?H ESA . Y'T ( AAITM 'ATrM MWsMAVT1I l-ATO..7 . .a,se,.aa . .. ~bTAYLR - BRIDGETT 1 't,IandardsRof pink and white1 aladioli decorated St. Paul's United Cburch, Bowmanville, for the manniage of Pauline Alice Charlotte Bridgett, daugh- ter of Mn. and Mns. Walter ]Bridgett, Bowmanville, ta Mn. Gordon Thomas Taylor, son o f ~'Mr. and Mrs. Telmage Taylor, ]Burketon. The Rev. Harald Turner officiated et the double ring ceremony.à The bride, given in marniage bY hon father, was lovely in a waltz-length strapless gown of Chantilly lace with an inserted tiered front panel. Hen lily pointed long sleevcd jacket was cf matching lace. The rhine- atone studded finger tip veil was caught by a pearl secded Chantilly lace bonnet, and she cannled a cascade of red rases and white carnations. The matron of honoun, Mns. Vnank Osmond, aunt of the bride, and the bridesmaids, Miss Karen Thonipson and Miss Con- nie Osmond, cousins of the bride, ware similan cnushed tomato cloured ballerina-length gowns of nylon net aven taffeta, with metchîng stales, bonnets and gloves. They carried nase- gay's of mauve and yellow car- nations. Little Miss Pamela Johnson, niece of the groom, made a dainty flowen girl, wean- ing a mauve t4ffeta ballenina gown, with matcbing bonnet and carried a basket of mauve and yellow carnations. Master Larry Smith, nephew of the groom, attired in cneam flan- nels and navy blue jacket, ect- cd as ring beanen, carrying a white satin cushian. Mn. Alan Taylor was best man for his brother, and the ushers were Mn. Danny Brid- gett and Mr. Keith Taylor. Mns. Fred Hellyar sang "The Lord's Prayer" before the cene- many and "O Promise Me" during the signing of the regis- ter, accompanied by Miss Lamaa Fletchen at the organ. The reception wes held at the Legian Hall and the bride's mothen neceived the guests in a nevy blue taffeta gown with white accesssenies, and a cor- sage of pink roses. She was as- sisted by the gnaom's mother gowned in light blue nylon with white accessanies and wearîng a corsage of pink roses. The bride's table beautifully decorated with pini: and white was centred with the thnee tiered wedding cake. Aften the reception the hep- py couple lef t amid showers of confetti and best wishes for a short honeymaan in the United States, the bride travelling in WATCH FOR1 PHTO CSNTEST DHAW te b. aanoucd JURY &L@VELL When W. Test £yesu M bDons Profflly TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE . . . . ... IN ALLS-CHALMIRS Forage Harvesters Com l n and let tusshow and tell youu âbout the new Allis-Chalmers Forage1% Wavse ihisnwcnein and time-saving features.e New 'slide-Iock" esy cbanging of grass endi row-crop attochments. New quickchange sickle drive withbobil endi socket linkage. 1*, New convenient reel drive adjustment. New side d.Iivery attachment as speclol .quipment wherm n»".d Keep pace with modern farmning methods to get the moet re. tumn per acre. Cone li and sSe the new forage harvester or SaU us te arrange a demonstration., Palmer Motor Sales 20 King St. E. Bo-tvman%,lklle Phone 487 a light blue figured organdy dress with white accessonies, and wearing a corsage of white carnations. On thein return Mn. and Mrs. Taylor wlll reside on the groom's farm at Burketon. LEAVITT - COLE At St. Gregany's Roman Cath- alic Church, Oshawa, Satundey morning, Aug. 2 lit, Ronald Paul Leavitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Leavitt of Oshawa, took as bis bride, Patricia Joan Cale, daughter 'of Mrs. Arthur Cale of Bowmanville, and the late Mr. Cale. White and mauve gladioli formed the background fan the ceremony perfarmed by Rev. Wilfned Finth. The wcdding music was played by Mn. Jack Discaîl and Mns. W. H. Gifford sang "Ave Maia," "Panis Ang- elicas" and "On This Day 0 Beautiful Mother." The bride who was given in marriage by her brother, Mn. Ralph Cale of Bawmanvillc, wone a stnapless gown with a bodice of lace tapped wîth a mentching lace jacket. Tiens of nylon edged in lace aven tulle and satin styled thé- bouffant skint. A pearl trimmed satin cap held ber fingcnttip veil and she canied a cascade of talisman rases, white gladiolus petals and stephanatis. Attending the bride were Miss Mary Cox, maid af honoun, weaning pale blue crystalette, and the bride's sister, Mns. Bar- bara Kennedy in dusty rase. Their gowns were idcntically styled with plcated bodices top- ped with stales af net and their full skints wene waltz-length. Bath worc lange matching pic- turc bats and canied pink nases, white chrysanthemums a n d gladiolus petals. Mr. Robent Inwine was best man and the ushens wene Mn. Edward Arnold and Mn. Bruce Cole. A reception was held in the Lecg ioan Hall, Bowmanville, where the bridc's mother ne- ceived wearlng navy blue nylon aven Pink. The bnidegnoom's mothen wbo essisted was in navy blue shantung. Bath wone white accessanies and corsages of gandenias. Fon the honcymoon trip ta North Bay and Timagami the bride tnavelled in a powden blue dress with a metcbing jacket an~d bat. Talisman nases cam- prised ben corsage. The couple will live ini Oshawa. KING - KANS The marniage of Miss Naneen Florence Kane, daughten cf Mr. and Mns. James Kane, High St., ta Mn. Kenneth Milford King, son of Mn. and Mrs. D. King, Durham St., took place in St. John's Anglican Chunch at 3.30 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 28. Rev. W. N. Turner officieted, The church was beautifully dccorated for the occasion with gladioli of white, pink, yellow and red, with white ribbons de- coratlng the guesta' pews. Mr. J. Smart, organist of St. John's Church, played the weddlng mugie. The bride, who was given xIn menniage by her fether, ware a blue cacktail length gown of billowy nylon'net aven rayon satin, topped with a bnief, long- sleeved rayon lace jacket but- taning up under a tiny pointed coller. Hen bat was of blue vel- vet with an open cnown, trim- mcd with blue nylon net and seeded peanîs. She carnied a bouquet of pink rases. The bride was attended by b:nr sisten, Miss Kethenine Kane, wearing a pink cocktail icngth gown of nylon net aven rayon satin. Han jacket cf pink lace buttoned Up the front to a Peter Pan callan and hon hat was a pink velvet band tini- med with nylon net and peanla. She carried a bouquet cf yel- iaw 'munis and green fern. Mn. Evcrett King, brother cf the groom, was best man. Ush- ens were Clifford Macklln and Tom Mastenson, Bowmanville. Reception was held et the Legion Hall, Bowmanville. The bride's mothen received,* wear- ing a dress cf green figured silk with black accessanies and a corsage of white gladicli. The gnoom's mother ware a dresa of IVeen flowened silk with black accessanies. Her corsage wes also cf white gladiahi. After the reception the cou- ple left on a matar trip ta Nia- gara Falls. For going away the bride wone a grey suit with red accessories. Upan their retunn the couple will reside in Bowmanville. The bride's gift ta ber brides- meid was a pearl necklae with matching eanrings and bracelet. The groom pnesented gold tie pins and cuff links ta the best man and ushers. In the Ed itor's Mail Coiborne, Aug. 24, 1954., Lillian Mae Marsh Spends' Holidays Studying in London By .JO ALDWINCKLE Oshawa Times-Guzette Back from a "lbusman's holi- day" is Lillian Mac Mersh, Osh- awa dancing teacher, who has Spent most of the summer in England studying ballet at the Sadler's Wells summer school for teachers. Miss Marsh is well knowni Bowmanville whene she also conducted classes regularly. "It was hard wonk, but it was wonth it," was Miss Mansh' first comment. "It was a thnilling ex- perience ta see such perfection- ists as Margot Fanteyn, Michael Sames and Rowena Jackson in action at close range. The whole school is supenvised by Ninette de Valais, who takes all the company classes. She is addness- cd as "Madame" and everything waits for ber." The summer course included ail the parts in the four acts of Swan Lake, and Miss Marsh said that by the time she re- turned to her hotel room at night, flot only was she bodily tired but her head was buzzing with the day's accumulation of mental notes. Besides dancing there were classes in eurythmics, mime, self-expression and deep breath- ing, and even instruction in tu- tu making. A tutu is the short frilly skirt the ballerina wears. It wasn't ail hard work, how- ever. Miss Marsh visited rela- tives in Manchester and Colwyn Bay,' Wales; took a trip to Stratford-on-Avan and Dover; did the sîghts of London, at- tended Sunday service in Can- terbury Cathedral, and flew to Paris for five days. The beauty of Paris with its eloborate architecture, bridges and statuary delighted her, but she was annoyed by exorbitant prices asked of tourists. "In the hotels and restaurants they set a caver charge, then on top of that and the price of the meal they add fifteen per- cent for tips. A meal can cost as much as nine dollars. 1 bought three oranges for 1,000 francs and realized af&erwards that I'd paid a dolar each for them. "I discovered'that the shops close.ail day on Mondays, and the museums and gallenies close every Tuesday, when they are thoroughly cleaned." Some of the things she saw in London that she will long remember were Pavlova's Swan costume and Russian costume which are now on display in Kensington Palace, recently opened as a museum. Then in the Victoria and Albert Mus- eum she saw Queen Mary's art treasures, beautiful little jewel- led and enamelled boxes, paint- ed miniatures of hen Royal gnandchildren, and fans of al kinds, some sa delicate they were ini fan-shaped glass cases. For a brief but exciting mom- ent Miss Marsh stood li the centre of the stage of the Royal Opera House, Covent Caardeti, when the manager offered to show them aven the "house'. "It is an enormous stage", she sald, "high wide and deep, and it must be a supreme moment Storm Warning! SWHEN 70W know Baiterm ln coming, you head for protection. BUT disuter doesn't give warninge! Firo, windstorm or other Peril may strlke unoxpeet- edly at any time. if you're not ready NOW with ado- quate insurance, botter cali on this Atency today! STUART B. JAMES ilnsurance Real Estatei phones: Office 681; Res. 493 King Street BowusanvMle Dean Mn. James,- If you bave an extra copy of The Stetesman for lest week Vf '~ would you pleese fonwerd it oY URE E n contained an accaunit cf the man mnite c f the church i Visioni who came from Cartwrightan a church celebration marklng R-rte this occasion. f-~ R-rtte As 1 am a retired minister previausi of the United Church Mr. Mc- - copyrigt Nally tbougbt I would be inter- o ested so he loaned me bis cpy of The Statesman and I acci-C . uk dentally burned it. Optometrist' It mîght be interesting ta yau Disney Bldg.! ta know that aur family came 3 îgE. fnom neer Tyrane; fether (an 31pKingPE. onphn) es rougt u i~ OSHAWA -Phono 5-6143 that village. His fanma is owned now by Ewart McLaughlin. There were three of us wha No. 264 wcnt inta the ministry - Se The more praficient on effic- much fan Deniington. ient wc can be is often nane toa -Bob" (Rl.1M. Mahaffy)) is o1, good, it thenefare behooves us ta' lihe editoial staff of the Otta- be if net 100 per cent perfect, ta \&,a Journal. He edits district be as perfect as we cao; we owe' newMahaetc. it ta ourselves and teo thers F. W. Ihf. If you or any of yaun femily ________________ need glasses because you are, Natralreigin sil suplis'below par physically, yau needi Natralrelgio stll uppiesthe service and efficient exam-i il thc facs which are disguis- ination from hc a satisfactony1 ~d unnder the dogme of populan correction rr-av spring. Whene cec:s The progness of religion a*ur ey es are concernced, the is ýteadi!v ta îtý; îdenîît\ xiltb best service is none toc good. ;moras-P.al1pà -dufl&- (Copyrieltee~.--, ta be alone in centre-stage knowingr that the Queen is in Royal box. We saw the pnivate entrance fon the rayai family and elso thein netiring naom. "It was ail wonderful, despite the weather which was wet and cold." ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mns. Don Carr, Hamp- tan. Don Wearn spent a few days with S. Rabertson, Shirley, On- tario. Misses Nancy Wood and Mary Griffin have returned home after spending five days at School For Leaders, Whitby. Mrs. Harold Milis attended a cup aund saucer shower, and tea for Miss Katie Patter at the home of Mrs. J. Kennedy, Bow- manville.1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthun Lead- beater and family, visited with relatives in Toronto. Mn. Melville Griffin, Mrs. J. Henry, Blackstock, called an Mn. and Mrs. John Griffin. 'Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Yeo and family.epent the weekend at Sturgean Lake. Mr. Fredenick Van Nest, Miss Florence Van Nest, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mns. Norman Wright. Miss Florence Van Nest remained for a visit. Miss Anne Dorland, Lapeen, Michigan, is visiting Mrs. John Dorland. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms vis- ited with Mn. and Mrs. Wibur Vance, Port Perry. Miss Reva McGilil Ishali- daying wîth Mn. and Mrs. Fred Billctt, Scarbora Bluffs. Mn. and Mrs. E. Wright and family returned hahie atter spcnding a pleasant holidae with Mn. and Mrs. Vernon Ratz, Huntsville. Mn. Claude Smith and Mrs. M. Hunt, accompanied Mn. and Mrs. Wilbent Smith, Clifford and Dorathy, ta visit Mrs. 1funt's daughter at Smith Falls. Mr. and Mns. J. Lyans, John- ny and- Judy, Hampton, with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Ashton. Mn. and Mns. Leonard Stain- ton and family, visited Mn. and Mns. R. Hope, Pont Penny. Miss Linda Staînton neturned home with them aften spending a week's holiday. Mn. and Mns. 0. C. Ashton, Lais and Charles, visited Mn. and Mns. C. A. Stainton et thein cottage at Binch Point. Misses Shirley and Diane Avery, Burketon, are holiday- ing wlth Mr. and Mns. Albert Oke. Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Weann, Lorna and Susan, with Mn. and Mns. C. B. Wagg, Uxbnidge. Mn. and Mns. John Giffin and family wene Sunday evening callens with Mn. and Mns. Tom Hobbs. Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. P. Tresise and girls, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Wight and childnen, Bow- manville, called on Mn. and Mrs. Norman Wright. Mn. and Mns. Edgçir Wnigh>' Amana Plan in Bowmanville. Clip and Mail This Coupon and we will make an appoiniment wiih you to havé a iraine -d food counsellor help you wiih your problems. i This Can Mean Unlimited Savings li Time, Money and Labour, to You. I____________ and family visited Mn. and Mrs. Wilfrcd Sandenson, Columbus. Miss Betty Jane Werry, vis- ited her cousin, Miss Jean Cale, Bowmanville. The C.G.I.T. Twilight Service will be held on Friday night, Septemben lOth at the home of Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Ashton. It will open with Worship and end with a corn raast. Ail young people are invited. Mns. J. D. Cale, Helen, Jean and Allun, Mn. Wesley Allun, Bowmanvile, Misses Winnifred and Edna Cale, Mr. Ward Gil- bert, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Cresswell, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Liayd Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. R. . Ormiston, Mr. and Mns. Harvey McGill, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry, Enniskillen; Miss Anne Dorland, Lapeen, Michi- gan; Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wer- ry, Oshawa; Misses Olive Luke and Mabel Broughton, Toron- ta; Mrs. Will Mountjaor and Ellenor, Miss Nora Wenry, e- dron; Mrs. J. D. Brawn, Orono, were recent guests ci Mr. and Mrs. E. A.,Werry. Mr. Harry Freemnan, Town- ship Adult S. S. Superintendent, Bowmanville, paid an officiai visit ta Enniskillen S.S. an Aug. 22, and with Mrs. Freemen and Mn. and Mrs. Harvey McGill wene noon boun guests cf Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. Mn. Murray Hoskin, Burke- tan, and bis bride-to-be, Miss Shirley Blight, Braoklin, wene entertained at the home of thein cousins, Elgin and Elenon Heard. There- were 45 guests present.. The many lovely gifts were in a prettlly dccorated basket. Guests wene present fram Bnaoklin, Columbux, Bunketon, Blackstock, Oshawa, Harmany, Hampton, Haydan, Bowmanville and Enniskillen. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Irwin and Glen, Herrow, visited Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Irwin. Mn. and Mns. Gearge Bowers and Ralph, Nestleton, Mrs. Fred Dayes, Bleckstock, with Mn. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett and family visited with rela- tives at London. Mn. and Mrs. R. Byers, Bow- manville, accompanîed Mn. and Mrs. A. Brunt on a motan trip ta the West. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Oke and son, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Cangratulations ta Mn. and Mns. Keith McGill (nec Ruth Brock) who were marricd on Saturday, August 28, in Bow- manville. Miss Mary Giffin with Mrs. Ernest Walken, Bowmanvile, an Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin,- Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. S. Pethick, Miss Nancy Wood ne- tunned ta Toronta with hen mothen fan a weck's holiday. Master Dean Heard, Oillia. spent a wcek's holiday witb his parents, Mn. and Mns. M. Heerd. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Inwin, Don- na Gail, and 'Rodney, visited IF. YOU ARE INTERESTED IN* 1. Prsvldimg your family wilh mors food, boiter food, a greaier varl* of .1e. 2. Saving hours of kitchen drudgery, planning and preparation oi meals. 3. Increasing the overail health ai your iamily. 4. Owming a beautiful Amana #"Stor-mor"" Freezer. 5. Ellmimating WASTE. Y ou Can Have Ail This for Less Money than You .Are Presently Spending for Food Alone. Why not let us havea felly trained food counsellor corne around Ia your home and help yon with your meal planning, food budget and kitchen work. There is Definitely No Obligation Ton will receive absolutely free a beautiful set ai menu cards in a plasticised recipe file box when aur food counsellor cones oui Io your home. Ail foods speciallt processed for home freezer use in a government inspected plant ai Canada's largest food packer. If You Live in the Areas You'11 Owftte iet ae Phone Bowmanville 578 iced by this Newspaper or Write Kitson'is KITSGN'S ANANA PLAN c:73 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE, CUPlease send Food Counsellor to: ~Nanie A 1ddress Phone "At No Obligation Whatsoever"__ ~0 l.qV-Tyr 9nil 1ON4 IIIUPMAY, 1 TffZ CANADIAN STATTMLààN. BOMJANVI=. ONTARIO R.AIO SERVICE Backed by 18 Yearu Experlence Plckup - Delivery - Modrn , Equipmesst C. J. ELSTQN - PHONE 482 73 CONCESSION- ST. EAST (East of Liberty on Trainlnt School Road) DUYf THE CONVENENT ,66 oz.SIZE' HEINZ BEST SEWNG HII VINIGARS ~LAL8ItuGALLON_-JUe@8O Go by Train to the LONDON EXHIBITION, SEPT. 13-18 ow 'Rail Fares. $8.35. Coach Good toing Saturday, Sept.ý il to Saturday, Sept. 18 Inclusive. Eeturn Llmt-Sept. 20 Full information ftrom any. agent.