« Durham Count's Grat Family Journal' VOLUME 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST l9th, 1954 10e PER COPI UBRf Appointed to Truce Team. Cartwright fo Hon or »' ~ %~7Score of Native Sons J, à , Who Served in Ministrv Captain James E. Knox leaves next week for Ki.ngston where he will receive instruction prior to leaving for Indo-China as a member of Canada's truce team. He and his wife and sons, Douglas 6½/ and Barry 2½/, are shown here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Knox, Concession Street, where they spent the week-end. Capt. Knox expects this responsible tour of duty in the tqlàeast will last for about a year. L.ççaI Soldier Chosen Fo Represent Canada On Truce Commission The announcement from. Ot- 1 den the past week getting the tawa last week that Capt. James necessary needies or "shots" as Y,. Knox of Bowmanville he'd they are called ta protect hin- been selected ta serve on the from tropical diseases. He Indo-China truca teamn froin leaves next week for Kingston Canada came as a distinct shock and further instruction, but has to his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. no idea when the party will be J. Knox of Concession St.-and, sailing for Indo-Chmna. indeed, to his wife and two boys According ta news reports, and ta Capt. Knox himself. there will be 70 officers, includ- While fully appreciating the ing two Brigadiers, on the great honor and rasponsibility truce commission, as wall as a connected with this appoint- numbar of civilians, and dip- ment, the thaught of a year's lomatic officars. In ail, about absence tempared the family an- 200 people will ha required to thusiasm considarably. carry out Canada's part in this Capt. Knox bas an excellent new ventura. Similar teams record 'of military service. He will, of course, be in operation was one of the first men re- from two other truce members, cruited in 1939 for duty at Poland and India. Trenton airport with a detach- ment of the Midland Regiment. In 1940, when the MidlandsTosd O L I were mobilizad, hae was among ilse Off iorse those stationed in Bowmnanviill with "D" Compatiy and raan At Peterborough ed with the 'Mids" in their ail- Canada tour until 1942 when Nurse Breaks Bac< lie was sent on draft ta the Star- mont, Dundas and Glengarry Miss Marie Nickerson, 19-year- Highlanders overseas. An N.C. 1aid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. at that time, hae returned ta j Francis Nickerson, Liberty St., Canada in 1943 ta take his com- is in Peterborough Civic Hospi- mission and, after graduation, tal with a fractured vertebra. ha returned ta the S.D. & G's According ta* bler parents, sbe as a Lieut. and saw action with is resting comfortably, but will that unit in the European thea- be in a cast for about three tre. Later, hae joined the Paci- ni ontbs. fie force and was on emba rka- Miss Nickerson had an aftar- tian leava in Canada when the inaon off Friday from Peterbor- Japs surrendered. ough Civic where she bas been Aiter 1945. hoe joincd the in training for a nurse since last Royal Canadian Regiment. but Septe mber. Sha decided ta jain dècided ta retire fram military several of hier girl friends who life in 1946. In Augm;t. 1947, hie 1 ere going horseback riding at re-eniisted with the R.C.R.'s as ane of the local riding stables. a Sergeant and was rc-cnim- iThis was hier first attempt at missioned in 1950. His home this recreation and, unfortun- base is at Camp Borden, but ately. aflar riding for a wbile, he was on loan ta the School hier horse stumbled and threw of Infantry at Quebec City wheî hier off, with the resuitant back news of theN truce appointment slnjury. came through. 1She wili ha in baspital for Ha was married iin 1946 to Isaverai weeks, but hier parents Madeline Handerson of Spen- hope sha will be home latar cervilie, Ontario. and they have and able ta waik about with the two boys, Douglas 612 and Bar- cast an. She plans ta rasume ber ry 2i',. training once she bas recovared Capt. Knox bas been at Bor- -but not hier harsebaok riding. - elj, -ham County Farmer Has -'tEormous Crop of Fali Wheat Yiel4mng 71.5 Bushels Per Acre In a previaus news item, E. A. 11954. wvheat, with 200 lbs. 2-12-12 Sumnmers predicted a faw fields' par acre. In te SxtyBushl Fli bea For a vear wben the yîeld af In te SxtY ushl Fal Weatfaîl wheat inay be lower than the Club would yield weil over sixty last five year average, thasa are bushels per acre. Mr. Ed. Ruth- exceptional high yields. Anyone van af Hope Township bad a wishing ta obtain Registered or 21 ace fel wih eve aresofCommercial Genesee. Dawbul or 21-are iel wih svenacrs ~Cornell seed sbouid contact any Gznesee and 14 af Dawbul. This af the Sixty Bushel Club mam- field bas noW been canbfned' bers or the Agricultural Repre- and weîghed with the Geýnesee sentativa, Bowmanville. yielding 71.5 bushels per acre Anyone sowving five acres or and the Dawbul 62.6. more af Registared fali wheat This ifield was bandled In the may qualify for mambersbip in followirig manner: 1951, claver, tbe Sixtv Bushel Club by send- .Sod: 1952. tornatoes, witb 1,000 ing their application ta the Sec- Rbs. af 3-12-16 par acre: 19.53. retarvy. E. A. Summt-ers, flot lateri peim, with 4W0 lb.. 10-10-10 and j t.han October là"li JIA service of excaptional in- terest wili be beld in Black- stock United Church on Sun- day morning, Aug. 22, which is bath historie and unique. The Township af Cartwright has had the honor and distinction of contributing no iess than 21 men.ta the ministry. ana woman aii.sionary and three ministar's 1wivs-an qnviable record 'that aw townships in Ontario can equal. To celabrate triis unique re- cord a service long ta be re- :-nambered will be beld Suni- day marning at il a.m., conduct- ed by Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles, Chancellor Emaritus af Victoria UJniversity, wbo celabrated bis 9th birthday tbis waak. The minister, Rav. C. W. Hutton,: will assist, and also Rev. M. R. Sanderson, Rev. S. C. H. Atkin- son. Rev. Clarence Farguson and Rav. Merrill Farguson. Rev. Marrili Ferguson who is home on furIough irom the U nited Church mission fields in Africa, will preach the sermon. Historical Facto Pioneer Cartwright Churches wera foundad by the Church ai England, Methodist, Presby- tarian, Bible Christian. The story af the United Cburch is one of amalgamation and un- ions. In 1884 a Union oi the Math- odist and Bible Christian Churches formed the Mathodistj Cburch of Caesarea and Biack- stock. The present Church ai Biackstock was built about that Merchants WIli Meet To-Night On Store Hours An important meeting ai the Retail Merchants Committea of the Bowmanvilla Chamber ai Commerce will be hald at the Balmoral Hotel tanight (Thurs- day) at 8 o'clock ta determine whather the present palicy ai keaping stores open on Friday nights until 9 o'clock and clos- ing themn on Saturday nights at 6 o'clock wiil be continued be- yond the trial period endîng Sept. 3. When the trial periad was set up it was dacided that Sept. 3 would ba the last Friday night wban stores would remain open until 9 p.m., unless the mar- chants decided ta axtend the naw policy bayond that date. time. Nestieton Me th od IS t Church was a union of two con- gregations, Salem and one meeting near Campbeil's farm. The Nestieton Church was built in 1900. The corner stone being laid by Dr. Joseph Philp offil- ciating. Cadmus Church was fôrmed by union ai Devitt's congregation and ana meeting in the Mahood area. The present church being built about that time. Local union took place in advance of Church Union at Blackstock, about 1920, whan the Preshyterians and Mathod- ists united, and the Cartwright Circuit of tbe United Churcb came into being. Following are the names of those being banared at this ser- vice. Asterisk (*) denotes de- ceased: CAtkinsoa, Rev. S. C. H. - Came ta Cartwright from Eng- land; was called ta the niinistry by the Biackstock Board 1935; Albert Collage, Queen's Theol- ogicai College, ordained 1943; served Sault Ste. Marie, Albert St.. Kingston. *Beacock, iGeorge A.-Son ai John and Sarah Beacock, local preacher in Ontario; ordained Mathodist Episcopal Church, U. S.A.; retired 1933. (Continued on page seven) Fjr e Gu ts Top Floor of Waverly Road Home A disastrous f ire, thought to have started from burning grease on a stove, did an estimated $2,000 damage to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred deJong, Waverly Road on Saturday evening. The fîre started in the upstairs apartment occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Bertus Wind. Mrs. Wind is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. deJong. In this photo, firemen have gained entry through an upstairs window and are applying water to queil the stubborn blaze. Inset is Mr. deJong who said the house was insured but not the furniture owned by the Wind family. 'Knsme ln ue Night of En! ertainm:ntT Fcr Annual'Karnivali The Kinsmen Karnival which will ba held at the Bowmanvilla High School grounds on Friday, August 27 is the last carnîval slatad for the season, and the sponsoring Bowmanville Kins- men Club plan to make it the best ai tham aIl. A carnival committea af the club bas been working bard dur- ing the paçýt few waeks ta this end and bave lined up saveral outstanding featuras ta ensura its success. The Karnival will open at 7:30 p.m. with a free stage show ai fine variety enter- taînment. Haading the bill are "The Skylinars and Penny", a novelty musical trio from Toron- ta. "Penny" is Penny Stevens, a cute singer ai novelty sangs, and sbe is backad by Rudy Spratt on the banjo and siap bass fiddle, and AI Dunlop, sen- sational rhythm accordiqpist. Palmer Motars, McGregor Hard- ware Limited, The T.V. Shop, Lander Hardware, L. A. Park- er & Sons and S. Blain Eliiott. Over 15 games and bootbs wili ba operated by the Kinsmen Club and these will include the aid standbys such as crown and anchor, bingo, panda booth, horse race, ham booth, darts, etc.. as well as some new anas dreamad up by the enthusiastie Kinsmen. They are not forget- ting the kidçlies, and a merry- go-round, pony ride, fish pond and hot dog, soit drink booths will be in action ta kaep tbam happy. A puppy draw will also ba held, with the puppy donat- ed by Dr. John Werry. Proceeds ai the Kinsmen Karnival wiil be used by the club for its artificial ica fund for the Bowmanville Mamorial Aréna, and people from this Bar Swimming At MiN Pond Due to Damage The acts of vandalisrn of a few thughtless pîand inconsiderate youn pepleusing Vanstone's Imil pond for swixnming bas forced the Vanstone family to forhid swimmers %rom using the pool for the first time in the 68 yaars they have been aper- ating it. A!ýlthough warqed repaatedly this summer ta stop their van- dalism -on the mill property and dam or the privilege of I'Swimming in the pond wouid ha takan away, the young mis- chiai-makers would not stop or aven tel who was doing the lamage. Among ather mail- clous acts the youngsters bave 1 bean hoisting the stop logs at variaus timas this summer al- lowing the water naedad ta run the miii ta escape. 1Last Sunday night the swim- mers tbraw lumbar and a steel bar into the pond and commit- ted mare vandaiism which hald back aperations at the mill on Monday. This was the straw that broke the camel's hack as far as the patience af the Van- stana family was concerned, and thay have regratiully had ta close the pond for swimmars and put up "«No Swimming" signs and partially barricade the dam. They regret having ta de this, but there is a limit tg what good nature and patience will stand. It is a case again aif a few inconsiderate and thoughtless yaung peaple who should know batter spoiling things for those with better sense arxd manners. Borden Brannigan Placed on 2 Years' Suspended Sentence The decisione of Magistrate R. Ivor Moore in the case of Borden Brannigan, 25, ai Bowmanvllle, charged with receiving approx- imately $40 oi the $280 stolen from Patrick White, 66-year-old Darlington Township farmer on the marning ai July 16, was handed down in Bowmanville Police Court, Tuesday marning. The magistrate found Bran. nigan guilty ai the charge and placed hlm on a two-year sus- pended sentence. He hed heard - the evidence In the case on July 20 and reserved judgment at that tima. The charge against Branaim stemmed from the rabbery e ï violence counts laid against Walter Polley, Ronald Trimbie a Tna systam nas proved quitai1 inese tnrae are aul top-notcn cdistrict are urgea ta turn out and aiu xure imoetsaie r i popular with the majarity oai entertainers and they will ba jsupport this worthy projeet. If NihbusWaegiittedeogeaîy a- am abt 8a. da t hrn smain street marchants and the 1 joinad by another star - Doug4 the waather is bad on August 27 egbushv gintedJo fmltm-araot8a. ntemr- emeeting tanight will dacide Romaine, an hilariaus comedian. the carnival will ha hald the fol- porary accommodation until the mass left by the blaze ing ai July 16, struck an the whethar it shoold ha continued. Romaine is a show in himself lowing night. can be cleaned up and the upstairs restored to normal. head with a blackjack and Don Morris and Jim Stutt, with bis sangs, dances, music, When the blaze was f irst discovered there was a niad robbed ai bis wallet cantaining Co-chairmen ai tha Retail Mer- pantomimes and side-splitting srml$t2emv8smuhf0.tr a osbl rm dgiTyhtathee lcargmes pad ab chants Comimittea, ask that al imitations ai the stars ai stage, T oStdn s rabet eoea uhfnir spsilermedglytteecagsofo. a marchants concarned with this scraan, radia and TV. Ha is a w B.H.S. Su et the house, with members of the family and neighbours bary with violence. Poliey was .important matter attend ta- TV performar himsali, and bas .- pitching in to do the job. Here we sea some members of sentenced ta twa yaars less a tnight's meeting. captivated audiences over CBLT, Atn o nelr the deJong family sroflywthn their house burn. day in reformator nd*15 lash- gornta s and Trimb and Roberts Camp at Bark Lake Te re rm e t iht ae Ms eJn it aa eeve i Car Draw a Featuro and tha kitten "Snoozie" and Neco. ator- DeraiJed C.N.R. Car aThe Kinsmen Car Draw will _______ banother feature ai the carn- John Fowlar and Ted Fairey, ival and a bandsoma, two-tone two Bowmanviia Hîgh School W est O Town cream and green 1954 Pontiac studants, ara spanding tbre 11l be drawn for on the waeks at the Dapt. ai Education Town s Firs! Gladiolus Giant Potatoes D iverted Traffic grounds. The tickets on this car sponsored camp at Bark Lake Traffie on tha C.N.R. lina be- are. the "Pay Wbat You Pull" in the Kinmount district. ThaeC twee Por Hoe an Torntovariety and wili ha avaîlabla on camp, which iasts from AugustSh w I ï S u c sG rn Lo al was di ope oann Torn the grounds the night af the 5th ta August 26th, is attanded lat hrsayb a acdet ncarnival. by 126 boys chosen from hîgh With soma faîl crops now be- Tha owmavill Kismensebolanad cîlcgatesailover One ai the most sucessfu1land ruffled in a dalicata layon- ing gatharad in, The Statesman th lnaner arinta Satonlast year inauguratad a trade Ontario. shows evar beld by the Oshawadr piiik shada. The saadiings bas alraady raceived the first about six miles west ai Bowman- fair in cannection with thair The purpose ai the camp is ta and District Gladiolus Society a re wbere ail new originations dlaimn for the largast patato villa. carnivai and it proved so papular train the boys ta taka avar took place in Bowmanvilia on _cama fromf and it takas about gant ae i vrBw Ta e i a gondbola ard il wiîî ha cantinued again this positions as camp counsaîlors in Saturday afternoan and aven- seven years befara a growar is manvilla, son-in-law ai Jo. samç 1,200 ties were ripped out yaar. Eight prominant Bowman- îalldwing years. ing at the Legion Hall. This is Isure the naw variety is going Jilisan, Crooked Crack, sbowed ville business iirms will have n ordar ta attend this camp the first time the exhibition !ta g o ovar. Only about bh aio us tWa giant naw potataeu by the derailed car. During the dispiays ai thair products on the boys must hava athletic ability now in its l9th year, bas ever aona par cent ever reach thae rw nM.Jiia am nine-our asbigrpi d whila t grounds aiong with reprasentat- and other qualities nacessary for been hald in Bowmanville, and market. One ai thase manstars was 21 trandCk.a eNR. parederst-o ives ta axplain their marits. camp counselling. Ail boys the location seemed ta be for-[ In this class Dr. Sisson bad 51 inches in circumierance and bon .NR asegrsfrFirms wha wiIi ha taking part attanding this year must promise tunata bath in the size and ýpoints, E. A. Summers 34, Duni- waigbad 21 ounces, and the Toronto ware transferrad ta a in the tradè. fair ara: Robson ta act as camp counsellors in quality ai the exhibition and the 'can MacMillan 15, and P. othar was 13 inches araund and C.P.R. train at Port Hope. East- MGreenfieldgsix.lTctsiclassiisdvery5waigbed in at 20iaunces. Car- baund C.N.R. passengers went ta otors, Higgon Eiectrisc Limitadver9 wicrowdsnwhlch2itoattractad. PortHopeon te CP.R.lineandThe large crawds lingered for carefully judged bacause afilis tainly thesa are the biggast new Poretaoperrn thPrt inHadopeLÀ the auction ai ail blooms in future importance. potatoas heard ai ta data. wera atansiC.Rrad at Part Hpe AIIrnrrovernents M de the show which look place aiter Dr. Sisson won the award_________ taaWaiing C.NR. flytha r n eanvae 9 p.m. The beautiful blooms for the hast spike in the New reck!ngth raws with arne , À braught good pricas and this Introduction Class with "Prin- retaned nthe ovthe d r. LJ Se tagathar with the modest ad- cs Ann", a new variety intro% N W DRC O wreced I e nize l . t use mission charge addad up ta a duced by him lest yeaar. In this gondola car was moving was an fnnilscesa elfrte'scinD.Sso a 4pit3 route between Belleville and C u sP.acilsucs a al orte, ei Dr.Sssnha.Dr.34 pon ;~~ Tornt. ih Se vie lu s Assisting-' Society. .P refedtra r Tornto TVlii ~As usuai Bowmanville grow- i va.s also winner of the Ideal ers were very succassîuî, top 1 Dairy Challenge Cup for the Aller many long ycars ai neg-i but two service clubs arec c- honors gaing ta Dr. E. W. Sis- 1 most points in the Open Color Seven Yea r OId lect the auditorium af tha Baw- operatilg with Town Council in' son who won 23 first prizes, 14 Classes Three Spikes, with 55 Tetg a nwnlo raptidiyekth auditorium. The Bowman- the fourth successive yaar Dr. spike in the Open Class, 'Fixe- Struc By uto at the artistic banda ai J. H. 'ille Rotary Club bas authoriz- Sisson also won the R. S. Mc_ brand". AbeÉnethy & Sons and their for the spending ai up ta $500 Laughlin Challenge Trapby for Another gencratian ai giad 11L À1 af paînters.fo carpentar work which wiil the hast collection af five varie- growers bas antarad the field J onsr-îsvione cewallow the curtain ta bang near- tias ai Canadian Originations. with Sharon Dilling winning J is iM t e Thaeliainters startad work er the front ai the stage. Under E .Smeswsas the award for hast spike in the last Thursday and have pain- the praseat arrangement the dA umr a oa Children's' Section with "Spic Seven-year-old Michael Croan cd the drcssis* raams and the uran hn daa ae big wvinner, recciving tan firsts,anSp".hroistedu- received a huga bump an the back part ai the stage and arencrybu hesae xosd 13 seconds and four thirds. Haea fM.a4 r.Ga ii forahead plus sundry cuts aad naw daiag the caiiing and ceil- The Rotary Club wilî pay for also bad the hanor ai winning ýing, 38 Queen St., Bowmanvilie. bruises Sunday aitarnoon whcn ing heams, warking ironi high the construction ai a new val- the Gladiolus Society Rosette 1Atgteaotatosn lie ran in front ai an cast-bound matai scafiolding. The large ance box and a new track for for the hast Seedling in thea Aootagthrabu teatousHall car on King Street 'at George squares formed by the cross the curtains which will bang anow Thy Frk Sein er Ib'oams racedteLaon Hall tad police, yaungwn.baams in the ceiling are being them mucb nearar the front ai wothe location end tha respon1 Acodn oplcyugpainted an attractive turquoise.,i the stage, local exhibitor, who also bad aif the public pravad 50 succcss- Acodn g o o r and Mrs. How- blue and the heams tbemnsalves Hndoe ewcrasae the distinction ai winning the ful in holding the show in Bow- aCroan, ong i.Mr anars r en ane t. Oshawa and District Gladiolus ili spsil h o Cheroan, King te rnors e bigpite ht.being donatad for the auditor- Society Cup for the hast spike Imanvtla t s ossibexthyea- - tharod fon th nrtbsie, While the scafording is stili ium by the Bowmanville Busi- in the show, "Sunspot". Mr. shw e easo directly inta the path ai a car uElectri ian rom Higgan ness and Proiessional Waman's Semis was the bighast winner, show _____________ drive by aymon Co est-f lghtig will instail a new Club at a cost ai over $1.000. lin the Amateur Class with 381 Oshawa. The driver ofai ws-lgtn systarn in the auditor- The Club bas orderad a carn-I points. hound car stated he had ta slow ium. The aid and antique l'spi-pltse ai saecrans in- A new exhibitor in the show e down ta avaid the yaungster. dar" lghtiagfoftursawith10 Mie orial Hospital Cron ws tkanta owmn- ie socets xtendîng on0 cluding main draw cdrapes, main was Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn, Or-W kl R pr ville Hospital for treatment hy te e ae aachakda.tesr n na, who did axtremely 'well, W eely Re or Dr. . D Hubar. I waax-arms irom th entre e legs. They will ha a rich garnet winning sevan firsts and anaeitrdaoai omn pected ha1 would ha dischargad be ae anadteewl shade and will1add tramandaus- second in the Novice Clas and For the week ai Aug. 10 - 16 ville's new Racreation Director. wihi acopl i ay. hoh replaced by six large globes. ly ta the appearance ai the au- ana iirst and ane second in the Admissioiis . 28 AI Vail, who started hi. duties Constable Allen Dene h e glob si fes wil bte chung o ioim Amateur Class. Mrs. Tamblyn Births, 2 maie, 4 female 6 as head ai the town's recrea- investîgated, stated that no adchais i ieet am tae ceiling AIl these impravements had most points in the novice1 Discbargas --- ----37 tian prograrnhast waek. Mr. charges w e r e cantamplatecid each wili cntin th a 0 -atsbould ha camplete by the lat- class, with 23.1 Major operations 7 Vaibas a goad background as against the driver. suthge Ligrtiong in he back- tar part ai October when the The Seedling Class, won hvj Minor operations------ 5 a player in several major sports One paculiar coincidance ofi staertion w h nPro Business and Proiessional Wom- Ed Summers, la s'n which &t- 1 Emergency traatments 14 and also has had considerable the accident was that Croan's Sevielastoper Ofl. ea's Club will hring the Shakas- tracts keen campatitian and en-'ý These farts are pubhishedexperience in eammunlt7 Te. mothar was also in the sema e rvc lbiCoealg pearean troupe, The Earle Grey thusiasm among giad growei-'.a. kly in an effort ta acquaint creatian work in Hamilton and hospital, baving gfv.en birth ta a The painting and wiring work Players, hera to present a play jM r. Suinmer's entry vaq 1h:eco, ,r- 1 with the services! Ville St. Lauront in suhurbau hild on triday ofl lut wsek. is besng paid Joe hi ri" towi. in the auditorium2. tîul4 ±formed, needie pointed o£ our hoipitaL. Montreal. î cit . a un