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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1954, p. 7

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4m 11MISMVAY AGUST 26, 1954 TECNDA~SAEMN OMN!L,*TROPG EE cSocial & £Personali Phono 3303 Master Ricky Hayps is vis ing with his uncle, Mr. Aie Myers in Toronto. Mrs. Fred Clmer spentt weekend with Mr. and M~ Charles Uren, Brantford. Miss Gertrude Ross, 0v, Sound, is visiting her aui meH. B. Foter, Horsey S, 1 and Mns. Ernie Burî Osflfwa, visited Mr. ind Mw C. 0rurner, Providence, on Su Miss Phyllis White, Toron, and Mr. J. A. Walker, Meafor are visitors with Mrs. W. Stapl 1 7ra~!nd Mrs. Prower M Smurl, Chicago, spent We Pnesday with Mr. and Mns. Wi Ptower. Mns.,Mabel Bagnel spent ti weekend at Balsam Lake wi Miss Isabelle Davis at the Da) cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Harry J.0 borne and son Richard, Detro W;'i h his mothen, Mrs. R. On ;-orne. Mrs. C. Avery Johnston hI returned from Harrow whe she was visiting her daughte Mrs. D. Veale. Mr. and Mrs. Jack RoughlE and Mrs. S. G. Chartran a enjoying holidays at Hall Lake, Haliburton. Mn. Stuart Candier and h daughter, Sandra, enjoyed trip on Monday to Haliburtc and Algonquin Park. Mr. David Bartlett, Ottaw and Miss Rosemany Bartlel Toronto, wene weekend visi ors of Miss Eva Hellyar. Miss Mary, Willey, Moui Forest and Miss Ruth Wille. Toronto, are visiting their cou in, Miss Elizabeth Prowen. Mn. and Mrs. John Carpei ter, John and Janet, Guelp] spent the weekend with ht xnother, Mrs. Edward Adler. Miss Margaret Campbellt Maple Grove will neturn frci England this week. She h. been on an extended holida fthere. Mr. and Mrs. Russell CanÈ 1er, Russell and Allan, Londoi and Mns. Marg. Siater, are holi daying here with friends ai relatives. Miss Helen Grant Regini Sask., and Miss Kay Langmai( Oshawa,-spent a couple of day with Mn. and Mrs. Harol Hammond. Mrs. Olive Moffat attende the annual meeting of the Fed ration of Women Teachen ;socation of Ontario in Tor i* othis week. Miss Maude Elîlott spent las week visiting her niece in Osh sÊà and Sunday at Jackson' 'int together with Mrs. Vir ttand Donothy. Miss Doreen McLean arg Miss Joyce McLean are holiday ing at Haliburton witb the, friends, Misses Kanlie and Dar la Manie Palmer. Sunday visitons with Mr. an( Mns. Peter Bnadlev were Mr and Mrs. A. Redknap, Newton ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Elgii Tolton, Hamilton. Mn. and Mrs. Samn Turni and Jean Susanne visited Mns Wm. Hay and family, Oshawa who is leaving soon to join hei husband -in France. Mr. and Mns. J. Elmo Ander. son have been holidaying witt Mn. and Mns. Allan Shillington Blenheim, and Mn. and Mrs. V R. Greenfield, Stnatford. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Neec. ham and son Harold, Quebec City, spent a few days necentlý with his parents, Mr. and Mrs J. H. Needham, Centre St. St. John's Church (Anglican) Rev. Warren N. Turner, B.A., B.D. Services at a a.m. and il a.m. St. PauI's Ontanso Street North Rqe*F. B. Fifield, Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 29th SL'NDAY SCHOOL WORSHIP 'Row te Prsy sueee.atullyst 7Pms.- EVANGELISTIC Rev. Wm. Thompson of Port Perry on exchante pulplts witts Rev. F. B. Filield. ALL WELCOME sit- Mr. and Mns..Roy Lunney ~- eck are attending the Shakespéar- .' ean Festival at Stnatford and thei visiting with Mn. and Mrs. Ar- thunr kumpage at Kitchener.'* 1Mn.. N. S. B. James has ne- ,en Itunned after spending two int, weeks with hen son and his t.wife, Mn. and Mrs. Stuart R., James, and family at Gooder- 'ns, ham. drs. His many friends llb "~pleased ta know that Larry Jamieson is out and around nto, again following an eye opera- )rd, tien at Sîck Children'a Hospital S. in Toronto. Mn. Wes. Davey, Detroit, The C.P.R. overhead bridge just west of town i. vlc- Mîch., bas been visiting with ed- his sistens, Mrs. Mabel Bagnell once again open for vehicle traffic, but it will be a whilE m. and Mns. W. A. Edger. He bas befone the major reconstruction job has been completed also been doing some fishing ln Actually, the bridge has been completely rebuilt and the ! the area. now sturdy enough ta stand the heaviest tnaffic. Lai ith Mn. W. J. Milîs and daugbter, quantities of huge B.C. tumber has been installed bath# vis Mrs. Helen Wilson, St. Marys,1 were in town Tuesday attend- support the travelled portion and on the top as well. Dur. os. ing the funeral o! Miss Kathen-1 oiie McLeod of Winnipeg, a taking top honors ln a recent E.r native o! Enniskilen. elimination tounnament. i S m Te t Mn. and Mrs. Clifton Papin- Miss Lynne Bagnell, daugh- Sw m Te t has eau have ieft on a motor tn'p ter of Mn. and Mrs. Williain (Continued tram page one) ey h wstevisitobis esisentEd- Bagneil was a guest of the famn-1 cessful: John Rowe, David Sin ýe, thywl îi i sse tEd ly o! Shirley Harmer at the gular, Murray Walker, Pat- monton, Alta., and another 5's- reception held for the beautifut 'rick Gould, Rager Meadows, ey ter at Vancouver, B. C. 1 singer and television star fOl- Danny Ebckle, David Mulne are Mn. and Mrs. Geo. W. James1 lowing ber crowning as "Queen Terry Black, Larry Hancock, l's represented Tbe Statesman at o! Oshawa" at Alexandra Park Don Masterson, Ben Tbompson the 35th annual. convention o! last Friday night. The crown- and John Carter. the Canadian Weekly News- ing ceremony was a spectacu- The following Senior boys hspapens Association beld at the Ian climax ta, Shirley Harmer passed their tests: Alvin Mas- a Royal York Hotel, Toronto, this Night at the Oshawa Fair. Miss terson, Harold Mutton and ton week. Bagneil was a guest at the Adnie Deman. a, Memorial Hospital, Bowman- home of Mn. and Mrs. W. H. J. In the girls' classes the fol- ,vville reports 9 birtbs last week, Harmer following the ceremnon- lowing wene successful in tbc et,4 girls and 5 boys. There were les, along with the distinguisb- Beginners' section: Roser:r si31 patients admitted and 30 dis- ed guests and Mayor John Nay- Gobeen, Nancy Lunn, Marganr changed. Emengency operations Ion who took part in the eveni. et Edwards, Rosemary Lang- ,nt numbered 14, majors 8 and field, Ann Woollner, Linda eY, minons 2. Brown, Larain Brook, Roberta usetMr nd hisee.F. Robson ~fC ôsHetherington, Lynne Lunney, reundti ekaften an en- C. o C r/W Jean Cully, Marie Dunn, Bar- njoyable trip ta Vancouver. En- bCniudfo aeoe ara Flintof!, Lynne Frost, Nor- Pli, route, they visited their daqgh- Cntuefompgan) me Frost, Mary Venby, Evelyn ien ter Gloria at Banff Springs general meetings of the Chamn- Hughes, Canal McGuire, Mary Hotel as well as friends at Win- ber of Commerce on the third Marn, Joyce Kuipers. of nipeg and other western points. Mondays of September and Oc-1 Junior Girls mn Mn. and Mrs. Walter Thomp- toben. A Programi Committee - Successful Junior girls were: as son; Mn. and Mrs. VernnOtt, was set up ta look after arrang- Merridy Mutton, Lynda Mut- lay Mn. and Mn.. Charles Hoan and ing the pnagnams for genenal ton, Connie Henning, Karn Miss Dorothy Hoar, Toronto, meetings with Elmen Banting Bragg, Audney Spicen, Larraine id- Mn. and Mn.. Harry Kerr and as chairman and Jack McNuity, Jamiesan, Diane Goheen, Ka- n, Mss ats Ker, Ohaw, wne0. F. Rabson, James Stutt, ren Clarke, Mary Munday, Judy [ji- weekend guests of Mrs. E. V. George Moody and Bob Hendry Jeffery, Colleen Coombes, Don- id Hoar. as members. na Gould, Darla Diana Shane, Guestg fnom Bowmanville Will Have Speakers Anne Leddy, Caralyn McGuire, a, attending thie Creigbton-Owen It was decided that the Cham- Diane Ferguson. d, wedding on Satunday at the ber would obtain a speaker The following Intermediate Lys Salvation Army Citadel, Osha- fnom the Ontaria Chamber of girls passed: Julia Allin, Canal Id wa, were Mn. and Mn.. James Commerce for the September Plummen, Beverly Smith and Grabam, Mn. and Mns. Fred meeting and that the chairman Joyce McLean. ed Tremeer and Mn. and Mns. An-, of committees wauld give com- Successful Senior girls were: d-thony Webb. plete reports at this meeting of Sandra Constable, Joan Allin 's' Mn. and Mn.. William Tait ne- what pnogress bas been made adMs ajneSae r- turned last week from a month's ta date. The October meeting trip to Western Canada. They will be an evening dînnen meet- Ist spent tbnee weeks at Saskatoon in d- ver effort wiîî be Pa r s e h- visiting thein son, William Tait, md ooti an interesting Pln Cr s e 1,s and family, and also made brie! speaker for thîs meeting and (Ctiudfmpaeoe rvisits et Cattam, Manitoba; Htaoarrange a good prognam. Winnipeg and Minneapolis. It was decided that an Au- Haod nihbdbenst id Rcen viiton wih ~ gust news-letter will be sent out ting ln his car on the beach rid ecet vsitrs wth ll hambr mmbes wichwhen be saw the plane in trou- Y.Gîddus Jones wene Mn. Mc:-to il iChueal fambermem es bic ble in tbe high winds. He turn- jr Gregor Jones and hils mother,wilicdeaiso!apeen ed on bis lights, grabbed e r- Mrs. W. D. Jones, Burlington; adpmebso!teagn blanket la his car and waved Mn. and Mrs. Melville Jones izatian. Those wha bave no at thpio gdeimo and bis mothen, Mn.. W. G. yet jained will be contactedit the pinnlabt t gee hlm a d tbe channehebetween the beach [.Jane. o! Newtonvilie; Mn. and esooMrbyQteneMembersbip Cam- r.Ms. Charles Harpeil and Don- mittee and invited-ta do so. es.Mn. Qeeaufiedt.e Laid, Whitby. Treasunen .George Moady ne- When Mn. Knight saw the in About 28 delegates from this ponted that there are naw 76 plane flip aven be ran ta the er locality will attend a thnee-day business cancerns belanging tG East Beach Pavillon and got *.gathering o! Jehovah's Witnes- the Chamber o! Commerce, and Harry Depew. The twa men set lses at the Scarboro Arena Gar- 91 individual members. out la the boat and rescued tb dens la Toronto, commnencing Present at the meeting were pilot !nam the choppy waters. er this Friday. The convention President Art Hooper, Vice- The plane by this time had will feature pneaching meth- President George Van Bridger, drifted a considerable distance r- ods, Bible talks and visual aid Secretary Jack Weise, Treasur- east ta a point in the lake out th demanstrations. en George Maody, Keith Letb- from Ernie Pattersan's cottage. n, Mn. and Mrs. Percy Brad- angue, Jim Stutt, Ray Lathan- PaeTwdI V.bury, Donald Bradbury, Q.C., gue and Ron Abbott. Plan te pioted b and Raymond, Toronto; Mr. braugbt ashone Fred Depew Sand Mn.. Herbent Taylor o! Most religion mangers have went out in bis large !ishing ICBlackstock; Mn. and Mns. Wil- baited their panadises witb a bit boat and ettempted ta tow the ly bent Malcolm, Yeiverton, and o! toasted cheese. They have plane inta the channel between 's- Mn. and Mrs. C. E. Hann, Osh- tempted the body with large the East and West Beaches. It awa, were Sunday guests of promises o! possessions in their stnuck on a sandbar at the -Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. transmortal El Dorado.-James mauth of the channel bowever, R. M. Stephens, 7 Cbuncb St., Russell Lowell. and was still manaoned there, Bowmanville, was the winner o! a $50 anada Savings Bond reffled by the Canadian Order o! Fonesters at a saftball game W d i u u t H re B i a at Memoial Park lest Wednes- day evening. The draw was f 'q'"'> " ,U'-J" A ad byGog Pie.Po - /?Jceeds o! the draw wîll be used iê the Fonestens for ter1 ~ . ' sports teams. r- Nineteen members o! the Bowmanville Fife and DruasI Band, along witb Bandmaster George Dilling and President t Fred Gifflin, took part in thýý ýpnnua1 "Dery Dav' nparade on 1 examinations. ileartiest con- gratulations are offened Miss Cryderman on ber fine record à from her friends and relatives 1F Youn Bob Eagleson. son oif jMn. and Mn.. Les. Eagléson of! Oshawa and grandson of Mn. î and Mn.. Cecii Osborne, King 7' St., represented Oshawa Golf______________________________ Club in the Junior tournaizient at Scarboro on Monday. Thie event was ini connection witb Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martin smilingly cut the th e Labatt Open and Bob will wedding cake following their manriage on Saturday, Aug- beplaying with tai) Canadien ust 21, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eýrunt, the and U.S. profess;ionèàly who r) br ide's parents, Enniskillen. The bride isthe former Mona 1,ý pa% t Ihe r qtàdiîtv îmsg rounds. *Bob earpd the right ta Luella Brunt and the groom is the son of Mr. J. Martin, npr«emtbe 0shtawa .jgà by 'Oshawa, and the iate Mrs. Martin of Bowmanville. is ing the rebuilding, the pedestrian walk has been transfer- e red to the east section outside the auto travelled portion d. of the bridge. This move has enabled- the company to provide about four feet more traffic width on the bridge ;vhich was considered too narrow previously. The con- struction has been carried out by C.P.R. construction r- workmen. n- k, )II id .-y !7 la ta ,ri 'Y 2 L- n y k- e d ri about 50 yards !ram shore but inside the breakweter on th! west side, et noon yesterda.v. rQueneau was none the worse for bis expenience except for a soeking. He obteined drv clotbing et Walter Oke's cot- and spent the nigbt there. ,Mn. Knight, Herry Depewv and Mn. Dilling ran a consid- enable isk themselves in gaing after the pilot. The weves were very high and bath boats ship- ped considerebie water. Bath Mn. KniIht and Mr. Depew have taken part lan escues in Lake Ontario before. Ontario Provincial Police and Bowmenviile police were calied ta the lake by Hel2n Depew and George Cawker, but enived toa late ta teke part la the nescue. Mr. Queneau steted that the gust o! wind wbich tipped bis plane must have bad a velocity o! 60 miles per hour. He bas been flying for 19 years and is pnesently engaged in bush fly- ing in Northern Quebec. He flew for nine years in the R,A,F, French Air Force and U.S. Air Force. He owned the plane he was flying to Toronto. Plan Contest (Continued from page one) The merchants present also agreed to contribute to a coop- erative advertisement to run for three weeks in the local pa- per advising shoppers that Bowmanville stores will con- tinue their policy of remaining open on Friday nights uritil 9 p.m. and closing Saturdays at 6 p.m. Those merchants flot present at the meeting were to be contacted and asked if they wished to have their names listed in this cooperative ad- vertisement. The merchants at the meeting also dîscussed ways of making C.P.R. Rebuilds Overhead Bridge West of Town DRUG STORE ~d.p.dmntCOMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND) REMINDERS FÔR THURSDAT FRIDAY AND sATUDAYI Sett, styles, waves ALL AT ONE TIME PIN CURL PERMANEN T " NO NEUTRALIZER " NO RE-SETTINO " NO TIRESOME WINDINSI $1715 Comdlo ii PERTS OXIHDECA TOOSTTH PASTE SPECIALS on I.D.A. BRANDS "Easi-Gloss" Floor Wax - 39c. One pound tin - Reg. 53C 016 Magnesia - 29c, 1and 32 oz. - Reg. 35e and 60e Vegetable Laxative Tablets Regular 45c Heavy Grade I.D.A.'s Own 49c1 - 37c1 I.DA. Brand Toilet Tissue Hlere is a top quahity praduct1 which carnies the I.D.A. i guanantee of satisfaction.i Extra stnong, extra soft and; gentle. PAPER NAPKINS Fine quality, large size Spaper nepkins pecked ia dispenser type box - buy this guaranteed assuned o! satisfaction. White embossed 17c Powder Puffs - 8c, 2 for 15c Soft Velour- Reg. 10c value Hay Fever Relief First Aid Supplies Allergi-Taba-- Band-Aid or Handi ZO's, 60's_ 1.00, 2.50 Tape -- 15c, 20c, 29c Super Anohit- Ben-Gay Analgesin Balm 75e 12%~, 2'. - __5e, 1.00 Benzedrex Inhaler 75e Plastic Adhesive Bandages1 Dr. Chase Brand Tabs. 59e <Band-Ald or Ciba Pnivine Nasal Curad) 19c, 40e, 59c Drops, 1 oz. 95e Adhesive Tape 15e, 20e' Pynibenzamine, 12's-- 65e Absorbent Cotton Ephazone Tablets 1.65, 2.75 1, 2, 4 oz. 25c, 40c, 70e Lantigen E. -------- 6.00 Peroxide- Vapex Inhalant .------ 59e 4, 8, 16 oz. 19c, 29c,1 45e Templeton's Raz-Mats First Aid Kits 1.35. 2.25 up Capsules 65c, 1.35, 5.00 (iauze Bandages 17c. 25c, 35c Frosst's Pynithen Elastoplast First Aid Compound Tab'ts 65e, 1.90 Dressing -21e 0 Idaphedrin Aqueous I.D.A. Tncture of Noue Drops --------65e lodine--------- 25c, 40e -i Pend'. Mkin 1 Beauty Aids l Lady Esther Fae. Powder -- -49e, 8SU Hormone Cream 79c, 1.25 Truuhay Hand :Lotion , 37c, 65e, 99e rPond's Antel Skmn 37c, 65o PRESCRIPTIONS AlIex. We Deliver Your Local.D.A. Drug Store BRYLCRE EMj ~ THE PERFECT M AIE DRESSINO A Quick and Easy Way TO STOP COCCIDIOSIS "CO0XI1N E" in, the drinking woter StMPLE TO USE - CONOMICAL TABLETS Ne. 2313 25 toblets $4.85 -50 tub"eu $940 CONCENTRATE N.. 2528 4 ft oz. $1.30 - 16 fi. oz. $4. 10 133 fi. or- $2000 Phone 792 tenest in thie demonstrations o! F erguson Agent! the Ferguson eqx4pment agie h1w Mr. Jâck Binning, head of. Holds F ield Day fiePcutTriig er- For Equipment 'apeitd TeMassey-Harnis-Ferguson the Toronto office, put the im- TelDysosre ytee-plements thnough thein paces, terprising local dealer, Mn. Sid-Mr notNasDircta. ney Lancaster, WaS quite* suc. ager also helped supervise the cessful. event. This event was held on Aug. Somne of the farmers in at- 24 on the fanm of Mr. Thoma§ tendance were quite outspoken Wilson. in their amazement that suds In spite of the catchy weathen a seemingly small tracton could when the showers cleared those Pull such loads 'as the seven in attendancsh ed ep . foot tiller or subsoiler. These ce howd dep n-implements usually nequire a themai steetmor atracivemuch langer tractor to handie. to shoppers as well as possible the tou mahestorfatior an. methods of- decorating it forth w mainstrcoad Christmas. Many felt that col- implement, along wîth the fam- ored lights strung across the ous Ferguson three point hitch mai steetmigt mke t mrathe reslts accon-p1iýhed seein aitre it ake ointdoutlittle short of amazing. attactve. tas theitred ouit One rather unique impIe- hotendarstha t estreertlihtment which intenested the wri- setandards will stotnsup of h ter was a 'Rotovator" made in wight, ofutthee is ting o England and sold by Mn. Lan- lighs, t there is notheing to caster. These machines which pevenbuthdmnfromThengest-ngwork behind the Ferguson trac- iontweenblomdins.The suggrcet-ton being driven 'by power take iof a olso me ht ba icleoff do a remarkable job o! pul- of clond lihtsmigh bear-venizing the soil in one opera- ranged around each standard. tion as it can be set any de- Plan For Christmas Trees sired depth. It should become In regard to Christmas decon- quite populan for orchard culti- ations the. suggestion was mad vation. that a bracket be put on 1ac Another impleient which street light standard about five aroused much interest was the feet above the sidewalk with "suibsoilen". This machine loos- an armn to bold a small Christ- ened the soil as deep as 30 in- mas tnee. Coloned lights would ches. enabling it ta retain as be strung on these trees, witl- much as 97% of the nain mois- the electric card coming fnom ture. the store nearest the tnee. 1 One imagines this would be Chiairman Jim Stutt asked tho grand for sucb crops as corn merchants ta think over these 'or tobacco which require con- suggestions and others sa that sidenable moisture. more definite plans could b@ Ail in ail the demonstration made at the September 9 meet- was of much interest to prac- ing. -ticali'farmens. It was announced that The One fancies Mrs. Lancaster's Canadian Statesman will nun a thoughts wene with the event feature beginning in September because in the midst o! the entitled "What's Your Sugges- warm aftennoon a plentiful tion?" Residents of Bowman- supply of soft drinks arnived ville will be asked to submit and we feel quite sure the kind ideas for impn«bving the town. b ost's genenosity was much ap- and their lettens will be pnint- pneciated by all. ed under this heading. 1t i hoped that the Chamber af The Lord's Prayer contains Commerce wili obtain valuable the sum total o! religion and ideas in this way. morals.-Wellington. Creania 45c, 79c, 1.29 1 Woodbury's Face Creams- 45c, 78c. 1.15 Chas. Antel Llquld Formula 9 - --75c, 1.25 Cutex Nail Brilliance 35e Helene Curtis Suave 60c, 1. Hudnut Ligfit & Bright 1.751 ASPECIAT 1 THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOV;MAwVffjX CMAMO PAGE SEVEY ý i

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