am wrTM ivreet mi-Mo 8June St Weet were invited gueste lait Mon- day et tii. openng 0( be »ew i eneragastation at Nilagara Mr. and Mns. Thfou. BSmIU nid Mrs. William Van C~amp et- tended Kinmeunt Fair lait Set- urday and visited theit cusi, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Fen- *Ion Falla. Mr. Coua. a Loy Leader, from St. Pau's Anglican Church, Lindsay, took the ser- vice at St. John's on Sunday uiiorning and is taking àt this coming Sunday ais». Mr. and Mns. Wm. Ccx and family, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mns. Orr Venning. Mr. Joseph Avery visited his son Gardon, et LUttle Britamn for the week-end. Mr. and Mne. Joe Madlli, Weston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Saywell for the week- end. Severel relatives from here attended the funeral of Miss Nora Werry at Kedron lest Set- urday. Sincere sympathy of our eommunity is extended to the rnembers of the Hoskin family on the tragie death of Gordon Hc-kin of HarmonY. Mr. and Mns. Glenn Tennant and children and Mrs. James inn holGidayed at Shadow Lake near Haliburton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duf! and raham, are holidaying et Jack- son's Point. Sympathy of the communitY Is extended ta the relatives af Mrs. Herman Hooey. The fun- eral service was on Monday at Port Perry with interment et Prince Albient Cernetery. Glad that Mrs. Charles Wil- son is home fnom Oshawa Hos- pital. Miss Jean Wilson, Toron- ta, is home for awhile. Mns. Robert Ford han gone ta Port Credit ta care for Mrs. Garnet Murray's children as iîhe 1, going ta teach sehool. Mr. Ooval Heffern, Chicago, (son of Ethel HaibleY) visit- ed Mrs. W~ed Eeuley on Satul- 1fay. Mrs. john Maria-w, Mr. and Mrs. G&ibert M*r~low, attended the funeral of Mr. Hectar M. Forbean t Dcci' Park United Church lait !ridar. Flaord Menzies nid flbold Chatterton. Havelock,, visited Miss Eilae Menzies wbo is as- gt ng at the Telephone office. $he ii boarding with Mrs. George Fowler, at the ncw Cutwigbt Area Public Sehool on' Tuesday morning but wfi lie homne for the remainder of tii. week. The officiel op.ning is expeet- ed ta lie sometime net month. There are two 14w teachers on the Cartwright Higb Sehool staff. Miss Ethel Jean Aarrie of Peterbiorough and Mr. Jenis Kere, St. Catharines. Mrn. John )«,Scùtt end Mr. Gardon Peisley, ~Principal, are thie former mcm- bers of the staff. Mr. and Mrs. Bêake Gunter and belw son Rlcky are now in their new home in North B]ackstock. N Mr. and Mus. John BallMngall, J avid 1end Joanne, visited fends iToronto. A tregie acident lei the vil- lage on Si.mda.y afternoon when #udith Anne Bradburn of To- ronto, daughter of Lamne Brad- burn and Helen Waldron Brad- burn was fatellY injured in the playground et the park. She was struck on the head when the xlide toppled aven. 8h. was rushed by ambulance to the Sick Shildren's Hospital in To- ronto but passed away shortly after admittance. She was eight years nid and is survived by her parents and ber brother Jimmide. Our deepest ulrmpathy . ertended te the gS'eving fam- United Cb.uoh W.A. Mrs. Harold Swain was hast- oss for the United Church W.A. meeting lest Tuesday. rMrs. H. phrtidge,. president, presided. A numnber of people fram thie tomunnty attended Port Perry Fair and the. stock car aces et Oshawa Raceway an Iabouir Day. Mnr. and Mys. Bill Robinson, Mlargaret and Howard afiLmd- ay and PMr. Robert Gay of Qshawa .Sundav guests si Mns. ChaPEa Failis. Mr. end MIs. Glen GIbson, Salerte, Mclly sMd Mark .t amiltan wore weekend v'uft- ors 0e t à. and b1h.. Edgar Gfb- bon. Miss Crystai Fali nrt thc weekend with her latheMrt. Meredith Feuls. Mr. Flecm Thoimon ad Marlew spent Suaday ini Osh- # wa with Mr. Mid P1". Nector Thompan. Mr. and Mn. Jamec YTeLs. Lynda and David spent Sun- daiy with Mr. and Un. Verdun Lathangue, Ballyduff. Mr. and Mrs. Normm RoBh- » and Warren, sp' ';l sTeîng Roet Rers- sa ae evns.Ru-hRgersd stand performsnos wueSrm Look. eut these beemutiful TELEVISION SETS Every pocket can afford this ouf standing set!j These sets are sold EXCLUSIVELY at he 33 RING St. W. Your home deserves the best!1 AD TELEVISION AND APPLIANCES g -t ..- t