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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1954, p. 13

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5A, AUG~ l*, 2004 ANAIWÀN U~AAW ~WAwuwx.u f~Uq'Au'~ -- - - ---- - - -- -----". -- -. -' w-~ ~.. ~ rA~;is TUI.HTEE Clussifie MN MEMORIAM 1 Tenders Wcmted ID-I lvin imemoery of a For sale-Hot water heating wr f and thr Mrà. ayttem, radiatorà. piping, flttilj1. Laura Refid, who passed away, Tenders will ho received by me ugs 7th, 192. undersigned up to Aug. 28, 1954, Godà knew that she wu. sufer- I for the immediate disposai of ing,: the above mentioned, which can Thot the hbils wer. hbord tô ho inspected at the OJno ScVooI. linb, H. B. Millson, Sec'y, Orono, Ont. 0 Be Me losed lier weàry yld 33-1 T hélaprd "Paé. To wind up an eataté m.g1ed Ain the haàutitul his of ténders will ho received by the God, undertigned up to twolve ô'elOek fiY the vaiiey of réat sb fair, ôo on Wednenday, September 8cm tie, om dy w~kno I1,954. for the purchéle of the orn flt whéoan a e nrfollowing: W@ Will meéet our lovd on (1) A houèle anid lot the roi- there. idience of the loe. 'ilfred S. -£ver remembered by her MeKay at Newtonviile, Ontario. hUtbad,, n d families. The lot is apprÔxîmnateiy 70xl88 33-1 and this proprty je centrally - iocatéd. Repair. <2) one (C.M.C. teuok iaeo 4 ý tondition. UPltOLÉTEING, cietning and Ton per eent of thé purehame' répaîring ail kinda et furnituré.' priée is toe omnpény àIiy tend- Phone 2385. Bowranil1e. 33-1*1 er and upôn acceptmnce the bal- -( ance wili b. payable in cash i ]RADIOS and smali electrical thirty days. The highest or any appliances repaired and guaran- other tender will ot necessariiy teed by experienced technician. b. accepted. For particulars C. J . Elâton, 73 Concession St. with respect te the above itemns East. Phone 482. 23-tf apply to: Mr. Arthur McKay, RADI and- . R.R. No. 1. Newtonville, Ontario.; PrDopt d television repaira, W. E. Bonneville, Enq., Q.C., Prmtservice. Pick uip and I iiSre . delivery. Lorne Doreen. Phoneé1Ml Sre . 2741. (Formerly partner ini "Thé Pot8_e, 2taj ]RÉdiô hp".21-tf ______________ IREPAIRS te alll makes of refrig- Notice to Credilors erators. dômestic and commer- cial: mîîîing coolers. 1mggonj ANDl OTRERS Electrie. 42 Ring St. EC. Phione 438. 25-ti WÀTCH REPAIRING At MÀARR'S 3E$VELLEIRY 48 King st. W. Phono 468 BOWBUNVELLE Tenders Wanted Tenders are being calied by the South Darlington Scthool Area Board until August 30th for the transportation oi Route. 1 ciMdren trom S. S. No. 11, Hlampton, tô, S. S. No. 9, Salem, I d Route 2 children from S. S. o. 2 te S. S. No. 6, Maple Grave, or achool year, Septemn- ber 7th, 1954 to June 30th, 1955. Particulars as te numbers, route to be folowed, etc., may be oh- tained by consultlng M. J. Hobbs, 1Sec'y-Trea&, Enniskillen, or tele- phono 2984, Bowmanville. 32-2 In thxe estateofo WILFRED 9. McKAY, deceased. ALL persons having dlaims against Wilfred S. McKay' late' of the Township of Clarke, in the County of, Durham, trucker, doceased, who died on or *bout the 6th day o! Juiy, 1954, are roquired te send particulars o!' same to the undersigned solic- itor for the Administrator on or before the 27th day o! Septem- ber, 1954, a!tor which date the assets of the doceased will be distributed, having regard oniy to the daims of which notice shall have then been given. DATED at Port Hope thîs l7th day o! Auguat, 1954. W. E. BONNEVILLE, Esq., Q.C., 1l Mili Street, North, Port Hope, Ontario. 33-3 Canadiens this year will pay about $305,000,000 in taxes ean- marked te provide tue federal universe l ad âge pension, about $50,000,000 short o! tue ameunt that wil e requirod. IBowmanville Kinsmeni AND TRADE FAIR IL BOlWMANVILLE RIGN SCHROOL GROUNDS FRIDAY, AUG. 27 Featuring ýat 7:30 p.m. Free Variety Entertainment Bilgger and Botter LOTS TO DO FOR THE KIODIES Lucky Ticket Draw for 1954 DeLuxe Pontiac Sedan __ 'I b' Procmds for Artificiel le. Fund Local Principal lAt Summer Staff Queen 's A Bowmanville Principal wlM e hoet Queens University Kirng- 'aton, August 18 te 27. Serv-mg on the staff as an instructor fron i xs area in the Courgei School Administration and Su- pervision in A. M. Thompgon.. Sevonty-fiva teechoars froni forty-two centres throughout the Preninee of Ontario are on- rolled. The staff of isstructors je drawn entlrely from the rankg oM the Foderation main- berahlp and ail are outotandine' principale or expects in super- violon. A Federation offlcIa, coin- mntine' on the Maeacourse said, «"Noteworthy s tho fact thet the.teachota are paying the enitire coetof o!Ii, courue thean- selves-no government assist- ance hm. benSai ivep nor ha. it boom roqu«ed." Toachers on A. M. Tlampeon the course pay a»l their own transportation and living ex- penses and their Federatian bas budgctcd $3,000 ta caver the ne- rnainder o! the oxpense. Until a year ago, Ontario teachers aspirine' te b. princi- pais hed -no course c! instruc- lion available te them for ad- vance properation. Then the Ontario Public Sehool Mon Toachens' Federalion, nepres- enting the Province's 4,800 men grade teachers and principal. in public schools, stepped in with their answer-a twa week Course in Schooi Administra- tien and Supervision. Now in ils second year the course la stiil described as "an expeniment" but ennoilment figures and approval o! educa- lion authorities indicete that next year 1h. term "experi- ment" wiil b. dropped. During necent yeens th. Fed- eralion ha. frequently stated ils cancern aven the iawering o! toacher qualifications in On- tario. This ceurse, thon, is tan- gible evidence a! the Fedena- tion's intention ta do more than talk about teacher training'. Hasty Pees To Form Two Rifle Companies I Port Hope Area 1 An announcement on Monday indicates that some changes in plans have taken place et De- fence HQ. in Ottawa since il wes ennaunced that the Midland Regt. would ho amalgamated with th. Ontario Regimenl o! Oshawa. The announcement wes to lhe oedc that two in!antny com- penie. oa the Hastings & Prince Edward Regiment wili ho ste- tioned in Port Mo pe with a de- tached pletoon et Milbnook. This will perpetuale present operations, except 1h. dropping o! the Midland Regiment narne and a switch o! unit headquant- on. !rom Port Hope la Belleville. Under th. new set-up, Major Henb Long o! Pont Hope who ha. been second in command o! the Midlands, will become 2 i/c o! tue Hastings & Prince Edward Regiment. The 91h Anti-Tank Unit will also hecome part o! 1h. Hasty Pee's. Thene ha. been ne anounoe- ment as 10 plans concenning Bowmanviile and aese. As thene i. littie militia aclivity in this erea at present. il wouid appear probable thet Bowmanville will ho considered as part of the Ontario (T'ank) Regiment'. ter- ritorv with a squadron to be orgenized within the near future. MORRISH A nather unusual sigbt was witnessed by a nesdent o! Mon- rish necently when e miniature whinlwind swept lhnough the gardon lifting boxesanid rubbish hie'h inte thxe air, pessing on int a field o! peas reedy for thresh- me'. Itlilfted nows o! cul pees high ovenhead where for two or three minute. they hung motion- lesî thon gradually drifting down some distance àwa.v while bits o! slnaw and other debnis floated aimiesslv in the now stili air. Before this heppened e amali, very black cioud was seen head- me' towerds the leke. Then. was a good ettendance et Sunday School. Mono parente aeonoticed attendine' negularly with theii' family which la most encouraglng. On Sunday, August 22nd, church service will b.e t 10 a.m. wilh Bey. A. W. Harding in charge. We trust thon. wïill b. a good congrogation te enja worship on this day in th, bright cleae a tmosphern !od's House. ail spiritual aida te prayer and praise. We enjoyed a surprise visitt on Mondey with Rev. Dr. and Mns. Oke who were on tbeir way te Montreal, steppine' et Welcome for the zilght, guesta o! Mr. and Mns. G. Keiloge' 1 On Tuesday, Mn.. F. Conish matored with Dr. and Mn,. Oke as fer as Cornwall where- she was met hv ber qon Gereld of' jMillo Roche. roturnine' wîthhm wlth Mns. G. Gorniah and feniily. Mer anal granddaughter, Cara- b.. accompenued Mrs. Corniah home lor a viit. Mr. Net AnderwmBrantford, i. home aftt.. ompleting a amn- mer course et Western Univers- ity, London. Master Jlnme' Pai. , rantiord, je guest of1Mr. N. Anderson for the remainder Md the sehool terin. MA..]Maine Anderson in spend- Iaig a few <aya with Mus. Wm. McHolm. Elain. wuaisoe a guest of un. MICin cf Foaboco at heu summer .ottaa., Wilbow Beh. Mr. D. Addison' hi». J. me- aayePrt go)pe; Mr'.and Mrs. .epadtwin deughtora, Suai andSa Op elwere Sujdy U1EIMrs. WM. Wom.i, Teaiers TG,Me.s Next We.k lm City of Tor.r*. ICOse on thse heels of the 400 delegates te th. 144h hienniel convention o! the Canadian Federation of Business and Pro- fessionai Womnen leld in To- ronto will be 400 delegates te the 36th annual meeting of the Federation o! Women Teacher.s' Associations of Ontario, sched- uled for August 24, 25 and 26 in the sanie city. This annual pre-scheol meeting of repres- entativés of 15,000 publie school women teachens will h. presid- ed over hy Federation Prosi- dent, Miss Alice Ogden, St. Ca- tharines. Delegates and observens, ne- presenting every community and rural area in Ontario where there is a public school, will re- view the profoasional and gen- eral educational deveiopmnents in Ontario teaching dunine' the paît year effectine' public achool wamen teachers. They will for- mulate public school Fvederation plans and projects for 1955. A special reception for dole- gates and observers is being plannod for Tuesday evenine', August 24th, at Annesloy Hall, University of Toronto, and at the Annuel Dinner, the follaw- ing evening Dr. Eleanor Boyce, M.A., Ph.tD., LL.D4~ Inspector o! Schools in Winnipeg, Mani- toba, wilI ho the guest speaker. On. o! Canada's outsadn women educatons, Dr. Byei a past president o!f the Mani- toba Educational Association and at various limes han been a lecturer at the University of Manitoba Facuity of Education, a member of the advisory board o! the Manitoba Department a! Education and a! th oDominion Advisory Committee for th. re- cruitment of women. At the dinner, honorary membership in the Federation, the highest award F.W.T.A.O. can confer upon persona whe have givon outstanding and meritoriaus service ta education or the profession. wil go te sevon women. Honoured guesta at the annual dinnor wiil b. Hon. W. J. Du.n.' lop, Ontario Minster o! Educa- tion, Arthur Savard, President, Ontario Teachers' Federation, and officiais of Ontario& Trus- tees' and Home and School or- ganizations. Friends in The Background By Joseph Lister Rutiedgo Before thon. anc jobs for any- one money musIthoe veilable. The fermer bas te invest in a !anm hefane ho cen emplay a farm worken. The amail mench- ant obligates himself to, a store, and tue goods ta sell in il, befone cîenks are employed. Induslny ha. te have a plant and ma- chines before il cen operete and provide jobs and benefits. Money fnom investors Je the final stop tewarda wagos. Now why shouid anyone who lies monoy use il merely te pro- vide jobs for somneone else? If such an attitude was probable Ibis wouid h. indeed Utopie, We know that we aie quite a way from Ihat. W. won'l risk aur mon.y except In the hope o! reward. We won't invest aur effort in work except in the oxpectation of wages. The two motives are almost identical. Yet 1h. worker nouent. 1h. payment to investors as if il were some- thing taken fnom hi. nightful wege return. !ongetting the veny simple fact that without invest- ors thene weuld ho no wages.hi Thon. are people ta whom ti ohviousI ' is not clear. They ap- poan ta feel Ihat the man who invests money does nothing ta entitie bim ta neturn. But he do.. do something, something even beyond providing 1h. plant and oquipment. Me undenwnites the oporation. During 1953 there were 1,657 commercial feilures reconded. Most of those com- panie. apenated for some lime afler they had gel into difficul- ties in th. hope that th. situation miglit change. Dunine' that poniod weges continuod tea h. paid. Paid by the business.. we' sey. But th. iosing ran into quit. a !ew millions, wbile tue investors who put up the mony 10 finance the undentekings were. peying these salarie. and waes. The wonkers gaI peid for work that wasn't productive, and the investor lest whet ho paid thoni. The worker, thon, has thie langeet hope o! benef il. When ho isn't paid, ho doesn't work. But with tue investor il la on- tirely diffenent. He i. alway, the lest one ta h. paid. Every Cther charge, and finit o! ail wagos, o! course, has te b. met before tue investon gels a dîme. When tbe business go..stour ho ha. te stand the lasses. Doesn't thtsuggest that ho san ai ioetdvidends' A TOAST TO TOU A little.lHealth, a 11111e Wealth, A litho MHous. and Freedoin, And aI the end, a trusted Friend, A" litIle cause to a.ed hins. Poli Tax li Now'Due Thkin le h tiofo! b.year wbéa bachelors ln Bowrna- ville muet par for thofr freedomNi.Nnety notices te par' POil Tem of$10 reoenlig went ont te baclalesla towx. Tm C<olleelos Ciaeeae 0k. aImoUnef. t"- a. »M"u - the 96 unha, maie. or.boMldg ontum aSly the endmiot th. 88-dmp perle4 of gisee. beoe. k- Mt' ovolthou mwbuok.. at 4h. home of hie parents, Rev. and Mrs. Reed while working in Oshawa durinÈ the summer, returned te Toronto on Sunday. Sandra Lockwood. P a ta y Plagie. Carol Çhant, MarELyn Allin and Audreyj Smala are at- tending Girl Guide. Camp at Oak Lake with Mns. T. M. Cant as Captain and Mrs. Ben Pingle, Lieutenant. Otheru as- sisting arae1Ers..T. Butte cd Bownxanville as nurse and ni- mandant and Miss Clara Mer- iow, Swimming Instructor. R.v. F. Reed waa in Guelph attending th. course for rural clerfe et Agricul*urelCofflg. Town SoftbaN Lake Shore, Clark. Serni-Finais Herbort M. Arbuckle (ahovo) wes recongy 'appointed asist- ant secnetary o! the Ontario Pedoration o! Agriculture. Born and raised on a farm in Rich- mond, ho served in the Rayai Canadian Air Force from 1940 to 1945. After graduating fnom Ontario Agricultural Caliege, Guelph, in 1949, he joined the dalry hranch o! theprovincial department o! agriculture as a fieîdman. For the past five years, ho ha. been living li Lindsay. Oil Burner Is Stolen at Pregtonva le Il used te b. said of thieves that they would steal every- thing that wasn't bolted down, but the ones around Preston- val., near 1he Oshawa eastern limite, go furthen than that and tae things whether bolted down or flot. . Roy S. Dunn o! Oshawa, wha is living this summer att he Lake, is building a home at Pnestonvale and had installed an ail hurer and biower in the basement. Recently he visited his homo te find that thieves had stolen bolh the ail burner and the blower. The thefî i. being investigat- eed by the Bowmanvilie detacli- ment o! the Ontario Provincial Police. Cemetary Caretaker Collides With Car While Riding Bicycle Joe Highfieid, caretaker a! Bowmanville cemetery, was slightly in;ured in an accident shortly after noon Tue s da y when hie bicycle coilided with a car dniven by Samn Papish, 70, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, at the corner 'o! King and Liberty Streets. Mn. High!ield was nidine' west along King St., on hie bicycle when it collided with the Pa- pish car whîch was pr(ýeeding across the Liberty St. initersec- tion. Ho was thrown ta th. pavement and suffered a scrap- ed eibow, a bruie on his hio and cul fingers. Constable Alan Densem a! the Bowmanville Police De- partment, who investigated the accident, stated that Mn. Papish did not return ta the scene ta sec if Mn. Highfieid was injun- ed and that a charge will b. laid againsit him unden the Highway Tnaffic Act. A witness to the accident took the number of the Papish vehicle. Ebenezer W.M.S. Discusses Book Church in India Ebenoser Woman's Mission- ary Society met in the Sunday Sehool room on August 1Oth, with an- attendance of twenty- four. President, Mrs. Elton Werry occupied the chair and Mrs. Charles Found presided at the piano. Citizenship secrotary, Mrs. Allan Down oponed the meeting with a short talk. Mrs. K. E. Courtice was in charge of the devotional period and gave sonie very fine thoughts on how we might de- vote more attention te our shut- ins and newcomers in our com- munity. Mrs. Hilton Tink read the scripture and Mrs. Lloy'd Down favored with a solo. The new study book "The Church In In- dia," by R. M. Bennett was in- troduced by Mrs. K. Hopkins, It was decided to purchase the bookshelf on India for this year. Mrs. Werry closed the meet- ing by giving further thoughts on how we may reach out and help thoso around us. L JU%,T ABOUT T4g Tin<1 A FATMr 42GE-T S 15D>WW141f1 OFF mis MAKNOÇ ME MAS TO PUY_141S 5oN- IlLAUW ou 115 Wîth the prosenvation o! !oods by fneezing becomine' increas- ingly popular with Ontario housewives there will be more than usual interest in a bulletin "Frozen Foods" propaned by a committee of expertend pub- lished by the Ontario DepI. o! Agriculture. Hiere In easily read style and generously iilustrated, is oveny- thing that the householder needs te know to make a succeostof this modern method o! food preservation. The first section o! the bul- letin covers problems which are common ta frozen foads. Othen chapters contein discussions an the processing o! fruils end vogetables, poultny meats and cooked food&. The "Don'ts" and "Do's'! o! homo frezing are well empha- sized in an effort ta prevent dis- appointment on the part o! 1he housewife in the quality o! frozon fooda. "The freezine' method is, on th. whole, a simple procedure," say 1he authons. "but even slight doviation froni weli proven pro- ceduros cen result in serieus boss in eating quality, and careless- ness on ignorance cen rosuit in inedibie or even dangenous product."' The bulletin, No. 504, may b. obtained thraugh the local Agni- cultural Representetive or lb. Statisties end Publications Bnanch of the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture. HAMPTON Mr. and Mn.. Walter Mill, Toronto, were weekend guests o! Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett. Rev. and Mn.. E. J. Kersey, Jimmy and Susan, Piainfieid, with hi. parents, Mn. and Mns. S. Kensey. Miss Nina Hodgson, Washing- ton, D.C., is vy*piting ber parents, Mn. and Mn.Tt. J. Hodgson. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Lockwood, Marilyn and Erie, visitcd hi. slster, Mn. and Mn.. Hugh Squires, Pickering. Miss Sandra Lockwood in visil- ing relatives in Oshewa. Mn. and Mn.. Cleve Clemence, Oshawa, were Sunday visitons with Mn.. E. H. Colo. Mn. and Mn.. Merwin Mount- joy and Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Gil- bert spent Sunday et Monty's Inn, Lindsay. Mn, J. F. Clark and son, Toronto, visited at W. W. Horn's, Sunday. Mrs. C. Daw and Mn.. W. J. Ranton spent Monday in Toron- ta. Mn. and Mn.. M. Mountjoy with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskilien. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Hamil- ton and two daughters, Oshawa, visited at Cocil Lockwood's.* Sympethy is extended te Mr. and Mn.. H. Coutts and family in tue death o! thein daughter, Elleen, aflter a brie! ilines.. The funeral service wes held et the Morris Funenal Chapel, Bow- mànville, on Thursday, and was conducted by Rev. Ted Kersey wbose fitlîng message was com- fanting te the boneaved. Buriel' wes in the Hampton Cemeteny. Eileen will b. much missed in hon hoe and aloo amone' hon Young assocIaIe.. Mr. R. J. Hodgson la under 1h. docter's cane and confined ta b.d. Mr. and Mn.. Raymnend Far- row and family et Brooklin. Master Raymond Farrow return- ed homo with bis panent. on Mondey alter visiting hi. grand- parents, Mn. and Mn.. Blake De Hart. (Intonded for last we.k) Miss Elsue McMillan. Glen Sanfield, Mr. and Mns. C. Hood, Oshawa, were guesta o! Mrs. E. H. Colo. Bey. and Mns.Ir. J. Reed left on Tuesdey for vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Woolheed, Agin- court, et tbe homo o! tbelr daughtr, Mr. and Mn.. Alan Mackiin. Mn. and Mn,. J. Warrack are on e week's varation trip. nom& W" h. bMs j Nîr. and Mn'. Sam Powell and Remue !eent Sunday at Downs- view. Min EMaine Powel re- turned homo with them. Mise Haret Barrie, Oshawa; Miss Tueker Couch, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mns. W. HoImeas. Mr. and Mns. Bob Hondry and family, Bowrmanville, were Sun- day vigitons with Mr. and Mm. Jack Hommnes. Mr. and Mrs. Ali Brown and! famiiy visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake. Mns. H. S. Taylor, Misses Blanche, Dora and Alice Taylor, and Mr. Andy Taylor, Courtice, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin. Tho Lake Shore Ladies' K.S. & C. Club met at lthe me of Mns. Sam Powell. Next mneet- ing at Mrs. Ken Dean'.. Mr. and Mrs. Don Duncan, Brooklin, with Mr. and Mns. Robin Alldred. Miss Joyce Martin in home frorn London University. Mr. Radcliffe. Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Burnett, Mrs. Mary Huggins, Mrs. G. McKnight and Miss Christine McKnight visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alld- red and Mrs. P. Hotson. "'Don'ts*" and "Do"s" In Bulletin of Home Freezing Raed it not been for yoiw aisist- anoe the man might not have boom brought to trial and fur- ther, the owners of the money might flot have had their money recovered.Pt Sim l mc100 ppiyment in adrieutue in Canada ha. de- creased froni 1,364,000 to 800,- 000; in the period eoment in manufacburing ii rw«front 658,000 te 1,360,000. Canadiens are amosig the worid's bet-dre.nd people, us- ing textile. at a rate o about throe tunes the world average.. Th. Statesman SoId At Foltowing Stores Trufl StMore, Courtice Strong's Store, Port Hope Reg. Edmund'u Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown. Newtonville C. Pethlck. Enniskillen T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrono G. A. Barron, Hampton A. E. Ribey, Burketon H. T. Saywell, Biackstock Kelth Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreli. Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbert Food Market, Millbrook Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa - Bowmianville - IL. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Jury & Lovel Elgie Harnden's Handy Store The Statesman Office painting Meitevia Us Are Underway The semi-finalsli thea Town SOftbail League stanted on Wed- nosday (last night) with the For- esters meeting Surplus Sales. They will continue on Friday niglit at Memorial Park aI 6:30 p.m. when Tom Cowan's Mary- esters meet eithen Ken's Mon'. Wear or the Jack and Jill Club, dopending on the outcomeofo their current hassie over which team gels the fourth piayoff spot. Playof! games will aiso be held next Tuesday and Thurs- day evenine'. et Memorial Park et 6:30 pa. Sequel to Game Cops and Robbers With Ail Restored Some o! aur readers wii ne- member the story which ap- peered in a July issue of The Statesmein, o! the honeymoon couple who gaI invoived in a game o! caps and rabbers. Mn. and Mrs, imn Mayberry, Pince- ton, N.J.. who were marnied on June 28, were on their way ta visit 'Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roe- nigk in Bowmanville when they picked up a hitch-hiker and ho- came invoived in the "Affeir of the Brown Papor Bag." In King2ton where the Ihre stopped to eat, Mr. and Mira. Meyberry's passengen picked up a brawn paper bag which was sittine' in front of a store. When thoy were again on the road il was revealed that the bag con- tained $2,000 which the hitch- kiher, who was on his way hack ta Trenton Air Base, was ail for splitting with the driver. When Jim wouldn't play bal with this, ho agneed to turai the money in at the Air Station, but as il turned out, man and rnoney disappeared and the Kingston police were trying te locale the $2,000 which belong- ed te a starekeeper who had sot the money down while lock- in' hi. door on Salurday niglil. Mn. and Mrs. Mayberry gave eveny assistance ta the police, heving the unique experionce o! heing inlenviewed several times by detective afficers while on Iheir honeymoon. The sequel te 1h. affair lu thal justice has been done. The offonder bas been arrested and convicted o! the theft and full restitution o! the meney ha. heen made to 1h. Kingston stonekeepor. In a bItter rec.ivod by Mr. Mayherry from the Deputy Chie! Constable at Kingston ho says: "It is very encouragine' to know theno are people such as you and your wi!e ta assist in the administration o! justice. Be An Ogilvie' Play Money Millionafre EARN YOUIR PICK OF 1250 EXCITING PRIZES VALUED AT $75,000 No lucky draw - No box tops - no questions to, answer. Just colleet Play Money and follow instructions given i every package of Ogilvie's products. You'I i fnd Play Money lu the followingt ogilyl's Silver Cake Xix Gingerbread Xix Ogilvie's Chacalale Cake Mix Leo anad Lime Cake Mix Ogilila Orange Cake Xix . . . ogilvle's Colles Nocha Cake Xix - oglIvie's Cherry Almond Cake Mix Ogilvie'. GaId Cake Mîx -- ogilvie's Hoi Roil Mix -- O ais a ao ooao3 Lb. Pkgr. 36- Vzia-B Corsai l o** 33c 25-lt. roll Ro-usable Whole Mlxed 4 os. and eonomical SaaiWrap 3h PickIiag Spiou 12W YEO'rS NMais and Groceries 55 MIG ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3U07 0 m m a pmg35C o o w Pku. 31c - Pkg. 35c - Pkg. 35c o Pkt. 35c Pkg. 35C - Pkg. 35c - kg 29c Dont be Behind The 8 Bail ENGLISH CAR OWNERS HERE IS YQUR CUE Prank's Garage PHONE 3231 72 SCUGOG ST. For' Service DeLuxe and Easy en the Bucks PuIIy qualltled llcensed mochanle. ln charge of all repair work 1 Tm fANACUN ITATBMKM. llowxàwvniit MmAmn Get our ppuce, on Paint.e ad Finlahes of Ali l Knd. 14 m&aibeo eyour adveutsee Amont Mar e tuem ,wo seil the. tollowlng produets: PIISBURGH VARNISHES ]PITTSBURGH PAINTS KEN GLO KEN TONIC SUPER KEN TONS, SPRED SATIN CAULKING COMPOUNDB LIQUID TE GLIDDEN PAINTS SCARFES PAIDITS GOLD CROSS 1'AINTS «'PACO PAINTS, $1.00 qt. W9 ul've quotatlons ou job* al» Abernethy's Paint & Walpaper ]Phono 4M4 M Rng t.W. t s e a 1 ti ID à ý l@qý m

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