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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1954, p. 13

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L~ ANADEAW AW. EOWM~ ÔWTA PAiE TW~TEUh Ckuss.fie Work Wanted Work Wanted IDARtG Abattoir, Hamp- For... ton fr usomkilllng. Phone PROMPT ATTENTION $243. 32-tf te &U lkinds of LICENSED mechanic desines Crpnr vr work, sight years' garage ex- CapeUy Wor Penience. Phono Bethany 5r32. 35-2* Trtm Work . . . ~ftNCIN ad daimgdoc, Kitcheu Cmphoardo ictank fg onr 51~. ..-Alterations. RMe. lid JBalon, Hampton. Phone ~ o e US 213.35_2e CALL - LANDSCAPE andI gardons taken KnHeo cane of. Harry Van Belle, 18 Ke ro Mill Lane. Telephone 757, Bow- ORONO sr£ Notice tb Crediiers AND OTHERS In the estate of WILFRED 9. McKAY, deceased. ALL persons having elaime against Wiifred S. McKY, late Of the Towaship of Clarke, ln the County of Durham, trucker, deceased, wlio died on or about the 6th day of July, 1954, are requined ta send particulars of same ta the uaderslgned solil- itor for the Administraton on or before the 27th day of Septem-J ber. 1954, after whicli date the assets of the deceased will be distributed, having regard only ta the daims of which noticel shahl have then been given. 1 DATED at Part Hope this l7th day of August, 1954. W. E. BONNEVILLE, Esq., Q.C., 1l Mili Street, North, Port Hope, Ontario, Tenders Wanted TENDbERS will be received by the undersigned for the immediate instailing of a new! liot air pipeless furnace for S.S. No. 4, Darlington. M. J. Hohbs, Sec. -Treas. South Dalngton Township Scliool Area. 35-1 Morîgage Wanted FIRST mortgage of $1600 want- ed on local farm property. Write Box 224, c/o The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile. 35.i*j IN MEMORIAM SCOTT-In loving mnemory of a dear liusband, Ronald Scott, who died Sept. 2nd, 1952: A faithful husband, one of the best May God grant him eternal nest. -Lovîngly remembered by lis wife, Florence. 35-.l* Ccirds of Thanks I would like to express my tlianks for the gîfts and lielp given during my iilness. Special thaaks ta Dr. Keith Siemon and the staff of the Memonial Hos- pital, Bowmanvilie. Margaret Lee. 36-1* Mrs. W. H. Birks, Aleck and Mary wisli ta express their gratitude ta the many patients and friends for the kindness, sympatliy -and cards neceivecl Off ta Ireland is the symbol of world tractor plôwing supremacy, the Esso Golden PIow, for which teanis from an expecte.d 15 countries will compete at K illarney, Eire, October 8 and 9 in the second wonld contest. Dispatching the trophy. which was won for Canada last year by iJames Eccles of Brampton, Ont., duriag first world match at Cobourg, Ont., is J. D. Thomas of Toronto, presideat of the Wôrid Plewing Organization. The trophy was especially designed for the WVPO by the iaternationally-famous Goldsmiths and Silvonsmiùths Co. Ltd. of London, Eagland. Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Chapman Honored on Golden Wedding On the afternoon of Tuesday, August 3 1, Mr. and Mrs. Rasi Stevens, Scugag St., Bowman- ville, entontained at a reception in honor of thoir aunt and un- cie, Rex' andI Mrs. J. F. Clap- man, Toronto, on the happy occasion ai thoir 50th Wedding Anniversany. Mnr. Chapman (the former 'Bertha Marris) is a daughter af the hate Mn. andI Mrs. Levi Mor- ris, of Bowmanvilie, andI wont to public andI high schoois lere. Aiten' attonding Normal School she returned ta teadli in Central Sdhool andI later the South Ward Schaol. Rev. J. F. Chapman spent the- early part ai lis ministmy li the Bay ai Quinte conference, but in 1923 leit St. James Church, Peterboro, for Empress Ave.,q Landon, and romained in that conference until retirement. Since that time their address las been 354 Biar Hill Ave., Toronto 12. Their daughter Gladys. wifei ai Professor Gardon J. AltInitge,i came with their son Ronald from their home la Lansing, Midli., for the celebration. Sevoral nephews andtinieces1 ai the Chapman family la previously entertained for _thýE GenralConcrete uuring uieir receat ereavernent. LL) J JIg l 1I OI I. and 1 wish to express my thanks Take Part In Masonry oflDr.t, D r. K. Slemnond To r e ent and staff of Mernoria Hos- d M ixee .Construction or Repair pital, Bowmanville; aiso al friends who sent cards, flowers Three mixed bowling teams ESTIMATES FREE and gifts. from the Bowmanville Lawn Mary L. Patton. 35-1* Bowling Club travelled to Pe- L. TURNER terborough on Wednesday of rNL p.last week to take part in the ?.0. BOX 177, BOWMANVILLE LDurham G.rower Black Memonial Trophy Tour- ______________-33-tf * nament for mixed doubles. FOR FREE ESTIMATES r-as G.reat Succes Fred Cole and Mns. Doug Car- on -.m . . ter formed one team, Doug Car- On VVitfl G iadioi ter had Mrs. Owen Nîch las as his partner, and Mr. an# rs. Elletricil Wring Aithougli he has heen grow- Clarence Oke played together. and ing gladiolus for only two years, Unfortunately, although they Leonard Oughtred, 'Wesleyville, played some very good games. A p pliances bas' had phenomenal succes the local teais did not get aon with these beautiful flowers the pnîze list. Phone: which lie raises as a sideline Yesterday, Wednesday. teams BERT SOWDEN to his market gardening busi- from Whitby, Oshawa, Port BERTSNODEN ness. Hope, Cannington, Lindsay and 2359 He recentIv exhibited at the Port Perry, took part inaa Newcastle Ilorticultural Show Scotch Doubles tournament 3.5-2'and the exhibition of the Pe- here ta select twa teama to re- terborough District Gladiolus ýpresent District 14 at the Globe ~ Society, taking top honors at l and Mail Tournament in Toron- bath places. Following these to on September 9. The winning successes lie had a large num- team yesterday and the runner- ber of exhibits at the Canadian up team wiIi represent this dis- ,Gladiolus Show ia Brampton trict la Toronto. Resuits of this o n Wednesday and Thursday of tournament were flot available pL.D A&£ I IME K11210 D -t> i ast week. . n time for this issue. IMF_& ARE MORE IMPQtSE There lie added to his lau- -________ wI'r ri V4p. oop Irgiua. rels by securing a total of 29 ARE191E AITESL lwarssixofthese being for MAPLE R V ARE 114E rst place, aine for second placeGR E and eight for third place, as Mrs. Arthur Mundy, (nee weh as special awards. In ad- Burgess) left taday ta rejoin dition lie was preseated with lier husband at Norquay. Sask., a badge of merit and a cash after a ten day visit witli ler prize by the North Amnerican parents, Mr. and Mn&. Morley IGldiousCouacil for display Burgess and other relatives and ofthe best basket at the show. fnîends. Mr. Oughtred's success la the gladiolus field is even mare Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Ken- noteworthy whea one considers aedy and family, Toronto. have te fact that lie is stacking lis been visitiag Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Stwo years' expenience in raxsing lace Muaday. the flowers against growers of Misses Marilyn and Barbara miany years' experience in this Fiiatoff are speading a few particular field. Because of lis days witli Mn. and Mns. Ros great success witli the exotic Allia, Newcastle. gladialus fiowers, however. the Mn. and Mrs. Morley Burges more prosaic caulifiowers, tom- and Mrs. Arthur Mundy visited atoes etc., with which lie ià Rev. and Mrs. George Mundy mare familian have had ta take (nee Larmer) at Sebright on MENISn a back seat ta tliem lately. Saturday. I Master Roanie Brom. Sol- WEapatofARrlgint ina, lias been visiting his uncie 'lIt saprofmreiint and aunt, Mr. and Mn.. Wallace look after the cheerfulness of Munday. life, and let the "«dismals" shitt The evening Auxiliary held a for themnselves.-Louisa M. AI- hard tirne backwards birtliday 'cott. at ntelanattehm Radio Backec Pickup -1 Eat et Libt .TV Service d y18 years' experience Dlivery- Lateat Equipment J. ELSTON brty on Training ScbooI Road ai Jean Munday Manday evea- ing, Aug. I6th witli Elizabeth white's group in charge. Mem- bers came with .clothing worn backwards andI some members shawing very hard times. The evening was carried out li a backwards manner which op- ened with GotI Save the Queea. A liard time lunch with dessert i liglit biscuits andI apple sauce was1 served finst followed by hot patatoes andI meat pie. Binthday collection wus teken by Rena Saowden when each member paid one cent for each year aof hen âgo. Remainder cf evening was s ent playing bin- 1o with scv ulmewfailm- aunt andI uncle. Four of tlie nieces who wore flower ginls at the wedding 50 yoars aga were present on this memorable. occasion on Tues- day. Before roturning to their home in Torointo Mn. and Mrs. Chapnian andI Prof. and Mrs. AltInitge lad supper at the home oi Mn. andI Mrs. C. G. Morris. Mrs. Wm. Hanna. Whitby, in a few welh chosen words, brauglit congratulations on le- haîf of the nioces and neplcws on the Morris side of the fain- ily, andI ittIe Miss Carolyn 'Werry, tIaughter of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Werry, Oshawa, pre- sented themn with a basket of yellow gladioli, and an easy chair uphoîstered in galtI nylon. Miss Bertha Caia and Mn. Stanley Chapman, Orano, pre- sonted tlern with a card of congratulations with a fifty dollar bill attadhed, on behiaîf of the Chapman nieces and nephews. Gifts ai ilowers and the table decomations wore in yellow andI gald. Miss Ann Cryderman, Miss Muriel Stevens andI Ms.. Ewart Chemence, Oshawa, pass- ed tea. ing hârd time pnizes sudh as dish clatIs, safety pins, liglit bulîs andI even the rernainder af the lunch-, Number present 27. Bible Vacation Sehool Bible Vacation 6chool ws leltI from Aug. 16th to 27tn, unden the leadership ai Mis Dorotly Samnenvihlo. O ther lead- ers were Mrs. Jean Sumnersiord, Mns. Lenore Hoar, Mns. Canal Reynolds, Mns. Myntlo Bradley, Mrs. Winnie Brown, Miss Jean Flintofi and MIss Lorraine Snowden. A full program ai warship, singing, projects, han- tIicraits, woodworking andI play peniods wcre carrietI out. On Thursday eveninaAug. 26, an open session ai the chool waà heltI for ail interested. An houn's pnagmamn waa given fol- lowed lýy a tIisplay of the cul- dren'a work. The twa-week period closed wlth a picnic at noon on Friday, Aug. 27. Thero were 70 children registorod andI an average attendance of 5.1. BURKETON Best wishes to Mr. Stanley Taylor wha won third prize on bis Chydesdale mare antI second prize on ber colt, at Oshawa Faim la a large clasa. Mn. and Mr.. Ralph Eccell- stan andI Miss Josie Archer, Sudbury, are visiting relatives andI frienda. Mr. andI Mn.. Malcolm La- velie antI thoir four children, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr&. E. Caughill. Mn. William antI Chester Hoskins are with frienda at Nimarajon-the-Lake iiinPr Penny Hospital. Wo wish hem a speedy mecovcry. Mn. antI Mn. R. Bothwell, Maple Grave, with Mn. antI Mns. Merle Hubbard. Mr. antI Mmi. A. J. Smith antI Orvis andI fnionds, were la On- illia Sunday, aIma Kirkland Lake. Mr. and Mn.. M. Heard andI Mrs. J. Carter were in Onihhia. Mr. antI Mn,. E. Adams, Mn. andI Mr&. EtI. Cochrane, spont a few tIays in Ottawa andI Mon- treal, Que. Week-end visitons at the home ai Mn. andI Mn.. Anthony Smithi were Mn. Lyle Armn- stmong. Smith Falls; Miss Ruth Philhips, 1ni Esten Canorns andI Mn. Don Durant, Oshawa. Mrs. W. Bryan with Mn. and Mm,. Orville Greer, Oshawa. It lias been said that de- mocracy lu the wonst form of goverament except ail those other forms that have been tnied froni timne ta timne. T1C K ET8 TO EVERYWHERg Air. a" orsSteamahip Cansuit S U ILY & LO VEL L Bowmanville 16 Kiug St. W. - Phom. 778 LONG SÀULT Umsse.verly Bnadley, Bow- manville, spent a few days lat week wlth ber sunit an~d uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. Slmn. M.Stanley Fletcher, Toron- ta, spent the weekond with hi. parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Flet- cher. Miss Lauraine Cook visited with Miss Gracé Smith a cou- ple of days lait week. Mr. and Mn.. Wm. Miler, Or- ana, Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Rich- ards and Mr. and Mrs. Len Richards, Bowmanville, were Sunday eveniSg guosta af Mr. and Mrs. R. Sm. Mn. and Mr&. Hugh Murphy andI famîly, Bowmanville, were Sunday guents at the Murphy home. Mr, and Mns. John Baker, Dundas, Mr. andi Mrs. Allyn Baker andI boys, Cookstown, were weekend guests of Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Baker, Wen- dy and Janet Baker, etumning home ta Cookstown with their parents. Mr, and Mms. Roy McLaugh- lin, Dawna andI Dennis and Garry Murphy, were Sunday guests at the Smith home. Mn. and Mrs. C. McLennan, Mna. J. McLennan. Oshawa, Mr. andI Mrs. Jim Middletan, Oro- no, with Mr. andI Mns. F. Part- ner on Sunday. Mn. aad Mrs. W. Vaneyk with Mn. and Mrs. Sandy Van Dam, Bunketon, on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Bert Johinson, Jack andI Jean, were Sunday guests of Mn. andI Mrs. Vernon Ratz, Lagoon Lodge, Hunts- ville. Mn. and MrÊ. Paul Vaneyk visited the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Bainstow, Leskard, Sun- day. Miss Helen Pantnen, Oshawa, with lier parents. Mn. and Mrs. F. Partner. Mn. antI Mns. 'BillJaohnson were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Wottea. Burketon. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Johinson, Jack andI Jean visited Mns. Geo. Bell, Mrs. John Harvey and family at their cottage on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. H. Geidard, Rhonda antI Elizabeth andI Mr. Norman Bairstow, Orono. calletI on Mr. and Mrs. P. Vaneyk on Sunday. .Mn. andI Mrs. Hanold De Mille and family, Bunketon; Mr. and Mrs. Henry De.Mille and Brian, Oshiawa, aad Mn. andI Mrs. Chas. Penwarden. were Sunday guests of Mn. antI Mns. W. Vaneyk and John. Mn. andI Mrs. Dick Evers liad fnieads fnôm the United States visit them aven the weekend. Mrs. Edith Murphy, Mn. Jack Achesan and. Mn. and Mrs. Har- old Murphy were Monday even- ing guests at the Smithi home. A cuicumber should be well siced. and dressed with pepper an-d xinegar. and then throm-n out, as gaod for nathing.-Sam- uel Johnson. Toronto's FHead ill iAddress' At Youth Rally Mayor Leslie B. Saunders ai Toronto lu to b. one of the seheduled speakers at the An- nuel Canadian Youth ion Christ Conference at Port Carling, On- tario, August 28-Septemben 6. It ia anticipated that the large at- tendance will tax the capacity ai the Canadian Keswick Con- ference grounda and spread out into surraundlng teritory. Dr. Robent A. Cook ai Chf- cago. President of Yauth for Christ International; Rev. Peter Deyneka, Slavic epresontative of Youth for Christ Interna- tional; the famous Italian Pal- ermo Brother.; Rev. Jimmie Johnson of Raleighi, North Car- Gus Ambras. alima; Rev. Ted Martin, Rev. Jack Scott andI Rev. Douglas Perey al ai Toronto, are sched- uhed ta participate. Regional Director, Evon Hed- loy of Eastern Canada's Youth for Christ arganization will pre- sideoaven the pragram. Mr. HetI- ley announces that the Confer- once, stantod several years ago by Charles Templeton andI Bil- ly Graham, this year wiir have th e f an tlest noaching effect of any ta date. Directons will at- tend from Halifax, Moncton, Montreal andI Winnipeg as well as a largo number of Ontario dinectors inciuding Mn. Gus Am- brasé of Toronto, Rev. William Sift ai Hamilton, Mr. Barry Moore of London, Rev. John McI{ardy of Sauht Ste. Marie, Mn. Howard Hessenaur af Kit- chener. Mn. Howard Hicks of Windsor, Mn. Bort McCallum ai Oshawa, Mn. Phil Bnuzzose af [Welland, Mn. Charles Leach of Kingston. andI Mn. Reg Hobson of OlItawa. iThe dpr-time prograrn willi be gxven aver te business ses- sions and sports while the even- ing mesioits which are openi tp the public wili be devated toi addresses by the various lead- ers. M?'. J. 0. Blackwoed will head the Bowmanville Touth for Christ delegatian. CADMUS W. A. meeting The W.A. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Russell Lar- mer. The meeting opened with the thome sang andI hymft 1, fol- lowed with prayer by the promi- dent. Scripture roading was tak- en by Mmm. Milton Gray. Raol cati waa answered by 12 niem- bers wîth no visitons present. Minutes of laat meeting were read and approved. The ladies have been invitod ta hold their September meeting et Mrs. Ce- cil Ferguson's at Newcastle. A note of thanka was given te Mrs. Larroar for tl(e use of her home. The program consisted of a roading by Mrs. Mountjoy, twa instrumental& by Bernice Lar- mer, a conteat by Mrs. Les Johaston andi a contest by Mrs. Marwoad McKee. The middle group served à lÔvely lunch. Mrs. Bill Robinson, Gay and Riçliarad of Kingston, are Sp ondin g a week witli Mr. and Mns. E dgar Gib son. Mr. aad Mrs. Gilbert Gibson, Toronto, are holidaying with Mr. Charles Gibson. Mr. Flem Thanipson and Marhow, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Louis McGill of Jan- etville. Mn. aad Mrs. James Falli, Lynda andI David, visited pn Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Gar- don Hanna of Oshawa. Mrs. James McKee spoat Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson. Chuncli Service will be held at 10.30 next Sunday moraing. Miss Sharon McMalion is hali-i daying this week with Miss Lin-1 da Gray. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Gray spent Sunday visiting fniends in Port Hope. Mn. and Mrs. Ritchy McMa- hon. Mn. andI Mrs. Roy John-j stan andI Stafiey of Oshawa, visited with Mn. andI Mr$. James Gray. Mn. and Mns. Taîbent Findley, Mr. andI Mns. Gardon- Walker, Gale and Arlene of Thornhl were Sunday guests of Mr n. Mrs. Marwoad McKee. Mrs. Edghr McKee and Shir- ley of MidiantI, visited with Mrs. Marwood McKee on Fnl- day. Misses Jane Passant and Don- na Fonder, spent the week-end at Mr. andI Mrs. Floyd Pas- Mnir. andI Mrs. Floyd Passant spent Manday la Toronto at the Ex. Eq uip Telephones Free of Charge 'With Nèw Plates "New plates for old" l i the latent "trade-In value" in Bow- imanville. The bargain is offer- eti by The Bell Telephono Com- pany of Canada, andI is ail part 91 the company's plans te change Bowmanville telephone num- bers early on Sunday momning, Septenibe- 26, ta include ex- change namea. A similan change will be matIe in Whltby on the same date. Frrank Williamns, Bell man- ager bore, said this wek thèt, in orden ta be ready for the change ta a system of two let-. tors antI five figures, ahi tole- phanes would be equippod with 4 dial plate manked with bath lettons andI figures. Because some telephonés atili have ciai plates marked wi'ch figuré& only, Bell custamers are beîiîî asked to notlfy thecocmpany if they have the aid type et plate.. Ohd plates will be rophaeed with the correct type as soan as pot- sible, Mn. Williams said. 'Hem, la one time when ait aid model can bo traded in on a new one withàut aay additional charge," ho remarked. The new numbers will fit BownAnville exchande tele- plane flumbers into a uniikrm numbering system whidh is be- comiag standard in Canada and the United States. Uniforn numbering is a necessary part af a continent-wide plan de- signed ta enable long distance opematôrs, using a new type of equipment. ta diai straiglit thnougli ta toiephones in dis- tant cities antI towns, without the aid of other operatans along the route or at the distant cen- tre. Mono than one-third oi aht long distance cahls in Belh's On- târio-Quebec territary are now compieted in this way. Ail present four-figure Baw- manville numbors will be changed simply by prefixing "MArket 3". Preseat throe-fig- une numbers wil hopnefixed by "MArket 3-S"'. For example, the teleplione number 1234 wilI become MAnket 3-1234, and 567 wiIl be changed ta MArket 3- 5567. MeanwhiJe the Bell coffipany in offering "Inow plates for ald." MEOTO AVETS R uestions end nswer about NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING Q. What are Mie 3 most Important rutes for Q.Wiat "o« AI .. e mae? profitable newspaper adv.rtising? 1. Your advertising message should be newsy, friendly, informative, easy ta nead. Give facta and news about your merchandise anti service. 2. Advertise regularly. Make youn advertising do what sucoessful salesmen do-cail on austomens anti prospecte oonistently. 3. -Ingst on auditeti circulation reports that give you the TAOTs about the audience that yaun sales messages will have when you buy newapaper advertising. le tIser. a measure for tIse value of ncwm- paper circulation to an advertiser such as the standards a merchant uses in buy. ing inerchandise-for exampie, like STERLING on clIver? Yes-in thse well known circulation standards of the Auirr BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS. Q. WIsat ia the ARBC.? Tb.e A.B.C. is a cooporative, non-profit associ- ation of 3,450 advertisers, advertising agencies and publishers in the Unitedi States and Canada. Onganizoti in 1914. Brought en- tier out of ativentising chaos by estblihin a efii ten or aid~s'a circulation, rules andi standards for nieasuing, auditing andne- ponting thse circulations of news- pape ns anti peniadicals. . X At rogular intervae one of t"seBureau' large staff cf erpcnienced circulation auditors maires a thorough audit of thse circulation records of «ach publisher member. Thse resulte of eacfa audit are publiahed ins an easy-to-read A.B.C. report for yeur mmn and protection whon you buy newapaper adv.rtieing. Q.What are tbe FACTO is A.S.C. reports? A. A.B.C. reporte tel] you how much circulation, whene it go.., how obtaineti and other TACTS that help you buy advertising as you would make any sound business investment-on the basis cf known value@ and auditeti information. Q. Are a&H publications eligible f'or Â.B.C. momb.rahip? à A. No. OnIy those with circulation. This la important te advertisens because it is evidence thet thse paper is vanteti andi read. Q. la tisis n.wspap.r a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations? A. Yes. We are proud of our circulation. We want yau to know the TACTs about a thse audience your seiling mes- sages will have when they appear ln thése pagea. Ask for a copy of our latest A.B.C. report. j 'I Wist -- --ùÎUn mtama A.B.C. REPORTS,- FACTS AS A BASIC MEASURE OF ADVgRTISINO VALUR TM OMACUN 9 Ô"AM PAGE TEM «L M

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