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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1954, p. 14

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PAGE TOVR'PW LANAMAN WPATURIIAU UflW A NWIT t -u ~ A -~ --*--------., --'y-.'... ~ ~~1&<L5~J~J TWU~SDAY. SEPT. md, lui eW Bffi mTTrI .AJ.e BUCKLER-Mr. and Mrs. Len Buckler wisb ta announce the birtb of their daugbter on Mon- day, August 30, 1954, at Mem- anîal Hospital, Bowmanville. A sister for Peter. 35-1' DORRELL -Dalton and Kath- leen Dorrell (nec Wright) of Biackstock, are happy ta an- nounce the arrival of a third little girl, Heather Pearl, on August 16; 1954, a baby sister for Nancy and Lianne., 35-1 GRAHAM-Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Graham wish toa arnounce the arrivai of a baby daughter, Deborah (Debby) Lee an Wed- nesday, August 25th, 1954, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. A sister for Lynn and LYLE-John and Barbara are happy ta announce the birth of a daugbter, Mary Jacqueline, on August 23rd, 1954, a sister for Darlene, John and Gerry. 35-1 MEDLAND - John and Jean Medland (nec Gimbîcît) of Brooklin, are vcry happy ta announce the arrival of their son, William Bruce, 8 lbs., 7 ozs., on Monday, August 30, 1954, at Oshawa General Hospital. 35-1 SNOWDEN-Randy and Gerry Snowden wish ta announce the arrivai of a brother, William Grant. 35-1 STEPHEN-Kay and George are happy ta announce the arrivai of their son, James Clarke, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on August 2th, 1954. A brother for Wendy. 35-1 ENGAGEMENT- MT'. and Mrs. elarence Keith of 0shawa. wish toa nounce the engagement of th( daughter, Elizabeth (Betty) Ar ta Alan Bryan Lobb, son of]h and Mrs. Arnold B. Lobb Bowmanvile. The marriage w take place on Saturday, Sel 25th, 1954, at 3 pan. in Chri Memorial Anglioen Church, Os awa. 35 DEATHS A. an~ ii ,nn, Mr. ai wil] apt. rist ýsh- 5-1 LIVING - At Bowmanviile Qf Sunday, Aug. 29, 1954, Kevin ,Arthur Living, aged 2 manths, beioved infant son of Mm. and Mme. John Living, 22 Prospect St.. Service was beld at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Baw- nianville, an Tuesday, Aug. 31, at 2 o'ciock. Interment Bow- inanVilie Cemetery. 35-1 COMING EVENTS Solina play "lMaid o! Money vilI be presented in Enniskille Church shed on Wednesda: Sept. 8th, at 8:15 p.m. undE the auspices of Enniskille W.M.S. Admission 50c and 251 35- Devitt's L'O.No. 43, ar sponsoring a modern and al time dance and lucky drawa elackstock Recreational Centr Friday, Sept. 3rd. Ruth Wilson' Variety Band. Admission 50c. 35-1 ýy Èn en 5c. me ld at re ' Dance and pie social at En- niskillen Community Hall, Wed., Sept. 8tb. Praceeds for Ashton family wbo have had two tires without insuratIce. Everybody welcome. Sponsored by the neighbours. 35-1 Don't miss Business and Pro- fessionai Women's Club Op- portunity Sale Saturday, Sept. 25, tram 2:30 to 6 p.m., in St. John's Parish Hall. Good used clotbing and other articles for sale. Atternoon tea will be served. 35-1. Repairs ]RADIOS and smail electrical appliances repaired and guaran- teed by experienced tcchnician. C. J. Elston, 73 Concession St. East. Phone 482. 23-tf ]RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lamne Doreen. Pbone 2741. (Formerly partner in "The Radia Shop"). 21-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commer- cial-, milking coolers. Higgon Electrie, 42 King St. E. Phone 438. 25-tf WATCH BEPAIRING, at MARR'S JEWELLERY 43 King St. W. Phone 463 BOWMANVILLE 21 -ti Business Opportunity THERE are a number of "West-1 ern" franchises available in1 Ontario and Eastern Canada for automotive retail stores. We are offering Ibis opportunity ta e- sponsible people interested in operating their own business. Take advantage of twenty-five years' experience by assaciating with Canada's most progressive Automative Chain. Forty-five stores now in operation. For further information. write ta Western Tire and Auto Supply Limnited, Head Office, London, Ont. 35-1 Rooms to Rent WE bave a few rcoms available at reasonable weekly rates. The Balmoral Hotel. 6-tf FOUR-moomed apartment. Ap- ply Mms. Beatrice Annis. 105 1 KRing S"M. La0t. 36-j,' Turn Page for Addiiional Classifie Articles For Salq TWO où drums, taps fil Apply 9 Waverly Road, LI Broaking, Phone 3415. 3 A NUMBER of radiators ai steamer trunk. Phone 670 oi Liberty Street. ONE crib, large size; baby crib, small size; one f, ing go-cart. Phone 2642. 1 B.H.S. GRADE 9 text bo, Also wanted to buy second hn Grade 10 books. Phone 30U 3 ý KITCHEN cabinet in good c dition, size 66" x 34" by ' Reasonable price. Phone 3( 35 KITCHEN sink witb bigh bi and two chrome taps. $E Boy's scout bat, $2.00. Ph( 2955.3 FLOWERS-Gladiolus, $11 dozen, free delivery ta the i pital, daily. Willow Acres. Te phone 2456. . 3C CEMENT well tile, 30 and inch, for weli cribbing. Clark, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Phc Clarke 3623.35 TWO used electric stoves, good condition, from $55 Higgon Electric. 38 King St. Bowmanville, Phone 438. 3 DO your own floors -rent sander or a floor polisher fri Lander Hardware, 7 King St. Bowmanville. Phone 774. 34 NEW bushel apple boxes at 61 rnay be seen at Durham Cc Storage, Newcastle, or at fai of J. A. Carscadden, Orono, i 33- 71IHNI, 1 Articles For Sale HORNER piano-accordion, I excellent condition, $85. ý Phone 687. Il 35-1' 1 iAUTO trailer, 2-wheel,- for livE rstock, etc., bail hitcb, sturd ofconstruction, good tires, $51 Il Scbon, ^8 Beecb Ave., Bowmar Lville. 35-1 GARAGE for sale, 17' 6" by 10 painted, asphaît shingles, bing doors and side door. $100 as it Enquire 73 Temperance St Bawmanville. 35- ONE used Viking cream separa ta.pe600 lb. capacity; one Ren frew, 450 lb. capacity; one 30' lb. Renfrew. Phone Black tstock 96r13. 35-1 HEARING aid service, testini service and camplete stock o: batteries and cards at Higgoi Electric Limited, 38 King St. E. Bawmanviile. Phone 438. 20-t; QUANTITY of dry mixed hem. lock lumber 2 x 4, 2 x 8 and 1", also one Tamworth hog, sever months aid, tram purebrec stock. Phone Blackstock 76-11 35-11 MEAT caunter, 6 foot, refrig- erated top and bottom, remote or self-contained unit, oniy five years oid, compiete with platters at Higgon Electric, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville, Phone 438. 35-1 FERGUSON '51, Ford '48, Ford- Ferguson '47, International F14, rubber tire wagon, new Massey- Harris and Ferguson implements. Sid Lancaster, Garage, on No. 2 Highway, East of Newcastle. Open evenings tili fine o'clock. 34-tf NOW is the time ta buy your Forage Equipment. We have two only, new 1953 New Holland Forage Harvesters, going at greatly reduced prices. Also one good used John Deere P.T.O. Forage Harvester. See them to- day at Morrow Farm Equipment, Phone Port Perry 156. 35-1 DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our nepresentative wiil cail at your home any time with a camplete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Free estimates and free in- stallation within 35-mile area. Lowest prices in town. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Phone 3609, Bowmanville. 8-tf Rugs, Broadloom SAVE 50%. New Rugs Made !ram Your Old Rugs, Carpets, Woollens, etc. BLANKETS ALSO MADE PHONE 3446 - BOWMANVILLE 29-tf Keys Cul la Order by new, modern machines automaticaliy, while you wait, at, Mason & Dale HARDWARE 36 King St. E. Bowmanvilie Phone 408 21-tf WANTED YOUNG CALVES FOR SALE PRESHER & SPRINGER COWS SCHWARZ BROS. WE BUY - SELL - TRADE Credit can be arranged Phone 2895 or 935 BOWMANVILLE k i 34-tf DO IT YOURSELF1 T IL E ic eaeh and up - Ai kinds rpert inotructions supplied El CUSTOM FLOORS LAIID H. G. HEAL Phone 2"s BowmanvIlie CEDAR hydro pales, 30 ta 40 feet, $8 and $10 each. Phone 2746. 35-1 ONTARIO patatoes, 75 lb. bags. delivered in Bowmanvi]le. Phone 2473. 31-tf SCALES, 2,000 lbs.; grain grind- cm witb beit, also ail drum. Tele- phone 2336. -34-2' REGISTERED Genesee and cen- tified Corneil fali wheat. Phone 2544 or 2231. 35-1 WASHING machine; Remington 14" typewriter, and a '46 Pan- tiac Sedan. Phone 548. 35-1 b -1 1 IttE nd )r 35 ai 33. col 20 Jac '6.( 35. pi 5-1 35- t: r0] 4-t 60( ir 1-4 as ted. yd d a 62 ne )d- )ks. ind 1'. ick .00 mie -1 ýer os- le- 4-f 36 W. me .1* in' at E1., j-1 a )m c., N. E,e j* - 10 USED FARM MACHINERY Ford Tracior with Piough and Tiller in excellent condition Farmall M Traci or Oliver 60 Tractor John Deere Tracior 8-foot International Binder niernational Combine with mater Threshind Machine 28x46, on rubber INTERNATIONAL Corn Binder at Farm Equipmeni and Aulomotive t King St. E. Phone Bowmanville 35-1 689 Uivestock For Sale OLSTEIN caw, first cal! in days. Phone Clarke 1634.* PINTO pony, 2 % years aid, very hu et wîtb children. Best offer. banc 2746. 35-1 FRESHI cows, cows that are caming in, Jersey, Holstein. Phone 2926. 3- YOUNG bull, serviceable age, dark rman, registered with papers. Phone 2465. 35-2* 100 COLUMBIA Rock and New i{amp. pullets, starting ta lay. Phone Clarke 1634. 35-1' Articles For Salq " Used Garden Machiner' 4 HP. Garden Tracti wlth ail attachmenta oniy 1 year old Rof-Tiller 30-lnch eut Farm Equipmenl and Automotive 134 King St. E. Phonei Bo.wmanvile PRICES SLASHE] ON 1954 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER REFRIGERATORS 8.2 cublc ft. Full Freezer - Shelves on d Regular $350.00 On Sale $269.00 &10.4 cubie ft. Freezer - Shelves on dooi Regular $410.00 On Sale $310.00 We have a quantity, of Used Washing Machines af Bargain Prices Farm Equipment and Aufomot ive 134 King St. E. Bowmanvil Phone 689 25 Ornamental Railing.ý No Down Payment... ..No Finance Chari Phone 3174 JOHN STUTT 35- Used Machine PORTABLES - TREADLES and CABINET MODEL SEWING MACHINES -Prices Cut to Clear- <Ail Singera) 2-Electric Portables Only $5.50 down or $49.50 oash 1-Electric Portable Only $5.95 down or $59,50 cash 1-Electrlc Portable with Table Only $7.95 down or $7p.50 cash - Also, - 4-Drop-head Treadles Take your choice OnIy - $29,50 full price 1-Cabinet Model Standard Only $7,95 down or $79.50 cash 1-Cabinet Model Console Deluxe OnIy $14.95 down or $149.50 cash 1-Queeh Ann Cabinet Model Only $15.95 down or $159,50 cash 2 SPECIALS Both Carry New Guarantees- 1. Heavy Duty Consolej Cabinet Model Reverse Stitcb and More Regular Price $282,50 Only - $219.50 cash or $21.95 down 2. Peatherwelght Reverse Stlteh Portable Regular Price $159.0fl Only - $129.50 cash or $12.95 down Try these outstanding bergains now. Low Down Payments Reasonabie trade-in allowance regardiesa of condition. Have a frge home demonstration or sec these at your local Singer Sewing Centre Phone 5-5443 14 Ontario &t., OSHAWA Wanted To Buy MANURE wanted. Phone .690, H. C. Downbam Nurseries. 3- BEFORE selling your live poul- try. try us. Our prices are high- er. M. Flatt, R.R.. 1, Bethany. Phonie 7 r 13. Reverse charges. 51-tf IWOULD like ta buy a barn to replace anc recently bast by tire. Peter Kessler, R.R. 1, Newton- ville. Phone Clarke 22r03. 35-1 DAIRY mmrm, goad pasture witb oreek pneferred, good buildings, muet be large -bouse. 31 Van Every St., Mimicp. Clifford 1104. - -35-21 peahesfther ti iran, rags and me furs and deenskins. Pl Oshawa. oollect. 320 WHITE Leghorn hens, year old, 90e eacb. Nowak's Cbicken Wl a Farm, Phone 2720. 35-1'Pa ONE purebred Leicester ram, frZ,0 3-year-oid, for sale or exchange. bit Phone Blackstock 96rl3. 35-1' hrsA PUREBRED Yorkshire boar, 7~ maonths old. Apply Garnet Rick- ichardsc ard, R.R. 4. Bowmanvilîe. PhtneJ PONTYPOOL 284& U-1 I Cas SCOTC nas okply mi"s Pl tics, mapTHREE-roemed apartment, 3- etals. Raw picce bath, bot water heating, 'honç 3-2043 over McGregom Hardware, adults 41-tf preferred. 95 King St. W. Phone 2163. 35-1* 1 sh Now heated, selfcontained, aval:able ýH PIN£ Sept. 1. Apply Mrs. W. V. Peacock, 341 Richmond St. E., rrees Oshawa, Ont. 35-11 W-O f-our"-room apartments, one Garage pstairs and one downstairs, 2-pîcce béthroom. Apply H. L. ONT. Martyn, Blackstock. Ph on e 1 1 REGISTERED Dawbui wheat Donald Thompson, Nestleton. Phone Blackstock 57rll. 35-1' SAVE on lumber, direct fram mniiita yau. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17r11. 13-tf PIANOS - For information please telephane 492 or cali at 204 Church Street, Bowmanville. F. J. Mitchell. 35-1 SUFFERING tram Backaches, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lum- bago is aver if you let RUM- ACAPS belp you ta relief. Ask your Druggist. 35-1 VENETIAN BLINDS - Stock sizes, white or eggshel siats, Plastic or cloth matching tapes. Made - ta - measure blinds a speciaity; free installation; 28 tape and siat colors. Morris Ca. Phone 480. 10-tf CAN WE SAVE YOU $10-$20-$30-$40-$50-$60-$70 ON YOUR Automobile Insurance? - ..,- ~ -1:1 ---- 1 . 1 - mim .e 35-1 D )r 5-1 s 1's ;9 or ei 21 14 at t] vi RO Ve B 1 Bi Notices L. C. Mason Law Office clo until after Labour Day. 31 Dr. Storey's office will closed August 18th to Sept. 1! 32 Dr. H. B. Rundle's office. be closed from August ist September 6th inclusive. 3 Dr. Dinniwell's office will closed fromn Sept. lst to Sept. (Canadian Dental Conventio 35 Dr. C. J. Austin's officev be closed for holidays fr, August lst to September1 inclusive. 3 Dr. C. W. Slemon's offi Church Street, will be c fromn September 8th to Octcl lst, 1954, inclusive. (Autui holidays). STUDENTS! Bowmanville Business School Fait Term begins TUESDAY, SEPT7 Mvrs. G. Bartiett will ace registrations in Bowmanvi beginning August 3Oth. Bef( that date mail ail inquiries MIRS. G. BARTLETT, R.R. BIRDS CREEK, ONT. 32 Wanted [-IUSE in Oshawa or Bowma ville ta trade on afarmn 4 mil fromn Bowmanville. Phone 91 35 DEAD STOCK removed fro Vaur farm promptly for sanita: lisposal. Telephone colleet: C ourg 1266 or Toronto EM. 3-360 Gordon Young Limited. zSC ROOM and board on farm wî inside conveniences for canva escing gentleman willing ta aome light work. Apply Bc 203, c/o Canadian Statesman. 31- Cars For Sale '42 CHEV. Sedan. Apply Temperance St. 35-' 1948 3-ton FARGO truck wit 5 foot platform and "DP" ax. it Farm Equipment & Autom( [ve, 134 King St. E., Bowmar ville, Phone 689.35 1948 CHEV. V-Ton. ECONOMICAL TRUCK lni good condition $495.00 - Terms te suit - See "iew"i Bramley Molor Sale Limited Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor qewcastle Phone 287 Open 24 hours a day 35- 951 CUSTOM FORD SEDAI tadio - Air conditioned -1 ery dlean one-owner car, i $irst class condition. See " Siew"i 3ramley Molor Sale. Limitèd Mei;cury - Lincoln - Meteor rwcastle Phone 281 Open 24 hours a day 35-: 1CAN AND I WILI IVE THE BEST DEAL ON A NEW CAR OR TRUCK BECAUSE [y Overhead la the Lowest and My Volume la tie Greateat in your area 50 lefore You Buy Glive Siw a Trv 1 ]Recrl Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale osed NEW cement block house, two REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ý33* storeys, ail conveniencesa Properties Sold, Rented, -p Pontypool. $6,500. Wrt or Managed and Appraised lieh phone Sam Manett, Pantypool. L. M. A LLîS O N 12-4* 51 Real Estate Broker - IN Orono, 6-roomed frame Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. will house and lot, 3 bedrooms, ail Two blocks north o! tralfic t to with closets, sunporch, furnace, signal, Newcastle. 35- bathroom, hard and soft. water; 20-11 1be near store, school and churches. t15 Write Box 212, c/o Canadian REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .n.Statesman, Bowmanville. 33-tf-f New 5-roomed frame bunga- 5-1* -low, 3 bedrooms, picture win- 6 Room TInsliI dow, cupboards, full cellar, will garage. $6,000. r OiNew 11½ Siorey House 6-roomed clapboard house, 2- 35-1 In Newtonville, hardwood Storm windows, close to school. fcfloors, built-in cupboards, run- $5.000. seci ning water, 3-pc. bath, insul- Income home, solid brick, four ber ated, Storm windows, floor self cntained apartments in imn covering, idw sae.go condition, 3 garages, close 3-2 Quaker space etr 200 gal. ta shopping centre. $9.000. ail tank, good well, garage. Terms. No basement. $5.500. Termis. Mrs. A. P. Jansen H. W. Stapleten il Duke St. Phone 3309 Newtonville Bowmanville Immediate possession Local agent for 35-1* John F. DeWith, Realtor 35-1 Pedwell Real Esialé ESKRA ETT Farms and alocher praperties, Five acres with 7-roomed 7h businesses, etc., for sale. bungalow, two years old, mod- 7th ern in every detail, heavy ,eptH. D I1 D . wiring, furnace. Hen house built ille H. . iedwei±, ±Broker according ta Guelph specifica- ýore Newcastle Phone 38-SSL tions, garage with stable. In te 25-tf Bowmanville. 1- Four-roomed bungalow, mod- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ern, immaculate, lot 43 x 123. 12-4 $2,800-$1,800 cash, six-room Excellent buy. frame, insulated, hydro, good Six-roomed, 11/2 storey hause, basement, quick possession, 3 bedrooms, insulated, ail furn- Maple Grave. ace, 4-piece bath, attached gar- - Hampton - small insul-brick age. Immediate possession. Low a-on haîf-acre, garage, hydro, monthly payments. iles $3,800 total price. Will cansider Five-roomed house with Sun- 1l9. trade an farm. parch, beautifully landscaped, 5_ Jane St., Town -5-roomed stable with loft, beside school lom brick, ail heat, modemn conven- and church. $4,000 or less will îr ences, $9.000. $4,200 cash, bal- buy. c ance easy ternis. We ha-ve lots, bouses, farms, '36. Grocery stores, woodworkîng businesses for sale in this vicin- - shop, gas stations and farms of ity arfd ini Prince Edward -variaus sizes for sale. County. ith J. VanNeat Real Estate ,al- 118 King St., E. Phone 3230 M. E. Leask, Broker do 35-1 fr5 Ontario St. Bowmanville ýOx - Phone 919 O. E. CARSON REAL ESTATE 35-1 -tf Five-acre paultry farm, accom- -modation for 7,000 broilers, N ON REAL ESTATE 1 campletely equipped with gas 7-roomed solid brick home, and electric brooders, 10 range double garage, modern tiled 35 shelters, truck, etc. Six-roomed kitchen with cuphoards, 3-piece _*house, hydro, insulated, drilled bath, furnace, hardwood floors, -1 well, pressure system, Oshawa, nicely decorated. $9.200. Termis. th 8 miles on highway. Death of Possession arranged. xie owner forces sale. Full price 6-room solîd brick, bath, ailî 0- $8.000 with $3,500 down. fumnace, hardwood floors, base-E n- Taeavatg of the current ment, verandahs, storm doors 5- property upwi an list your and windows, garage, $7.000. 6-roam brick home, living,1 Homes-In Oshawa, Bowman- dining-room, modern kitchen, 3 ] ville and Port Hope vicinity. bedrooms, fumnace, garage, gar- Farms-We have several Of den, many extras. $10,000. Haif Ontario's top farms neyer befare cash.. listed.7-room sold brick, 4-piece - Businesses - Theatres, stores, bath, furae aae odlt -garages, factories and summer ,uragrgegodlt properties. many extras. 30 days possession. t PoeChas. D. Rankine $1,00 Termis. r BSPoe2762 Bowmanvilie 3-room insul-stane, tailet, well,L 35-1 on No. 2 hîghway, east of New- castle. $3;500. br DWITHREAL ESTATE 4 raoms and bathroam, heavy 100-acre farm, 75 acres work- wiring, well, basement, 1/2-acre C j- able, 8 acres of waod, creek, lot. $3.200. r - well. 60 x30 ft. bank barn with 4-room house, heavy wiring, f LN L shaped extension, driving shed, bathroom. Full price $2.500 forE A hien bouse, etc.; 8-roomed frame quick sale. r In house, heavy wiring, cistern, 42 acres, small orchard, 7 buîlt-in cuphoards, silo, garage. acres bush, 35 tillable, good for Price $9.000. down $2.000. poultry farm, gardening ,etc.; 2 90-acre farm, 85 acres work- barns, stable, cernent floors, H able, _jaad cay loami land, 5 garage and implement shed; 8- g( ISacres wood, creek, 2 wells; 85 x room brick house, 3-piece bath, SE 540 feet bank barn with water- 4 bedrooms,- large living-room, si bowis, watem pressure, milk fimeplace and dirning-raom, nat $1 r housl with electric cooler, silo, far from Bowmanville. N 71 implement shed; 7-roomed brick 60 acres level land, 45 til- il bouse with ail fumnace. Has 5 able, 15 acres bush and gravel,- .1cans a day milk contract. Price creek, well, barn, garage; 6-room -$16.000. Terms.* - brick bouse, heavy wiring, on a 230-acre farm, 100 acres wbrk- g^oo road. $8.500. Terms. Sable dlay loam, 12 acres wood, 8 acres sandy loam, 2 wells, t creek, wells; 70 x36 feet bank barn, stable, garage, 4-room ar A barn, sheep pen, driving shed, brick house, 3/ mile from school, in garage; 8-roomed brick housè low taxes. Possession arranged. " with heavy duty wiring. Price $4.800. hait cash, ar $14,000. Termis. James Nixon, Broker ap 57-acre farm, 40 acres work- 160 Liberty St. N. ni id able, 10 acres of wood, remaind- Phone 682 C er pasture, 3 springs, pond; 60 x 35-1' W, 30 feet bank barn, hen bouse, pe mi¶k hause, driving shed; 8- fo raomed frame bouse with hydro Aicio throughaut. Price $8.500. Close Aito Sales t to highway and village, bc 20-acre chicken farm in vil- Dumham Cammunity Auction, - lage, 10 miles from Oshawa with Orono Sales Barn, at 7 p.m. ~ 4 _o tn r e y c h i k e n b a r .w i h w t e r T h uir d a y .-)24 # t.00 plus 10e a lino for ver»e COMMCIAL CLASIflE locludes ail advertisinq loi porsona or firme seîlinq services idas or goada ai any description -3c per word; minimum charqe 75c cash wath order. Te reqular advertisezs payable monthly Display Cîassified at $1.50 par in:? wilh a minimum ai ans inch. Additianal insetions at the saine rates Ail Classifl.d Ade must be in this offic, net inter thon 12 oclock noon, Wednesday. Bond cash, clamps or monewy aider and noa money. Clip this out for handy relerence an$50o0. Prce$,50.Don m1 aerJ.eeed irction Wehae Ms. . Eae, t99 Kig by moe Phavresappoximatsely 4 .,ub uowmanleturaySept.b mor prpCoinsta coos ra , blcatio30Pn on SatrdaySet Con . eWtct 4th, figeatr1:30 pm. EvecriC o e- Neweastle Phone 3341 chrame table and eight chairs, 3 odd chairs, dining-room table 351and 6 chairs, 2 chests o! draw- Morgaesers, 3 beis and matresses,drs - tmunk and bedding, sewing FIRST mortgages available in machine, coffee table. two end amounts of $1.000 ta $2,000.00.1 tables, occasional chair, electrie These martgages are on newj heater, wall mirror, frôor caver- homes and payment is guaran- irng, 3 sets of drapes, book case teed. Avemage yield 110,', John and same dishes. Terme ccash. Regan. Barrister, Phone 3292, Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. aOUWAweiâ& ,34-2 3.-i L We àiave for Others'.. Why Not You? No Extra Charge for Cars Used in Business, or if you have Drivers Under 25 Years of Age (in your famiiy) No Extra Premium for Married Men Under 25 Years DIRK BRINKMAN1 INSURANCE AGENCY Newcastle Phone 3671 Opposite M o-op Coid Storage 35-1 BILL'S BICYCLE WRECKERS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION Bowmanville PARTS BOUG.HT, SOLD, .EXCHANGED Reconditioned Bicycles ireasonabie, $15 and up BICYCLE S Eepared and Painfed 1 - 1 - Help Wanted EARN good money in your spare time. Pin boys wanted at Martyn'a Bowling Acaden» MALE-reliable boy for.~y~ & Mail paper route. Good weekt profits., Apply Box 226 c/o Canadian Statesman. 35-1 HOUSEKEEPER for home in country with ail modern con- veniences. Telephone 2645 Bow- manville between 12î% and 12:45 p.m. IL35 ;2* WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Bowman. ville. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustier consîdered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. 1-140-131, Montreal, P.Q. 35-1 Saleslady Wanied Experience Not Necessary Permanent Position APPLY - Breslin's Ladies' Wear ____ 35-1 WANTED -Energetic lady for store work. 5-day week. Hours -Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday-9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; 1Wednesday-9:00 arn. ta 12:30 p.m.; 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Box 225, c/o Canadian Statesman. 35-1* START your own business with a permanent year-round way of making $$. You begin earning money the first day. Strictly your own boss. Our quality products, including a large var- iety of cosmetics and food pro- ducts, assure quick, easy sales. Your home-tciwn and surround- ings open. Full details on re- quest. FAMILEX, Dept. A,. Montreal 24. 35-1 AUCTION SALES Durham Communiiy Auction Orono Sales Barn Day Sales at 2 p.m. - startlng Sepiember lGih Seed For Salç_* REGISTERED No. 1, Govern- ment Standard No. 1, Genesee, Dawbul, Coneli wheat, ex~ ent quality, panogen trea$: Apply Garnet Rickard, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 2813. Lost BRASS valve finder near On- tario and Queen Streets. Please return to Bowmanville Public Litilities Commission. 35-10 Wanted To Rent GROUND- floor apartmeint or rooms with toilet joining, heated, for widow. Non-smoker. Write Box 217, c/o Canadian States- mian. 34-tf! Personal HYGIENÏC supplies - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain eéaled envelope with price iist. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00 . Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91. Ham- lton. Ont. 1-52 APPLES THE BEST FRUIT (Petrolia Advertîser) A Toronto MPP asserted in the Legisiature that Canadians re the most avid orange eaters in the world and suggests a switch to Canadian apples. We ire ail in favor too and feel that ' Rpples would be in greater de- mand with a better advertising ýampaign and at prices that ;ould undersell oranges. Shop- )ers should ask their grocers ifo Canadian brands or apple iice«Iand apple sauce ta give fis country's apple growert a most. . 1 Phone 2916 ir 1 fl 1- CHOOL TIME.. IS BIKE TIME! VIE ARE REPAIR ARTISTS flot replacement speciali ts 35-1 3 ýl PA« rovamm TM CMA DUM BTATERIL«- mw«-Anvmt.liL nimawn ! à ît, u

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