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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1954, p. 12

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PA« TWELVU Two New Teachers On Public School Staff Next Term When the Newcastle Public, teach Grade II and Mrs. GlI School bell rings again on'Bruce of Dunbarton, will Tuesay ornngSepembr ~over the teaching duties Tuesay ornng, eptmbe 7,Grade III. Pupils in Grad( the principal, ýMrs. Fred Lycett and some of the Grade V pi of Orono, will have on her staff! will have as their teacher of six teachei s, two new mem-1 Murray Walton of Newca bers, Mrs. Glenda Bruce of while the nemainder of Gi Dunbarton, Ont., and Miss Davis' V pupils and ail of Grade of Bancroft, Ont. wi]l be taught by Miss D The beginners will be greeted of Bancroft. on their finst day by Mrs. C. S. The Senior room, consis McLaren of Orono, w'vho wili be of pupils in Grades VII and in charge of Grade I. Mrs. R. will be taught by thé princ W. Goheen of Newcastle, will1 of the school, Mrs. Fred Lyi STARK VILLE WESLEY VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Logan,' Beth-1 Mr. L. Oughtred has coný any, visited Mr'. and Mrs. John ued success with his flom Str. kRgrlndcideat the North American Gla( Mrs.A Rger an chldrn, lus Society show at Bramp Prince Albert, spernt a few last week. He won the avw days with Mrs. M. Shutka. for the best basket and for Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and best spike in the open class, family visited Mrs. T. Falls, well as winning many fir Rendal. seconds and thirds for diff Mn. M. Shutka was a patient ent varieties and arrangemei at Memorial Hospital, Bow- The dry weather seems to manville last week. over and threshing operatii Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Far- lfrom the stook are held row and family, Hampton, with quite often by the showers Mr. and Mns. Victor Farrow. ilooked for so anxiously a fi Rev. and Mrs. S. Pike mnade weeks ago. pastoral caîls in the commun.- Regular Sunday schoola ity on Friday. cburch services were held Mr. and Mrs.' Russell Savery Sunday monning with ahl and Betty with Mrs. A. Mul- teachens present. The ciass drew, Elizabethville. trail rangers have been havi Mi'. Ross Hallowell has sOid regullar meetings with tih Ihis farm, Mr. H. Reid being the teacher, Clarence Nicholls, purchaser. summer and we hear rumot of a budding orchestra. T, "This is Gods Country. Why Igirls' classes are holding mi Set It On Fine and Make , t week. meetings in the encIea Look Like Hell?"1 oui' to form a C.G.I.T. r r_.but find the distances a han( ýÀcap in meeting and the negul chunch attendance required. Muriel Austin returned S. Plumbing - Heatin; I urday from a week'sdholid, Helen Barrowclough returi' and Eavestroughinq 'fi'om the samè resort on Mo gday. Flocks of birds gatherii for their annual trip south usi Estiate wihou obigaion to be the surest sign sumni Estmats ithut blgaton was over, now the packingi at summer cottages ahl aloi G oro Coler the lakes and rivers i'emindsi Godn Cf that holidays are over and t schooi starts next week. Phone Orono 6 4 r 7, Colleet Mrs. S. O. Milîs, Port Hop _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sp e n t S u n d a y w i h M i. ar iMrs. H. Banrowclough. FRDAY - SATURDAy - SEPT. 3 - 4 E~uSlcoler by C7 I ~' TECHNICOLOR ~ùi~~ ai-NIE -SEPT. 5 NONDL y - TU'ESDAY - SEPT. 6 -7 )71»rè3Ïggaest of MGM Fie in Fhrida s Lover$' Poradise R ESTHER Y To WILLIAMS1 I VAN JOHNSON LOV ToNYMARTIN ýlîîc.Ly Midnigt Show - Doors Open at 12:Oà WEDES -THUHSDAY - SEPT. 8 - 9 TMZ CANADIAN STATESMAN,. Social and Personal A number of people from ci' Rita Carveth, sister of Mr' this community attendied the C. R. Carveth o! Newcastle, and C.N.E. in Toi'onto during the is making her first visit to the first two days of the show and district in ncarly thirty years. report a good show and huge Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gilkes, crowds. Ernest and Bobbie visited ini Mrs. Anna Hobbs of Gary, Toi'onto on Sunday with Mrs.ý Indiana, and Miss Mabel Brown, Venna Forsyth and Ronnie. have been visiting with their hBeverley Gilkes returned home. enda cousins, Mrs. H. J. Ragen and with them. following an enjoy- take Mr. Walter Douglas. able two weeks' vacation iný ýin Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose and Toronto.1 le IV Mrs. Donald Jose and childrcn Mr'. R. Gioffe of New York )upils attended the annual meeting and City, has been vacationing with; Mrs. show of the Canadian Gladiohus Mrs. H. J. Ragen and Mn. Wal- istie, Society held at Brampton 1last ter Douglas. rade week. While in Brampton tbey Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ashton lVI were the guests of Mn. and Mns. and family were weekend visit- Davis Graham Crawford, parents of ors with Mns. Jack Nesbitt. Mrs. Donald Jose. Local exhib- During their stay they took in sting itors in the show were Mn. Jose the C.N.E. and visited with Mi'. VIII and Mn. Len Oughtned who had Nesbitt and John Paul in Ham- Zipal a large list of entries and came ilton. cett. home with a fane share of the Students o! last term's senior prizes. roomn in the Newcastle Publie Mn. and Mrs. Purser of Vic- School journeyed by bus on~ toria, B.C., who are on their Monday to the C.N.E. accompan- neturn trip to Victoria following ied by Mrs. Goheen. An enjoy- ntin- a two months' trip to Ireland able. time was neported in spite vers and England are spending a few of the miserable weatben. adio- days visiting with relatives nd Mrs. George Smith visited -in pton friends in Newcastle adds- Bowmanvjlle with Mrs. James vard trict. Mrs. Purser is the fonm- Stone for the weekend. the 3,as rsts, bThe Orono News ons up :ew Mn. and Mns. Vance Allen Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Hawhshaw and family have moved to Les- Kitchener, visited Mn. and Mrs and kard this week. Charles Wood. thn Mrs. Win. Barton, Nc4th Bay Mrs. J. Arnott and childrer, ofe and Mr. George Mitchell, To- Regina, Sask., have come to ;.ononto, visited Ms George But- stay with the former's mother, rng ters last week. Mrs. Annie Roy. Mrs. Arnott rein aîî Mn. and Mrs. Gannet Gans- will be teacbing school in Bow- )us by, Judy and Bill, Kingston, manville. woare visiting Mns. Robent A.hhin Mary Found ententained 14 id- and attending the Toronto Ex- of bier littie friends last Fniday -av hibition. to celebrate bier tenth birthday. oup Masien John Plues, Oshawa, Miss Bonnie Adams, Rose- di- is visiting Mn. and Mrs. Art neath, is visiting Mn. and Mrs. lai' White. Mickey Adams and other rela- Mns. Vance Allun has been as tives. ;at- sisting at Onono Post Office for Miss Bertha Cain, Mn. anc Lay the past two weeks. Mns. Stanley Chapman called nd Mr. Ronnie Wëst rcturned on Rcv. and Mrs. F. Cbapmani ned to Toronto aften spending bis Toronto, who were spending thc >n- vacation with Mn. and Mrs. A. day with Mn. and Mrs. Ross .ng E. West. Stevens, Bowmanville, to cele- ced Mrs. Alex Elliott who bas brate thein golden wedding an- ici' been visiting for several weeks niversany Tuesday, August 31. UP with Mn. and Mns. R. E. Logan, Mn. and Mrs. Charles Mutton, )ng retunned to ber home in Saint Bowmanville, visited Mns. Viola' us John, N.B. this week.. Smith on Sunday. hat Mn. Jack Wilson, Panry Sound Mrs. W. G. McCullocb visited and Miss D. Fonder, Bowman- last week witb Mn. and Mrs. pe, ville, will spend Labon Day Pascoe at Kedron. rid weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mr. and Mns. Ken Henron and V. Wilson at Mink Lake. family, Bradford, have ncturn- Mn. and Mrs. Bill Fouîîd, To- cd to Onono and have nented ronto, spent the weekend with Mn. Donald Robb's bouse west Mn. and Mrs. Dane Found. o! the Fonestry Park. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Riddell Master Larny Luxtôn return- wene in Peterborough Sunday cd home to Bowmanville after to visit their new granddaugh- visiting Mn. and Mrs. Hanry ter, Susan May, bonn to Dr. and Mercer for several weeks. Mrs. John H. Leslie, August 27. Mn. and Mns. George Morton Mn. and Mns. Stanley Chap- left on Monday for a thnee man visited in Montreal over weeks moton trip tbrough the the weekend. States to visit thein daugbter Mn. and Mrs. Roy C. Forres- Muriel. ter are on a motor trip through Mr. and Mns. Ivson Tamblyn the States and the Orono Times arc on vacation. Miss M. Cowan Office is closed for staff holi- is staying with the family. days. The excavation for the new Mr. Lorne Bell and Miss Hil- Orono Telephone Office was da Bell have nented the rooms started this week opposite the bock o! the Post Office necent- old office on Cburcb Street. ly vacated by Mrs. Geo. Rich- Rev and Mns. John Kitchen ards. and Olaf, have returned fnom iMn. and Mns. Charles Wood, vacation. There wilI be service Mns. Mary Phasey, visited Mn. on Sunday monning. and Mns. Geo. Crowther, New- Mr. David Elliott, St. Peters- castle, on Sunday. burg, Florida; Mn. and Mrs. Mil- Mn. Dave Hooper had a -nas- ton Elliott, Bowmanville, and ty fahl at bis home, witb injury Mn. and Mrs. Perrin Kirby, were to bis hip-but X-rays showed necent visitors with Mrs. Fred no broken. *Bnimacomb. In the Editors Mail v eeno nrositrs throughout the rural community in their history. And it is to 12 Pine Ridge Dr., be hoped that some means is Toronto 13, found to, presenve the matenial 17 Aug. '54. the women have dug up and to Dean n. Jmes:encourage tbemn in continuing Dear r. Jmes:their investigations. I was rather disturbed by the I rcad the biogahofDk ncws o! Dr. G. E. Reaman's Malone with gra hy o! adi retinement. When he was at you were fortunate to secure the O.A.C. he did a great deal himi as a speaker. Let's hope to encourage intenest in local that the type o! programme you bistory both in the student body have begun spreads to othen and by speaking to Womnen's Rotaries. Institutes. Now that he is go- ing, who is to carry on? I Sincerely, 1wonder if you could ask bim Jimn Lovekin. when you write what encour- agement the college plans to, gv oOntario history and what O IU R he thinks shouhd be donc. As I said to you on Saturday, W. ASBURY WILSON museums anc only a part o! the answen in preserving Ontario's A retined public school in- history. They presenve articles spector, prominent for bis cdu- and the pnoblem nemains o! cational work in Nortbern On-î presenving documents. The 0. tario, Westley Asbury Wilson,5 A.C. with its contacts with the 147 Highbourne Rd., Toronto, rural community is in a unique died necently at Queen Elizabeth position to noot out and record Hospital a!ter a lengthy illness. old letters, books, recordan He was 81. t othen documentary matenial. Mn. Wilson was born at Bea- Sverton, son o! the late Rcv. A. This week I have been mark- C. and Mns. Wilson. He grad- ing Tweedsmuir histories. It uated from Queen's University c bas been a most intenesting ex- 1 in 1897 and taught finst at Gan- perience. Some fifty o! tbemj anoque Higb Scbool. From 1903 werc sent in aften local ehimina- be was well-known for bis wonk t tion contests. They cover geo-, in Northenn Ontario, finît as graph nd resources o! the principal o! Kenora High Schoolh district, Indian life. early pia- then as organizer and principal ic neering, the development o! in- of Haileybury High Scbool and dustries and growth o! towns, Scbool of Mines. -p the work o! the Institute and il 19 19 he was appointed pub- cl histories o! the individual farms. lic scbooi inspector in the rapidly N When you stop to consider that developing districts o! Temiska- for every one we sec five on ten ming and Cochrane, and ia 1925 he was transferi'ed to Port th Arthur and Fort William. Since cl bis netirement he had lived in di Leaa Soc . Toron to. He was a memb~ro the Scottish Rite and the United c Church o! Canada, ar R emoved 1H evshi ie et Brent Wilson (sister o! Mn. A. su ltichest prices paid for H. Brent o! Tyrone): a daugh- - Dead, OId and Crlppled ter, Eleanon (Mns. Lorne Henry) 13 Farni Stock. and a son, Brent o! Pittsburgh, '9 TELEPHONE COLLECT Pa. i Cobourg 1787 He às veny fond of making (F TEMUItbAY, SEP. 2Zfd, 1954 Efficient Firemen Save'Darlington Home 'l'nis is the home of Mr'. and Mrs. Rari Colbary, near L-,ninisiîlen, which came altogether too close to being completely destroyed early Saturday morning. Mrs. Colbany was awakened by their cole dog and sent her ten-year-old son across bush and creek about 500 yards to her nephew's home where they phoned for thé Bowmanville brigade. Mr. Colbary was working at Goodyear at the time, but broke eveny speed limit to get home fast. He gives great credit to Deputy Chief Walt Hackney and his able fine fightens for their fast nesponse and effective action which corifined the blaze to the attic. Anothen few minutes and the entire house would have been blazing beyond.control, There was some insurance which will help cover part of the Ioss. The Setter $01- Kîmd of Dry Cloaniiig Ihat Cets Out AL tMe Dirti You can be sure the young. ster's clothes areclcîaner than ever before. Just try oui' Sanitone Dry Clcaning -makes original colons and patterns spring back to life. It's the perfect service for cbildren's clothes . . . the complete dry cleaning that nemoves evcry trace of ground-in grit and grime. No odors, e'ven perspira- Ardry cleaning nd see for Golden Plow KIRBYe fixed by 'law. yourself the amazing differ- 'S. o ld n - lo wK IR B Ea h ofthe e isind cate by the ence i m akes. Take advan - addition of the word "Statutor3r" tage of our 'Back-to- ýO ~ ~~~~~Mrs. Lizzie Henderson, Oro- after the item. Sho' ot'o n "' Goes ta Ireland no, visited Thursday with Mr'. The authors add "This bulletin r, nd rs.Ken Hederon shuldbe egadedasprovision- send your chidren off Mrs. Harold Souch a, comments will be of assist- brightr and cleaner ... i For Big- M tch and family, Starkville, spentr ance in preparing any subse- clothes cleaned this miracle Fr McnMonday evening with Mrs. Jas. quent editions. Letters regard- Sanitone wa y. Try us today! Th'ys ole losy-fan, publication should be sent to the bol of world tractor plowing APOE -supremnacy, has been shipped Master Ronnie Glass, Ken- Chief, Economies Division, De- APqE fromn Canada to Eire, in prepar- day, spent Monday with Mer- partment of Agriculture, Ot- -ation for the second annua1lln Graham. tawa." world plowing match at Killar- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baland Copies of the bulletin are ob- ivc dney, October 8 and 9, J. D. family and Mrs. Patterson and tainable on request from In- dThomas, president of the World Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan formation Service, Department r, Plowing Organization anioune- were Sunday guests with Mr. of Agriculture, Ottawa. Ask fori .( L C Sed today. and Mrs. Laverne Patterson, "Canada Weights, Measures and EVELE H' ;S He said two crack Canadian Antioch. Conversion Factors for Agricuî audre -plowmen, including the present Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid and tural Produets."lLunre L_ world's champion, wili sali family, Mrs. Ken. Henderso'iCenrnR u~ with their manager from Mon- and Tomn and Mrs. BihWanan Hesurlyis&os i ned f trel, epembr 1, bord he ndRos senta ay at Toron- another's patience, who has none OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 a Empress of Scotland, to repres- to Exhibition this week. of his own.-Lavater. Local Agent: ent Canada among an expected Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker A handful of patience is worth HOE' 1 15 competing countries. and boys were Saturday supper 'm rHh n Ouhl f b ans-L D E S W A TheGolen lowwasdesgn-guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dutch Proverb. ______________ ed and made for the WPO by Cochrane. 1the world-famous Goldsmiths Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bigelow -and Silversmith Co. Ltd. of and daughters, Oakville, visit- 1London, England. It bas been ed with his mother. ton display in Canada under the Mrs. Thompson is home after supervision of the Ontario Plow- visiting with her daughter in men's Association since it was Bowrnanville. *won by a member of the Cana- The W.A. had a quilting at rdian team. He is James Eccles, the Sunday Schooi roomn on ___ 34, of Brampton, Ont.,- a vet- Tuesday afternoon. Leran of 20 years match plowing, who out-pointed tractor plow- men fromn Canada and il other countries in the first world Do You Knowl competition last October at Cobourg, ont. Do you know: one bushel of His teammate at the match oats will yield 18.2 pounds of in Ireland will be Robert Tim- oatmeal or rolled oats; a bushel, bers, 27, Of Stouffville, Ont., of wheat will yield on the aver-1 who placed third last year in age 43.2 pounds of flour; an k the world contest just two days average live hog, weighing 166 after capturing the Canadian pounds, will yield 91 pounds of title and, with it, the Esso Si]- bacon, ham, shoulders and sides, ver Plow. William R. Bullick cured or smoked; it takes 100 of Camlachie, Ont., wiîî accom- pounds of milk, testing 3.5 per pany the two Canadian pîow- cent butterfat, to produce 4.3 men as team manager and pounds of butter; a quart of coach. raspberries weighsi 11/ pounds; The three men wiîî travel as a metric ton (10 quintals) of guests of Imperial Oil Limited. potatoes equals 36.74 bushels. The National Ploughing Asse- These and hundreds of otheri ciation of Ireland will be hosts interesting facts relating to to the Canadian and other vis- "Canada Weights, Measures and iting teams, who wiîî travel Conversion Factors for Agricul- more than 500 miles around tunal Products" are contained in Eire, observing Irish farming a bulletin recently produced methods and sight-seing, for a under that title by the Market- week foliowing the match. They ing Service Economics Division, will spend a total of là days in Canada Department of Agricul- Eire. ture. Among the countries that The authors state the bulletin have already entered teams of is an attempt to gather together two plowmen each are Canada, from various sources weights, Amaozlng new-formula DURA-HIDE does ci whiter, longer laist- Eire, United States, Great Bri- measures and conversion factors g o I tain, West Germany, The Ne- commonly required in calcula- -IqlbI ne coat thon two coatS of Many ordnry pints! therlands, Finland, Denmark, tions on agricuitural products. It You'Il hardly believe your eyes when you sec how DURA-HIDE'à Sweden, Norway and Pakistan. has been prepared in co-opera- sensational hiding power and brilliant whiter white can , beautify tion with the Agriculture Divis- ion, Dominion Bureau of Stat- your home! I.istics, the commodity divisions Just one coat of DURA-HIDE covers solid over any color - even Radio Forum of the Department of Agricul- black. Hides ail smal checks and cracks. Provides a tough, wahr Ra ioture Marketing Service, and the resistant surface that lasts season after season. In every way it does a trade. better job than any white house paint you've ever used. November 8th and many o! the figures-may-bé revised as further data are1 keej obtained. In some cases figures; Made have been nevised fnom those publications. Unless otherwise noted, the data are national averages and may not be valid L for use regionally. Figures 7 Kil have been rounded in most cases. In some instances weights and National Fanm Radio Forum goes on the air with a bnoadcast November 8 on "Farm Forum in the Community", National Secretany Floyd Griesbach bas announced. "After fifteen years of pnac- tice the Forums have asked for a chance to look at 'themnselves,"' Mr. Griesbach says. "Wbat inakes a geod Forum, and how can it be ef real value in the rural community-without rais- ing the cny 'Tee many organiza-1 ions'? This is a real chance for our 1,200 Forums to take a long, hard look et theni.selves and the job they're doing."1 Some 20,000 Canadian farnm people wiIl be meeting te dis- uss this and othen toPics eveny Nionday night until the end oif Uai'ch. The important question 'What is the Farmens' share o! ýhe consumer's dollar?" will orne up for discussion on Mon- ay, November 15. This will be ollowed on November 22 by a ,onsideration cf Farm Insun- nce. Other Farm Forum topies in ricceeding weeks wiil include: 'Getting Stanted" (Decemben 3); "Agricultunai Pains" (Jan- iay 10); "Producen Market- ng" (January 24) 'The Farm- ,r and the Urban Worken", Febnuary 21); and "The 40- our Week in Agriculture"i March 14). Ail broadcasts will be hear.i ni the Trans-Canada nctwork t ce CBC. cîrf-clcansing, non-yehlowing properties in DURA-HIDE help your home brigbt. It's easy te apply. Doesn't sag. Try it! by the Mîakers of famous FIo-glaze Colorizer paints in 1,322 coIors. .ander Hardware NG ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 774 Stil 1$25 a ton FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE Trhe RED Cool For a short tôie t'he summner price on eoaI witt preva4I. Dsbarne's Coal Ca. 26 KINÇ~ ST. E. BOWMANVJLLE PHONE 897 L f 1 1 1k. 4e004/e!;lieftfÎ Gordon Agnew, Ediior Phone 3621 MMM-1 m BOWMANVUýM ONTARIO lfltl.TUOV% A W &qlnl'tffl &-.2 1 1 ut 26 KING ST. E. m . Phone 3621 fflft lm BOWMANVILLE PHONE 897

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