v - '"~~ ~- *Au J, TM C<AKADIAN UTATESMYI UOMAILI UA THURSDAY. AUGUST 2fl. IONS Lions Plan Assistance Repairing A uditorium 0f Local Opera House The Bowmanviile Lions Club decidcd at their regular meeting Monday night to have the Min- atrei Show Commîttee get in touch with the Bowmanville 'Town Council to seci what way the club can best help with the renovating and re-decoration of the auditorium of the Town Hall. Lion Fred Cole brought up the matter by pointing out that Town Council is having the aud- itorium painted at the present time. He also repouted that the Business and Puofessional Wo- men's Club la donating stage curtains in the renovation pro- gram and the Bowmanville Rotary Club is paying for the installation o! a valance box wbich will allow the curtains to be hung nearer the front o! the stage. He suggested that the Lions Club might pay for the installation of the new lighting system. Lion Wilfrid Cauruiheus, who is also Chairman of the Public Puoperty Committee o! Town Council, stated that council has already approved payment for the lîghting system, but that it Maple Grove W.I1. Guests of Solina Maple Guove Women's , Insti- tute weue guests o! the Solina Branch on Thursday, Aug. 12. Guoup 4, Community Activi- ties and Public Relations led. by Mus. C. Hamer were the hostess group. The treasurer reportcd a bal- ance o! $341.11. The Institute is lnvited to Zion W.A. meeting on Sept. 191. The àssistani group leaders are in charge of transportation. Mus. C. Pascoe read the letter !rom the English Institute. The roll cati, where 1 would like to go and why, was wel answered. The motto was - Scatier gladness, joy and mirth al] along the ways o! eauth. Mus. Milîs took charge o! the Maple Grove section cf the programme. Mrs. T.Hoau and Mrs. K. Summersford sang sweetly two selections: "Just a Cottage Small By a Wateufall" and "Memories" A skit by Il Maple Guove rmembeus; a litile version o! an Institute meeting, proved hil- ai'ýous to the audience. It scems Sauina has many weighty prob- lems in need o! attention by the Institute. Miss Gwen Wilson cf Nestle- ton showed pictures and talked cf a tour taken thuough the Southeun States and Mexico. This was a Towgood Tour which lasts each summer for seven weeks. The travellers leave irom London, Ont., 120 of ihem on three speciaily buili buses of Aluminum. They ride, eat and leep on these buses during the trip. Places such as Yellowstone, Calgary, Ban!!, Lake Louise, Grande Coolee Dam, Victoria, Crater Lake National Park, Mexico, Grande Canyon and Sait Lake City wer'e visited. This afforded many a chance ta sec in pictures anyway those places,, they wished to visit. Miss Wilson also showed a reel of local inieresi around Nesileton and Hampton. The September meeting Is Grandmother's meeting and will be on September 16ih. Guoups 3 and 4 served lunch 10 those puesent. would be glad ta have the Lions Club's assistance in some other phase of the renovation proguam. He poited oui that the painting and re-decoration will cosi about $2,100, the lighting another $500, and that the Business and Pro- fessional Women's Club is spend- ing over $1,000 for drapes and the Rotary Club up 10 $500 for stage alterations. There arc other projecis such as repaiuing the floor and other parts o! the auditorium with which the Lions Club could belp, he said, and any such assistance would be gratcfully accepted by council. He uemindcd the club members thatitI was the Lions Club which had resumed using the auditorium for uts minstrel show after a period o! about 12 years duuing which il had not been used for any purpose. On motion o! Lion Bill Oliver:I the Minstuel Show Committee,. I o! which Lion John Watson is' chairman, was auihorizcd to. contact Town Council and find, oui in what way the- Lions could besi help oui wiih the renovation program of the auditorium. day visiiors ai T. Wray's. Mu. and Mus. Peucy Carrol, Port Hope, weue Sunday guests o! Mus. W. G. Doidge. Mu. and Mrs. H. Johnston andi Mu. and Mus. Dunbar, Toronto, ai Mus. C. E. Jeffrey's. Mr. Foster Hoidge, Toronto, was a recent visitor with Mur. and Mus. WiIl Wilbur. Mu. and Mus. Harland Trul] weue Sunday guesis o! Mu. andi Mus. Robert Fursey, Oshawa. Mu. and Mus. Merwin Mount- joy attended the chuuch service ai Blacksiock Sunday morning and the speclal annual service ai Lotus on Sunday afiernoon, visiiing with Mu. and Mus. Mil- ton Gray and famiiy, Lotus, and Mr. and Mus. G. Black, Cadmus. Miss Eileen Wray, in company with Misses Jean Hunier, Osha- wa, Bertha Armour, London, and Mary Ann Wickum, Toron- to, are enjoying a motor trip to the West Coast. They lefi on Monday, Augusi l6th. 1Mu. and Mus. Bruce Power and family, Sunderland, visiied Mu. and Mus. Garnet Johnston on Sunday. Sandra and Cao accompanied ibem home for a visit with their uncle and aunt. Congratulations to Mu. and Mus. Van De Velde on the gif t o! a daughier on Monday,« July' 23rd. Mu. and Mus. Gordon Taylor: and daughier, Maureen, Toron- to, weue Saiurday dinner guesisI o! Mu. and Mus. Ken Caveuly. Mu. and Mus. Ken Caverly and Bruce with Mu. and Mus. J. D. Caveuly and Mus. L. Sudds, Bow- manvile. S TARK VILLE Mus. Plum and son, Chaules, Toronto, spent a few days last week wîth Mu. Arthur McKay. Mu. and Mus. Delbert Hallow- cil and Linda have retuuned to Toronto afier spendinff'holidays ai their cottage, Mu. and Mus. Paul Nimigon and daughier, Janetville, visit- cd ai Mu. Victor Fauuow's. Miss Mary Haiiowell bas re- tuuned !rom Memorial Hospi- tal where she was an appendec- tonomy patient lasi week. KCENDAL Miss Marion Therteli was holidaying in Kendal 1astwek H AMPTON with Miss Selina Thertel n Mrs. Annie Phelps, Detroit, Mrs. E. S. Naylor, Bowman- who has been visiting her bro- ville; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cun- therý Mr. Bert Thompson and ningham, Fenelon Falls, and Mrs. B. Thompson, has return- Mrs. W. McMillan, Peterboro, ed home. v «ed with Mr. and Mrs. Har- Mr. and Mrs. AI Stevens and land Truli. sons are spending their vaca- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth tion at Silver Lake. anti family, Bowmanville Beach, Miss Joyce Elloit visited Miss visited the Salters and Mr. and Lorraine Therteli a few days Mr. JanD.Mgrs. .Bletlasi week. Lorraine returned Mr. nd rs. . E Bilettwith Joyce for a visit. spent a few days with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burley Mrs. Fred Billeit and family ai pn audyi saa their cottage on Chandos Lake. pn audyi saa has een Mr. and Mrs. David Butcher, Mu2ls. A. C. Perry hsbeNorth Bav, are spending the visiting friends at Ottawa andiweek with her brother. Mr. and Mon.real the pasi couple o!' Mrs. Eddie Couroçc.Ray Moore, we~~ks. Toronto, was downfo th ýs Dorothy Fraser, Chatham'; weekend and Mr. and Mrs. Per- N.B., and Miss Olive Waterrnan, icv Thompson and sons, North Tý ,)iio, visited Mus. Sam Dew - wrc unyvstr. et'. * Moion ad Mir anti Mrs. Percy Burlev s :-u, n1iJoyce, Mrs. D. Va-nnaito M s.Souh~t. Trono, creandi Cecii, výsited Mus. Var.at- v.nswith Murs. W. G. Doidgee b s brother and sster at Vic- and~ is L. Rev-nolds on Tues-.tri1abo. da\.1ý sN. Hau our Toono, Mus. C. Daw and Mus. Rantoi ,MaisN. Bret %randoronoi visited the E e'sai Highland îvacStloner. hMu ndM Creek last weetk.FSokr Mus. G. Ardcock and Harry Muj .%I* andi Mus. Rav Hughes vi'Fited friends in Toronto last and GIor a. visiited Sunday, week. with MuIs. Luxon, and -Mu. and Mîr. and Mus. Jackson Wravy K.Jo hnda' pbson. saoni and girls, Oshawa, were Sur;- Krdsbsbi esni -- _____over for this year. Welcome wvon the last game givng them 3 ))out o! 5 and the opportuniiy to play off with Cambourne. who were winnerp of the Newton- ville-Cambourne playoffs. Or- ono wonl 4 out o! 7 against New-I IG YDUR HOUSE IS castie and are waiting to play P0012LY the winners of the Cambourne- WWEj Welcome series. HEATEID, Two complete aven meals L"ASTI and oven dishes were featured YDUR FURACE in the demonstration sponsored by the Kendal WlI. ai the home of Mrs. Norman Kennedy on August 18 and 19 with Miss Ruth MacIntosh, Homne Econ- omist 01 the W.I. Branch and Nome Iconomic Service of the1 Dept. 0« Agriculture very ably ooiiductng them. - Each one present was given arecip bookt on Oven Meals a &C" lm :nd alenjoyed the delicious meala which were prepared. We àj were pléased ta have ladies Npresent fromn Orono, Newtorn- ~ 1 . ) ville, Peterboro and Thorn- ton'a Corner as well as fromn Kendal. An expression of ap-i preciation was extended to Miss MacIntosh for her fine cour se ________ land also to Mrs. KenràedV Jar CADMUS Mr. and Mus. Ernest Passant, Mr. and Mrs. Banner Passant and David, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mus. Ross Cobbledick and family, Newcastle, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passant and family. Saturday evcning guests with Mu. and Mus. Norman Rohrer and family were Mr. and Mrs. Louis McGill and Harvey, Janet- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gibson and Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. James Fallis, Lynda and David. Miss Sandra and Master Stan- ley Cobbledick are holidaying with Miss Mary Passant. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Elliott o! B owmanville were Sunday even- inr visitors of the Lloyd Pass- 1ants, -%,r. and Mrs. Hector Tbomp- son, Oshawa, visited on Sunday with Mu. Flem Thompson and Marlow. Mr. and Mus. James Fallis, Lynda and David were in Bow- manville on Sunday atteriding the funeral of Dr. Bîuks, and later visiting friends. Mu. and Mrs. Dorval Gibbons 'p and Misses Joanne and Jacqaline Barr, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rohrei. Miss Beth McMullen is hol- idaying with Mrs. Steele at Nestieton this week. Mrs. Tlle Richardson, Ponty- pool; Mr. and Mrs. Don Ed- munds and Ross were Sunday guesis of Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rowson, Toronto, stayed at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. aryd Mrs. James Kerr, and also visited Mrs. Kerr who is off the danger list in Peterborough Hospital. Friends will be glad to know that Mrs. Kerr is slowly improv- ing. A large crowd attended the revival service held on Sunday in Lotus Church, with Mr. S. H. Nicholson, Toronto, assisting Rev. Hutton and the Harry Preston Choir. Every family brought a picnic basket and each enjoyed renewing old acquaint- ances. Miss Marilon Stinson is hol- idaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gorddfn Stinson. Lotus Ladies' Aid are holding their meeting on Thursday even- img at Hampton at the home of Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samelis and Sharon, Peterborough, were week-end visitous with Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Samelîs. Mr. and Mrs. Redstone and family, Halifax, are holidaying1 with Mus. Redstone's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Goff. Mr. and Mrs. Paterson and Mr. Frank Goff, Toronto, also visited the GOff's ibis week-end and everyone en- joyed a corn roasi on Saiurday evening. î- Soruy to report that Mr. Goff is in poor health again and may have to return to hospital. Friends hope hie will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Oke and family, Port Perry, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mus. Oscar McQuade. Mr. and Mus. Marwood Mc- Keé visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Jordon and Jackie, Peterborough. The average tax paid ai the factory on a new passenger car in Canada lasi year was $424. WESLEY VILLE Everyone who bas enjoyed the lovely glads grown by L. Oughtred, congratulates him on bis success at the recent ghow of the Peteubouough District Gladiolus Society. He received 25 firsts, 9 seconds and 8 thirds; the T. Eaion trophy for the most points in the show; P.D.G.S. award for the most points; Ma- rine and manufactuuîng Co. cup for best spike; Canada Packers cup for besi basket; Canadian Gladiolus Society cup for best six spikes; W. H. Mantel trophy for best white spîke. Many o! these awards were duplîcated ai Newcastle this week ai the houticultural show there when he won f irsis on basket of 20 spikes; on basket of 25 spikes; on 12 named varieties; sweep- stake spike; and buide's bou- quet; fiust on Afuican violet; collection of African violets; bouquet for mantle; second on display of house plants; glad tips centre piece; and floral wueath. Donna Who is her fath- er's assistant, won many prizes ini the amateur class, for heu own arrangements. There were 42 at Sunday School, regular teachers pues- eni for ail classes but one. Don- na Oughtred was pianisi in the absence of Muriel Austin. "Trea- sure in eauthen vessels" was the subi ect of Mr. Hauding's ser- mon ai the evening service. Mu. F. W. Hayden returned to Toronto on Friday afier vis- iting former neighbours for a week, Mr. and Mus. A. Austin and Marie were in the north during the past weekend, and Muriel Austin. with Joan Fra- ser of Port Hope is spending ibis week in Minden ai Hospi- taliiy Inn. To believe ini immortaliiy is one thing, but it is first needful to believe in life.-Robeut Louis Stevenson. Our hope for eternal life in the hereafter does flot spring from a longing for a spiritual existence, but grows out of our love for life upon this earth, which we have trJed «and found 'good.-Robert J. Shores. At the end ôf 1953 the Federal Governmnent had 40,000,000 lbs. of butter stockpiled as a resuit of price-support operations. Dead Stoc Removedý' Highest prices paid for Dead, Old and CrlPPled Farm Stock. TELEPHONE COLLECT Cobourg 17%7 NICK PECONI, PETERBOROUGH 2-2080 The Nèw w TELE Isie % ARE WAITING FOR YOU AT THE 0 0 &/ihe (9L4nagan OP 21" Super Giant Model C2316XZ Corne in and see ADMIRAL Be fore You Buy. c7he nsign 17*' Model Tl1832XZ Features the alI-new Advance Cascode Chassis with full tube complement SeIf-focussing Aluniinized Picture Tube and Optic Filter. Removable Safety Glass. AI1-new cabinet design in lustrous mahogany finish... burn-proof, stain-proof. Wrought iron stand optionaL. Dimensions:, 17 1/16" high, 173/4 wide, 19 11/32" deep. $21 9-95 20% bigger picture than ordinary 21" TV. Magie Mirror Alumninized Picture Tube with curvcd Optic Filter. Super Cascode Chassis. Golden Picture Franie. Tone Control New High Fidelity Inclined Speaker Mounting beams* sound up te ear level. Heavy duty 10" speaker. Stylcd in gleaming walnut, inahogany or Mlonde finish. 37" high, 25" wide, 18Y4" deep. s379qs cJ/ie ,../&Aaaan 21" Model C225'6X Brilliantly styled, all-wood console. Big 21" Self-focussing Picture Tube. Rernovable Safety Glass. AII-new Advance Cascade Chassis creates ncw high standard in TV performance. In walnut, nîahogany or blonde finish. Dimensions: 35" high, 22'Iý" wide, 203/'"deep. $29995s ; 1 1 TEURSDAY, AUGIUST 28,1954 au