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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1954, p. 11

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IMuAT, SET. d, M54 Local Plowing Match To» Be HeId Sept. 30 Just West.,of Millbrook A joint meeting ai the offi- !eru of the local annual piow- Ing match was held with the of- filtrs oi the World Match, in the Cobourg Town Council Chamben on Thunsday evening ~U Ust l2th . President Percy of~ a Hilton in the chair We ed the united gnaup and sak*eDr thein continued co-op- ortion iin ianwanding this phase athe fanm. Minutes af the last meeting wene read by secretary Ralph Banbury and adapted an motion ai Mesrs. Winslow and Harnden. Stapley Mackîn reported on the - upment taken by Water- 100-yA11 articles listed on the inventony prepared on May 13th, wene taken with the ex- ception ai a toilet unit for $N.00 credit and one ticket baoth $10.00 credit. In addition steel banrels valued at $8.00 were taken. A quantity of 2 x 2 wood was taken by S. Macklin at the Value ai $1250. It was suggest- ed thase heiping receive pay- ment and $20.00 was voted for this purpose. World Match chairman Harry Campbell and vice chairman. L. H. Winsiow reported lack ai oppartunity ta discuss the event with the Counties Council and proposed addressing them at the Januany session. Secretary Banbury was instructed on mo- tion ai Howard Henry and Ed- win Wilson ta dispose ai the ne- maining equipment at the Coun- lies Farm and ta contact Rose- ieath. Fair. It was pnapased that if an ai ficen wished ta at- re nd the wonid match in Ire- and same assistance would be farthcoming. Wilbent Larmen, Milbnook, and President Percy Gaoding expnessed hope ai tak- ing this trip. On motion ai Messrs. Edwin Wilson and Han- ny Campbell, $200.00 was voted ta be divided if bath parties are able ta nepresent us in Ineland. Minimum cost are approximate- ly $600.00. Trucking expenses ai agent Ashley ai the John Deere Com- pany were intnoduced by How- ard Henry. It was pointed out that these tractons were nat asked fin i the usual manner by the contestant' and since other companies had looked aiten truckmng ai special equip- ment check be made with the company reganding their pay- ing. Local match date ai Sep- temben 30th was confinmed at the fanm ai Leonard Henderson on Highway No. 115, tlhnee miles west ai Millbrook on the Fallis line. The local Committee composed ai Leonard Henden- son, Howard Henry and Edwin Wilson were instnucted ta di- vide the planning activities among themselves for this event. It was moved that each contestant pay $2.00 ion tractor on team requested, and the make and iee be in the hands ai Howard Henry by Septem- ber 20th. Arrangement is ta be made by the cammittee with local ladies ion noan day lunch and booth. No banquet willb held this year. The secretary was instructed ta request as judge Robent Campbell, Directon ion District No. 7, Chunchill, Ontani. IMessrs. Howard Quantrill, rd- win Wilson, Leonard End STOCK UP AT A&P FOR THE (job WEEKEND AHEAD! A&P Stop* 4$osed AN DSy Monday, sept. 6*Ii, wu6 ~NEAL! IRN6 RW iefSw 29e Vu%«. 0"é owSorm .O» SUMAR CRISPS Pi@Mb..w White Coke Mix Regela,' 10' MODISI Popuiev brand-WSK4NC 0 Ssa1.jN CIGARETTSam cd.Io Jan@e Parker' Double trust LIMON PIE Jane Parker Delieious Sited, baity D.ted WHITE BREAD"»Oli'e Tomato Soup1 Vioroue & Wney-Curtom CBround BOKAR COFFIE les. PFl.e2for 8ne L »«623c ne .Pri. e . leg. Pré". WO wapg 33C Reg. Prie.*SM 2p.c 02.99 %e. Prie.* 46 ".o39c ?"w Low Prie* 2 vos29e 3-16 e.No bag 65Sc< GodnRipe No1 Californie Fanoy Valencia, Swegt an~d .los CalfonieRe Tale N. 1 m23c5< SUPER I-TON ATS koaieuosoud Meot ,SMOKED HAMS %w va 69c79C AB~Rad enady lr<,re 'm5te8 fflA~ e TUKIYS Pa137c Sb..lee Pork Shoulder Romt PORK BUTT ROAST Pri« Iffeutive Untu Se04 tee 4t4 1964 1 33c P*43c TM CANAEAN UTATzsUIAN. EOMALNvmLI. eIAMO son ereappointed pris Mot C.W.N.A. Preient caminittee ta prepare smaint a meeting in Cobaurg on Friday evening September 3rd. Special prizes and donations are wel- [comed. Mayor Burnett cf Co- bourg stated that lie was pre- pared ta plaw at the local match and a clam for Mayors or Reeves af Tawns and Villagein planned. Pies. Gaoding arta contact Mayor Raipli Locke of Campbellfond and the Mayor ai Trenton. Motion af Harry Campbell and Stanley Macklin assistance af $20.00 la offered ta each nesident af Northumber- land or Durham placlng finit or second at aur local match ta assist with expenses to plow at the International at Waterloo. Each chairman of the commit- tees and the executive ai the International was asked ta at- tend the Waterlao match and offered $15.00 for expenses. Meeting adjaurned at 10.30 HAMPTON Miss Nina Hadgsan lias ne- turned ta Washington, D.C., aiten spending two weeks wlth hen parents, Mn. and Mn.. R. J. Hodgson. Visitons at Mn,. B. Cole's wene Mrs. H. McLeod, Mns. O. Black, Winnipeg, Mn.. E. Walk- en, Mn. Harvey, Orangeville, Mns. Gimblet, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mn. Henb Rogers, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mns. Ait Coulter, Millbrook, Mn. and Mrs. E. Syers, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Boyd Jr. and family, Orono, wene Sun- day visitons with her aunt, Mns. Laura Ranton. Dr. and Mn.. Wallace Horn, Montreal, spent the weekend with his parents, Mn. and Mns. W. W. Horn. Their daughten Pathe netunned home with them aiten spending three weeks with her grandpanents hene. Mn. and Mns. Wallace Jefirey, Toronto, spent the weekend with hIs mothen, Mrs. C. E. Jef- frey who neturned ta Toronto with them fon a iew days. Mns. Jim Hewson is spending a few days with Rev. and Mns. Empey and girls at Highland Creek. Mn.. W. McMilan, Peterboro, was a gucat ai Mrs. Hanland Truli fon a few days. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Richard- son, Toronto, visited at Sain Dewell's. 1Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Kersey, Toronto, Mn. and Mn,. Ken Pooler and sons, Oshawa, at S. Kensey's. Mn. and Mn.. Menwin Mount- joy visjted Mn. and Mns. Leith Byers, Blackstock. Mn. and Mns. Everett 19lliott, Mary and Barbara, Oshawa, at Mns. Joe Chapman's. Mn. and Mrs. Gannet John- stan and Sharon, spent the weekend with relatives nean Lindsayr. Sandra and Canal ne- tunned' home with them aiten visiting cousins ion a week. Mrs. S. Kensey received a telephone cail finom her son F/O Reg Kensey, Fleet, Eng- land, conveying binthday greet- ings. She also spoke ta Mns. Kersey and sons al oi whom were leard in distinct voîce. Reg is taking a jet test pilot course at Farnbonough. Eng- land. Mns. M. Goodman is under the docton's cane and coniined ta bed. We trust she may soon be well again. Mn. R. J. Hodgsan same- what impnoved. Mns. Menwin Mountjoy at- tended the C.N.E. on opening day and saw the *Duchess ai Kent and Princess Alexandra. PIÂYDON Mn. and Mr&. Barry Larmen and family, South Monaghan, were Sunday visitana at Mn. and Mns. Bert Ashton'.. Mn. and Mns. H. MeLaughlin, Bobbie and Lynda, Nestieton, Mn. and Mns. Wm. McLaughlin, Bunketon, Miss Dawn Bell, Hampton, nt Mn. and Mno. Rass Ashton'&. Mn. Bruce Garnard, Patay Gannard, Mn.. Clit and Brie, Port Credit, at Mn, and Ms.. Charles Ganrand's. Mn. and Mn.. T. Bentely, Mr. and Mn.. C. Bentely and lam- iiy, Toronto, Mn, and Mn.. R. Stanks and Kathy, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. C. Averyyand famiiy, Newcastle; Mn, and Mrs.- J. Cook, Mn. and Mns. G. Lutes and Ganry, Scarbo, at Mn. and Mrs. Norman Avery's. Dr. and Mn,. Gardon Siemon, Sally, and Stephen, Toronto, and Mn. and Mr». Russell Gil- bert, Sauina Mn. and Mn.. Bob Johnson, Toronto. spent Satun- day evening, with Mn. and Mn.. Lloyd Siemon. ýunday visitons wene Mn. and Mn.. W. White, Don and Douglas, MiseSNancy John's, Hampton. Visitons at Mn. Wm. Tnewin's were, Mn. and Mrs. Si-las Tre- win and Judith, Mr. Clifiord Trewin, Mn. and Mm.. Frank Rundie, Bowmanvllle, Mr. and Mn.. Bert Ashton and i.mnily, Mn. and Mn.. H. Larmner and family, South Monaglian. Mrs. Henry Ashton la visit.. iin Toron ta and Buffalo. vas. W. Thompson wilh Mr. and Mn.. Frank Oermond, Baw- manvile. Mn. and Mm. Boy Graham have been enjaying a week's I hoiidays and called on friends at Londan, Brantford and Nia- Igara Falls. Mn. and Mn.. Charlie Gar- rard accampanied Mn and Mrs Harold Gay, ai Oshawa, ta Ta- ranto on Friday, and attended the Exhibition. Mn. and Mn,. Lloyd "iton accompanied Mr. and Uks. J. Arenhead an a trip la Ottawa and Long Lake. Sonry la hean Mrs. Leslie Thompson is in Memnorial Hos- pital, Bowmanviile. We wish her a speedy recaveny. The cornn aast on Satunday evening in the church shed was weil attended. Thene were 65 present. Aten the pnagnam al sat down ta the tables and ate corn weiners and tamnatoes. Canada's finst highway was the road between Montreal and 1Quebec, bufit earlyïin hie 1th Da. W. M. RUDELL, D..S Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanvjlle Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 Blouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. B. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.8. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvifle Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 P.m. daily 9 a.m.. ta 12 naon Wedraesdar Closed Sunday Phane 604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.DS, Office 28 King St. B. - Bowmaanyll. Office fours: 9 a.m. ta 6 pin. dally 9 a.m. ta 12 naon Saturday Claeed Sunday Telephone - Office 459 ACCOUNTANCY 3. XUNTER AND COMPANY Certified Public Accountants 64 King Street E. Oshawa 5-1821 Successors taO0. 9. Hobbs CHIROPRACTIÇ G. EDWIN~ MA"N, D.C. SChirapractor d rTemperance St. - Phone 50 Oifie fours: By Appaintment OPTQMETRY KErITE A. BIELLE"T Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bownianvfl. Telephane 3252 Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta ô p.m Monday ta Saturday Qxcept Wednesday 9 - 12 Evenings by Appointment JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist J1' & LavelI BowznaavUie Pbao. tu SOLINA Congratulations toOBou and Marjarie Cryderznan <ne. Run- dle) on the birth of their daugliter, Ellen Marie. f hea i n it a enithe football finaswupae at Sauina with Ennislln steir apponents. A lange crawd attended this Interesting game whlch nesulted In a 1-1 tie. Mn. Stan Caverley of Ebenezer wilU $Peak at the chunch ser- vice Sunday mornnng at 9:30 o'clock. Master Harold Yellowlees spent sevenal days with lis cousinse Robert and John Allin, Bowmaiue. Milo Sandra Elllcott, Peter- boroughi, enjoyed halidays with lier cousin, Evelyn Hockaday. Mn. and Mnr. Raîpli Davis and Patsy, Master Harold Yellow- lees, Mr. and Mns. J. Yellow- le.. visited Miss Ida Reynolds in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mn.. Bruce Harrison, Oshawa, were Sunday guests af Mn. and Mr,. Harvey Yellow- lees and Karen. Mn.. J. Yellowlees, Patsy Davis and Hirold Yellawlees are spending uevenal days with Mis Ida Reynolds in Tononto and attendlng the C.N.E. Bnian Brady ai Oshawa, apent several days with Kenny Spires. Mn. WilrmQt Cryderman ai Flint, Michigan; Mr. and Mns. E. Larmer, M r. Glenn Larmen, Blackstock; Mr. and Mns. J. Legen, Miss Elma Cryderman, Mr. Helmer Freitag, Oshawaj vlsited at Mn. E. Crydenman's. Mn. and Mn.. Keith Rowe and Kenny, Bowmanville, visited at Mn. George Knox's. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Knox and' Dean visited on Sunday at Mn. Elmer Down's, 1 Ebenezer. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Langmaid were guests at the reception foilowing the McGill -Brock weddlng on Saturday afternaon. Mn. and Mn.. Bruce Tink, Mrs. Addie Tink, Mn. and Mrs. Harny Knax, Mn. and Mn,. R. Vice, Mr. Everett Vice, Mn. and Mrs. C. Vice and D6nna were guests at the Tink - Wallace wedding in St. Stephen's Churcli, Oshawa, on Saturday aitennoan. Mr. and Mns. George Knox and Canal visited at Mn. H. Farrow'., Starkvill.e. Mr. and Mn.. Will Spry, Col- urnbus; Mn. and Mns. Tom West- lake and family, Bowmanville, viuited at Mn. Frank Westlake's, Sr. Mn. Isaac Knight af Tunner's Bruce Peninsula visited at Mn. Isaac Hardy'.. Mn. and Mna. Tom Baker and famlly and Mn. Edwin Ormiston, Ebenezer, vislted at Mn. J. Smith'., Bobcaygeon. Rannie and Jean Baker spent several day. at Mn. Chas. John- san's, Peterborough.1 Miss Karen Ormistan, Eben- ezer, halidayed at Mn. Tom Baker'.. Baby James Wenry, Oshawa, spent the weekend at Messrs S. E. and Wes. Werny's. John and Glenn Wenny ac- companied Dr. and Mrs. George 1 Wmn. B. Sawdon A comparative newcamer to weely jaurnalism but a hust- iing one was elected president of the Canadian Weekly News- I, apers Association ini Toronto ast week. He is William B. Sawdon, publisher of the twice- weekly Sackville, N.B., Tribune- Post. He was hardly out of uniform after netunning from overseas in the last war when he joined the staff of the Tribune-Post. Within a year he and another veteran, C. F. Johns, owned the paper and its busy printing plant. Today he is one of the leading publishens in the Mari- time Provinces. Bil Sawdon had some news- paper wonk as correspondent of the Saint John Telegnaph-Jour- nal and the Halifax Herald dur- ing his college days, and also as editon of the Mount Ailison Argosy Weekly. But the busi- ness side of publishing was new to him. Nevertheless, he was gaing nicely when the ROAF ne- called his more expenîenced partner. It did not take Sawdon long ta adjust himself ta that blow either. Within a short time he was adding several Maritime weekly, business and tourist publications ta his string. Son of a United Church clergyman, Rev. F. W. Sawdon, now of Cavendish, P.E.I., he had ta get his early education in various public schools in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Hle attended Guysboro Academy and then went on ta Mount Allison University in Sackville, where, after getting his degree, he put in one yean post-graduate study. He enlisted in 1940 and was dischanged with the rank of major after infantry service in Italy and Northwest Europe. Active in community affairs, Sawdon is secnetary of the Sack- ville Memorial Hospital, Inc., a member of the Sackville Board of School Trustees and treasuner af the Mount Allison Federated Alumni. While overseas, in 1945, he married Lieut. Audrey Irene Cook of Housey's Rapids, On- tario, a nursing sister serving in the Canadian Army. They have two sons, Robent, 5, and Ronald, 2. Business Directory' L E GAL STRIKE and STRIKE flarristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. Telephone 791 Bowmanville LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A Barrister, Solicitor, Natary Public King St. W. - Bownianvifle Phones: Office 688 - Res. 553 JOHN REGAN, B. Barrister Notary Public 38 Temperance St. Phone 3292 Bowmanville EUSS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public TSmperance St. - Bawmanvfle DENTAL Wenny. Carolyn and Donald of Oshawa, ta Niagara Falls. Robbîe and Janet Lange aof Bowmanville, spent Saturday at Mn. W. Parrinden's.d Mr. and Mrs. Harold Balsa nE and family, Hampton; Mn. 'andf Mrs. R. Balson and girls, Cour-, tice, were Sunday visitons at i Mr. A. J. Balson's. Kenny Spires spent several days with Brian Brady, Osh- ada. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pascoe called at Rev. W. Rackham's and Mr. à Hugh Murdoch's, Lindsay, ne-i cently.V Mr. and Mns. R. Crawford, ii Glen and Gary, Whitby, visitedj at Mr. John Knax's. Master Gary Crawford, Whit-( by, is holidaying at Mr. J. h Knox's.j lCenny Knox is holidaying aV Mr. R. Cnawford's, Whitby. Mrs. John Knox and children spent a day at Caesarea last week. Mn. and Mrs. O. Cnuickshank, Mns. Ida Wilcox,; Mn. and Mrs. Percy Dewell andi childnen, Hampton, Mr. and i Mrs. Bryce Brown and children, Mrs. Mabel McKessock, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Alec Blair, Brook- lin, visited at Mn. Bruce Tink's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid visited on Sunday at Mr. Thas. Norton's, Locust Hili. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Johnston, Don Milîs, visited an Sunday at Mn. R. Gilbert's. Mn. and Mrs. Alf Olesen and Allan, Fleshenton; Mn. and Mns. Ray Smith and Eleanan, New- castle, visited at Mn. Murnay Vice's. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Scott, Columbus, visited at Mn. Clan- ence Vice's. Mn. and Mrs. A. Fleming, Whitevale, Misses Gussie, Anne and Jean Fleming, Toronto; Miss Myntle Gorrel, Sunderland; Mn. and Mrs. W. Booth, Locust Hill;' Mrs. Frank Booth, Brookiin, visited at Mn. George Hamiin's. Miss Lena Taylor, Bowman- ville, visited at Mn. E. R. Tay- ior's. Mn. and Mrs. Wes Hilîs, Canol and Anne yisited at Mn. M. Mc- Carrell's, 13memee, an Sunday. Miss Marilyn McCannell return- cd home with them. Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor spent a day with Miss Evelyn Taylor in Peterborough. Mn. Frank McCullough, Ponty pool; Mn. Wesley Powell, Miss Mabel Powell, Oshawa; Miss Vena Stinson, Toronto; Miss Marion Stinson, Enfield, visited at Mn. N. C. Wotten's. Mrs. N. C. Wotten, Mrs. Arnot Wotten and baby attended a1 birthday party honouring Miss Etta Wilmot, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Hodgson, Beatnice and Marie, Bowman- ville, were Sunday visitons at Mn. J. Yellowlees'. T 1 C K E T S TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamshlp Consult JURY & LOVELL .Bowmanville 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 Handsome shoes for boys and girls Sturdily constructed ini fine materials for the utmost in foot health. Savage Red School En plain Oxford$,s, muf- proof-toe oxfords, 2- strap brown leather and 2-strap patent leather. Ahl above are ln stock la B, C, D and E wldtb,. Siz e 6ta 8 $3.95 pair Six" 8% la 1 $ 4.25 pair House Shoesl Bize. 12% la 2 $4.45 pair Çompl.te stock of Styles and Sizes in Huribut and Brouwers Research SHOES BY SAVAGE ILloyd lis Sho.s 39 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLES PHONIS 941 hone dial 2" e Pirt4-lIe u,.nnbern will taethie giw.m MAwUket3". Mbits "123V" would b..un.«MArket 3-1284"1. Present 3-figur. numbers witl tae the prelh "MArket 3-5" s. that "5U7" would henni."IArket 38667". PLEASEIC XTEI Tout full numher uhould be given when you sali Long Distanee, or when it is to appear on printed matter - but for local calis yau need dial only the five figures. k la important tiiot fdu new dial b. on ail BOWMANVILLEC telephones by September Mh. On that date your new telephone numbens will becoine effective. The n.w numbens will bnlng BOWMANVILLE Into the eontinent-wide telephone network which i. gradually pen- mitting long distaInce operator to dia1 direct to more and more out-of-town numbers. FRANK WILLIA MS, Manager. TRI BELI-TELEPHONI COMPANY 0F CANADA PEODUCE SPECIALSr Supe M rk-s PAGI ILIMM NE~T ETONand family, Stratford. are spend- NEST ETONing a few days at hi cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter Decoration Service next Sun- and Nola, Port Perry, were Sun- day at 3 o'clock. Miss Vivian day supper guests with Mr. and Sadler, Bowmanville, will be Mrs. L. Joblin. the soloist. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, We are ail glad Mrs. H. Vine Janetville, spent Sunday even- is improving and out of the, ing with Mr. and Mrs. Victor hospital and staying with her Malcolm. daughter, Mrs. Reg. Middleton, Mr. Wilfred Williams visited Mvaton. friends at Tyrone. Mr. and .Mrs. Ralph Sadien, Rev. Harry Atkinson and Gloria arld Janice visited his M1rs. Atkisan, Ophawa; Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mn. Robt. M4rs. G. Johns, r. and Mrs. L. Sadier, Bowmanville. Joblin spent Friday evening Mn. and Mrs. George Job ns writh Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer -and Mr, and Mrs. Percy Pres ni Fitze, Oshawa, ta celebrate Mrs. visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mont- Joblin's birthday. gmrBxeo udy Miss Gladys Emerson, R.N, oeBxyaSudy Oshawa, spent weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Three-quarters of New Bruns., Emerson. wick's land is covered with mer- Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson chantable timber. 'Does your 1

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