?!!UBSAY, SEPT. fmd, 1054 Canada Becoming. Lazy Country Is -Too Young To Dream of Leisure Editor's Note: The following costs, which spring from address was given at the 35th factors I have juat mentioi Annual Convention o! the Can- mn a country which lives by adian Weekly Newspapers' As- exporta ta the extent we do, 8aciation in Torpnto lait week. must remain competitive. The speaker was James S. Dun- (d) I amn concerned oven can, President o! Massey-Har- fact that we aienefot getting \ ý-i-Ferguson Ltd. We were SO cited aven Genmany's 52 ]h rn~sed with this addness wc tSct 5 nhu ',thxek requested a5copy foin requeted cop forhe fact that she is inva( pu_ o, feeling that aur and sometimes captuining rre ena would be most interest- epr akt ftewrd elirin te thoughts preaented.exrtm ktsothwol The addrcss fol]ows: (e) We do not worry, beca "Happy cincumatance that we aine prosperous, because You should have chosen My are relyng on oun great natt home town foin your Annual resources ta sce us through. Meigasitgvsm te - But any countny's grea PorWiý, to meet many old aset is the cbaracter of its p fr>-aits and ta be with you ta- pIe, and if we become soft da-. iich and indolent, we will1 î f I am happy to be here, am ott tes ]no, happy ta be speaking at thîs breakfast. I feci about speeches as some feel about drinks- they aine betten left aven until ai -er sundown. . ven at the risk of being cl :&;,,ed witb flatteny, I would IL e to say to you that I have a very special predilection for ncwspapermen men, and if my lot had not been caat with the farm machinery business I WOuIld undoubtedhy have chas-! en the newspaper field. It ia an interesting, dynamic career I neyer a dull moment, and moine important stilh, an oppotunity for service, for guidance, etc.i s I grow older, it scems ta mue that this oppotunity to do ~~ sa niething worthwhile, to cob)- tr:"oute something, ta perform ' pi-,ic service is the thing which ac 'S zest ta life. Ssuppose many o! us may thnk that, in these days o! Canadian prospenity, in this period of great progress and astonishing development, guid- ance and advice wouhd be su- James S. Duncan perfhuous, and yet, tarnuy mind, (f1amcneedort this isn't sa. The temptations o xs o!fo am co cedaen Ir property re reaer hanthe U.S.A. with aur advei those of poverty, and it iS pre- Balance o! Trade o! $700 n- cL.ely during these lush days ilosh s er.W r ai that the starm signala shouhd tns astya. e sare takui behung out, and wocan adouchss athSoet betten than you of the Weekly Hrprhsst h et Pinsawhoain wokin atthe emispheî-e, ta aur traditior very grass î-aots o! Canainmnes"t h utm iwhich, in fair we'tlîer on Pr~ -nal life. foui, purchase fnom us, provi ncre are things that give igw iete h pot me concernnabout the road we mg ofeargiv hthedollprrtnu are~ travelling- dery o eanîng he dolarin c a) Our thoughts turn toa her ad sb uyn r ea ly ta social security whenthm th, v should be on productivity. (g) I am concerned becmu b) They turn too easily ta we arc too young as a natic 1e' unie, ta holidays, to short flot suf!icienthy well establis working hours, ta long weck- cd ta lie back an aur oars ar enrs. when we should be think- dreammo! leisure and social s Iqjr, f moine and not less work.*cunity. The foundation of oi W Ve should be conccnned national prosperity was ha, aur growing production lwork and dedication. It wi The Statesman SoId t, Following Stores Trull's Store, Courtice Strong's Store, Port Hope Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville C. Petl'ick, Enniskillen T. M. Siemon. Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton A. E. Ribey, Burketon H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreil, Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbert Food Market, 'Millbrook H-endersons Book Store, Oshawa - Bowmanville R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20V W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Jury & Lovel Elgie Harnden's Handy Store The Statesman Office H eine is the role for youi the Weckly Press ta play, ar I know that yau are doingJ The Canadian people anc sound and willing people. The want ta do the rigbt thing, bi like ail peoples, they nee guidance and who better tbx you can provide it. But I have alrcady spoke too long for breakfast, and shaîl do no moine than wish yc ail succeas in youn fothcomir meetings. May yau camet wise decisions and may yoxj conference prove ta be benefi cial ta yourselves and, mor important still, through yout the people o! Canada." HAMPTON Misses Cathie and Joyc Harper, Toronto. spent a fei days with their gnandpanent Mn. and Mins. C. Daw. Mina. C. Daw visited he daughten, Mina. Dr. R. D. Bel and new gnnddaughter And dria Elizabeth Bell in Tainonti an Thursday. Monthhy meeting of the Wc men's Institute has been poil poned ta Thurs., Sept. 9th. September oSpecials gleepx - inig 37creg. pkig., Klee'ex- 2Pkg 37 inle Cheer - - 29c ToietTissus 2/37c Kechz il-oz. bottle - - 27c Heinz 12-oz. bottle a onarch 16-oz..jar Chili Sauce - 39c Swee, Pickles 19c Bojaa 18-oz. bottie Aylmer Fancy 20-oz. tins Salad Dressing .46C Tomalo Juice 2/25c Ogîlvie pkg. Avimen Choîce 20-oz. tins Gold Cake Mqix 35c Wax Beau: - 2/35c SIli's 16-o.. pkg. Instant acaroni - - - 17c Nilko - - - Pkg. 37c jhealies Cereal a m 0 Pkt. 27c Freshly Killed - Broilers - Boiling Fowl YEO'PS Keats and Groceries 55 KING ST. L. BOWMANVILLE PHRONE 336? 1'1 ~AAbAtC "~I W mONVT WT WA M A P Newtonville Girls Defeated by Orono thec ned. y ita> we the ex- hour and ding ,the ause we urial test eo - and lose st ~t id a a ýh tr- YELVE TON T RONEin Toronto and New Toronto. Mn. and Mins. Ross Page and he family, Newcastle, Mn. and Mina. om Writing of ihyme is Yelver- Mr. and Mins. Bob Bahcock, John Beckett, Scugog Island, rse ton's trade mark so to these,MsW.LletToot, r. is vlaBcktSk- lifew lunes we ask you to hark-: Mllins .lîcotd ornCe-ito, n M iss A ranBeket, ska-oy ing Ion, Ms. W A. GodfeioMitrukllrand Murray and Joyce Malcolm to jPiCdigton iitoM. r ndftMrs.aJ.MituLloyd nal her's oboy a hoe t cut1 Pilpretrne hoe wth Ms. aulKowlsk, MpleGrove, ers he awnGoofelow fr aholday. wit Mr andMrs M.Dubyk. i -_ dow thre oo ih M. ad Ms. W H.Hoo- 1the eeknd ithMr.and Mns: en-,oe iToronto. m sop wM. MeCuish, Cookstown. Mor1a1Ca1n ce Walter Hicks and friend, M Mr. an Mis WaerPk h1ýO av Moondto then Ex. and Mins. R. Hamilton and chu: Sr., Mn. and Mins. Lloyd Skin- In hot doga and hambuings they'll dren, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Walner Pd arilyJr. enxdan isince Marytooý,,r neis orkin teR. B onantie rnd oMan- Douglas, attended the Park Pic- :)nSine May 9ôré- woring R. row andfrind, owmnflic at Peterbornough, on Sunday. s- these dgys ville with Mn. and Mins. D. Ga- Mn. and Mins. O. Beckett and 2d T GnndmoherNette, ~r,~ ve. jArvilla, Mrs. Lloyd Alldread e- attention pays. Mn. and Mins. W. Jeyell and and Maxine, visited Mn. and 'u Tbree little girls from Peter- toyd, visited Mrs. A. Podgson Mins. John Beckett, Scugog Is- ci:-( borough came, and Mins. B. Jewell, Oshawa, ofln land. rill Margaret Monk, Sharon and Sunday. Mission Band will meet on a-. Kathenine Poiter by name, .Mn. and Mr:..T. Murdoch and Sunday morning after Sunday o! To spend the weekend at the Al1an, Bowmanvil', with Me. 'School. -id Ralph Malcolm home. and Mina. F. L. Byam. Congratulations to Mn. and it. It's back to school soon, no more Mn. and Mrs. Henrv Wood Mins. G. P. Baltgailis (nee Miss a tim to oam!and family, Ken Chamberlaini, Many Wilkinson, former teach- ey A holiday now foin Kenny Miss Gladys Maynard, Oshawa, e.r at Bethesda schools) who xdt Days w o usnLly ae Miss Phyllis Maynard, Bow- 1wa9 inarried at Kingston, Aug- en acke with oun Lodr manville, Rev D. Lute, Gore'si ust 9ý1i and is now living at Cal- a iser arue ite isupnt re Landing, visited at Roy May- gary. StooMrueiei u h nard's. Mn. and Mrsin. J. Wilson visited 1 Lots and lots of pranks they'll Robent Thieshurgen returned OMn. adMs nn isn DU sunely do! home from Camp. Conmak hastOsaa ug Since the short noad is no week, where be apent three Billie Spragg;, Hamilton, la to being repaired weeks. Margaret Thieshunger bolidaying with Stuarnt Hall and ur Norm Wilson bas gievances to visited wîtb friends in Onillia. Ethel Hall la holidaying -U1it. be mcd;JobnandBevelv hillpsJudy Spragg. ri- e ared Jon ad Bvery Pillps, Mn. and Mins. Gordon Hilîs, re In winten time he's stuck in Bowmanville, is holidaying at Bert and Harold, Hamilton, to the snow their aunt's, Mina. Ann Phillip. visited Mn. and Mina. A. Hills, And now through mud the car Min. and Mina. L. Hoopen were Aldin, Douglas and Wayne, ne-. can't go? dinner guesta of Mn. and Mina. turned home with them aften Harv and Carnie Malcolm to M. Bird, Brooklin, on Sundmy. bolidaying with thein giandpar- An invitio nomtheBonfMn. and Mina. V. Davenport ents, Mr. and Mina. A. His. An nviatin fomtheB00'âand boys, Richmond Hill, Min. Mn. and Mina. W. Jewell visit- badl been sent. . and Mina. James Tuck, New ed Mina. C. Bnadshaw, Dorothy ce Mari Stinson motored te Brunswick, visited Min. and Mina. and Betty, Toronto. ýw Peterborough Henrny Stainton. Mr. and Mina. Rosi Pooley, s, To caat on Simpson-Sears a Mn. and Mina. J. C. Cook and Oshawa, ini company with Mn. look so thorough, Lauraine, visited at Brampton and Mina. Howard Binent, motor- er She was accompanied hy' and Georngetown, with John, ced to the west. dj Myra Page, returning home with them. Mn. and Mina. J. Delaney and j-mSw ail the fashions that art Mn. and Mina. Kenneth Hardy Douglas, visited Mn. and Mina. tO the latest nage; and Jerry, are visiting relatives W. Polmeteer, Belleville. Young Dale visited in Petern-- Mr. and Mina. Lorne Annîs borough city, and family, spent the week-end 3-Dîd you know, folks, h. ha: a a lnedaHl' ae t- pure white kitty; a Mln. I.W. are, Mllbnooake. Charlotte LeMay is hein. from Mr-.W ameMlbok Buffalo Nv ,S N visited at Mr. and Mina. J. A. Visting with the Robinson'., hein Rosevean. timewîl go mMins. W. Macdonald, Bowman- t Wibe Mlc oms dr. ville, spent the weekend with a WilmdB enth M L aoms EHne sMina. Flornence Scott.J Ianbido Bra we'e .~Mn. Wilmott Wright, Wind- A gin frs er uet son, spent a week with bis bina-0 Foin they spent the weekend at te usi n ia ngt I Cathacom LakeMr. and Mins. J. Gibbs and The last trip foin the season *Mcal pn h ekn t1 ydd ae with fnienda at Niagara Falls On Sunday into Howard Mal- aTdoHmi lo ttw, a calm's we should have peepedTom MotckOtaabsI FoinTenr say the staed etunned home after holidaying home and sleeped! at bis grandparents, Mn. and a Howard and Eileen went.to the Mina. T. Gibbs.a Ex. n ModayMn. and Mina. Joe Riddle and a Reay fr fn atera qiet*.childinen, Kingston, are holiday- 'm Reay fr un ftr qie ing with hein mothen, Mina. Luel- 'I Atthu hckebaracrer. la Young. Violet Joncs returned IV bean bas been seen; hoe ro holiday in. d A big black cow it could not Grant Glaspel la oiaigl with Mrs. F. B. G]aspell, Zion.A have been Mr. and Mina. S. Nash, Detroit, Foin many have told the very visited the Gibbs familles. N Don' takale i htdr Rev. and Mrs. Fred Jackson o: vo' alk ln htdr andJohn, retunned home from I vAl ooitcmhaHg o olidaying at Lake Penage and 'V A mgun, -cme I ughfo Chicago. While in Chicago they a, Coe liu hnes n av attended a couple of ses,;ions of S ome lfo un sad aethe World's Council o! Church- Now this is the end of oun es. i corny ihyme Mn. and Mina. Grenville Cash. B As poetry goes if's fot worth Bobcaygeon. visitcd at Mn. and lu a dîme. Mina. A. Hills. B Ruth Malcolm shall write your Mr. and Mina. Floyd Robbins ncws no more and family are visiting relative. L She'llI entern each day at the b at Madoc.W schoolhouae door. Miss Joyce Murray, Toronto, ti Thank you aIl foin kindnesses spent a week with Mr. and Mini. .done K. Hardy and Earl Prescott's. T, Hope you've had a bit of' 'Mn. and Mina. Robent Hefford, fa fun! Markham, visited Mn. and Mina A aecil nte a Te Satsma 1-ER ANC GILS Walter Murphy. Mary Lou and vi Astecafoet h SaemnH R A C RS Barbara returned home mften im Who've read xny writing, aorted America's Foremost apndiKen eek ih heag wheat from chaff! l ilBn r ndMs ent ab And to Mn. James for encour- AlGr adadKneh Fonagement given,1 Stars of Port Credît, Mn. and Mina. H. Frthe light touch we've T.V. - Radio - Records Hardy and Darlene Thampson, P alwayu striven. Richmond, Vrii Bowmanville, visitcd Mr. and Ni And now farewell, good luckVrina Mina. George Alldread. M Onta all Mr. and Ira. J. C. Cook and On Mndaymoringsne mre auranewere tea guests o! Pi we'llcalmoR ED* BARN Rev. and Mina. D. Lute and M A Statearnan fan we'à always S AW hildinen, Gore's Landing. Lau- be r aine rEçmained for a holidiay 1ex dni t' ie" lie *'down 4SE T. > th Suszmnne. Si and_____________ .# Frieîçds of Mrn. and Mins. Kani iny .r EPT 8 olbary aine soinry to learn their is Caad podce aou to- 9 p.m. tili 1 arn. borne was hadly wiecked in tbe ati Canaa prducs abut to- nterion by fir v hich broke w third of tue world's abetos.- out early Saturday morning. 1 'The rural girls' sof Lball league is ail wound up for the ý ear with the Oron team the champions. They completed the hard-fought season on- Wednesday, Auguç 25th, at Orono, by trauncing Newtonville 14-3. Unfortunately, rain fouled the phot of the Orono nine, but we hope ta get them together this week so a picture wi be available for next week's issue. This is the Newtonville teama which came secon, in" the playaffs. Fram left ta right, front row: Eleanor Shaw, Helen Miles, Nor Cox, Winnîc Stacey and Marg. Brown; back raw, Ted Boughen, Coach; Laur Miles, Shirley Gardon, Marion Holman, Bey. Barton, Helen Hallowell and Elizabet' Fînney. Manager Sid "Red" Brown is peekîng through fromn the extreme reai Absent were Marie Brown and FlorenceRowe. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hop ZION On their 25th wedding anni. vrayMx. and Mrs. Perc3 Daisn were invited alone with George and Peggy to sup. per at Elxner Down's, Ebenezer In the evenhng the brothers anc sisters (and families) of the bride and groom gathered tc surprise them and extend theii good wishes. They also pre- sented them with a table lami and rug. Everybody enjoyed the social time together. 'C.GI.T. girls each invited a guest and they esnjoyed a wienez roast, toasted marahmallows and a sing-song ini Otto Strehi'î woods. Mr. and Mirs. Ray Cameron1 Janeen and Judy acoompanued 1 Mr. and Min. Norman Wilks ta the Newtonbrook Convalescent Home. Toronto, to vrisit Mina. Ollivier. They aloo visited Min. and Mnu. Norman Wilks, Srn, Toronto. Mi. and Mn. William Dart, Srn..Min. and Mina. William Dant, Jr., Min. and Mrn. R Dart and Judy, Scarboro Jct., Mrn. and Mra. S. Maybury and Leonard, Mr. and lvs-Zr~ay Dart and Bruce, West Hill; Mr. and Mina. iG. Francis, Eva and Doreen, Stouffville; Mr. and Mrs. Russell *Robbins, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. G. Chadwick, Scarboro, at Henry Dart's. Mr. Henry Dart returned home from Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday. Mr. and Mina. Roy Mintz and Gloria, Whitby, at R. C. Stain- ton's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Killen, ,Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron, Mr. Delmer, Killen, Miss Kath- arine Laidier, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nemis and family visit- ed Harvey Balson's at Birch Point, Sturgeon Lake. Misses Beth and Marie Moore, Oshawa, at Russell Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Coverly and Karen, Ebenezer; Mrs. Wes. Cameron visited Mrs. William Michael, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Sonley, Toronto; Master Brian Hircock, Oshawa, at Fred Cameron's. Min. and Mins. Harvey Webster and family, Port Perry; Mrn. David Hircock, Oshawa, at AI- ian Fisher's. Min.and Mns. Percy Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott at Ace Abbott's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward and Ross, Port Hope, at Vies. Cam-ý eron's and Jack Cameron's. Mrs. Bernt Bayley, Master Keith Bayley, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heughen, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. William Welsh, Courtice, at Ray Cameron's. Misses Janeen Cameron, Janet Naylor and Beintha Geissberger attended the School for Leaders' course at Whitby Ladies' Col- lege last week. Mrs. Clarnke Moore, Mr. John Moore, Miss Yvonne Jeffrey, Oshawa, at Keith Stainton's. Miss Lorna Cochrane, Burke- ton, spent a few days at Percy Davidson's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher visited ber father, Robert Hoy, Sr., at Oshawa General Hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. James McMas-ý ter, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMas- ter attended the funeral of their cousin, Victor McKitrick, at Orangeville on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott and family, Kedron; Mrs. Alex Mc- Master and family, Mrs. F. B. Glaspell at George Hilt's, Wil- liam's Point. Miss Marie Killen is holiday- -iig. ýat. Harvey Balson's, Birch Point: ,,Stwgeon- Lake. Mina. Ralph 4"'. laspeli and Gwen, Tyrone, at à4lex Mc- Master'. Min. and Mins. Charles Néylor at Orangeville on Wednesday. Mr. and Mini. Alex MeM aster,; Joan and Ross, Mins. F. B. Glas: pell at Waterloo and Milverton.iî Mr. Ivor Gerry., Toronto, at1 Mrs. Y. B. Glaspell's. Min,. Allan Fisher and Forbes spent a few days with Mrs. Eliz-; abeth Bowins, Perth Road. BLACKSTOCK Mrs. John Scott returned home on Saturday front hen rioliday in England. __Miss Joyce Graham, Misses Miss Helen Toms started on ilonday to work at W. H. ! Brown's in Bowmanville. Helen.; ia graduate of Bowmanville Business College. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc-, .aughlin, Bobby and Linda, were Sunday dinner guesta aof te Ross Ashton's, Haydon. Mins. Osmond Wright la ;n! 'oronto with the G. Faint Fmily. Mns. Nasymth Henry, Janet- ille, visited last week with her îother, Min:. Fred Bailey. Mini. Frank Saywell, Oshawa, rith Mr. and Mra. Howard Say- 'cil and family. Mr. and Mina. Roy Ferguson, ?enticton, B.C., and Misses qancy and Leanne Donreli with [r. and Mina. Earl Dorreil. Mr. and Mina. Harry De Piper, ickering Farms. with Mr. and dr. Ernest Larmer. Mx-,. Fred Cowling was op- rated on for appendicitig on bnday moning in Port Per- y Hospital. Mr. Henry Wotten salso in the Hospital with an i ttack of quinsy. We hope they hl] soon be recovered. Mr. and Mn.. Jxm Marlow were on ho.idays last week and viaited friends in Toronto, Hamilton and Bancroft. Miss Alberta Freelin, chie! operator at the local Bell office, isl on holidays. Miss Joyce Ven- ning is acting supervisor during hein absence and Miss Ella Men- Izies, Havelock, is assisting. Mina. Fred Riding, Barbara rand Paul, Union City, Pa., spent last week with her mother, Mrs. W. A. Van Camp. *On Sunday, Mr. and Mina. Stephen Saywell and Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riding, Osh- awa; Rev. Fred Riding, Mina. Riding and childinen. and Mrs. W. A. Van Camp were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey. Misa Doria Griffin is holiday- ing lIn Toronto this week. t The Kyte childinen were vis- iting their grandparents in Till- sonburg last week. Min. and Mins. Harold Kyte went for them on Sunday. Miss Irene Walters, Trenton; Misses Margaret Hillis and Rose mary Hunter, Belleville; Missed Verna MeNally and Dorothy La- ver, Coiborne, wene guests of Miss Clara Marlow. Miss Shirley Snooka visited relatives ini Port Penny last week and Barnry Oak returned home with hein. Min. and Mins. Percy Collins, Mrn. and Mins. Stan Rahm were in Buffalo for the week-end. *Paul and Carol Rabm visited their giandpanents, Min. and Mins. Aithur Rahm, Tyrone. Mr. Keith Van Camp took bis sheep to Ottawa Fair last week and got his share of prizes. The Hutton family returned from holidays this week. Min. Merlin Bailey, Gaît, and Miss Burva Phillips o! Burford with Mins. H. Bailey. Miss Gaynoin Allan, Willow- dale, is visiting Miss Catherine Bailey. Mins. Charles Wilson had a major openation at Osbawa Hos- pital and we ahl wish hein a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mins. Hanry Vincent, Islington, Min. Bob Smith, Bow- manville, with Mins. V. M. Ar- cher, Mr. Chas. Smith and Oli- ver. Mr. and Mins. Mervin Mount- joy, Hampton, with Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Byers. Miss Jessie McArthur ia at- tending the G. A. Dominion Wide Confeinence at Lake Cou- chiching. Giinls Auxiliary mem- bers are present from the Yu- kon to Newfound]and. The six girls who were chosen to at- tend the Coronation hast year are aIl there. The McArthur ~A Jury &Loveli j Phone 778 ide Eyes Examined- Glaises Fitted School1 Open.mng Central Public- School Ontario St. Public School 1the Nicholsona vaited hern os Sunday. Miss Doris Hamilton, ci hie tToronto Western Hospital ataif and Mr. and. Mins. Doualas Hayes, Whitby. with Min.and jMina. Fred Hamilton. Min. Glenn Van Camp and Point Penny frienda took a motel itrip ini the States last week. Misa Florence McLaughlin, Toronto, with Mrn. and Mina. George Wolfe. Misses Mary-Ellen and Jane Downey were at Cobourg and Peternborough. Rev. George Nicholson and Mins. Nicholson are leaving on Wednesday to spend a month at Cartwright Cottage on Fai-y' Lake, Huntsville. Miss Joyce Hooey waa at Beaverton at the Glex Mohr Camp lait weék. Mrn. and Mins. Carl McLaugh- lin, Lorna and Shirley Harris, were at Niagarna Fallu lait week-end. Min,. Ivan Shook and Mair- jonce Anne, Toronto, with Mini. John Marlow last week while Min. and Mins. G. Marlow were on holiday.. W.A. Meeting The W.A. o! St. John'& Church was held i the Parisla Hall on Aug. 19 at 8.15 p.m. with the President pneslding. After the devotional exeincises, the Study Book chapter "Stinip- ling David" was taken by Mina. V. Archer. Mins. Colley reud "Fugitive Thoughts" from "The Living Message". The members were asked to remember the Deanery meeting to be held in Colborne on Sept. 23rd. The president welcomed the visitors and the meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction pro- nounced by the rector. Lunch was served by Gnoup 1 with Mins. T. Smith as convener. World Scouting's "General Assembly"-More than 150 dele- gates finom 57 countries will at.- tend the lSth Biennial Meeting of the International Conference of the Boy Scout Movement at the Binock Sheraton Hotel, Ni- agara Falls, from Auguat 28 te Sept. 1, 1955, at the conclusion of the 8th World Jamboree at Niagara-on-the-Lake. Often lik- ened to the Gerreral Assembly of the United Nations, tbe Inter- national Confenence o! the Boy' Scout Movement bas thia aim: "Through co-openation to pro- mote throughout the world unity' of purpose and common under- standing in the fundamental pninciples of Scouting, as found- ed by the late Cbief Scout of the will re-open on Tuesday,' Sept. 7th ai 9 a.M. Ail pupils attending the above 4two sL1b.oIs arq requested to be in attendance at thit til" THE NEW VINCENT MASSEY PUBLIC SCHOOL will open THE FOLLOWING WEEK on Monda>', Sept. l3th ai 9 a.M. Ail chidren residing witbin the town limnits are eligible for admission to Grade One if they are six years of age during 1954, and to Kindergarten if five years of age during 1954. Proof of age is requined - Pupils who were transferred in June or who have since moved will go directly to the school they will be attending. Pupils who have flot yet been registered or who are transferning in fromn other sehools will register with the principal of the school they wiIl be attending. KINDERGARTEN-A letter outlining kindergarten arrangements has been mailed to ail registered pupils. A. M. Thompson, Supervising Principal. Capons TM CANADIAN STATV-ÇMAlq- lFtnwvAmv..Tir rtumalDlw% 1