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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1954, p. 13

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WeII-known Dr. Birks Dies Suddenly at Work Funeral HeId Sunday Thsudden death oi Dr. Wil- lm erbent Birka in his office l&te 1tat Thursday afternoon due to a heart attack came as a great shock ta bis many patients and bis large circle of fiends in BO&pnville. Rie had practiced hléIffince 1927 and was the famTWý doctor of a large number Of local citizens. & Dr. Binka was bomn at Tamesford, Ont. 65 yeans aga and was the son of the late Rev. -A. K. Birks, a Methodist minis- ter, and l.he former Minnie El- lond., ased. He lived with his Yirts at Niagara Falls and ~efrth befone moving f0 Lon- Pdon, Ont., where he attended Hilgh School and gaduafed fram the Faculty oi Medicine of the University of Western Ontario. He interned at Hamilton Gen- enal Hospital where he met his wife, the former Cleora *MacGre- gor, whose home was a few mIles north of Oshawa. Dr. B':-ks went ta China in 1q14 aý a mnedical' missionary witb a Methodist Mission. Hie and Miss MacGregor were marricd in Shanghai in 1915. Founded Mission Hospital& During bis 13 years in China he was stationed at several Chinese cities in wbich he foundcd and built mission bas- pitals. For six of bis years in that country he practiced at the Mtbodist Mission in Chung- king. In 1925 and 1926 a senies of nationalist niota and upris- ings made things vcry difficult for foreignens in China and the future secmed sa uncentain that be nctumned ta Canada late in 1926. Dr. Birks came ta Bowman- ville in 1927 and purchased the home on Wellington St. former- ly owned by Dr. Brenton Hazel- woad. He conducted bis prac.. fice from this same location un- fil the time af bis death last Thursday. In addition ta conducting a large medical practice, Dm. R~IDE ouhiâ wI AzIng new-formula DURA-HIDE doisa a whiter, longer lami- IWb n ones coat thoan two coots of mony ordlnary points l YoNÏ Il hardly believe your eycs when you sce how DURA-HIDE's effational hiding power and brilliant uvhiter white can beautify' ust one coat of DURA-HIDE covers solid aven any color - eveis black. Hides ail smali checks and cracks. Provides a tough, weatber- i pesistant surface that lasts season after season. In every way it doesa bquer job than any white bouse paint you've ever uscd. Self-cleansing, non-yellowing propenties in DURA-HIDE help bep your home bnîght. It's easy ta apply. Doesn't sag. Try it! Mbod b, the malters of famous Flolze Colorizer points in 1,322 colora Lander Hardware Phone 774 BOWMANVILLE 7 King St. E. panied Mn. and Mrs. Frank Don- Donald witb Mn. and Mrs. Mar- I See These ROBSON MOTORS PONTIAC AND BUICK CARS G.M.C. TRUCKS HIGGON ELECTRIC LIMITED General Elecfric Appliances Electrohome TV and Radio Bendix Washers and Dryers Moffai Sioves - Crosley Refrigerators Easy Washers and many others TED WOODYARD TELEVISION AND '#RIGIDAlRE APPLIANCES Don McGregor Hardware LIMITED Shif and Lavy Hardware Building Producis for Home and Farm £W Aoe8.WW&2i, OWA AJ W àVYIZ.4o& OITAaJM Binks was also very active in mer presidents of the Bowman- co uniy fiai«s. He wasvlLos Club: E. V. Hoar, Charter President of the Bow- Alex MeGregor, Jack Brough, manville Lions Club and was Herbent Goddard and J. J. very active in the organization Brown, Ross Stevens. until the time of bis death. His Over 500 pensons from al sound advîce and restraining walks of lufe paid their last res- influence has been of great pect& to Dr. Birks at the fun- value to this local service club eral home, including members ever since its inception. He was of the Bowmnanville Lions Club also a member ai Florence who attended in a body on Fri- Nightingale Lodge, I.O.O.F. day evening, and membens of Waa Town's MOR. the Florence Niihtingale Lodge, Pnior to the formation of I.O.O.F.. who also attended In the Northumbenland - Dunham a body on Friday evening. Near- }tealth Unit, Dr. Birks was Me- ly 100 floral tnibutes and dical Healtb Officer of Bow- wreaths testified to the high ,rnnvilefor several years. He esteem in which Dr. Binks was manvillePesdntofte n held in this community. wasa Pst resden 0ftheOn- Internient was in Bowrnan- ville Cemnetery. Dr. W. H. Birks tario Medi'cal Association ani had also been very active in thf Canadian Medical Association He was a member of Trinit' United Church. Dr. Birks made a host o. friends in and around Bowrnan. ville by. his cheery and genia nature, and although he wase very busy man, he always hac time to share a humorous storý with his acquaintances. He is survived by bis widow one son, Aleck Birks of Beloeil P.Q.; one daughter (Mary) Mrs, Reg Stapley, Winnipeg; fivE grandchildren, Scott Birks. 3 Peter, 2 and John, five months, and Margo Stapley, 3, and Tony Stapley, 1, Also surviving are three brothers; Raymond anc Arthur Birks of Toronto and Edgerton of Chicago, in addi- tion to several nephews and nieces. Al bis immediate rela- tives came to Bowmanville tc attend the funeral. Funeral Largely Atténded The funeral was one of the largest in Bowmanville in many years and was held on Sunday at 2.30 p.m. fromn the Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home to Trinity United Church. In the absence of Rev. T. Arthur Mor- gan the service was conducted by Rev. Harold A. Turner, as- sisted by Rev. Victor Moaney and Rev. John Griffith. Mn. Mooney, who is an old friend j of the Birks family, is Secre- tary-Treasurer of the United Church in Canada with head- quarters in Toronto, and Mn. Griffith is a former Minister of Tinity United Church. Many doctors fromn Bowman- ville and the surrounding area were present to pay thein last respects, and two of Dr. Birks' former classmates were present from Niagara Falls and Hamil- ton. The doctors of Bowman- ville were honorary palibearers and the nurses of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, attend- ed in a body in uniform. Active pallbearers were for- Service Pins Evangelistic Centre Holds Annual Sunday School Picnic The annual picnic oi the Evangeliatte- Centre Sunday School waz held under ideai weathen, at the Cneam of Bal-- ley Park on Saturday, Aug. 219t, with a fine 1turnout of the entire S. S. Games were conducted- for each of the Classes under the leadership of Pastor Fifield and Mn. Geo. Yeoman ai Oshawa. Beginners' Class Race-Lar- ry Trimble, Joan Adams, Mau- riec MacDonald, Kenneth Fox, Sharon Eade and Ronnie Webb. Prlmary Class Race-Barbara Fox and Wayne Hiltz. a s,,ir XIF13 m ', M"é ý1-n nr j] Itest-Marie Tnimble. A garne of softbail closed the A war ed t - Junior Boys, Relay Race pienic activities. Goodyear Planti Should There Be Legisiation Anot ber long-service Gond-1 year employee, - Nick Vaida, re - ceived bis 25-year pin recently g is Sm kn in B d f nom Plant Manager Chant .e Cattran, and the campany's $100 Smoking is a habit at its bcst exercise enough common serise cheque fnom bhi& foreman, AI on worst. Smoking in certain to refrain fnomn such a practice. Mofaft, plants and institutions is stnictly TeH In addition, four men recent- tabooed for obvious reasons. As TeHtel Association bas de- ly completed 20 ycars af sen- mnany deaths bave been caused cided from expenience that this vice with the firm. They are: by people smoking in bed and ýcustom is altogether too preva- Hubert Murphy, Benny King, as many fires have been the ;lent and it hapes that he propos- Norrn Wilcox and George Per- rcsult of tbe caneless use Of led legislation will serve ta cur- fect. matches and peaple failing ta j tail the loss of life and damage Production Manager Bob Watt put out cigarette butts while ta property wbich results fromi a uflined Mr. Vaida's careen tj lying in hotel beds, the wisdom careless persans smoking in the large group whicb gatbcred af bninging in legislation pra- bcd. ta watch hlm receive bis 25- bibiting smoking of this' nature In flot a few instances man yean pin. He was barn in Cze- is ta many people now a Must. must be protected from hlm- chosiovakia in 1893 and mter The Canadian Hotel' Associa- self. This business ai smoking in finishing school was employed tion bas indicated it, will seek bed seems ta be a case in point. in a paper factory until the out- an amendinent ta the ciminal Canadian botel aperators arc in break af World War 1. He saw coke autlawing smoking in beds the best position ta realize the service on bath the Russian and in hatels. actual danger ai this practice Italian fronts and was discbarg- We would fhink that sucb a and tbe feeling is growing that ed in 1918 witb tbe rank af regulation would be unneces- its legal prohibition is not only Sergeant. sary, but evidently there are Idesirable but fully justified.- Froin tbe army he returned many individuals who will flot Lindsay Watchman Warden. fa his former job in the paper facfory and worked there un- ',land, t h uea ftelt til caming ta Canada in 1928. A. "Ca sey" Trimble Mr Mayhe uerl aothelt He worked an the railwav fan a bMn._Mma utad. x year before being bined for the Retires at GSoodyear brde "iilram t Goodyear. Heie Mn. and Mrs. Loyrne Simpson, employed at peenMarrg ferT enyYerJi~~mmy Starks and Mns. up stock for the sinalcalender. AElsie y eas o kean Tinoo ntofiitd Mn. A good. efficient workman, EseOe ootvstder Mn. Vaida has missed onlv about Arthur 'Casey" Tnimble, a and Mrs. Walter Oke. fhne eshifts duning bis 2 .5 years popular employee of the Good- Miss Helen Cale, Bowmanville, at the Goodyear plant. His chief year firm hère, in tbe porter spent the week-end with Mn. and pastime is pla.ying euchre. servieeion 20 years, retired on Mrs. E. A. Wenny. - Ipensiaon nJuly 30. Mr M .aÉ4 Mr& Bruce Adamsanmd Jimmny Mac-! Donaldt Intermediate Class, Piper Race-Bnian Tnîmble and LOrne Trimble.'# Mixed Open Race - Lyle Trimble. Men's Ball-throwing contest-I Geo. Yeoman. Women's nail-dnivîng cofitest -Mrs. M. MacDonald. Bible Class shoe kicking con-, test-Mrs. M. MacDonald. A lovely picnic supper was prepared by the ladies which ail enjoyed, aften which a trea- sure hunt for the cbildren ne- sulted in Glen Bell belng the ZION Mn. and Mrs. St anley Caver- ly and famnily, Ebenezer at Wes Cameron's. * Congratulations te Mn. and Mrs. Grant Williams an the an- -rival of a daugbter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sobil and family at Orono Park on a pic- nlic. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas John- son and Karen, Oshawa, at Jin Stainton's. Miss Marie Killen spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Balson and family at tbeir cottage. Miss Grace Stainton spent the weekend with Beth Moore, Oshawa. Mn. Jim Stainton took a Joad ai yaung people on a hayride on Satunday evening, affer whicb they enjayed a corn noast in Russell Stainton's ilats. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mc- Ewen and Faytb, Georgetown, are visiting relatives around Zion fan a iew days. Mn. Henry Dant bad bis ap- pendix rcmoved in Oshawa General Hospital. Mn. Russell Penkins bas the cast off his ankle. Ex hi bits TRADE lu. a dl IY±. Earl J.rewin, At farewell ceremonies beld in Doreen and Donald, called on the plant Mn. Tnimble was Mn. and Mns. Fred Trewin and presented with a smoking stand baby son, Blackstock. from the employees ai Depant- Mn. and Mrs. E. J. Goodman monts 205P and 272, wbile emn- visited tbeir - cousins, Mn. and playees ai tbe Mill Room and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Department 285 presenfed hlm iMn. and Mrs. John Slemon are with a pipe, tin of tobacco and a bolidaying this week. wallet. Mrs. Pearl Avery, Bunketon, is visiting this week with Mrs. E. Strutt and Ruth Pethick as E NNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Clifiord Pethick have gone for boidays. Mns.Edwn Snderockand Miss Elsie Oke, Toronta, ac- Lary. EOwon, acoanied M.campanied Mn. and Mrs. Albert Larr, Oono accmpaiedMr.Oke ta Mrs. Jas. Oke's, Bowman- and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and ville. Bernice ta visit Mr. and Mrs. L. vMn. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Winkwontb, Barrie. Irene ne- Port Credit; Mrs. Wmn. Lamb, turned borne with tbemn fromn Caesarea; Mr. and Mrs. Donald] baving holidays. Lamb, Bowmanville, visited Mn. Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb. and Mrs. Stanley Turner and Sonry ta hear ai Mn. - Wm. Helen, Osbawa, visited witb Mn. Lamb being in Memonial lias-! and Mrs. Albert Oke. pifai, Bowmanville. We wisb' Ray Werrî', Ottawa, recently him a speedy recoveny. viisted with bis parents, Mr. and Miss Laverne Orchard, Bow-, Mrs. F. W. Werry. manville, is spending a iewj Congratulations ta Mn. and days witb Mn. and Mmm. M. Mns. Allan Martin, (nee Mona Stainton. Brunt) wbo were maried an Mn. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, Saturday at the home ai the M. and Mrs. P. W. Wcmmy at- bride's parents, Mn. and Mns. A.. tended the special service on Brunt. Sunday at Blackstack. Mrs. John Dorland accom- MnUý. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and Kinsmen FAIR Starting ai 7:30 p... lFu.duuy, August 27th Bowmanville Hligh Sch..I Grounds OPENING ATTRACTIONmmm IFREESTAGE SHOW f ea 1vr i ng "THE SKYLINERS AND DENNY h Wilh RUDY PRATT on BANJO and BASS FIDDLE New Games pPPY AL DUNLOP on the ACCORDION New Entertainment New Displays DRAW- PONY RIDES MERRYaGOuROUND 1954 FUN FOR ALL EDAN ai our booth -~ I I "M «£VAM&V WFAFPMUAV READYF4Ma Handsome shoca for boys and girls.. Sturdily constructedl in fine materials for the utmost in foot health. Red School1 House Shoes sizes 124 le 2 Complete stock of '4 -Styles and Sises in Savage Ua plain oxfords, seufi- prnoo-toe oxfords, 2- strap brown leather and 2-strap patent leather. AUl above are ln stockln i B, C, D and E- wldths. Siscs 6 te à $3.95 pair qites 8% t. il pair Huribut and Brouwers Research- SHQES BY SA VAG E Lloyd llis Shoes 39 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 941 Karnival THE T.V. SHOP ADMIRALé T V AND APPLIANCES Lander Hardware CIJL. Paint Demonsiration Electric Appliances Mercury Outhoard Motors Sheif and Heavy Hardware Le A. PARKER & SONS Se@ Our QIL BURNER DEMONSTRATION Se BLAIN ELLIOT Ses -the BIG DIFFERENCE QIL BURNERS aýt the and' Grand Drow for PONTIAC S i 1 Ammm st nu 1 1 vin Nesbitt, Nestieton. of Mr. a.nd Mrn. L. Staintan. Mr. and Mrs. Kenrm~h Rabm, Mr. and Mrs. 9.. PetlhicIt Kenny, and Roy, Ts rone-, Mr: visited Mr. and Mis. E.0. Peth. and Mrs. Wallace Gniffin, Heath- ick, Beaverton, er and Dale were Sunday tes Mr. and Mms Fred Toms at. guests of Russell Griffin's. 1tended the special church service Mrs. Howard Stevens, Mr. and;at Blackstôek and were dinner Mrs. Lorne Lamb visited Mr. and guests of "Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mrs. Garnet Towns. Peterboro. MountJoy. Miss Doreen Trewin. accomn- Mr. Herb Robers, Bowman. panied ber grandparents, Mr. ville, Mrs. Margaret McLeod and Mrs. F. Toms to Oshawa Gimblett, Minneapolia, Mînne- Fair on Saturday. sots, were cÉlers et Mr..and The opening meeting of the Mra. W. H. Moore's. Service Club will be held at the Mr. and Mms John E. Griffin borne of Mrs. D. Pickering on and family visited Mr. and Mrs. September 7th. John Curby of Méadowvale and Misses Nancy Wood and Mary, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Ben- Griffîn and Mrs. R. Seymour are nett, Toronto. attending the School fer Leaders Mr. and Mrn. Gordon Yeo and at Whitby College this week. family spent the wéekend at Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown, Sturgeon Lake. Northport, Mich., were recent Sympatby is extended te Mrs. visitons of Mr. and Mns. Fred E. A. Werry on the passing of Toms. her aunt, Miss Ethel Cole, New- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton castle. and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Misses Linda and Mary Yeo Mel McCune, Varcoe's Road. holidayed recéntly wltb their Mn. and Mrs. William Howelcuis Misses Lorraine and and family were with Mr. and Marion Grills. Cou rtice. Mms. Wm. Furnia, Bir4sall. IT-'r Rohert <-riffin enter- Mr. and Mrs. LIovd Ashton tained a number of little friends and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. ' u.xcay party on Sàturday> Ormniston wene recent visitons of Miss Joan Hobbs spent a few Mrs. Emma Werry, Toronto. days with Miss June McDonald, Mn. F. W. Beckett and Mr. W. Oshawa. H. Moore attended the special church service at Blackstock on Sunday. The trouble with the world is Mn. and Mns. R. Hope and that the stupid are cocksure and family, Port Perry. were visitor,; the intelligent full cf doubt. 1 FUN FOR ALL '>*EDAN

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