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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1954, p. 1

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t4te~1U4fl "Durham ,ComWi~s (Qvcu~ Faniiy Journal"» VOLUME 100o BOWMANVI.LL, ONTÂRMi, THURSDÂY, ÂUQUST 26th, 1954 i40e PER COPYNUB 4 Blackstock Church Holds Special Service Tobacco Crop In Durham La rgest Yet Blackstock United- Church was filled to overflowing Sunday morning for the special service commemorating the enviable record of having contributed 21 men ta the mînistry. Five Cartwright ministers took part in the interesting and inspiring service, inclucting the present pastor. In this photo they are standing around a specially prepared Honour Roll. They are, from left ta right, Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles, Chancellor Emeritus of Victoria University, who celebrated bis 9th birthday recently; Rev. Milton R. Sanderson, Rev. Merrill Ferguson who is home on furlough from Africa, Rev.. S. C. H. Atkin son, Rev. Clarence Ferguson and Rev. C. ,W. Hutton. The tobacco crop now belng harvested in Durham and Northumberland Cau n t i e sliould be the largest yet, graw- ers predict, providing there lu no damage from frost or hall between no*~~ and the end aof the season. There are 71 crops in Dur- ham and Northumberland al- ogether and since ahl farms are growing the full acreage allow- cd, there are aver 3,000 acres iii tobacco. This is the biggest acreage yet in this tobacco area. The great majority af the Iarms are in Clarke and Hope Townships in Durham Caunty, with about fîve farms in North- umberland. Harvesting ai the tobacco has been going on for the past two weeks and mastfarms now have about six kilns filled Up. ,,The recent lieavy rain.s have hit the crop just riglit and wil resuit in additianal grawtli for 1 the leaves yet ta be picked. There is plenty of labor available ta harvest the crop, growers such as P. G. Newel of Newcastle report, and most aof the workers are men who make their homes in this area. Many men laid off from their jobs at General Mators are find- ing work in the tabacca fields: Particularly good crops have been grawn on the iarms ai Ned Foster, Kendal; Mike Sko- ra and North Bailey, Elizabeth- ville; and Marshall Faulkner, soutl of Pontypoal. In general the quality is very good and in- dications are that the market will be gaod this year. British manufacturers are expected ta take a large portion af the crop. Ch amber of Commerce Now Has 76 Members Among Business Firms Cliairman Keith Lathangue ing mare parking space avail- aif the Transportation and Park- jable for shappers. ing Committee of the Bowman-1 To Approach Council ville Cliamber af Commerce A motion was passed that the presented a survey of three pos- I parking survey and recommen- sible parking sites in town1 dations aio the committee on which wauld handle a total af parking be braught ta the at- 87 cars at a meeting of the exe- tention of Town Council at the cutive of the Chamber held in September meeting. the Balmoral Hotel Monday Co-Cliairman Jim Stutt of the night. Retail Mercliants Committee re- He and Ken Caverly af lis ported that the town's mer- cammittee had measured the chants lad decided ta continue space forth ai the Town Haàll with the policy ai openîng their along Churdli St. lie said, ahd stores on Friday nights until found there was enaugh ran 9 p.m. and closing them on Sat- there for elgît cars in 8-foot urdays at 6 p.m. He also stated stalls. At the Memorial Arena, that they were meeting the fol- he said, there is room for 17 lawing nigît ta devise promo- cars in front af the structure, tional schemes tai bring more four an the west side, five alang shoppers ta Bowmanvile. the ravine on the west side, Presîdent Art Hooper asked parked nartl and sautli, and members for suggestions for the 30 at the rear ai the building. (Continued on page seven) Tliey had also made a survey of the lot on the west side ai the brick building at the cor- ner of lDivision St. and ChurchLocliio St. owned by the R. M. Hol- lingshead Company and c R a s ew o be abtained for use of this lot,' lie said, 25 cars could be park- Prri~ 4 l f edon it. r p s d L .D The committee also felt that parking on Division, Temper- The Editor of The Cana- ance and Silver Streets for one dian Statesman was pleas- block north ai King St., and on antly surprised on Wednes- We undcrstand that the Federal Department of: Public Warks and the Post Office Department have decided on the above corner as the site of the new Post Office ta be buiît sometime in the future. While no announcement bas been made to date, negotiations are being carried on with the three owners, Miss Carnie Martyn, Mr. William Symons and Mr. Geo. Wiseman. If satisfactary settiement can be made it would appear thiat within a few years, this Plans for a cantest ta attract and ta work out the details and more shoppers ta Bowmanville probable costs and report back stores were discussed at a meet- ta a meeting of , the Retaîl ing of the Retail Merchants Merdhants Cammittee ta be leld Comniittee ai the Bowmanville an Thursday, September 9. Clamber of Commerce leld in (Continued on page seven) the Balmoral Hotel Tuesday night. The small but representative group ai merchants present G o ge Sellers one based on identifying pho- tas taken in difierent Bowman- Suffe rs Serious ville stores, and the other in- volving luck3> coupons ta be is- sued by stores for every $ 1.00 E e Ijr with the winning coupon ta be George Sellers, R.R. 5, Bow- drawn from a drum. manville, suifered a severe eye In the picture contest, photos injury an Wednesday, August would be taken of certain sec- 18, while attempting ta repair a tions of stores belonging ta the plough lie was using on lis farm. Clamber ai Commerce and one A piece of steel chipped by the or twa publisled weekly in The lammer, flew up, piercing the Canadian Statesman. Aiter these eyebail and tissue of lis riglit plia os lad been published, an eye. entry blank would be printed He was rusled ta S unnybrook on whicl those taking part iniHospital, Toranto, wlere a cl- thc contest would identify the icate operatian was performed ta stores in which eacl photo was remave the steel. At present lie taken. The correct entries lias a mask over bath eyes and would be placed in a drum and until this is removed in another the winner drawn from it. A few days it is not knawn wlat merchandise certificate for $75 the exact extent ai the injury ta or $100 wortl ai goods in the the damaged eye will be. The stores belonging ta the mem- surgeon who performed the op- bers ai the Cliamber ai taking eration said that the steel lad a part in thecocntest would be pierced deeper than in any op- given ta the winner. eratian lie lad ever done. Committee Fornied George speaks highly ai the A committee was formed care lie is receiving at Suny- with R. P. Rickâby as chair- brook where le is resting as man and Dave Higgan, Glen comiortably as is possible. His Lander. Jack McNulty and1 many friends liere hope tliat the Llod lli a mebes, a ecidel extent ai the injury will not which contest would be best1 prove ta be tac great. Basements are Flooded Af fer Tuesday's Sf ormsl Temernc ad iv i s i a n day nxornlng. Reading The The basements. ai several Streets for one block soutli ai Taronto Globe & Mail, lames on Scugog St. narth ai M any P ass Sw im m in g Kigw t.ohouat e metha ouras noinha fw ed i oraSea- nigîlt.ander ly ednesday Kinw S.slou ld bat e himitedra whicadhi foraweea-o 'el t.anwerloodednTesday at resnt Thy fltthat this tor's job at Ottawa, he morning when thc O'Dell St. would have the effect af mak- learned of a new develop- sewer which serves the narth This timne, 400 of hlm news- the exception ai Higli St., be- P ra ice UT ~ P olpaper associates attending came blocked at the corner ai t H rs KUl5of Canadian Newspaper As- The Bowmanville P.U.C. wark- ~ vey hgh roprtin o IntheBoysBegnnes' las I tC a rsociation at Tronto w:re ers were faced witli a difiiculti ,d£vey hgl popotin o I te BysBegnnrs Clss1 no arreported t have pse aki getting the sewer open the dhildren taking 'wm~ he follo\v-ing. boys passed the!J a r e solu tli on requestlng again as tliey lad ta break 11~ . -... this sumîî.rer at -the teŽîts: Jirnniv Vandcrschaaf, The usual stary ai a car strik- Queen's University to con- indhes ai pavement ta get at the Boys Training Schooi pool inl John Coodc, Bih'.' McLean, 'n, a horse xvas reversed in an fer an honorary degree of manliole caver whidli is located connc-ction withi the sunin,ýr o!inn:,ý JarJiieý. l)av (1 Williamns, accident eariy Friday morning Doctor of Laws on Editor on the west side ai Scugog St prograin cf the Dcpartirient cf Patil Hancoci;, *Johnl Hmcocy--,-Iihen a horz>e'omned by Beacock Gea. W. James of The Can- acrass from O'Dell St. As theý Reecr -aion pasýý d ter'hT . i; ,~ c' h row Broth-crs. Nestleton. -an head3- adian Statesman, blueprints showing the seweri Cross 0Wmii i , : nE.adD, on onto the side aof a car. Since tbis was the first system in this area have been Tuescoaý andWened tc Tt Dieke-ns, La,, nc 7. ,alker Th'l'e horse apparently ran out Indication Mr. James has destroyed, the P.U.C. workers week. ai ,ýî t al Donald 1lurdifi, 'af a ditch and struck the car, had that bis friends were lad ta use a pavement breaker These chil-u:en ,ook cîss-.oh,ý, Clark, Bill Crosse. Don which xvas driven by Herbert sponsoring such a move, he ta open a section ai thc street friswirmn instructor BiL. Bro'ý,'t and Lamne Thomnpson. Vine. R. R. 2 Nestleton. It e- was almost like a blushing 8 feet by 4 feet ta locate the Bagnell and the fact ,. ilt Èollcw-ng Junior Boys ceived serious injuries ta jts bride when le leit hlm desk manhole caver. many were ý.as c!: Warren Brookingc. Doni mouth and the car was dar-i- Wednesday In his clty-go- They worked from 5 p.m. excellent work lie lias done. The C,.:. FLuýell Wilson and Ce- aged to the extent ai about $34.0. ing ice creani Florida suit, Tuesday until 3:30 a.m. Wed- tests were gîveii o .. , dric Pt'octor. The accident taak place at to attend the balance of the nesday getting the sewer opened Directar AI Vail and ail tho t re Intermiediate gmaup 2 a.m. one mile west' ai Cae- convention and find out up and several residents in the wha passed wemc given a Re! the following boys wiere suc- sarea Corners on a country what tbis report wasalal area complained ai the noise Cross crest and pin. (Continued on page seven) iroad. about. made by the pneumatic drill. It was found that the block lad, been caused by a stick ai wood ý becoming lodged crossways in -~Hope New Public School Ready For Opening Day the sewer. Debris lad en cauht n -isobstacle and lad. blocked itup making it impos-: he leavrth ans do urn tI ai sTbe hfori wateritahn dow ternoon lad also added ta the: volume ai water the sewer 15 called on ta, handle. -~ - ~ . - -Serves Several Streets Sewers coming down Prospecti St. and Lamb's Lane iecd inta the O'Dell St. sewer but iew *complaints were rcccived irom Eresidents along these streets ai th eir basements -being ilooded. 1 IThe worst flooding occurred in - - . - - -the basement ai Frank's Garage whicl was covered witl four feet ai water. The basements ai ather bouses on Scugog St. --... ..~.north ai O'Dell were also flood- ed. - During the time the sewer was blocked a sludge pump was op- Workmen have been working overtimne the Iast week putting the classrooms in shape for the 160 students erated at Elgin and O'Dell St. ta' few weeks in order that the new Vincent Massey Schoo I on expected on Opening Day. General Contractors for the get rid ai somte ai the water Church Street xil be recdv for school npeiiin. on iSeptemn- construction of the school are Bradiord-Hoshal, Port Hope, w"hich woiild normallv have' boe 7t. Over 30 tradesmen are working in the 5chool this with John B. Parkin Asacciater,, Toronto, . aet.wdd the O'Dchit&St. sm.- This sewer lad been ilushed out by P.U.C. workers only a week previausly sa that the stick whicl caused the block must lave become lodged in it since that time. There were also. a iew short interruptions in power service in same sections ai town early Tuesday evening. These were caused by the electrical starm whidli accompanied the ramn blowing out sanie transformer f uses. corner, directly across from the Town Hall, will have its appearance changed considerably with the erection of a modern building where the mail can be posted and picked up. It may even be possible that before the building is erected, the long-sought postal delivery system for Bow. manville will have been approved and incorporated as part of the overail plan. Storm Forced Landing Light Plane Turns Over Off East Beach Tuesday After makirig a perfect land- The Montreal bush pilot had ing ini Lak e Ontario just off been flying his four-passenger the East Beach during a sudden aircraft from Montreal to To-1 violent squail about 7 o'clock ronto to have a more powerfult last night, a light Stinson 108 engine installed. He left Mon.. plane piloted by Pierre Quen- treal at noon and refueiled at eau, 35, of Montreal, was tipped Gananoque. Near Cobourg rie over by the higli waves and ran into a small squall buit strong wind immediately after- weathered it ail right. Just off wards. Bowmanvjlle the violent storni Mr. Queneau scrambled out ht the plane about 6.55 p.m. the door and onto one of the Made ]Perfect Landing pontoons, however, and was Mr. Queneau realized he brouglit to shore by Harry De- would have to land and lie pew and Harold Knight in Mr. made a perfect landing about Depew's 20-foot boat powered 500 feet off the East Beach in with an outboard motar. For- spite of the driving 'rain and rest Dilling rowed to the over- higli waves. A sudden gust ot; turned plane in a raw-boat, ar- wind cauglit the plane, how-- riving about the same time as ever, and flipped it on its back, the motor boat. The pilot step- with the pontoons and tail out ped from the pontoon inta the of the water. He scrambled out row boat and then into the mo- the door and on ta ane of the torboat which brouglit hlm pontoons. ashore. (Continued on page seven) Free Enferfainment at Kinsmen Fair Friday Show Starîs af 7:30 Tomorrow (Friday) night rit tone 1954 Pontiac being drawa 7:30, the Bowmanville Kins- for on the grounds. men Club will wind up the la- Again this year a Trade Fair cal carnivals for the year with will be held in connectian with the Kinsmnr Karnival, which the Carnival, and eight promn- they are sure will be the big- mnent business firms in Bow- gest ànd best of them ail. manville will have displays of The carnival will start off their praduets on the grounds with a free'stage show of fine and staff representatives te variety entertainment. Heading explain their use. the bill are "The Skyliners and wiî e 5 apeed dbythe Kins Penny" a novelty musical triq ilb prtdb h is from Toronto, consisting of men Club including sucli pro-* Penny Stevens, a cute singer vanfavor tsabndaoothi of novelty sangs, Rudy Spratt and nhor rae re ipanda be on the banjo and bass tiddle,anhosrce eewilb and AI Dunlop, sensational a mnerry-go-round, pony ride rhythm accordionist. and fish pond for the kiddies and refreshment and hot dog In addition ta these fine en- 1booths for the appetîtes of tertainers, Daug. Romaine, an 1bath young and aid. A puppyr hlariaus comedian will appeardraw will also be held on the ta do the sangs, dances and 'grounds. side-splitting imitatians wvhich Proceeds af the draw will be have made hlm famous. 1used for the Bowman'ville The Kinsmen Car Draw will 'Kinsmen Club's prôject ai pay- be anather feature of the car- ing for the artificial ice systeni. nival, with a handsome two- l in the Memorial Arena. Royal Theatre Changes O)wnersh;p The Royal Theatre in BowmanvxAIc, ;'uc b\, vt.~~ehandse' first week in September wben Robert Gi 11, (eraldton, W'il11 take it aver froni :'S present owners, Mr. Owen-Nicholas and M rs. Buckspan. MVr. Gi, who has been operating a dairf in th -è-Noxthemn Ontario town, bas purzhased the theatre anid wîll bc -ing bere/with bis wife and family ta operate it. Mm. Nicholas and the late David Buckspatn formed a partnership ta purchase the the;atre in Ja-nuary, 1951, from National Tbe'atres Services, Toronto. It had previously beeni owned by the late Tho'mas Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas plan ta take a three-rnon*t.; visit ta bis native Waleî in the near future. ALler that h is plans are uldelinite. Probable Site of Bowmanville's New Post Office Merchants Plan Contest To Start in Early Faîl e 0 anab.ian

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