"lu gRW ___________________________________________________________ T.J T.& ZMIA.Â.,.L I ILIILI,, .>WMAN JJj,5 UITAU0 History of Outlined b] At Lions c An fiteresting ta1k on the Ihîstory and principles of the insurance business was given te the Bowmanville Lions Club ai their regular meeting Monday inight by Lion George White, Bowmanville representative of the Prudential Lîfe Insurance Company. His address was a "classifica- tion" talk which comparatively rxew members give after they jomn the club on the type of work which they do. .Mr. White pointed out that in- sûrance is primarily the sharing of risk among many in order to niake the burden less on the indlividual. It is also a method of preparation in the prosperous pre.sent for the needs of an un- certain future. There is nothing new about Insurance, he said. as the merchants of Rhodes in 900 A.D. had established the Rhodian Sea Law which was an early form of irisiirance. The Romans also, fori-aed burjal associations which had much in common with present-day lîfe insurance. In the Middle Ages the guilds and societies set up various types of risk-sharing plans much aki n to insurance as we know it, he said. A type of marine insurance existed in Italv prior to 1200 FR Friday Between 6fa with every order Back-f ou Spec m of aiek set iortl4. InsraceFunew Ffrm S1rted Wed at Hampton don, which is now one of the wurld's most famous insurance y G . w h t companies, started as a coffee bouse in which such underwrit- ders gathered together. Mr.Wht >nMo Ypointed out tbat moderniPsr- dential, by which heie employ- t A.D.. and insurance of ail types ed, bas its own printing plant, becamne more common in suc- many buge office buildings, and ceeding centuries. The term a telephone exchange handling - 5".underwriting" came frorn the 15,000 calls a day. The firm re- t ~ceives a ton f mail a day andî F sends out a ton and a hall, lie said. 4- Practically every type of in- W surance can be obtained today, Mr. White stated, and in order for the agent to learn the special- ized knowledge lie needs, a three-year course in subjects re- lated ta life insurance is given at the University of Toronto. At tecompletion of this course the student receives the tîtle of Cbartered Life Underwriter. Whereas life insurance was previously regarded as merely a means of financing burial ex-. penses, it can now be used ta'1 provide funds for practically any purpose such as education, re- tirement, emergencies, pensions,î etc. His firm-paid out $500 mii- lion ta living beneficiaries lasL year, he statcd. Mr. White also pointed out the great part which insurance coin- panies play in rnaking funcd- available for financing new W I housing developmcnts, new in-A Geoe hit 1dustrial plants, and projeets off - Geo~e hl1 many types. In tîi ' eÀ. fact that this guaranteeing a part, said. the person paying-his in- of the possible risk wrote theiri surance preM Iu'Ur! LS ac>an' names directly under the state- helping the devclopment of b'his ia.i J in. m iimpton UnlÀLed Ciurcn, reccn. ly, -country. He stated that theiwere Mr. and Mvrs. Denni.s Richard Marshall. The bride, Prudential firm has $5 billion the former Pearl Margaret Gilberý, is the daughter of Mr. invested in stocks and bonds and adMs ereW ibr f an oadtebie 14i,2 billion invested in mort- nnrGereW ileto aptoadtebi- gaeand building loans, groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marshall of Toronto. gae Career Outlined The couple will make their home at Brampton. The speaker was introduced -Photo by Ireland Studios, Oshawa by Lion Stuart James who stat- IE E cd that he was born at Mill- brook and also lived at Kinmount before coming to Bowmanville at an early age. He attended public and high school here andW in 1940 enlisted in the R.C.A.F. as an air-frame mechanic. He W d i g ýRIG H Tspent five years in the air force, serving in England and the Cont- inent. 1'fly't1 After bhis dîscharge he took a coursei h uilding trade at IBATL.U~)rehabifitationc school and wre with Joc Flett for a year before joining the Empire e Insur- ance Company. He was employ- cd by this firm for four ycars prior to joining Prudential Life N i h t three years ago. He bas earned 3:15 a- WALLACE N igt the title of Chartcred Life Un- . dcrwriter and lias also reccived The United Churcli, Newcas- and 9 p.m. a quality award for sellig in- tle, Ontario, was the setting for $2.00 and aver surance. Mr. White was mar- a wcdding at 31 Saturday f ried in 1946 to the former Helen , ---.n 1 w Several Showers Given Miss Wallace Prior to Marriage Misi Isabella Margaret Wal- lace whose marriage to Mr. James Norton Cowan took place in Newcastle United Churcli this Saturday afternoon has been entertained aI several pre- Mrs. William DeLong and iMrs. E. W. Coedy were co-host- esses at a miscellaneous show- er at the home of Mrs. DeLong. The future bride was presented with a cotsage of red roses, and i a number of attractive gifts. The hostesses were assisted b y Mrs. Drew Jacobi and Mrs. D. Norley ini serving l unch. Miss Theresa Coyne and Miss Hazel Yelland« entertained ai an evening party at the former's apartment whcn the prospect- tive bride received a set of kit- chen dishes. Miss Francis Swn- son, Miss Isabel Green and Mrs. Archibald Taylor assisted the hostesses in serving rcfresh - The girls of the Accounts Re- ceivable Department, General Motors of Canada entertained dinner at the Commercial Ho- tel and presented their co-work- er, Miss Wallace, with four place settings of Cross and Olive crystal and a corsage of pink and white carnations. *On Tbursday afternoon Miss Wallace was again honored wben she rcceivcd an electric Mix-Master from the staff of the Accounts Reccivable D,- partment, Gencral Motors of Canada. Werry- and- they b have bhree, girls. troon, August 21st, when Isa- 5L' MHe is a member of the Masonic bella Margaret Wallace of Osh- C hO I ILodgc and is on bbc executive of awa, daughter of Mrs. William S ch o â 1bbc Jack and Jili Club of'Trin- Wallace of Beaverton and the. iby United Churcb.. late Mr. Wallace xvas unibed in,, Mr Whibe was thanked for bis marriage witb James Norton l i 's linteresting address by Lion Nel- Cowan, son of Mrs. Frederick "'BUCKEYE " JEANS Sizes f6 -16 Years See these styles ln the always popular «"Buekeye" Jean, deslgned for long, rough wear. SmartIy tailored for Ihose Fal ouldoor activilies. Gel him two pairs at least aI Ibis special price. "*BLACK RIDER" Jeans *Sturdy 9-oz. black cotton den- im in smart '-satcen" finish. *Bar tacks and rivets for extra strength. *Heavy duty zipper and five pockets. *Triple stitcb seams. ,2.'9 ea. "BUCKEYE MUSTANG RIDER" Jeans *Popular "White-back" blue cotton denims. *Sturdy 8-oz. weight *Authentie western styling. *Triple stitch seams and heavy duty zipper. $2-99 Girls' or Boys' Jeans, Trigger Brand Shirts Dress Pants T-Shirts Windbreakers living Sho.: laincoats, Socks Double knee Nifty plaids Nylon, long-wearing White o.r colored Lined - Ail shades Reg. 2.96 - SPECIAL Rubber M4any fine patterns $2.45 $1 .25 $3.95 69C $3.95 $ 1.75 $3.95 35c BOWMANVILLE SURPLUS SALES 42 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3211 li l lui r4e casie aLJu 111 Remembrance af Dr. Birks late Mr. Cowan. Rev. M. C Prior to the meeting the Lions Fisher performed the doublej Club members obscrved two ring ceremony. Mvr. N.* Stewart minuteà' silence in remerubrance played the wedding music. of Dr. W. H. Birks, Charter The bride wore a gown of President of the Club. Lion cellestial blue French lace inset President Jimmy Marr paid trib- with narrow bands of taffeta, ute to the devoted service given fashioned with a slim bodice by the late Dr. Birks to the club having a 10w round neckline during the 19 years of ts ex- and bracelet length sleevcs, and istence. The members voted to a graceful ballerina length carry his name on the club bul- skirt. She wore a small match- letin for a year in an "In Mem- ing hat with forcheaç veil and oriam" box. He thanked Lion a wristlet of red and white rose- E. W. Sisson for supplying flow- buds. Miss Winnifrcd Wallacr- ers for the Lions wreath at his of Toronto was maid of bonor funeral and Lion Bob Mutton for lier sister wearing a baller-l for making arrangements for the ina length gown of beige silk Lions to attend at the funcral shantung with matching hat hàme xý..a body. and accessories, and her flowers Birthda_2s wcre observed by were a wristlet of red gladiolusî Lions J. J. Brown, Ron Hether- petals. ington and Howard Jeffery. Mr. Richard Cowan of Toron-I President Marr welcomcd une ta was best man for bis brother i guest, T. R. McReady, Leth- Following the ceremon y a din- bridge, fatber-in-law of Lion ner was hcld at tbe Glenhavenj Barney Vanstone. Lodge Newcastle. The bride's A ltte ofthaks as ecev-mother wore a dress of rosewood cd from former Recreation faille and lace with matching 1Director Don Shay for the lare- velvet bat, and the mother of well present of a sandwich grill the bridegroom chose navy given bim by the club. An in- faille with matching bat, For vitation was extended to Mr. the honcymoon trip thc bride Shayto tten th Lios *donned a white and red linen Shat attWendbteLon trip to drcss with white and red acces- Chateu Wemlcy.sories, and ber flowers were Chairman John Watson of the red and white roses. Minstrel Show Committec asked M n r.Wlaewl e all members to submit a joke ortu iOsaa a suggestion for a song for bhebc nta reside i saa show at the next meeting. Il ____ was anounced that the Inter- Club meeting of the thrce Bow- MeRAE - McBEAN manvillé service clubs will be hcld on October 25, with the A wedding of local inberest Lions as hosts. Itook place in St. Joseph's Ca- Lions AI Cubhbertson and thedral, Edmon ton, Alta., on Orville Osborne donated drawJuv3twibheR.W.. prizes which were won by Lions 'Irwin officiabing at the cere- Cliff Samis, W. J. E. Ormiston . mony which united în marriage O. J. Presson and Stu James. Ptii een agtro The sing song was led by ion Mrs. Marguerite MeBean and ! John Watson with W. E. C. the late George McBcan of Workman at the piano. Bainsville, and Donald A. Mc-i Rae, son of Mrs. McRae and President Marr congratulated the late A. J. Mcflae. Lion Dr. E. W. Sisson for bis fine showing in winning 23 first The bride wore a white ga- prizes at the Oshawa and District bardine suit. wibh matcbing Gladiolus Society Show held on white accessories and carried a August 14. bouquet of orchids. Her bri des-i rprtdmaid was Mrs. Archibald Me- Lion Jack Brough Ra wannga eie inn ui that Lion Dave Preston is recov- j ad orid corabegelnnsi ening from an attack of pneu7- monia. Mr. Archibald McRae was' groomsman for his brother. Following a wedding break- fast, the bride and groom left Sports vvrier for a trip 10 Jasper arid otbcr points in western Canada. Tbey twill reside at 10039-1lStb St., 'Starts W ork a Edmonton, Alta. Mrs. McRae 0 ,had Iaught at Fallis School and L I lived in Betbany for teps Trainng Sctbree years. Victor Henderson, 42. formerly of Port Credit, joined the staff Skinnymen, womeii of the Boys Training School here last week as a stupervisor.g i u 5I s He is prcscntly asuisting BillI ga n _______5_ ib Bagneil, the director of theccet New Popi, Vigor athletics program aI the school., gr What a thril B».y limbà fEll out; ugly Mr. Henderson bas an extens- l.,u<,s rnî ,p; rck no langer çcrh'nv ,ýbndv ive backgriDund in sparts. having loseq half-.%titned, sickly br>an-pole"' lok been an outstanding athîcte in Tlou3and s of #iris, saumen, men. siho er could gain before, are noir proud of shapely track, football. basebaîl, hockey t healtiiy-looking bodieç.They, thank the speciai and basketball. He bas also 1iigor-building, flesh-buidîng tome, Ostrez. coaced sftbll ad hck 1'1'tonmes, stimulants. ulvigorators, iun, via- coabed sotbal nd ocey i Min BI, calcium, enrlch blond, improve appe- tcams and hs a registered 3oit- 1 fite and di<estion so food gives you more baIl uimpire. He was a sparts i sreflgth an noun3hnent; put flesh on bare write forthe ort redi Wee- bines. Don't fear gettîug ina fat. Stop when wnitr fr te Pot Cedi Wee- vu~' gained the 5, 10, 15 or 2ù 1L5. ..ou Iv for tlîe past four and a hall eedfor normal s.eiklît Cor, liffle. New :g,-t Th e newv supervisor is present- ipanns, thu"vesy day. At aUl druggista. by living at the âchool. # with Mr. and Mrs. John White,: son Bobby of St. Thomas, spent Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Monk,' the past week with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Monk, San- -Mrs. Reg. Edmunda. dra and Brian. of Sarnia' wbo Mrs. Wellington Fallis, Miss are visiting with thein, attend-1 Grace% Bigelow spent several cd a family reunion at the bornei days lasI week witb Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Monk, Ms Bedford Couglilin aI Ham-. Sunderland on Sunday. ilton. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Coburn, Friends will be pleased ta Peter and Sally, were in To- know that Mr. Harry Preston is ronto, for the weekend.. making good progress at Civ** Miss Julia Gribble, Toronto, Hospital in Peterborough. Mr. is the guest of Mrs. Allàn Grib- Preston was injured on Friday ble. while threshing and suffered Mrs. Inn Palmer bas return- injuries ta bis back. ed home by airplane from a The Bethany girls Softball month's vacation in Belle1 team wvon the first game of t le Plains, Sook., with her daugh- semi finals ini the Rice Laki ter and son-in-law, Mr. and League here on Thursday nigi-i Myr s. Roy Ercîncli, with bbc score 15-6 against the i\Irs. Elizabeth Patton and .1arwood visitars. BETHANY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marti- chenko are bolidaying Ibis weck in Kitchener, Detroit, and Que- bec. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wheelans, Toronto, were with Mrs. Thom- as Malcomson for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Fal- lis and family, spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Arm- strong in Oakwood. Mr. and Mrs. Hugli McDon- ald, Mrs. Cecil Hughes and Miss Wendy Hughes, Toronto, were with Mrs. Richard Fallis for the weekend. Mr. and Mns. Cecil McGill, Toronto, are spending this weck's vacation with Mr. and Mrs. James McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Haig Bothwell, Craig and Pcrry, of Peterbor- ougli, were weckend guesîs '"We got u quick loun uit HFC ...s$0 cou you! What a quick and easy way to pay bis, make repairs, buy the things you need and want! No bankable secunity needed. Money on your own signature. Up 10 24 montbs to repay. Phone or corne minoday for fast, friendly, HROUSEHOLO 'FINANC 111/2h Sinise St.South, second floor, phone Oshawa S-i1139 .OSHAWA, ONT. PORT NOPE BIANCH: 71 Walt@n St., 2nd fia.,, phone 3030 t, Fi CANADAS BEST SELUNG VINEGARS ARE V~~. HEINZ 5 i. 'I O. tu ~~i*~~m¶rl 1 A.tL avIF YOU frecertoA RE Awa r INTEIN:E 1. Providiag your family wilh more food, beller food, a greater variely of food. 2. Saving houri of kitchen, drutlgery, planning and preparation of meais. 3. Increasing the overail health of your family. 4. Owning a beautifal Amana "»Stor-mor" Freezer. 5. Eliminating WASTE.% You Can Have Ail This for Less Money than You Are Presently Spending for Food Alone. Why not let us have a fally trained food counsellor corne around le your home and help you with your meal planning, food budget and kitchen work. There 15 Definitely No Obligation You .will receive absolutely free a beautiful sel of menu cards in a plasticised recipe file box when our food counseîlor cones oui Io your home. Ail foods specially processed for home freezer use in a governmenl inspected plant of Canada's larges! food packer. If You Live in the' Areas Serviced by this Newspaper Phone Bowmanville 578 or Write Kitson 's Amana Plan in Bowmanville. Clip and Mail This Coupon and we will - ISNSAAAPA make an appointmeni wllh you fo have N7 IST.WST BOWMAA PANVJL a irained food counsellor help you wiih MPlease send Food Counsellor to:B 02Namne your problems. Ln rs _________________ This Can Mean Unlimited Savinga * inn "At No Obligation Whatsoever" V M oM ney and- Labour, to You. _________________________ geffr MAMAnTAe amAqqvexzAw jýwfflà%»vý TffURSDAT, AUGUST 2§r 19% v 0 tho. iirleQf ir"oAà,ýh