PAGE TOtYRTEDi - TEE OANANAN UTATUSMAN, EOWMA1~ VILLE, ONTAMO <NUIUDAT, ATYOI7ST u, u~ Turn Page for Addifional Classified BIRTHS' BEBEE-Joyce and George wish ta, announce the arrivai o! their daugbter, Dolores Alexis, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, July 14. A sister for Mariliynn. 33-1 COWAN-Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cowan are bappy ta announce the birth o! their daughter, Lori Jane, on August 3rd, 1954. 33-1 CROAN-Howard and Evelyn Croan are happy ta announce the arrival o! a baby boy at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Friday, August 13, 1954. 33-1* HOLMES-Byron and Velma Holmes (nec Crago), are happy ta announce the arrivaI o! their daughter, Donna Mary Jean, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on July 25, 1954. A sister for Kenneth. 33-1 MURDOCH-Mr. and Mrs. Sid-, ney Murdoch are happy ta an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Wendy-Lou, on August 15, 1954, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 33.1* OSBORNE-Murray and Jean Osborne (nec Dawn) wish ta announce the birth o! a son, Gardon Bruce, 8 lbs., 14 oz., at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, Friday, August 13, 1954. 33-1 PERRIN-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perrin (nee Eleanor Hancock) of Newcastle, are plcased ta announce the arrivai of Law- rence Edward (Larry), at Mem- anial Hospital, Bowmanville, Tuesday, August l7th. First great grandchild o! Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Hancock o! Orono. 33-1 VANCE-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vance are happy ta announce the birth o! their son, David Paul. on July Stb, at Memoial Hospital, Bowmanville. A broth- er for Camai and John. 33.1* WILLIAMS-Grant and Jean Williams (nec Cameron) are happy ta annouitce the birth o! their daughter, Sheila Lau, on August l2tb, 1954, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 33.1* ENGAGEMENTS Mm. and Mrs. Lomne Patter wish ta announce the engage- mient o! their daughter, Katiier- ine Margerette ta Charles Almyr Tomlinson, son o! Mm. and Mrs. Wilfred Fowler o! Hampton. Marriage ta take place Sept. 11, 3 p.m., at St. Paui's Churcb. 33-1* Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Russel Osborne , Newcastle. announce the engagement o! their daugh- ter, Frances Lenore, ta Robert Neil Coulson, son o! Mr. and Mrs. David Russell Coulson, Oshawa. The mamiage will take place September 18, at 2 o'clock in Trinity United Chunch, Bowmanvillc. 33-j* Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- gamery, Enniskillen, wish to an- nounice the engagement o! their only daugbter, Evelyn Jean, ta Robent Bruce. son af Mn. and Mrs. Elgin Taylor, Enniskillen. The maniage will take place on Saturda'y, September llth, atl 3 p.m., in Eldad United Churh Carcs of ThianIs Kay and Irvine Harreli (nee Tink) would like ta take this opportunity of expressing their sincere tbanks ta tbe Hampton Community for the lovely wed- ding gift they received. 33-1* Sincere tbanks ta my many friends wbo sent me candy, fruit, cigarettes and flowers and who visited me during my stay at Memorial Hospital. Special thanks ta Drs. Ferguson and Austin, the nurses and staff, and ta Local 189. E. Phillips. 33 - 1* In deep and sinceme apprecia- tian ta aur many friends and neigbbors for their bclp, cards and floral tributes in the recent passing o! aur beloved daughter, Eileen. Special tbanks ta Rev. Ted Kersey and Mn. and Mrs. Syd Kersey, also Dr. Hubbard and nurse Ruth Bates o! Metn- anial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mm. and Mrs. Hugh Coutts arld family. 33-1* I wish ta express my sincere thanks and appreciation ta Miss Shaw, superintendent, the en- tire staff of the Memorial Hos- pital for came and kindneîs given me during my stay in hospital. Special thank you ta Dr. Rundle, my special nurses, Mrs. Dilling, Mrs. Wilkins, Mrs. Widdecombe and Mms. Smytbe. Thanks ta al who sent flowers, candy and cards. To Rev. T. A. Morgan and Mr. Fifield for their visits and words o! encouragement and prayers; those who visited and made inquiries while in haspital and ielter my return home. Mr. Babcock, at this time, wishes ta express bis thanks and apprec- iation ta aur friends and neigh- bors for their many acts o! kind- ness ta him and I join with him ta, say thank you all sa much for everything. Mrs. H. J. Babcock. 33-1 * For Rent TWO partly furnished bouse- keepîng rooms, adults only, $30 a month. Phone 2851. 33-1* FOUR-room apartrnent in down- town location. Apply States- man Office. 33-lf THREE-roomed apartment, im- mediate possession. Phone 3137. 33-1 APARTMENT for rent in Victor Manor Apartments, Bowman- ville. Phone Oshawa 3-3559. 29-tf THIRD floor apartment, im- mediate possession, $30 a month. Apply Box 207, c/o Canadian Statesman. 33-1 THREE roomed self-contained apartment, private entrance. Reasonable rent. Apply 47 Horsey St. 33-1* FIVE-roomed house, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 650 from il a.m. ta 1 p.m., or 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. 33-1*' FOUR-roomed bungalow with bath, possession Sept. 1. Apply Box 216, c/o Canadian States- man. 33-1* FOUR-roomed apartment with garden and garage. Middle aged couple preferred. Apply 19 Brad- shaw Street. 32-2 THREE-room apartment, aduits, or with small baby; heated, second floor. Apply 34 Duke St. 33 -1 Soaina. 33-1w FOUR fumnishcd rooms, for six months, pivate entrance; aduits. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyd, References. $50 amontb. Appiy Orono, annaunce the engagement Box 210, c/o Canadian States- of their daughter, Betty Mary- man.2- leen ta Edward Everson Bird, 3- son o! Mr. and Mrs. E. Bird o! THREE-room downstains apart- Bowmanville. The mariage ment, pivate entrance, on will take place in Orona United caunty road, near Caesarea. Churcb on September l8th at Apply Mrs. Hemman Samelis, 3 o'clock. 33.1* Nestîcton. 33-1* - FOUR-roomed bouse anýd bath, DEATHS heavy wiring, basement adults, or witb anc child; central loca- GRANT-At Bawmanville. on tian. Possession Oct. lst. Phone Tuesday, August 17, 1954, Edith 2433. 33-.l* Ada Grant. in bei' 88th v car, belavcd wifc a! the late James TREroe d o w n s t a i r s C.-ant and dean mother of RossI apartment, self-contained, heat- Bowmanville, and Ra.,,, Belle: cd; adults only. Immediate pas- ville. Resting at the Marris session. Applv Box 179, c/o Fu neral Chapel. Bowmanville.i Canadian Statesman. 33-1 Service in the Chapel on TIhurs- ' WO o omsT unfurnushed, hr day at 3:30 p.m. Interment Bow- bouse east of Provincial Pohicd manville Cemetery. 33-1 Headquarters on No. 2 oiceay Appy W Honer Bo aHighwa., 1-I \WýLEY--At Buffalo, NY.. on Apy .Hmnr3owavle. lT: -sda. August 17, 195-1. Ethel --3. ti'eate ile belavcd -wife of THREE raam modern apartmcnt, t!ýelat M'lle-lawlev, adda heated, self-containcd, available n ýther of Jack Dixon, Buffalo: Sept. 1. $60.00 per montb. Applv ]V s. F. Tate (Doris). Sault Ste. Mrs. W. V. Peacock, 341 Rich- 1 ý1le rs. W. Slaght îMad- mond St. E., Oshawa, Ont. eline), and Melbourne Hawley 3- of Bowmanville. Resting at 3- Nartbcutt & Smitb Funemal TWO furnisbed cottages, East Home. 53 Division Street, Bow- Baach. close ta waten, available manville. Service oh Thursday, by week or for balance o! August 19, at 2:30 p.m. Inter- season. Phone 439, bctween ment Bowmanvîlle Ccmetemvy. 9 arn. and 6 p.m., or enquire at 33-1 East Bedch boatb. 33-1 Lost ONE tool box, on road fromn Kendal ta Hampton by Orono. Finder please Phone Bowm an- ville 2329. 33-1 ONE steer, 700 ta 800 ibs., red and white with a large white "V' on forehead. Lost north o! Tyrone. Phone Orono 95 r 9. 33-1 PLASTIC wallet containing $4 and Midget basebail certificates. Finder please leave at States- mnan Office and receive reward. 33-1 * Cars For Sale YFARGO 1948 1-ton pick-up, high hardwood rack, in A-1 condition. idel eorchard or haim. Phone &iîm ý av& se- Wanted To Buy BEFORE sdlling your live poul- try. try iis. Our, prices are high- cm. M. Piatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7 r 13. Reverse charges. 51-tf' WANTED-Live poultry. goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap Coan, ags and met.als. Raw furs and deerskin . Phone 3-2043 Oshawa, colleet. 46-tf Witl Pay Cash Now for 25,000 SCOTCH PINE Christmas Trees 'AppIr Richardson's Garage H~U~POOLONT. Articles For Sale Articles For Sale FARM tractor, model GG. Phone Ru , Boaoo Blaksock40r 31. 33-1 us Bralo USED .wood and coal fumnace. SAVE 50%. New Rugs Made 82 Scugog St. 33-2* from Youm Old Rugs, Carpets, Wooliens, etc. ONTAÙRIO patatoes, 75 lb. bags, BLANKETS ALSO MAIDE delivered in Bowmanville. Phone PHONE 3446 - BOWMANVILLE 2473. 31-tf 29-tf ONE trailer, 6.50xl6 tires. Suit- able for boat trailer. Phone 860. 33-1 * GOODISON threshing machine on rubber. Cliff Curtis, Ponty- ELECTRIC range, two-plate, Grahamette, $20.00. Phone 2883. 33-1* ONE small white enamel cook stove for wood or coal, in good condition. Phone 781. 33-1* PLAYER piano, excellent con- dition, reas.onable. Phone, 3640. 33-1* 1951 SMALL motorcycle, in good condition, 3-speed foot change. G. Barrett, 27 Queen St. 33-1* ONE C.C.M. tricycle; boy's suit, brown, size 12, good condition. Phone 468. 33-1* TWO oul drums, taps fitted. Apply 9 Waverly Road, Lloyd Brooking. Phone 3415. 33-1* WHITE enamel kitchen sink with a high back. Apply 34 Wellington St. 33-1* FLOWERS-Gladiolus, $1 per dozen, free delivery to the hos- pital, daily. Willow Acres. Tele- phone 2456. 30-tf FINDLAY kitchen range, warm- ing oven, reasonable, good con- dition. Phone Newcastle 2501. 33-1 BRIDES1VAID'S dress, in crush- ed tomato nylon net over taffeta, worn once, size 14, or 12. Phone 881. 33-1* SAVE an luniber, direct from mil ta you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17r11. . ,13-tf SIDEBOARD, antique, solid wal- nut, band-rubbed finish, excel- lent condition. Apply Mrs. L. C. Mason. Phone 553. 33-1* HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock o! batteries and cords at Higgon Elcctric Limitcd, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone 438. 20-tf NINE-piece Old Englîsb oak din- ing-room suite, reasonable, ex- cellent condition. Mrs. Bennett, "The Hollows", Newcastle. Tele- banc 2501. 33-1 NEW bushel apple boxes at 60c, may be seen at Durham Cold Storage, Newcastle, or at farm of J. A. Carscadden, Orono, N. 33-4* APPLES-Transparent, Astrach- an and Ducbess; tomatocs, cu- cumbers and a limited supply o! corn. Shaw's Market. Kurv Inn. ONE Clipper combine with motor, I 6' M-H. binder, aIl ini good condition; i 7' M.-H. bind- er. New and used tractors. Mas-« sey-Harris, 181 King Street E. Phone 781. 33-1* VENETIAN BLINDS - Stock sizes, white or eggshell slats, Plastic or cloth matching tapes. Made - ta - measure blinds a specialt.y. free installation; 28 tape and siat coiors. Morris Co. Phone 480. 10-tf FORD-Ferguson tractor, cam- plete witb ail these hydraulic lift implements: 10-ir, double plough, 6 ft. double disc, spring- toothed cultiva tc with scraper, scoop shovel,v $90(T. 596 Ve terans Road, Oshawa. Phone 3-4670. 33-1 * CHOICE YOUNG TURKEYS ALL WEIGHTS Dressed and Deliveredr PHIL FINNEY R.R. 3 BOWMANVILLE Phone 2309 COMBINATION ALUMINUM Storm Windows - Doors ALSO Ornamentat Raitings JOHN STUTT- Phone 3174 3-1 * Ptumbing Supplies for COTTAGES -CABINS MOTELS -HOMES Toliet. - Basins - Bathtubs Showers - Sika Pressure Systems Sump Punipi Copper and Galvanized Pipe and Fittinga, etc. "YOU PAY NO FREIGHT"$ Write for free catalogue * Phone 352 Open Wed. and Fmi. Evenings ta OM JN6 a"- Keys Cul b Order by new, modern machines automaticaiiy, whiie you wait, at Mason & Dale HARDWARE 36 King St. E. Bowmanviile Phone 408 21-tf DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representat;ýve will caîl at your home any time with a complete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Free estimfates and free in- stallation within 35-mile area. Lowest prices in town. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Phone 3609, Bowmanville. 8-tf North American FASHION FROCKS BEAUTIFUL DRESSES at reasonable cost Sizes from 9 to 52 Latest colours and favmirites I will be glad to bring them to your home. PHONE BOWMANVILLE 2226 MRS. ETHEL RAHM 33-1 DO IT YOURSELF S T IL E 7V¼c each and up - Ail kinds Expert Instructions uupplied CUSTOM FLOORS LAIM H. G. HEAL Phone 2902 Bowmanviile 28-tf Notices L. C. Mason Law Office closed until after Labour Day. 33-3* Miss Hodgins' office is closed until September 7th. 33-2 John A. Holgate & Son will be closed for holidays from Aug. 16 to Aug. 28 inclusive. 32-2 Dr. Storey's office will be closed August l8th to Sept. 1Sth. 32-4* Bowling News - Durham Bowl- ing League. Any gentleman wishing to bowl coming season leave name at bowling alley or with RI Kelly, Bowmanville. 33-2* Free-With each $2.00 gasoline sale or $5.00 on repair work (cash), 1 ticket on 1954 de- luxe Pontiac car. Draw to be made August 27, 1954. F. S. Allen & Sons, R.R. 3, Bowman- ville, Ont. Phone 2833. Three miles west on No. 2 Highway. 15-tf FROM AUG. 21st to 28th Phone 2674 or 3577 SELBY GRANT HffEATING AND SHEET METAL WORI< 33-1 STUDENTS! Bowmanvitle Business School Fait Term begins TUESDAY, SEPT 7th Mrs. G. Bartiett will aecept registrations in Bowmanviile beginning August 3Oth. Bel ore that date mail ail inquiries to MRS. G. BARTLETT, R.R. 1 BIRDS CREEK, ONT. 32-4 We are pteased fo announce that Porfer's Generat Stor (formerly BARTON'S) Newionvitte Ig now Open for Business Tour patronage would b greatly appreelated 33 A Fietd Demonsiration FERGUSON Tillage Equipmeni laciuding Tbree-furrow Plough, Dise, Tiller and Sub-Soiler will b. given at Tom Witson's Farm 1 % mues Eau&.et Newcaste TUESDAY, AUG. 24 atiz p.xn. Sponored by SID LANCASTER j MASSEY-HARRIS. FERGU8ON j DZALEE1 1Real Estate For Sale 1 Real Estcrte For Sale HOUSE, 1 1. -storey, on main street of Hampton, full cellar, heavy wiring, price $4,500. $2.5001 cash. Phone 2849. 33-1 IN Orono, 6-roomed trame bouse and lot, 3 bedrooms, al with closets, sunporch, furnace, bathroom, hard and soft water; near stores, school and churches. Write Box 212, c/o Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. 33-tf-f O. E. CARSON REAL ESTATE Homes-In Oshawa, Bowman- ville and Port Hope vicinity. Farms-We have several of Ontario's top farms neyer before listed. Businesses - Theatres, stores, garages, factories and summer properties. Chas. D. Rankine Phone 2762 Bowmanville 33-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold. Rented, Managed and Appraised L. M. 'A L LISON Reai Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal, Newcastle. 20-tf Pedwell Real Estie Farms and ail other, properties, businesses, etc., for sale. 1 H. C. Pedwell, Broker Newcastle Phone 38-SSL 25-tf PORT HOPE A 4-moomed bungalow, cellar full size, Iaundry tubs, bcavy wiring, electric bot water, bot water hcating, living-room 12' x 15', kitchen 10' x 12' with cup- boards, 2 large bedrooms with cupboards, 3-piece bathroom, lot 40'x 210', reasonable down pay- ment, balance as rent. Immed- iate possession. A~ 6-roomed bungalow, cellar full size. laundry tubs, heavy wiring, elcctric water tank, bot water heating, stakem-fed; living- roomn 14' x 14', fireplace, dining- roomn 12' x 12', kitchen 8' x 14' with cuphoards, sunrooma 8' x 12', bedroomn 9' x 14', bedmoomn 11' x 14', cuphoards; 3-piece bathroom, on a quiet street. Consider store or acreage. Apply 3 Beamisb Street, Part Hope 33-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE EXCELLENT BUY 42 acre farm, 4 miles from Bowmanville, near pavement, near school, 7 roomed solid brick bouse, furnace, 3-piece bath, fire- place, full basement, garage, large barn with good stable, brooder bouse; good archard land; ta settle an estate. Easy terms. Five acres, six roomed frame bouse, garage and hen bouse, tractor, plough, and bouse furn- ishings included; fruit trees. Near Oshawa. Good buy at $5.500. Full price with terms. New four-moomed bungalow, hydro, Y2 acre land, at Maple Grave. Quick sale for $3,000.00. We have lots, bouses, farms, businesses for sale in this vicin- ity and in Prince Edward County. M. E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville Phone 919 33 -1 THREE-bedroomn brick and clapstone ranch style bungalow, special design, breezeway, attach- ed double garage, price $18,500. About haîf down. Consider to tra4je for a farm or ranch. For information please caîl Mr. Dobey, Oshawa, 3-7495. Bruno Purins, Realtor. 33-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5 roomed solîd brick bun- galow, Newtonville, oil heating, $5,000.00. For rent-4 roomed bouse, new, modern conveniences, New- castle. I have a number of farms from 100 to 170 acres, Hope and Clarke Township, also bouses for sale in Newcastle. L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 Newcastle, Ont. 33-1 * REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $3.500 cash, total price, well located five room frame, sewer and water, this house needs re- pairs. $9,300. $3,500 cash, 4 roomn four-year-old brick with modern conveniences, TV aerial. hot air oil heat, recreation room, first mortgage under N.H.A., 41/2% interest. Farm, 50 acres, 7 room house, barn, hydro, fruit; north-west of Bowmanville. Asking $8,500 with $4.000 cash. J. Van Nest Real Estate 118 King East Phone 3230 ____________33-1 EREAL ESTATE FOR SALE New 5 roomed bungalow, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living-room and dinette, picture window, good size lot, water and sewer, $4,800. 8 roomed bouse. solid brick, four bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, town water, beavy wiring, elec- tric beater, garage, barn, large lot, $8.500. Incarne home, solid brick, four self-contained apartments, heavy wiring, 3 garages, close ta shop- ping centre, $9,000. Terms. Mrs. A. P. Jansen 11 Duke St. Phone 3309 Bowmanville Localagent for John F. De With, Reaitor 33-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE 7-room solid brick home, double garage, modemn tiied kitchen with cupboards, 3-piece bath, fumnace, hardwood floor, nicely dccorated, $9.200. Terms. Possession arranged. 6-room brick home, living, dining-room, modemn kitchen, 3 bedrooms, furnace, garage, gar- den, many extras, priced ta sei. 6-room solid brick, bath, ail furnace, handwood floors, base- ment, verandas, storm doors and windows, garage, $7.000. 4-moom bungalow, good mes- idential street, 4-piece bath, hardwood floors, heavy wiring, modemn kitchen, venetian blinds, landscaped, $8,200. Terms. 5-room brick bungalow, 3 bcd- roams, heavy wiring, 4-piece bath, ail heating, insulated, venetian blinds, good lot, land- scaped, $9,300. Terms. James Nixon, Broker Howard Philp, Salesman Office 85 King East Dial 713 lies. 682 or 2620 33-1 * Pedwelt Real Esfate $1.0-15acurps h t eki VL 5I UJUrCI MeWI«W%1 De WITH REAL ESTATE situated on good paved 30-tf 290 acre farm, 130 acres work- road, close ta village, able, 100 acres o! wood, 3 creeks, hydro, telephone and with 98x30 ft. bank barn; 10 lots of water, six room Gene rat uoncrete roomed solid brick bouse with frame bouse, bank barn furnace, heavy wiring, garage, 40x1 10, second barn and etc. Price $8,500. Terms. 40x6O, drive-shed 30x 135 acre farm, excellent good 40, other buildings. aor dlay loam land, 125 acres work- Haif cash or will take able, 10 acres of maple bush, 3 a good bouse up ta Construction or Repair wells, 120x35 ff. 9 years old bank $8,000. Fimst time of- barn; 8 roomed insulated bouse fered. ESTIMATES FREZ with fumnace, partly bardwood $ 7,500- 200 acres, light soil, floors, bydro, beavy duty wircd, haif workable, balance L. TURNER etc. Opportunity for renting bush and pasture, lotsP..BX17 O MNIL another 129 acres. Price $13,800. o! water, 6 room bouse, PO O '7 O MNIL Mortgage available. telephane, hydro, $2,000 33tf 90 acre farm, good dlay îoam, cash will handie. level land, 85 acres workable, 5 $ 8,500- 40 acres, six room BL ' acres of wood, with creek,2 brick house, bank barn, BL " wells, 85x40 ft. bank barn witb dlay loam, on goodE water pressure, water bowls, road close ta Oshawa. BICYCLE WRECKERS milk bouse with electric cooler, $ 4,500- 50 acres, frame bouse, silo, implement shed; 7 roomed bank barn witb stancb- OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION brick bouse witb ail fumnace, ions, litter carriers, bayBoum nil bydro throughout, 5 cans a day fork and lots o! water. o m nil milk quota. Price $16,000. Terms Hydro and telephone; PARTS BOUGHT, SOLD, 230 acre farm, dlay loam, 100 bal! cash. EXCHANGED acres workable, 12 acres o! wood, $ 4,000- 38 acres. nice frame Bcce remainder pasture, with creek; bouse, creek, good gar- Recondi ioned Bcce 70x36 ft. bank barn, 40x2O ft. den soil, $1,500 cash sheep pen, driving shed, 8 room- will handie. reasonable. $15 and up ed brick bouse with hydro $ 3800- 6 room bouse in Beth- BICYCLES tbroughout, garage, close toa a any, $1,500 cash. higbway. Asking price $14,000. S vrl g o trs a 100 acre farm, 1 mile from bargain prices for the town aIlworkblecree, 2rigbt parties. town al wokabl, ceek 2'Phone 2916 wells, 100x30 ft. bank barn with 40x5 f. -shpedexensonH .C. Pe dwetl, Broker 1 i î work; it fascinates me, 1 witb watem bowls, steel stanch- 1hn lrk 681 cansi and look at it for boums. ions, etc.. milk bouse, silo, 121 hn lre3-& I love ta keep it by me, and thej raamed brick bouse with furn- jNeweastàe Ont. ides o! getting rid o!fià nearly ace, bot and cold running water, 33-1 breaks my heart. hardwood floors, heavy wiring, AdT fet33-i * garage. Price $14.500. Tei-ms. WYc ____________________ 3 acres land on bigbwav in - Orono, with creek, weli. 3 r5om- FOUIR or six roomn bouse by Seed Cleaning èd cabin, garage. Price $2,500. Sept. 24. Apply Box 211, c/o $500 down.i Canadian Statesman. 33.1* GET youm faîl wheat cieaned and 6 roomed ranch style 'u -FOUR or f ive roomed bouse. panogen treated at Griffin Seed galow, whereof 3 b udoosint Cleaners, Enniskiiien. Dawbul Bowmanvilie, which can be fin- Wouid like possession Sept. lst seed wheat for sale. Phone 2977. ished at purcbaser's choice.' Phone 3640. 33-1* 32-2 Price unfinisbed, $4,800. TWO unfumnisbed roams, beat- 10 oamed solid brick bouse ed. centrally Iocated, for widow. P -o a In Newcastle, with basement,: Write Box 214, c/o Canadian __________________ hydro tbrougliaut, garage, faim Statesmnan. 33-t-f SIN ewmn an5 size garden, etc. Price $7.000. SKNYmn imn an5 Terms. 10, 15 lbs. New pep. too. Try1 5 oomed ciaphoard winteriz- Rooms to Rent famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for ed bungalow at lakeshore, New-j_______________ double resuits; new heaithy castle, with heavy wiring, f ire-1 WE have a few roomns avaiable flesb; new vigor. New "get- place, built in cÙpboards, storm.ý at reasonable weekly ras. Te acquainted" size oniy 60c. Al windows and screens, etc. Price r Balmoral Hotel. 6-tf mgit.3- $5.500.roiintey 0 HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber - We hve pprximt~I 50 Sale or Exchange goods) maiied postpaid in plain mare properties ta choose fram. - .--'ealed envelope with price list. Contac GOOD producing six-year-old 'Six samples 25c, 24 samples John F. DeWith, Realtor Suffolk ram for any gaod ram $1.00. Mail Omder Dept. T-28, Nwomaelie Phoi 3 44 1 similar age. McLaugb14n Farms, Nov-Rubber ÇA.. Box 9L, Ham- 84 ugm&pbM 3"24 I *64osâ Ot £4 Work Wcmted GENERAL trucking of all sorts. Phpne 860. 33-2* CUSTOM eombîning. Ted Hut- ton. Phone 2913. 33-1 DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- tont, for custom killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf WOMAN available to do house- cleaning, by the day. Phone Bowmanville 3414. 33-1* LANDSCAPE and gardens taken care of. Harry Van Belle, 18 Mill Lane. Telephone 757, Bow- manville. 32-8 DUTCH girl wants day or week- ly work, only in Bowmanville. Betty Kuipers, 77 Liberty Street S., Bowmanville. 33-1* BULLDOZING and excavating by the hour or contract; sand, gravel and loam and f ill. Ger- ald Balson, Hampton. Phone 2733. 28-7* BILL'S Bicycle Wreckers, op- posite C.N.R. station, Bowman- ville. Parts bought, sold, ex- changed. Reconditioned bicycles reasonable, $15 and up. Bicycles repaired and painted. 32-2* Masonry Construction ]BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE Free Estimates AI4GER BROS. IPHONE-2643 or 3375 SAVE MONEY AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAIR SKATES SHARPENED 36 TEMPERANCE ST. (4n rear) 47-tf Local and Long Distance MOVING Lieensed and Fuliy Ioisured Ais. GENERAL TRUCKING P.C.V. Claess "C", "F" and "Hl' Contact Preston Transport Phone 2493 Bowmanville 29-tf BULLDOZING EXCAVATING TRENCHING - LOADING DRAGLINE - CLAM WORK Trucks and Loader for Gravel and Fi Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Construction PORT PERRY 392W 32tf A. E. (SAMMY) COLE Plumbing and Heating AGENT FOR Mor-Sun The Furnace wlth the 10-year guarantee 26 Ontario St. Phone 3473 BOWMANVILLE CQMING EVENfS Old and II.w bowlers for the Ladies' Major League must register at the Bowling Academy August 26, 27and28 At Hampton Churc o'.es day, August 31st at 8:30 p.m. Solina )W.I. will present theii play "Ma d of Money" under th&~ auspices- of Hampton Service' Club. Adults 50c, children 25c. 33-2 You are invited t ttend o Revival Service at LOt1I-Unite& Church, Sunday, August. 22nW 3:00 p.m., conducted by Rev. C. W. Hutton, Blackstock. Mr. Sanm Nicholson, Toronto, guest speak-. er. Harry Preston's Community Choir. Corne and bring your picnic basket. 32-2 A field demonstration of Ferguson tillage equipment, in- cluding three-furrow plough, disc, tiller and sub-soiler wili be given at Tom Wilson's farm, 11/2 miles east of Newcastle on Aug- ust 24 at. 2 p.m. Sponsored by Sid Lancaster, Massey-Harris, Ferguson dealer. 33-1 Pets For Sale PUPPIES, house dog type, at B. A. gas station, Burketon. 33.1 Help Wanted WOMEN, for picking tomatoes. Phone 496. . 33-16 GIRL or young woman as clerkc and book-keeper. Apply Box 215, c/o Statesman Office. 33-10 EARN good money in your spare time. Pin boys wanted at Martyn's Bowling Academy. 33-4 FOUR aduit tomato plekermi wanted. Joe Crawford, Hamp. ton, 33-1e RAWLEIGH business now open in Bowmanville. Trade weUl established. Excellent opportuno ity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. -H-140-189, Montreal, P.Q. 33-2 PART or ail of your time make extra money. Seli ta your friends and others in anasi. ed district aur 250 products an interesting commission. for free catalogue. Fanx, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. 3, Mont- real. 33-1 Auciion. SalesiFr Durham Community Auction, Orono Sales Barn, at 7 p.m. Thursday. 24-tf I bave received instructions from Mrs. A. Muld.rcw ta scliy public auction in the village of Elizabcthvillc on Saturday, Aug. 28, at 1 p.m., ail hem househald fumnitume, dishes, bedding and se forth. Terms cash. Lloyd Clys- dale, auctianeer. 33-2 I bave reccivcd instructions from Mrs. Albert E. Dudley, 36 Odeli St., Bowmanville, ta seli by public auctian an Saturday, August 28th, at 1 p.m. sharp, a Dominion uprigbt piano, living. raom, bednooma and kitchen furniture, small tables, lampsI large quantity o!f dishes, glass- warc, linen, curtains, etc. Terme cash. No reserve. Lawrence Harris, clerk. Jack Reid, auc- tioneer. 32-3 Fumniture and effects, the propemty o! H. McComb, ta be hcld at Pmsbyterian Manse, Nestieton, Saturday, August 21, at 1:30 p.m., including walnut bednoom suite, beds, dressers, modemn dining-roam suite, ches- terfield suite, occasionai chairs, bed davenpant, bookcase, desk, G.E. refnigerator, vacuum clean- cm, cook stove, many other art- icles. Terms, cash. Clarke Wil- liams, auctioncer. 33-1* Livestock For Sale NINE pigs, seven weeks eid. Phone 2904. 33-14 400 H YBRID puilets, f ive monthS aid, laying. Phone 2355. 33-1* GRADE Holstein beifer, due to freshen Sept. 5th. Fromn ac- credited herd. Phone 2227. 33-1 Wanted DEAD STOCK removed fromi vour farm promptly for sanitary disposai. Telephone collect: Co-. ourg 1266 or Toronto EM. 3-3636. Gardon Young Limited. 50-tf ROOM and board on farm wlth inside conveniences for conval- escing gentleman wiliing to de some light wark. Apply Box 203, c/a Canadian Statesmaai PUREIBRED COWS WANTED for expo àf Due ta freshon lu Î* b Top Prices Paid for Quallty Gattle SCHWARZ BROS, WE BUY - SELL - TRADU Gredit can be arranged Phone 2895 or 935 BOWMDANVILLE Turn Page for 0 d-1 - -1 - - i rrn - - i - PAGE MURTEM ib ri