A* ft.flfIAN UTATEJIMAN. UOWNLANVULK .ONTAR1O THr.JRSD,AUS?1,95 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGili Celebrate Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. (Yelverton correspondent) Yelverton: On the afternaon of Sunday, August 15th, Mrs. Cliff Snyder, Toronto, and Mrs. Wm. Carnegie, Port Perry, entertained at a reception in honour of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGill, on the hap- py occasion of their 5th wed- ding anniversary. The "At Home" was held at 'Yelverton in Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Gill's own home and clo.se to one hundred and fifty friends and relatives called to cangra- tulate the bride and groom of fifty years. Mr. and Mrs. McGill receiv- ed the guests, Mrs. McGill look- ing lovely in a dress o! navyi Hugh'McGill ceewith lace Inserts and cor- sgofyellow roses and carna- tions. The tea table was centred with the three-tiered wedding cake, made by Mrs. W. Carne. gie, flanked by taîl yellow ta- pers. Mrs. A. J. Amaoti, Peter- borough, Mrs. Betty Reynolds, Toronto, and Mrs. F. Snyder, Toronto, graciously poured tea, Serving the guests were MmE. Rodney Jones, Mrs. K. Snyder, Toronto, and Mrs. Bert Arnott Jr. Peterborough. Little Miss Carole Ann Carnegie, Port Per- ry, loaked after the guest book. The rooms were artistically decorated with flowers fron the tiny rose bud in a unique Knitting Woos.. for ail your lovely hand-knits [n our relgular stock of fine knitting wools we carry a Mui l ne of Patons and Baldwins Scotch Fingering, 100% Nylon, Baby Wool, Angora, and the popular Crocus 4-ply which sells at 30Oc an ounce MONARCH WOOL ln ail shades, in Sock and Sweater, Dove, Nylon and Baby Wool HARDING (Formerly GUELPH) cornes in Super Fingering (Kroy) Nylon aund Baby Wool, and a new Wool Blend in a eoniplete color range of loveLy color sels for 29c a bail ?UBAmU S@EANL FRIDAT - SATURDAY- AUG. 20 - 21 Ulm4IDgor AMU VYUUC le «»coLoR By TECjNICOLORm... CHARLTON HSTON mAEROWIREAj PINRIU- AYSNLAR« i JACIK PALANCE - ATT JURADO OIAmE AQ JWASflX- Ih..- - -dIb, W. &3a h m d by nou NI ?*1Umm rwma. !d ýg S. 't vase prueed le Ib& * ad Un. I Mciîî by tiny David Joucs, their great-grandchild, ta the Jbasket of fifty yellow glada, gift' of Carole Ain and Jimmie Ca.r-! negie. Mr. and Mms McGill were thc recipients of many lovely gifts, among tbem an clectric coffee maker, wool blanket, Chinese miniature Garden, tea pots and cake plates dccorated with gold. Guests were present from Ty- rone, Midland, Creemore, Port Perry, Lindsay, Toronto and Ottawa. as well as the ncar-by villages and fari. Among the guests wcr. five teachers wbo bad formerly taught ut Yelverton and re- membered the many kind-! nesses of the McGills; Mis Ada Adamns, Peterborough, Who taught here 39 years ago; Mrs. Manson Cathcart, Peterbor-1 ough, Mrs. H. Stinson, Mr&. Gea. Heaslip and Mrs. Ralph Mal- colm who have scttled in the community. Mr. John James, M.P. for Durham County, also signed the guest book. Mr. Bill Wilkinson,from Puerto Rico, who visited the Ford family here many years ago and look- ed back wlth pleasure to an ac- quaintanceship with "Mr. and Mrs. Hughie" aise called te pay bis respects. Mrs. McGill le bthc former Eva Porter, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter. She and moved to Yelverton when was raised around Ballydtiff f her parents came bere to oper- ate a store in the house now owned by Mrs. H. Henders. Mr. McGill, son of the laie Mr. and Mrs. John McGill, was born in this community, went to school here and one dayI jumped the school fence into the yard of the blacksmith shopl S um mer Bridai of lnterest CHAPDL-ON-THEz-HIL ;snext aoor ana tlierewitli bega-n - is appenticeship. After two Mr. and Mrs. Allan James Werry are shown brie! sorties to Bowmanville following their marriage which took place ini Kedron and Lindsay ta practice bis y trade, he returned to Yelverton United Church on Saturday, July 3. The bride is the nto shoe alI the horses for miles former Carol Diane Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross earound, become the village E. Lee, R.R. 2, Oshawa, and the groom is the son of Mr. postmaster and win the store- and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Enniskillen. bkeeper's daughter. -ht yIeadSuiOhw Mrs. McGil bas endeared -ht yIeadSuiOhw berself to all by ber quiet kind- ]iness. An original member of Yelverton's W.A., she bas ah-C ways been an active member T w o n i o A o tSo a of.,that. organization. ~ "Hughie,?" the mayor o! the"G h n a d P nta T e town,"en and Plantr anTreed for bis quick wit. Old and young alike .njoy his coni- Some time ago Dan Sullivan,, less il is seif-cieaning. Wben pany. who was reporter on The sufficient holes are drilied - After bis career as black- Statesman before becoming as- jusi like those drilled prior to smith Hugb and bis wife spent sociated wiih the, Maclean-Hun- dynamiting a rock-fill the two years in retirement, raxsing ter Publishing Co., as assistant 1boles with saitpeter and cork an excellent garden, continumng editor of "Civic Administra- each opeflîng. tbeir community work and tion", sent us a copy of this ma- This operation should be done wearing out the front porch gazine which cantained a stary in the fali. When spring rails with their rocking chairs. But about Bawmanvilie. We are re- around, simply remove the plugs at the age of 81 wben most peo- producing it herewîth in the and pour about 10 ounces of ple are ordering their tomb- bope that present and future coal oil into each hale and stones, Hughie kicked the rock- town cauncils wiîî put it op- ignite it. The stump wiil smo]- ing chair aside and flitted across rto th re patn drawyvnt heeyti the corner to be attendant ai tio h re patn e wyee otevr Yelverton service station. Now scbeme suggested. The article of the roats without blazing. 84 be is stiil racrying on bis new reads in part: Nothing but ashes will be ieft. career! The slow slaughter of beau- When Bowmanville gives the Congatulatlons to Mr. and tiful shade trees in Bowman- go-ahead on tree pianting ta its Mr&. Hugh McGill. All join ini ville, Ont., was recently bmaught Roacis and Streets Committee it the wish that in ten years to the attention o! council when will be foilowing the suggest- friends and relatives wîîî meet a survey indicated that mare ing o! Marian Coutbouy Smith, again to celebrate their Diamond than 300 stumps studded the who early in tbis century ad- Wedding Anniversary. town's tree-lîned streets. Inter- vised, ini The Planting of a ference with hydro wires was Tree, "Go then, and plant a reported ta be the chie! reason tree, iovely in sun and shadaw F r for tree remaval, but in some . . . Graciaus in every kind- Set D'ates Fo cases, rot entered the picture. maple and oak and pine." Bowmanville residents have lon ben poudof hepleasant Fa Il Fa irs pcuetertowngOffer tour- Fi ve Goodyear Girls ists taeigaogtenorth Ontari'o Departinent of Agri- of Lake Ontario. Town council Guests of Honor culture, Agricultural Socicties' wae naturally aiarmed when the Branch' bas released dates o! report an the tmee slaughter was A rsnain Faîl Fairs and Exhibitions for made. Althaugh many trees A rsnain this year, and below is printed were felled, nat one was plant- F~ il !teGoya a list o! interest ta local and dis- ed to take a tree stump's place. Tie andrubbf erCa.offiesaff tric reidets-Replacement of trees is now who will soon be making that August 19-2,1-- Oshawa included in future plans in trip dawn the aisie ta the strains August 27-Sept. X1- Toronto B3owmanville. But sucb action o! the Wedding March, were is not new. As long ago as guests of banor ai a presenta- August 28 Gooderbarn 1753, Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish lion and wiener roast heid at September 3, 4 Kininount botanisi wha gave much to the the East Beach last Tbursday September 3, 4 Port Hope worid in bis Species Piatarum, evening, Aug. 12. September 4 and 6- Port Perr a book cansidered to be the Peetto fgfsfo h ryfoundatian of modemn botanical rentinofgtsro te *September 9-11 - Orilila nomenclature, wmate: "If a tmee girls o! the office staff was SepteMber 10-11 Orono dies, plant another in its place." made ta each o! the bnides-eiect 'September 14, 15 Apsley Planting trees is easy. What brides-o-be ance bnail. nT Septemnber 14, 15- Sunderland puzzied Bawmanvile's council Nomma aicx reaona rnty, September 1&-18 Beaverton was the prablem o! getting id Jean Reynods Thera Mnaey September 17, 18 Lakefield of aid tmee stumps within a lim- tyn. Each eceived a lovely pop- September 18----- Minden ited budget. Fartunately far the up toaster and respanded with September 20, 2-- _ Oakwood town, the chairman of the raadâ- suitable words o! appreciation. September 21-25 Lindsay and streets committee, Norman F September 26, 29 Campbeliford J. Scott, provided the solution. oîîowing this a bonfire, September 28, 291 --- Uxbridge In business life. Mr. Scott iz which was extremely welcome Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2- Markham ithe manager af Bookdaie- awing to the unseasonable October 1, 2 -- Bobcaygeon Kingsway Nurseries, Bowman- chilliness o! the weather, was October 8, 9------. Blackstock ville. Here's baw he suggests lit on the beach and aIl gather- October 8, 9 and Il- Norwood tree stumps can be removed in_ - d round to enioy a wiener October 12-15 --- International expensively: raast. About 12 girls were pres- cnt and amid ibis bcvy o! fem- Plowing Match, Breslau, Wa- Drill hales on abaut four-inch ininity was Russell Oke who was terloo County. centres, eight or 10 inches deep, officiai photographer record- depcnding upan the case with ing the happy occasion. which the auger enters the __________ At the end of 1953, according wood. A Power drill is favored, to officiai figures, ihere were but it must be remembemed During 1952 a Douglas fir fell- 1,053,700 horses on Canadian ibat a lot a! aid stumps are cd on Vancouver Island was 1 farms. sappy and will bind a drill un- found ta be 1,092 years old. 1 Monday Through Saturday - August 23 - 28 I Atouching.. superbly humorous usovie ...FOR YOUNG N NODOLDT-THEWHLE ,*#y ..WILL MELT EVEN THE MOST SOPHISTICATED t-EART -J The usual service was held at the Chapel-on-the-HiM last Sunday with W. Harrap con- ducting and MWr. McCartney *as speaker, hie subject being "Signposts to Eternity.'O The service opened with a hymn, the National Anthein and a re- sponsive reading. Mi. Wylie, the tenor soloist £rom College St. United Church ini Toronto, sang a solo, "Ini the Garden". In the absence of Mr. Atwell, the hymn singing period was con- duoted by Mr. Harrap. The Pe sident reminded those p:resent of the annual meeting next Sat- urday, Aug. 2lst at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton. The speaker deait witb the place of the Christian church in our lives and outlined six rea- sons for the existence of the church. First, it is God's instru- ,ment on earth. It is here to do God's will. Second, it exists to worship God; the word warship being defined as the response of the creature to the eternal. Man's chief end is to love God and enjoy hlm forever. Third, At exists to watch and care for its own fellawship; the Church's first responsibiity is to itself, then to its people. Fourth, to preach the Gospel. Under this fourth reason for the cburch's existence the speaker named five preacbing missions: The cburcb must emphasize the com- ing of the Messiah, the life of Christ, the crucifixion of Christ, the resurrection of Christ, and repentance. Fifth, to minister to the needy. The preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ bas changed the world; it has brought a new conception of the dignity o! man. Those countries with the higýhest regard for human 111e have their practices rooted in the Christian faith. The last and sixth reason for the existence of the Christian church is to fight. The fight for the acceptance of Christiani principles must be carried on continually, and the church must challenge the world at the1 points where the behavior of men conflicts with the will of God. The service closed with a hymn and the benediction. BLACKSTOCK Congratulations to Dr. R. P. Bowles who celebrated his 9Oth birthday on Tuesday, August 17. Si. John's Anglican Church Sunday School picnic was at the church grounds Thursday after-: noon, with 47 children and 17 adults attending. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham and Mrs. Robert Ford called on Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGill, Yel- verton, on Sunday on their 5Oth wedding anniversaryl Mrs. Cecil Hyde and Linda, Toronto, visited Mrs. Ira Argue and the Hodges. Mr. and Mis. Garnet Murray, Kathryn and Carolyn, Port Cred- it; Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and Dianne with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Staples. Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Poulsen and Nancy, Fenelon Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. RoyE MeGili. Mrs. Ira Argue 'visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks, Osha-- wa. Mr.. and Mis. Fred Henry and Gail, Mrs. Henry Sr., Mrs. S. Beddow, Toronto, Miss Anne Brown, Nobleton, with Mrs. Robt. Ford. Mrs. V. M. .Archer, Mr. Chas. Smith and Oliver in Islington on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vincent. Mrs. Garnet Murray and daughters and Mrs. Roy Taylor with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor at their cottage, Rice Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ford and Roberta, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Palmer, Toronto, with Mrs. Robt. F'ord. Mrs.. Jim Wilson and four children, Scugog Island, with Mvr. and Mrs. Lewis Swain. Mrs. Harvey Ginn, Orono, with Mrs. James Ginn and the Glenn Tennants. Miss Dianne Hameli, Montreal, with ber grandparents, Mr. and MIrs. George Staniland. Mr. and Mis. Fred Pearce, Prince Albert; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Train, Weston; Mis. Flor- ence Petch, Mr. and Mrs. Archie N.ewton, Toronto, with Mrs. George Crawford and Mr. and virs. J. W, Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hilîman, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. John Venning. Mrs. Rebecca Dickey, Nestle- ton, with Mi. and Mrs. Albert Wright. Miss Donna Dowson, Port Perry, with the Harry Van Camp family. Mrs. William Van Camp, M4r. I and Mrs. Blake Gunter and Ricky in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drinkwater. Mr. Richard Lewis, Oshawa,, with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rahm. Dr. and Mis. Jack Marlow and Jobnny of Liveky are visiting Lhcir relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mount- jy and Mrs. John McKee at- A e 'V t( v fi ai R Jc tendcd Decoration Services nt cerning harvest. The visits and Pontypool on Sunday. books read were reported. Mrs. Mr. Orr Vennmng went to thec Larmer read a letter from Mrs. Compensation Hospital at Malton Reed telling about the Sectional on Monday to have his foot at- RaJ.ly, Oct. 5th, in Hampton. tended ta. Blackstock was asked to give the Mrs. John Marlow, Mr. and devotional. Mrs. Larmer and I rs. Gilbert Marlow with Mr. Mrs. R. Taylor were appointed 3 and Mis. Ivan Shook, Islington, to arrange same. Proceeds froin »on Sunday. mrs. J. Marlow re- the baking sale, $46.66. It was mained for a wcek's holiday. decided to have bags made w, di Holidays for your correspond- a verse put in each and distrjb- ent next week - no Blackstock uted through the congregation flCws. for raising more funds. IVYs. Blackstock AuxiliarY' of the Lloyd Wright was in charge of W.M.S. met August il at the the following prograrn: A read- home of Mrs. Ralph Larmer. ing by Mrs. Dayes, "Traff le Mrs. E. Larmer opened the meet- Rules!'; a paper on the Protestant ing with a poem. Mrs. Johnston Church in Latin America by Mrs., took thc devotional usin.g Paul's L. Wright; a selection o the writings as her theme. Roll cail piano by Mrs. R. Taylor, da was answered with a verse con- reading by Mirs. N. Mount$%C. EYE ____ IE GLASSES FITTED J. A. OVENS, Optornetrist J! JURY & LOVELL fi PHONE 778 Il Phone for an appointment Announcement! ROBERT FINNIGAN wishes to, announce that he has taken over the business formerly known as Walter Davis & Co* and will continue te do Roofing Sheet Netal -Furnace Work Eavestron'ghing of ail kinds PHONE 691 FOR PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE Shop located at 2 Mill Lane Bowmanville A fovourite sa>.ing of SIR WiLFRID LAURIER, first French-Canadian to become Prime Mioste, cf Canada. ONE 0F A SERIES PRESENTED BY BREWERS SINCE 1786 Milk i Weairn in aGlass" for Boyj and Girls 1 Answer your youngsters' cail for "something good» with a tali, cool glass of milk ... brim full of health and body building vitarnins and minerals. Glen Rae, Daiy iPhone 444 Bowmanville wmMý. m NURUNIUM wimil qmmm dmAlrAIIPAIO MMAfflmamjvAý - . --"ffl vwmvw - z---