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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1954, p. 14

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-. ---.~. - *~** ~ - ~ V 5J.dNd1 W.JI~ AhIZU~D LANAnEAN aPA 'PUOI.I A >2 Uf'~urka A I ~ ~ £ Roses Have Touh Stru gle owle at third base. Bu&k gtep- Roe aeTuhSrgl ed on the bag Io force HolmanagelsT m TksPe and completed thé double play B g els T a a e é 4by throwing ta Bob alge To D f a Port Hope 4 - 1 at first base ta nail Harrison. This double killing choked off In T ird am e f PIy - ffsthe Pott Hope rally and the fi- In T ird ame of Pay-o fs ai score was Bowmanville 4, Port Hope 1. It took the Bowmanville when Lenahan had an error on Toiwhing Ail Base. Brookdale Roses six innings ta his grounder ta second. Buck Buck Cowle turned in a very get untracked in their thîrd Cowle stroked a long triple ta flice game for the Roses at third playoff game with Port Hope at the centre field scoreboard ta baÈe. Although used regularly the High School grounds Sat- bring him home. Roy Falls fol- as an outfielder, he played the urday aiternoon, but when they lowed with a single between unfamiliar position very well finally did they posted a 4-1 first and second ta cash Cowle and his long triple in the sixth victory. The wjn put them ahead and put the Roses in front 2-1. was the turning point in the two games ta one in the best-of- In the seventh Bowmanvi'.le game.. Although i trouble seven series with the Hillside 'pitcher Johnny Stainton set the on a few occasion through Town squad for the Intermedi- visitors down in order. walks, Johnny Stainton hurled ate "B" championship of the a good game for Bowmanville, Lakeshore League and the right Don Gilhooly, the first man giving up only four hits ta dvace n te OB.A pîy-up for Bowmanville 'n the bat- Lloyd Hamilton was the big man t dn i h .BA ly tom of the seventh got on base at the plate for the Roses with downs.on an error to the Port Hope two hits, while Gilhooly, Port Hope scored a single run short.stop. He stole second and Yourth, Gallagher, Cox, Cowle, i the first inning on walks ta reached third on a passed hall. Fals and Stainton each had one Carl Lenahan and Roy Wake- The catcher dropped the third safe bingle . . . Trawin, Ashby, -' ly, a sharp single into left field strike on Hamilton, and when Ruttan and Mica Ashton ac- by Len Ashby and a sacrifioe lhe threw ta firsita get him, cutdfrtePr oeht flyint rihtby ob shtn.Gilhoc@y came home on the ~ The Roses piayed errorless The lone marker begaqn ta play. Maxie Yourth bit a texashalntefid lok igeran bggr s heleaguer over short and stole R H E Roses could flot get on the board second. He scored an Tim Cox's Pr oe1 during the f irst f ive innmngs. grounder between f irst and sec- PotHp O0 000 000-1 4 3 They came close in the fourth ond ta make the count 4-1. Bow'ville 000 002 20x-4 9 0 when they had the bases loaded Port Hope-Trawin, cf; Lena- with none out, but two runners The visitars used three pinch hitters in the top of the nintîi han, 2b; Wakely, ss; Ashby, rf; were forced at the plate on in- in an effort ta pull the e R. Ashton, c; D. Ashton, 3b; field singles and the rally was igm Ruttan, lb; Rose, If; Ballett, p; choked off.1 out of the fire. Long John H] Hol ma-9 man gai an through a walk and Hla 9 Ashton (9) Harri-. Click In Sixth ad vanced ta second on a hit by so (9) Dark, (ran for Holman In the bottom of the sixth, 'Mica" Ashton. Mike Harrison in 9th). however, Tîm Cox-reached first I it a rndrontaBc Bowmanville - Gilhooly, 2h; - - - -Hamilton, cf; Yaurth, ss; Gai- lagher, lb; Cox, rf; Cowle, 3b; Don r.agneil s tcami, &u'ïi oove, are the 1-,ýc Bagneli, Ferguson (7) If; Falls, Bowmanville following a 17-1 shellacking which they ËZ c; Stainton, p; Williams (bat- sudden-death game for the championship lasi Saturdayr ted for Bagnell in 6th).gro ds Frn rolttorht Wa eMvnC UmpiresFontro- Hohbsrgh: Wyplate;,Ca Ba res-Hbs, bases. Black, Ross Turner and Jim Cale. Baek row, left ta ni O Allin, Don Oke, Brian Martyn, Jim Moorcraf t, Manager THE DIE Bethany Girls Wind Up Basebail Season Races and, Craft Show Witoua efatFeature Final Big Day In the first game of the semi- finals of the Rice Lake League, Hazel Ryley pitched ber team ni~ ta a 15-6 win here on Thursday O ly r u dA to t ..~......*..V night, with Marie Carr her bat- l y r u d A to ter mae.The activities off the Bowman- Kovy, Marg Cowan and Rita The summer schedule wound up ithBetanyin irs plceville Recreation Department's Goulah. (they have not lost a game ailiumrpagon rga One-legged race-Rita Goulah, Milhrok i seondwere ended with a field day and Betsy Phillips, Nellie Whitvoei. sumimer) ilrkinscd arts and crafts exhibition held place, Hrodthirdad at heCntalPblcBoys' Races .4 <the eeoroafoPrbhieSchool jeieor furh.grounds on Friday afiernoon. 5 and under-Jamie Dunn, The entire team gave good Afn ipa fhnirfsDneYut,ýwsBue support in the field and Christ- Afn ipa f adcat oi orh ~wsBue ell Nels as he tarbatermade by the children of the five 6 and 7-Dennis McFellins, diaNeas ws he tarbaterplaygrounds under the direction Michael Russell, Doug Brough. with a homer and two triples; of their supervisors was display- 8 and 9-Bradley Yourth, Johne Yvonne Fallis and Marie Carr edocalsa h colKlarcBbi elm with triples when the bases dntalsa th colKptrkBbiHeam c * T were loaded adding ta the grounds. Many adults looked 10 and 11-Jmmy Wilson, scor. Fo th Harood isiors er the display and cammerited Stephen Barclay, Don Master onthe fine work donc by the soni. Helen Grier started i n the12ad 3-adMieBo moun an wasrepaded hy dispiays f r o m Richards. Bob Osborne. Bey McFarlane in the fifth Franklin Park, Memorial Park, 14 and 15-Bill Sheehan. with Elva White receiving. Ontario Street School and the Wheelbarrow race - David tl Sheila Stapies and White were Lions Communiiy Centre show- Reynolds and Wayne Purdv, t the heavy sluggers for Har- ed handiwork items such as Bradley Yourth and Stephen r waod. needie cases made from feut, Barclay, Jerry Wilson and Jim- Harwood O 0 1 O O 5 0- 6 paper flowers, soap carvings, my Wilson. Bethany ---2 5 O 6 1 1 x-15 coasters for bot dishes made One-legged race - Wayne l Harwood-McFarlane If and from straw, flower caris, alpha- Purdy, Bob Osborne, Jerry Wil- tj p, White cf, Drape ss, White chet letters made from pipe clean- soni. t Burrison lb, Grier p and If ers, and many examples of color- Boys' bail throw-Larrv Han-0 Siaples 3h, Johnston 2h, Cow-' ing. cock, David Reynolds, Bob OS- a JULIUS CAESAR, et the crossing îey rd. A puppet show made by the borne. g of theRubicmchildren at the Lions Commun- Girls' bal ihrow-Riia Gou- 2 ti.Rbio.Bethany - Bigelaw cf, Page iiy Centre drew many favorable lah, Nellie Whitvoet, Berta Hig- g« 2h, Carr c, Neals 3b, Edwards comments. gon. a ONt Of A SERIES PRESENTED BY ss, McGill lb, Mulligan and ayRcsHlC Newell If, Fallis and Bigelow Mn aesHI rd, Ryley p,. A pragrami of races and other TRAVEL RELAXED aihletic events was also staged for the playground boys and AND CAREFREE A girls. Wayne Purdy won the B. L eg ion n aires boys' championship hy taking t first place in the one-legged T BREWERS SINCE 1786r hopping race and the wheeibar- 1 Even Series row race, and ibis is particularly th notable as Wayne waiks with a 2 MO-3 019cane as the resuit of an attack weaker and smaller than his The Bwmanille anta Le-right. i gionairs ted p teirbest- The girls' championship was i of-hre seiesin heBantami won hy Rita Gauiah with three "B"plodows wth jaxBan- first prizes and one third ouit tams ai the High Scbool grounds of four evenis. a Thurday igh hy efetingibe Resulis of the races, as releas- __________________________________________ visitors 5-4. They had dropped cd by Recreation Direcior AI, iheir first game in Ajax Mon- Vail are as follows: day night by a 6-5 score in an Girls' Races -extra inning. 5 and under-Coreen Sweep, T E nA T £ Z* *WNMAN VILLE3 The Bowmanviile team itook Nancy Rose, Valerie McCarthy. an eariy lead hy scoring single 6 and 7-Gail Hobbs, Sharon -- runs in the second and third Culîy, Anna Sweep. TE URS. - FRI. - SAT. - AUG. 26 - 27 28 inning. In tbe top of the fifh 8 and 9-Trixie SemploniusT TH the Ajax team gai three runa Jean Cale, Ann Wilson. T H ISOME ENTERTAINMENTI M-G-M presents in Coor by ANSCO TAKJE NE RICHARD WlOMARK - KARt MALDEN CARLETON CARPENER - RUSS TAMOLYN and LAINE STEWART AnMuG. WED. - TXUHS. - SEPTENNEE 1 - 2 p WW<iL~ .fts AS GOOAS MIS BESTAND MAYBEA UrTLE SETTER, a igl orignt lield. Tne oan I 'roled tbrough the righi fielder ~~K N N-g~ scored ta make the couni 4-3 L D E !1 In the top of the seventh Ajax DON'T FORGET - ThiIs ORTH scored one run on a double by your final notice that al - Rowland and a Bawmanvilie naines Must lbe submltted ROUNDU TRIP erorîe h i. for th Good going Thurs., August 26 to ore invi ng Rcame* batÀinSatuv'day, Septemnber 11, inclusive, the seventh inning needing anc a ie 'M ao Return limnit-September 15 run for a wîn. John Mason, the leadoff man, wgvafet c, F B v li ull Information tram any agent on an overthrow ta firsi base1 and then stole third. Joe Ken- League (o>' 4 neti came ta the plate and miss- ed the third strike. The Ajax catcher dropped the hall how- ever, and when be threw ta first ta get Kenneti, MasonA The tbrow from first ta the S O£ plate was wild and Mason was safe witb the winning run. For the Bantam Legionnaires John Mason, Curtis Vanstane and Maurice Richards each bad Wh.y Rot plan for two bits, and Gien Crossey and Maurice Richards started on the ~e tn h s X v itr mound for Bowmanville, but O lH a i g t i i t r Bill Bates weni in li the firsi and pitched goed bail the reut af the game...o ECONOMICAL Aa---R N E .. CLEAN Aa-----0030tl1-4 5 0 Bow'ville ---11 002 1-5 8a 1 *AUTOMATIC Ajax-Breck, es; Garland, lb: 1Rave your heating system ehecked IP. (6); Rowland, p, lb (6); Bar-hfoehefiru. na by,2; Daniels, c; Naior, f; Harkness, cf; Laraque, 3h; Crawford, rf. Bomnvle- Glen Crossey t SELBY GRANT lb; Ron Pollard, 3b; Bob Abbat, i Miii Street Phone 2614 2b; John Mason, If; Curtis Van- Dealer for stone. c, If (1), Joe Kennett. If, c l :Bill Bates, P; lRon Mut- C ar Wood and Pease Ileaig Unils too;Maurice Richards, P, Mt TRURSAT, UGUT28,9 iWee Titie Ban tams Finished Drop Third Game To Ajax Saturday The Bowmanville Bantam and Coach Jim Richards are te Legionnaires dropped the third he congratulated on the fine and deciding game of their Ban- work tbey have done With the tam "B" playoff series ta the Bantam. Legionnaires this sea- Ajax Bantams in Ajax Satur- son. They wish ta thank the day nigbt by a score of 8-1. Bowmanville Branch oL th(. They had losi their firsi game Canadian Legion for s4 ling in Ajax 6-5 and won the second their sweaters and caps;Udthe game in Bowmanville 5-4. local citizens who have'si prt- Although eliminated from ed them ai ibeir games. Special the provincial Bantam "B", thanks go ta ibose fansvo playdowns, the Bowmanville suppiied transportation for their Bantams had a very successfui aut-af-town games f ree of season, winning againsi touglh charge and Gary Venning for campetition from Port Hope umpiring games Qyin the and Cobourg ta capture the season. Lakeshore Bantain "B" ile for the firsi urne lin history. On Saturday night tje local -~- lads gai off toa a ad stan andHo d P r e aliowed Ajax ta build up a big lead. Bill Baies started on the De o ae ie mudfrBawmanville but bad d c rt Bi e a sore arm, so John Mason went in ta relieve hlm and bhuried good bail for the resi of theAtPa gr u d game. Gien Crossey bit a long hall The Lions Centre suminer Sin the firsi inning for Bow- piayground chidren had a pa- manville rounded third for rade for their speciai event of Shome, but a fine throw by the .~Ajax fielder nipped him ai thc Augusi 13. In the morning the hag. This upset the local boys cbiidren decorated ibeir bicy- JclîîAi ý'-sOf and rnay have had something to cles, tricycles, doli carriages aveBihOsbrnes tam n ado wîth the ouicome af the 'and wagons in Preparation for gaveBil Osornes tam n agame. Errors also piayed a big the parade and a pariy ta which morning 'at the Uigh School part in the Bowmanville loss. itbey invited their mathers and aptain Don Bagneli, Terry Ron Poliard had the langesi bit friends. ighi: Alex Wiseman, John for Bowmanville-a long double Some 25 mothers and friends rMel Wiseman. - through the righi field fence. enjoyed the afiernoon with the Joe Kenneit did the receiving children. Cookies and treats for the locals. sent #by the mothers added to T hree Town Rinks Manager Murray Mc .Knigt _ the afternoon's en.oyment. Take Part In Oshawa Bowling -- Tbree teams from the Bow- manvilie Lawn Bowling Club took pari in the annual Gold Cup lawn bowling tournament sponsored by General Motors and held ai the Oshawa and W'hitby greens on Wednesday 4 off lasi week. Tbe Gold Cup was won hy the Hamilton Ferneligh Club and eacb member off the team was presented with a chesi ofsilver. The three Bowmanville teams eacb had anc win and iwa lass-LN es. In the 9 a.m. draw played on the Oshawa greens, Fred Coîe's rink won th 'e firsi game hy defeaiing Moore Park 17-12, wiih Doug Carter as skip. Oth- B RA N CH er members off the ieam were John Regan and Clarence Oke. They losi their second gam-e ta rr 'I A th gnor rink 26-5 and the Just off Queen Elizabeth vvay and~ row rink 22-6. Highway 27 In the il a.m. draw on the Whiiby greens the other Bow- V ET0 mnanville teams swung iat ac-W ETO ter Pascoe and made up off be, Owen Nicholas, Mervyn Brock and Eddie Gibbs losi their firstT ONO game ta Toranto Baimy Beach 24-7 They losi ibeir second game ta an Oshawa nink 13-il, and won tbeir third game from 2 P.M . .osburn Park 17-10. The rinks skipped hy Frank l Williams and made up of he, g I to the Runnymede teamn 15-11. bhey won ibeir second game 6-7 from Whiîby and losi u-iemr Admission (including tax)$1 5 third game to an Oshawa rink 3-5. CHILDREN UNDER SIXTEEN NOT ADMITTED Teams from aillaver Ontario iitended the tournament, wbicb s one off the largesi of ius kind ,n te wold.Ample Parking Space Thefelow it stadyhabtsFIRST CLASS RESTAURANT and a Sieady tangue always bas Fl oreMasfo 5 isteady job. Martyn 's Bowling Academ> GRAND OPENING Saturday, August 28th et 1 p.m. This coming season make Bowling your indoor recrealion Nomssl Clesa ad EeaII&y Sport NOTE: Join one of the leaguea by Ieaving yoiur nmnw AT T4I ALLEIYS NOW AU spor4s muct practice before league gae. - give your tem a good stoJt by bowling a game or two ahead of time. NOTICE JOIN NOW! This eo#mg ueo...'a Ladies' and Men 's Mixed League I le being formed. Names of those wishing te join maY be left at the Bowling Ailey. Closing date for entries is September l8th PA« POVRMM --fflý "NU IM CAMADUS ETATV-qMAW- RnWUAMMI.9 OU-PLmn MlçàM WIDE AND LJ&NI gi'fvikepl -

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