst- an, Raiph and Sandra, Beaves- tan; Mis. Minais Peance Ms. aud Mnc. David Geddes, bavid and Baie, Toronto. Isiaumch as a somwbmt mis- l.adignews article vas publish- edinl The Newcasle Independent sestion af The Canadian States- mani of July 22, 1954, I have boem mked te, claniiy the situa- tMon with regard ta High Sehool paissci the Newcastle corn- mwity. ln aeeardaçSe with The 1(1gh lçheola Actthe 15urhain Caunty Dstrict 1! igh Scliaoi Board are not inaisting that Higli Scbaol pupils attend any partieular school but the parnsofi ay High School pupil are free ta unad the student ta, any Migh Sehool cf the District which af- les. the. tullion nequirod by the studoal and ta whicb transporta- tion çan eonveniently b. arnang- qd. X _b he ientention oaithe Boond in provide transportation for the pupils of Newcastle com- mucity lb baoth Bowmnanville Iligh Schoo and Orono High Seheai from inasal September nd Mr. &. X. Waddell, Onono, ohakman cosas rTransportation Commules Woudlike to know by Ihe nIdscq Auguit which school e«eh pmç à planning to attend. E-Muau lém .Q3-1 Ne mmi b bora imi the .wa whose wcrkit l ar a The. figures don't incicate how masiy flvies may have boss maved, how many tat tires avoaded. But, à( dhe Ontar~io Department of Highvays hadn't mat ita magnedic "nail picker" oves 4,89 miles of provincial roads last year, the., <Ae{uId have bess more than 3 tons of clunacing metals Ieft as patentai hazarde io tires and lives an Ontario roads. 17h. arap netted by the nail picker had a sou kxFjeight of 10,842 pounda. e operation since 1943, viien tw produced by.engineers of the Highwaya Depirts. ent, the nail picker average$ about 95 miles of rad weekly, each Vear, gatheritng i nails, filings and other hazrdusmatai objea wh"chhave allen on the roads. 'Me machin. works on simple prln.- ciples, it is pointed out by W. B. Hutche. aom, executive aificer ta the. Ministes of Highwavs. An ordinary ton-truck Sen- statea electiciy S» Magnetùazahm"q. Mr. and Mmi. Percy Tamblyn have returnod irom a tva weeks vacation at McLaughlin, Alber- ta. Mns. John Haynes of Have- lock wss a guest with her p ar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cot- tor. Mns. Wm. Allun af Colling- Wood WaU a Sunday guest wlth Mn,. Stella Anderson. Mrs. Sam Banathan accam- panled b y %y. John honathan and tamnly ai Longuille P.Q., Vpent a week at the Harvey Bonathan's cottage at Coboconk. Mns. M. Arnold af Tarante la spending her holidays with hem niece, Mrs. Perey Tamblyn. Mr. and Mmm. Gardon Agnew spent the weekend in Peterbar- oughi visiting Mr. snd Mrs. F. L. Agnew and Mr. and Mm.. M. E. Swan. Mm. Chapman and Miss Ru- by af Rochester, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown. Miss B. S. McIntosh is visit-1 *MIel baswhlch extenda acros dh.bock «d dtseruck, clame go ths roadway.. Metai OI*b e upicked up on tdus, and whai dbe magnet becomes loaded, k hine. manas'ized, and die objecte then drap kato a *"banket". This jsehe»n empted kaéthedi.tnsck The machine is ini constant demanci ébrOugiiout the province, Mr. Hutcheson reveils. Various towns and municipali.. ties as weli a private concerne seek ita met "and vs can't begin ta comply with ail ths demanda which are made".. He points aut that dhs use of the machine as particularly valuable ti long stretches of roaid chrough lonely country viiere few service stations are in operation. Fiat tires canm as much more under mch clrcumstances, he aaid. The stretch between Hearst and Geraldtonva paintcd out as a typical aresaiof iii nature wheme the senvice# of ths mail Picke ws isvaluable, Ing Mr. and Mss. Somn Sutan et thoir cottage et Lakstield. Mmm. Martin EsIol of Kingston spent a iew deys with her moth- sr, Mmm. D. B. Sipsn The many frinsa ai Mss. E. Rinch viii b. pieaesd ta know that as h hmrecovered suffi- ciently tram ber painful acci- dent ta be able ta be up and amound the bouse again. Mr. and Mmm. Chas. Moéi ad fmmily have maved inta their nov home at the -sai end of the village. Mn. and Mns. Peter Dwyer ai New York City were gueau with Mr. anid Mia. Saxon Gra- ham. Miss Beverley Gilkes le en- jaying a twa wesks visit with Mmi. Vernai Torsyth and Ban- nie in Tomante. Mr. and Mmm. Perey Tamblyn spent the weekend la Peterbor- ough and took ln lb. Exhibi- tion. Mise Rita Gardon in holiday- Ing at Rice Lake. Earle Brown 15 Winner Jr. Farmers Com petit ion, Barne Brown, son of James T. Brown, praprielar of Bnow- visw Tarm aI the junction ai No. 2 sud No. 401 Higbways west of Newcastle. waa high man An the senior competition smang Junior Farmensata the Peterborough Exhibition lait Tbursday sud also had the high aggnegate among bath junior and senior compelitana. The junior snd senior boys campeted la judging one dais of beei caIlle, dairy caIlle and iwine, taok part in an identifi- cation contest, quiz on agricul- ture, forcstmy sud conservation, nd tractor deiecte lest. Mr. Brown wan wîlh a total ai 611 e its out ai a passible 700. nue Hill, R. R. 7, Peterbor- oughi, vas vinner af the jun- Ior section vilh 55Q points. Thon. weme 15 contestants lu lbe senior competilion and 112 in the junior clasa. Prosentationu Made At a banquet given by Can- ada Packers Ltd., te the con- testants at the Club Aragon on Thunsday evening, Mr. Brown Lwas pnesented wilb a silven tnay donated by thc Royal Bank ai Canada for the high man ai the competition. The preseuta- lion was made by Wallon Gem- mel, manager ai the Peterbor- ough Bnanch. On behaif ai Can- ada Packers, Les Joues prie- sented p ies ta Mm. Brown, Mn. ll and Miss Audrey Pattenson. Miss Paltenson was sciecled by lot ta receive a prize for the junior 4-H Homemaking clubs, as they vers judged by clubs rather than individues. Gerald Brown. brother ai vinner Esnie Brown, aise did very wcll in the senior cam- petition. Follawiug are thie 'standines of boys and girls. from mDurham Caunty wbo taok pari in the senior and junior com. pelitions: 0Senior Section Live Stock Campetition - 3 Gemald Brown, 270; 6. Esnie Brown. 264. Identification Cou- test-l. Geraid Brown, 88; 2~ (Tic) Esmîs Brown, 84. Agricul- Sture Quiz-l. Esnie Brown, 92; 2. Gemald Brown, 84. Tractai and Machinery-î. Esmie Brown, 86; 3. Gerald Brown, 81. For- estmy and Conservation - 3. Earia Brawn, 85;, 5. Geraid Brown, 80. Li.Junior Section > ieStock Compelitian-12. Alan Dayes, R. R. 2, Nestieton, 254; 13. Barry Smith, Cavan, 253; 15. Gonds Cralg, Salem, 252. Identification Contest-3. (Tie) Ronald Broaks, R. R. 3, Bowmanville, 64; Merrill Brown, Newcastle; Donald Green, R. R. 2,1 Nestîcton. Agriculture Qulz- 11. (Tic) Donald Green, R. R. 2, Nestielon; 80. Memmill Brava, Newcastle, Larmer Rosevear, Tyrone; Tracton sud Machinery -2. Donald Green, P. R. 2, Nez- ticton, 82; 8. (Tic) Lmwrence McLaughlin, Nestleton, 75; Esnie Wiudnon, R. R. 1 Ida. 12. (Tic) Douglas Hall, li. R. 1 Millbrook, 73. Fomestry and Conservaion-6, (TAs) Doug Hall, R. R. 1, Mlllbraok, 85; Larmer Rosevear Tyrano; Ron- ald Brooks,5P R. EL3. BoýVian- ville. Agnicultural Represeatalive Ed Summen. nid bis assistant, Jay Brava, mltended lhe com- petition. S. S. No. 9, Clarke Miss Beverly Nicol, Baptiste Lake, with ber aunt aud uncle, Mr. and Mmm. Chas. Fisk. Mm. C. Tucken bas moturned home altos visiling hem daughter, Mm. sud Mn.. Bob Kennedy and Elizabeth in Toronta. Master Gemmid Gibson viii, bis grmndparenta, ?&. and Mm'. W. HennigOshawa. Mrý sud Mrm& BIAlliaand sons, Mr. Bob Allia and Miss Betty, Allin. Petembomauglivth Mm4. M Ha~ Bain alta Mn. Wfl Walon, Issa Wilda Weiler, Claksburg, visitai Mn. sud Mmi. Harold PedweIL AUl cnioyed lhe weekend at Cal- lander. Mn. aud Mmn. Ieilli Pedwell, Mn. Russell Pedwell sud friend. Tamonto, with Mr. sud Mrs. ]H. Pedwell. Master BrianRiekard islaio- îdayin1ýwith hi, cousin, Barry Master David Fisk, Nt. Cath- amines, is hoiidaying wlth Mr. sud Mmi. C. Flsk. PONTYPOOL G@rdon Âgnew, Edü«o Phom 3621 Social and Personal Mr. aud Mme. George Byes nd Marion. Toronto, are spend- ing the week aI thein summen home hoe. Robent CollaIt spent laot veek visiting in Part Credil. Mn. sud Mm. Orme Falla sud familyand Mr. sud Mm&. Han- oLttle nd famly, Homley F~vieiled Mr&. Thos. Talla. Mis. Vers Bosch sud Law- nonce Wright, Peteroro with Mrs. Hallie Martineil. -Mm. Jackson sud Mns. Luxon, leader. af Kendal Girls' Meat Club, nd Mmm. Kennedy nd Mn.. Jack Stapleta, leader, of the "Sixcth Lino Sister", at- tended lbe presanlation of skit, etc. put on at Peterborough Fair by club. from, each district. Keudal nd Sîxlh Lin. Club. bad been askod ta take part but wene unable to do so au sanie member. could ual b. pneaent. Mmi. Wilcox bas returued ta ber home la Chicago mlter visit- ing Mmi. Neya Littlo. Alec Little vas homo for the week-end. Mmm. Annie Henry, son Wilbur sud daughtem Mns. Ken Munis, Nevmarkel, called on Mrnand Mme. Cecil Glass Sunday. Mn. sud Mm. l*.amad Wood- ward, Port Credit. with Mmi. Norman Kennedy. Miss Sharon Soullicott, Tomante, la remain- LiPrdThm suad son Albert of Vancouver visited bis Scores ai peaple froni far sud mother. Mmi. Chas. Thompson near gathered at the cometery sud Arthur. on Sunday aitemnoon ta psy on MecrNilEit, trbelato h ha pansaian. Ray Couraux, RosJackson sud rh ey vo as n aosd con- Kenny Martinell, aise the fivo dTeonewîth y as nea ai bacoifuCubi tram lb. Sixth Lino enjay- ditonwers.Mn.aex onk con- led a holiday tram Friday ta Sun- flowrs. r. lex onk on-day aI the Scoute Camp Samac, ducted the praceedings lu bis near Oshawa. usuai capable manner. Salva- r.RyM ce wntio tionArmyBan supliedtheOshawa Hospital lest veek for music whilc the Hammy Preston a couple ai veeka' trealmeal. quartette rendered severai suit- Mmi. N. McKay, Mm.. Luxon sud able numbens. Mr. Farrow, wbo Boy vene te see ber Sunday mi- la supplying for tbc Manven. temnoon. We ail join lu boping Circuit fon two months, gave a hem bealth wlll'be impnoved. veny hnspiring talk. The Major Stra vnn r n of th SalationArrn and Mr.Mr. Reg. Elliott, Mn. sud Mmi. Monk also spake brieily. A gaod Lloyd Glass, Mr. and Mmi. Clan- aiicmlng was rcceived loa si o nce Therteli, Mm. and Mmi. Bill! la the impravemeat of the Turansky aud their isaulies se-. grounds. Any funthen donations joyed a pleasant cvening at the would be appreciated by th. home ai Mr. sud Mmi. Boy Little Board. whon tbey ceiebmated thein 121h Those who altended thc Demny wedding anniversany. Day celebration aI St. Catharines Mm. sud Mrs. John Patton sud repart a very colonful parade. Roy allended Decomaion Day Sanie af the buses came home Services at Ponlypool, Suuday. via Niagara. WLI executive met in the Sun-' Mn. sud Mm.. Earl Richardson, day School le plan the pnognam Camp Bondon, speut Iths veek- for the caming yea and make end with friends hene, arrangements for the "Oven Local tabacco, gravera bave Meais" course being held at Mm.i. stanted harvesling vhicb lsa Kennedy's, Weduesday a n d greal hclp ta uncmPloyed. We Thursday aibomnoons. Il vas trust Uiecrcmp will b. savcd dccided ualta put an cnlry ina t withaut irait or allier injury. Omono Faim. Kendal sud Welcome's taumth Mn. sud Mmi. Freemnan Eddy, playoff game vas played at Wel- Mn. sud, Mm.. Cecil Ferguson oeFldDyStraevn Newcastle; Mr. sud Mns..Russefl inon Field y aundeay even- Mountjoy and Mn.. McKee, intég an pmowquth el tgh Blackstock, and Mr. sud Mun.. tneing bgame. Thelifelcos Arche Whilmee, Oshawawere wiing aebTdy 3-. Tenfiblini Sunday visitons witb Mr. J. bein laed usa seigl Payne. W oo A vemv large crowd was1 present at the Orange Hall on First organization ai dentisti Saturday. sponsored bv the tour- in Canada was the Dental Assa- ists. The Praceeds were in aid ci8tiOn Of Ontanie, iouMXnd d k of lth. local Synagogue, 1867, First Superintendent of B. T. S. Joins Staff of Waterloo College NEWTONYILLE Mr and Mua. Willard Looc- har%,Niagara lla. ,N.Y, art =eMothes',Mr&. John Krs. Muriel O'Conncr, KIrîg lin ioited her ouStn,Ma Minnie Randali. Mr.lad MUs. Arnold Coulis mnd amlywith Mr. and Mn. William M<llinnr. MWla Jean Wade, Toronto. with Mr.landUMi. Harry Wads. MUs.lIred Eowen, Orono, n her' srer Mr.Stockdale, To ronto, wààf Mins Bertha Thomp. son on Monday. Rarld Burley, Jim CasweH and Bill Wade are home fron Gimi, Manitoba, where they were engaged oni a constructli controt Mise Doreila Lancaster visit. ed her grandinoth.r, Mrn. Wil. liamn Nichai, Port Hope, and now Mins Jeanette Tozer, Part -noé. e vsitngDorella. Mî and Mr&! Wayne Elliati, Mim. Bruce Ellatt and two sons, ]Robert and Bruce Jr., have ne- turned frrat a matai tri p Io Montreal and araund by Otta- wa. It bas been arranged for New- tonville W.I., ta meet at Mns George Henderson'a on Aug. 25th in the evening. Miss Tas Jones, Reg. N., who ta on holidays is motoring ta the eat caa. W.M.S. met Aug. lOth in the church basement. Baby Band panty is ta be heid on Septem- br 14th wlth aecretary ai Baby Band Mms. Van Allen, and superintendent, of Cradie Roll Mrs. Bruce, in change. Mmm. Roue Hallawell was appointed for musical numbens. Flower and lunch committeos weme aLao formed ta assist. Layettes tor Korea wili be an display. Mri, Cecil Robinson was in charge of study book. Aliter the meet- ing Mns. Robinson and Mns Wade packed th. bale af gaoo used clothing for overseas. Eight members and one visitai present. The cammunity hall waz the icone of a happy get-tagether on Fniday evening, Aug. l3tii, when the village honoumed Mr. and Mus. Jan Veleke, recentiy mared. Dancing began about nine o'ciock. At 11.30 the yaung couple wene calied ta the plat- formi by Mr. Win. Lang who was master of cememanies. A fitting address was read by Rosa Brown and an end table, éiectri c dock, amoker stand and cushion weme pmesented by M. Don Vi.nkle, Rosa Brown snd Anthony Tan. Mm. Veleke thanked their friends on behalf of himself and wife. Aiter lunch dancing was resumed with Mr. Ray McDuff Andrew Ban- dy Ammond Holfingswamth and Bifi Lane as orchestra and Lloyd Clysdale calling off far square dancing. Penhaps what made this evening unique was that il was older Canadin giv- ing a party ta new Canadians and evemyone iooked ta it that everyone else had an enjoyable time. Many af the recent cam- ens had neyer seen Canadian dancing and had a gaad time learning. KENDAL thé Ontario Rlstanical Soeiet- les, Uthe Canadien Aulliora A&- sociation, National Council of Enalish Teachers, Amnenican Pilrt famuiid, Folk Lors Cammitte., Amenican Dialeot Society and the speakers ne- s a I I. t, t, i. i i i t M 5UnkmW *Aenue, Tomat Adams-Ferguson Clans Hold Twelfth' Annual Reunion The twelfth annuel rounlas' cf the Adam-Fergusn clans wus heid, at Crea 0fiBarley Aug '1h. Over 100 people uat de o asupper. Offlcers and oommitteafSe the coming year are: Preuident Zack Adam, Bowmaaville; Sec. retary-tneuure, Henry Adasas, Hampton; lunch oommittee Mr. ad Mrs. ICeith Ferguson bow. manville, Mr.and Ms. âirw1a Adam, Oshawa; aponts commit. teMr. and Mns.Asa Adams anA Mr. and ia.Murray Adam&, Bovinanville. It wau decrded the 1965 reuti- ion will b. the tirst Saturday af Auguit at the Creusa of Bar. ley, The oldeat man pissent wu Mr. HarnyFerui 0oshawa# and th. esî la«Mw sGeorg White, Bowmanv1le. g Winnera in the races wves Boys la 3.-Bobby Taylor; Boys 3-5-Wayne Adam&; 6-B-Brima Adams- 9-12-Roy Hansen; là ta 15-Bobby Adams; girls 3 lb 5-Joan Adams; 6 ta 8-Joan Hanson; 9-12 - Nancy Bullied Jr.; 13 ta 15-Mamie Lethangue; shae kick-Maniiyn Henderson; Ladies 16-30-Mm. James Fat- lis; aven 30-Mrs. Henry Adams., men's race-Don Cochrane. Dr. 0. Mimne Reara whomn maay ia Bowmnyjfle ruemben as the founder af the Ontario Training School for Bays and Ils superintendent for thé firet moyen years takes on yor the OtraAncl there. Dr. Besman ha. been aP- ntd olhe staff of Watsr- 000 ClleeWaterloo, Ontario.' which lu associated vîihthe Univeraty of Western Ontario, London.. The collage boira the Baffle elationship la Western! as OAC dosa ta the University of Toronto. It has nmre 300 students and ofiers courues In Business Administration, Jour- nalisin, Science, Economnica, Languagea and aIliers,,-a wel esGenerai rt. ew Arts and Science building hia& every; modern facility. Dr. Reaman who la mtiring fram thé OAC ater achieving a brilliant record there, wilU lecture in lhe Waterloo Engliali departmnent an a pant-timo bas-. is. Hie may misa instruct in1 some courues ai the coliege's new night school program. Dr. Reaman has a recard as a university professor, author, leclumen, coiumnist and con- sulting psychologst. He aiea established the final course in Canada for lufe insur- ance at the YMCA in Toronto and whie at the OAC inaug- urated the finît course in Can- ada for radio broadcasting and the lirsI course fan annauncens. Competent Lecturer He ha&as alectuned extens- ively in the United States iti English, appiied psycholagy eld child guidance. The veteran educator la a di- nectar ai the international Lyceumn Association and the Wellington Caunty Hulstoricai Society, past resident ai the international Piatform Assoc- iation, member ai the Ameni- can Association ai Advanced Science, the Amenican Psycho-i- ogy Association, the Amenican Societ for Aesthetics, Agricul- ture Institute ai Canada and STARK VILLE Mn. and Mmi. Russell LoweMy Toronto, with Mr.. and Mms A. Dobsan. Min u rHallowell wau *op tertained a t a shower ln Port Hope:Friday even1'nta ra family visited Mr. and Mma. Burley, Newtanvifle. Miss Beulah Halloweil, Toron.. ta, is guest af MisaNorma Hal. lowell. Mr. and Mns. Allen Corniuh and family, Toronto, visited Mns. Victor Farrow, also Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery and Kamen, Klrby, were Sunday gueula. Miss Colleen Falla, Toronto, vlsited at Mr. Llew HalloweU so. Miss Donna Stark spent the weekend at home. Shiloh W.A. met at the home af Mn. Carl Todd. Vice-Pnes. Mrs. Carl Tadd was ln charge.- Scripture was read by Mr&. Pemcy Farrow and the lesson thoughts tram, the Sermon on the Mount and prayer were given by M. Westheusem. Mrs. Dobson read an article on "Facto about the Bible". Miss Beulah HallowelI read an article on "Timne". Ladies of the committee served lunch. Mrs. Westheuser invited the ladies ta meet at her home in September. ans Mae embanes pee«Mil. qIlifemmaaof OntarleHyie' OstfUfi km doublsdla il pstiG10 ra, .nemasng ff w 4,65;200HP la4lut I. 1953. TYRONE Sunday visitons wilh Mn. and Mrs. Walter Rahm at Psu- dash Lake were Mr. sud Mms. Cecil Rahm, Union, Mr. sud Mri. Alfred Grace and Linda, Boy- manvîlie, Mn. sud Mrs. Ronald Rahm and girls, lisydon. LONG SAULT Donna sud Dennis McLaugh. lin sud Garry Murphy, Blsck- stock, spent Sunday with Mr. sud Mrs. Harold Murphy while their mathen sud dmd, Mr. aud Mns. Ray McLaughlln, and Mm Edith Murphy and Mr. Jack Achesou visited Mmi. Albert Murphy lu Hamilton Sanitar- ium. Mr. and ?&s. Allyn Baker and girls, Cookstown, wllh Mn.and Mme. Gordon Baker, KCen and Barry returning home and Weudy sud Patty remaialag for some mare hallday. Mrs. Stanley Gable and Bruce, Courtice, were visitons aI the Murphy home. Mn. Stanley Fletcher bas e. turned ta Toronto mter holiday- ing with bis parents, Mr. sud Mmi. G. Fletcher. Mm. and Mrs. R. Sim attend- ed the 501h wedding anniven. samy ai Mn. and Mmi. Hugh Me- GilI, Yelverton, Sunday. Mr. sud Mrs. F. G. Smith sud Miss Grace Smith vers Sunday guests ai Mn. sud Mmi. J. C. Cook. Mn. Gabriel Kayacs là spart- ing a new Pontiac car. Mn.. F. 0. Smith, Bowman- ville' Miss Grace Smith and Mr. and Mms. F. G. Smith at- teuded the burial service ai the lattcn's nephew, Mm. Stanley Kidd, Markdale, at Caledon Est Cemelemy, Tuesday sites- noon. TONS 0F MAILS COLLECTED BY ONTARIOS MAGNETIC MAIL PICKER DU RING PAST YEAR 51F7,77-7-77 7 - 1 HYDRO 1 1 SUTION OPik,4TOKkIS 1 m rio% vorn wm IM OMADLW VrATMUM. BOWMANVU.L& MTABM Dr. 0. E. Reaman soarcb cammittee ai the Unit- ed Nation,. lHe was misa pres- ident ai thc Y.M.C.A. Board far lwa yomnu. Dm. Reaman la also an hon- orable feliow of Cari Schurz Memorial Faundation af Penn- sylvaula. He was active lu district or- ganizalions Including Guelph sud District Faneman's Club, ai whicb be was anc ai the foundens, and ho has mIsa been p resident ai the Penusylvania Folklore Society. He bas also written several books dealing largeiy with citizenship and new Canadiaus, psychology sud ,agriculture. Dm. Reaman Iu his new pasi- tion wili no doubt add furthen distinction toan au aeady dis- IDAËM ime-leulm L where they stayed for a few BLACK TOCK days. Then they went on ta Mns. Hector Shortridge wa Mexico City where they had ithe happy wlnner af a lawn spoken for a guide ta take them Echair aponsored by Saywells on a program of tours. They Store. stayed three weeks in Mexico City where they even attended Mr. and Mrs. Smith Fergu- bull-fights. Then they went ta son, Brockville, called on Mr. Acapulaco, a sumxner resort on and Mrs. Frank Stinson and the Pacifie Coast which Peari other friendu on Monday. cails "a Mexican Paradise". She Mrs. Mary Pereman, Colum- was delighted with hem holiday bus, la visiting her daughterg in Mexico which she says is a Mr. and Mns. Lamne Hoskin. very beautiful place. On the Mr..amd Mrs. Russell Mount- way back they made a stop-aven 9joy are spending a few days inii.n Florida. Pearl and her guide Peterborough and Ncrwood. took several reels af pictures Mr. and Mmi. John Argue, which we will look forward ta Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mns. viewing. Leslie Mountjay. Soe e rd-oB Mr. Elmer Thompson, Mea- ShwrFrrdeT-l fard, with Mr. and Mrs. Osmond On Monday evening, August Wright and other frienda. 16, a vemy happy time was en- Mr. and Mns. Robson Bow- joyed at the home of Mr. and man and Richard, Barrie, with Mrs. Marwood Heard and fam.. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bowman. Ily, Enniskillen, when a show- Mrm. W. Archer was in Wlhit- er was held for their nephew by with the Elmer Archer fam- Murray Hoskin and Miss Shir- ily. Marilyn returned home ley Blight, pnion ta their mar- with her grandmnother. niage. A decorated basket held Mr. and Mr&. Le a Thnleck the lovely gifts which the Toronto, at Ray McGill's and bride-ta-be and groom-to-be Leith Byenu'. opened and graciously thanked Mru. Edwamd MacNeil an their friends. DougkToronto, with Mr. and The living-room wau decorat- Mrs. Norman MountJoy. ed with weddinig bells and Miss Joyce Farder tarted strearhers and balloons filed worklng in the Bowmanvmle with confetti. Guesta were pres- Goadyear office on Manday. ent from Brooklin, Columbus, Jaye is A graduate af the Bow- Oshawa, Bowmanville, Haydan, manville Business Schaol. Bunketon and Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byesa, O.N.O Club Meeting Jim and Janice Mm. and Mrm O.N.O. ôlub met at «Mal Leilli Byers ;itk Mn. and Mrs. mont Farrn" the home af the RUpert Byers, Bowxnanvile. President, Noreen Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Don Glover,' Thursday, evening. Secnetary Cindy and Teddy. Oshawa; Mr. Aileeen Snoaks read the min- and Mns. Nelson Mallon, Sun- utes and called the roil which derland, at the Harold Martyn's. vWas answered by recalling an Kelth Van Camp, Glenn Lan- amnusing advertisement. There mer and the Green Brou., was consîdenable business ow- brought home many prizes fram ing ta the recent picnic and ca- Peterbaro Fair. tering ta the Wilson-Harris wed- The Hutton family are at ding. cottage at Picton. The girls plan to bave several Mn. Fred De Nure, P9rt Penny foldmng tables made and ta buy Mr. and Mrs. CecilNel and some dishes. Ten dollars was famlly, Peterboro, Mr. and Mi. voted to be sent ta the Harris James Nixon, Bowmanville, Mr. family. We welcomed two and Mrs. W. Perry and John, guests ta aur meeting, Marion Bawmanville, wene Sunday Malow af Lively and Ethel à uents of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Domreli, af Ottawa. For enter- tinson. tainment, the hostess divided Miss Peaad Wright, Toronto, us into groups and gave us was home for the weekend with headings such as Coming Events, her parents, Mr. and Mns. Carl Editaniali, etc., ta edit a news- Wright. Pearl and Misa Marian paper. These were read andi Moore, Toronto, have just ne- proved ta be very well done turned tram a holiday at Mexi- and amusing. The hostess and ca City. They went from Ml-her gmoup served a deliciaus ton ta New Orleans by 1plune et lunch.

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