YNU~AT, W~m, m4 Mr. and Mm Den Alid. are an a mater trip te the Miss Marion Cook, Toroi Zpent Sunday with Mr. and b S. Murdoch. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 3<i spent the weekend at Pa SSound and Huntsville. V YaW.C. G. Curtis bas retu etgâ§ze alter spendlng a1 dfwith frlends ini Orono. Mr. and Mns. W. J. Coil and two sans have returi from a week's vacation in M koka. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Holi Toronto, visited lat week-i et the Qerne ai Mr. and N Dan y5xes, Maple Grave. 4Mns. C. A. Wight and N r nBragg attended the Str tord Festival lest week andç Ited triends in Western Ontai Misses Ruby A]dworthà Jacqueline Bird and Mr. Bird have been holldaying Wasaga Beach and wlth re tives in Toronto. Mrs. Howard Smythe isv iting in London witb ber daue te-, Nancy who recently seci ed a position witb an insurar firi in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hait n an- three children, Burlingtg W, e visitars on Thursday W! ber parents, Mr. and Mm. G, W. James. ,Mrs. Harry Rosback (n Leila Gale), twin deughle Jean and Aice, Detroit, Me were recent ue b o er aSL ?Ars. T. S. tolgueto Ir. and Mrs. Douglas Nich( ar- Dian Milligan, Kingstc er.ci Mr. and Mrs. Dayle Clai ILarrowsmith. spent Sund w1th Mr. and Mrs. 1. 1. Nic vi 20 Carlisle Ave. r. Bert Tbompson and fat à5ik, Lakewood, Ohio, are vis' ing bhis brother, Mr. Arcl T1tompson and ternily, Ma vers Road. Miss Hilda Thon son is returning wîth themt a week's holiday. Better meke your reservath ea-ly for slghtseeing trip, ]Durham Caunty next Wedne day afternoon canducted1 Clare Garton. Bus will On carry 37 passengers. Seocl tails af tour in this issue. Miss Grace Nicholson bas ri turned from Hamilton whei she bas cornpleted a sumri course in kindergarten woi, Miss Nicholson will be teachir kindergerten in Lloyd Georý School, Hamilton, in Septen ber. iý Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. May i!d children Margaret, Richer ~nd Cerolyn, Weshington, D.C are halidaying for three weeà et Bruce Lunney's cottai B owmanville Beach, and visi 4fing with Mm,. May's parent ]Rev. R. R. and Mmi. Nicholson \Irs. S. G. Chartran, Mi Farry Rice, Mrs. R. G. Cowif MVrs. E. V. Hoar and Mns. Ge( ,îJamees motored ta Burling ton on Tuesday and spent th day with Mrs. Ward Hoffmar Andrea Hoffman returned wit ber greudmother for a visit. Mr. and Mn,. Mark Roenigà bivr. and Mrs. Gea. Moody anq Yî.r. and Mrs. Wm. Prower me~ tored ta Stretford on Wednes day and attended the Festival Ir. and Mrs. Walter McMil lan, Hamilton, and Miss Alie Nicholson, Ottawa, spent ti weekend with Rev. and Mrs. Il IR. Nicholson. Mr. W. J. (Billy) Berry, Bo'w rnanville's octogenarien mer chant and traveller, bas return ed irom bis annuel Jeunt whict this year took hlm ta Alaski and ather points in the U.S. Wi are now looking farwerd IA St. John's Church (Anglican) Rev. Warren N. Turner, B.A, B.D. Services at 8 &.m. and Il &.m. St. PauI's ont uin. orrs amn le, ban iied du$- Mes, -en< un. rat- vs- J. rai vis- igh- ur- ince nan ton, itb xea. nec cers Int, lols ton, rk, day Lch- ut- !hie an- np- for Ion af Ms- by nly de- re- ere rer rk. Ing 'ge in- tyo mrd . it- ýts, n. ns. Evangelistic 1' Centre Ontario Street North Rev. FP. B. Fltield, Pester Sunday, Aug. 22 worshlp 'praymg ne bore "Miffl W. rth R«»wttk te -« nwrgI ihv TM eANAMM eTAwKNuaIAyffLm TAMT a hean aqml about It from Mr. J.Be"rr hiuislf, talu bn is own 0,readers. 8. Ah bus load of members o teWamsaw Wamen's Institute weme lu tis district on Wed- 19 nesday wherue they toured y Smith's Box Factory, Newcas- tle; Orono Reforestation, Gan- -araka Project, sud Downhani v' Nurseries, Bowmenville. They had gupper at Bewdley on Rice n Lake betone neturning home. d Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rsbm, Tyrone, wbo are holidaying et Greengebîca Lodge, Bancroft, were vislted on Sunday by Mr. Sand Mrs. Grace, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mmi. Cecil Rahm, Bunketon; Mn. sud Mms. Roy Graham and childmen, Haydern; Mr. and Mn,. Leslie Graham, Mr. Cleni Rabm and Mr. sud Mn,. Ronald Rabm and girls, Tymane. The editar ai The Statesman twas delighted ta have bis .drab and cluttered seuctum bight- ened by a huge and beautiful -bouquet ai gladioli of the ver- icty "Ceptivation", anc ai Dr. E. W. Sisson's origiuations, wbicbhc kindly braught in thîs week. This ncw varicty devel- oped by Dr. Sisson la wcll nain- 1cd ton its levender pink shede- ,end uffled edges make it coin- Spletely captivating. * Mn. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk, R. R. 1, Tynone, in rcnewing their subecription ta The States- man wmites. Wc iind the cager- ly awaîted Thunsday news lu your paper even more inter- esting laely as there seems tn be mare pîcture caverage ai cammunity eveuts in the lest tew months. We like neding about the activities about us and we also enjoy seeing the famn- ilier faces sud scenes being des- cnlbed. Local fishermen have recent- ly been getting nice catches of silver base lu Lake Ontario. These iish bave mostly averaý,- cd eight ta 10 luches ln length but some bave becu longer than this. They are e deep, chunky fish, silver on the underside and a darkem grey on1 top. Frank Jemieson gat à nice catch of them by casting inom shane us- ing a silven-colored lune. Mn. W. J. (Jack) Easteugh, a former superintendent ai the iOntenio Train ing Scboool for Boys, Bowmenvillc, wbo bas been superintendent of the Ou tenia Refommatony Training Schoool et Brampton since Oct. 1, 1951, bas rcsigned bis posi- tion thene ta become principal ai a new public scbool lu Eto- bicoke Township. His uîany tniends lu Bowmanville wish hlm cantinued success ln bis new position. The Brampton Conservator lu a reccut issue paid a fine tribute ta the work Jack bas donc lu Brampton lu bis thrcc yers there. IRECENT GRADUATE'Mi Sapesbeleesta *àereare seven of theae sebools W r hlldren of Canadien service personnel. A total oi 3,000 eilidren 'vili be attmnding them I 'ven the fail term beglns. The teachets have ulgned contracta to teaeh in Europe for two years. While there tbey 'vill have the mm ehollday perlodi as are oh- oved la Canada aud MisW Staples in looklng iorward ta seelng imany of the cities aud f places oainlterest liEurpedur- e il heptwoyeans =thene %iîâhin Bowmianville Miss 1 Staples visited for two days at the home et Mn. sud Mrs. Win. S. Staples. 'She left on Mauday night sud her uhip salis tamar- row (Friday) from Quebec City. One group of teachers sailed on Tuesday. She b.d visited ln Bowmanville once betare two t years a go. Her father, the lJeaCharles Staples, waa raised In Tyrane, but 'vent ta Western Canada as a Young Man. Miss Staples was borninluAnguaville, Menitoba but erimother sud brothers sud aitera now live in- Winnipeg. A Nansy'Varce aiter, Meron Staples, tralned et Nancy the Mernoionl Hospital, Bawman- daughter ai Mr. and Ms. E. S. ville, a nujiber of years ago. Vercoc, Church St., Bowxnen- ville, graduated framn Peterbor- M PL GR V ough Clvic Hospital lu June, anec A L R V af 28 nurses ta graduate this Miss Mlldred Snowden hs bol- y ear., idaying with Mm.. Findlay Mun-i fe ndlmily et Lake Ramseau,j Muskoka.1 G ertrude Staples Miss Vinginia Hopkins, Basej Line and' Miss Doris Hamilton,1 Among 109 Teachers En¶lehart, have eturned romc -visit wlth relatives and frien'Js1 Going to Germany lu Engleud and other places.i Virgluia's parents, Mr. and Mrs.e A Winnipeg school teacher, Ken Hopkins, Base Line, motor-i Miss Gertrude Steples, who vis- ed ta Montreal on Satumday ta ited in Bowmanville for two meet the girls wbeme they land-c deys this week on ber wvay ta ed on Sunday.t Mn. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf,1 Germeny, must be the euvy ai grandson Grant Metcali, Mrs. L. t meny ai ber profession In C. Snowdeu, Mr. and Mrs. H. p Canada. G. Freemnan, attended the open1 Miss Steples, wbo is e niece ai bouse et Mr. and Mms. Rossa Lee's, Kedron, It belng the 25th e William S. Steples, Silver St.,wdiganvrayo hi and a second cousin ai Mmi. C. cousins. 1r W. Slemon, is anc ai 109 public« Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Martin,e school teachers tram eacroas deugbtem Linde, Mrs. R. L. Wor-t Canada who are going ta den, Town, vislted Mr. and 1 Germeny ta teach the children Mmi. E. W. Faley, Mrs. Mina ai Canadien servicemen station- Calwdll, Mis. Bert Colwell, two cd there. She will be located et, sons, Ted and Imwlu, et the cot- Hemer, near Dusseàldonf, wheme tage, Chateau Wemibley, Burntc she will tcach the Children afi tiver. Canadien soldiers in the 28th Mr, Loren Paseoe, Tyrone, 9 Brigade stetioned thene. bas returned homne alter vlslting The Winnipeg teecher Is eone et his aunt and uncle, Mn. sud Mrs. six frram the Winnipeg Schoal Wallace Yandey. Board makiug the trip. She ap-i pllcd through the WinnipegI Board for the teaching post, anci'Pee Wee to Play ather. teachers ecmoss Canada weeaccepted lu the saime way Sudden Death through applications ta their local scbool boards. They are The championsblp of the Bow- now employees ai the Depant- manville Pee Wee Basebail ment ai National Dci ence and League will be decldcd et the their expenses to Germmny and High School grounds Satumdey their salaries arc peid by this morning at 9:30 when Team 1 Dcpartment. They will be pro- under Captain Don Bagnell will vidcd with living quarters et the play Team 3 under Captain Bill vaiaus Canadien Army sud Osborne. The gaine wlll be a R.C.A.F. bases in Europe when sudden-deeth affeir fon the Pee thcy arrive. Wette BLACKSTQCK CI-URCH ::SuprsePatyGien (Continued from page one) Versty; popuar Professr of h e v.D.R .B we ed tbe Methodist Epiccopai 5t.l T.ph A .. tn. Rv. Dr R. . Bowes ChrchU.S.A., Minneapolis and PiJoehM. D , th O Oh Brha St. Paul.WilmT.R, A, Son af Wm.lp and Maria Oh 9 t itd y Delve, WlimT RBAWerry; Vcora University;, IsB.D -Born in Bleckstock Me. served Belrave, Talbotvllle, St. >d (Nestîcton correspondent) taltProee o fRv Thomas, vafan , London, Cen- A Ahappy event took place and Mrs.' S. A. R. Delve;tenaRgton Ptola ~.Sundey evening, August l5th,Qen'UiertyadTeog Kincendine, Hamilton. al et the borne of Mr. and Mrs. W. ical College; ordeined 1931; D.D.-otn aI Wm. Hilp astd il G. Bowles, Nestleton, when served Montney, B.C., Sex- MntcVnle ii et ce Rev. Dr. R. P. Bawles, Ex- s rr, -îb, Alta. ; Ivanboe, Woolner, an's Corners, North Gower, he Councillor of Victoria College, Bronte, Jordan Station, Ont. Spencerville, Elgin, Morisburg, Toronto. celebrated bis 90th eals oetJb-ran Iroquois. *FlR.Roethn-ran *Philp, William, B.A., B.D., birthday. It wes a surprise ga- ed 1886; served Oakwood, Orne- ..-SnaWmPipan thering of triends end though mee, Cannington, Marmora, Jan- Maria errySontered t.he ian- sevralluelog fiens wreetville, Unianville, Dundelk, istî-y 1872; senved Manvers, n- Westan. Retired 1933, assistant South Mountain, Richmond, .h et Centennial, Toronto. Manotick, Vankleek Hill, East- Ca Ferguson, Clarence Howard, on's Corners North Gower, e B.A.-Son afiWim. C. Ferguson Spencervile, Èlgin, Morrisburg, te and Kezia Beecack; Victoria Iraquais. M-11 University- Ordained 1933; serv- *eynolds, Robent. - son of 1 d North Paort, Bethany, Avon- George Reynolds end Jane Sta- .~more, Kemptville; Board ai pIes; receîved 1870; sérved Stay- Christian Edutation. Chairman ner, Rugby, Kippen; died May Glengarry Presbytery, President 28th, 1875, aged 29 yeanu. Montreel - Ottawa Conference, *Reynolds, Frank. - Son of 1953. George Reynolds and Jane Ste- *Frusn Henry Thomas, B. p les; received 1867; served A., B.D.-Son ai Joshua Fergu- Bak Lloydstown, George- ~ ~ ýson end Anne Devitt; ordeined tw, Hamiston, Richmond, .~193; Victoria University; serv- MernickvlePaebm Crn e d Cookstown, Streetsville, Gare well, Prescott, Gananoque, Mon- SBey, Bcetpn, Collingwood, Owen treel, Rentrew, Ottawa W. Sound. Mona Road, Kincardine, *Reynolds, George. - Son of Lemington, London. George Reynolds and Jane Ste- *Ferguse à, Joseph Joshua, M. pies: ordained 1879; served Port A., B.D., D.D.-Son of Jashua Carling, Cartwright, Cressy, Ferguson and Anne Devitt; Vic- Brighton, Seeley's Bey, Elgin, toria University; ordeincd 1887; Mallorytown, Waterloo, Mon- served Pickering, Streetsville, treal, West. Davisville, Toronto Dovercourt, *eynlolds, Wni. Eli.-Son af Bradford, Weston, Bracebridge, George Reynolds and Jane Ste- Dr. R.P. Boiwles 1 Orillia, Toronto, Epworth, Hope, pIes; Minister of Bible Chris- Simpson Avenue. President To- tien Church; received by Meth- uneble ta be present those wha ýronto Conference. D.D. Victoria odist Churcb 1883 in P.E.I; serv- attcnded enjoyed a heppy te. University. ed Murray's Harbaur; Alberton, union. Ferguson, Joseph Thomas Matilda, Cardinal, Lansdowne, Tee wes served on the porch Smith, B.A.-Son ai Samuel T. Pakenham and Athens. nluigFerguson end Margaret Bruco; Sanderson, Milton R. B.A,- ta some thirty guests nldg Qucen's University, 1902; or- Son of Chalmers Senderson and jMrs. Stephen Sisson ai Bethany, deined Presbyterian Churcb; Elizabeth B. Byers; Victoria a sister ai the late Mrs. R. P. Teacher in Boys' Sceeol, Tur- University; ordained 1924; serv- Bowles, who is 84 years ai age. key; served Perth, North Bey, cd Birch Cit Helgbts, St. Others attending were Prof. and Cook's Kingston; Dîdsbury, Al- Cuthberts, North Parkdale, To- Mrs. C. B. Sissons, Orano, Mr. berta; Vernon and Nelson, Bnit- routa; Chairmen of Toronto and Mrs. Wm. Hanna, Bethany, isbh Columbia. West Presbytery; President To- Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson, Ferguson, Fredenlck Merrill, ronta Conference, Board of Col- JStratford, Miss Patricia Bow les M.A.-San ai Wm. C. Ferguson leges and Secondary Scbools; lfand Miss Olga Honiington, Ta- and Kezia Beacock; Victoria President Ministenlal Associe- mronta, Mn. Douglas Sleep, Bow- University and Emmanuel Col- tions; active in many eommun- i manville, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- lege; ordeined 1933; served ity enterprises. ard Bowles sud Rickey, Mis. Mountain Park, Alberta, with *Taylor, Samuel John-saon of iMackie, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mrs. Ferguson deiignated as William and Margaret Taylor; Emerson and Mn. John Gmur. missianaries October 18th, 1934; ordained ta the Presbytenien Dr. Bowles is enjaying excel- inotable service at Chisaamnbe Church; teecher in Palestine; lent health. takes a keen inter- anid Camundongo. served as pioneer minister ln e«t ln the farm, inriends and Hambley, George R.-Son ai Saskatchewan; Mantreal. neighbourhood daings and lis pioncer Cartwright family, John Thompm.n Merle a-Son or especially awere af warld Hambley, Jean McLaughln; Wm. Thompson sud Mary De- events. servcd First Great War; Victor- ver; Victoria University; Em- The Statesman Joins with ia University; Wesley College, manuel Callege; ardained 1948: tniendsansd nelghbours in wish- Winnipeg; ordained 1925; served served at Kennedy, Saskatoon, ing Dr. Bowles cantinued gaod Lavenham, Sidney, Higb Bluffs, Saskatchewan; builder of new health sud happiness, sud may Warren-Rosser, Elgin. Kenton, chunches. he be long spared ta fill a mo.st Ga.; Grandview, Roland, Bas&- Minlters? Children of Distin- valuable and esteemed place in waod;, Conference Cormiuttee on guished service included Mar- the lite of the Nestietan coin- Candidates for the Ministry; garet Fonrester, W. T. I.Dle mumity. Cheirman Portage La Prairie Milton Bell.Ileve and Brandon Presbyteries; au- Ministerae Wlveg Brnein l Cart- United Matons Service Divi- tbor ai "Pioneers O Pioneers". wrtght-Annie V. Devitt, daugh- sion of General Matons bas been CLaura Hsnibley. Daugbter of ter ai James sud Mary Devitt, dlstnibuting automotive parts John Hambley and Jean Mc- wife ai Dr. R. P. Bowles. sud accesenles for 37 years and Laughlim; W.M.S. mislionary Annie Swafn, deughter et sti11 carries parts for some vch- teacher for forty years Szchuau, Stanford Swain and Catherine Ides that were buiît mare then China. Werry, wile et Rev. Milton I. Otten lfit lnflt à matter of M.A.. B.D..-San John and An- Olive VariCamp, daughter i holding good cards. but of play- ne McLaughlin: outstandlng ca- W. Arthur VanCamp and Mar- inga por andwelk-Speedae eer as a student; Sandtordj garet Swaln, 'viteoft Be. Fred avQold M«oà[alm,892Qztrd Unli- Rbm&a Fire Causes Damage To Waverly Rd. Home On Saturday Night hMre caused extensive damage to, the home of Mr. and Mns. Pred DeJong, Waverly Road, early Saturday everung and left, two familles temporarily homelesa. According ta Mr. De.3ong, hi, daughter and her huaband, Mr. and Mrs. Bertus Wind, living upetairs, had been frying mniet on their stove. He believed the grease ini the pan must have caught tire and started the blaze which, at one *time, threa- tened ta destroy the storey and a hait dwefling. When firemen arrived on the scene, flames were shooting fram ithe top windows and dense smoke In exceptianal quantity for a tire of Its aize, covered the west end ai the town and reached almost down ta the Post Office. Under Fire Chiet Lu- cius Hooper and Deputy Chief Walter Hackney, the brigade went ta work witb their new high pressure hases and nazzles and literally drove the tire out of the building. This was the first time effective use has been made aof this new equipment, and tiremen expressed their de- Ilght at its etfectiveness. Instead of using about 600 gallons of water a minute with the regu- 1er base, this new two-nozzle apparatus spews out 60 gallons a minute under intense pressure whicb makes a tag that drives the fire i front of it and, in- cidentally, doesn't saturate the house wltI 5 much water. When ane ai the nozzles was turned on, the pressure was 50 grent that Fireman Orville Elooper on one ai the ladders was néarly knocked ta /the ground. Even with this new equip- ment, the blaze proved ta be exceptionally stubborn and it :ook the brigade almost two hours before tbey could pack up and return home. Damage was estlmated nt $2,000. One of the difficulties en- countered in calling the lire bri- gade early was the necessity af 1 cither pboning or coning down town ta one af the alanîn boxes. Fan sm rneasan, there in no elammn box west ai Vauatone's bridge. Some delay was expen- lenoed lu sending lu the alarm. Had It been necelved carler, the firemen mlght have been on the job that much soonen. Mont af the turniture 'vas seved by helpful ueigbbours sud by the tamily who cleared out as much au passible before the smoke became toc dense. The bouse In insured as are the De- Jong's turnitune. The turniture and clothing, etc., upstai be- louging ta the Wind couple was nat lusurcd. COURTICE Mr. sud Mrs. X. Milgate and tamily spent the weekend et their cottage et East Lake. Thelr cottage la now camPletcd sud tbey have moved in. They have purcbesed a boat and are al set uaw for iishing and e few hoiidays. Mn. end Mrs. G. Lin- ton and femily spent the week- end with tbcm. Mn. sud Mrs. H. Sibbett and son Fred, Toronto, spent,-Satur- dey with Mr. and Mrs. George Reynolds. Mn. and Mrs. T. Gledman, Sharon and Thomas Jr., accom-i penlcd by Mrs. Gledman's fath- cmr, Mr, Sam Hewltt, Oshawa, have neturned home aiter their vacation. Ou their jaurney they toured St. Augustine, West Vin- gi.nia, Georgie, and spent mont ai their holidays et Daytoua Beach, Floride. While there they1 atteuded the Gncyhouud Races1 et Daytoue. On their homcward journey they came by Weshing- ton, Maryland, Gettysburg, Peunsylvaula, Niagara, N.Y.,1 sud visitcd relatives et St. Cath-1 amines, arriving home eftr a1 two-wcek's vacation te atanti ~ack ta slave egein. Mm. sud Mm,. Reg. Sutton, ENFIELD InAune Stinson la having blldayawitb friends lu Toronto. Mn. sud Mrn. L. Pottege, Brisu aud Grant, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. Bowmsu, Bleckstock;, Mn. sud Mn,. R. Bawmau and Richard, Bannie, weme Sunday gucuts et W. Bowmnia's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephenson and Ronnie visited with Mr. sud Mrs. H. Cowling, Whitby. Laura and Bruce Bowmen bave been visitiug with cousins lu Omono. Nei.ghboums ai Mr. and Mrs. WIII Ashton gathcred et their borne Setumdey night ta honoun M.* aud Mrs. Dlck Wood, bride and groom. Mr. Wilfrid Bow- men celled the meeting taonder aud celled on Mrs. Wcs Yellow- lees who nead an eddress tollow- ed by the presentation ai e table lamp and scatter rug by Miss Ruth Pmescatt and Mr. Ivan Orm- iston. Dlck and Ruth thauked their frieuds and exprcssed ap- precietion fan such lovely gift. The remainder ai the eveuingi was speut lu vislting, followed by a genenaus lunch. CADMUS Mr. and Mmi. Poney Elliott, Mr. and Mn.. Ted Leaver aud femlly, Bowmanville, we mel guests ai Mr. and Mn,. Lloyd! Passant. Master Babby Henry, Oshawa,I is bolideyîng witb bis t cousint Miss Mary Passant. Mn. aud Mrs; James Falins, Lynda and David, visitcd Mr. and Mn,. Lawrence Adams lu Bowmenville. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mn.. Roy Phayre on the arrival ai a baby son, e brother for Gary. Mn. and Mm.. Norman Robren, Kennctb, Barry and Warren, witb Mr. sud Mrs. Wesley Sweet Jr. Miss Jane Passant bas secumed a position in the Dominion Bank Iu Oshawa. Jane and Miss Shir- ley Young, Bowmeuville, speut the week-end with tjxe former's parents, Mn. sud Mrs. Lloyd Passant. Sorry ta report that Mrs. Gea. Black is goiug ta bospital an Wednesday ton an operation. j Hope the will soon be borne again.1 a ~umdsgudsaSCOMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAXY AND SATI=DAY SPECIALS on I.D.A. BRANDS1 CalamaieCaLortion 23c. 39c M0 W 4oz., 6 oz. Reg. 30c, 5c Caol-aie ot-n - - 23ct 139c 16 az., 40 oz. *Reg. 79,$59 OlAge r O- - 29c, 1.19 46 a., 40 oz. -Reg. 315 9 Oliene Ou *ng-Linment44c 4 oz. 2.*Reg., 5 c PeetAting Linimnt - Bra 37 Idasorb diarrhoea mixture Is Paper Napkins prepared tram iabaratory controlled qualities af pectin Fine quality large size em- calloidal kaolin and zinc bossed paper napkins pack- phenolsulfonate. Have ' ed in dispenser type box - bottle in the bouse and wlth buy this guaranteed .D.A. you when travelling. product and be assured of satisfaction. 4os.5C az.12517c box I.D.A. Brand LD.A. Brand Toilet TissueWa Ppe * Extra StrongW a pe * Extra Soit Heavy Grade * Extra Gentie 100-foot ral * 750 sheet roîls* Dispenser type box SWith metal 2 for 25c cutting edge "Marathon" 29c. GOLF BALLS British made Get a seesan's supply ao VafD~ these quality "Marathon" Vauum uoiiiles Golf Balîs now et these low Pint size - sturdy mets] out-î prices. er case with plastic cup top. 45c ea. 3 for 1.25 89c 12 for 4.75 NEW! I.D.A. Brand "Auer" Cigarette Cold Cream Soap L IGHTERS Contains Lanolin Triple gear action! Contains Lanolin- a fine Chrome and enamel finish. quallty toilet soap- Buy a Two designs box ai 12 cakes. 1.00 4% oz. cakes 2 for 23c Another SPECIAL 1 Rubber Gloves <eod)23cl N»OtOMPK<Y'd..- W ha y. -. b~ .. ! D.A. H EALTI one lb. tin 59c I H SALIS t- rSPECIAL[LOWPRICE OFFER f W ith 10 DURABLE Gillette Blue CS Moades ln N Dispenser ftegiaIoe $200 Valve- MOT Di: S :J Drugs Phone 792 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Mc.Gcregor, Your Local LD.A Druq Store Orono, sud Mr. and Uns. Roa Adamus, Bowmauvifle, spent Sun- day with Mr. sud Mn,. Kennedy Gray. Master Roua Cheemmah, Osha- wa, holidaycd lait week with Brian Gray. Mr. Fmank Goff, Mr. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson sud tam- W i Torouto, visited Mr. aud r Sidney Goff. Miss Bernice Larmer is visit- vecationiug et Wasega Beach. Mrs. James Ker ad au cmergcncy operation on Friday lu a Peterborough hospital. W. alI hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mms. ifford Ker, St. Catharines, "pnt the week-end and Mr. sud M ns. Jack Gay and Lawnîc, Courtice, spent Sunday with Mr. sud Mri. Oscar Me- Quade. Mr. aud Mr,. -Harold Craw- ford and deughter spent SUn- day t Mn. sd Mm. Normari Edgerton's. The Island ai Montreal la'32 miles long and il miles wlde and bas a population of about 1,400,000. More than $650,000 bas nov becu naiscd towerd the new United Church ai Canada Train- ing School for wameu wonkers. The building la being crected close ta the University ai To- routa, lu Toront, and wifl be completed by next Christna. ATTENTION LADIES! Those lnterested lu bowling lu the LADIES' MAJOR LEAGUE kludly submlit your name et the BOWLING ALLET on THURS. - FR1. - 8AT., AUGUST 26th - 27th - 28th 1 m "H SALTS